Hell on holiday

Spencer graciously provides a long-awaited excuse for me to swipe that great Dashiell Hammett line, albeit abbreviated, from the mouth of his iconic Contintental Op character.

Sweden Is Safer in the Summertime, But No One Wants to Face the Reason Why
Recent developments in Britain and France are making it clear to everyone what European countries have done to themselves, but the full effects still won’t be seen for another few decades. Still, there are hints of what is happening, and what is to come, that are unmistakable to those who are paying attention.

The Swedish-language publication Fria Tider reported Tuesday that “in southern Sweden, it becomes quieter in the summer when the criminals go on holiday to their home countries, according to the police.”

Yes, you read that right: the people who commit most of the crimes in Sweden go on vacation to their countries of origin, and so their place of refuge becomes calmer and safer for the native population. Mats Karlsson, the head of intelligence for the police in the southern region of Sweden, explained: “Some of them, who originate in other countries, go there over the summer. Then we notice a big difference, a greater calm, in our vulnerable areas. In the second year when they are still in Sweden, they become messier.”

Now wait a minute. Aren’t many of these migrants supposed to be asylum seekers and refugees? So why are they vacationing in the countries they supposedly fled for their lives?

Also, who is paying for these vacations, with migrants receiving “65 percent of social welfare expenditures”? Swedish taxpayers, obviously. But why?

Oooh, I know I know, let me, let me! Because they’re pussified, weak-ass bitches?

The “foreign-born represent 53 percent of individuals with long prison sentences, 58 percent of the unemployed.” As if that weren’t enough, they receive “77 percent of Sweden’s child poverty is present in households with a foreign background, while 90 percent of suspects in public shootings have immigrant backgrounds.” What benefit does Sweden receive from importing a large criminal element?

Whatever good the Swedish elites think that the migrants are bringing to Sweden, they continue to ignore the fact that many of the migrants wish to transform Sweden and all of Europe and remake it in their own image. One reason for their high crime rate is their absolute contempt for the laws of the unbelievers, “the most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6). Add to this mix a multiculturalist ethos that exalts the presence of foreign and non-assimilated cultures within Western countries perceived as large umbrella structures for a huge variety of diverse peoples, and the stage is set for a policy of appeasement and accommodation of the ideology of Islamic supremacism.

European elites today believe that by admitting large numbers of Muslim immigrants into their country and making special accommodations for Islamic culture and practices, Europe will achieve a new cultural flowering — but left unconsidered in this is the nature of political Islam, which when dominant is hardly hospitable to rival political systems or cultures.

Sadly, shamefully in fact, Moslem appeasement is by no means restricted to the Europeenie side of the Big Pond nowadays.


Misplaced pride

A sobering reminder of the dismal State of Our (Fractured) Union.

After decades of witnessing America hasten into a dark nightmare of an existence and an ever more uncertain, ill-prepared direction for the future of the country, under a fascist Marxist-Maoist regime, our reasons to be proud of this country have become practically non-existent, on this 4th of July, due to largely inadequate counters or no counterattacks at all to prevent or halt the constant and continuous assaults and attacks by America’s domestic terrorists and the enemies-from-within, as well as enemies from abroad. And as many prepare to celebrate America’s Independence Day, Americans should reflect on their own vision for the not so “united” United States of America and whether or not they love this nation enough to ensure its continued success and survival throughout the 21st century as the greatest nation on earth.

This is the nation that gave the world the marriage between the ideas of liberty and the equality of all under the law, which greatly enabled and facilitated the highest levels of individual liberty and the greatest economic prosperity ever seen throughout the entire history of mankind. This alone would ordinarily make America a very Exceptional nation indeed, if not for the advent of the new amerikkans who hate America’s founding, Her principles and Western civilization itself.

The American Flag is heavily worn, and its stars are faded today, after roughly 200 years of America being such an exceptional nation. Yes, we know She’s stood tall for many years, the best She could for 248 years, but a large segment of the American people — those with a long line of American ancestry as well as the newer generations of immigrants — have themselves diminished and torn asunder the luster of the idea of American Exceptionalism and that Shining City on the Hill that has so often been used across history to depict America, and in far too many instances they have sabotaged the country and American virtues and principles by way of numerous Machiavellian mechanisms, as seen for example in the 1913 Federal Reserve Bank Act, 1929 Stock Market Crash, 1965 Immigration Act, the Covid Pandemic, mail-in ballots, “Election Month” instead of “Election Day” and the New Green Deal.

Our nation emerged from the fire, fury and chaos of the War for Independence with the hopes of the people and a people determined to live free through their own capabilities and devices without the heavy, tyrannical hand of any government from that day on, but from the looks of things today, those hopes were dashed repeatedly across the ages. They revolted over a two percent tax hike on tea, and yet here we sit today taxed on every damned thing under the sun, including the property we supposedly own and the very damned air we breathe.

The average American has many more valid reasons to revolt today, than they had in 1776. Consider the Declaration of Independence, and then consider the current political malaise that has grabbed the American people by the cajones and seemingly just sucked the will and the life out of them, as they sit back ever complacent and apathetic as a Marxist-Maoist juggernaut rolls over their inalienable God-given rights as seen in Natural Law made by God the Creator. One can almost hear the bleating as one walks down Main Street USA.

Never in American history have we seen our country and its people so sorely abused and put upon. Never have the American people suffered such a long train of abuses and usurpations, as we are suffering through today under this Marxist-Maoist communist regime that has captured our government through and through. And it’s damned hard to be proud of a country that has allowed for this, that stands by this very moment watching as if the situation will somehow miraculously resolve itself, as the Democratic Party move ahead with the fundamental transformation of America into something foreign and antithetical to Her founding, a tyrannical Socialist Super-State.

I’ve steadfastly maintained in recent years that, rather than celebrating an America that long since ceased to exist except in the minds and hearts of Real American patriots, the 4th of July ought to be informally declared a national day of mourning, swapping out the red, white, and blue with funereal black. Even so, I do think it worthwhile to celebrate—and take pride in—the unrivaled greatness of our Founding Fathers, if only to help us keep their accomplishments, the principles that inspired them, and the nation they selflessly pledged absolutely everything to ordain and establish foremost in our thoughts—not just today, but every day of the year.

