“Elites” vs the rest of us

So recidivist crackhead, First Bagman, and general scumwad (with apologies to all wads of scum insulted by the invidious comparison to this lowlife) Hunter Bribem showed up today, but not in response to any House subpoena. Ohhhh, no.

Instead, Hunter skipped the deposition and called a whiny, self-indulgent press conference in which he repeated the Democrat talking points that Joe Biden is clean as a whistle and never got involved in his business dealings. 

“They belittled my recovery, and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass my father, who has devoted his entire life to public service,” he said. How noble. He’s a regular Dr. Phil success story. Of course, “they” refers to the “unrelenting Trump attack team.” Seriously.

He even claimed that the Republicans don’t want to hear the truth because the hearings would take place in private. The truth, of course, is that Hunter wanted the opportunity to grandstand on camera. 

Hunter Biden must believe he’s going to get away with it. He’s the president’s son, for crying out loud, so why wouldn’t he get away with making a mockery of Congress and the rule of law?

We used to always hear that the tension in society was between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” Now we know that the two sides are different: the elite versus the rest of us.

The Biden crime family, the mainstream media, and other elements of the elite want nothing more than to keep all the power for themselves. There’s one weapon that we have on our side — the truth. And there’s strength in numbers. If we can band together to counter the elite’s narrative with the truth, the elite will have a harder time spinning its lies.

T’ain’t necessarily so; I can think of at least one other weapon we have, actually. It’s what you might call a use-it-or-lose-it deal, although it’s also one hell of a lot more effective than “the truth” backed by nothing more than verbiage when it comes to reaching out and touching someone from a ways off.


Too bad, so sad

The heart, it bleeds.

Dylan Mulvaney Suffers Total Embarrassment at Penn State
The “transgender influencer” who destroyed Bud Light is back, and this time he’s speaking on college campuses. Let’s just say that endeavor isn’t going any better than Mulvaney’s excursion into the beer industry.

According to The Daily Mail, Mulvaney was set to charge $40,000 a pop to show up and give speeches on college campuses. Whether Penn State (or whoever on campus brought him in) paid that much isn’t known, but what is certain is that whatever he paid was too much. Take a look at how many people showed up, or rather, didn’t show up.

The room Mulvaney was given holds somewhere around 1,000 people. To say the crowd missed the mark would be an understatement. There might be a hundred people there, and that’s probably being generous. Given this is the quality of what transpired, can you blame people for not showing up?

So, more of that “genocide” we’ve been hearing so much about lately, then.

Why do major brands give this guy money? What value is he providing? What customers are buying a product because they saw that Dylan Mulvaney endorses it? It’s astonishing to me that any marketing department would be dumb to pay him to do brand placement for them. The only thing I can figure is that it’s an easy way to get a company’s ESG score up.

Clearly, aside from being a target for mockery, there isn’t much actual interest in Mulvaney. Student-aged individuals are supposed to be his core audience, and no one is showing up to see him. Imagine being the person who wrote the check for that speech only to see him prance around in a cheerleader outfit for a few dozen people. How many homeless people could have been fed? How many Christmas presents could have been bought for foster children?

You miss the point, which is that you will be made to care—and endorse, and support, and stand up and applaud with utmost enthusiasm. Y’know, OR ELSE.



Four legs good, two legs very, very bad.

An Israeli survivor of the horrific Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7 is speaking out about the barbaric gang rape and murder of a young woman “with the face of an angel.”

Yoni Saadon, 39, a shift manager in a foundry who has four children, was hiding under the stage at the Supernova music festival when Hamas attacked. He said a young woman hiding next to him was shot in the head and fell to the ground next to him.

“I pulled her body over me and smeared her blood on me so it would look as if I was dead too,” he told The Times. “I will never forget her face. Every night I wake to it and apologize to her, saying ‘I’m sorry.’”

