Of first shots…and LAST ones

As I’ve said here so very many times before, it’s time and way past time that Real Americans started shooting back.

The ‘Tolerant’ Left Sure Does Like Assassinations
A manifesto recovered from the alleged shooter of UnitedHeathCare CEO Brian Thompson says that “These parasites had it coming” and “I do apologize for any strife and trauma, but it had to be done.”

This is music to the ears of many on the left, who cheered when they learned that Thompson had been gunned down and are treating the shooter as some sort of folk hero.

“Social media users have sometimes outright gloated at the killing,” is how The Hill put it, describing it as an expression of “populist rage” and then spending the rest of the article trying to obliquely pin the blame on Donald Trump.

The Atlantic dismissed the “mockery and disdain” of the cold-blooded murder as an “expression of widespread fury at a broken system.”

Former Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz reposted an article about how Blue Cross Blue Shield will no longer cover anesthesia for the full length of some surgeries, adding, “And people wonder why we want these executives dead.”

“Saturday Night Live” joked that “it really says something about America that a guy was murdered in cold blood and the two main reactions were, ‘Yeah, well health care stinks!’ And also, ‘Girl, that shooter hot.’ “

If this reminds you of anything it should. Because the same cast of miscreants cheered the would-be assassin of Donald Trump as well.

In fact, the only problem they could find was that the shooter’s aim was off.

S’truth. A great old Tolkien quote springs immediately to mind yet again.

“It needs but one foe to breed a war, not two, Master Warden,” answered Éowyn. “And those who have not swords can still die upon them.”

Wise words indeed from the White Lady of Rohan, that wild shield-maiden of the North—a warning, a reminder, and a bit of highly useful advice, all in one poignant, unforgettable statement.

In case y’all hadn’t noticed as of yet, the long-dreaded Civil War v2.0 started a goodish while back. It’s just that so far, only one side seems at all interested in actually prosecuting the damned thing. Another good ‘un from LOTR:

You won’t rescue Lotho, or the Shire, just by being shocked and sad, my dear Frodo.

Indeed not, I’m afraid.


Seagoing disgrace

Thank God we still have the most powerful, STRAC, well-equipped and -trained, effectively invulnerable military in the world. Right?


Ummm…yeah, about all that.

The need to Believe™

Is strong in these ones.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Early Voting
The whole idea of voting early marked a massive shift in my mindset. Although we’ve only had early voting in Georgia for a few years, I’ve always resisted it. I’ve always laughed when I heard Erick Erickson say on his show that you need to vote early because you never know if the weather is going to be bad on Election Day. The weather is never bad on Election Day in Georgia, although I do remember waiting outside in the rain in 2012 or 2016 (I can’t remember which).

When I would see people posting their “I Voted Early” stickers, I would think of it almost as bragging or maybe even virtue-signaling. Looking back, my stubbornness about not voting early might have been a different sort of virtue-signaling.

“I think traditionally, Republicans tend to want to go vote on Election Day,” Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump said. I was one of those for sure.

My line in the sand was that Election Day was sacred. There was something about waiting in line and having conversations with the people in line (something I would never do the other 364 days of the year). There was a certain camaraderie about the voting line for me, no matter how impatient I got — and there were enough technical errors in 2020 to make us all impatient. Maybe I should’ve seen that as a sign, but that’s another conversation for another day.

I know that not everybody feels the way I do about early voting, but this is a journey that took me years to make. What I do know is that whether you vote early or on Election Day, whether you’re punching a hole in a ballot or tapping a touchscreen, your vote counts!

Uh huh, suurrrre it does. Hey, anybody remember when Real Americans felt such conveniences as early voting, mail-in ballots, and electronic voting machines were all things we desperately needed to get rid of as a fundamental part of “election reform” if we were ever going to straighten out the rigged, corrupt shitshow that Amerikan “elections” have become? Nah, me neither.

When, early in her first term, ***”pResident”*** Harris signs the executive order doing away with the Electoral College once and for all, expect there to be nary a “baaah” of complaint from cowardly, contemptible former Americans about it; if our bland, pathetic acceptance of the official institutionalization of the nuts and bolts of election-rigging is any indication, there’s no reason to think we won’t just swallow that down the same way. “Not the hill to die on,” don’t you know; apparently, none of ’em are.

