The concealed core of the Deep State itself
Looks as if Trump, Musk, and Co have tripped ass-backwards over the Überstadt motherlode.
DOGE and the budget audit of doom
the commanding heights of the unravelling to comemeet the new boss, nothing whatsoever like the old boss.
not this time. maybe never again.
welcome to “dismantle leviathan” the fun new game that all the cool kids are playing.
i warned you about how these people were not going to act like the gormless opposition party of old. they will understand the system better than you do. and they’re going to tear it down.
DC is finally starting to see how much trouble it is in and people are freaking out. the moves are coming too fast for the news cycle to even keep up with. and DC has mostly already lost. all the high ground has been taken and now it’s just going to be about squeezing.
DOGE grabbed the OMB and the treasury payments system.
that’s it. lights out, game over.
from ukraine to climate science to NIH to 100 different agencies like USAID, money is being funneled everywhere and stolen in wholesale quantities.
USAID and who knows who else were all out meddling for decades in foreign elections. they have probably been meddling in ours.
suddenly, these agencies are losing their minds about “declassification efforts.”
it certainly does make on wonder: why were they classifying anything at all? wasn’t this supposed to be aid?
and DC is finally realizing how much trouble they are in and leviathan is shrilling in terror and rage, but it’s already way too late.
threads are exposed, they will be pulled, and this is going to, for the first time in generations, tear the covers off these boxes and let us see what’s inside. and it’s not gonna be pretty friends. i’m telling you point blank: however bad you fear this was – it’s worse.
the middle of the american overton is about to see that government is 80% money laundering and unaccountable tyranny and theft by weight.
More, much more at the link, every word of it seriously edifying reading. The predicament now being screeched about by scabrous vermin like Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, et al reminds me strongly of a fine old Dead Boys tune.
If, as has been said so very many times, the D卐M☭CRAT Party is in actual fact a criminal organization masquerading as a political party (PRO TIP: it is), then FederalGovCo itself is the officially-sanctioned analog of La Cosa Nostra, only one step higher up on the Big Government ladder, with more fingers in bigger pies grubbing for ever-greater power, wealth, and authority.
What fun it’s been since Jan 20, watching Trump and his wrecking crew turn over the Deep State rocks one after another and seeing the cockroaches underneath crawl for their very lives in abject terror of the simple, cleansing light of day.