After an hour, he looked out. “I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her,” he recalled. “She was screaming, ‘Stop it — already I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’ When they finished they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head.”

“I kept thinking it could have been one of my daughters,” he continued. “Or my sister — I had bought her a ticket but last minute she couldn’t come.”

Later, hiding in some bushes, he saw further horrors as two more Hamas terrorists attacked another young woman. “They had caught a young woman near a car and she was fighting back, not allowing them to strip her,” he said. “They threw her to the ground and one of the terrorists took a shovel and beheaded her and her head rolled along the ground. I see that head too.”

Nah, never happened; Hamas flatly denies it, see, so it couldn’t have, it’s unpossible. And their friends, allies, and enablers in The Squad, shitlib media, and the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOO!!!)))) hatin’ Right all enthusiastically endorse the lies, like moldy, stinking peas in the same rotting pod. If any of these “people” were capable of shame, they’d all be hanging their heads from it.

The antidote? Rat cheer.

UFC star Conor McGregor could be trading his boxing gloves for a suit.

The featherweight champion hinted yet again this week that he is planning a run for the presidency in Ireland — a massive career change Elon Musk lauded as “not even fair” to other contenders.

McGregor, 35, who has been outspoken in recent weeks amid violent rioting in Dublin, said Monday he would serve at the whim of the people should he throw his hat in the 2025 election: “It would not be me in power as president, people of Ireland. It would be me and you.”

Tesla founder and Twitter owner Musk quickly showed support for McGregor, stating the longtime politicians wouldn’t stand a chance against the newcomer.

“I think you could take them all single-handed. Not even fair,” Musk replied, alongside a crying laughing emoji.

In a lengthy response to the Space X CEO, McGregor pointed out that the road to the nomination would be a tedious process, but he feels strongly that he’d find success on the other side: “I’d fancy my chances Elon, 100%”

His main goals, McGregor claimed, would be for “transparency” in government.

“Currently there is none. Not an iota. False promises come around the time of election and then it is literally straight ignorance into the face thereafter. It’s disgusting…This is why I’d run, if I was to. To be a voice of the people that deserve to be heard.”

McGregor initially showed interest in Ireland’s highest office last week after a man knifed three children — including a seriously injured 5-year-old — and an adult during riots in Dublin.

He chastised the violence, warning that he would step in to course correct if the current government can’t.

“If they do not act soon with their plan of action to ensure Ireland’s safety, I will,” he said.

I hope like hell he does. Run, Conor, run! Your country never needed you more. As I said, we could use someone like you over on these sad shores right about now.

The difference

All boldface mine, indicative of the real bottom line here, the Big Question that every Western society must soon ask itself—and answer—else surrender to eternal subjugation as another conquered part of the Dar al Pisslam.

The anxiety among Jews is perhaps most pronounced in Great Britain, where 500,000 Jews are outnumbered 10-1 by five million Muslims. Close to half of British Jews now say they are thinking of emigrating, so great has their sense of insecurity become.

What do British people think? Would they be glad to see so many British Jews leave the country, where they have for many centuries been loyal, productive, and creative citizens, driven out by Muslim migrants who have been neither loyal, nor productive, nor creative citizens of the land where they batten on government benefits of every kind, regarded as a kind of proleptic “jizyah,” and openly declare their hope and expectation, through demographic conquest, to turn the U.K. into part of Dar al-Islam, where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere? Is that the future the British feel helpless to prevent, or will they come to their senses in time, and do the following: first, put a stop to any further Muslim immigration; second, deport all migrants who are in the country illegally; third, deport all Muslims convicted of crimes after they have served their sentences; fourth, halt all welfare benefits to migrants during the first five years of their presence in the U.K.?

FIFY with that closing strikethrough, which is most apposite of all. Sefton dots the last “i” and crosses the last “t” for us.