In case you’re wondering why we lost America That Was to the Evil Left, look no further than this: because we deserved to, that’s why.

Got Haitians redux

By way of being a follow-up, kinda sorta, to tonight’s Eyrie offering.

‘What Has My Town Become?’: Springfield Residents Say It’s Falling Apart Amid Haitian Influx
FEATURE: What I saw in Springfield, Ohio

SPRINGFIELD, OHIO — The city has a certain charm, a small-town feel dotted with grand buildings. It’s an all-American scene fit for a postcard — and one residents worry they are at risk of losing.

Residents of Springfield didn’t expect that their community would be tossed into the center of one of the most consequential elections in American history. They also didn’t expect the town of 58,000 to receive as many as 20,000 Haitian migrants in just a few short years, ushering in a shift that’s left many Springfielders feeling like foreigners in their own home, and worried for their economic prospects.

The surge of Haitian migrants came during the Biden-Harris administration, when more than 300,000 Haitians who crossed the border into the United States were offered temporary protected status, allowing them to live and work in the United States without becoming citizens.

The people of Springfield were never asked if they wanted the migrant influx, and voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. But now that the migrant surge is here, many are eager to tell their stories.

“You walk into a store and you feel like your language isn’t the predominant language. It’s kind of weird,” one lifelong resident of Springfield who asked not to be named said over a cup of coffee. “If you’re willing to go to a new place you need to invest your efforts into learning that and becoming acclimated and accustomed to it as well.” But it isn’t just the cultural differences that have him on edge.

“There’s no section of this town that I feel safe in,” he added. “I don’t even like my wife to shop here. We try to go grocery shopping in other cities.”

The article carries on in like infuriating vein from there, of which you won’t enjoy reading the all but definitely should anyway.


To Civil War, or NOT to Civil War?

On Amerika v2.0’s self-evidently fraudulent “elections.”

Of course the propagandists gaslit everyone – election fraud was a conspiracy theory, it was the most secure election in history, and so on and so forth. That this was the precise opposite of what they’d been saying for the previous four years – that Russia had hacked Our Democracy – was neither here nor there. Later Time Magazine bragged that they had ‘fortified’ the election, which everyone understood to as an admission that they’d stolen it.

Election fraud in America utilizes a variety of tactics: ballot stuffing, ballot harvesting from senile seniors, registering illegal immigrants and other non-citizens to vote (which, as everyone knows, is why the regime is so hostile to voting ID laws), electronically forged ballots, and forged mail-in ballots. Definitive evidence of any one form of electoral fraud is extremely difficult to obtain, requiring painstaking forensic work. Even when such evidence is found, it will only pertain to one form of fraud, in one or a few locations. This enables regime respecters to claim that fraud is rare, and does not occur on a large enough scale to swing elections. Somehow they never say that any cheating at all is unacceptable. Funny that.

Not everyone fell for the fraud, of course. Outraged rallies began to spontaneously rise up across the country, ultimately converging on DC for the doomed J6 ‘insurrection’.

It didn’t matter.

The propagandists called Trump’s supporters terrorists. Those who entered the Capitol were arrested, imprisoned, subjected to various forms of psychological torture.

The regime stole the election in broad daylight, grinned with its hands in the cookie jar, looked the country right in the eyes with crumbs dribbling down its wobbling chins, grinned “What cookie?”, and dared anyone to call it on their blatant lies.

The regime got away with it.

It is obvious that they are doing the same thing again. It worked the first time, so why would they not? The Biden administration proved that you don’t need a charismatic candidate, or even a minimally competent one. All you need is a warm body that can be wheeled in front of the cameras every now and then. The compliance of the propaganda organs renders any embarrassing behaviour from the warm body wholly irrelevant. Enough of the population is so thoroughly brainwashed, so completely incapable of evaluating reality, so utterly prostrated before propaganda, that they will believe whatever they are told to believe and they will do so with the whole of their hollowed-out hearts. Not everyone, to be sure … but enough. Particularly as those most completely captured are the Single Woke Females, the professional-managerial class aparat-chicks that infest the institutions.