Plus, there’s the side-benefit that doing so will piss shitlibs off so bad they’ll be running ’round and ’round in tight little circles like a man with one foot staked with an Arkansas Toothpick to the ground, frothing, baying, and shrieking like little girls over how horribly UNFAAAAIIIIR!!!! it all is—a spectacular tableau of grief-sodden, self-destructive futility bound to gladden the hearts of all Real Americans. I ask you, what’s not to like about that?

(Via Dave Renegade)

Unrelated update! Apropos of nothing whatsoever, I just noticed that, as of this moment, I have precisely ZERO (0) open blogfodder-tabs left—INCROYABLE!!

Granted, having deemed it unlikely that I ever would get around to properly addressing them at this point, I regretfully pulled the plug on three (3) long-open browser tabs earlier today that had been open so dang long they were dusty, rusty, and way past their use-by date. I mean, these things were so ancient I can’t even recollect why I’d originally thought they might be of much interest to anyone, much less interesting enough to inspire me to write about ‘em. Call it a mercy killing, perhaps.

But still…INCROYABLE!! Also, because reasons: SACRE BLEU!!

Another development which came to my attention yestiddy afternoon whilst slaving away to put the weekly Memezapoppin’ post together: my once-ginormous stockpile of memes awaiting deployment has dwindled to a mere shadow of its former robust self. Can’t even remember the last time that happened; it’s unsettling, frankly. Makes me feel rootless, adrift, without purpose, bereft. Out of the blue, I’m suffused with anxiety over a suddenly-unsettled future wherein, sooner or later, I’ll be caught with my pants down, as it were.

Yessir, to my astonishment and horror, the reassuring Strategic Meme Reserve I’d always taken for granted as a last-ditch backup which guaranteed me a steady, uninterrupted meme-stream to tap for post-content for the twice-weekly delectation of discerning, meme-thirsty CF Lifers and/or Eyrie Eyregulars in time of war and/or emergency is now almost totally drained. Disappointing you fine folks so egregiously by having to shut off the meme-spigot, albeit temporarily, owing entirely to my improvident lack of forethought is simply abhorrent to me— altogether unconscionable, unpardonable, unacceptable. T’is a personal disgrace, a fate worse than death, when you get right down to it.

Unlike the semi-successfully reanimated, overripe fleshly remains of Undead Jaux “Walks Among Us” Biden, I can’t even plead the near-fatal ravages of an immediate-onset head cold and/or mysteriously persistent faux fatigue from a weeks-past European sojourn for the undisclosed purpose of putting in a nominally lifelike appearance at a critically urgently vitally critical, inexplicably exhausting confab with my fellow-socialist-despot counterparts as excuse for my dereliction of duty, ferchrissake.

As expressed in the tear-soaked, grotesquely-theatrical sobs of Jerry Lee Lewis’s infamous cousin: I have sinned…against…you!

On the bright(er) side, it amounts to yet another recapitulation of a lesson drummed into me right down to the cellular level by many years of full-body immersion in the rock and roll lifestyle: too much is never enough. Guess I better get to surfing, downloading, and warehousing toot sweet…


War is coming here long since over, and lost

This. This right here.

I had an interesting conversation with a bunch of like-minded conservatives last month, and articulated something that in retrospect is obvious, but difficult to accept.

Islam is winning.

It has a coherent (to them) political philosophy, there is very little internal dissension, the vast majority of its adherents are supportive of its most savage and world-destroying goals, and they have successfully co-opted the natural antipathy of the West toward them and turned it on its head.

There are short-sighted economic reasons for the West to allow the immigrant invasions, but the grand scheme has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with the progressive drive to destroy traditional Western culture and replace it with…anything else. Islam, their allies of convenience, is happy to be of assistance, because they are confident that they will have the upper hand if the West falls to the globalist left.

And they will.

Alas, not “will,” CBD; HAVE, and/or DID. He links to an insightful, thought-provoking piece by one NS Lyons which opens thusly:

Cast Away Illusions and Prepare for Struggle
A response to old guard conservatism

Last fall the Claremont Institute’s venerable Charles R. Kesler published a lengthy essay critiquing National Conservatism and the “New Right” for, essentially, departing from the polite constitutionalist rhetoric of Bill Buckley-style American conservatism for a more definitive popular-nationalism. I was among those invited by Claremont to respond as part of a thoughtful symposium published last month. I’ve decided to republish my short contribution here (though I encourage you to go read the original essay and the full symposium). My argument is brief (and “nearly dismissive” according to Kesler, which I suppose is true): for decades old guard conservatives have for the most part completely failed to conserve anything, institutions of the republic included, no matter how frequently they’ve bandied about the Constitution and appealed to American exceptionalism; it will avail us nothing to continue in the same vein. Because of all this context and the intramural nature of the dispute I hesitated to bother posting this here at all. But given the “conservative”-leaning Supreme Court’s tragic decision yesterday to roll over and allow the gutting of the First Amendment (as predicted), the moment now seemed more appropriate to do so. – N.S. Lyons

To say the very least it is, if not already far too late to do anyone any real good. Continuing from there:

Mao instructed revolutionaries to seize power by struggling to control the “pen,” the “knife,” and the “gun” (that is, the propaganda and administrative institutions, the intelligence and security services, and the army). By this measure the progressive Left has already achieved near total victory. By contrast, old-guard conservatives have—for almost a century now—utterly failed to conserve much of anything, republic included. And none of their habitually muttered invocations of the Constitution’s sacred text have turned the tide in the least. Sadly, theirs is a god that failed—whatever regime we live under now, it is not the U.S. Constitution.

Meanwhile, this struggle is hardly confined to America’s shores. All across the Western world, regimes are converging on the same form of authoritarian managerial technocracy, treating popular sovereignty with disgust and brooking no dissent. New legislation in Canada proposes life in prison for “hate speech.” Britain already arrests hundreds of people per year for holding the wrong opinions. Germany’s interior minister says right-wingers who “mock the state” will be preemptively ejected from the financial system, have their business licenses revoked, and be banned from traveling. At the behest of the E.U., Poland’s new “centrist” government has cast aside the rule of law in order to arrest political enemies and purge the Right from all institutions.

Some of these countries have written constitutions, others don’t—it hardly matters. What they all share, along with the United States, is a near-identical ruling class of transnational managerial elites who believe they alone possess History’s mandate to reengineer society. And what they hate and fear above all else is the nation: the existence—and yes, the very idea—of a distinct and sovereign people that lies beyond the reach of their totalizing hunger for conformity and control. Hence, they hate and fear democracy, too—the self-governance of a nation. This global battle between transnational managerialism and sovereign democratic nationhood now defines 21st-century politics.