France imported God knows how many million Arabs and Muslims from North Africa and elsewhere and the result was not millions of new French citizens, but the transformation of whole swathes of the country into beachheads of Dark Age barbarism. True, the French government and people did essentially nothing to even try and assimilate these people, but it was a lost cause from the get go. They were invited in and behaved as outsiders and, as per the tenets of Islam, the first wave of Islamic conquerers.

As the article states, 500,000 Jews still live in England but there are upwards of 5 million Muslims. The most popular baby name in England is Mohammed, and that alarming cultural warning sign first happened like five or 10 years ago. Aside from the West adopting the most radical solutions, including the mass stripping of citizenship and deportations, the trend is irreversible. It also presupposes political leadership and a mass movement of the citizenry to adopt measures that go against Western tradition and by recognizing in the first place that Islam is completely incompatible and anathema to the past 2,000 of civilizational development and progress. That too is a non-starter.

The other huge and bitter irony is that places like Germany opened their borders to mass migrants because of guilt over what they did to the Jews between 1933 and 1945. Yet look who they let in to assuage their guilt over the Holocaust: dark age throwbacks mostly from Turkey and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Perfect.

So that leaves it up to the citizenry to take matters into their own hands as they had done in Ireland in the wake of last week’s stabbing spree in Dublin. Problem is that Western governments in the main are firmly against their own people.

And as we all know, with a wide open non-existent border and joke of an immigration system over here, what’s happening in Europe will be and in fact is happening here. We are being transformed into Yugoslavia right before our very eyes.

Yugoslavia? We should be so lucky, JJ. Yemen or Ethiopia, more like.


Merry fucking Christmas

From our Paleosimian friends and their cretinous, deluded supporters here at home.

Idiot anti-Israel protesters wreaking havoc in NYC are just fanatics wrapped up in lies
Well, the war on Christmas certainly started early this year. On the streets of New York. And in the ugliest way possible.

By now, everybody will have seen the footage of anti-Israel activists and pro-Palestinian extremists trying to disrupt the Christmas tree-lighting at Rockefeller Center.

Let’s ignore for a moment that one of the crowd was carrying a swastika and that the general mood of the crowd was more of a mob than a demonstration.

What did they think they were doing?

Perhaps these thugs had been emboldened by managing to interrupt the Macy´s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

But what had Macy’s ever done to them? And why attack a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony? Who do these people think they are?

The answer is that they are fanatics, and fanatics who have whipped themselves up into a huge lie.

The idiots trying to stop the Christmas tree-lighting on Wednesday night kept chanting for an “end to genocide.”

But if any of these people had ever left their college dorm rooms, they might have discovered that there is no genocide going on in Gaza.

The fact is that these thugs are issuing genocidal chants.

And doing it on the streets of New York.

How did it come to this?

Well, one thing is that since the mass murder of Jews on October 7, the sewers have burst in country after country.

Mainly in what we think of as the civilized West.

And the reasons?

Well, there are several. One was highlighted by the late Dr. Henry Kissinger in an interview he gave recently.

As the usually terse and circumspect Kissinger told a friend: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different cultural and religious concepts. Because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”

Across Europe, the countries that had the most lax immigration policies in recent years are now seeing a serious public backlash.

Last week, the streets of Dublin were burning. Literally.

When an American patriot showed up at Wednesday´s Christmas ceremony with an American flag, a protester tried to tear the flag from his hands and others shouted, “Allahu Akhbar.”

The attack in October was a tragedy for Israel. But it has also highlighted a looming tragedy in our own countries.

Because it never was just about Israel. It’s about all of us.

Indeed. If it hopes to survive more or less intact, Western Civ better address its serious case of RIS (Recto-cranial Inversion Syndrome©: an autoinflicted, extremely communicable malady that causes blindness, paralysis, and moral/ethical/intellectual vacuity; for societies and individuals alike, the condition is usually fatal if not promptly diagnosed and treated) and recognize at long last who its truest, deadliest enemies are, before it’s too late—assuming that it’s not too late already.

