MOAR persecution

The man literally saved NYC—I know, I was there, I watched him do it—and they’re never gonna forgive him for it.

Rudy Giuliani found in contempt of court — again — for defaming Georgia election workers
For the second time this week, a judge has found Rudy Giuliani in contempt of court in a case involving two Georgia election workers he baselessly claimed committed election fraud in 2020.

Washington, DC, federal Judge Beryl Howell sided with lawyers for Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman, finding that Giuliani violated the judge’s “unambiguous” prior ruling barring the former New York City Mayor from continuing to defame the two women, according to reporting by The Hill.

On Monday, a Manhattan federal judge similarly held Giuliani in contempt of court, on the grounds that he was trying to “run out the clock” to avoid paying Freeman and Moss a $148 million defamation verdict they won in 2023.

Howell chided Giuliani – President-elect Donald Trump’s one-time personal lawyer who was once regarded as “America’s Mayor” – for using his fame to tarnish the duo with “fabricated lies.”

“You’re the most famous person in this courtroom right now, you’ve got a bigger audience, you’ve got a bigger public following than anyone in this courtroom,” the judge said.

“I really hoped we were done,” the judge said.

Earlier, Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer for Moss and Freeman, told Howell they didn’t want to be back in court but said his clients just want “Mr. Giuliani to stop defaming them,” according to a report by NBC News.

He requested that Giuliani be fined $20,000 for every time he continued to defame the women even after Howell ordered an agreement promising he wouldn’t do so anymore. 

Gottlieb specifically requested that the fines come from money that has been deemed off-limits — including an IRA account.

Giuliani’s lawyer, Eden Quainton, claimed a $20,000 fine per violation would be “excessive.”

“Defamed” the two corpulent nigger “election” thieves? Told the God’s honest truth about ’em, more like. Something is rotten in the American “justice” system, and it stinks to high, high heaven.

Ted Goodman, Giuliani’s political advisor, claimed Giuliani wasn’t able to sufficiently defend himself in the original defamation suit.

“This contempt ruling is designed to prevent Mayor Giuliani from exercising his constitutional rights,” Goodman said.

Annnnd BINGO, nailed it in one.

Update! Meant to mention it before and let it get by me, but I have to say the endless, droning repetition of this “baseless” propaganda is really beginning to work my nerves. Good as they frequently are, as iconoclastic and against-the-grain as they’ve long prided themselves on being, one might expect the NY Post to do better than the wearisome, manifestly dishonest “baseless” canard. And yet.

“Baseless,” is it? CLUE TO THE CLUELESS: the evidence that the 2020 “election” was fraudulent stem to stern is voluminous, credible, and overwhelming. Anybody who claims not to know that at this late stage of the game is either 1) a fully-paid-up member of Team Steal; 2) not paying attention; 3) a hopeless imbecile; or 4) shouldn’t be allowed access to sharp objects, power tools, and/or heavy machinery unless under the close supervision of a competent, responsible adult.

PERsecution, not PROsecution

What an ugly, sordid mess.

Donald Trump will not go to jail or be put on probation for being convicted of 34 charges that never should have been brought against him by a prosecutor who could never articulate the criminal conduct that led to those charges and sentenced by a judge who claimed that Trump’s election put him above the law.

Partisan hatred and revenge drove this prosecution. Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, brought charges against Trump for falsifying his business records to hide payments made to pornstar Stormy Daniels. 

Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor. But in order to bump the charges up to a felony, Bragg claimed that the records were altered for political purposes and that Trump tried to hide the payments because they would have damaged him so severely that he would have lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“We allege falsification of business records to the end of keeping information away from the electorate,” Bragg said in a January 2024 interview with NY1. “It’s an election interference case.”

The business records that Bragg said Trump altered to get elected were dated from Feb. 14, 2017, to Dec. 5, 2017. That’s right. Bragg was making the case that the falsified records allowed Trump to defeat Clinton after the election was already held and Trump was in the White House.

Did that stop the media from claiming that Trump “interfered” with the election?

Of course it didn’t. That’s why doing anything other than just shooting them in the fucking face outright, in job lots, is a complete waste of time. It’s something dumb fucks like Boehner, Romney, Juanny Mav, et al never seem able to grok: no matter how much or how long you try to make nice with Progtards, they will always, always, ALWAYS turn around and bite you the instant they think it will help them advance Teh Agenda. If they’re going to do that—and they are, every single time, no matter what—then why bother trying to make nice with them at all? It wastes your time and annoys the pig, as the old admonitory joke goes.


Insurrection v2.0: It’s different when THEY do it

It’s all bullshit, of course, albeit fairly entertaining bullshit.

The Left Is Pushing Congress for an Insurrection on Jan. 6, 2025
Remember how Democrats were outraged — Outraged! — that some Republicans objected to the counting of the Electoral College votes back in 2021 over concerns that voter fraud tipped the election results to Joe Biden in key battleground states? The very idea of disputing the election results was seen as blasphemy and anti-democratic.

Yet the left is once again pushing for Congress to block Donald Trump from taking office, despite his overwhelming victory in 2024.

Evan Davis, the former editor-in-chief of the Columbia Law Review, and David Schulte, the former editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal, argue in a joint column in The Hill that Congress not only has the power to block Trump from taking office but should.

Their column doesn’t cover much new ground. It references Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies individuals who have engaged in insurrection from holding office, despite the fact that Trump did no such thing. Heck, he hasn’t even been charged with such an offense, and when you consider the fact that rogue left-wing prosecutors have charged him with all sorts of made-up crimes, that says something.

Disqualification is based on insurrection against the Constitution and not the government. The evidence of Donald Trump’s engaging in such insurrection is overwhelming. The matter has been decided in three separate forums, two of which were fully contested with the active participation of Trump’s counsel.

The first fully contested proceeding was Trump’s second impeachment trial. On Jan. 13, 2021, then-President Trump was impeached for “incitement of insurrection.” At the trial in the Senate, seven Republicans joined all Democrats to provide a majority for conviction but failed to reach the two-thirds vote required for removal from office. Inciting insurrection encompasses “engaging in insurrection” against the Constitution “or giving aid and comfort to the enemies thereof,” the grounds for disqualification specified in Section 3.