Agreed, for the most part, with my usual two (2) caveats:

  1. I still maintain that they do NOT fear us, not in the least; if they did, they’d be dealing with us in a quite different fashion than they have been since at least 2020, if not before. Rather, they despise us, hold us in contempt. And why shouldn’t they? So far, they’ve been given no reason whatsoever to think otherwise
  2. Can we please just dispense already with using The Enemy’s own terminology as if it had been mutually agreed upon as essentially accurate, applicable, and acceptable—ie, this never-ending “democracy” twaddle? I have another diatribe to be completed and put up later today (hopefully; no promises either expressed or implied) covering this very subject, so I’ll stop here on that and spare you folks the redundancy

Apart from those more or less pettifogging objections of mine, this short piece is another for the old must-read list, folks.

The normalcy bias which stubbornly (not to say “bitterly”) clings to the starry-eyed but nonetheless hopeless delusion that—despite the extremities of lawlessness, oppression, and bare-faced despotism Real Americans have been subjected to for lo, these many years—political business as usual somehow still offers meaningful recourse for the persecuted and misruled Serf Class must be abandoned toot sweet, lest all be well and truly lost. Surely it’s clear by now that petitioning the very government which is itself the author of our woes for redress of grievances, as if this were still America That Was rather than the contemporary, built-back-“better” Amerika v2.0, is nothing but a mug’s game.

Halp is ON THE WAY!

Per your “Commander” “in” “Chief,” Pedaux Jaux Bribem.

Biden Makes Gun Control a Focus of His Campaign
As if we ever doubted how this might play out, President Biden’s reelection campaign has moved his gun control agenda front and center of his campaign after unveiling a new advertisement last Saturday, highlighting his administration’s efforts to combat gun violence. The ad came just one day after the Supreme Court struck down a Trump-era prohibition on bump stocks.

In the 30-second spot, shared with The Hill, Biden blames former President Trump for the conservative-leaning court’s decision to overturn the ban. The Biden administration had defended the regulation, initially implemented by the Trump administration following the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.

“When Trump was president—children gunned down in classrooms, innocent people killed in church and massacred at a concert. Still, Trump did nothing,” Biden says in the ad, accusing the former president of often siding with the NRA. The ad also emphasizes Biden’s actions, including expanding background checks and establishing the Office of Gun Violence Prevention late last year.

God DAMN that Trump, out there wantonly slaughtering schoolchildren, “trans” “people,” Neegrows, Dindus, and Gibmedats—the heartless, inhuman monster. Not to worry though, Too Aulde Jaux is gonna put a stop to it, and be damned if he’s gonna let piffling irrelevancies like the US Constitution stand in his way.

“You and your family deserve to be safe and I’m going to fight like hell to see to it that you are,” Biden asserts in the advertisement. The campaign further notes that murder rates have declined under Biden’s administration, citing a 20 percent drop in over 200 cities across the U.S., based on an April analysis from the criminal justice consulting firm AH Analytics. Though those numbers are questionable, but if they are accurate, then it also possibly counters their arguments that “more guns equals more crime” as in that same time frame Biden is claiming to have made our country safer, gun sales continue on a healthy pace and more states have enacted permitless carry (also known as constitutional carry) in their states. Twenty-nine states now allow their citizens to legally carry firearms without a permit.

“If you care about the gun violence crisis in this country, there is only one candidate in this race with a proven record of successfully taking on the gun lobby and only one candidate who will ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” said Biden communications director Michael Tyler in a statement to The Hill.

WHEW, what a relief. Do you feel safer already? I know I surely do.



Further proof, as if any were needed

What does Mike’s Iron Law #873 say? They will NOT stop. They will NEVER stop. They will have to BE stopped. Period fucking dot, end of fucking story.

A New And Predictable Front For Gun Grabbers
Something many of us have been warning about keeps unfolding. While attempts to pass any sort of direct gun bans through Congress have been stymied for a long time and Supreme Court decisions like New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen have been instrumental in overturning unconstitutional state gun control laws, it is clear that the anti-2A forces are not giving up and are instead increasingly doing an end-around on Congress via lawfare.

Here is the latest effort on the lawfare front…

Families of the children who survived the 2022 Robb Elementary mass shooting and parents of those who died have filed a lawsuit against UPS and FedEx, claiming the shipping companies played a part in the massacre that left two teachers and 19 children dead by transporting the rifle and trigger accessories to the gunman.

The lawsuit, filed in Bexar County last month, seeks a jury trial to determine compensatory and punitive damages. The suit claims that the actions of the shipping company caused the families to “suffer and sustain severe physical, mental, and emotional harm” that has resulted and will continue to result in medical expenses and losses of income throughout their lives.

FedEx delivered the AR-15-style rifle to Oasis Outback, which is where the shooter picked up the firearm, the lawsuit said. UPS sent the Hell-Fire trigger modification, which allows a semiautomatic rifle to shoot at a faster rate of speed, to the shooter.

The lawsuit would seem to be without merit. Both the AR-15 and the trigger modification are perfectly legal products, shipped under tight controls. All firearms shipped in the U.S. must be delivered to a valid Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder and those FFLs are subject to strict rules about transfers and are under the oversight of the ATF. Meritless or not, frivolous lawsuits like these might find a sympathetic activist judge and jury who will go along, and even if that doesn’t happen there is an enormous cost to defending a company against lawsuits like this.

While these lawsuits are partly a money grab (the families are also suing Instagram and Activision along with Daniel Defense because the Uvalde shooter played Call of Duty), they are also aimed at shutting down a critical pipeline for gun-owners. It won’t happen with this lawsuit but just as the Firearms Policy Coalition likes to meme, the lawsuit printer runs non-stop, and it works for gun control groups just as much as it does for pro-2A groups like the FPC and GOA.

I keep saying we are in a unique window right now for buying firearms and while most of you presumably already have a bunch, now is the time to make sure you have the right firearms and ammo and accessories. Maybe it is time to upgrade your main rifle or your everyday carry pistol. Perhaps an upgraded trigger? You can always use more magazines. Or spare parts, Big Country did a good post the other day about what bits and bobs you should have for your AR: Needed Some Time Off and What to Have to Service Your Boom-Stick. Point is, don’t take for granted how awesome things are for gun buyers right now, it will not last.