I enjoyed multiple trips up to midtown to just hang out and enjoy the big tree and watch the skaters every Christmas season for as long as I lived in NYC. My then-inamorata worked fairly close by at Bloomies, so I’d go meet her when she got off, we’d grab a bag of roasted peanuts or a warm pretzel from a street-vendor cart to share, and stroll over to Rockefeller Center for a while. So speaking strictly for myself: when these useless skinbags try to mess with the Rock-C tree, they’re walking on the fightin’ side of me.


Mental hygiene break

When they explicitly threaten to kill you, always, always, ALWAYS take them at their word.

‘Bomb the churches’: Trans-identified man indicted for threats to sexually assault Christian girls
Court docs: Suspect identified as ‘open pedophile,’ vowed ‘many more and larger attacks on Christians’

A trans-identified Illinois man and alleged self-described “pedophile” is facing charges for making social media threats to sexually assault Christian girls and commit copycat attacks similar to the attack at a Christian school in Tennessee earlier this year.

Jason Lee Willie of Nashville, Illinois, was charged Nov. 7 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure, according to a federal indictment.

The threats, which are dated between March and August, include repeated references to Christians, black Americans, the Republican Party, and others.

Among the alleged threats cited in the indictment are threats to “bomb the churches”: “…We’re gonna bomb them, we’re gonna bomb them. We’re gonna bomb the churches. We’re gonna bomb them. You know it. We’re going to kill you…”

In an online video, Willie — who also goes by “Alexia N. Willie,” according to court documents — made reference to “Christian trash,” adding, “They’re transphobic, they’re homophobic, they’re no different than the [expletive] white supremacists….”

The indictment alleges Willie also frequently used racial epithets and threatened to target anyone “with a cross around your neck.”

Prosecutors say Willie also specifically mentioned harming children, with online video threats such as, “…We’re coming for your children. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re not going to hurt you.

“You have to understand, I know how to get to you, and that’s by [pounds fist into palm twice for emphasis] f— your children. By hurting your children. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

In August, Willie made an online video in which he allegedly said, “Well, I guarantee I’ll be in the bathroom raping your Christian daughters and there ain’t nothing you f— can do about it. You hear me?”

According to prosecutors, in another August video, Willie appeared to identify himself as a pedophile when he graphically described sexual abuse toward “little girls” and said, “You guys can’t do nothing about it. I don’t care, I’m openly a pedo. I’m openly a pedophile…”

In another video, prosecutors say Willie said trans-identified people are “tired of being picked on and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their f— children out here, and that’s the end of it. 

“We’re at war.”

We are at that, you sick freakazoid. God help diseased scum like you if Normals ever decide to start fighting too.

A pic of this Manwoman is included, and he makes quite a fine-looking, attractive “woman”—for certain values of the words “fine-looking” and “attractive.”

Via Ace, who has much more on this truly sick-making story.



Go, little black (and red) face boy, go!

I’m with the esteemed Mr Woods myself, all the way, and with Mr Majesty as well. Another perfect response:

In-fargin’-DEED. Sadly, the shitlibs can no more recognize irony than their own hypocrisy, and are as bereft of a sense of shame as they are of a sense of humor, of humility, or of decency. Remarkable, innit, how these self-proclaimed enlightened, evolved Superior Beings are in truth deficient in so very many ways.


The West’s number-one import

“SHOCKING”?!? Hardly.

SHOCKING: How Many European Women Will Be Raped Before Their Leaders Do Something About Those ‘Refugees?’
The globalists’ plan to take over the West by importing the third world has been both wildly successful and shockingly brutal, especially to European women.

As the globalists gavaged “asylum seekers” from toilet countries into Germany, France, Sweden, Ireland, England, and elsewhere, they were also sure to threaten the mostly white citizenry that complaining about the rape crisis would make them “racist.”