Davis and Schulte also cite the Colorado judicial hearing where a partisan court found Trump to have engaged in insurrection, which the U.S. Supreme Court eventually overturned. They really jump through a lot of hoops to give the appearance of a solid legal foundation for their argument.

Not only is the foundation of their argument weak, but they’re relying on partisan cases that all failed. They’re calling on Democrats to do exactly what was once considered an unprecedented attack on democracy, which not only undermined the will of the voters but also subverted the entire electoral process. The authors insist that it’s not okay to have doubts about an election where the Democrat was declared the victor, yet it is more than okay to use bogus arguments to prevent a Republican from taking office.

Then BRING IT, shitlib stupes. If you lackwits truly do want a Civil War v2.0—which to all appearances you do, you pus-nutted skinbags—I can’t think of a more sure-fire way of setting the already-short fuse on that particular powderkeg alight than something along these lines. Beats a book of those flimsy cardboard Diamond matches all to Hell and gone; half the time you can’t get so much as a feeble spark from those useless things anyhow, even when you try to strike two or three of ‘em in one go. As I’ve grown fond of saying re gun confiscation, stop running your fat, dried-semen-encrusted yaps and just DO IT awready.

Lord knows there’s no point whatsoever in trying to talk to people who flatly refuse to listen, hold Our Side in contempt, and deeply loathe not just We The People but everything we stand for as well. From what I’m seeing and hearing more and more of with every passing day, there’s a surprisingly substantial and steadily growing contingent of rough and ready, well-equipped, fed-up-to-the-eyeteeth Real Americans out there who very much look forward to stacking shitlib corpses like cordwood and just be done with the whole sorry mess.

And in light of all the hateful, hurtful things that have been done to and said of those true-blue Americans over the past five-ten years, the vile insults and predations they’ve had to endure and somehow bear up under, who can blame them for the fiery rage in their burning hearts? For the implacable desire to see themselves and their compatriots avenged at long, long last deeply inculcated in them by their uncaring tormentors?

They have had their rights and liberties rescinded, their dignity besmirched, their self-respect defiled. Their religious beliefs have been ridiculed as the ignorant superstition of grunting, knuckledragging primitives, the Deity they devoutly worship derided as “their nonexistent Sky God.” Their children have been taught to despise them and all their works as fiendish transgressions against Nature itself, self-evidently inferior to the myriad achievements of the self-proclaimed Enlightened. Their culture has been undermined, their values and traditions denounced as unjust and ill-intentioned, the uniquely successful society they and their forebears laboriously built over many generations rejected out of hand as exploitive, wasteful, and “unsustainable.”

And to cap it all off, they must now look on in stunned disbelief as their avowed enemies use the selfsame Constitution those enemies have for years griped was an archaic product of a less-civilized era, incomprehensibly written by a bunch of poorly-educated, overly wealthy male(!) slave owners(!!) in powdered wigs(!!!)—good enough for those lunkheads, perhaps, but completely irrelevant and inapplicable to our more advanced, modern world—for the purpose of unseating a duly-reelected President they don’t happen to like, against the clearly-expressed will of Serf Class oafs who have gotten above themselves and badly need to be reminded of their proper station by their self-proclaimed Betters.

Reluctant though I am to have to say such a terrible thing, as time ticks ever onwards the Hobbesian bellum omnium contra omnes looks more and more inevitable. So let’s get it the fuck on for reals, then. We’ll see how it works out for ‘em when all’s said and done.

Update! Always remember: just because the Left has been resoundingly defeated does NOT mean that they can be expected to give up, give in, or reconsider their lunatic positions. Far from it, it’s just not in their nature. For more on this, I refer you to Mike’s Iron Laws nos 873 and 24.

Oh, and speaking of resounding defeats, you just gotta love this:

Since Trump was successfully certified as the winner yesterday, I wanted to post something that I found humorous. The left was making all kinds of noise about an end run around the electoral college by signing on to the interstate compact, which is a deal cut between the leftie states that they will award their electoral votes to the candidate that wins the national popular vote. The compact goes into effect once the states signing on to it are equal to more than 209 electoral votes, so they aren’t quite there yet.

Had that compact been enacted, the electoral vote would have been the largest landslide in American history. The only state that went for Harris and was not a part of the compact was New Hampshire and its 4 electoral votes.

This means that Trump would have won by a margin of 534 to 4, or 99.25% of the total number of electoral votes.

I just can’t stop laughing over Divemedic’s last line, it’s too much. As I always say, some of us live and learn, then some of us just live, and never learn.


Ask a stupid question

Get an obvious answer.

Could the Feds Have Been Involved in the New Orleans Jihad Massacre?
Would they do such a thing?

Robert, Robert, Robert. You know the answer to that as well as I do, as well as everybody who’s been paying any attention at all does: OF COURSE they would. And, y’know, did, in all likelihood.

Trust in our government has lowered to the point that some people are suggesting that the New Orleans jihad massacre was aided and abetted, or even concocted, by the feds in order to stir up unrest as Trump prepares to return to the presidency, or to create a pretext for some other action. Some of those who are making suggestions of this kind, such as Candace Owens, just want to find some plausible way to blame Jews, or to claim that it’s all in the service of trying to get the U.S. involved in a war in the Middle East on behalf of Israel. Those types, including Owens herself, tend to downplay or deny outright the reality of Islamic jihad, preferring to see virtually all the workings of the wide world as the puppet show of the all-powerful and ever-unseen Zionists. Still, would the feds really get involved in a jihad plot to kill Americans? Sure.

No one really knows for sure, except the conspirators, if there are any, whether or not the feds are involved. And jihad is real, as the news out of Africa, Asia and Europe shows daily. Still, the question must be asked: would the feds really aid and abet a jihad terror attack? Have they really become that corrupt and compromised? And the answer is: yes. Of course they would, and yes, they’re that corrupt. The evidence for this fact lies in their behavior at the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest that Pamela Geller and I organized in May, 2015.

