Another one bites the dust

I must admit, I’d like it a lot better if one of ours had shot his sorry ass, pour encourager les autres. But what the hell, any dead violent Leftist is a good violent Leftist, so we takes what we gets.

Suspect, 22, who allegedly ran over Mich. Trump supporter, 80, with ATV kills himself: report
A Michigan man suspected of running down an 80-year-old with an ATV in a politically motivated attack has been found dead by apparent suicide, according to reports.

The 22-year-old suspect was found in his home with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Monday, after having called police looking to confess, according to WLUC.

“Send someone to pick me up,” the unidentified suspect told cops, who responded to his Quincy home and found him dead.

The suspect had accosted the elderly man as he placed pro-Donald Trump signs in his yard, initially ripping them up while speeding by on the ATV.

When the victim tried to put the signs back, the suspect ran him down with the ATV and fled.

Prior to the vicious attack, the suspect was seen smashing car windows and slashing tires.

Now, there will assuredly be those who will think it just too, too horrid of me not to mourn the “tragic” loss of this vicious, clearly disturbed Lefty goblin. Hate it for ‘em, I really do, but far as I’m concerned his death is cause for celebration, not sorrow—him, and all others like him.



Not buying it. Not for a minute I ain’t, nor should you. As I said the other day, there’s a heckuva lot more going on here than meets the eye.

The Divorce of the Democrat Party and the Legacy Media – What it Means
Embarrassed and humiliated by four years of gaslighting Joe Biden’s deteriorating condition, the media turns on the Democrat Party in a CYA move.

The debacle surrounding recent events, including the Biden-Trump debate of June 27, spells the end of the Democrat Party as we know it. For generations, the media has been willing accomplices but the past 10 days have finally removed the protection and propaganda the media has provided Democrats for generations.

It was an unbelievable turnaround that was decades in the making. A compliant legacy media running cover for the Democrat Party as it worked to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist paradise. The first step was to take over nearly one-fifth of the economy by nationalizing health care (Obamacare). The second step, even more damaging to our fundamental sense of the rule of law, was to weaponize the federal bureaucracy to punish citizens who objected to the trillions of dollars allocated to grow the administrative state.

It seemed as though the legacy media had the perfect strategy in place to divert attention away from the workings of the Democrats and to push narratives that were favorable to the party. Finally, after the legacy was shown to be an Emperor with no clothes, they struck back to cover up their complicity, saying, “We had no idea that Biden’s decline was this obvious.”

If you need a clear indication of this denial, watch this train wreck orchestrated by Mark Halperin on his 2Way podcast. Halperin, once a Morning Joe regular on MSNBC with John Heilemann, was unceremoniously dumped in 2017 in the aftermath of sexual harassment allegations dating back to the early 2000s when he worked at ABC News. On the 2Way podcast, Inside the Beltway elites—consultants like Mark Katz, pollsters like Whit Ayres, political operatives like Phil Singer, and politicians like John Sununu—now cover for each other as they try to distance themselves from Biden and his administration after almost four years of sucking up.

The incessant gaslighting was finally exposed to the masses by the debate. But not before it had served its purpose, which was to hide two stone-cold facts. The first was obvious: Joe Biden was not qualified to be president. Second, the American legacy media has been engaged in a broad series of disgraceful cover-ups for years that shielded the Democrat Party from the public finding out its worst actions.

This shredding of relations between Democrats and the legacy media is a watershed moment that will be remembered as the point where the mask of decency and the skinsuit of credibility were ripped off both from the Democrats and the legacy media. The conspiracy of silence over Joe Biden’s health is now fully on display for everyone to see.

There may well be a “divorce” in the works alright, but if so it’s a three-way tussle involving Enemedia, the D卐M☭CRAT Party, and Biden, aimed at jettisoning a senile ***”pResident”*** that overnight began to look like more of a liability than an asset. But the sacred D卐M☭CRAT/Enemedia union is a forever kind of deal, ’til death they do part. Those matrimonial ties are enduring, a bond as unbreakable as the cleanest, straightest TIG-weld bead—a seam laid down by the almighty hand of God His Own Self. What God hath joined together, let no floundering, suddenly-inconvenient ProPol put asunder.

“Divorce”? Not on your life, pal; Leftist catechism condemns it as a mortal sin—one of the top three or four, among the Unholiest of Unholies, right up there with Climate Carelessness and Indifference to LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ Issues. Don’t let yourself be gulled by flights of editorial fancy penned by long-suffering conservative media hopheads flying on yet another Hopium jag. On that path lyeth embarrassment, futility, and despair.

Likewise, don’t let’s anybody fritter away a minute of their valuable time writhing on pins and needles awaiting Enemedia’s shamefaced and penitent return to the D卐M☭CRAT Party flock. Fact is, it never left, and it ain’t ever gonna either. It’s a trick, a trap, a mug’s game—exactly the sort of thing we OG bloggers used to derisively jeer at back in the Aulden Thymes as “boob bait for the Bubbas.” If The Enemy wants us to believe they’re in full-throttle discord, disarray, and personal confusion—which appears to be the case, judging by the clangor and unprecedented unanimity of the mass-chorus of Leftwits proclaiming themselves to be so—then the question we most need to be asking ourselves is why that might be.