In the confusing months between November 2020 and J6, there was rampant speculation Trump would take some sort of bold action – a military coup d’etat, or even a Civil War. There’s no question that if he’d given the word his supporters would have turned out in their millions. Everyone sensed that it was go time, and they were ready to go. In the end, after some half-hearted lawsuits and a few rallies, the big man lost his nerve. Go home, he told his supporters. Go in peace. It’s over.

He may well have been right to do so. The Biden presidency was disastrous for America. The economy has fallen apart; inflation has wiped people out; the leaking border has shattered, letting in tens of millions, many criminals, many very possibly much worse than criminals; America has found itself embroiled in wars all over the world, which threaten to turn nuclear. The last four years have been an almost unprecedented national humiliation. Biden is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst president America has ever had.

But was the Biden presidency worse than a Civil War?

Think about that.

And that really is the question, isn’t it? In effect, it amounts to the same quandary I’ve been struggling with here for a very long time now—or it FEELS like a very long time, at any rate. To wit: Is it better to fight back against metastasizing Überstadt tyranny to the last drop of Patriot blood, or to maintain the illusion of notional “peace” and tacitly accept defeat? In the end, I think, the hard nut of our dilemna comes down to this:

And there you have it. The rest is just applesauce.

Update! Having linked/excerpted him a cpl-three times now, the time has come to grant the planet-hopping Jeddak of Helium John Carter his rightful place of honor in Ye Aulde CF Blogrolle, methinks. Done, done, and done.

Updated update! And with the addition of the Warlord of Mars to our CF blogroll section, it occurs to me that a thorough scouring/refreshing/reshuffling of said section to update changed URLs, delete abandoned or extinct blogs, and put in new (if only to me) blogs/sites/portals—a tedious albeit essential routine-maintenance chore I dread like an ass-whuppin’, thus encouraging my lifelong habit of procrastination*—is way overdue. *le sigh*

* Did somebody say “lifelong” just now? I originally learned the word “procrastination” when my first-grade teacher wrote it on my very first report card, cautioning my parents to be on the lookout for my seemingly-innate inclination to it. I repeat: *le sigh*


Getting it straight

Regarding Herr Kommissar Starmer’s latest outrage.

I’m trying a little experiment on an end-run of my own devising around the annoying “Show more…” Twatter links. Let’s see how it goes. Inline update! Nope, didn’t work. Oh well, whatcha gonna do. No biggie, really; if Elon needs the extra clicks, I’m okay with not depriving him of ‘em.

As for Herr Starmer, Divemedic makes a crucial point.

The UK says that they will extradite and prosecute Americans for saying mean things on the Internet, which is a violation of UK law. It’s illegal to say mean things while engaging in political speech online.

You might scoff, but remember that it won’t be UK police coming to arrest you. It will be US cops coming to haul you away to be sent to the UK for doing something that is entirely legal to do here in the US.

Indeed. Thank goodness no US cop would ever arrest and/or extradite an America citizen to Britainistan for exercising his God-given, Constitutionally-protected right to free speech. What a relief!


Brass tacks

Divemedic gets right down to ‘em.

I was just listening to the Wilkow show on radio, and he told a caller that the Constitution didn’t allow for a Department of Education. The caller responded with, “This is 2024. The Constitution is old and outdated, let’s stop being ridiculous by following a 250 year old piece of paper.”

There is no reconciliation possible with the left, because there can be no middle ground with that kind of attitude. There is only going to be a couple of possible outcomes:

  • We fight Cw2 or
  • We surrender without fighting and wind up in a communist dictatorship.

Absolutely true, down to the nth detail.


Bloody Sunday

Y’all may have noticed the header image, with which I’m not just totally happy yet and will likely be fiddling about more with as the day wears on. As regards the posting content over the next several…well, for the duration, let’s call it: as CF Lifers well know, I’ve never been known for pulling punches, and will not be changing that now. If the Secret Service, their current protectee The Scranton Rutabaga, and/or the Fibbees don’t like that, well, I truly hate it for ‘em.