The Daily Beast wrote in August 2016 about how this undercover FBI agent encouraged the jihadis. The Beast’s Katie Zavadski wrote: “Days before an ISIS sympathizer attacked a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, he received a text from an undercover FBI agent. ‘Tear up Texas,’ the agent messaged Elton Simpson days before he opened fire at the Draw Muhammad event, according to an affidavit (pdf) filed in federal court Thursday.”

This was not entrapment. Simpson and his partner Nadir Soofiwere determined jihadis who had scouted out other targets. Simpson, along with Soofi and another jihadi, Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, who supplied weapons to the pair and helped train them, sought information about pipe bombs and plotted to attack the Super Bowl, and planned to go to Syria to join the Islamic State (ISIS), long before anyone told him to “tear up Texas.”

But what was the FBI’s game in telling them to do that? Why didn’t they have a phalanx of agents in place, ready to stop the attack? Or did they want the attack to succeed, so that Barack Obama’s vow that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” would be vividly illustrated, and intimidate any other Americans who might be contemplating defending the freedom of speech into silence?

We twice asked the FBI for an investigation into this matter. They ignored us, of course.

One mo’ time ag’in: OF COURSE they did. Anybody surprised by that at this late date is a pluperfect five-star fucking moron.


Woke is dead, you say?

Wouldn’t it be nice to think so. BUT.

Tufts University offering ‘Transcestors’ course next semester
Two concepts for the course will be trans oppression and trans erasure. Other things included in the course description are book bans, transgender-identifying people playing in sports, and “access to trans-related healthcare.”

Tufts University is offering students a chance to study transgender-identifying persons throughout history in a course called “Transcestors: Trans History, Narrative & Influence” next semester.

According to the description, the course will prompt students with questions such as “How have transgender people been systematically misused, misunderstood, co-opted, and erased throughout history?”

“Erased.” At this point, I wouldn’t mind seeing some erasure, as opposed to the high-flow shower of shite we’ve been forced to stand under of late.

The description continues to provide the premise of the course which will include the oppression of transgender-identifying people and so-called trans erasure.

“In this course, we’ll look at several notable examples of trans existence throughout time and place, their relative oppressions, and how these situations have altered cis perceptions of trans people in the modern day,” it says.

“We’ll additionally look at how these erasures of history have influenced the current mass markets of entertainment (including literature, movies, sitcoms, and stand-up comedy), the deliberate attacks on U.S. trans rights over the past decade (such as book bans, participation in sports, and access to trans-related healthcare), and the impact of these attacks on cis people alongside trans people,” it continues.

Milo Todd is the listed professor for the class. He is the “co-editor-in-chief at Foglifter Journal, runs The Queer Writer newsletter, and teaches creative writing primarily to queer and trans adults.”

“Primarily,” is it? Gee, I dunno, sounds like anti-heterosexual bigotry and exclusion based on sexual orientation to me—heterophobia, even. And just like that an idea for a meme pops into mind, text as follows: YOUR mental disorder does not constitute sufficient grounds for MY compulsory endorsement of it.

The rest of the linked article is chock-a-block with Mark 1-Mod 0 Progtard gobbledygook, such as “alchemical hermaphrodites,” “genderfluid angels,” “trans saints,” and “genderqueer monks.” Whatever the hell that other-worldly bafflegab is supposed to denote.

If the Woke mind-virus really is in its terminal stages—a dubious proposition at best, knowing as we do that the Left never gives in, never gives up, never reconsiders, and never moderates its stance—it only stands to reason that the over-ballyhooed Academy would be its very last bastion. While the putative Right has yet to find a hill it believes is worth dying on, for The Enemy EVERY hill is. Which patient, singleminded focus on the long-term objective goes far to explain how they managed to steal our country from us in the first goddamned place.

Update! As promised/threatened, she be done.



Oh no wait, hold on, that was actually…ummm…uhhh…uhhhhh….

*clears throat nervously*

*sound of paper shuffling, rattling*

*cough cough*

Never mind. As you were, Crackpot Rightists and shitlib idiots.

Sympathy for the devil

Gee, wonder why his grandson turned out to be the oxygen-thieving little predator he was. Why, one might almost conclude that Grampa’s attitude might have been the REAL problem whence the whole mishegas derived.

Still Baffling: AR-15 Provides Homeowners with Unfair Advantage Over Intruders?
Sometimes in researching stories to share with TTAG’s audience you come across an old one that still makes you shake your head. Sometimes you come across an old one that makes you shake your head so much you just have to share it. After all these years, what this grandfather says, in spite of his obvious grief, is still a head scratcher. So here’s the story:

Years ago, Massad Ayoob once told me, “In a fight for your life, if it’s a fair fight, your tactics suck.” Like many of us, I’ve heard (and used) that same expression countless times. However, a grandfather in Oklahoma apparently thought it should be a fair fight between home invaders like his grandson and innocent homeowners.

Leroy Schumacher told media outlets that the homeowner’s use of an AR-15 gave him an “unfair advantage” against the gaggle of armed thugs who broke into his home. In the end, three of the thugs assumed room temperature.

Don’t you love it when the family members of violent criminals speak out to the media, trying to paint their misguided scholar kin as the true victims.

Grandpa Schumacher brought a big shovel to continue diggin’.

“What these three boys did was stupid,” said Leroy Schumacher.

Schumacher agrees his grandson and his friends made a bad decision, but not one worthy of deadly consequences.

“They knew they could be punished for it but they did not deserve to die,” said Schumacher.

Schumacher says his grandson didn’t have a chance. The 17-year old, he says, never got into trouble.

“Brass knuckles against an AR-15, come on, who was afraid for their life,” Schumacher told the station at the time.

Don’t give a shit, Gramps. Your worthless spawn, happily for all of his future intended victims, has now assumed room temperature, so who was or was not “afraid for their life” is no longer relevant. “Unfair”? Cry me a river, asswipe; your precious “good boy” is dead purely because he made the fatal mistake of breaking into the wrong house, no other reason. If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime, as the old saying goes. May he, his hapless partners, and especially you, burn in Hell for a thousand years—a lengthy stretch which should afford the whole sorry lot of you ample time to figure it out for yourselves.

