I don’t think this is quite what GEN McAuliffe meant by “Nuts!”

Having mentioned a certain deranged lunatic in tonight’s Eyrie outing, I figure one good dementoid spazz-out deserves another. Enjoy, folks.

So very much I could say about this howlingly funny Manwoman and his parodically-overwrought misrepresentation of how a real woman typically conducts herself, but somehow I shall restrain myself. Do stick with it until the freaky-deaky geek removes his wig and hurls it to the ground; unlikely as it may seem, things don’t really get rolling until that point.

Say it with me, people: perfectly sane, healthy, and as one-hunnerd percent gin-yoo-wine normal as you, me, or anybody else.


Know thine enemy Part the Well, y’know…

How the Secret Service came to drop the ball so horrifically—assuming that that’s what happened, rather than just their being in on the whole plot. Which, in all honesty, is the direction I’m leaning heavily in as of right this minute. Either way, conspiracy or bumbling incompetence, it’s not a good look for the SS, to say the very least.

More from Chris Menahan at InfoWars.

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Focused on Hiring Women, Boosting Diversity
Biden-appointed Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s focus on DEI could have caused our former President Donald Trump to DIE in an assassination on Saturday.

Trump likely would have been killed if the assassin’s bullet was just an inch or two closer to his brain.

The ladies of the Secret Service could be seen in a total panic scrambling around the president while he was leaving the venue and one could be seen struggling just to holster her gun.

Elon Musk on Saturday demanded Cheatle and the leader of Trump’s security detail resign.

Did he ever. I must say, Elon’s response to all this has made me very proud indeed of the guy; he’s nailed it clean and tight right from jump, with nary a flinch nor pulled punch in the time-honored CF tradition, bless his ever-evolving heart. Might be some rhyme or reason for Real Americans to expect mo’ bettah from a self-avowed “liberal,” but damned if I can see how.

Update! Another good ‘un I dl’d last night for eventual use.


Heh. One of my all-time favorite meme-blanks, that one is. No matter what words you put in their mouths, on what topic, the Rock’s shocked face is still gonna make ya laugh.

Updated update! Divemedic ain’t having any either.

This was the swamp, trying to take Trump out. They are scared, they are willing to kill him, and by extension, they are willing to kill you. We have reached the point where people are voting from the rooftops, but the only people voting appear to me to be intelligence agency operatives.

A-yup—for now. We’ll see if that state of affairs continues to hold; if it does, then shame on us for letting the lousy bastards get away with it scot-free.

We’re still in the initial post-event-fog period, wherein absolutely everything should be taken with a YUGE grain of salt; in the usual run of such things, just about everything being reported as established fact at present will prove to be completely back-asswards and wrong over the coming days/weeks/months. Assuming, of course, that the entire affair won’t be memory-holed by then. Probably the one and only thing we DO know for sure and certain at this point is that they’re gonna at least try to, come hell or high water.


Dr Edith Biden?

Not sure which of the calculating, greedy, over-ambitious cunts should be more insulted by the comparison.

Jill Biden, Edith Wilson, and the Changing American State
Biden’s unusually intense reliance on his wife as a cognitive enhancement and an image protector is as inarguable as it is provocative.

Biden’s unusually intense reliance on his wife as a cognitive enhancement and an image protector is as inarguable as it is provocative. According to an NBC News profile, she is known in the White House as “the Decider,” and she wields “unparalleled influence.” “She is,” the profile continues, “her husband’s foremost defender. She guards his interests and dignity….Her input is essential in some of the weightiest political and personnel decisions the 46th president confronts.” She is to Biden what the left used to claim Dick Cheney was to George W. Bush, i.e., the power behind the throne.

All of this has drawn comparisons between Jill Biden and another uniquely powerful First Lady, Edith Wilson.

Some historians consider Edith Wilson the nation’s “first woman president”—and not without cause. When her husband, the execrable Woodrow Wilson, suffered a debilitating stroke on October 2, 1919, Mrs. Wilson essentially took over running the White House and, by extension, the entire executive branch. She screened all government business brought to the Oval Office. She handled all serious matters. Because he was left unable to write his name, she forged his signature on official documents. Most notably, Edith Wilson guarded her husband’s “interests and dignity” by keeping his infirmity secret from the public. As William Hazelgrove noted in his 2016 biography of her, Madam President: The Secret Presidency of Edith Wilson, “her Oval Office authority was acknowledged in Washington circles at the time—one senator called her “the presidentress who had fulfilled the dream of suffragettes by changing her title from First Lady to Acting First Man.”