You have been warned. What you do with that warning is your bidness.

That’s about the size of it, yeah. Y’know, sometimes I just can’t help but HATE being proved right all the time.


The Marxists Have…

All that is required to appoint the next White House occupant. And they will. They do not care what you think. They do not care what individual action you take.

They will not stop until a large group of Americans put a stop to it.

Democrats have the U.S. Dept of Justice.
Democrats have the United States postal service.
Democrats have the key state Secretaries of State.
Democrats have the United States US Attorney General.
Democrats have key state Attorneys General.
Democrats have county level District Attorneys.
Democrats have BLM foot soldiers (Ballot Harvesters).
Democrats have AME precinct workers (Ballot Counters).
Democrats have illegal alien names for ballots.

Democrats do not have voters.

The Guy Who Organizes Ballot Counting, Says…


No shame, no sense, no honor, no integrity

The sheer, unmitigated gall of the sorriest sumbitch ever to shit behind a pair of shoes. Well, usually behind them, that is, up until the last few years.

Oh the Irony: Biden Calls for Stricter Gun Laws Hours After Son’s Conviction on Gun Charges
In a speech delivered Tuesday afternoon at the annual misnamed Gun Sense University conference, President Joe Biden pushed for more stringent gun control measures, mere hours after his son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty of federal gun charges in Delaware. The irony of the president advocating for more gun laws while his own son faced legal consequences for violating existing ones was not lost on many.

The event, hosted by Everytown for Gun Safety, a group heavily funded by anti-gun advocate Mike Bloomberg, served as a platform for Biden to call for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in front of a crowd that supports such actions.

“It’s time once again to do what I did when I was a senator: ban assault weapons,” Biden proclaimed and then again showing he or his speech writers understand nothing about firearms, went on to say, “Who, in God’s name, needs a magazine which can hold 200 shells?”

Note ye well: HE did. Him, and nobody whatsoever else. Fucking execrable cocksucker.

“None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners,” Biden claimed, though many gun rights advocates disagree.

Yeah, fuck you all to Hell and gone, ***”pResident”*** DickWithEars. Prithee tell, though: just what part of “shall not be infringed” is too complex for you to wrap your empty head around? Not that he doesn’t understand, mind; he not only knows full well what the words laid down by the Founders are, but that they mean exactly what they say. Like the rest of his fellow gun-grabbers, it’s just that he’s ag’in it, that’s all.

As for those 200,000+ capacity magazine-clip-drums (!!!) of yours: according to the specific, explicit words of the late, lamented US Constitution you loathe so intensely, it is NOT given to you to decide who might need what. Nor is it any of your fucking business, either. If I want the things, it is my fundamental, unalienable right to by God have them, without reference to what you think I do or do not “need.” I am under no obligation to explain myself to you, nor to the horse you rode in on, nor to anybody who fucking well looks like you. Go fuck yourself in the lower pyloric sphincter with a rusty railroad spike marinated overnight in hydrochloric acid, you and all your hoplophobic Goosesteppin’ Left fellow-travelers.

Something from last night’s Memezapoppin’ post springs immediately to mind.

And WOOT! There it is. That right there is all the explanation you’re ever gonna get from me, and way more of one than you deserve or are owed—period fucking dot, end of fucking story. I say again: stop yer blubbing and just come and take them already. Let’s just see once and for all how that works out for ya when all’s said and done.


The Donald Trump of Julius Caesars

As promised/threatened earlier: the fall of the Republic, then and now.

Observations During The Late Republic
For the first time in a long time, I have turned back to Roman history. It has been something like 2 decades since I read anything to do with Rome. But, recently, as part of my fitness and general “be strong, not fat” program (on which I shall write more, as well), I am listening to Mike Duncan’s “The History of Rome” podcast. Ironically, I reached Julius Caesar in the last stages of the First Triumvirate just as the Donald Trump “hush money” trial got really interesting.

In the late Roman Republic, Patricians, wealthy Plebians, and successful Generals were often prosecuted for crimes (real and imaginary) after they left office and no longer were protected by the office they held. They were prosecuted by their political enemies, as a general rule of thumb, in order to gain power, prevent the individual from gaining further power, and so forth.

One of the key reasons that Julius Caesar broke Roman law and led his Army across the Rubicon River and into Italy was that he knew that his political enemies were going to prosecute him for crimes they believed he had committed while Consul. Once his 10 year term of Pro-Consul of Cis-Alpine Gaul was complete, they would bring charges against him and then have him exiled or executed. He attempted to negotiate with the Senate for amnesty from prosecution in return for relinquishing command of his Legions, but the Senate refused and ordered him to relinquish command and return to Rome alone.

When Julius Caesar refused, he knew (and said) that the die was cast, meaning that he would have to fight a civil war now. And he led his legions into Italy, which ultimately ended the Republic.

If you think this isn’t what we see happening right now in America, you don’t understand that history and how it is repeating itself.

I think it safe to say that, in Amerika v2.0, there are a great many historical parallels that aren’t understood—or even known, for that matter—by a great many people. And should you try to explain it to them, they’ll either

  • Stuff their fingers into their ears and ignore you completely
  • Accuse you of the Hate Crime of Mansplaining, call the cops, and demand you be arrested, which the cops will assuredly do
  • Physically assault you for your intolerable defense of the hated Patriarchy
  • Call you a damned liar
  • Run away to the nearest officially-licensed Safe Space, having been Triggered by your Violent© act of oppression, bigotry, and Literal Genocide

Those, among other unpleasant possibilities.

(Not) Crime, (undue) punishment, and (in)justice in Amerika v2.0

Been looking forward to Steyn’s take on yesterday’s foul rape of “justice.” It was worth the wait, as usual.

Oh, and I see that “former federal prosecutor” William Otis has just filed a column headlined “Why a Trump Conviction Will Be Reversed”. (Also “Leader McConnell”, whom I feel we don’t talk about enough, briefly unfroze to say he “expects” the conviction to be overturned.) As to Mr Otis’s credibility in such matters, one notes he estimated the chances of guilty-on-all-counts at “about five per cent”.