Bottom line, the stupid wannabe-thug brought brass knuckles to a gunfight. The most satisfying part of this story would have to be its decidedly happy ending (bold mine):

Authorities didn’t agree with Schumacher’s sentiments, however, and Zach Peters was not charged with any crimes because police say he acted in self-defense. Schumacher was not convinced that the shooting was justified, though, and reiterated his belief that the consequences didn’t fit the crime. “There’s got to be a limit to that law, I mean he shot all three of them — there was no need for that,” he said.

No, he should’ve probably just shot one of them and hoped the others ran off instead of taking charging at him and using his own gun to kill him. You can’t make this stuff up!

To think those three teens apparently committed that violent home invasion under the leadership of their criminal mastermind friend Elizabeth Rodriguez, who eventually pled guilty to reduced charges and was sentenced to 45 years for each of her criminal partners killed. All three sentences were to be servied concurrently. As for her associates Jacob Redfearn, Jake Woodruff and Max Cook, they will for eternity pay the price for a very stupid decision that they learned too late has very real, long-term consequences. While this incident took place in 2017, it’s a lesson that is still valid today.

You don’t go in a person’s home unless invited. It’s as simple as that.

Annnnd BINGO! ‘Nuff said.

Grandpa’s grief is of course understandable. Which only makes it all the more crucial that the arrant horseshit said grief has led him to espouse be quashed immediately and vehemently, lest such destructive “thinking” gain a toehold via misplaced sympathy and metastasize throughout society entire, to all our great detriment. Decent folks tolerate nonsense like this at their own dire peril. Denounce it or die, sayeth I.

Final positive aspect? Just this: Grampa’s inept thug of a grandson and his criminal ex-confreres will never break into someone else’s house with intent to victimize a homeowner guilty only of minding his own business again, guar-on-TEED. Curmudgeon nonpareil HL Mencken, a/k/a the Sage of Baltimore, expressed the core principle thusly: “Hanging one scoundrel, it appears, does not deter the next. Well, what of it? The first one is at least disposed of.” A-fuggin’ MEN, podnah.

Off-topic update! Speaking of happy endings, MarsEdit 5.3 is still choogling merrily away, to my tremendous relief. YAAAAY!

ON-topic update! Via Lakeside Joe: Another lesson learned too late, another goblin DRT.

Florida Man Shoots at Two Migrants in Alleged Home Invasion, One Died
A Florida homeowner shot at two migrants who allegedly broke into his home Thursday night. One of the migrants, a Mexican national, died from multiple gunshot wounds.

Manatee County Sheriff Rick Wells told reporters his deputies responded to a call about a shooting connected to an alleged home invasion burglary. The homeowner said his home surveillance camera alerted him to the two masked men who were about to break into his home, Fox 13 reported.

“He [the homeowner] knew something bad was about to happen, and he didn’t stall. He grabbed his firearm, told his wife to get into a safe spot,” the sheriff said. “This is the state of Florida. If you want to break into someone’s home, you should expect to be shot.”

The homeowner reportedly told his wife to find a safe place in the house as he grabbed his firearm to defend his home and family. Florida is a Castle Doctrine state that allows a homeowner to use deadly force to defend himself or others.

Bold mine again, and utterly delightful.

The Great State Of Florida and a handful of other localities notwithstanding, it shows how very far shitlibs have dragged the Overton window towards Leftist tyranny, that the once nearly universal assumption that defending the sanctity of one’s home and the safety of one’s family using deadly force was reasonable and appropriate—in fact, was every self-respecting Man of the House’s solemn duty—should now be questionable, even outrageous, for a great many so-called “Americans.”

Time was, getting shot and/or killed was held to be an occupational hazard for housebreakers, thieves, and other such vermin, far from being unheard of; even said vermin realized that the longer he plied his nefarious trade, his odds of being shot would rise from “Highly Likely” all the way up to “Dead Certain.” The idea that a law-abiding citizen would someday be arrested, tried, and incarcerated for the “crime” of ventilating a marauding armed robber or robbers would have drawn gales of scornful laughter from all and sundry in those days—preposterous, absurd, manifestly Unpossible© here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

Today, alas, this upending of the very concept of Law And Order itself is taken as read, a given. Even amongst 2A absolutists, the too-real prospect of imprisonment, persecution, and personal ruin based on the most threadbare pretext—when The Enemy bothers to justify Himself at all, mind—is now accepted as the stuff of everyday life in Amerika v2.0. Again with the Eternal Truth: no matter how much you hate Them, you don’t hate Them enough.

All in all, the newly-controversial God-given right to effectively defend one’s home, loved ones, belongings, and bodily self is yet another Founding principle which has been flung down and danced upon by the Leftist wrecking crew. Having grown up in a very different America than the one I see all around me in my dotage—its exact opposite, in fact; the Disney-reboot version of it, written, produced, and directed by Bearded Spock—I can only wonder how the hell it ever came to this. We’ve come a long way, baby—every step of it in precisely the wrong direction.


Short eyes

She spells it right out, and it’s funnier’n all hell.

That appears to be noted video game expert, ReichWingNaziDeathBeastXtian raconteur, self-proclaimed Carnivore, and all-round troublemaker Melonie Mac, a pulchritudinous young lass who—at least from the looks of her X/Twitter feed—pulls no punches, not one, not ever. Via our friend Phil, who says:

Saying out loud what everybody else has been thinking for the last 5 years.

Pretty much, yup. FULL DISCLOSURE: As I keep insisting re ((((Dem pesky JooJooJooJOOOOOZ!!!))), I have no problem whatever with gays qua gays, never have had. My problem is exclusively and entirely with the strident, in-your-face shitlib variety, for whom I have no use at all.

I assume that, towards the end of Melonie’s rant when she mentions “homos buying children,” she’s referring to this godawful news item.

