The concealed core of the Deep State itself

Looks as if Trump, Musk, and Co have tripped ass-backwards over the Überstadt motherlode.

DOGE and the budget audit of doom
the commanding heights of the unravelling to come

meet the new boss, nothing whatsoever like the old boss.

not this time. maybe never again.

welcome to “dismantle leviathan” the fun new game that all the cool kids are playing.

i warned you about how these people were not going to act like the gormless opposition party of old. they will understand the system better than you do. and they’re going to tear it down.

DC is finally starting to see how much trouble it is in and people are freaking out. the moves are coming too fast for the news cycle to even keep up with. and DC has mostly already lost. all the high ground has been taken and now it’s just going to be about squeezing.

DOGE grabbed the OMB and the treasury payments system.

that’s it. lights out, game over.

from ukraine to climate science to NIH to 100 different agencies like USAID, money is being funneled everywhere and stolen in wholesale quantities.

USAID and who knows who else were all out meddling for decades in foreign elections. they have probably been meddling in ours.

suddenly, these agencies are losing their minds about “declassification efforts.”

it certainly does make on wonder: why were they classifying anything at all? wasn’t this supposed to be aid?

and DC is finally realizing how much trouble they are in and leviathan is shrilling in terror and rage, but it’s already way too late.

threads are exposed, they will be pulled, and this is going to, for the first time in generations, tear the covers off these boxes and let us see what’s inside. and it’s not gonna be pretty friends. i’m telling you point blank: however bad you fear this was – it’s worse.

the middle of the american overton is about to see that government is 80% money laundering and unaccountable tyranny and theft by weight.

More, much more at the link, every word of it seriously edifying reading. The predicament now being screeched about by scabrous vermin like Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, et al reminds me strongly of a fine old Dead Boys tune.

If, as has been said so very many times, the D卐M☭CRAT Party is in actual fact a criminal organization masquerading as a political party (PRO TIP: it is), then FederalGovCo itself is the officially-sanctioned analog of La Cosa Nostra, only one step higher up on the Big Government ladder, with more fingers in bigger pies grubbing for ever-greater power, wealth, and authority.

What fun it’s been since Jan 20, watching Trump and his wrecking crew turn over the Deep State rocks one after another and seeing the cockroaches underneath crawl for their very lives in abject terror of the simple, cleansing light of day.

Know your “rights”

Over-entitled much, bitch?

Former top DOJ immigration official says she was removed with no explanation

Uh-huh. Those of us stuck in the real word know that bizarre phenomenon not as some kind of miscarriage of justice or egregious violation of one’s God given right to gainful employment, but simply as “getting canned.”

A former top Justice Department immigration official who was removed from her position by new DOJ leadership this week told ABC News that she did not receive any explanation for her removal.

Lauren Alder Reid was one of four top officials from the agency that operates the U.S. immigration courts who was removed from her post. She had been with the agency for more than 14 years.

“They did not give me any reason, other than not citing the 16 years of outstanding performance evaluation for lack of any discipline, administrative leave or reassignment in my entire career,” Reid told ABC News.

When asked if she’s considering legal action, Reid, who was the assistant director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review’s office of policy, said that she and the others are considering all options available to them.

Brace yourself for the best bit of all, bold courtesy of moi.

“It’s pretty hard to sit back and imagine that this could begin to happen, at will, to any employee throughout the government, especially when we’re talking about public servants who have dedicated their careers to try to make our country the best,” she said.

Oh, I’m sure that’s what you’ve been doing right along in your comfy, overcompensated FederalGovCo sinecure, you piece of dead-weight shit. There’s a reason why Trump is now your boss—well, EX-boss, I should say—and you and your ilk’s inflated sense of your own importance is a YUUGE part of it.

Clue to the clueless: You are owed NOTHING. Not a job, not an explanation for being sacked, not an apology, not a single fucking thing. I’m not, she’s not, he’s not, we’re not, they’re not, and happily enough, neither are you. Snivel to your heart’s content about how “unfair” it all is, then, when you’re done, go hunt down the fool  who told you life itself is fair and punch him or her right in the fucking mouth for telling all those lies.

The plain, simple, and wholly obvious Truth

Ohh, shitlib D卐M☭CRATs (BIRM) ain’t gonna like this. Not a-TALL, they ain’t.

Jeremiad To The Democrats The First: Abandon The Fucking Idiot Transsexual Woke Bullshit
All of it.


That’s going to be the overarching lesson for the first few of these. But because there’s so much social justice bullshit, I’m going to have to break these lessons up to cover different types of social justice warrior bullshit.

Lesson the First: Abandon your transsexual madness.