Hell on holiday

Spencer graciously provides a long-awaited excuse for me to swipe that great Dashiell Hammett line, albeit abbreviated, from the mouth of his iconic Contintental Op character.

Sweden Is Safer in the Summertime, But No One Wants to Face the Reason Why
Recent developments in Britain and France are making it clear to everyone what European countries have done to themselves, but the full effects still won’t be seen for another few decades. Still, there are hints of what is happening, and what is to come, that are unmistakable to those who are paying attention.

The Swedish-language publication Fria Tider reported Tuesday that “in southern Sweden, it becomes quieter in the summer when the criminals go on holiday to their home countries, according to the police.”

Yes, you read that right: the people who commit most of the crimes in Sweden go on vacation to their countries of origin, and so their place of refuge becomes calmer and safer for the native population. Mats Karlsson, the head of intelligence for the police in the southern region of Sweden, explained: “Some of them, who originate in other countries, go there over the summer. Then we notice a big difference, a greater calm, in our vulnerable areas. In the second year when they are still in Sweden, they become messier.”

Now wait a minute. Aren’t many of these migrants supposed to be asylum seekers and refugees? So why are they vacationing in the countries they supposedly fled for their lives?

Also, who is paying for these vacations, with migrants receiving “65 percent of social welfare expenditures”? Swedish taxpayers, obviously. But why?

Oooh, I know I know, let me, let me! Because they’re pussified, weak-ass bitches?

The “foreign-born represent 53 percent of individuals with long prison sentences, 58 percent of the unemployed.” As if that weren’t enough, they receive “77 percent of Sweden’s child poverty is present in households with a foreign background, while 90 percent of suspects in public shootings have immigrant backgrounds.” What benefit does Sweden receive from importing a large criminal element?

Whatever good the Swedish elites think that the migrants are bringing to Sweden, they continue to ignore the fact that many of the migrants wish to transform Sweden and all of Europe and remake it in their own image. One reason for their high crime rate is their absolute contempt for the laws of the unbelievers, “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6). Add to this mix a multiculturalist ethos that exalts the presence of foreign and non-assimilated cultures within Western countries perceived as large umbrella structures for a huge variety of diverse peoples, and the stage is set for a policy of appeasement and accommodation of the ideology of Islamic supremacism.

European elites today believe that by admitting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into their country and making special accommodations for Islamic culture and practices, Europe will achieve a new cultural flowering — but left unconsidered in this is the nature of political Islam, which when dominant is hardly hospitable to rival political systems or cultures.

Sadly, shamefully in fact, Moslem appeasement is by no means restricted to the Europeenie side of the Big Pond nowadays.


The Soviet origins of “he has a cold”

How very fitting for the D卐M☭CRATs, nyet?

A 1997 Time Magazine piece reminds 2024 Americans that this “has a cold” business has a long and storied legacy in the Soviet Union. 

The Kremlin has a credibility problem when it comes to presidential health. The first time officials announced Yeltsin had a head cold, while he was running for re-election in the summer of 1996, it turned out to be a loose synonym for a near fatal heart attack. For the rest of the year, he was prostrate and the country was paralyzed. A multiple-bypass operation in November 1996 seemed to bring a miracle recovery. Then two months later, Yeltsin came down with another “cold”–this time, his aides said, the result of a post-sauna chill. This cold quickly metamorphosed into pneumonia and two more months of anxiety, political stagnation and fruitless discussion about the presidential succession. [emphasis added]

Now go back to that quote and replace the word “Kremlin” with White House, replace Yeltsin with Biden, and “officials” with Ron Klain and Barack Obama.

Zee Pahty’s political minders sent out the talking points to their minions, but on debate night, when Joe couldn’t finish a sentence, they knew they couldn’t cover for him anymore. Biden had been cramming, prepping, resting, and taking concoctions and infusions for a week to get ready for the prime-time debate, but President Calling-A-Lid at 10 a.m. still couldn’t handle a 90-minute TV exchange with Team Biden moderators. 

Legacy news outlets, like American Pravda’s Joe Scarborough and Izvestia’s Joy Reid were busted. They couldn’t pass off Joe’s decline by dismissing it as a right-wing conspiracy theory any longer. They admitted, without using words, that they’d been lying to the American public about Joe Biden’s health. Either that, or they are the dumbest people in America. Both can be true.