Gay couple who showed off picture-perfect family gets 100 years in prison for horrific rape of adopted sons
A gay Georgia couple convicted of sickening sexually abuse of their two adopted sons will spend the rest of the lives behind bars.

William and Zachary Zulock, 34 and 36, were each sentenced last week to 100 years in prison without the possibility of parole, the Walton County District Attorney’s office announced.

“These two Defendants truly created a house of horrors and put their extremely dark desires above everything and everyone else,” said District Attorney Randy McGinley, according to WSB-TV.

The couple raised them under the guise of a happy home in an affluent Atlanta suburb.

But their supposedly picture-perfect life — Zachary worked in banking and William was a government employee — held a dark secret.

The couple were regularly forcing the boys to have sex with them, and would film the abuse to make pedophilic pornography.

Evidence showed they even bragged about the abuse to twisted friends, with one telling police Zachary once sent a Snapchat message reading “I’m going to f–k my son tonight. Stand by,” along with images of the boy being abused.

And they allegedly used social media to pimp the boys out to at least two men in a depraved local pedophile sex ring.

Sick fucks. Good luck in prison, freaks, God knows you’re gonna need plenty and to spare of it. From what various hardcore recidivist bikers have given me to understand over the years, you Short Eyes types tend to have it extremely rough on the inside.


Rueful Teixeira

Yes, he’s a lifelong D卐M☭CRAT, but he nonetheless does seem to have at least some sense—against all odds, expectations, and precedent.

Voters Sent Democrats a Clear Message. They Don’t Want to Hear It.
Many senior Democrats have decided to ignore the fact that the party is out of touch on a range of cultural issues like race, gender, and immigration.

In the wake of the Democrats’ drubbing at the hands of Donald Trump and the GOP, you’d assume the party would be all-in on a fundamental rethink, starting with some serious soul-searching on how the party came to be so out of sync with the majority of America on key cultural questions.

Questions like: Is America a “white supremacist” society? Is it racist to question levels of immigration? Are citing one’s personal pronouns necessary? Is anyone who questions the differences between trans women from biological women a bigot who should be expunged from polite society? For each of these questions, the answer for the overwhelming majority of Americans is an obvious no. But in elite Democratic circles, it’s a different story. For a party pondering its unpopularity, you might think that this gap would be a good place to start.

Well, if the six weeks since the election is anything to go by, you’d be wrong. Instead, much of the party is maneuvering to change as little as possible on the cultural front. Why? Because many of today’s Democrats are culture denialists. That is, they do not consider cultural issues to be real issues. Instead, they see them as fictions, distractions, or expressions of bigotry that are to be opposed, not indulged.

Consider Greg Casar, the new chair of the powerful Congressional Progressive Caucus. In a recent interview with NBC News, Casar urged the Democrats to “re-emphasize core economic issues every time some of these cultural war issues are brought up.” He said that “when we hear Republicans attacking queer Americans again, I think the progressive response needs to be that a trans person didn’t deny your health insurance claim, a big corporation did—with Republican help.” Casar said that “the Republican Party obsession” with culture war issues is “driven by Republicans’ desire to distract voters and have them look away while Republicans pick their pocket.”

Massachusetts Democratic representative Jim McGovern echoed Casar’s thoughts recently with this rhetoric about Republicans: “They want to blame trans people? Guess what? Trans people aren’t the ones raising people’s grocery prices. Big corporations are.” Republicans, he added, “want to blame immigrants…Immigrants aren’t the ones denying health insurance claims…it’s the billion-dollar insurance companies that do that.”

Get it? These aren’t real issues. They’re just distractions ginned up by Republicans for nefarious political purposes. The logical conclusion of this argument is that Democrats don’t need to actually change their position on any “culture war” issue. Instead, they just need to change the subject and talk about mustache-twirling corporate villains.

If the Democrats’ liability on a range of cultural issues is so clear, why do so many party members refuse to admit the obvious problem?

Part of the answer is a fear of “the groups”—the advocacy nonprofits that push so many of these radical policies. (Harris stated her support for public funding for transgender surgeries for undocumented immigrants in an ACLU survey in 2019.) Point out the obvious, and you will face an onslaught of criticism from the groups and their allies across social and mainstream media, foundations, academia, think tanks, and within the Democratic Party infrastructure itself.

But the issue goes deeper than fear. Far too many Democrats simply believe they are on the “right side of history” when it comes to policies around immigration, crime, race, and trans issues.

This mistaken assumption has been a disaster for the party. Voters overwhelmingly believe illegal immigration is wrong and should be deterred—not indulged. They believe crimes should be punished and public safety is sacrosanct. They believe, like Martin Luther King Jr., that people should “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” and therefore oppose discrimination on the basis of race no matter who benefits from that discrimination. They believe biological sex is real, that spaces limited to biological women in areas like sports and prisons should be preserved, and that medical treatments like drugs and surgery are serious interventions that should not be available simply on the basis of declared gender identity, especially for children.

These issues reflect deeply held beliefs and values and are vitally important to ordinary voters, especially working-class voters. They are not distractions, or fake issues, or nonfactors in the election. So far, even the screamingly obvious implications of this last election have not been enough to shock the party out of its denialist torpor. Until they wake up, Democrats are doomed to repeat the mistakes of 2024.

Doomed they certainly should be. But even that doesn’t go far enough. In the final analysis, the criminal organization masquerading as a political party known as the D卐M☭CRATs of right ought to be outlawed and demolished, until not one party-HQ brick is left standing upon another. Over many years, the feckless sewer-crawlers have willfully forsaken all contact with reason, rationality, and even reality itself. Call it end-stage Leftism if you will, because that’s precisely what it is.

That being so, the D卐M☭CRAT “Party” no longer has any rightful place amongst decent, upright, and somewhat-free people. No longer can they lay claim to being “the loyal opposition,” except in jest; assuming that they ever were, it’s plain that they are no such thing now. They are truly, literally, and indisputably The Enemy©—deceitful, dangerous, depraved, and demented. Continued toleration of their existence as a national organization amounts to a serious blot on the American escutcheon.