  • Cut out all the transsexual bullshit. Sex is not a social construct. There are two sexes, male and female. If you have XY chromosomes, you are male. If you have XX chromosomes, you are female. A man cannot make himself into a woman by any means, and certainly not by simply declaring he’s a woman. Stop pretending otherwise. Stop pretending that “gender” is “fluid.” Stop pretending that a few odd genetic corner cases give you permission to pretend a man wearing a dress is a woman. Stop enabling mental illness. We’re not playing anymore.
  • Get your fucking child-mutilating hands off children. If you insane, mentally ill perverts want to mutilate your own damn body, fine. Not my circus, not my monkeys. But when you start mutilating the genitalia of children and start sterilizing children for life, fuck you and every one of your virtue-signaling comrades and expect to lose every election between now and the heat death of the universe.
  • Stop putting men pretending to be women into women’s prisons. Democrats go to great lengths to assure the public they’re against rape, but when it comes down to preventing rape or enabling their virtue signaling, Democratic prison officials across the country have decided they’re just fine and dandy with rape. Just as with UK’s Labour government being just fine with systemic child rape of British women by unassimilated Muslim immigrants in the Rotherham et. al. scandals being an acceptable price to pay for more “multicultural” voters, so too the Democratic Party seems to think repeated rape of incarcerated women by male felons claiming to be woman is necessary for the greater glory of “social justice.”
  • Stop asking government to pay for “sex change operations” for illegal aliens and convicted felons. Remember how Kamala Harris’ promise to pay for sex changes for illegal aliens in 2020 came back to bite her in the ass in 2024. Like I said, if you freaks want to pay to mutilate yourself, we don’t give a rat’s ass. But when ordinary people are having trouble paying for food because of the lingering inflation from the Biden Recession, they get angry when you use their tax dollars to pay for idiot virtue-signaling bullshit. Ditto Julian Castro’s absurd pimping of “transgender abortion.”
  • Cut out the bullshit euphemisms. Mutilating a child’s genitalia isn’t “gender affirming care,” it’s evil perversion we will hold you to account for performing. Likewise:
  • Stop pretending that refusing to indulge in the mentally ill delusion that someone is a different sex than the one they were born with is “literally killing them.” “Do what I say or I’ll kill myself” has never been a morally acceptable threat, and studies show that mutilating people in the name of “gender affirming care” doesn’t decrease the risk of suicide. Quite the opposite: “The results of this study indicate that patients who have undergone gender affirmation surgery are associated with significantly higher risks of suicide, self-harm, and PTSD compared to general population control groups.”

Annnnd KABOOM! Nailed it, clean and tight. THEY ain’t gonna like it, but I most certainly do—not that they’ll heed a word of it, much less listen. Which, y’know, is kinda tough to do anyhow with fingers jammed in each ear as you sing TRALALALALA at top volume till your throat is raw and your face is turning blue. Yet more rich, buttery goodness over at the Battleswarm hang.

Civics 101

As I always say, there’s a reason this sort of thing isn’t taught in the government schools anymore.

Your obligatory “Show more” workaround:

There cannot be a “hostile takeover of the civil service.” The civil service is not a check on the Executive Branch- it IS the Executive Branch. If a Department, Office, Bureau, program, or individual is doing something counter to the will of the Executive, it’s well within the Executive’s right to nip such behavior in the bud. Because the Executive was elected by the will of the people. The bureaucracy was not.

“Prevent the civil service from becoming the President’s henchmen.” What absolute drivel.

Left-wing ideals have been left to fester and seep into every aspect of the so-called civil service, to the point it feels emboldened to act as an unelected, unvetted check on the President. Nonsense. There are three branches of gov’t that are intended to check and balance each other: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. There is no fourth branch called “The Bureuacracy” that has the right to check or balance the other three.

The bureaucracy in DC is as entrenched as a tumor grown in the bone, sucking the life force out of this country. It will take a lot of surgery – some of it messy – to fix all that damage.

Messy indeed—with the majority of said “mess” consisting of spilled blood, buckets and buckets of it.

(Via Stephen Green)

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee

Glenn helpfully explains where the wrecking ball comes into the picture.

Trump is following through with unprecedented and swift action to begin his presidency – which has reset the national mood
Soon after November’s election, I suggested that if Donald Trump were smart, he’d come in like a wrecking ball: Move fast, break things and precipitate change across many fronts all at once, subjecting the Democrats, the media and the left (but I repeat myself) to shock and awe.

Boy, has he ever done that, unleashing unprecedented change in just his first 100 hours.

He banned DEI throughout the federal government, closed the borders to illegal immigrants (according to Customs and Border Protection, illegal crossings dropped 97% by Trump’s second day in office), halted government censorship efforts, refocused the Defense Department from social issues to warfighting, and started a massive cleanup at the corrupt Department of Justice.

Follows, a most edifying litany of Trump moves, directives, and initiatives, culminating with:

A week or two ago, all these things seemed too hard to accomplish. 

Now they’re simply being done

Oh, there’s resistance: The Air Force announced that as part of Trump’s DEI ban it would stop teaching cadets about the Tuskeegee Airmen scandal, an act of obvious bad faith designed to grab headlines.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who knows whereof he speaks, rightly called this “political theatrics” and “passive-aggressive performative nonsense . . . It’s all an act.” 

It is an act, and the actors should be sacked.

Indeed they should, in fact, MUST—every man Jack of them, lest this nascent movement in all the right directions be kilt a-borning.

But that they’re trying this sort of idiocy is proof that they’re flailing and desperate. Trump has the momentum.

One reason for this, of course, is that things like the DEI ban and immigration enforcement are wildly popular. 

The American public has never supported affirmative action or open borders. 

Those are policy preferences of the elites, who bullied opponents by calling them racist.

That doesn’t work anymore.

Nor should it. May it ever be thus.