Be that as it may, his legal reasoning would be fine if America were a land of laws, but unfortunately it’s a land of men: whether for the forty-fifth president or a “niche Canadian”, we’re in basic “Who? Whom?” territory, as the Leninists would say. After my own experience of both the New York and Washington appellate benches, I would rate the chances of Trump getting this reversed at the state level as way lower than Mr Otis’s five per cent. It’s the same in my own case: all involved know the DC Court of Appeals is merely an interlude in order to get it wafted up to the US Supreme Court. Likewise with Trump. So we’re betting the farm on John Roberts and that rock-ribbed six-three “conservative” majority on which Republicans have expended so much energy to the exclusion of every other societal lever. And, even were they minded to intervene, as I remarked on-air to Tucker a fortnight before the last so-called election, “A judges’ republic is a contradiction in terms.”

In theory, Trump has been convicted of a crime and could be headed to gaol. Also in theory, his term of confinement could be put on hold pending the outcome of his appeal. But they didn’t do that with Peter Navarro, did they? And it seems highly unlikely to me that they would have gone to all this trouble for a fine and a suspended sentence. They want him dead. If you don’t get that, go over to Larry Hogan’s pad and start cooing over your “respect” for “the rule of law”.

How will the people react to whatever happens on July 11th (Trump’s sentencing date, subject to change entirely at the whim of “judge” Mechan—M)? Riots in Milwaukee? One can’t help noticing that, since the brutal January 6th prosecutions to the fullest extent of the law and then bulked up with “terrorism” charges by DC judges just as bad as this New York guy, there is little appetite for what Orwell called “turbulence”.

But, either way, Democrats figure that, however Trump supporters react, they can make this work for them…and awful pathetic hollow husks such as Larry Hogan will be happy to string along.

So, right now, they’re making their plans for July 11th. Is anyone on the other side?

I will add one final thought born of my own experience. I am about to begin my thirteenth year in the foetid septic tank of the District of Columbia courts. My finances are ruined, and so is my constitution. By the latter, I mean my health, not the United States Constitution, which is already dead. By contrast, I’m just about hanging on, although I very much doubt I will live long enough to be vindicated at the Supreme Court. Which is bad news for my heirs and relicts. As one of the lawyers taunted me last year, “This doesn’t end with your death.”

I’m sad about that, and would much prefer to devote the time that remains to playing music and enjoying the sunsets. I am worn out, and bitter about the books I’ll never get to write because of the way American litigation has consumed what should have been my most productive years. I have a theological objection to suicide, but would not be averse to dying in my sleep.

And that’s just with two rinky-dink cases on the go.

Trump, on the other hand, is barraged at all turns – here, there, state, federal, civil, criminal. He has been subjected to all manner of indignities – such as, just this week, having to sit in the crappy courtroom while the jury deliberates, which Judge Irving did not force me to do in DC.

Trump is (or was) a mega-rich American and he has the habits of the mega-rich, and they are rarely attractive in close-up. Personally, I would have no desire to find myself in a room with Stormy Daniels, and I cannot imagine that whatever transpired was other than mechanical and perfunctory and instantly forgettable. On Fox, at the height of his presidency, Greg Gutfeld used to say, “Trump banged a porn star and we got world peace.” He was making explicit the trade-off that large parts of the GOP coalition had made in 2015 and 2016: yes, he’s a flawed man, but the republic is so crapped out that a house-trained Republican like Jeb Bush or Larry Hogan isn’t going to cut it.

Yet days such as yesterday have turned Trump into something that the Gutfeld formulation never could: it has made him noble and heroic.

The mega-rich guy from Mar-a-Lago and Miss Universe and Trump Tower and The Apprentice decided to dedicate his final years to doing something for all those forgotten men in towns no one knows where all the factories got shipped to China and replaced by meth labs. And in return the worthless US establishment – the guys who took America’s post-war dominance and gave it away to the Politburo in return for “ten per cent for the big guy” – set about destroying him: a half-billion appeal bond in New York, an eviction from the ballot in Maine, a lawyer forced to cop a plea and turn state’s evidence in Georgia…

Much of the United States – certainly the bits that matter – is now institutionally evil, and I am not sure that evil can be reversed, whether we’re talking about the bodily mutilation of middle-school girls or the sacrifice of a generation of a distant nation’s men in the meat-grinder of the Ukraine war. On America’s watch, the entirety of western civilisation is sliding off the cliff, and very fast – which is all anyone will remember about it.

Even with the above extended excerpt, there’s still plenty rich, buttery Steyn goodness left, of which you should read the all.


The Verdict, Part the Second

What the hell, there’s plenty left to say yet about today’s traveshamockery, so let’s go ahead and start a new post for all that. First off, Sean Davis says he ain’t playing no more.

The part below the “Read more” PITA is worth including, I think.

There’s only one way to deal with nuclear war, which is what Democrats have unleashed, and that is mutually assured destruction. Democrats declared war on our entire system of justice and the rule of law, and our only options are victory or defeat. I intend to win. Do you?

We’ll find out soon enough, I suppose. Sean followed up with a most excellent idear.

Oh HELL yeah! This needs to happen so bad I just…can’t…EVEN. So howzabout it then, Gov Abbott? Wanna kneecap your home-state (and elsewhere) detractors who insist that you’re a fake, phony fraud, a squish who only pretends to be a solid defend-the-borders man for the TeeWee cameras? Sic AG Paxton, who in fact IS a real-deal Texas pit bull, on Bribem and Lavrenti Garland and just watch your poll numbers soar. Oh, and speaking of Paxton…

‘He’s Very Talented’: Trump Floats Texas AG Ken Paxton As US Attorney General
Donald Trump has floated the possibility of nominating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to be U.S. Attorney General if he wins the presidency in November.

Speaking with a local television station at the NRA conference in Dallas over the weekend, Trump was asked whether he would consider Paxton for the role.

“I would, actually,” Trump responded. “He’s very, very talented. I mean, we have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it. But he’s a very talented guy.”

“I fought for him when he had the difficulty and we won,” he continued. “He had some people really after him, and I thought it was really unfair.”

Paxton has long been a steadfast ally of Trump, having previously launched legal challenges against the 2020 presidential election results in four key states. He was also present at the “Stop The Steal” rally that took place before the January 6th Capitol protests.

Trump, meanwhile, endorsed Paxton’s reelection campaign in 2022, describing him as someone who “advances America First policies in order to Make America Great Again.”

