Dog bites man!

Spencer tears Hamas jihadi murderers a new asshole, although there’s really nothing here that should come as any big surprise to any even sem-sentient being who hasn’t been Rip Van Winkling the last, oh, four-five decades away.

Hamas Member Reveals That Organization’s Goal Is Not Just to Free ‘Palestine’
Virtually every political and media analyst in the Western world agrees that Hamas is a national liberation movement, dedicated to freeing Palestine from an alleged Israeli occupation. Most also assume that if the Palestinians are given a state, Hamas’ mission will end, and the organization will fade away. A video that surfaced Saturday, however, suggests that all of that analysis, despite being nearly universally accepted, is false.

The video is of a hijabed woman, identified as “Elham, Member of Hamas, Planner of a Suicide Bombing,” explaining matter-of-factly that “we don’t only fight against occupation. Our goal is to spread Islam to all, everywhere.” This suggests that Hamas would not be satisfied with a Palestinian state, but would continue its war against the diminished Israel that would remain after the creation of a Palestinian state until the remainder were Islamized as well. What’s more, Elham’s statement amounts to a declaration of war against every state that is not governed under Islamic law.

Of course, there is no indication that Elham speaks for Hamas as a whole. However, many other Hamas spokesmen have said essentially the same thing. Last December, Fathi Hammad, a member of Hamas’ Political Bureau, also spoke of Hamas as having a universal mission beyond the destruction of Israel. He explained that “the [Palestinian] people have been soldiers throughout history. They are now preparing to liberate Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and I am saying this loud and clear: [The Palestinian people] are preparing to establish the Caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital city, Inshallah. Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate.”

In Sunni Islamic theology, an Islamic caliphate is a supranational state that commands the allegiance of all Muslims worldwide, transcending nationality and ethnicity. Thus Hammad, like Elham, sees Hamas as far more than just a movement dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Another Hamas official, Mahmoud Al-Zahar, explained in a December 2022 interview that Hamas’ universal mission would eventually bring it into war with Christianity.

Which, it will; in fact, it must. Allow me to remind all and sundry at this point of the way Pisslam divides the entire world into two separate but decidedly unequal parts: the Dar al Islam, or “House of Submission” (contra the idiot George W Bush, the word “Islam” actually means “submission,” not “peace”) and the Dar al Harb, or “House of War.”

Then there’s another ironclad truism that all sensible Westerners desperately need to acknowledge: Radical Muslims want to kill you. Moderate Moslims want the radical Moslims to kill you. Apart from a vanishingly small contingent of truly moderate, more evolved Moslims—for whom the overwhelming majority of Moslims worldwide have a specific designation: apostates, which is a de facto death sentence in and of itself—that really is all any non-Moslem needs to know.

In truth, to even refer to “radical” Muslims at all is a serious misstatement, a real clanger, as the Brits would say. Those wild-eyed, yodeling, bloodthirsty zealots are the mainstream, not the lunatic fringe. Some pusillanimous, dewy-eyed Western mugs and marks still await a phantasmagorical Moslem “reformation” that will bring the jihadi hordes more or less into line with civilized peoples, enabling them to coexist peaceably with the developed world.

Unfortunately, this pitiful triumph of hope over reality blithely ignores the fact that they already had one, back in the mid-to-late 1970s. It was conceptualized, initiated and led by one Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, and…well, let’s just say that a kinder, gentler, less fanatical variety of Pisslam did NOT win out in the end.

Meanwhile, shitlibs are weeping, wailing, and gnashing their teeth over Israel’s daring rescue of two more hostages, for which Ace’s header and opening riposte meet the case sufficiently enough to suit me, no further verbiage necessary.

Israel Rescues Two Hostages in Rafah; Leftwing Propaganda Media Emphasizes the Number of Palestinians Killed in the Operation
—Disinformation Expert Ace

I. Don’t. Care.

Annnnd bingo. Nor do I, buddy, not one tiny little iota I don’t. Kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out, Bibi; as the kids say nowadays, ZFG over here. Sorry, not sorry.


Another day…

…another deranged “transgender” Manwoman© shooting up the place.