The biggest difference between Edith Wilson and Jill Biden is that Wilson got away with it. While Jill Biden is front-and-center in her husband’s public life at all times, earning the admiration of his supporters and drawing the ire of his opponents, Edith Wilson worked effectively and quietly behind the scenes. Through quiet diligence and discretion, she was able to convince those outside of Washington that all was well in the White House and that her husband was still in charge. His stroke occurred more than 17 months before Warren G. Harding was inaugurated on March 4, 1921. That’s more than 35% of his second term and nearly one-fifth of his entire presidency.

Edith Wilson was able to keep this secret and succeed where Jill Biden has failed, not because she was especially crafty or exceptionally dishonest (although she was both) but because the president was not, at the time, the most important person in the world. The government was small enough and the presidency unimportant enough that no one missed Woodrow Wilson in the slightest. No one outside of Washington noticed or cared that he wasn’t around. No one needed him to fix their problems, right their wrongs or deliver retribution upon their enemies. No one needed him to be the cause of all economic activity or the source of the nation’s self-image. He wasn’t the “empathizer in chief” or a powerful father-like figure. He was a just a guy, albeit a guy with an important job, but not one that was so important that it completely preoccupied everyone’s waking hours. Celebrities didn’t obsess about the man or deliver foul-mouthed press conferences declaring that the world’s fate depended on his reelection. No one cared—and nor should they have.

If it seems that every election these days is billed as “the most important election ever,” that’s only because every election is the most important one ever. As we, as a society, continue to destroy any sense of community, any sense of autonomy, any sense of personal responsibility, and liberty, as we continue to invest more and more power in people and institutions far removed from our lives and our interests, we also continue to make elections and elected officials more and more important in the operation of those lives. We continue to give people who are not especially smart, especially talented or even especially competent greater and greater control over us. We continue to sacrifice that which the Founders fought for on the altar of our comfort and indolence.

No one in the country should give a tinker’s damn what Jill Biden thinks, says, or does. The fact that we obsess over those things serves as proof that we have come along way in the last century—and not necessarily in a good way.

Speak for yourself, Bub. Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck at a rolling donut what either “Dr” Jill OR her senile husband “thinks”—never have, never will.


Time for some REAL equality

He shoulda kicked the ever-lovin’ shit out of the whining Nazi bitch and left her violent, lying ass bleeding on the sidewalk.

I suppose Perez should be commended for his great restraint in dealing with an out-of-control Leftard lunatic. But honestly, FUCK her, and all shitlibs, in the liver with a rusty railroad spike. As Ace says:

What was that cutesy leftwing call to violence…? Ah yes: “Punch a Nazi.”

Well, I see a lot of Nazis attempting to shut down people’s speech through violence or threat of violence.

So I agree: Let’s start punching some fucking Nazis.


Update! More from the Red State post Ace linked:

What kind of moral degenerate acts like (this), much less in front of their child? A miscarriage is not an “abortion” because there is nothing to abort when a baby has already passed away of natural causes. Whatever similarities the extraction procedure has is irrelevant. It’s like arguing that burning people alive is fine because the cremation of dead bodies exists. 

Also of note is how these pro-abortion fanatics rarely want to own their position. Falsely claiming that miscarriages and abortions are the same is a calculated deflection. It’s meant to take the spotlight off of what an actual abortion is because even this woman knows how evil it is, even if she’s loathe to admit it. 

The woman is also lying about access to the medical procedure she describes. There is not a single state in the union that outlaws real doctors at real medical facilities from removing a baby’s body after a miscarriage. If people in Oregon believe that, I’d suggest they get better sources.

Unfortunately, intellectual heft isn’t common in the Beaver State these days. This is allegedly the crazy lady’s sister. Can you spot the resemblance?

Follows, yet another vid of yet another screaming, violent femme who really ought to be locked up with her sister in some kind of home. It may not (or, y’know, it may) be quite time yet to just start shooting barking-mad shitlibs such as these on sight, before they can get within assault-and-battering range of us. Nonetheless, the day cometh, and that right soon.

Updated update! From Chaya Raichak, more Lefty loons.