Shitlibs—“journalismists,” no less—humbly, honestly, and openly admitting error? Frankly and forthrightly ‘fessing up to having been deceived? No excuses, no  evasions, no attempts to blame Real American ignoramii/Trump/toxic White males/fully-semi-automatic assault weapon guns/“fossil” fuels and the deadly, antiquated ICE planet-killers which burn the foul hellbrew/genocidal UltraÜberMegaMAGA ReichWingNaziDeathBeast insurrectionists/Xtianists/RAYCISS!!© bigots/etc etc etc? Contrition and regret, followed by an uncompromising resolve to do better going forward? Conscientious, seemingly sincere self-examination to ascertain how these crusty, jaded, worldly reporter-types got snookered so resoundingly, without ever once twigging to the game? Sorrowful acknowledgment of the catastrophic loss of public trust in establishment media caused by the systemic perversion of the most fundamental tenets of adversary journalism?

Oh, how entirely characteristic of these tirelessly-dedicated, incorruptible “jouralismists.” Oh, how clearly I remember the last time we beheld such an inspiring display of these finer, nobler qualities, ethics, and/or inclinations after they’d shit the bed so appallingly, back in…umm…lemmessee now, it was…it was no more than…uhhh, yeah, I think that musta been…uhhhhhhh…errrr, wasn’t it only just…ummmmm

Yeah, NO. Sorry, not buying any. You’ll have to peddle that shit someplace else, ain’t no market for it over here. Leftists, may I remind you, with no plan, no program, no end-game, no orchestration, no objective in mind well beforehand; everything random, spontaneous, unrehearsed. When’s the last time you ever heard of so remarkable a thing? You haven’t…because it’s never happened. Remember the kind of priggish, preening, Church Lady-types we’re talking about here, folks. For them, the will to control isn’t merely a preference, an idle pursuit, or even a relatively innocuous habit of mind: it’s hard-coded into their DNA. Not a choice, but a compulsion; not a psychological eccentricity, but a biological imperative. Not a harmless quirk, but a deadly-dangerous, instinctual need.

If you think the above evaluation a mite over the top, unfairly harsh, perhaps even made up or at best exaggerated, I beg to inform you that actually,  it’s the product of many years of firsthand experience with the breed, up close and personal. Trust me, the music-biz is slap full of ‘em, full to overflowing. Yes, exactly like a clogged toilet. The parallels are downright uncanny. Also, disgusting.

For anyone still unconvinced on this, I suggest you try bucking a Leftist whilst he/she is deep in the thralls of flexing his/her Power & Control muscles, in even the most insignificant context. I guarantee it will be a revelation for you—a powerfully educational interlude you’ll remember always, vividly and painfully, regardless of how desperately you’ll wish you could forget it ever happened. Remain alert and aware as the contest of will progresses, on your toes and ready to run for your life the instant it feels needful. Which it definitely will, unless you back down and mollify your triumphant adversary with an intimate, candid, exhaustively specific recitative detailing what an insufferable asshole prick you are, always have been, and doubtless shall remain.

THEN run, just as hard, as fast, and as far as you can. That should get you far enough from the blast radius to be safe.

BOTTOM LINE SUMMATION: According to the known odds, contemporaneous evidence, the historical record, and the nature of the “journalismic” beast, this “divorce” alarum is poppycock—a pre-scripted ruse staged for purposes we know not of as yet, likely never will. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but. Remember the Steyn Maxim:

This is happening because they want it to happen.

The guys running this soap opera know the ending they’re working up to, and any unexpected plot twists en route are designed to serve that end.

Indubitably so. Biden may be a goner himself, politically speaking, but the D卐M☭CRAT/Enemedia “divorce” story is a put-on, ninety-nine and forty-four-hundredths percent pure bunkum. A love like theirs can never die, and anyone trying to tell you otherwise is either a fool or no more to be trusted than your average Congresscritter, shitlib “journalismist,” or snake-oil peddler.


I’d like to ask a purely practical question at this point…

Are we doin’ Stone’enge tomorrow?

‘Expect a Prison Sentence’: Climate Goons Vandalize Stonehenge; May FINALLY Face Consequences
There is no facet of Western culture the climate goons won’t vandalize in the name of ‘bringing awareness’ to their cause.

As if we need more awareness — the media and the Left (but we repeat ourselves) hammer it into our brains daily. But no, we’re not giving up our cars or eating the bugs. Deal with it.

This time, the ‘Just Stop Oil’ idiots vandalized Stonehenge.

They can’t create anything, they can’t build anything, and they can’t defend their positions. So like all good commies, they destroy the beautiful things others have created. It’s not about ‘raising awareness’ but destroying culture to rebuild it as a communist hellhole.

The vandals insist their vandalism will ‘wash away’ with the rain.

Except, it won’t, according to some pending Community notes, and this reply from the official Stonehenge X account;

Said reply being, to wit:

Out of all the excellent, witty ripostes included in the Twitchy piece, and there are quite a few, my verymost favorite of them would have to be…DRUM ROLL, PLEASE…

TA DAAAAA!!! Okay, y’all surely must realize what I’m a-gonna do next, don’tcha?

OHH, how I love it!