Just wait until they “find out” about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden’s open border, the conspiracy to jail Trump, Joe’s influence peddling, and who left cocaine at the White House.

Ayup—and then, the Repugnicunts don’t do a single damned thing about any of it. Because, y’know, Repugnicunts.


Is it okay to start killing them yet?

Of course it is, my dear. You’ve had the power to do that all along, you know, you just had to learn it for yourself. And now that they’re openly declaring that they’re just about to start killing YOU, why the hell not?

‘Take Out Trump’: Left-Wingers Fantasize About Biden Having ‘Immunity’ To Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices
The left-wing media and pundits fantasized about President Joe Biden assassinating former President Donald Trump and Supreme Court justices as an official act following the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision Monday.

The decision ruled presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts taken while in office. Chief Justice John Roberts stated in the majority opinion the analysis on which acts in the indictment are considered official are “best left to the lower courts.” Trump appealed Department of Justice (DOJ) Special Counsel Jack Smith’s four-count indictment against him related to conspiring to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.

Several pundits accused the Supreme Court of being an ally to Trump, while others went as far as to suggest allowing President Joe Biden to assassinate Trump.

The Nation Justice correspondent Elie Mystal claimed Biden was able “to do the funniest thing ever,” prompting social media users to accuse him of suggesting Biden should commit lethal harm to his political opponent.

Attorney Bradley P. Moss argued the court has granted the president “unequivocal immunity” to take military action against Trump and execute his former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who has been sentenced to serve a four-month prison term for his contempt of Congress conviction.

Left-wing personality Harry Sisson argued the decision allows Biden to “send in the military to take out Trump” and Supreme Court justices.

“According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take them all out,” Sisson wrote. “He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has ‘immunity’ for official acts now!”

“No need to pack the Supreme Court now either. Just get rid of the ones you don’t like and then approve their successors,” another Twitter user wrote. “We can go from ‘life time appointments’ to a job so risky no one will accept it.”

Users said Biden could “drone strike” the residences of Trump and the justices.

“President Biden can have Supreme Court justices executed for treason,” another said. “He can drone strike Mar-a-Lago. Rape, pillage and murder at will. All in the name of an ‘official act.’”

And if you think they’re in any way just kidding around, don’t intend for their words to be taken literally, or exaggerating just to make a larger point, then you’re a goddamned fool; at the very best, you don’t know your Leftists very well. The entire history of Leftism worldwide tells us that these are by NO means empty threats, so why take a chance that this time will be any sort of departure from the norm? Best to exercise “an abundance of caution,” as the FauxVid mantra had it, and get busy shooting, stabbing, hanging, and dropping Leftists from great heights preemptively, before they can do it to us.


Questions, contradictions, and incompatibilities

There’s a connection here, a relationship whose inner workings I can’t quite puzzle out.

Voters in key states who will likely decide the election trust former President Trump more than President Biden to handle threats to democracy, according to a survey released Wednesday.

The poll, conducted by The Washington Post/Schar School, surveyed voters across six swing states and identified a subgroup of respondents labeled as “deciders.” It found that 38 percent of “deciders” said Trump would do a better job of handling threats of democracy to the U.S., while 29 percent said Biden and 23 percent said neither.

Okay, so the 38% of respondents perspicacious and observant enough to understand that, Trump being the only involved party who is in any way inclined to defend “democracy”—and that, contra his flatulent braggadocio about doing so, Biden is single-mindedly interested in assaulting it, undermining it, and, ultimately, destroying it utterly—then yes, Trump is in fact the one and only logical choice for the assignment.

Fair enough, I’m keeping up so far. But then along comes that blasted monkey with his wrench.

Roughly 60 percent of the group also said they are not satisfied at all with how democracy is working in the U.S.

Um. Well, all righty then, let’s see if we can maybe do a little unpacking here. First off, how much crossover might there be between the 38% who are concerned about Defending Our Sacred Democracy© and the disgruntled 60%? As to said 60%, might we reasonably infer from the blunt statement that “they are not satisfied at all with how democracy is working in the US” (bold mine) indicates they don’t much care who would do a better job of “handling threats” to it?