The story the media will try to bury.

Over the weekend, Libs of TikTok was one of the first to report on the identity (of) the perpetrator in an insane unprovoked stabbing spree that occurred in Massachusetts. The suspect was identified as 26-year-old Jared Ravizza, a radical left-wing transgender activist.

We confirmed his identity after searching his social media accounts where we uncovered various images including “she/her” pronouns in his bio and a poster of Barack Obama on his wall.

Ravizza began his stabbing spree at the AMC in Braintree where he stabbed four young girls. One of the mothers reported that Ravizza was laughing during the attack. The four girls were hospitalized after the stabbing but thankfully did not receive any life-threatening injuries.

After leaving the theater, Varizza proceeded to a local McDonald’s restaurant where he stabbed a man and a woman before fleeing the scene. He was later caught and arrested by police after crashing his car.

Yes, she has pics, and they’re everything you’d expect them to be, and not a jot or tittle more. We’ve already allowed “people” like these to turn our cities into war-zones and open-air asylums, and if you ask me it’s time and well past time to take them back.


STILL think you’re voting your way out of this?

Because, y’know, you ain’t.

BREAKING: Somehow, Fulton County Democrats Choose Fani Willis Again

“Somehow,” no less. Note my bold in this next bit, please.

With all the information that has come to light during Fani Willis’ tenure as district attorney in Fulton County, Ga., it would be understandable to think that voters in the county would be ready for a change. Yet somehow, Democrats in Fulton County have overwhelmingly voted to send her to the general election this November.

Willis defeated her challenger, attorney and writer Christian Wise Smith, to the tune of 89.4% to 10.6%. WSB Radio reports that the Associated Press called the race within a half hour of polls closing.

Any questions? There shouldn’t be, I think the above speaks for itself quite loudly enough.

Naturally, emboldened by their clear overwhelming-majority status, under-qualified and over-incompetent persecutor Mr Darius “Sweetdick” Honeycum had the unmitigated gall to show up at his illicit lover’s victory bash, where, according to Ms Easysnizz herself, “we be gone pawty ’n’ git dronk ’n’ sheeitz. Where dat vokka be at ’n’ sheeitz, yo?

The last stra…uhh, word.

Willis was so sure of herself and her ability to avoid accountability that she refused to debate Smith. So Smith appeared at an Atlanta Press Club debate and debated the empty podium behind which Willis was supposed to stand.

Willis will face off against Courtney Kramer, who ran unopposed in the GOP primary, in November. In other news, McAfee, the judge presiding over the Trump case, also won his election handily.

Now go ahead, tell yourself alllll about how “scared of us” these filthy scum are. If THAT doesn’t make you feel better, why, I simply don’t know what might.


Update! Found a pic of your typical Fulton County voter celebrating the resounding Willis/Honeycum win.

Fo’ shizzle, mah nizzle!

Updated update! I should probably aver that yes, I know this is the D卐M☭CRAT primary we’re talking about here, not the general “election” itself. Do remember though, that, in Fulton County as in every other major urban area in the country, the D卐M☭CRAT primary is where the real action is; the GOPe primary counts for precisely Jack, and Shit, a total irrelevancy.


Kristi, we hardly knew ye!

It’s a damnable shame, I had such high hopes for her up till now. Alas, no longer, although I suppose there’s still barely a ghost of a glimmer of a slim snowball’s shadow of an outside chance that she’s just the latest victim of yet another shitlib con/hit job, career-destroying words put into her mouth by shady malefactors while she wasn’t paying close enough attention. I certainly wouldn’t bet money I couldn’t afford to lose on it, but it’s just possible. Just. Maybe. I guess.

“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-ass weights.” – Ronnie Coleman

Writing an interesting and engaging article often requires a significant amount of time and energy.

Writing an entire book, especially one that is insightful and captivating, is truly an incredible accomplishment, because it requires SO MUCH WORK AND TIME to complete the mission.

In the political publishing industry, however, the top “authors” have gamed the system entirely. The entire genre is a fraudulent mess of epic proportions.

I’m only 34, but I’ve been in the media and publishing space for quite some time, having written for pretty much every major right of center publication you could think of. I have no idea how long this massive grift has been occurring, but I can assure you it’s been going on for decades.

One such high profile example of political ghostwriting dates back to 1956, with Profiles In Courage, the 1956 volume that helped to establish the intellectual and political bonafides of John F. Kennedy.