I would hereby like to declare that, henceforth, any time one of these Just Say No To Oil drooltards is spotted in any public place, he/she/it must summarily be beaten into severe, irreversible mental retardation. All sane, able-bodied bystanders and/or passersby will be expected to participate fully in said beatdowns—no exceptions, no exemptions, no looky-loos.

Then again, though, hopefully the two that got arrested will find themselves on the receiving end of nightly doses of big black cock, injected anally—stuffed in from aforementioned point of entry halfway up to their fucking tonsils, painfully withdrawn, reinserted, lather, rinse, repeat. Once word of these nonconsensual administrations of swift, blinding Jailhouse Justice© starts to get around, look for the civilizational-vandal clique’s membership numbers to fall off dramatically.

Update! New category for this sort of arrant nonsense, since it doesn’t look like going away anytime soon: Are we fed up yet?


Be afraid, be very afraid

He damned well OUGHTA be fearful. In a better, more just world, he’d have ample reason to be.

Dr. Fauci says he still fears someone may kill him
(The Hill) – Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former chief White House medical adviser, said that he still fears someone may murder him one day.

“I still think, deep down, that there’s a possibility that somebody’s gonna kill me,” Fauci said in an interview with USA Today released Wednesday. “So, that’s a possibility I wish I didn’t have to think about, but it’s true.”

Fauci noted that he has “become the target of people with extremist views.”

The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has regularly been targeted by conservatives over his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in 2022, a man from West Virginia was sentenced to a little over three years in prison following threats to him and others.

“One of the several unfortunate aspects of the outbreak was that it occurred at a time of profound divisiveness in our society,” Fauci told USA Today.

In another recent interview on CBS with by Stephen Colbert, Fauci was asked by the comedian about how he would “diagnose America as a patient right now.” Fauci said that Colbert would need a surgeon rather than a doctor of internal medicine, to which the host replied asking him what he would say if he were a psychologist.

“There is a degree of schizophrenia in the country,” Fauci said. “It’s just, it really is, I mean, how far apart people can be that they seem to forget how much alike we are, but we’re acting like we’re so, so different.”

Vive la différence, sayeth I. God forbid anyone should ever conjure I have a single solitary thing in common with your evil, mass-murdering ass, Herr Gnome.


Up your Pride Month

You WILL observe the shitlib religious pieties, apostate. Or, y’know, else.

Lime Scooters Will Now Shut Down If Driven Over Pride Flag Crosswalk In Spokane, WA
Lime, a popular electric scooter and bike rental service, has announced it will be implementing a “no-go zone” around a crosswalk painted with a large Pride flag mural in Spokane, Washington. The crosswalk has become the center of much discussion after the arrest of multiple teens for making skid marks on the painted pavement.

On June 6, the Spokane Police Department announced the arrest of three teenagers on charges of 1st Degree Malicious Mischief, all in relation to the alleged vandalism of a Pride flag-painted crosswalk at the intersection of Howard Street and Spokane Falls Boulevard.

According to the press release, “911 received a complaint advising multiple subjects on scooters were causing damage to the newly painted Pride mural.”

Which, unlike so many other things, is a complaint the Shitlib Ideological Enforcement Squad will assuredly move on with genuine urgency.

While discussion surrounding the incident continues to rage on, the scooter rental company at the center of the alleged “acts of vandalism” has now issued a statement.

“All of us at Lime condemn these vile acts in no uncertain terms,” Lime Director of Government Relations Hayden Harvey told The National Desk. “At a time when our teams at Lime are beginning pride celebrations around the globe, it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane.”

Lime has now implemented a “no-go zone” over the crosswalk, meaning scooters driven over the mural will be remotely shut down. According to the company’s website, entering a “no-go zone” will cause a Lime vehicle to “gradually come to a stop,” forcing a rider to walk their scooter until it is outside the zone.

Or, alternatively, you could also just drop the dainty little sissymobile in the middle of the fucking street and leave it laying for the local Limeys to retrieve their damned selves, or hopefully be run over and smushed flat by following traffic. I know not what course others may take, but as for me…



Did he or didn’t he? Only his on-staff dipey-dumper knows for sure.

Did Joe Biden Poop Himself at the D-Day Event?
If there was any doubt that the United States is no longer a serious country with a serious mainstream media, let’s consider it settled science after the internet erupted this morning when it appeared Joe Biden pooped his pants during the D-Day event at Normandy.

PJ Media’s Matt Margolis covered the more-than-awkward event where President Biden made several humiliating gaffes, which certainly has Vladimir Putin quaking in his boots having to face off against such senility in Ukraine. However, the circus became even crazier as X users noticed a video clip where Joe Biden bends over in front of Jill in a moment where it looked like he lost control of his bowels. In the same clip, Jill Biden appears to cover her nose to escape the stench. 

Tim Pool, the purveyor of the hit YouTube political program Timcast, noted, “Oh my god he’s pooping,” which set off a poopstorm of users laughing at the President on X, not the image that Joe Biden wanted to present in the middle of an election season on a trip abroad. 

However, leave it to the left-wing serious journalists at The Daily Beast to make sure the record on this matter was fact-checked on behalf of the administration. Within hours of the event, the site had an article titled, “This Video Shows Joe Biden Did Not—in Fact—Poop Himself at D-Day Event,” oddly listed under the “Extremism” category. Whether the extremism has to do with any Chipotle burritos Joe Biden consumed before the event or not, it’s unclear.  