Here’s Everything We Know About the Megachurch Shooter
The now-deceased gunman who opened fire inside a famous Texas megachurch run by Joel Osteen Sunday afternoon has been identified as an identity-switching Hispanic woman with pro-Palestine, antisemitic beliefs.

36-year-old Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a biological female who used multiple male aliases, was wearing a trench coat when she entered the Houston-based Lakewood Church with two rifles, a backpack, and a young child by her side around 2 p.m. Sunday.

According to Commander Christopher Hassig of HPD’s homicide division during Monday’s press conference, the sticker simply stated “Palestine” on the long gun’s buttstock. In addition to the Anderson-manufacturing AR-15, which she used to carry out the church shooting, Moreno possessed a .22 caliber rifle by Blue Line Solutions on her person, but it was not fired at the time.

Authorities have also uncovered “antisemitic writings” in Moreno’s possession.

Hassig said police believe there was “a familiar dispute” that took place between her ex-husband and her ex-husband’s family. “Some of those individuals are Jewish. So, we believe that might possibly be where all of this stems from,” Hassig stated.

Dayumm, a possible self-gassing Jew for the Nutjob Trifecta too? I admit, I did NOT see that coming.

There were two victims injured: The seven-year-old boy, allegedly used as a human shield, was hit during the exchange of gunfire and taken to Texas Children’s Hospital in critical condition; a 57-year-old man, an innocent bystander, was shot in the leg.

The child caught in the crossfire suffered a gunshot to the head and remains hospitalized.

Moreno is the child’s biological mother. She’s posted “#momlife” and “#motherandson” content with pictures of a boy in her care.

In the past, Moreno assumed the altar-ego Jeffery Escalante as well as other male-presenting personas.

Moreno’s Facebook page—which expressed leftist, anti-police views—has since been scrubbed. Moreno’s since-deleted Instagram account featured posts of her cleaning an AR-15 and donating money to Lakewood Church. There, she uploaded a screenshot of the contribution’s confirmation. “[A]s for me and my household…I will honor and bless my church,” Moreno wrote on Instagram.

In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Moreno supported socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). “I WANT HIM IN THE OFFICE AS THE US PRESIDENT,” she wrote in an Instagram post, uploading a photograph of Sanders on the campaign trail.

Arrest records show she was an El Salvadoran immigrant.

Jesus tapdancin’ Christ, is there any present-day socio/political/personal pathology this pluperfect looney-tooney doesn’t represent? Of course you know what this means, right? To wit: all normal, sane Real Americans who never shot anybody and never will must yield up their 2A rights immediately so something like this can never, ever happen again. Best-case scenario: the whole sad, sorry story will be alacritously hurled down the memory hole in 3…2…1…


The making of a man

We are BORN boys. Men, however, must be MADE—a long, arduous process that doesn’t spontaneously “just happen” as part of the natural order of things. It’s another one of those myriad Very Important Things we once knew, but have recently been strongarmed by insidious Leftism into forgetting…or simply abandoning, more like.

An excellent point, as is this next:



I screencapped both the above Tweets/X’es/whatevers rather than embed them so as to eliminate the annoying “Show more” clickbait link. If you have trouble reading ‘em, links to the original X source can be found at the same place I got ‘em from, which is well worth a look-see its own self. KT has lots more therein, all of it up to her usual standard of excellence.


DEFY them

Wayne Allyn Root asks the question that’s on all our minds.

WAYNE ROOT: I Say Out Loud What Others Only Whisper: Is There Any Patriot in America Who Isn’t Thinking Supreme Court Justices are Being Bribed, or Blackmailed?

Well, if there are, there damned well shouldn’t be by now, and the latest betrayal by supposed “conservatives” Roberts and Coney Island Whitefish-Barrett ought to once and for all put paid to it.

This just isn’t normal. It makes no sense. Conservatives have the edge. Not just 5-4…but a safe, overwhelming 6-3 edge. We should be winning every major Supreme Court case.

And yet we keep losing with the most obvious, clear-cut, life-or-death-of-America cases. Cases that should be slam dunks. Cases where it’s so clear that no conservative, or patriot in all of America would vote against us. Cases where a vote against us is a vote for the intentional destruction of America.