Now, there has been a noticeable distinction between how “insiders” and “outsiders” have interpreted the flaming dumpster fire that is the publicity tour related to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s upcoming book. The general public seems confused about the idea that Noem seemingly didn’t know about so many things that were in *her own book*.

From stories of psychopathically mass-shooting her animals to concocted tales of talking tough to Kim Jong Un, Noem’s answers for her claimed antics, and the repeated falsehoods claimed under her namesake, have gone from bad to worse.

It’s a given that many of us in the space already wrote off the idea Noem would write any of her own book. But she has taken the laziness of politician “publishing” to new heights. She apparently didn’t proofread any of her book either, despite narrating the audiobook. Given the historic botch job, I’m glad that the public is starting to ask more questions about this incredibly sketchy operation.

The Kristi Noem saga has exposed an open secret about the political publishing industry: a tiny percentage of “authors” in the space write their own books. And those real authors are often smothered by fake authors with a machine in place to promote their fake autobiographies, which take time and opportunity away from those who have put in the work.

For politicians, I would estimate that maybe 1 percent write their own books. Some spend occasional time with their ghostwriter in order to best express their personality and ideas. Others, like Noem, just mail it in entirely, and have the ghostwriter rely upon public material from speeches and appearances.

Yeah, well, it’s kinda hard to decide which of the two likely scenarios is worse: that she neither wrote NOR read the thing and is therefore blissfully unaware of the kind of bizarre, godawful stories related therein, or *shudder* that she IS aware of them, because they’re, y’know, TRUE and ACCURATE, and she sees nothing wrong with the material, is perfectly comfortable with it, and frankly just can’t understand what all the uproar is about.

I admit I didn’t know a whole heck of a lot about Da Guv before all this, but what little I did know I liked; excepting a few decisions on which she arguably screwed the pooch, her heart during her tenure as Governor has seemed for the most part to be in the right place, Constitutionally-speaking. After getting off on exactly the wrong foot initially, her flat refusal later to exercise dictatorial power over her constituents during the FauxVid psyop/trial run, further fleshed out by some admirably thoughtful, high-minded, and rare-as-hen’s-teeth perorations explicating the specific limits on what she was and was not empowered to do as the Governor of a sovereign State under the US Constitution, I found extremely appealing.

Tough; capable; feisty; determined; far and away the most breathtakingly attractive politician (in the strictly physical sense, which I know I’m not allowed to either notice or mention right out loud, but hey, fuck all y’all) in America today, male or female—Kristi Noem seemed to have the Right Stuff, veritable bucketloads of it. By every indication well on the way to solid renown, respect, and success as a national political figure, all she really had to do was simply not fuck up. Sadly, after this needless, self-inflicted kill shot, I preminisce no return to the salad days for poor Mrs Noem. Stick a fork in her, she is well and truly done. If the woman is as reckless, clueless, weird, and just plain D-M-U-B dumb as this spectacular crash ’n’ burn suggests, could be we dodged a bullet with her. Which makes the Great Noem Flameout of ’24 an occasion not for sadness over what might have been, but for a heavy sigh of relief for being spared in the nick of time.


“The next civil war will be between bat shit crazy women and everyone else”

An idea originated by Bill Whittle per Stephanie Gutmann, via Glenn Reynolds.

This post has been a long time developing. Back during the #MeToo pogroms, and the pink pussy hats, and the screeching on Capitol Hill, and the Stalin-esque career-killing accusations and the disappeared men, I wanted badly to write something titled “Why Are Women so Angry?”—for watching #MeToo had been like watching the spread of a contagion, a mind virus, to use Elon Musk’s term, and a contagion that was spliting society further into two camps.

There is certainly a growing political divide between men and women. Women are more likely to be left-wing and in so far as left wing is crazy….

Now, rampaging leftism will certainly get you to crazy pretty fast, but it’s this quality of crazy even among women who aren’t overtly political: The quality is there in the blowsy thirty-something woman in the unflattering bike shorts and crop top doing an illegal climb to the top of a fragile Mayan pyramid in the Mexican jungle, where she does a bawdy dance (Instagram, don’t you know.) It’s the much older women having affairs with teenaged boys and then filming themselves (Trigger Warning! This is an actual YouTube genre) making out with much younger men, even boys. It’s the flagrancy, the exhibitionism, the unhingedness we saw so often during the Gaza Encampments among the women who often seemed to be leading the crusades and who, so often, just seemed to be using “Gaza genocide” as an excuse to get hysterical.