In the article, the mainstream shill author defends Joe Biden’s engagement as “forceful” despite the President barely excreting the words out for his canned speech. The writer tried to paint laughing at what’s a ridiculous scene — whether it’s true Joe Biden pooped or not — as some kind of situation where a viewer should be ashamed of himself for thinking such a thing of the President.  

The article branded people laughing at a ridiculous scene as “MAGA Trolls,” and the more the author protested, the more it seems the Daily Beast is attempting to cover up a hot turd on behalf of the administration. 

It’s embarrassing that we live in a country where we have to legitimately wonder whether our President pooped himself or not. This isn’t the first strange act of senility by Joe Biden, but merely the latest in a long list of cringe-worthy moments during his tenure as president. 

How DARE you impugn our Dear Leader so maliciously, you dirty Ultra-Über-Mega-MAGAT terrorist, you! Why, for a senile sharp, marginally ambulatory nimble, decrepit vigorous, detested stumblebum beloved statesman whose lower-bowel functions are incontrovertibly—a-HENH!—regular as the seasons, reliable as a Swiss watch; one hundred percent all-natural without need for laxatives, stool-softeners, enemas, anti-diarrheals, or other pharmaceutical/chemical/mechanical artificialities; and under his control completely, Too Auld Jaux is doing one HELL of a bang-up job masquerading as ***”pResident”***, damn your eyes.

For my money, the answer to my post-opening query is of no real import, pretty much beside the point. Just the fact that the question keeps cropping up again and again is entertaining enough all by itself. Sure, knowing for a certainty that the malevolent, crooked old kiddy-diddler was serially plagued by involuntary doody-downloads during public appearances, speeches, grip ’n’ grins, and such-like events would be a seriously awesome bonus. But even so, watching as the charge’s unassailable credibility compels shitlibs to rally round in spluttering, fumbletongued defense of the Incontinent in Chief every time he stops, squats, grunts, and grimaces in perfect red-faced emulation of cranking yet another ***”pResidential”*** stink-pickle in his Depends is almost as good.


The Verdict, Part the Second

What the hell, there’s plenty left to say yet about today’s traveshamockery, so let’s go ahead and start a new post for all that. First off, Sean Davis says he ain’t playing no more.

The part below the “Read more” PITA is worth including, I think.

There’s only one way to deal with nuclear war, which is what Democrats have unleashed, and that is mutually assured destruction. Democrats declared war on our entire system of justice and the rule of law, and our only options are victory or defeat. I intend to win. Do you?

We’ll find out soon enough, I suppose. Sean followed up with a most excellent idear.

Oh HELL yeah! This needs to happen so bad I just…can’t…EVEN. So howzabout it then, Gov Abbott? Wanna kneecap your home-state (and elsewhere) detractors who insist that you’re a fake, phony fraud, a squish who only pretends to be a solid defend-the-borders man for the TeeWee cameras? Sic AG Paxton, who in fact IS a real-deal Texas pit bull, on Bribem and Lavrenti Garland and just watch your poll numbers soar. Oh, and speaking of Paxton…

‘He’s Very Talented’: Trump Floats Texas AG Ken Paxton As US Attorney General
Donald Trump has floated the possibility of nominating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to be U.S. Attorney General if he wins the presidency in November.

Speaking with a local television station at the NRA conference in Dallas over the weekend, Trump was asked whether he would consider Paxton for the role.

“I would, actually,” Trump responded. “He’s very, very talented. I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he’s a very talented guy.”

“I fought for him when he had the difficulty and we won,” he continued. “He had some people really after him, and I thought it was really unfair.”

Paxton has long been a steadfast ally of Trump, having previously launched legal challenges against the 2020 presidential election results in four key states. He was also present at the “Stop The Steal” rally that took place before the January 6th Capitol protests.

Trump, meanwhile, endorsed Paxton’s reelection campaign in 2022, describing him as someone who “advances America First policies in order to Make America Great Again.”

Huh. Somehow this story escaped my notice when it first went up a week ago, even though Red State is one of my regular blogfodder-trolling spots. But I have to say, I definitely dig the idea. Not that “convicted felon” Donald Trump (get used to it, there’ll be no escaping the lurid canard from now on) has a snowball’s chance of regaining the forever-tainted “pResidency,” natch. However, a threatened Paxton appointment sounds great just the same, if only as a ruse to make the wee shitlib tykes cwy their widdle eyes out fwom fwight.

From another “What’s next…?” article, I find this extremely amusing.

If you thought this country was divided before, we could likely see upheaval like never before. With many seeing this trial as politically motivated by the left to take him off the ballot, what happens next?

First off, he can still run for president.

The Constitution states a candidate must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born U.S. citizen, and a resident in the country for at least 14 years. There is nothing noted about criminal charges. 

Can he pardon himself?

No. Because it is a state conviction, he will not be able to pardon himself as president. Presidents only have jurisdiction over federal convictions.

Can any state take him off the ballot?

They did try, but no. The 14th Amendment, which was passed after the Civil War, states that no one who has participated in an insurrection may run for the presidency. While some states have tried to claim this against Trump regarding Jan. 6th, they have been unsuccessful in proving it. He will still be on the ballot, as long as he is the Republican nominee. 

How can he serve as president if he is also serving a criminal sentence?