From an OAN interview with PJ Media’s own Robert Spencer, one of the world’s preeminent Islam scholars:

The Quran says you can take infidel women and make them what are called ‘captives of the right hand’ and it’s very clear in the Quran that these are essentially sex slaves who are non-Muslim women captured, who are captured and used in this way. This is allowed in the Islamic holy book and not only that but many of the people who are participating in the Muslim rape gangs actually said this to their victims and explained it in terms of the Quran. And many — one of them even said, raping you can [be] my prayer to Allah. Because obviously, if Allah allows this, then in a certain sense it’s a holy act, as twisted as it sounds to non-Muslim sensibilities.

So Muslim men poured into Christian nations, believing raping women is a “holy act,” and if the women complain they are considered bigots. What could go wrong?

Oh, just the obvious, that’s all—thereby confirming once again that when a developed, 1st-world nation imports hordes of unassimilable 3rd-world savages, it quickly becomes a 3rd-world nation its own self. Whodathunkit?

Not sure the link above will work, it’s a PJM VIP piece I ran through the 12ft Ladder paywall-buster. Worked fine for me, but YMMV.


Mastectomy woes

Via Bracken’s Gab page.


Any parent whose child is afflicted with the curse of gender dysmorphia and piously declares an intention to work with the doctors/surgeons to be “supportive” of the poor kid’s “choice” ought to be thrown into prison without the option, before the last syllable has left his/her mouth.


I say it again: Enemies, Domestic

Not just enemies of Real Americans, not just enemies of America That Was, not just enemies of Christian, heterosexuals, and/or White Menz. Enemies of absolutely everything true, good, decent, and sane.

Antifa-linked far-left militants are fundraising for the release and legal aid of a Florida far-left trans activist accused of murdering a man, setting fire to his home and burglarizing his property. 

Matthew Daniel Temael, who uses the alias and trans name “Dandelion,” was arrested in September over the March murder of a man in Hawthorne, Putnam County, Fla. The 23-year-old Minnesota native is accused of stabbing Louis Stackhouse to death and then setting his mobile home on fire before going on the run with the victim’s vehicle. Temael was found driving the stolen 2008 Saturn Sky in Tampa during a traffic stop. Temael attempted to flee but was caught.

The website of extremist antifa-linked group, Anarchist Federation, put out a fundraising notice on Nov. 19 about Temael, who uses “she/her” pronouns.

“Dandelion is a transfemme Palauan youth anarchist incarcerated in Florida,” reads the post. “We aim to free her and help support her needs while she is inside.” 

Temael was indicted by a Putnam County grand jury on charges of first-degree homicide, first-degree arson, burglary and vehicle theft. Because a judge denied Temael bond, the far-left activists say funds raised for their comrade will go to “maintaining inside contact, software, or other materials,” as well as support for other “marginalized relatives in captivity with her.” Toward the end of the campaign, it says the money will also go to the unnamed people running the campaign.

More from Andy Ngo.

Because of COURSE he/she/theythem/it was. As Ace quips, gotta get them racistly-low white male crime stats up somehow, right?


Normal as you or me

This must be some of that “genocide” they’re always caterwauling about, one presumes.

3 Of The Trans People Eulogized By Biden Admin Died Attacking Innocent Strangers
President Joe Biden’s White House celebrated Transgender Remembrance Day on Monday by lamenting the deaths of 26 transgender-identifying Americans, at least three of whom were shot and killed while committing a crime or tangling with law enforcement.

“We must never be silent in the face of hate,” the official White House statement published on Monday reads. “As we mourn the loss of transgender Americans taken too soon this year, we must also recommit ourselves to never stop fighting until all Americans can live free from discrimination.”

During a press briefing on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized that these “victims are disproportionately black women and women of color.”

SO. Prone to violence and hysteria, poor/no impulse control, and mentally deranged, then. Gotcha.