LOVE this guy

Tom Homan, bless his gruff heart, seems to delight in laying down the smack on whiny shitlib beeyotches.

Border czar Tom Homan reacts to Selena Gomez’s viral post sobbing over ICE raids
Border czar Tom Homan said Monday night the Trump administration has “no apologies” for the ICE raids targeting illegal migrants in the US when asked about Selena Gomez’s since-deleted Instagram post in which she sobbed over the law enforcement action.

“All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry, I wish I could do something, but I can’t. I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise,” Gomez said in the video.

Gomez was slammed for sounding out of touch and quickly took down the video, writing on her Instagram story, “Apparently it’s not ok to show empathy for people.”

When asked about the viral video on Fox News, Homan denied the alleged attacks Gomez referenced and claimed that Immigration Customs and Enforcement is only going after illegal migrants with prior criminal history.

“If they don’t like it, then go to Congress and change the law. We’re going to do this operation without apology,” Homan told Fox News.

“We’re gonna make our community safer. It is all for the good of this nation. And we’re gonna keep going. No apologies. We’re moving forward.”

Stupid bimbelina doesn’t seem to realize that she can take things down and/or delete them all she likes, but the Innarnuts is forever, and doesn’t give a fat rat’s patoot.

Truly, truly pathetic. Also futile, and utterly pointless. Elsewhere, Trump’s brassy, sassy new press sec proves her mettle without delay.

White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt confirmed it is the official policy of the Trump administration that all undocumented immigrants are considered criminals. This is a change from the Biden administration, which referred to those immigrants as undocumented noncitizens.

“If you are an individual, a foreign national, who illegally enters the United States of America, you are by definition a criminal,” Leavitt said.

According to the Justice Department, improper entry into the U.S. is a criminal offense with civil penalties, including a fine. Subsequent offenses carry stricter penalties like a five-year bar on returning to the US and possible prison time.

“They are criminals as far as this administration goes,” Leavitt said. “I know the last administration didn’t see it that way. So it’s a big culture shift in our nation to view someone who breaks our immigration law as a criminal, but that’s exactly what they are.”

You GO, girl!

Harry WHO again, now?

Riley Gaines pWnZ an exceptionally clueless fucking chump.


Hilariouser and hilariouser

Okay, okay, just stop it, you pathetic dweebs. You’re killing me over here.

Biden Aides Terrified That Trump Won’t Give Him a State Funeral, Just Hoping He Outlives 2nd Term
A report from CNN details in-depth the thought process of the current president as he confronts his own mortality, seeing exactly how a funeral for a former president is conducted in the wake of the passing of Jimmy Carter.

Like most presidents, the outlet notes that Biden has already approved a plan for his own services. However, concern has seeped in that Trump, who is just days away from being inaugurated for a second term, would eschew decorum.

“Still, an uncomfortable thought has circulated among some Biden aides and longtime supporters in the days since Carter died: If Biden passes while Trump is president, would he get a state funeral?” they write.

“They hope Biden lives a long time, but, several of those aides and supporters told CNN, they want him to live to see the end of Trump’s time as president and not have to worry about questions like these.”

Yeh, fat chance of that happening, you miserable swine. The demented old fraud has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel already, has had for quite a few years now. He’s one more hilarious ass-over-teacups pratfall away from staggering on off to the Bone Orchard as it is.

Considering their cordial meeting at the White House in November, it seems unlikely that Trump would refuse to honor Biden’s wishes. Despite the fact that Biden’s administration did their absolute best for years to put him in jail.

Not to mention, it seems more like a case of projection. Is there any doubt President Biden and his aides would have refused to honor Trump had he unfortunately passed while Joe and Kamala were in office?

Recall, if you will, that congressional Democrats in 2021 introduced a bill that would ban former President Donald Trump from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

I repeat: pathetic. Also, disgusting. Once again I must refer you to Mike’s Iron Laws, namely #462 in this particular instance.

Then again, I must confess that I’d be pleased as punch to see Pedaux Jaux Bribem’s corporeal remains swaddled in a filthy, cum-encrusted bedsheet from a Tijuana whorehouse, stuffed into a worn-soft cardboard box, sealed in with half a roll of Gorilla tape, and unceremoniously bunged into the nearest Dempster dumpster to rot with the rest of the reeking garbage, myself. That would be meet, just, and no more than the decomposing oaf deserves. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I always say. Sweating Eternity out as doubtless he will be in the hottest, blackest corner of fiery Hell with his fellow career politicians, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that Too Aulde Jaux is neither gonna know nor care one way or the other.


Ready for a REAL insurrection?

Julie Kelly certainly is.

January 6, 2025: The Real Insurrection Begins
The original Jan 6 narrative died in spectacular fashion. Monday’s proceedings represent the start of a legitimate insurrection against a corrupt, unaccountable, and failed government in Washington.

It’s a plot twist even the most creative—or diabolical—fiction writer never would have imagined.

On Monday afternoon, Vice President Kamala Harris will preside over Congressional proceedings to certify the election of Donald Trump, who defeated her in the 2024 presidential election.

The moment will represent one of many surreal moments on a date—January 6—that the Biden regime, news media, and Democratic voters consider one of the darkest times in American history. In fact, Harris herself categorizes January 6, 2021 alongside September 11, 2001 and December 7, 1941 as events she claims “remind all who have lived through them where they were…when our democracy came under assault.”