It is expected that due to his age and this being his first conviction, he will not serve prison time. He may be given probation, which would mean he would have to ask permission every time he leaves the state of New York. If sentenced to time in prison, which would undoubtedly be frowned upon as a politically motivated move, he could still actually legally serve as president from behind bars. (Can you believe I just said those words?)

Hey, Marg, in Amerika v2.0 that’s just another example of the sort of thing we’re ALL gonna have to get used to, alas. At least, unless/until Real Americans finally r’are up on their hind legs and smite the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed SHIT out of these scrofulous shitweasels, at any rate—so punishingly that it leaves ‘em too damned scared to open their mouths in public ever again, not even to breathe.

Meanwhile, another of the repulsive nuggets of wormy, slime-encrusted squirrel dung behind the lawless persecution of Trump seems mighty proud of his despicable self.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg spoke to reporters Thursday evening after guilty verdicts were handed down against former president Donald Trump, attempting to cast himself as a statesman who went after a corrupt, seemingly untouchable politician and, despite all temptations to act in a biased manner, worked with the people in his office to honorably carry out their duty. “I was just doing my job,” he says.

I want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team, embodying the finest traditions of this office: professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service. They are model public servants, and I am proud and humbled to serve side-by-side with them.

An even more insulting and provocative assertion from Bragg in his short press conference was this:

And while this defendant may be unlike any other in American history…we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors: by following the facts and the law and by doing so without fear or favor.

That’s just simply not the case. This prosecution was planned for years, and if Alvin Bragg was prosecuting all cases in which a political candidate or their attorney entered into a paid non-disclosure agreement with someone who had negative information about them, well, there would be lots of Democrats under indictment right now. Perhaps Bragg can next look into the 51 people who signed the letter declaring the laptop the U.S. Department of Justice has now confirmed as belonging to Hunter Biden as “Russian disinformation” in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election – and those who orchestrated its composition – and see what positions they were promised in a potential Biden administration or other monetary or professional benefits they were promised/given in exchange for their advocacy?

PRO TIP: Don’t let’s anybody be holding their breath, ‘kay? Get him: “without fear or favor,” yet. Be sure to add the scoundrel Bragg to the list—with berobed blaggard “Judge” Mechan—of Korrupt Kourtroom Demo-Klowns who, in a better, more just world, would’ve been hanged by the neck until dead, dead, DEAD months ago.


Plumbing the depths

Have these scum no shame at all? Never mind, no need to answer that one; they show us with each successive new low they hit.

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani’s 80th birthday bash in Palm Beach took an unexpected turn as he was served with notice of his Arizona indictment, sources have revealed. The event, attended by nearly 75 guests, was interrupted by two officials from Arizona’s attorney general’s office who arrived at around 11 p.m. to deliver the papers in the case. The indictment alleges that Giuliani and 17 others were involved in a plot to overturn the 2020 election.

The surprise delivery of the legal papers triggered a mixed response among partygoers. Some started screaming, while one woman even cried as Giuliani was served. Caroline Wren, a top GOP consultant who hosted the birthday party at her home, criticized the move, accusing the Arizona Secretary of State’s office of misusing resources and comparing the incident to storming Normandy.

Giuliani’s political advisor, Ted Goodman, echoed the sentiment, expressing disappointment at the lack of respect shown towards the former mayor. “They could’ve shown a little more respect for the man who comforted the nation following September 11th and who stands up for law enforcement and the men and women in blue,” said Goodman.

Sorry, Ted, but you’re dead wrong there: the shitheels couldn’t have done any such thing. As with other strange qualities such as decency, propriety, courtesy, and compassion, respect is entirely beyond the ken of their detestable ilk, it’s like a foreign tongue to them.

One of Rudy’s bodyguards shoulda pulled his duty piece and Mozambique-drilled the AZ AG Stadtpolizei thugs the moment their sorry asses crashed the shindig and got all up in the guest of honor’s grill. It’s a sad commentary on the state of the nation that so many of our “officials” and “authorities” desperately need to have it explained to them that “just doing my job” does NOT amount to any more valid an all-purpose excuse than “just following orders” did at Nuremburg.

Update! Wonder if the AG goon squad served their precious little notice wearing full SWAT battle-rattle, fashionably accessorized with cocked-and-locked M4s and a vest-load of flash-bangs. If Jefferson, Washington, and Adams could see us now, they’d never stop throwing up.


Get in their punk-ass faces, punch back twice as hard

Reynolds pens one hell of a fine article extolling the multifarious virtues of pushing back.

Pushback Works
Campus political violence and the moral and practical aspects of resistance.

Pushback works.

That’s the lesson of the pro-Hamas protests on college campuses, and the reaction to them. It’s a lesson that many of us need to take to heart.

With support from lefty foundations and NGOs, and training from professional leftists activists, pro-Hamas encampments were established at campuses all across America. Libraries were the victim of rampages, Jewish students literally wound up hiding in attics, were assaulted, and were taunted and greeted with chants of “go back to Poland.” “Checkpoints” manned by Hamas sympathizers barred Jewish students, or anyone who wouldn’t renounce “Zionism,” from some parts of campus. American flags were torn down and replaced with Palestinian flags. It looked as if the protesters had the momentum, as university administrations responded supinely. And then, something happened.

