Anopther day, another Righteous Shoot wherein a 2A guy takes down a prospective mass-murdering psycho before he starts the killing-spree proper. Y’know, exactly the kind of thing gun-grabbing Leftards swear never, ever happens. Ever.
Waffle House Customer Shoots, Kills Man Who Allegedly Threatened to Shoot Patrons reported the incident occurred about 1:30 a.m.Jefferson County Sheriff’s Lt. Joni Money indicated that deputies were called about the man who was allegedly threatening patrons, but one of the restaurant’s customers got into “an altercation” with the suspect and shot him before deputies reached the scene.
WVTM noted that the Waffle House customer who shot the suspect fled the scene after the shooting.
I’ve said this before and my free advice went unheeded, unfortunately. But I’ll say it again: this guy better run and keep right on running, because if he gets a sudden attack of the guilts and turns himself in to the po-po they’re gonna charge with him umpty-leven counts of murder, whereupon they’ll confiscate his guns, his car, his house, his kids, and his bank account entire. Then they’ll lock him up for five-ten years to await his “speedy” trial, at which he’ll be pronounced guilty, remanded to custody, then suffer an “accidental” death by Epsteining.
Count on it, bub; like the rest of us, you don’t live in America That Was anymore. This is Amerika v2.0, and particularly if you happen to be a white guy, the system is NOT your friend. Hell, it doesn’t even pretend to impartiality anymore.
Do unto others. Then split.
Waiting around for handcuffs and persecution is a sucker move.