There are actually good reasons (not excuses, reasons) why Bat Shit Crazy contagion should be at peak right about now:

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not necessarily opposed to the exhibitionism per se, if it was actually attractive women participating instead of the usual shrieking, butt-ugly manatees who no sane person wants to see get nekkid doing it. Follows, an in-depth listing and analysis of a few of those good reasons, and then:

Is all of this a recipe for civil war? Probably not.

People who throw around the notion of an incipient civil war seem to forget that wars still depend on a huge supply of young men, fit and motivated enough for that “bitter arithmetic” and, what with very real testosterone deficits among men these days, we barely have enough sufficiently aggressive men to fill our regular army.

So we may not see civil war (at least along these lines) any time soon, but we can expect lots more Bat Shit Crazy before a new CINC can help restore sanity.

I must beg to differ with that last; it is NOT up to any CiNC, new or old, to help restore sanity, nor should we be looking for one to do it for us. The mindset that reflexively looks to FederalGovCo for the solution to every problem great or small is a major factor in how we got ourselves into this mess in the first damned place.


Put-up job

Waitwaitwait, you mean to tell me that the whole thing was all just a DO(I)J swindle all along?!? That Meinherr Garland’s DO(I)J really, truly is as marrow-deep corrupt and partisan-politicized as some of us have been insisting for years? Why, I can’t believe it. I WON’T believe it.

The DOJ’s Doctored Crime Scene Photo of Mar-a-Lago Raid
New disclosures in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s espionage case against Donald Trump reveal the FBI tampered with evidence to create the infamous photo–and DOJ has lied about it for nearly two years.

It is the picture that launched a thousand pearl-clutching articles.

A few weeks after the armed FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, the Department of Justice released a stunning photograph depicting alleged contraband seized from Donald Trump’s Palm Beach estate that day; the image showed colored sheets representing scary classification levels attached to files purportedly discovered in Trump’s private office.

Included as a government exhibit to oppose Trump’s lawsuit requesting a special master to vet the 13,000 items taken from his residence, the crime scene pic immediately went viral—just as Attorney General Merrick Garland, who authorized the unprecedented raid, intended. 

At the time, even regime-friendly mouthpieces questioned the need and optics of the raid; the photo helped juice the DOJ’s justification for the storming of Trump’s castle.

“[The] question of whether Trump had classified material with him at his Mar-a-Lago resort has captured the public’s attention. The photo published by the government appears to answer that question quite affirmatively,” Washington Post resident fact checker Philip Bump wrote on August 31, 2022.

Yeah, well, y’know, the Washington Post. That would of course be the longtime regime house organ Washington Post, after all. Fake News doesn’t come any more Fake Newsier than them. Onwards.

Some of Bump’s colleagues were more hyperbolic. An ex-CIA officer told ABC News the cover sheets indicated the highest level of secrecy, which in the wrong hands could have resulted in murder. “People’s lives are truly at stake. Without being melodramatic, anything that helps an adversary identify a human source means life and death,” intelligence expert Douglas London melodramatically warned in reaction to the photo.

The New York Times insisted the photo was consistent with how the FBI handles criminal investigations. “[It] is standard practice for the F.B.I. to take evidentiary pictures of materials recovered in a search to ensure that items are properly cataloged and accounted for. Files or documents are not tossed around randomly, even though they might appear that way; they are usually splayed out so they can be separately identified by their markings,” reporters Glenn Thrush and Adam Goldman wrote on August 31, 2022.

Except…that is not what happened.

And it most certainly wasn’t, as the article goes on from there to detail. Highest possible kudos for the indespensible Julie Kelly for yet another marvelous real-journalistic coup de main. The woman is like a fucking machine.


The greatest “sorry, not sorry” of all time

Sorry I have great tits.” Not me, baby, not me; Heaven forbid I EVER be sorry that you have great tits. And, from all appearances, you seem to be a pretty great broad, too. That would of course be “broad” in the Sinatra sense—which is entirely complimentary, not meant in any way to be dismissive or derogatory.

Sydney Sweeney appeared to try to silence her critics with a cheeky social media post Sunday.