I mean, in light of how piss-poorly it’s worked out, would the 60 Per Centers not greatly prefer instead to just let the whole wheezy flibbertigibbet collapse under the crushing gigatonnage of its own endemic corruption, orgiastic fiscal chaos, crippling systemic incompetence, and insuperable self-contradiction, opening a path to get on with the monumental task of building something more efficient, more workable, more humane, more enduring, and just plain better atop the wrack and ruin of the old, failed system?

Can those two clashing viewpoints be reconciled? SHOULD they be? S’cuse me for bringing it up and all, but it seems to me of manifestly overriding importance: does anybody out there still remember that America was never intended to be a “democracy” in the first fucking place?!? That the Founders abhorred and dreaded the eventual embrace of “democracy” in substitution for the laboriously-conceptualized and carefully-constructed Republic they risked absolutely everything to bring into existence? How vehemently, explicitly, and unequivocally those giants among men denounced the trainwreck of a dumpster-fire of a catastrophic debacle that “democracy” has historically proved to be, again and again and again? To wit:

As the bumper-sticker slogan says, the Founders would’ve been shooting already—a long damned time ago, in point of fact. If the shades of those indomitable, heroic OG-Patriots could somehow return to walk among us once more and behold how thoroughly their craven posterity have disgraced and distorted the noble ideals they selflessly pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to ordain and establish, every man Jack of them would disdain to so much as cross the street to piss in the mouths of their ingrate descendants even if their gums were on fire. Spinning in their graves like a pig on a BBQ spit, they must surely be.


War is coming here long since over, and lost

This. This right here.

I had an interesting conversation with a bunch of like-minded conservatives last month, and articulated something that in retrospect is obvious, but difficult to accept.

Islam is winning.

It has a coherent (to them) political philosophy, there is very little internal dissension, the vast majority of its adherents are supportive of its most savage and world-destroying goals, and they have successfully co-opted the natural antipathy of the West toward them and turned it on its head.

There are short-sighted economic reasons for the West to allow the immigrant invasions, but the grand scheme has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with the progressive drive to destroy traditional Western culture and replace it with…anything else. Islam, their allies of convenience, is happy to be of assistance, because they are confident that they will have the upper hand if the West falls to the globalist left.

And they will.

Alas, not “will,” CBD; HAVE, and/or DID. He links to an insightful, thought-provoking piece by one NS Lyons which opens thusly:

Cast Away Illusions and Prepare for Struggle
A response to old guard conservatism

Last fall the Claremont Institute’s venerable Charles R. Kesler published a lengthy essay critiquing National Conservatism and the “New Right” for, essentially, departing from the polite constitutionalist rhetoric of Bill Buckley-style American conservatism for a more definitive popular-nationalism. I was among those invited by Claremont to respond as part of a thoughtful symposium published last month. I’ve decided to republish my short contribution here (though I encourage you to go read the original essay and the full symposium). My argument is brief (and “nearly dismissive” according to Kesler, which I suppose is true): for decades old guard conservatives have for the most part completely failed to conserve anything, institutions of the republic included, no matter how frequently they’ve bandied about the Constitution and appealed to American exceptionalism; it will avail us nothing to continue in the same vein. Because of all this context and the intramural nature of the dispute I hesitated to bother posting this here at all. But given the “conservative”-leaning Supreme Court’s tragic decision yesterday to roll over and allow the gutting of the First Amendment (as predicted), the moment now seemed more appropriate to do so. – N.S. Lyons

To say the very least it is, if not already far too late to do anyone any real good. Continuing from there:

Mao instructed revolutionaries to seize power by struggling to control the “pen,” the “knife,” and the “gun” (that is, the propaganda and administrative institutions, the intelligence and security services, and the army). By this measure the progressive Left has already achieved near total victory. By contrast, old-guard conservatives have—for almost a century now—utterly failed to conserve much of anything, republic included. And none of their habitually muttered invocations of the Constitution’s sacred text have turned the tide in the least. Sadly, theirs is a god that failed—whatever regime we live under now, it is not the U.S. Constitution.