Huh. Somehow this story escaped my notice when it first went up a week ago, even though Red State is one of my regular blogfodder-trolling spots. But I have to say, I definitely dig the idea. Not that “convicted felon” Donald Trump (get used to it, there’ll be no escaping the lurid canard from now on) has a snowball’s chance of regaining the forever-tainted “pResidency,” natch. However, a threatened Paxton appointment sounds great just the same, if only as a ruse to make the wee shitlib tykes cwy their widdle eyes out fwom fwight.

From another “What’s next…?” article, I find this extremely amusing.

If you thought this country was divided before, we could likely see upheaval like never before. With many seeing this trial as politically motivated by the left to take him off the ballot, what happens next?

First off, he can still run for president.

The Constitution states a candidate must be at least 35 years old, a natural-born U.S. citizen, and a resident in the country for at least 14 years. There is nothing noted about criminal charges. 

Can he pardon himself?

No. Because it is a state conviction, he will not be able to pardon himself as president. Presidents only have jurisdiction over federal convictions.

Can any state take him off the ballot?

They did try, but no. The 14th Amendment, which was passed after the Civil War, states that no one who has participated in an insurrection may run for the presidency. While some states have tried to claim this against Trump regarding Jan. 6th, they have been unsuccessful in proving it. He will still be on the ballot, as long as he is the Republican nominee. 

How can he serve as president if he is also serving a criminal sentence?

It is expected that due to his age and this being his first conviction, he will not serve prison time. He may be given probation, which would mean he would have to ask permission every time he leaves the state of New York. If sentenced to time in prison, which would undoubtedly be frowned upon as a politically motivated move, he could still actually legally serve as president from behind bars. (Can you believe I just said those words?)

Hey, Marg, in Amerika v2.0 that’s just another example of the sort of thing we’re ALL gonna have to get used to, alas. At least, unless/until Real Americans finally r’are up on their hind legs and smite the ever-lovin’ blue-eyed SHIT out of these scrofulous shitweasels, at any rate—so punishingly that it leaves ‘em too damned scared to open their mouths in public ever again, not even to breathe.

Meanwhile, another of the repulsive nuggets of wormy, slime-encrusted squirrel dung behind the lawless persecution of Trump seems mighty proud of his despicable self.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg spoke to reporters Thursday evening after guilty verdicts were handed down against former president Donald Trump, attempting to cast himself as a statesman who went after a corrupt, seemingly untouchable politician and, despite all temptations to act in a biased manner, worked with the people in his office to honorably carry out their duty. “I was just doing my job,” he says.

I want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team, embodying the finest traditions of this office: professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service. They are model public servants, and I am proud and humbled to serve side-by-side with them.

An even more insulting and provocative assertion from Bragg in his short press conference was this:

And while this defendant may be unlike any other in American history…we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors: by following the facts and the law and by doing so without fear or favor.

That’s just simply not the case. This prosecution was planned for years, and if Alvin Bragg was prosecuting all cases in which a political candidate or their attorney entered into a paid non-disclosure agreement with someone who had negative information about them, well, there would be lots of Democrats under indictment right now. Perhaps Bragg can next look into the 51 people who signed the letter declaring the laptop the U.S. Department of Justice has now confirmed as belonging to Hunter Biden as “Russian disinformation” in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election – and those who orchestrated its composition – and see what positions they were promised in a potential Biden administration or other monetary or professional benefits they were promised/given in exchange for their advocacy?

PRO TIP: Don’t let’s anybody be holding their breath, ‘kay? Get him: “without fear or favor,” yet. Be sure to add the scoundrel Bragg to the list—with berobed blaggard “Judge” Mechan—of Korrupt Kourtroom Demo-Klowns who, in a better, more just world, would’ve been hanged by the neck until dead, dead, DEAD months ago.


The Verdict

Surprising exactly no one with half a lick of sense, Trump got got earlier today, on all 34 spurious, wholly-contrived counts.

President Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of…something, a bookkeeping issue turned into a felony, with whatever the underlying crimes the jury picked (Trump wasn’t told) for a conviction, quite contrary to the Supreme Court’s 1999 Richardson ruling, that the jury must be unanimous as to the underlying crime. Justice Juan Merchan said otherwise and that was what the jury was told.

So now the left is happy, dancing, Joe Biden trying to make money off it, and Merchan, who presided over this kangaroo court in New York, setting the sentencing for Trump to July 11, just before the GOP convention. Maybe his Democrat political operative daughter recommended that one.

The justice, who bitterly complained about not being able to send one of President Trump’s executives to prison for a longer sentence than he did, again, over a bookkeeping issue, is sure to send President Trump to Riker’s Island, making himself a hero to the left, which will no doubt ensure that he gets richer.

Which seems about par, given the dishonesty of this entire case, one that makes the U.S. a global laughingstock on the world stage and will undoubtedly empower dictators to do the same to their political opponents.

So much was utterly wrong with this case.

All it does is show us how vile and evil the left is, with absolutely no scruples of any kind as they seek to re-elect floundering Joe Biden and better still, knock Trump from the race by any means necessary.

Oh, it does a great deal more than just that, I’m afraid; let us count the ways, as ol’ Will S. once said. For one thing: it condemns Trump to spend the rest of his life, and a YUUUGE chunk of his fortune, in appeals court. For another: it also ensures that, from this day forward, you will never again see the words “Donald J Trump” mentioned in any Enemedia outlet without the words “convicted felon” appended as prefix. For yet another: this transparently farcical decision put-up job amounts to the biggest pie ever hurled into the faces of Real Americans, as well as America That Was overall.

Everyone associated in any way with this vile molestation of the very concept of impartial justice and the rule of law should be deeply, deeply ashamed of themselves. If any of them possessed even one iota of simple decency, they surely would be. Our old friend and certified CF Lifer hhluce asks the pertinent question in a concise post over at his reliably top-notch streamfortyseven Substack hang—then answers it, I believe all too accurately.

Trump Convicted On 34 Felony Counts … What Happens Next?
My bet is that he is remanded to the maximum security wing at Rikers Island, then to whatever New York state prison the New York Department of Corrections deems appropriate. I also bet that the judge will revoke the bail, and set a fine equal to the bail amount – $175 million. I could see the judge sentencing Trump to ten years for each of the felony counts and run the sentences consecutively – that’s 340 years. Trump will be off the campaign trail for good, now, and will be free only after an appeals court hears his case and overturns the verdict, or the US Supreme Court does so – and that could take years. He might very well die in jail given his age. No more Trump rallies, no more huge crowds, none of that. Today, Joe Biden won another term as President, the election will be a pro forma exercise. This sets an ominous precedent, because the population of the country has to believe in the concept of free and fair elections, and this action drives a wooden stake right through the heart of that concept. I don’t know the downstream consequences of this, but I doubt that they will be either pleasant or peaceful.