Sweeney posted a carousel of images to Instagram showcasing her trip to Mexico, and she sent a clear message to her haters in one of them. The star was featured wearing a sweatshirt that read, “Sorry I have great tits,” in a very ‘sorry, not sorry’ moment. The shirt’s unique message can directly or indirectly be seen as a clap-back at Hollywood producer Carol Baum, who slammed Sweeney days prior, saying, “she’s not pretty. She can’t act,” according to Daily Mail.

Oooooooh, can you say “green-eyed monster,” boys and girls? I knew ya could.

The grey sweatshirt served as a low-key hand-in-the-face to those who have recently been scrutinizing Sweeney’s looks and acting skills. She made it clear that she really doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of her at this stage of her life.

The “Euphoria” star confidently threw her shade at the haters, while bouncing braless on the beach as a Mariachi band played live music. She wore a ruffled, cream-colored crop top and a flowy midi skirt, dancing happily without a a care in the world.

Yes, there are pics, and they’re spectacular. You GO, girl!


D卐M☭CRAT shows her true colors

Well, I guess this would explain a few things, no?

Why wait for legislative action to achieve wealth redistribution when you can just go ahead and take it?

Sen. Nicole Mitchell, a Minnesota state senator, boasted of helping to “create and teach a Diversity and Inclusion program” and “is committed to working toward a more just and equitable Minnesota.”

Like her DFL colleagues, that means taking stuff from people.

But even her DFL colleagues usually have a different process. Still, you have to admire initiative in a socialist.

A Minnesota lawmaker was arrested for alleged burglary Monday, less than a week after she advocated for safer communities at the state’s Capitol building.

Detroit Lakes officers booked State Sen. Nicole Mitchell, DFL-Woodbury, for first-degree burglary, according to local jail records. Police found the senator inside a Detroit Lakes home around 4:45 a.m. after the homeowner reported a burglary, according to FOX9.

State Sen. Mitchell joined Moms Demand Action Tuesday, an organization supporting restrictions on gun ownership, to promote solutions for gun violence.

Understandably, if you’re going to break into people’s houses, you would prefer that they not be armed.

Yeah, I suppose you would at that. Like all shitlibs and many career housebreakers, she doesn’t seem to accept that getting her ass ventilated is an occupational hazard in that particular job, instead believing that she and her fellow criminals ought to be exempt from such grim consequences. Hardly atypical amongst her ilk, hilariously enough.


Another day…

…another looney-tooney “transgender” attempted murder.

School Ignored Trans Student’s ‘Hit List, Leading to a Bloody Beat-Down
“I’m gonna murder you,” shouted the trans-identifying student at Pennbrook Middle School as the 13-year-old blindsided a 12-year-old girl last week and bashed her skull repeatedly with a Stanley cup (ie, a ThermosM). The victim had to be hospitalized, her scalp stapled back together, and she had to go through a concussion protocol, according to police.

It’s about as horrible a middle school assault as can be imagined, not in the least because students and staff alike were well aware of the perpetrator’s “hit list.”

The Daily Mail reported Monday that another 12-year-old female student — remaining anonymous because of her age, like the victim and the thug — made a public statement that “she and two fellow students filled out paperwork explaining what they knew was going to happen if nothing was done and said that she was warned ‘watch your back’ at lunch.”

“You could’ve stopped it,” she said. “It was five hours from when I told you it was going to happen. I don’t get how you couldn’t have stopped that.”

“We had to watch [the victim] taken out with blood dripping down her face and I will never forget that! Laying in bed last night I just kept repeating it in my head.”

Reportedly, she was next on the hit list — the one the school did nothing about except to tell the “trans” kid’s potential victims, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not gonna happen.”

Let’s talk for a moment about the so-called “trans” phenomenon we’ve seen explode these last few years.

NononononoNOOO, we shouldn’t. In fact, we mustn’t, not for any reason whatsoever. That would be WRONG, see.

So naturally, the vicious anti-“trans person” H8RRRbigot author then goes on to do precisely that, the “transphobic” sumbitch. Why, it’s an act of actual, literal genocide, that’s what it is! Probably another of those vile, vicious, H8ful Trump-suckers, I bet.