Yet yesterday our 6-3 edge at the Supreme Court became a 5-4 loss in the most obvious, simple, clear-cut case in history. Again. Just like Obamacare (twice). Just like allowing illegal aliens to count in the U.S. Census that determines who represents us in Congress.

Yesterday, the Supremes voted 5-4 against Texas and A) in favor of the insane, radical, Marxist madmen of the Biden administration…B) in favor of open borders and against the Sovereignty of the United States of America…C) in favor of the intentional destruction of America…D) against States Rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution…and E) in favor of leaving the American people completely helpless to stop a mass invasion of our country.

Who could possibly vote against the interests of America and a secure border? Who could possibly vote against Texas and ignore States Rights? Who could rule that a state and its legal American citizens have no right to defend against a mass invasion of criminals? Who could possibly vote that as millions of military-age males from Hamas, Hezbollah, MS-13 and our mortal enemy China pour into our border, a state cannot even put up razor wire to try to slow the invasion down?

America-hating Leftists, TreasonCrats, and the fake Uniparty “opposition” in cahoots with them, that’s who—and absolutely, positively nobody else.

Meanwhile, though, the Republic of Texas courageously carries on defending the nation against the vile depredations of its own illegitimate ruling junta.

SHOWDOWN: Texas National Guard Responds to Supreme Court Order by Installing More Razor Wire (VIDEO)
The Texas National Guard on Tuesday responded to the Supreme Court’s order allowing the Biden Regime to cut/remove razor wire installed along the southern border by installing more razor wire.

The US Supreme Court on Monday sided with the Biden Regime and allowed Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed on the Texas-Mexico border.

Gov. Greg Abbott (R) previously installed about 30 miles of razor wire at the Texas-Mexico border near Eagle Pass to stop the flood of illegal aliens being let in by the Biden administration.

In October Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the Biden Regime regarding their cutting razor wire at the border.

This is the 9th time that the Supreme Court has sided with the Biden Regime out of 14 emergency applications.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday evening vowed to defy the Supreme Court’s ruling on razor wire at the southern border.

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.” Ken Paxton said.

Good on ya then, sir. Gird your loins, though, because I fear that very, very soon now, the war you’re currently fighting will burst forth from the civilized confines of the courtroom and strictly intellectual/verbal debate and take on a more solid, physical shape. Along those lines, Aesop has some excellent suggestions as to how you might proceed.

Dear Treasonous Traitors: Fuck You. Strong Message Follows.
Since SCOTUS has ruled – beyond and against any legal reasoning worthy of the name – that the U.S. Constitution does not apply to Texas, Texas should ratify that decision and return the favor, in spades.

There should be consequences to ruling a state is outside the protection of the Constitution under which it joined the republic.

All representatives of Texas outside its geographic boundaries should be recalled to the state forthwith.

1) How many divisions does SCOTUS have?

2) Texas should arrest on the spot any federal agent attempting to cut, remove, or displace any obstacle Texas has erected within the state’s boundaries, or otherwise thwart prevention by Texas of the criminal invasion of their state, and hold any such arrestees without bail indefinitely, for insurrection and treason.

3a) Any of them who are current residents of Texas should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Texas law, in batches if necessary, and imprisoned in the state’s penitentiaries forthwith, for the entirety of sentences received, without any possibility of leniency or parole. If a court decides on the death penalty, a ten- or twelve-place scaffold should suffice, to save time. Pour encourager les autres.

3b) Any of them with residency outside of Texas should be held without trial until the U.S. re-establishes diplomatic relations with Texas. Outside, behind barbed wire, in their underpants, 24/7.

3c) Any military personnel who attempt to enter or leave their bases should be similarly interred as in 3b, but given normal treatment under the Geneva Convention in lieu of formal treaty.

3d) Any personnel attempting to leave military reservations within the state under arms, by land or air, should be exterminated with extreme prejudice, and those bases seized and occupied. As long as they stand down and remain neutral and unreinforced, they should remain unmolested as is. Any act of war upon Texas from such installations in any manner or to any degree voids any such guarantee. If they elect to road march on foot out of state territory, unarmed, and leaving all vehicles and equipment behind, they should be given parole and safe conduct to the state’s borders. Any future return to the state under arms subjects them to immediate execution upon capture.