People fought back. Mostly fraternity guys, who in this season have become the defenders of Western civilization.

For decades, of course, leftist mobs on campus have run wild without much pushback. Their threats and destruction have been excused as just a “passion for justice” or some such twaddle. While university administrators demand exquisite sensitivity to the feelings of favored groups, everyone else is told to just put up with lefty excesses.

But a funny thing happened: When people started pushing back, suddenly the administrators got some backbone.

To be fair, the pushback hasn’t just been from frat guys. There had been pressure from donors sufficient to get some university presidents fired, but when it came to getting the encampments moved off campus, it was the on-campus resistance that did it.

The fact is, if nobody resists, most people will go with the flow even if they don’t like it. And administrators won’t lift a finger to protect unpopular minorities from one-sided violence. But as soon as the violence becomes two-sided, they fear expanding disorder and act to bring things under control. When you’re being assaulted and terrorized, that’s your problem. When you fight back, you make it everybody’s problem, and the authorities are under pressure to act.

Annnnnd bingo, there it is. Lesson driven home with a high-powered nailgun: when you just lie back and put up with being abused, said abuse will not only continue, but escalate. When you step up and demonstrate firmly that you will NOT put up with it but will retaliate, you have taken responsibility for your own defense, thereby affirming your own self-respect and demonstrating that you are not anybody they want to mess with, which are the first crucial steps towards ending the abuse. Period fucking dot.

Via Ace, it’s not as if these cringing, posturing pussyfarts are gonna do anything but whine about it anyhow, so pushing back is definitely worth a shot.

Be sure to watch the vid in its entirety, lest you miss the deliciously satisfying conclusion wherein the faggoty-ass little bitch goes mewling at a wholly indifferent pair of campus cops about not “protecting” him, piteously blubbing “what am I paying taxes for” while they glower at him with palpable contempt. As if he’d ever actually paid a nickel in taxes in his entire worthless life. That’s for Mummy and Daddykins to do, y’unnerstand. “Maggot” is certainly the mot juste for these pustulent little crawly things.


Yet another BM (Biden Moment)

***”President”*** shits self again, women and minorities hardest hit.

Yep, as someone who has raised a toddler my own self, I can definitely say that the sudden halt and semi-squat accompanied by the dreamy-eyed gaze into the far distance is all too familiar.


The trouble with teachers

“Chalkboard Heresy” for sure, he’s blaspheming against the Left’s Bull God.

If you don’t want to bother with the annoying “Read more” click-generator, which I cordially despise myself, here’s the full text:

One thing I’ve realized after working with teachers for 12 years is that it’s very hard to get them to commit to political or ideological neutrality in the classroom because:

A. They view teaching as an inherently political act intended to turn students into political units (activists/“change agents.”)

B. They attach moral value to their beliefs, and thus view the proliferation of those beliefs as a moral obligation.

C. They do not recognize particular beliefs as political or ideological, and believe they’re “just teaching truth.”

D. When trying to be balanced, requiring students to compare two sources or opinions, they engineer- purposefully or unwittingly- the lesson to bring students to certain conclusions.

He’s right, right down the line. It’s always the way with shitlibs; they truly, sincerely cannot fathom how any intelligent, decent, well-intentioned person could possibly disagree with their noxious, proto-fascist views except out of pure, black-hearted evil. They are right, you are wrong, and that’s the end of it. There really is no point in trying to reason with them, or even talk to them at all; their belief in their own righteousness is rock-solid, and there’s nothing more to discuss. They aren’t interested, therefore aren’t listening anyway. They cannot be persuaded, they can be neither bargained with nor wheedled; they perceive no need whatever to reconsider or even re-examine their own opinions. Put in the simplest terms possible, they cannot see, and have no desire to.

In effect, shitlibs are, as the priests used to caution, “obstinate in sin.” So to Hell with them, then. When you persist in attempting to debate fairly and factually with them, all you’re really doing is teaching a pig to sing. Unfortunately, we all already know what that fool’s errand will get ya ere the end.

Via Stephen, who adds:

Plus this: “This is so contrary to the teachers I grew up with in the 70’s and 80’s. I didn’t even know if most of them were married, let alone their political persuasion. There were always 1 or 2 more “radical” teachers who didn’t hide their politics, but they were rare.”

I’ve joked for years that I knew so little about my teachers’ lives outside of school that, for all we knew, they blinked in and out of existence when the morning and end-of-school bells rang.

Not so much with my teachers; nearly all of them went to our church, knew my entire family well, and were considered good friends. Several had even taught my dad when he was but a wee bairn, and remembered him fondly. Looking back, it’s another benefit of growing up in a small, close-knit town.

As for knowing your teacher’s marital status, that was simplicity itself: the ones who went by “Mrs” were married, the ones who were “Miss,” as was my young, attractive 3rd grade teacher Miss Fitzgerald, weren’t. The negligible fraction of “Mr’s” among the faculty…well, frankly, who cares? I didn’t have a single male teacher until Junior High, now renamed “Middle School,” to prevent the lasting psychological damage inflicted upon fragile young minds by the hateful insult implicit in the word “Junior,” I reckon.