The White House paints the 26 transgender people as victims whose deaths were tragedies linked to their gender identity. Several family members of the deceased even called the deaths the result of “targeted shootings,” but none of their accounts or the reports on their loved one’s death produced a direct link between the fatal violence and the transphobia the White House claims has gripped the nation.

While several of the 26 people listed died in hit-and-runs, shootings, and domestic violence that plague cities all across the U.S., at least three were killed while committing acts of violence.

SO? You Whypeepuh cis-het breeder scum made ‘em do it, it’s all YOUR fault. Follows, the list of the three, which I didn’t bother to read because who cares.



Why does this corrupt, heavily politicized, contra-Constitutional FedGovCo agency even exist anymore?

No wait, don’t answer that one. Pretty sure I already know, thanks.

The FBI Halted Probe Of Pedophile To Focus On January 6. Now He’s Accused Of Abusing A 10-Year-Old Boy.
Alleged pervert sent undercover FBI agent video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis,” but “On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office [decided] this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day.”

“Alleged.” I like that. “Alleged.”

On January 6, 2021, the FBI explicitly chose to abandon a sting on a child pornographer in Virginia who was messaging with an undercover agent about having sex with a nine-year-old boy, opting instead to focus on prosecuting Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol. Less than three years later, the FBI discovered the same man living in Alaska where he appears to have been performing sex acts on a 10-year-old boy, according to court documents.

On December 2, 2020, an internet user with the screen name “gayboy69freak” messaged an undercover agent with the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who was posing as a father pimping out his 9-year-old son, and told him that he wanted to travel to D.C. to have sex with the boy. The man also sent the agent a video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis.” His IP address led the FBI to Brogan Welsh of Glenn Allen, Virginia.

What appears to be a slam-dunk case against a child predator was abruptly abandoned just one month later.

“On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office, [decided] this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day,” .

The man was only arrested, and the court documents only filed, because Welsh moved to Alaska and crossed the Anchorage FBI’s radar in an unrelated perversion investigation. On October 24, 2023, after coming across troubling chats from Welsh on a phone they seized from a different alleged pervert, Alaska FBI agents went into his house and “located items including sex toys that are very small in size and apparently consistent with the body size of an approximate 10-year-old boy,” as well as children’s underwear.

“The investigation has revealed that a 10-year-old boy was, in fact, residing at the residence belonging to Welsh,” the agents wrote.

Utterly, utterly sickening. If I was that little boy’s father, I’d be seriously considering a little slam-dunk action of my own—something that most certainly wouldn’t involve cases, lawyers, or the judicial system. Well, except maybe after I was done.


TWANLOCs exposing themselves

Would anyone like to explain to me again why we should think of these subhumans as our “countrymen,” rather than as what they actually are: our enemies?

Osama bin Laden’s infamous ‘Letter to America’ after 9/11 promoted by TikTok influencers, goes viral
Others on social media are promoting the terrorist’s justification of attacks on the U.S., antisemitic rhetoric

A TikTok influencer went viral this week for promoting Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America.”

Online personality and pro-Palestinian activist Lynette Adkins urged her over 175,000 TikTok followers on Tuesday to read the words of the terrorist mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. 

“I need everyone to stop what they’re doing right now and go read- It’s literally two pages. Go read ‘A Letter to America,” Adkins said the video. “And please come back here and just let me know what you think because I feel like I’m going through, like, an existential crisis right now and a lot of people are, so I just need someone else to be feeling this.”

Her video received roughly 800,000 views and over 80,000 likes on TikTok.

So there it is then, in plain, black and white numbers: 800k (at least) “people” who very much need to be, umm, removed, shall we say, without further ado before we can call this a truly civilized country again.

Update! Megyn Kelly, smokin’ hot as always (in more than just the obvious way), puts it to ‘em straight.

Said a mouthful there, girlfriend.


You will be made to care stand up and cheer

As God is my witness, I thought trannies could fly.