Four years ago, the ruling class in Washington attempted to commit what all evidence now points to as the premeditated murder of the MAGA movement. Powerful political and government saboteurs aligned to stoke the events of January 6, a four-hour disturbance those same saboteurs immediately branded an “insurrection.”

But it all came crashing down on November 5, 2024.

Trump won in decisive fashion as the majority of Americans sent a big middle finger tied to a wrecking ball to the halls of power in Washington. The failures of the Biden regime unquestionably contributed to Trump’s victory but so too did the relentless pursuit of the president, his family, his allies, his businesses, and his voters.

The January 6 operation backfired in a spectacular way. Instead of representing one of the darkest days in history, January 6 to millions of Americans instead embodies the corrupt, bloodthirsty, and vengeful nature of the existing government and its media bootlickers, which foreshadowed the sort of banana republic-style rule seen in Marxist hellholes not in the United States.

So Monday, January 6, 2025 signals the start of a real insurrection, which is defined as a “revolt against civil authority or an established government” not an unarmed and at points unruly demonstration inside a government building on a Wednesday afternoon.

Should Trump fulfill his boldest campaign pledges, federal agencies in the nation’s capital will never be the same. Permanent changes in now untrusted institutions such as the DOJ, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and, sadly, the Department of Defense among others promise to gut the rogue, unelected bureaucracy that really runs the show.

The Trump Insurrection already is paying dividends as employees flee agencies soon to be led by sworn foes of the Deep State. Chris Wray resigned ahead of his scheduled ten-year tenure as FBI boss.

Lots more yet at the link, all of it thoroughly gratifying reading. We can but hope that things shake out as Jules anticipates; t’is a consummation devoutly to be wished, certainly. My own skepticism and cynicism remain more or less intact, albeit not as firm as they were. Just between us chickens, I got one hand behind my back, fingers crossed. We’ll find out soon enough, I reckon.


It’s a-coming

Midwest Chick says “if you don’t laugh too, I’m not sure we can be friends.” Seconded, with all my heart and soul.

Usually, that huge schlong points outward from DC towards the rest of the country, so this makes for a refreshing change of pace.


The “organic” scam

Gee, color me shocked, I did NOT see this coming.

Factory Farming is Better Than Organic Farming
Some narratives are simply ubiquitous in our culture (every culture has its universal narratives). Sometimes these narratives emerge out of shared values, like liberty and freedom. Sometimes they emerge out of foundational beliefs (the US still has a puritanical bent). And sometimes they are the product of decades of marketing. Marketing-based narratives deserve incredible scrutiny because they are crafted to alter the commercial decision-making of people in society, not for the benefit of society or the public, but for the benefit of an industry. For example, I have tried to expose the fallacy of the “natural is always good, and chemicals are always bad” narrative. Nature, actually, is quite indifferent to humanity, and everything is made of chemicals.

Another narrative that is based entirely on propaganda meant to favor one industry and demonize its competition is the notion that organic farming is better for health and better for the environment. Actually, there is no evidence of any nutritional or health advantage from consuming organic produce. Further – and most people I talk to find this claim shocking – organic farming is worse for the environment than conventional or even “factory” farming. Stick with me and I will explain why this is the case.

A recent article in the NYT by Michael Grunwald nicely summarizes what I have been saying for years. First let me explain why I think there is such a disconnect between reality and public perception. This gets back to the narrative idea – people tend to view especially complex situations through simplistic narratives that give them a sense of understanding. We all do this because the world is complicated and we have to break it down. There is nothing inherently wrong with this – we use schematic, categories, and diagrams to simplify complex reality and chunk it into digestible bits. But we have to understand this is what we are doing, and how this may distort our understanding of reality. There are also better and worse ways to do this.

One of my verymost favorite John Ringo novels, The Last Centurion, gets waaaaay into the weeds on the “organic” versus factory-farm tussle, which lovingly detailed digressions I found completely fascinating, as well as highly educational. So no, the above in-depth expose doesn’t surprise me all that much.

I may or may not have brought this up here before, but for quite a few years there my good friend Al and his ol’ lady Lisa (one of my former NYC roomies who moved down to CLT for good after a disastrous romantic entanglement with another old friend of mine, Joe) made an astonishing wad of on-the-side extra coin peddling “free range” eggs to one of the local yuppie-puppie grocery stores. Al and Lisa live way out in the boonies near Concord, on a big farm passed down to him by his grandmother through his mom, both long deceased. Once, when I was up at their place on one of my regular visits, Al walked me out to the “free range” chicken coop to help him collect those upscale eggs.

Al explained the whole “free range egg” dodge to me on the trudge out there from the century-plus-old farmhouse, and it struck me as just funny as all get-out. See, the coop was the familiar wood-and-wire structure roomy enough to comfortably house about ten-fifteen yardbirds and keep them safe from snakes, coons, foxes, and such-like critters, the distinction which made it “free range” being that this one had wheels. There was a beat-down circular track along which, every other day, either Al or Lisa had to roll the ramshackle rig a minimum of three (3) feet so as to maintain its “free range” status. Once in a while they’d let the chickens out to peck, cluck, and scratch around in the tall grass and dirt for an hour or so, after which brief spell of liberation they’d all be bunged back into the hen-itentiary again.