4) Any other federal agents, officers, or employees, lifting so much as a finger in assistance of the treasonous, seditious, and criminal conspiracy to aid and abet the invasion of the state of Texas, from within the boundaries of the state of Texas, should receive the same treatment. Tears that would be shed over any death, let alone massacre, of federal agents attempting to interfere or resist, anywhere: zero.

As Aesop knows, we are now far along the path to Ft Sumter v2.0, thanks to the usurper-State currently roosting, Nazgul-like, in the dismal swamps of Mordor On The Potomac. It’s all too obvious that FederalGovCo and its orcs will not turn aside or back down, so emboldened and suffused with confidence are they of ultimate victory over We Duh Sheeple. At this late stage of the game, I can descry no likely outcome that can avert massive bloodshed, misery, and woe.

So be it, then. May the authors of this needless calamity—from the highest to the most lowly of them—all have such extraordinary pain and suffering inflicted upon them as to ensure that many, many generations will pass before another such attack on our liberty and Constitutionally-enumerated rights is contemplated again.

Update! Another clarion call to arms is issued, from a source which may surprise you.

Tucker Calls For ‘Men Of Texas’ To Defend The Border
Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson called on the “men of Texas” to protect their state on Monday, following a verdict from the Supreme Court that allowed the Biden Administration to remove border wire.

Carlson took to Twitter to claim “everyone in power” has allegedly “decided to destroy the country” in regards to allowing the border crisis to continue. Carlson additionally questioned where the “men of Texas” were, asking why they were not “protecting their state and nation.”

“So it’s unanimous: everyone in power, from the White House, to the hedge fund managers, to the Supreme Court of the United States has decided to destroy the country by allowing it to be invaded. That leaves the population to defend itself. Where are the men of Texas? Why aren’t they protecting their state and the nation?” Carlson tweeted out.

We shall soon see if the “men of Texas” remain truly men, and if Texas remains truly Texas.


I stand with Texas!

Tactical Hermit spells it all out for us, simply and concisely.

As per usual with liberal communist propaganda drivel, note how the article seeks to appeal to the humanitarian/emotional side:

DHS officials said Saturday that a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande after Border Patrol agents “were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area” under orders from Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

While all the while ignoring the cold hard facts that the Federal Government is helping to subsidize an outright invasion of 7 Million plus ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Let’s not forget that word ILLEGAL.

EVERYTHING that is transpiring on the Southern Border is UNLAWFUL and in Direct Opposition to the both the U.S. and Texas Constitution.

“Because the facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court,” Paxton wrote.

The sovereign Republic of Texas has a Constitutional Right to Protect it’s Citizens from FOREIGN Invasion when the Federal Govt. is aiding and abetting the enemy.

Eagle Pass may become our Fort Sumter very soon.

Prepare Accordingly.

 Please note that the entire DHS story about the three illegal-alien would-be border jumpers who drowned was, as you would expect from the evil Leviathan-state, a damned lie: none of it, not one single aspect of it, really went down the way FederalGovCo says it did.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stuck to the narrative — not the facts — the Biden administration parroted after three migrants drowned last Friday while attempting to cross the Rio Grande.

After the tragedy, the Biden administration rushed to blame Texas for the incident. Homeland Security, for example, accused Texas National Guard soldiers of having “physically barred” Border Patrol agents from responding to migrants in distress. The White House, on the other hand, suggested the migrants could have been saved had Texas soldiers not “blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.”

But the Justice Department admitted in a filing to the Supreme Court on Monday that the migrants — two children and an adult woman — had already drowned when Mexican officials alerted Border Patrol agents of the tragic deaths. In fact, they had been dead for at least one hour.

On Wednesday, Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich confronted Jean-Pierre over the White House’s dishonest narrative. She asked, “Will the administration amend its separate statement that implied that Texas officials were responsible for the deaths of those three migrants when, in fact, they had nothing to do with it?”

“They had already been dead for an hour by the time Mexico told anyone in the U.S. about it, and the administration admitted as much in their court filing,” Heinrich noted. “But the statement from the White House implies that Texas was responsible, and a number of outlets were forced to issue corrections and editor’s notes because of that White House statement.”