A-yup. As y’all know, I’ve been fretting hereabouts for years now about the likelihood of Trump being hauled off to durance vile, then conveniently Epsteined once in lockdown and entirely at the mercy of his—and ours, and America’s—implacable enemies. With this revoltin’ development, unsurprising as it was, I see no reason to revise that estimation.

As for “peaceful,” we must hope like hell not. Not that I’m advocating strife and bloodshed, mind; I dread the awful prospect to the very marrow of my bones. That said, though, if, as I expect will be the case, MAGA Americans just sit on their hands and quietly do nothing as has been their wont for many decades in the face of endless, relentless Leftist depredation and escalation, the last feeble spark of hope for any sort of meaningful American renaissance will gutter out and die. To coin a bitter phrase: When war becomes necessary, peace is the least desirable option. Or, in other, more florid terms, “peace at any price” isn’t really peace at all; in truth, it’s surrender.

If America was still the nation it once was—if Americans were still the proud, independent, upright people they once were—the corrupt, dishonorable, and iniquitous “Judge” Merchan would have been swinging by his neck from a lamppost months ago.

Update! Matt Margolis—and, to my own personal glee, Ron DeSantis—weighs in on the side of decency, propriety, and plain common sense.

I knew it was coming. We all knew. Yet, the verdict delivered on Thursday in the case against Donald Trump still shocked me.

We knew Democrats had long planned to impeach Trump before even taking office, yet when they finally succeeded, it was hard to process.

“Today’s verdict represents the culmination of a legal process that has been bent to the political will of the actors involved: a leftist prosecutor, a partisan judge and a jury reflective of one of the most liberal enclaves in America—all in an effort to ‘get’ Donald Trump,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a statement. “That this case—involving alleged misdemeanor business records violations from nearly a decade ago—was even brought is a testament to the political debasement of the justice system in places like New York City. This is especially true considering this same district attorney routinely excuses criminal conduct in a way that has endangered law-abiding citizens in his jurisdiction.”

DeSantis continued, “It is often said that no one is above the law, but it is also true that no one is below the law. If the defendant were not Donald Trump, this case would never have been brought, the judge would have never issued similar rulings, and the jury would have never returned a guilty verdict. In America, the rule of law should be applied in a dispassionate, even-handed manner, not become captive to the political agenda of some kangaroo court.”

Well said, Gov, and good on ya for coming out swinging in defense of Trump at long, long last. Better late than never, I reckon. Matt closes his piece skillfully, passionately, and with nary a flinch or blink.

This verdict was a warning shot, signaling that the Democrats’ quest for unchallenged power has no boundaries and that it can succeed if we don’t take back our country. Their willingness to bend, break, and shred the rule of law in their pursuit of supremacy is unprecedented. It’s a chilling reminder that the republic they claim to champion is on life support, and what they really want is to pull the plug.

Exactly, precisely so. If this doesn’t open the last averted eyes out there—up to and including Trump’s own—to the harsh reality that political business-as-usual; our governmental, legal, and criminal-justice systems; and the entire politico-societal order as we once knew it are all dead and gone, I really don’t know what might do the trick.

It’s gotten downright infuriating for me to read or hear some otherwise astute pundit acknowledge in the first ‘graph that 1) yes, the Old Order has ceased to exist, that there is neither refuge, recompense, nor redress to be had there any longer. Then, by the last one, he/she/they/zhimm/it/whatevs starts in working the same lame, tiresome “we must file lawsuits/Vote Harderer/work within the system/protest peacefully etc etc etc” wheeze, despite having tacitly admitted the worthlessness of those stratagems only moments before.

Look, guys, I get it, I really, really do. You, me, Trump, all of us deeply, sincerely loved America That Was—its traditions, its core values, its rich history, its strength, its open-hearted generosity, its unprecedented success. It was a wonderful place in which to live, work, raise children, and grow up: warm, welcoming, safe, comfortable. That America was unique in its brash, confident exuberance. Though we could sometimes be immodest about it—obnoxious, even—when we laid claim to American Exceptionalism, it wasn’t merely empty braggadocio. The rest of the world knew it, and if they resented us for it here and there, they also very much admired us.

Hell, I’ve been across the pond quite a few times and can report truthfully that, with vanishingly few exceptions, they like us Americans over there. Loud, inane chatter; vulgar, uncouth deportment; unfashionable clothing and/or hairstyles; crappy, piss-water beer served cold (!!); disgusting “cuisine” and all, they really, really LIKE us clumsy, foolish Yanks.*

Much as it hurts to have to say it, though, America That Was is no more. To our immeasurable loss, that noble Republic is dust in the wind, a fond memory and nothing more. We live in Amerika v2.0 now: a squalid, intolerant, crumbling, improvident DC-centric shitrapy (mis)ruled by cheap con-men, oafs, sadistic thugs, and plunderers so far gone in degeneracy and grubby self-indulgence they’d make Caligula himself blush to his roots at the mere sight of them.

Today’s juridical obscenity “surprising,” “shocking,” “unexpected”? With a cast of characters as loathsome as this, it was inevitable—a foregone conclusion, sad as that is.

* Particularly European (and Scandinavian) women, who are without exception beautiful, lissome, and totally charming. Walk down any street in Amsterdam or Helsinki and you’ll fall hopelessly in love every other block; open your gob and let ‘em hear that flat American twaaannnng and all of a sudden you’ll have a very pleasant, utterly beguiling tour-guide for the rest of your evening stroll at least, longer if you play your cards right and aren’t an irredeemable douchenozzle


Memorial Day Part the Second

Not to slight our honorable war dead, but these filthy, fascist bastards should never be forgotten either—just in a different way, with utmost dishonor instead of respect and love.

Those of the above that haven’t already dropped dead from twelve-foot long bloodclots and coronary “distress” should be shot right in the fucking face. “Fuck your freedom,” Arnie? No, fuck YOU, pal. You, and everyone who “thinks” like you, forever and ever amen.