All in all, the whole setup was about as “free range” as every other garden-variety, stationary henhouse any country boy has seen a blue million of—ie, NOT. As with practically every other goobermint-mandated system, “free range eggs” is nothing but a pure-dee grift, designed from jump for one purpose and one purpose only: to fleece the sucker hordes out of as much of their hard-earned as can be managed without donning a bandanna and sticking a hog-leg Colt in their faces outright

Now that you know the score, feel perfectly free to amble right on past your grocery store’s “free range” and/or “organic” section wearing a knowing smile and head directly for the more reasonably priced but every bit as nutritious and/or healthy aisle with a clear conscience. Let the smarmy yuppie urbanites and/or hippie-dippie doofi waste their gelt on fraudulence and PC hype.


Sympathy for the devil

Gee, wonder why his grandson turned out to be the oxygen-thieving little predator he was. Why, one might almost conclude that Grampa’s attitude might have been the REAL problem whence the whole mishegas derived.

Still Baffling: AR-15 Provides Homeowners with Unfair Advantage Over Intruders?
Sometimes in researching stories to share with TTAG’s audience you come across an old one that still makes you shake your head. Sometimes you come across an old one that makes you shake your head so much you just have to share it. After all these years, what this grandfather says, in spite of his obvious grief, is still a head scratcher. So here’s the story:

Years ago, Massad Ayoob once told me, “In a fight for your life, if it’s a fair fight, your tactics suck.” Like many of us, I’ve heard (and used) that same expression countless times. However, a grandfather in Oklahoma apparently thought it should be a fair fight between home invaders like his grandson and innocent homeowners.

Leroy Schumacher told media outlets that the homeowner’s use of an AR-15 gave him an “unfair advantage” against the gaggle of armed thugs who broke into his home. In the end, three of the thugs assumed room temperature.

Don’t you love it when the family members of violent criminals speak out to the media, trying to paint their misguided scholar kin as the true victims.

Grandpa Schumacher brought a big shovel to continue diggin’.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” said Leroy Schumacher.

Schumacher agrees his grandson and his friends made a bad decision, but not one worthy of deadly consequences.

“They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die,” said Schumacher.

Schumacher says his grandson didn’t have a chance. The 17-year old, he says, never got into trouble.

“Brass knuckles against an AR-15, come on, who was afraid for their life,” Schumacher told the station at the time.

Don’t give a shit, Gramps. Your worthless spawn, happily for all of his future intended victims, has now assumed room temperature, so who was or was not “afraid for their life” is no longer relevant. “Unfair”? Cry me a river, asswipe; your precious “good boy” is dead purely because he made the fatal mistake of breaking into the wrong house, no other reason. If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime, as the old saying goes. May he, his hapless partners, and especially you, burn in Hell for a thousand years—a lengthy stretch which should afford the whole sorry lot of you ample time to figure it out for yourselves.

Bottom line, the stupid wannabe-thug brought brass knuckles to a gunfight. The most satisfying part of this story would have to be its decidedly happy ending (bold mine):

Authorities didn’t agree with Schumacher’s sentiments, however, and Zach Peters was not charged with any crimes because police say he acted in self-defense. Schumacher was not convinced that the shooting was justified, though, and reiterated his belief that the consequences didn’t fit the crime. “There’s got to be a limit to that law, I mean he shot all three of them — there was no need for that,” he said.

No, he should’ve probably just shot one of them and hoped the others ran off instead of taking charging at him and using his own gun to kill him. You can’t make this stuff up!

To think those three teens apparently committed that violent home invasion under the leadership of their criminal mastermind friend Elizabeth Rodriguez, who eventually pled guilty to reduced charges and was sentenced to 45 years for each of her criminal partners killed. All three sentences were to be servied concurrently. As for her associates Jacob Redfearn, Jake Woodruff and Max Cook, they will for eternity pay the price for a very stupid decision that they learned too late has very real, long-term consequences. While this incident took place in 2017, it’s a lesson that is still valid today.

You don’t go in a person’s home unless invited. It’s as simple as that.

Annnnd BINGO! ‘Nuff said.

Grandpa’s grief is of course understandable. Which only makes it all the more crucial that the arrant horseshit said grief has led him to espouse be quashed immediately and vehemently, lest such destructive “thinking” gain a toehold via misplaced sympathy and metastasize throughout society entire, to all our great detriment. Decent folks tolerate nonsense like this at their own dire peril. Denounce it or die, sayeth I.

Final positive aspect? Just this: Grampa’s inept thug of a grandson and his criminal ex-confreres will never break into someone else’s house with intent to victimize a homeowner guilty only of minding his own business again, guar-on-TEED. Curmudgeon nonpareil HL Mencken, a/k/a the Sage of Baltimore, expressed the core principle thusly: “Hanging one scoundrel, it appears, does not deter the next. Well, what of it? The first one is at least disposed of.” A-fuggin’ MEN, podnah.

Off-topic update! Speaking of happy endings, MarsEdit 5.3 is still choogling merrily away, to my tremendous relief. YAAAAY!