Their ultimate goal, openly and boastfully professed instead of the studiously-kept secret it was until recently, is nothing short of the utter destruction of absolutely anything and everything that Real Americans have historically believed, reverenced, and held dear:

  • Patriotism
  • Religious faith
  • Individual self-determination
  • At least the possibility of prosperity and success
  • The work ethic
  • Property ownership
  • The traditional middle-American lifestyle
  • The nuclear family

All of these things and many, many more are now on the D卐M☭CRAT chopping block, awaiting the fall of the fearful knife. Which in turn means that the D卐M☭CRATs themselves must be destroyed utterly, at the very least, if only out of self-preservation.

As with termites—the insects, not the bipedal variety—our present-day D卐M☭CRAT infestation cannot be allowed to run riot throughout the joint, lest the House Of Liberty come crumbling down in ruin beyond hope of repair. Unpleasant as the prospect is, we have before us a strictly binary solution set: either exterminate them, or BE exterminated. Me for calling the Orkin Man straightaway, but as always YMMV.

Update! Almost forgot to include the blog-standard (heh; see what I did there? I slay me) “Via…” link-back credit, which goes to Ace, who piles on thusly:

They’re in such a (Satanic) religious fervor now, and they are so ruthless in attacking and shaming and cancelling any heretics who question current cult doctrine, that they might not ever be able to moderate. The entire party might just have to collapse and be replaced by an emergent alternate-liberal party.

Indeed. Here’s hoping for at least that if not a great deal more, and worse (for them).

Requiem for a twatwaffle

The esteemed Robert Spencer offers a few graveside remarks.

Bye Bye Wray
Having completed the destruction of the FBI, the Bureau Director leaves the stage.

Christopher Wray might not be the worst director in the history of the FBI. After all, there was James Comey, and before him Robert Mueller. Wray, however, who finally resigned on Wednesday, completed the work that Mueller and Comey began: he oversaw the total politicization of the FBI, and its transformation from a respected law enforcement agency into an American Gestapo, a tool of partisan politics that the Biden-Harris regime wielded like a club against its political enemies, real and imagined. Christopher Wray will not be missed. The question that he leaves in his wake is whether the damage he has done can be undone, and the FBI restored, or if the whole agency should simply be shut down.

While Christopher Wray was director of the FBI, agents of his crooked agency stormed Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and scrutinized Melania Trump’s clothes closet for classified information. This was the first time in American history that a sitting president had weaponized the FBI against a political opponent, and Wray uttered not a public word about how the Federal Bureau of Investigation was becoming the Democrat Bureau of Lawfare and Harassment.

Trump wasn’t the only victim, either. The Biden-Harris regime sicced Wray’s feds on angry parents protesting at school board meetings, worked with Twitter and other social media giants to silence and deplatform people with opposing views, and even sent spies into Catholic churches.

This is the legacy of Christopher Wray. And while all that was happening, Wray repeatedly insisted that “insurrectionists” and the “white supremacists” constituted the greatest terror threat the nation faces today. Not Islamic jihadists. Certainly not criminals crossing the open border and roaming free inside the United States. Wray’s ridiculous claims about “white supremacist terrorists,” as well as the agency’s focus on Jan. 6 “insurrectionists,” were a thinly veiled attempt to criminalize and destroy all political opposition to the Biden regime in the U.S.

Can Donald Trump undo what Christopher Wray and his predecessors have done? It will be extraordinarily difficult. Trump has appointed Kash Patel to succeed Wray, and that’s a decisive step in the right direction. Back in August, Patel was asked what he would do if he did become the director of the FBI, and his answer was pure gold.

“One of my biggest personal recommendations,” Patel said, “is you shut down the FBI headquarters building and open it up the next day as the Museum of the Deep State, and you send those 7000 agents in the headquarters building down range to chase down rapists, to chase down murderers, to chase down drug traffickers and let the cops be cops on the streets across America. You keep a small contingent in Washington, D.C. That’s step one.”

Now Kash Patel has a chance to clean one of the filthiest of Augean Stables in Washington. All patriotic Americans should hope and pray that he succeeds. But virtually every agent who is in the FBI now will be resisting everything he does, and trying to prevent him from succeeding. For years now, patriotic agents have been forced into early retirement or given up in disgust. They’ve been replaced by partisan hacks who are happy to be tools of this ersatz American Stasi.

Read the rest, it’s truly good albeit deeply depressing stuff. Via Ace, Spencer’s words regarding resistance among the FBI rank and file are looking quite prophetic.

Christopher Wray Is Preparing to Sabotage Trump and Patel
If you assumed Christopher Wray’s resignation meant a quiet exit, think again. Reports suggest Wray is actively promoting loyalists within the bureau, embedding establishment figures even deeper into the FBI. The move appears to be a calculated effort to sabotage Kash Patel’s expected plans to overhaul the agency and implement meaningful reforms at the nation’s top law enforcement institution.

Sources within the bureau said Mr. Wray has begun promoting employees among the senior executive service, those who serve within the bureau’s leadership. These sources described this as an effort to burrow establishment figures deeper within the FBI.

Sources said a plan is being formulated to delay the new FBI director’s entry into the agency for three to four months.

Given the FBI’s tense history with Mr. Trump since the 2016 presidential campaign, such a strategy is risky.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen efforts to “Trump-proof” federal agencies. In fact, reports from August revealed that the Biden-Harris administration had utilized a little-known hiring mechanism to strategically place personnel in key divisions of the Department of Justice ahead of the 2024 election. The apparent goal was to shield the department from any future attempts at reform under a potential Trump administration.

Anybody at all surprised by these revoltin’ developments…shouldn’t be. Wray was just about the worst of a whole slew of bad Trump picks the first time out. To his credit, he seems to have learned from those mistakes, thank goodness.


Of first shots…and LAST ones

As I’ve said here so very many times before, it’s time and way past time that Real Americans started shooting back.