The falsehood exposed, Jean-Pierre responded by urging Heinrich to be “sensitive” because of the “devastating situation.” But then she refused to acknowledge the truth after repeatedly stumbling over her thoughts.

Ahhh, the usual fallback of the hack goobermint spokesweasel when caught in a blatant fabrication: “sensitivity.”

The Fox News reporter then read Jean-Pierre the White House statement — which said that “Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance” — but the press secretary simply restated her earlier point.

“There were other migrants in the water as well,” she said.

“Then why wasn’t that included in the statement?” Heinrich shot back.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy: because they some lyin’ mothafuckas, yo. If ANYBODY is directly “responsible” for the drownings, apart from the criminal aliens themselves, it would be the senile, staggering stumblebum who threw open the former Border In Name Only and encouraged the flood of illegals to cross it in the first goddamned place…and we all already know who that is, thenksveddymuch.

Ace is on FI-YUHHH!!!

I know a good few of y’all don’t read him; trust me, you’re really missing out this go-round.

Predatory Hosebeast Fani Willis: If You Have a Problem With Me Spending $654,000 to Hire My Current Hookup, Mr. Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., Then Your Real Problem Is With a Strong Empowered Black Woman Taking Charge Of Her Own Orgasms
—Disinformation Expert Ace

You tell ’em, Fani!

You talk that stupid racist talk!

The judge overseeing Fani Willis’ political witch-trial has ordered a hearing into the allegations against her.

The Washington Post has a more detailed report explaining that Judge Scott McAfee has ordered Willis to respond in writing to the allegations by Feb. 2, and he has called a hearing about the accusations and scheduled it for Feb. 15.

McAfee is also presiding over the RICO case involving Trump and 18 other co-defendants. Willis is alleged to be in a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, an attorney with little experience in corruption cases whom the DA hired to serve as a special counsel in the Trump case.

“Willis has declined to address the accusations directly so far,” reports the Washington Post’s Amy Gardner and Holly Bailey. “McAfee’s order appears to be forcing her to do so in televised court proceedings, a development that could at the least be embarrassing for the district attorney and at worst derail the investigation completely.”

And just in the nick of time, the New York Times rushes in to report that this is all just a case of white men not treating black women with “respect” or acknowledging them as equals.

Whew! I was worried that a single black politico would be accused of wrongdoing and would not claim to be exempt from ordinary critique and examination on account of their race.

Now, much of what Fani Willis says is accompanied by palpable subtext. In the below article, I have raised this subtext to the level of text, and added it to the New York Times article where I believe appropriate.

I trust the New York Times, and the sex-swollen brutish man-slammer Fani Willis, will thank me for these emendations to the report.

Fani T. Willis, the district attorney prosecuting the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald J. Trump, is trying to quash a subpoena seeking her testimony in the divorce proceedings of a special prosecutor she hired to manage the case.

A court filing last week accused Ms. Willis of having a romantic relationship with the prosecutor, Nathan J. Wade, a two-bit man-slut known on the streets as “Turgid Manblossom,” “The Booty Vandal,” and “Dixon Butts.”

The motion containing the accusation was filed by Michael Roman, one of Mr. Trump’s 14 co-defendants in the criminal case. The motion argues that the relationship, which it provided no proof of, amounted to a conflict of interest; it seeks to have Mr. Wade, Ms. Willis and her office dismissed from the case.

There’s no evidence except that the wife of her Gigolo and co-counsel alleges it in a divorce proceeding.

Oh, and no evidence apart from Fani Willis, Rodsmuggler, admitting it in church, stating that just like Martin Luther King, Jr. — who had his own adultery scandals — she too had “stumbled.”

It’s almost as if — I say almost as if — you can’t question a Strong Empowered Black (Leftwing) Woman at all without being smeared as a racist who Just Doesn’t Understand the True Love We Share When We’re Gouging The Taxpayer.

Then Ms. Willis weighed in.

“In the legal community (and the world at large) some people will never be able to respect African Americans and/or women as their equal and counterpart,” she wrote in a note addressed to Mr. Sadow but sent to all of the defense lawyers, most of whom are white men. “That is a burden you do not experience. Further, some are so used to doing it they are not even aware they are doing it while others are intentional in their continued disrespect. I shall answer no more impertinent questions about the man who tickles my cervix.”