ON-topic update! Via Lakeside Joe: Another lesson learned too late, another goblin DRT.

Florida Man Shoots at Two Migrants in Alleged Home Invasion, One Died
A Florida homeowner shot at two migrants who allegedly broke into his home Thursday night. One of the migrants, a Mexican national, died from multiple gunshot wounds.

Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells told reporters his deputies responded to a call about a shooting connected to an alleged home invasion burglary. The homeowner said his home surveillance camera alerted him to the two masked men who were about to break into his home, Fox 13 reported.

“He [the homeowner] knew something bad was about to happen, and he didn’t stall. He grabbed his firearm, told his wife to get into a safe spot,” the sheriff said. “This is the state of Florida. If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”

The homeowner reportedly told his wife to find a safe place in the house as he grabbed his firearm to defend his home and family. Florida is a Castle Doctrine state that allows a homeowner to use deadly force to defend himself or others.

Bold mine again, and utterly delightful.

The Great State Of Florida and a handful of other localities notwithstanding, it shows how very far shitlibs have dragged the Overton window towards Leftist tyranny, that the once nearly universal assumption that defending the sanctity of one’s home and the safety of one’s family using deadly force was reasonable and appropriate—in fact, was every self-respecting Man of the House’s solemn duty—should now be questionable, even outrageous, for a great many so-called “Americans.”

Time was, getting shot and/or killed was held to be an occupational hazard for housebreakers, thieves, and other such vermin, far from being unheard of; even said vermin realized that the longer he plied his nefarious trade, his odds of being shot would rise from “Highly Likely” all the way up to “Dead Certain.” The idea that a law-abiding citizen would someday be arrested, tried, and incarcerated for the “crime” of ventilating a marauding armed robber or robbers would have drawn gales of scornful laughter from all and sundry in those days—preposterous, absurd, manifestly Unpossible© here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

Today, alas, this upending of the very concept of Law And Order itself is taken as read, a given. Even amongst 2A absolutists, the too-real prospect of imprisonment, persecution, and personal ruin based on the most threadbare pretext—when The Enemy bothers to justify Himself at all, mind—is now accepted as the stuff of everyday life in Amerika v2.0. Again with the Eternal Truth: no matter how much you hate Them, you don’t hate Them enough.

All in all, the newly-controversial God-given right to effectively defend one’s home, loved ones, belongings, and bodily self is yet another Founding principle which has been flung down and danced upon by the Leftist wrecking crew. Having grown up in a very different America than the one I see all around me in my dotage—its exact opposite, in fact; the Disney-reboot version of it, written, produced, and directed by Bearded Spock—I can only wonder how the hell it ever came to this. We’ve come a long way, baby—every step of it in precisely the wrong direction.


Miraculous Milei

I refer any parties interested in my feelings on this development to the Kelly Bundy vid in the previous post.

Argentinian President Javier Milei To Join Trump At Presidential Inauguration
Argentinian President Javier Milei confirmed Tuesday that he plans to attend the upcoming inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump in Washington this January.

The news was first reported by Bloomberg, citing an Argentine government spokesperson. A spokesperson for Milei confirmed the news, according to CBS News. Milei recently echoed Trump’s slogan and took to social media to show his support.

As preparations for the inauguration continue, Milei is slated to be the first confirmed world leader at the Jan. 20 ceremony, with others reportedly making arrangements, CBS News reported.

“Attend”? Pish-tosh! Argentina’s Miracle Man of right ought to be flown up on a specially-chartered Trump Force One flight; chauffeured out of Andrews AFB to the Inauguration venue in the most luxuriously appointed, stretchiest limo EVAR (the BEAST!!); escorted down a plush, ankle-deep red carpet by a bevy of dynamite chicks, each one lovelier than Faye Dunaway; and shown to his exclusive front row seat as not merely an honored, respected, and welcome guest of his American counterpart, but as a close personal friend and trusted partner of Trump’s as well. From all appearances I don’t think it would be overstating the case much to say the two reformist Chief Executives are birds of a feather, feisty twin brothers born of different mothers. Thus, OMB would be well advised to treat Javier Milei as such.

I very much hope (and expect) that President The Donald is savvy enough, wily enough, to recognize this signal occasion for exactly what it is: a unique, not-to-be-squandered opportunity to rub Uniparty statists’ noses vigorously in both his own and Milei’s resounding triumph right from the git-go. If he does, and conducts himself accordingly, the traditional Inaugural after-party—parties, actually—will be well and truly lit, in a way and to an extent none has ever been before.

Let solidarity be the watchword here, sayeth I. May these like-minded stalwarts stand shoulder-to-shoulder in mutually-supportive defiance of the common foe. Not one (1) degree of separation ought to be allowed to intervene betwixt them going forward—not physically, not ideologically, not in practical terms.

The renewed flood of sweet, sweet shitlib tears alone would make giving Milei the full-on Royal Treatment well worth any conceivable inconvenience and/or expense.

In a struggle so desperate as the present one is shaping up to be, it simply is not possible to have too many allies. Having known so many combat-blooded warriors so well over lo, these many years and lent an attentive ear to the harrowing war-stories they had to tell, I have yet to hear a man Jack of them complain that the battlefield on which he fought was just too dang crowded with friendlies. Years ago, on one of the terribly rare occasions he’d even speak of his experiences there at all*, my Korea-vet dad (US Army, Chemical Weapons Corps) solemnly assured me that there are no atheists in foxholes; from what I can make out, there ain’t no loners to be found there, either.