The ‘Tolerant’ Left Sure Does Like Assassinations
A manifesto recovered from the alleged shooter of UnitedHeathCare CEO Brian Thompson says that “These parasites had it coming” and “I do apologize for any strife and trauma, but it had to be done.”

This is music to the ears of many on the left, who cheered when they learned that Thompson had been gunned down and are treating the shooter as some sort of folk hero.

“Social media users have sometimes outright gloated at the killing,” is how The Hill put it, describing it as an expression of “populist rage” and then spending the rest of the article trying to obliquely pin the blame on Donald Trump.

The Atlantic dismissed the “mockery and disdain” of the cold-blooded murder as an “expression of widespread fury at a broken system.”

Former Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz reposted an article about how Blue Cross Blue Shield will no longer cover anesthesia for the full length of some surgeries, adding, “And people wonder why we want these executives dead.”

“Saturday Night Live” joked that “it really says something about America that a guy was murdered in cold blood and the two main reactions were, ‘Yeah, well health care stinks!’ And also, ‘Girl, that shooter hot.’ “

If this reminds you of anything it should. Because the same cast of miscreants cheered the would-be assassin of Donald Trump as well.

In fact, the only problem they could find was that the shooter’s aim was off.

S’truth. A great old Tolkien quote springs immediately to mind yet again.

“It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two, Master Warden,” answered Éowyn. “And those who have not swords can still die upon them.”

Wise words indeed from the White Lady of Rohan, that wild shield-maiden of the North—a warning, a reminder, and a bit of highly useful advice, all in one poignant, unforgettable statement.

In case y’all hadn’t noticed as of yet, the long-dreaded Civil War v2.0 started a goodish while back. It’s just that so far, only one side seems at all interested in actually prosecuting the damned thing. Another good ‘un from LOTR:

You won’t rescue Lotho, or the Shire, just by being shocked and sad, my dear Frodo.

Indeed not, I’m afraid.


It ain’t over till it’s over

Not that it matters one whit to the Uniparty swine intent on smearing a good and decent man, thereby forcing Trump to withdraw him from consideration for the SecDef post. Nothing personal, y’unnerstand, it’s just how the DC game is played nowadays.

Hegseth left veterans group post voluntarily, wasn’t ousted over drinking, misconduct: Trustee letter
A former trustee confirmed that Pete Hegseth “voluntarily resigned” as president of a veterans advocacy group in 2016, according to a copy of a letter exclusively obtained by The Post, denying recent allegations that the defense secretary-designee was forced out due to alcohol abuse, sexual impropriety and financial mismanagement.

Concerned Veterans for America trustee Randy Lair in a Jan. 16, 2016, missive wrote that “it was important to set the record straight given what appears to be a very personal attack against Pete and his military service.”

“The truth is Pete resigned his position as CEO of Concerned Veterans for America as a result of a difference of opinion as to the future of the organization and so that he could focus on other endeavors, including his relationship with Fox News,” Lair said.

“Pete was not terminated by the organization and, in fact, we at CVA worked with him through this difficult decision and mutually agreed the end of 2015 was the best timing for both parties,” he added.

The CVA letter was meant to address an “unsolicited email” that had been forwarded to Fox News that included “a very personal attack against Pete and his military service.”

It also appears to directly contradict a whistleblower report and other allegations from Hegseth’s tenure at CVA published Sunday by the New Yorker, in which ex-employees alleged the former vets group president had abused funds and been “totally sloshed” at several of the organization’s events.

Sean Parnell, a former senior adviser at CVA, told The Post on Tuesday that the characterizations in the email and by the whistleblower report included in the piece were totally false and “not reflective” of the Army vet who worked with.

“If you read that article, I mean, I think you come away thinking that CVA was some sort of slush fund for parties or something — and nothing could be further from the truth,” Parnell said.

The ex-CVA adviser added that Hegseth never mismanaged funding but rather disagreed with the organization’s more war hawkish donor base, as he came to embrace President-elect Donald Trump’s more isolationist foreign policy stance.

Whaaa…you mean to tell me this Hegseth affliction is NOT on board with the military/industrial/political complex’s preference for an endless succession of forever wars in which there is no discernible national interest nor even the slightest intention of just winning the damned things? Why, the very idea!

Worse yet, Hegseth’s reckless disregard for the usual order of things could seriously impede the flow of the taxpayer-money spigot; despoil the prestige of the Perfumed Princes of the Potomac Puzzle Palace; and leave the whole sorry lot of Blue Falcons, inside-the-wire FOBbits, and/or REMFs looking like the skulking, scheming, Participation Medal-bedecked pig-in-a-poke pedlars they so truly are.

Why, the dirty rotten BASTARD!

To his own enormous credit, Punch ‘Em Pete appears to know the score forwards, backwards, sideways, and down.

Trump’s pick for the top Pentagon spot is not backing down either, posting on X Wednesday morning that he’s “doing this for the warfighters, not the warmongers.”

“The Left is afraid of disrupters and change agents. They are afraid of @realDonaldTrump—and me. So they smear w/ fake, anonymous sources & BS stories. They don’t want truth,” Hegseth said. “Our warriors never back down, & neither will I.”

True dat, and good on ya for saying so, sir. Stay strong in the struggle against these yappy-ass anklebiters. Get in their faces and punch back twice as hard; keep your head up, your shoulders back, and your eyes firmly on the prize. Or, as my old-school biker chums used to put it, illegitimi non carborundum.

Update! Just can’t resist calling y’all’s attention to Hegseth’s sly, stingingly accurate allusion to the Left’s dread of “disrupters and change agents.” How very ironic that the selfsame shitlibs—“Progressives,” harrumph-harrumph—who for decades on end have delighted in sanctimoniously caw-cawing at us fusty, stiff necked old ReichWingNaziDeathBeast© sticks-in-the-mud to proclaim themselves as the disrupters, change agents, and bold, forward-thinking innovators towards whose vision the “arc of history” is forever bending should suddenly be weeping, shrieking, taking an oath of celibacy, and shaving their heads in stark terror at the mere prospect of real, meaningful change on the near horizon, innit?