Meanwhile, this struggle is hardly confined to America’s shores. All across the Western world, regimes are converging on the same form of authoritarian managerial technocracy, treating popular sovereignty with disgust and brooking no dissent. New legislation in Canada proposes life in prison for “hate speech.” Britain already arrests hundreds of people per year for holding the wrong opinions. Germany’s interior minister says right-wingers who “mock the state” will be preemptively ejected from the financial system, have their business licenses revoked, and be banned from traveling. At the behest of the E.U., Poland’s new “centrist” government has cast aside the rule of law in order to arrest political enemies and purge the Right from all institutions.

Some of these countries have written constitutions, others don’t—it hardly matters. What they all share, along with the United States, is a near-identical ruling class of transnational managerial elites who believe they alone possess History’s mandate to reengineer society. And what they hate and fear above all else is the nation: the existence—and yes, the very idea—of a distinct and sovereign people that lies beyond the reach of their totalizing hunger for conformity and control. Hence, they hate and fear democracy, too—the self-governance of a nation. This global battle between transnational managerialism and sovereign democratic nationhood now defines 21st-century politics.

Agreed, for the most part, with my usual two (2) caveats:

  1. I still maintain that they do NOT fear us, not in the least; if they did, they’d be dealing with us in a quite different fashion than they have been since at least 2020, if not before. Rather, they despise us, hold us in contempt. And why shouldn’t they? So far, they’ve been given no reason whatsoever to think otherwise
  2. Can we please just dispense already with using The Enemy’s own terminology as if it had been mutually agreed upon as essentially accurate, applicable, and acceptable—ie, this never-ending “democracy” twaddle? I have another diatribe to be completed and put up later today (hopefully; no promises either expressed or implied) covering this very subject, so I’ll stop here on that and spare you folks the redundancy

Apart from those more or less pettifogging objections of mine, this short piece is another for the old must-read list, folks.

The normalcy bias which stubbornly (not to say “bitterly”) clings to the starry-eyed but nonetheless hopeless delusion that—despite the extremities of lawlessness, oppression, and bare-faced despotism Real Americans have been subjected to for lo, these many years—political business as usual somehow still offers meaningful recourse for the persecuted and misruled Serf Class must be abandoned toot sweet, lest all be well and truly lost. Surely it’s clear by now that petitioning the very government which is itself the author of our woes for redress of grievances, as if this were still America That Was rather than the contemporary, built-back-“better” Amerika v2.0, is nothing but a mug’s game.

Mission creep, creepy mission

Whatever would we DO without Too-Big Government helping us to evolve into better, more compassionate and/or tolerant human beenz?

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s Intel Community Is Celebrating Pride Month With Free Trans Flag Manicures, ‘Filipinx’ Lectures
Intel agents can get their nails painted and listen to a non-binary ‘Filipinx’ activist discuss ‘trans rights’ — all during work hours

The top intelligence agency in the United States is celebrating Pride Month by inviting agents to have the transgender flag painted on their nails, participate in a “Pride Ally Challenge,” and learn from a “non-binary,” “Filipinx” activist who has taught children about her non-binary identity, a document exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire reveals.

The intelligence document outlines nine different Pride Month activities held by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), a cabinet-level agency overseeing the rest of the IC, including the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence components in each branch of the military. Over the course of the month, intelligence officers will have their nails painted with trans flags, or even learn to crochet their very own Pride flags.

“For nail painting, we’ll have our pro team of FVEY artistes ready to decorate you ready for Pride Month, with the option of celebrating pride or trans flag colors,” the document reads before further encouraging intelligence agents to have their nails painted. “If you don’t normally paint your nails, or have never done so, all the better! We’ll do everything for you, and you might just love it. What better way to show your allyship to the community?”

I KNOOOW, right?!?

The elaborate array of Pride celebrations, all of which will occur during the work hours of America’s top intelligence apparatus, demonstrates one of the most blatant ways in which the most powerful instruments of the federal government have been captured and leveraged by leftwing ideologues.

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and combat-decorated U.S. Army veteran who fought in the elite Green Berets, confirmed the authenticity of the document with the intelligence community. He said it’s another example of the Biden administration wasting valuable time and resources away from serious intelligence-gathering activities that are vital to our national security.