No, thanks! Nearly 17,000 people sign petition slamming the ‘non-binary and transgender extravaganza’ Macy’s plans for upcoming Thanksgiving Day Parade
A petition organized by One Million Moms, part of the conservative American Family Association, says the event will expose ‘tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda.’

The sponsor of the event, the department store Macy’s, did not answer requests for comment.

‘Shame on Macy’s for promoting and sponsoring this type of entertainment,’ the petition says.

‘We still cannot trust Macy’s Dept. Store. It is clear that Macy’s does not have our children’s best interests in mind. Macy’s needs to know that trust must be earned, and once trust is lost, it is difficult to get back.’

They take aim at the appearance of two trans Broadway stars among the parade line-up of Beagle Scout Snoopy, ‘Baby Yoda’ Grogu, and other giant balloons, marching bands, and clown crews.

They are Justin David Sullivan, a trans non-binary singer who uses ‘he/she/they’ pronouns, and Alex Newell, a biological male who presents as female and uses ‘all pronouns.’

As seems to be typical of these glorified transvestites, both specimens are decidedly unattractive, both physically and personality-wise.

The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade has started the holiday season since 1924, pulling in more than 50 million television viewers as 3.5 million people line the 2.5-mile parade route through New York City.

The 2021 parade was the first to feature a transgender pop star, with German singer/songwriter Kim Petras performing her bubblegum number ‘I Don’t Want It At All.’

In a manner of speaking, the feeling is mutual, freakazoid: we don’t want YOU at all, either. 



The Nazis take London.

80 Years After Hitler Failed, Nazis Finally Seize London
LONDON — Eighty years after Hitler’s failure, the Nazis have at last seized London.

“Hitler’s dream has finally come true,” said John MacDonald, watching as Picadilly was overrun with Nazis. “You just know that somewhere, Hitler is looking on today and smiling.”

As chants of “Death To Jews” and “Final Solution” rang through the London air, longtime Nazi leader Josef Schmidt was overwhelmed with joy. “After so many decades of being an outcast here in Britain, to now watch Nazis march through the heart of London yelling ‘Gas the Jews’ – well, it brings a tear to your eye,” said Mr. Schmidt. “I’ve had to hide my swastika flag for years, but no more! We’re going out for a triumphant walk right by Buckingham Palace.”

At publishing time, the London mayor was warning the Jewish community to refrain from engaging in hateful Naziphobia.

As of presstime, probably but not necessarily owing to his having died years ago, Brit fascist irritant Oswald Mosley was unavailable for comment. And, just to make it more difficult than it already was to discern whether the Bee is in fact satire, there’s this…

Newsom Deploys Giant Can Of Febreze Over San Francisco To Mask Poo Smell
“Come on, people! We’ve got to hide the aroma of dookie,” Newsom was heard shouting at city workers. “It’s fine for the city to reek of excrement under normal circumstances when it’s only Americans walking around trying to live their lives, but when a communist authoritarian comes to town, we don’t want him stepping off his plane and being greeted with a strong whiff of caca.”

The Chinese president was scheduled to arrive in the Golden Gate City today ahead of next week’s important U.S.-China summit with President Joe Biden. With much riding on the meeting of two of the world’s superpowers, Newsom wanted steps taken to address the city’s problems with cleanliness and its homeless population. “Governor Newsom wanted us to come up with a final solution to the homeless problem,” said one San Francisco official who asked to remain anonymous. “With that in mind, we’ve started rounding up all the homeless people so they can be concentrated in specially designated camps. We even transported them with their piles of poop so they will still feel at home.”

At publishing time, the giant can of Febreze was being positioned to begin spraying a wide radius across the city, with many residents secretly hoping the city’s areas densely populated with deodorant-resistant hobos would take a heavy dousing.

Parody? Reality? Is there really any difference anymore?


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"Mike Hendrix is, without a doubt, the greatest one-legged blogger in the world." ‐Henry Chinaski

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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