Naturally, the shitlibs had to get busy doing away with the Mrs/Miss linguistic convenience as quick as they could. “Disrespectful,” “derogatory,” “injurious” and/or “offensive,” an archaic remnant of the Patriarchal edifice of Systemic Misogynist Opression and Enslavement, holding the Sisterhood entire back from being all they could and should be, don’tchaknow. Thank God Gaia we’ve “evolved” beyond that particular hideous atrocity, at least.


John Cougar Melonhead upbraids concert audience, hilarity ensues

Just in case y’all were wondering what a dick with ears looks like, here ya go.

What a pissy, smug bitch the little runt is. Jack and Diane, my chapped ass. Whether they know it or not, he did the audience a favor by walking off in a snit, sparing them from having to endure any more of his shitty music.


Your feel-good video of the…um…welllll….

EVER, I’d say.

If you don’t particularly feel like watching the vid—which, you really, really, REALLY should, it’s a joy and a wonder to behold—this meme sums it up quite nicely:

Nicely, and word for word, also. Excellent work, Ms Williams, ya done good.



Did somebody just mention “a new low” the other day? Because, just that fast, we get dragged down to another one.

So, the Left Is Now Defending Joe Biden’s Showering With His Daughter
Some things you just have to see to believe because they’re just that crazy.

This week, we learned that the Department of Justice is seeking a harsher penalty for the person who reportedly stole the diary of Ashley Biden — the daughter of Joe Biden.

Prosecutors for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York said in a letter to a judge that Aimee Harris had “abused the administration of justice” by repeatedly providing inadequate excuses to the court that have caused her sentencing hearing to be rescheduled 12 times. They said the behavior warranted a harsher penalty.

Harris’s hearing has most recently been rescheduled for next week, and Judge Laura Swain has grown stricter with the defendant, warning last week that she could authorize a warrant for Harris’s arrest should she fail to appear. Harris is awaiting the sentence for her efforts to sell the diary of the president’s daughter ahead of the 2020 election.

Of course, in light of this story, the infamous diary and its contents have once again become a topic of discussion. As you likely remember, Ashley wrote in her diary that her father used to take showers with her at a young age that were “probably not appropriate.”

The diary also revealed that she thinks she may have been molested but can’t remember.

Naturally, left-wing journalist Ed Krassenstein came roaring to Biden’s defense this week regarding the diary.

Of course, what Krassenstein likely forgot is that Ashley Biden has confirmed the authenticity of the diary, and so far has made no claims that anything was manipulated. But, then he covers himself by saying, essentially, that, even if Joe Biden did shower with his young daughter, this was completely normal.

Do you know any fathers who shower with their young daughters? Have you ever known a pediatrician or child psychologist who has ever given this their stamp of approval? I get that this is an election year, but how is it possible that Krassenstein could possibly make this argument? Is the left so desperate to defend Biden that they’d downplay blatantly predatory behavior? Apparently, that’s where we’re at now.

WHOA, big fella, not so fast there. That’s where they’re at. Not “we,” not “us”—THEM.

Nota bene that Ashley’s diary wasn’t really “stolen” at all, despite Harris having pled guilty to the putative “theft” not quite two years ago, assumedly under tremendous pressure.

Harris first discovered the diary in the Florida home formerly occupied by Biden, according to the federal indictment. She and Kurlander later took the diary and other unidentified items belonging to Biden to a campaign official for former President Donald Trump, although the Trump campaign declined to purchase the items. The official instead recommended that Harris and Kurlander bring them to the FBI, according to the indictment.

Instead, Harris and Kurlander contacted Project Veritas, who flew them to New York and purchased the diary and other items for $40,000. However, both defendants expected Project Veritas to pay more for Biden’s property.

Bold mine. “Discovered,” unnerstand. Not purloined, not absconded with, not swiped, not jacked. “DISCOVERED.” Try as we might sometimes to avoid facing up to it, words still do mean things.

So in truth, Ashley Biden carelessly left her diary behind when she moved house—abandoning various personal possessions when doing the speed-skedaddle from one dingy ghetto flop to the next being a tack indigent, crackbrained drug addicts tend to take whenever they get three or more months behind on the rent—whereupon Harris moved in and

  • Found the “pResidential”-pR0n journal lying around
  • Scoped Ashley’s jarring first-person account of incestuous sexual abuse at the hands of a kid-sniffing creep with a long-established rep for predatory peccadillos and an insatiable yen for jailbait
  • Recognized the bombshell nature of the diary which, through no fault of her own, she suddenly had on her hands
  • Foolishly conjured she might easily glom herself a lifestyle-improving wad of whip-out in exchange for the horrid thing, at little to no inconvenience and/or cost to herself

Given the kind of petty, spiteful lowlifes the Biden Crime Family are known far and wide to be (with the possible exception of Beau, which might help to explain Pedo Jaux’s prideful obsession with him, repeatedly concocting garbled, ever more fanciful versions of his life and/or death, on the increasingly rare occasions he can remember Beau The Good Son ever even existed anywhere other than the interior of his own thick, empty skull), Ms Harris really should’ve known better.

Holding onto the diary with intentions of selling to the highest bidder rather than just attempting to return the blighted thing to its rightful owner was the culmination of a series of piss-poor decisions which wound up coming back to bite the person of apparently dubious character who made them—ie, Ms Harris—on the ass, HARD. Indecorous? Sure. Ill-considered? Indubitably. Greedy, self-serving, reckless, short-sighted? Check, check, check, and check. None of which is actually, y’know, against the law.