“It just shows where this administration’s priorities continue to be, which is a virtue signal to the progressive Left, rather than staying focused on lethality, effective intelligence collection, and keeping America safe,” Waltz told The Daily Wire. “It’s just a total misplacement of priorities, and it comes from the top, and it comes from highly politicized political appointees, by political appointees that are pushing an agenda.”

The ODNI provided several more outlets for intelligence agents to celebrate Pride Month.

Oh, I don’t doubt it, not one bit I don’t. I mean, why wouldn’t they have, for Gaia’s sake? Whatever our other differences, I think one thing we can all agree on is that there simply is no better, more appropriate use of taxpayer dollars imaginable than funding Pride Month celebrations, boosting Allyship as much as possible, and painting all the cis-het male CIA and FBI agents’ fingernails in the vibrant colors of the Rainbow Flag against their will. Right?

It’s the whole reason we have a federal government in the first place, really. Pimping for mentally-unbalanced freaky-deaks and ramming the Trans Mafia agenda down Normie throats using their own filthy money is an essential, core component of the overall US intelligence-agency mission. I mean, it says so right there in the friggin’ Constitution, you guys! Can’t recall exactly where right at the moment, but I’m absolutely, positively SURE I saw it in there someplace once. Or somebody told me it was in there, maybe. Or, y’know, something like that. DUDE, it’s, like, Civics 101, or something. Why, anything less would be LITERAL GENOCIDE©!!!!

Update! Just had what I think is a totally fabulous idea: every Friday evening during the month of June, throw a huge ODNI Pridemania© disco bash at FBI Training HQ in Quantico, complete with DJ, bartenders, and wait-staff of indeterminate gender; splashy wall decorations; baffling modern-art installations; whirling, swirling, queasy-making lighting effects; and a seriously kickin’ sound system cranked up to Full Stun! As that yummy, gummy, pansexual Captain Kirk would say: BEAM ME UP, BITCH!!

Attendance will be mandatory, especially for all binary-H888R male IC personnel. Cute cocktail dresses and size 16 spike pumps obligatory for men, construction apparel (including but not restricted to steel-toed brogans, Oshkosh B’Gosh overalls, and hardhats) for the ladies (whatever THOSE obsolete words mean anymore. Men? Women? Whatevs!). Open bar serving pink, fruity tropical libations all nite long; free amyl-nitrate poppers, dildos, and Astra-Glide available at the bar on request. No highballs, Scotch, malt liquor, or cheap canned beer because…well, quite frankly, icky-POO, sweetcheeks!

So all you FBI, CIA, NSA, and DIA darlings, get ready to mix ’n’ mingle, shake yer booty, and get funk-ay like a monk-ay at ODNI Pridemania©—guaranteed to be the wildest, craziest, most slam-banginest weekly Happening of the entire year!


All the above and then some

Divemedic, with about as astute an analysis as I’ve seen yet of what I long ago dubbed “The Coming Unpleasantness” will most probably look like.

The Civil War you imagine and fantasize about isn’t going to happen the way you think. There won’t be “front lines”, there probably won’t even be an insurgency, not in the beginning, anyway.

What you’re going to see is “The Troubles” on meth and steroids (And if you’re too young or too stupid to know what those were, fire up the Googlemachine.)

It’s going to be a lot of assassinations, kidnappings, and disappearances. Retributions and retributions for retributions. It’s going to be bombings and quick drive by skirmishes. The military will have next to no role in it other than on the ground checkpoint monitors and hardening their own instillations.

Your F-15 pilot won’t fly missions after the last time his squad mate did, and landed to find his family laying in the street.

It’s not going to be the far right vs the government alone. It’s going to be the militant left against the militant right, and the government. Battles are going to be fought everywhere and nowhere.

A friend of mine thinks it’ll be more like “The Purge” petty feuds with the HOA or neighbors finally take vengeance for some perceived wrong.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s going to be both.

Sounds too much like Hobbes’s horrific “war of all against all” to suit my tastes; whatever the case may turn out to be, I am waaaay too old for this shit.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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