* Apparently, my poor ol’ Dad saw more than enough mind-bending horror in Korea to do him; as a kid, I well remember being terrified out of my wits whenever he had one of his recurrent flashback-nightmares; one night, he vaulted from a flatfooted start on my bedroom floor straight to the top of my dresser in one go, whooping and shouting like a banshee, calling for reinforcements right the hell NOW, screaming out re-deployment orders to squad-mates I couldn’t see, pointing out advancing enemies in division strength which existed only in his memory. I’ll never forget it; it was seriously awful, like all the Korea stories he eventually divulged to me were. My mom was stunned to hear he’d told me anything whatsoever when I talked to her a few years back about it; he never once opened up to her over their whole 27-year marriage, although the nightmares pretty much said it all, I suppose

Update! Off-topic, sure, but what the hey: since I brought my Old Man up and all, here’s a portrait done in his Army days.

Roger Gene Hendrix, b. March 3, 1934, d. March 10, 1996

That one enjoyed pride of place on the wall of my grandma’s tiny den/family room/TV room as far back as I can remember and beyond, until one fine day years after she’d passed on my Aunt Ruth took it down unasked and gave it to li’l ol’ moi. It now enjoys pride of place on my dining-room wall, and will until I croak. His decorations—quite a few of them, actually—lived in a beat-up old cigar box of my Macanudo-chomping Uncle Murray’s nestled in the top drawer of Dad’s tall chest-of-drawers along with the cuff links, tie tacks, business cards, loose change, and sundry other male impedimenta. When our parents weren’t home to catch us at it, me and my brother Jeff used to sneak the expressly-off-limits-for-us box from its hidey-hole and look at the medals, ribbons, citations, and such all the time. No idea what they were for or what might’ve became of them, I regret to say. Maybe Jeff ended up with ‘em, I dunno. I certainly hope so, anyway.

One of my dad’s most distressing Korean War stories was of a shot-to-shit F86-D that wobbled and staggered weakly over my dad’s base-camp area at under 500 feet, steadily losing altitude and airspeed until it finally gave up the ghost of powered flight altogether and augured into the side of a large hill/small mountain and caught fire. My father and a handful of his buddies raced over to see if they could rescue the pilot before he burned to death. Alas, when they arrived at the crash scene and pried the ex-Sabre’s canopy off, all that was left of the luckless aviator was, in Dad’s words, “just a bunch of red jelly” painted liberally all over the ejector seat, instrument panel, cockpit interior, and windscreen—at which gruesome tableau he and his buddies puked prodigiously. Then they all walked slowly, silently back to base-camp together, depressed to their very socks at having failed in their ill-starred rescue mission.

After the war-conversation ice had at last been broken between us once and for all, my father recounted this tragic event two or three more times, and without exception as the unhappy ending approached his eyes would puddle up, his hands would start to tremble, his face would redden, and his throat would constrict so badly that he could barely even croak out the words, so powerful was the effect they had on him. Knowing what I know now, I pray to God above that calmly, quietly discussing these shattering experiences with his firstborn son afforded him at least some surcease, however fleeting, from the never-ending anguish the memory of them brought. In Jesus’ name, I pray it. Things like this may be buried, but they can never truly be laid to rest.

Another tale, less grim and almost funny in a bleak sort of way, regards the afternoon a supply train pulled in to the base, parked up at a siding for unloading, and caught fire. Seeing the incipient conflagration, my pop led a small crew of four or five intrepid souls into one of the loaded boxcars and began unloading the cargo as quick as could be, without any inkling of what might be in the gnarly wooden crates they were pulling from the burning boxcar and dragging clear.

As it turned out, their mad dash to save the unknown-to-them cargo was one of the acts of soldierly heroism and derring-do my Dad received a medal for: the crates were full of Willie Pete, a/k/a White Phosphorous, a highly-flammable and volatile load that, by a miracle, didn’t explode and torch every last one of them. He said that, when the Captain informed them afterwards of what they had on their hands, praising the men for their bravery Above And Beyond etc and selflessness, he almost fainted dead away on the spot: his knees got weak, his eyes lost focus, his head started spinning, and if his friends’ faces were any indication, he went white as a fresh-bleached sheet. Laughingly, he said his fellow impromptu firefighting squad all later agreed on at least one thing: if they’d known beforehand that the boxcar was stacked floor to ceiling with crates of WP, they’d all have run as fast and as far as they could away from that damned train.

My Dad said his primary duty as a Chemical Corps PFC was running a flamethrower, still in widespread use during the Korean conflict. According to him, shooting his flamethrower was a heck of a lot of fun, he really liked it…until the not-so-frabjous day arrived when he had to torch live enemy soldiers for reals, which for him kinda took all the joy out of the whole backpack-napalm-squirter business. He found turning actual living, breathing people into charcoal briquets, soot, and drifting flakes of foul-smelling ash, regardless of enemy-combatant status, not nearly as diverting and/or satisfying as incinerating kitchen trash pits, practice range targets, termite mounds, bald Jeep tires, and assorted piles of useless junk had been. As those years-later frightmares would attest, he never got over the soul-searing horror of it.