Ms. Willis also made a case for her own fortitude. “Now you know, I cannot be bullied,” she wrote. “I can be spanked, by the right man, a man with a domineering grin and the soul of a pirate, but I cannot be bullied.” She added: “As you are aware, I have now experienced some of the most powerful people in the country call me everything, but a child of God. I have also experienced the power of a veiney python going nine-deep in my dusty old cobwebby mummyc*nt. But, yet here I and my team stand still pursuing justice.”

So there you go. She’s not denying she hired her gigolo to prosecute Trump, and you’re a fucking racist to even ask about it.

That’s one righteous rip; if you don’t like that—a funny-bone deficiency I won’t even pretend to comprehend—happily, he has others. To wit:

Oh Boy: Records Prove That Debased Female John Fani Willis Traveled to Sexotic Sexcursions On Her He-Whore’s Dime (and She Was Paying Her He-Whore With Taxpayer Funds)
—Disinformation Expert Ace

Taxpayer funds? More like ass-slayer funds, am i rite

I am right. I’m exactly right.

This is hilarious. Hilarious.

She cannot remain as the DA on this case, and Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., cannot remain the prosecutor. They have a vested interest in milking this prosecution, as they’re profiting from it. Prosecutors are not permitted to have a direct stake in the outcome of a case, or in the case merely continuing.

Fani Willis does have such an interest. She is paying her Fuckboy with taxpayer funds, and these funds are even being kicked back to her in the form of sexpensive sexcapades. Who knows — he’s much more attractive than her dumpy ass is, so her entire relationship may demand that she keep paying him to keep him servicing her haggard gnarly snizz.

She’s gone. Gone. There is no question now.

Hilarious is the mot juste all right, no doubt about it. Read all of both.

The year that was

David Thompson offers a whole year’s worth of reasons intelligent, rational people despair of the very concept of “human” “progress” as nothing more than a laughable conceit.

The year began with a tale of oysters and college lesbianism, via Bon Appétit magazine, in which Brooklynite pronoun-stipulator Isha Maratha was keen to overshare. For Ms Maratha, “My first time eating an oyster was an act of queer intimacy.” Indeed, we were told by an obliging editor, “The act of eating an oyster uniquely and intimately expresses her queerness.” And so, we were regaled, at length, with descriptions of mollusc-gobbling, stolen glances, and lemon wedges being squeezed. “There is something uniquely unspoken,” we learned, “between the eater and the eaten.”

We also pondered mass fare-dodging, now at record levels, and its progressive defenders – including those employed to maintain public transport – and whose pre-emptive disapproval of anyone noticing such crimes was remarkable in its vehemence and uniformity. The effects on social trust of a large and growing minority disregarding the law and norms of behaviour, and doing so with a learned impunity, is apparently something one shouldn’t – and mustn’t – register or explore. Because, in the progressive world, noticing habitual and brazen thievery is much worse than indulging in it. And obviously racist.

And we visited the pages of Scientific American, where wokeness is ascendant and thinking simply isn’t done. In particular, an “important analysis” piece in which we were urged – by Tracie Canada, a “socio-cultural anthropologist” at Duke University – to fret about “the violence Black men experience in [American] football,” and in which we were told that the physicality of the sport “disproportionately affects black men.” This was framed to imply, but never establish, some systemic racial wrongdoing – “anti-Black practices” that are “inescapable” – rather than, say, being an unremarkable reflection of the sport’s demographics, in which, at professional levels, black players are a majority. Or to put it another, no less scientific, way – the risk of injury while playing a contact sport disproportionately affects those who actually play it. When this rather glaring logical error was pointed out by readers, the magazine’s editor-in-chief promptly accused said readers of “systemic racism.”

In February, we encountered a suboptimal substitute teacher named Lydia Lamere – formerly Christopher Lamere – who spent lesson time directing students to his overtly sexual TikTok account, and conscripting middle-school children into his cross-dressing psychodrama. When not discussing “kink” and preferred sexual positions with other people’s eleven-year-old children, Mr Lamere found time to tells us, “I’m not a predator, I’m just a woman who happens to be super tall and hot.”