The whole mess is repulsive right down to the nth detail, leaving any halfway decent sort in need of a long, soul-cleansing shower to scrub away the Biden family filth. Certainly, Harris herself is neither angel nor folk hero. That said, though…stealing it? Not by any definition of the word I ever heard tell of, she didn’t.

Everyone involved in this putrid little melodrama is besmirched and befouled by his/her association therewith. So what, then, are we to make of a Lefty-hack “journalist” who is so sorely lacking in professional integrity, honor, and self-respect he would stoop to defending it, entirely for partisan political purposes? Worse yet, assuming he has a wife/lover/paramour/whatevs (I neither know nor care, who the hell knows), what kind of woman would be willing to wake up every morning beside such a foul, greasy piece of dung as he? The mind, it reels.


Mob rules

Kill them. Kill them all, every last man Jack of the scumbag sonsabitches.

‘Get Him! Get Him!’ The Angry Mob Comes for Kyle Rittenhouse Again
After spending days on social media churning up hatred toward Kyle Rittenhouse, an organized and planned mob of angry protesters intimidated, chased, and charged at people who attended an event at the University of Memphis where he was speaking.

The mob chanting, “no justice, no peace,” an implicit call for violence, charged and screeched at people who attended the Turning Point USA-sponsored event for Rittenhouse. The mob followed people who left the event to their cars. Thankfully, police intervened and prevented a riot — or worse.

Rittenhouse brought his service dogs to the event. They help with his PTSD, he has said in interviews.

He began, “On August 25th of 2020, I was violently attacked by a mob of rioters,” and was quickly jeered and shouted down, according to News3 in Memphis. The speech was abandoned, and Rittenhouse immediately went into a question-and-answer mode.

As the mob gathered outside, “Rittenhouse was abruptly rushed off the stage after only about 30 minutes as protestors inside booed him, yelled and disrupted him,” the news station reported. 

As people left, they were “chased” by the mob. Some shouted “Get him! Get him!” as they advanced on the crowd.

If you’re Kyle Rittenhouse, this is a PTSD-triggering event. 

Protesters met people going into the speaking event by chanting, “Black Lives Matter!” and holding signs calling Rittenhouse a “murderer,” “little s**t,” and referring to “Christo-Fascism,” the left’s latest verbal attempt to cast Christians as fascists and therefore targets. 

One held a sign reading, “Say their names.” 

OK, here are their names, and we’ll do you one better by including their rap sheets.

Which they then do, not that the violent Leftist mob will care a whit. As I’ve said a blue million times, for the rest of his life Kyle Rittenhouse will never again know a moment’s peace for having dared to commit several heinous crimes against the shitlib catechism, among them:

  • White? Check
  • Male? Check
  • Successfully deployed a fully-semi-automatic assault-weapon rifle-gun with extreme-high-capacity standard magazine clip—loaded with deadly high-explosive, armor-piercing cop-killer bullets, no doubt—in defense of his very life against a frothing, hate-fueled Leftist mob intent on killing him, armed and in hot pursuit of their intended victim? Check

There’s a few more I could tack on, but the above covers it well enough, I think.

Any of y’all remember a fine organization called the Patriot Guard Riders some years back? I rode on several of the local PG chapter’s escort missions myself, even posted on one of those runs here (with pictures, no less); unfortunately, said post was lost in the devastating Russian hack several years ago that sent twenty years’ worth of CF archives up in a puff of Cyrillic smoke.

And yes, it WAS Russians behind the attack, as confirmed and re-confirmed beyond any possible doubt by both the Hosting Matters crew and my own self. Who the hell knows what might’ve brought them to my humble doorstep to wreak their mischief? I blame Trump, myself. Or Putin. Or, possibly, both. As every shitlib knows, where one goes you usually find the other skulking about in the shadows.

No matter, though, my point being: stout biker-type dudes out in young Kyle Rittenhouse’s locality really ought to consider setting up the Kyle’s Guard Riders along PGR-like lines, for purposes of providing this courageous, indomitable American hero a protective escort to and from his speaking gigs—an escort congenitally disinclined to just sitting idly back and putting up with the usual bullshit from Leftard goon squads bent on intimidation at best, outright physical mayhem in actuality.

Just let a goodly number of vicious Lefty fuckwits get their empty skulls bashed in, their tires slashed, and their scraggly asses kicked up between their shoulder blades by a no-nonsense posse of burly One Percenters each and every time they show up to dog a Rittenhouse speaking engagement. Show them that their halcyon days of suppressing an entirely guiltless young American’s right to freedom of speech without swift retribution are over—that henceforth, such patently un-American thuggishness comes with a hefty price tag attached.

Tit for fucking tat, motherfuckers. Don’t start none, won’t be none, most assuredly. On the other hand, if you want a fight you’re damned sure gonna get yourselves one, most ricky-tick—all the fight you can stomach, plus some. Let’s all see how that works out for you in the end, shall we?

Meanwhile, I’ll content myself with a rerun of this lovingly hand-crafted meme I cobbled together in the immediate aftermath of the Wisconsin brouhaha in which the valiant Kyle Rittenhouse first made his American Patriot bones.

‘Nuff said.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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