Spencer rolls out a truly inspired idea.

Hey, How About Elon Musk As Speaker of the House?
Elon Musk just pulled the House of Representatives back from the brink of betraying the American people yet again and continuing to fund the out-of-control leviathan that is the federal government. So why not make him speaker of the House?

After all, Trump has tabbed Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to head up the new Department of Government Efficiency, which will be dedicated to cleaning up the government and stopping the wasteful spending that is a real pandemic in Washington. What better way to do that than by one of them becoming House speaker? That way, Musk or Ramaswamy would be in a perfect position to put a stop to the longstanding practice of passing these impossibly lengthy bills that no one who is voting for them could possibly have read and that contain all manner of poison pills that the American people would never have approved if these measures had been made subject to a referendum.

There was widespread discontent with the bill, which was marketed as a “Continuing Resolution” (CR) to keep the government going but actually contained all manner of pork. Before Johnson withdrew the bloated measure altogether, Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-Tex.) wrote on X: “I’m voting NO on the CR and much like the American people, I’m getting tired of governing this way. The federal government has become addicted to writing blank checks, not for voters, but for illegal immigrants, foreign countries, and, in some cases, even terrorist organizations. This is NOT acceptable.”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) agreed: “We got the 1,500+ page, not-so-clean CR late last night. There’s no way anyone is reading this whole thing that quickly. It’s longer than the average Bible, for goodness’ sake! This is the same tired trick Washington uses repeatedly to force reckless spending and wasteful government programs through Congress, forcing us to vote on bills before we even know what’s in them. IT HAS TO STOP!”

Yes, it does. But how? Hunt noted that “House Republicans were promised that the days of continuing resolutions would end in the 118th Congress. Yet here we are again, regifting the same tired excuses. How many times can Congress recycle the same broken promises and call it a solution?”

Indeed. It’s time for a radical new approach. So why not Musk or Ramaswamy as speaker of the House? The fact that neither of them are members of the House of Representatives is actually a mark in their favor, just as the fact that Donald Trump is not a career politician is a massive plus. Speaker Musk or Speaker Ramaswamy would not be beholden to any of the moneyed interests that seem to buy up members of Congress and senators with the greatest of ease and carry them around in their pockets like so many nickels and dimes.

To slightly misquote Kelly Bundy’s unabashedly lesbian cheerleading coach: I like it. I like it a LOT.



Gee, what a shocker. Nope, didn’t see this one coming, not a-TALL I didn’t.

Stop laughing, damn you.

James O’Keefe Releases Shocking Video of NSC Advisor Admitting Biden Is Far Worse Off Than We Know
James O’Keefe dropped an undercover video on Monday in which one of President Joe Biden’s National Security Council advisors explains that the cognitively declining president is far worse off than the public knows.

The video should not be shocking — given the countless number of times we’ve seen Biden’s brain malfunction, the confused president shake hands with the air or wander around aimless on a stage after he finishes speaking, and other clear signs that his dementia is rapidly progressing — but it is.

National Security Council (NSC) advisor Henry Appel spoke frankly about the current state of Biden’s deteriorating state, unaware that he was being filmed. Appel began with a shocking statement (emphasis, mine).

Joe Biden is, like, dead. Not literally. Like, he, like, can’t say a sentence,” admits Henry Appel, advisor at the National Security Council (NSC), about the current state of the President’s health. Appel, who works in the Intelligence Programs Directorate, noted his team’s responsibility for providing senior policymakers with top secrets, stating, “We give all of the senior policymakers all of the secrets.” 

He went on to describe Biden’s deteriorating communication skills as a concern, adding, “[Biden] can’t say a sentence.” Recalling a phone call in which the President struggled to understand the simple phrase, “novel phenomenon,” Appel shared “He [Biden] was just like, ‘What do you mean, like a book?’ when my boss [Jake Sullivan] used the word ‘novel.’”

It gets worse.

Oh, I’m sure it does at that. On the other hand, though, it’s not as if Slow Jaux ever was what anyone would call the sharpest knife in the drawer. In terms of mental acuity, comprehension, retention, and overall intelligence, he never had far to fall before landing with a sickening thud on Semi-Retarded. It would be extravagantly generous to say that the blibbering old crook has been an intellectual also-ran his whole life, lavishing unmerited praise on a man of decidedly sub-par mentality.

One look at Huntie says all one should ever need to know about precisely where his own less-than-whelming “smarts” came from. More, and worserer—and hilariouser—at the link.


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Vichy GOPe: Putative "Republicans" who talk a great game but never can seem to find a hill they consider worth dying on; Quislings, Petains, Benedicts, backstabbers, fake phony frauds

Fake Phony Fraud(s), S'faccim: two excellent descriptors coined by the late great WABC host Bob Grant which are interchangeable, both meaning as they do pretty much the same thing

Mordor On The Potomac: Washington, DC

The Enemy: shitlibs, Progtards, Leftards, Swamp critters, et al ad nauseum

Burn, Loot, Murder: what the misleading acronym BLM really stands for

pAntiFa: an alternative spelling of "fascist scum"

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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