Matters academic cropped up again via an eye-widening overview of racial “equity” policies in various schools and institutions, where expectations of competence are deemed racist and terribly problematic. In New York City, for instance, thanks to “disparate impact” policies, firefighters are no longer expected to be able to read the instructions on their own firefighting equipment. Likewise, in scrupulously progressive Ontario, it is now illegal to use a maths test to determine whether maths teachers actually possess the knowledge that they are being paid to convey in class. Such is the world of triumphant wokeness, in which “suspending proficiency requirements” – and denouncing diligence and competence as “white supremacy,” a wickedness to be shunned – will somehow “benefit” the children on whom these things are imposed.

We also marvelled at a contrived and unconvincing display of forgiveness by Guardian contributor Anna Spargo-Ryan, whose home was invaded in the night by a gang of sociopaths armed with carving knives. It turns out that when being robbed by habitual predators, the progressive thing to do is to sympathise with the creatures breaking into one’s home and driving off with one’s stuff in one’s own car. Ms Spargo-Ryan was hailed by her peers as a “beautiful person” for gushing with pretentious sympathy for her assailants and for wishing to see the burglars spared the normal corrective consequences, presumably so that they might go on to burgle the homes of others, including her neighbours. Which of course they were busy doing. Though it occurs to me that a person breaking into someone’s home in the middle of the night and stealing their possessions is sending a pretty strong signal about how much concern, or how little, the rest of us should have for that person’s wellbeing.

The Pronoun Game, so very much in fashion, cropped up in March, along with a demand that employers accommodate the made-up identities of insufferable narcissists. Even when those made-up identities can change several times a day, with such changes being signalled via colour-coded pronoun bracelets, pronoun earrings, and other pronoun-stipulating accessories. Accessories that all colleagues would be expected to monitor closely, lest “misgendering” ensue, followed by a visit to Human Resources. A scenario that inspired the question of exactly how much farce in the workplace might be considered excessive.

Thanks to Oxford University’s Department of Biology, we beheld some ostentatious fretting about the “numerous negative consequences” of obscure Latin names that almost no-one knows about. According to Assistant Professor of Conservation Science Ricardo Rocha, some “1,565 species of bird, reptiles, amphibians and mammals” are named after “white, male Europeans from the 19th and 20th centuries,” which is apparently a very bad thing. What with all that whiteness and maleness, you see. This legacy of legwork and exploration is, we’re to believe, oppressing the people of Zimbabwe and Botswana, for whom the Latin textbook names of lizards and beetles are foremost in their minds. We were also assured that would-be botanists and biologists are in some way being psychologically injured by the existence of this Latin taxonomy, and by the fact that much of the “flora of New Caledonia” is “named after a man.”

Read on for the rest of it, there’s lots more yet to come, alas.

A trifle too Satanic

This one is also going up in the Monday Eyrie meme-a-palooza later on (I’ll insert the link here when it does), but it’s so good I wanted to bring it here as well so as to give it the widest dissemination I possibly could.

Remember: they will always tell you exactly who and what they really are. They just can’t help themselves, actually.

(Via WRSA)


Hero on the lam

Anopther day, another Righteous Shoot wherein a 2A guy takes down a prospective mass-murdering psycho before he starts the killing-spree proper. Y’know, exactly the kind of thing gun-grabbing Leftards swear never, ever happens. Ever.

Waffle House Customer Shoots, Kills Man Who Allegedly Threatened to Shoot Patrons reported the incident occurred about 1:30 a.m.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Lt. Joni Money indicated that deputies were called about the man who was allegedly threatening patrons, but one of the restaurant’s customers got into “an altercation” with the suspect and shot him before deputies reached the scene.

WVTM noted that the Waffle House customer who shot the suspect fled the scene after the shooting.

I’ve said this before and my free advice went unheeded, unfortunately. But I’ll say it again: this guy better run and keep right on running, because if he gets a sudden attack of the guilts and turns himself in to the po-po they’re gonna charge with him umpty-leven counts of murder, whereupon they’ll confiscate his guns, his car, his house, his kids, and his bank account entire. Then they’ll lock him up for five-ten years to await his “speedy” trial, at which he’ll be pronounced guilty, remanded to custody, then suffer an “accidental” death by Epsteining.