Why, a Pyrsynzz of Reason might readily be forgiven if Shim/Zhrr/Thim came to the conclusion that these obnoxious dorksnorts are as full of shit as the holiday turkey they all curled their vegan lips at in performative disdain over at Mom and Dad’s unfairly-sumptuous house last week.


There they go again

The Borking of Pete Hegseth.

PR Primer for Pete Hegseth: How to Salvage His Imperiled Nomination
It’s like being attacked by a swarm of angry bees: You try to swat them away, but there are just too many. Soon, you’re overwhelmed.

That’s what the drip-drip-drip of anonymously sourced attack stories feels like when you’re in the middle of a media maelstrom. And right now, ex-Fox News personality Pete Hegseth is being savaged in the press. His nomination for Secretary of Defense is teetering in the balance.

Hegseth’s current PR trajectory is unfavorable. Today, the Wall Street Journal claimed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been tapped as his replacement.

If Hegseth is forced to withdraw (or is John Tower’d by the Senate), it will dramatically change the narrative of the incoming Trump administration, costing them significant political capital. Instead of being a larger-than-life, Churchillian leader riding into D.C. on a white horse, Trump and his nominees will be portrayed as “The Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight” — a hodgepodge band of rogues, deviants, and miscreants who shouldn’t be trusted.

It’ll be Omarosa, Part II.

Sooner or later, Trump will have to hoist the ol’ Hawaiian Good Luck Sign in the Left’s general direction and stick by his “embattled”—by “anonymous sources,”  note ye well; always with the “anonymous sources”—nominees, if he seriously hopes to get anything at all done in the way of draining the foetid Swamp.

It’s like a child who takes to his heels and runs away from a charging dog: you just don’t do it, not unless you want to get your ass bit but good. The one and only time shitlibs ought to see our heels is when we’re kicking their fucking teeth out—in which felicitous circs they’ll not only get to see them, but to taste them as well.

The estimable Salena Zito notes something else of critical importance.

Why, it’s almost enough to make one think that the Left might be *gasp!* lying again. But no, that can’t possibly be right. Can it…? Via Glenn, who also has a resounding testimonial to Hegseth’s all-round good character from the man’s mother, no less.

Update! How’s that “get Hegseth” campaign workin’ out for ya, Proggy? Not too good, it would seem.

‘Zero’ Senate GOPers privately oppose Pete Hegseth for defense pick as he vows to ‘never back down’ amid misconduct claims: sources
“Zero” Senate Republicans are privately opposing Pete Hegseth’s confirmation, sources told The Post on Wednesday, as the defense secretary-designee was making the rounds on Capitol Hill and defiantly proclaiming he will “never back down” in the face of widespread allegations of past misconduct.

“There are zero ‘nos’ right now,” one GOP source familiar with the matter said, ripping smears against the former Army combat infantryman in the press as “BS.”

At least six Republicans, however, have expressed some reservations about President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee, NBC News reported Tuesday, as claims of binge drinking, sexual impropriety and financial mismanagement during his tenure as leader of a veterans advocacy group pile up.

Those six wait-and-see RINO fainthearts are pretty much who you’d expect, to the surprise of precisely no one whatsoever.

Updated update! Oh HELL yeah!

THAT’s how you do it, folks.


Two sets of laws

Gee, how very odd. Why, one might almost think there was a two-tiered (or more) “justice” system in Amerika v2.0 or something.

96.9% of Americans Charged with Hunter Biden’s Gun Crimes Get Jail Time
The DOJ issued a press release in January of last year stating that it is “aggressively pursuing those who lie in connection with firearms transactions.” The ATF and the DOJ are taking a hard line on those who lie when purchasing a firearm. The press release included examples of Americans charged and convicted of the same crime as Hunter Biden. Many wonder if President Biden will pardon these Americans as well.

Shhyeeeaaah, keep dreamin’. Of all people, Gomer Pyle had the right of it all along.

Mordor on the Potomac’s chief orc dropping shit from a great height on Normal American heads all the livelong day, and nary a Sherriff Andy Taylor in sight to come along and put the kibosh on it.


Who. They. ARE

What. They. DO.

Tech Billionaire Tells Joe Rogan the Govt. Plan ‘to Control AI’ is Why He Left WH Meeting, Endorsed Trump
“They [Biden officials] said don’t even start startups – there’s just no way that they can succeed – there’s no way that we’re going to permit that to happen.”

Perhaps one of the most welcome surprises of the 2024 election cycle was the large number of Democrats and/or progressives who threw their support behind President-elect Donald Trump. The cumulative damage to the U.S. after four years of progressive rule, the deceitful way it had been implemented, and the speed with which it occurred, left even some lifelong Democrats disaffected. Silicon Valley venture capitalist Marc Andreessen was among this group.

During a Tuesday interview with podcaster Joe Rogan, Andreessen described the moment he decided to leave the Democratic Party. In the spring, he had participated in a series of White House meetings about the future of AI. Over the course of their discussions, Biden officials fleshed out “their plan to control AI through government regulatory capture.” Horrified by the administration’s intentions, Andreesen walked out and endorsed Trump.

What had left the tech billionaire so spooked? Andreessen explained:

The AI thing was very alarming. We had meetings this spring that were the most alarming meetings I’ve ever been in. Where they were taking us through their plans, and it was – basically just full government – full government control – like this sort of thing, there will be a small number of large companies that will be completely regulated and controlled by the government, they told us. They said don’t even start startups – there’s just no way that they can succeed – there’s no way that we’re going to permit that to happen.

Rogan gasped.

Andreessen continued, “They said that this is already over. It’s going to be two or three companies and we’re just gonna control them and that’s that. Like this is already finished.”

“When you leave a meeting like that, what do you do?” Rogan asked.

Andreessen smiled and said, “You go endorse Donald Trump!”

Apparently the Left doesn’t think it necessary to even TRY to hide it anymore—not from you, not from me, not from anybody: they’re fascists, plain and simple. Up front, out loud, and damned proud. Thus does true inner nature make itself known, as is its wont.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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