A listing of what I call Mike’s Iron Laws, which, while not necessarily inspirational, motivating, or otherwise helpful, are nonetheless unfailingly true and accurate. More MILs will be added to this list as and when they occur to me. The numbering scheme, when present, is tongue-in-cheek and entirely random, and was never intended to be taken as indicative of the particular Law’s importance, applicability, or date of origin. As such, “Numero Uno” has been struck through accordingly. Links are to the post in which the MIL first appeared, or were first mentioned; that being the case, newer additions may or may not have a link appended.
- Mike’s Iron Law #873: They will NOT stop. They will NEVER stop. They will have to BE stopped
- Mike’s Iron Law #847: “Government health care” is not about either health, or “caring”
- Another of Mike’s Iron Laws: Elect all the Republicans you like, then sit back and watch as nothing changes
- Mike’s Iron Law
Numero Uno: Revolution is a process, not an event - Mike’s Iron Law #4296-54e, addendum 67: If shitlibs didn’t have distortions, distractions, and outright lies, they’d have nothing to say at all
- Another of Mike’s Iron Laws: Place not your trust in government. For it is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action
- Mike’s Iron Law #187: There’s always a workaround, and true Americans will always be able to find it
- Mike’s Iron Law #1,246: Whenever Progressivists win, America loses
- One of the most important of Mike’s Iron Laws: Anything that rankles the Left can only be good for America
- Yet another of Mike’s Iron Laws, in the form of a Biblical rejiggering: Thou shalt not suffer a Communist to live
- Another of Mike’s Iron Laws: You cannot placate the implacable, nor sate the insatiable. It’s a mistake to even try
- Mike’s Iron Law #1: Never cede ANYTHING to the Left, not a single goddamned thing
- Mike’s Iron Law for dealing with the Left: They will never be satisfied, no matter what you yield up to them
- Mike’s Iron Law #149: No matter what the issue or context, it’s NEVER about what they’re telling you it is; ultimately, the real intention, goal, or agenda is only about more power and/or wealth for THEM, and less freedom for YOU
- Mike’s Iron Law #149, corollary A: The damage, destruction, impoverishment, and general ruin wrought by shitlib policy is a feature, not a bug—by their lights, those results signify not failure, but near-total success. For the orcs of Mordor On The Potomac, their job isn’t what their subjects think it should be, nor what the orcs deceitfully claim it is; certainly, their interests are not aligned with our own, but are at 180-degree variance with them; their goals and ambitions are achieved not to our benefit, but to our grievous injury, intentionally so
- Mike’s Iron Law #213: There is nothing whatsoever that shitlibs will leave alone and unmolested—NOTHING
- Mike’s Iron Law #462: Whatever the Left is most angrily, vociferously denouncing YOU for doing is exactly what they themselves are doing
- Mike’s Iron Law #4,780, addendum Q: Everything gets fatter, hairier, and closer to the ground
- Mike’s Iron Law #13b: With almost every problem in the Western world, if you want to find the roots of it there’s but one place you need to look: cherchez le shitlib, mon frere
- Mike’s Iron Law #391: In the face of creeping tyranny, complacency is death
- Mike’s Iron Law #24: Left/liberalism always carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction
- Mike’s Iron Law #3,169: Give Leftists an inch, and eventually they’ll take absolutely everything you have
- Mike’s Iron Law #635: If you make the cost of doing business too steep, it will close
- Mike’s Iron Law #68: Universally applicable to all government agencies, departments, projects, and programs
- Its mandate will never expire
- Its purview will never be limited
- Its original mission will never be accomplished, its goals never achieved, its stated intentions never fulfilled
- Its budget will never be cut, likewise the number of its employees
- Its authority will never diminish, only expand
- Its reach will never be constrained
- Mike’s Iron Law #30: Assume they’re lying, always, for if they couldn’t lie, they’d be unable to speak at all