Count on it, bub; like the rest of us, you don’t live in America That Was anymore. This is Amerika v2.0, and particularly if you happen to be a white guy, the system is NOT your friend. Hell, it doesn’t even pretend to impartiality anymore.


Citadel of shite

Clogged to overflowing with the very worst sort of bipedal turds.

As you may recall, on January 6th 2021, I was on air with Tucker as the alleged “storming of the Capitol” was drawing to a close. It was not yet over, but the media had already agreed the Official Narrative – that it was a shameful violation of the most hallowed precincts of “the Citadel of Democracy”. I got sick of that shtick almost instantly:

Mark Steyn rips media’s ‘citadel of democracy’ framing of Capitol: ‘It’s a citadel of crap’

Ah, but I was wrong. It turns out it’s a Citadel of Shags. Headline from The Daily Caller:

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

Er, don’t hit the link unless you enjoy that sort of thing. If you think “Filming Gay Sex Tape” is just the usual teasing click-bait for a bit of lame-o soft-focus light-petting, not at all. It’s definitely Not Safe For Work, although evidently it’s safe for government work, as the Senate staffer in question had no qualms about uploading it to the Internet. The setting is the table of the Hearing Room of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That would be the room where Brett Kavanaugh was grilled, and FBI straight-shooter James Comey testified at length and with an impressively straight face about the “Russia investigation”. I have also testified at the US Senate, but can’t remember if it was that room or another. Still, if I’m ever asked back, I’ll remember to bring a couple of moist towelettes to wipe down the furniture.

So, if I understand the social norms of the People’s House, it’s completely unacceptable (and, indeed, a crime) to wander its precincts goofily with a MAGA hat and an American flag; but, if you stop for ten minutes to have anal sex before the Supreme Court nominee hearing re-convenes, that’s perfectly fine – so fine it might be worth entering it in mitigation and getting a couple of years knocked off your sentence. You will get a serious prison term if you put your feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, but not if you climb on, get down on hands and knees, and um…

Useful to know.

The staffer in question, an aide to Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin, one Aidan Maese-Czeropski, responded indignantly on LinkedIn:

This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love…

In fairness, he was mostly attacked not “for who I love” but for where he loves him. Nevertheless, I assumed that this defence would prove effective – and that no Washington bigshot would dare to pink-slip a gay guy for getting caught being gay. Besides, in the broader sense, in a decadent pseudo-republic with no equality before the law, it seems entirely natural that some citizens rot in gaol merely for passing half-an-hour ambling aimlessly around the People’s House—and other, more favoured citizens can with impunity roger like billy-ho on the very People’s Table that determines the composition of the highest court in the land. The symbolism is too perfect.

Ain’t it, though. Ain’t it just. It’s Steyn, so you know what you must do, Glasshoppa.

THAT’S how you do it!


Good on you, sir. Via WRSA. Backstory and further details here.

Update! Ruminations on the Cassidy saga from Bayou Peter.

Speaking as a Christian and a retired pastor, I entirely approve of Mr. Cassidy’s actions. I would have contributed to his legal defense fund, except that it was shut down within three hours due to being oversubscribed. Clearly, many Americans feel the same as I do about him, which pleases me.

On Tuesday, “Gov. Kim Reynolds called the display ‘absolutely objectionable’ but said that ‘in a free society, the best response to objectionable speech is more speech’.” I agree with him, of course. Freedom of religion is constitutional, and should remain so. Equally, Mr. Cassidy is, IMHO, correct that any of the Founding Fathers, confronted with the same display, would do as he did, or take even stronger action. The Satanic Temple can protest all it likes that it doesn’t actually worship Satan as he is described in the Christian Bible, but is rather an atheist organization using that name. Nevertheless, the generally accepted understanding of Satan in all three of the great monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – is as the root of all evil, a being from whom grace and goodness are utterly absent. They need not be surprised if people act on that understanding.

Most of all, I applaud Mr. Cassidy for his honesty. He acted, then took responsibility for his actions, and is prepared to stand trial for acting on his beliefs. Good for him! If his legal defense fund opens up again, I’ll be standing in line to contribute.

Much more at the link, all of it intriguing, thought-provoking stuff, as is BRM’s usual wont.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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