(Via Dave Renegade)


The Tytler Cycle

A refresher course on how history just keeps on repeating itself.

WTF is Happening to America & What Are You Going To Do About It?
The title of this piece is a question I always hear (and ask). What the fuck is happening to this country?

From listeners, neighbors, friends, family, and even those whom I despise on the opposite end of the political spectrum, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that this country is a complete mess. The natural follow-up question is, how did we get here?

It’s not hard to answer.

It simply took 248 years for our government to bloat itself to what we are witnessing today. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Our founders understood this, and Benjamin Franklin wondered aloud when Elizabeth Willing Powell asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin famously responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.” They knew what we are experiencing today was inevitable. That government naturally evolves to seek unbridled growth and total power over the people. What no one knew was how long it would take to lose it, and here we are today, in our lifetimes, living through what may very well be the end of our constitutional form of Republic unless we decide to “keep it” and “keeping it” my friends, is not a foregone conclusion.

To understand this requires a glance back to the work of Lord Alexander Tytler, a Scottish historian who lived between 1747 and 1813. Tytler wrote what has been referred to over the centuries as the “Tytler Cycle,” outlining the eight stages of a democracy or a democratic republic such as ours. His words were prophetic indeed. He believed that every society began in bondage and progressed through the stages below:

  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage.

He professed that our form of government’s average life is 200 years.
While the Roman Republic survived nearly 500 years before its collapse, we’ve outlived his theory by 48 years. Washington, under Democrat leadership, is pushing us through stage seven en route to its goal of total control, or as Tytler put it, bondage. We are closer than at any time in our history to our eventual disintegration.

This is the “fundamental transformation” of America referred to by Marxist Barack Obama.

Indeed so. Seems like there oughta be some way we could thank the slope-shouldered sissymary properly for that, but then that’s where the second half of the title question comes in, I suppose.


SHOCKER: Dog bites man!!!

Seriously now, is there anybody out there who DIDN’T know this Breaking News BLOCKBUSTER!!© by now? Could there possibly be? Asking for a friend, that’s all.

NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials
It’s about time!

At long last, National Institutes of Health (NIH) principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress Thursday that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China in the months and years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Dr. Tabak,” asked Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, “did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through [Manhattan-based nonprofit] EcoHealth [Alliance]?”

“It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research,” Tabak answered. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.

The response comes after more than four years of evasions from federal public health officials — including Tabak himself and former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci — about the controversial research practice that modifies viruses to make them more infectious.

Said Dr Tabak to commit “suicide” by shooting himself in the back of the head 12 times in 5…4…3…2…

Follows, a veritable shitstorm of the de rigeur weasel-words, ass-covering, and evasiveness regarding what the actual, literal meaning of “gain of function” might and might not be, burped up by a Swamp critter cast of thousands, before we get to this, from Rutgers University genetics prof Dr. Bryce Nickels, also a co-founder of the pandemic oversight group (whatever that is) Biosafety Now:

“It’s pure insanity to continue to delegate responsibly for risk/benefit analysis of research that poses an existential threat to humanity to the scientist that will perform the work and their institutions,” Nickels claimed.

“We just had a devastating pandemic likely caused by creation of a [Pathogen with Enhanced Pandemic Potential] in a lab, and yet scientists want the public to trust them that they can police themselves?” he balked. “That’s just total and complete nonsense.”

Excellent point, Doc, but know what’s REALLY “complete nonsense,” in my humble estimation? That all y’all “experts” are still trying to peddle the FauxVid tyranny trial-run as a “devastating pandemic” to the contemptible panic-ninnies who fell for your bushwa the first time around, that’s what.

Ho-hum. Let’s tot it up, shall we?

  • A once-proud people terrorized, traumatized, and stampeded like mindless cattle
  • A booming national economy trashed
  • “Social distancing,” “mask mandates,” et al
  • A supply chain irrepairably damaged
  • Election-fraud mechanisms normalized, institutionalized, and permanentized
  • Bedrock American liberties and rights flung down and danced upon
  • Small businesses driven into bankruptcy while “essential” megacorporations are given a bye
  • Untold millions of lives, careers, families, relationships, critical health-treatment regimens, and educations disrupted and/or ruined
  • The Have-nots forced to cower in their homes under contra-Constitutional lockdowns while the Haves party hearty exactly as before

All this wanton destruction, impoverishment, and immiseration, brought about entirely by FederalGovCo skullduggery, psychopathy, and brazen lies. State and local governments also, lest we forget. Yet not one, not even ONE, of the perfidious plutocrats behind this con-job have so much as lost their cushy goobermint sinecures and/or bloated pensions over it. NOT. ONE.

TRUST these verminous orcs, or the Mordor On The Potomac megalith they run, again? Shyeeaaaaahhhh, that’ll be the day.

Tellyawhat, get back to me when the grisly homunculus Fauci, his henchman Peter Daszak, and the rancid tub of goo Deborah Birx—at the very, very minimum—have been duly sentenced to rockin’ orange in Supermax for the rest of their worthless existences, thenksveddymuch. Until that frabjous day arrives, it’s all just more of the same old talky-talk, in which I have a good deal less than no interest whatsoever. Investigations, hearings, blue-ribbon commissions, fiery speeches from DC ProPols, Congressional inquiries, lawsuits, etc etc ad infinitum ad nauseum—ummmm, yeah, NO. I’m with Ace:

He is a murderer and a perjurer. We cannot convict him for his millions of murders, but we can convict him of his dozens of perjuries.

This vicious malignant dwarf must spend the rest of his golden feather-bedded years in a federal prison. He spent his whole working life in the federal system; he should die there too.

A fuggin’ MEN, brother. Alas, I won’t be holding my breath waiting for it, and neither should you.


Supreme Court Corrupt – They can ALL go to Hell

Anyone other than Peter Navarro guilty of contempt of congress? Is a biden by the name of Hunter guilty? How about a former obama AG by the name of Holder? Why are they not in jail for contempt?

So, it is often stated that Justice Thomas is the best we have and I have often agreed with that assessment. When the SCOTUS is clearly opposed to justice, when it has an opportunity to make something right (just allow an old man out of jail during the appeal of the case), and it doesn’t, then why doesn’t Justice Thomas speak out? The institution is more important than American citizens apparently.

None of them are Americans. None deserve a seat on the court. They are all corrupt.

Supreme Court rejects latest Peter Navarro bid to leave prison


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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