If these deranged mutants keep it up with the batshit-insane mayhem—which they will; the voices in their heads seem to require it of them, while Leftard chaos-pimps stand up and cheer, denigrate the brutalized victims, or at best maintain strict silence—one has to wonder how much longer it’s going to be before these twisted maniacs wind up with some real, bona fide hatred and retaliatory violence to contend with. For the nonce, it’s as our blog-buddy of twenty-mumblemumble years’ standing Stephen concludes, in response to yet another explicit threat of freakshow-violence against specific cis-het oppressors:

But don’t worry. He won’t actually hurt anyone. Right up until he does.

Pretty much, yeah.

Update! At the “Thermos” link above, Ace coins a term I expect will come in mighty useful for saner sorts going forward, regrettably: “Transgender Rage.”



Stephen says, “I’m trying to think of a bad decision she missed but I’m coming up short. The implied supposition that the car dealer has the shopper’s best interest at heart might be the biggest though.” Agreed, one hunnerd percent.

Mom, 28, forced to sell her dream car after forking out $40,000 in INTEREST alone over three years – as America’s auto debt spirals to $1.6 TRILLION
Three years ago, 28-year-old Blaisey Arnold entered a local auto dealership and came away with the keys to an $84,000 Chevy Tahoe.

Despite paying $1,400 a month in payments totaling more than $50,000, she still owes a balance of $74,000 to her lender – GM Financial.

Not only did she not make a down payment, she said she traded in a previous car on which she had fallen into negative equity.

Negative equity occurs when a driver owes more on their car loan than the vehicle is now worth. Sometimes, a dealer or lender can offer to roll the balance of an existing auto loan onto a new one, making it more expensive.

While rolling over debt into a new loan can seem convenient, it can be very dangerous and dealers have been known to not properly inform buyers that they will still be responsible for the remaining balance.

‘Honestly, it blows my mind that I have paid $50,000 into this car and only paid off $10,000,’ Arnold said. 

She told the loan was issued to her on the very day she visited the dealer – and that had an APR of 10.2 percent.

‘I did not go with my husband and as a female I feel they took advantage of me. They knew I really wanted the car and that I was by myself,’ she said.

Oh believe me, Bimbelina, they didn’t take advantage of you “as a female.” Not at all. They took advantage of you as a goddamn dumbass, is what they did. I strongly suspect that your husband isn’t any smarter than you clearly are—otherwise, how could he stand being married to you?—and the dealership would have given him the exact same reaming you got.

All car salesmen LIVE to see people like you walk into the showroom; as artillerymen have long described troops in the open, you’re their meat—a wet dream come true.

Some of us always say that stupidity should be painful, and know what? Sometimes, it actually is.


“OOOOH, titties!”

I scream, you scream, we all scream for…umm, “ice cream.” Some of us guys more girlishly than others.

The Damage Caused by Trans ‘Inclusion’ In Female Athletics: a Massachusetts Case Study
A single biologically male high-school student has invaded female categories in at least four different sports—negatively affecting hundreds of girls and women in the process.

“A 6’ Tall, Bearded Trans Basketballer Arrogantly Slams a Young Girl to the Ground—She Collapses in Agony,” was how Britain’s Daily Mail headlined the latest transgender sports scandal. Some may roll their eyes at the Mail’s sensationalist (and uniquely verbose) headline style. But in this case, at least, no one can accuse the newspaper’s copy editors of getting the facts wrong.

The author of that article was one Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimming star who now helps lead the campaign to protect women’s sport from transgender-identified males. It’s a cause I happen to support. As this Massachusetts high-school basketball controversy attests, male participation in female sports categories isn’t just unfair to girls and women. It’s often dangerous, as well.

One argument that’s commonly invoked in support of male-bodied “inclusion” in female sports categories is that, as Minnesota-based activist group Gender Justice asserts, “trans women are very much underrepresented in sport,” and “professional trans women athletes are extremely rare.” The idea here is that, no matter the obvious advantages that men have over women in athletics, few female athletes will be negatively affected by the handful of trans-identified males who choose to compete in categories that align with their gender identity.

And, to give these activists their due, it is quite true that most elite male athletes, even those afflicted with gender dysphoria, understand that they don’t belong in protected female spaces. It requires either a blinding sense of arrogance, or perhaps social cluelessness, for a man competing as a woman to fail to understand how disdained (and, in some cases, reviled) he will become if he insists on persistently invading female athletics—notwithstanding the forced displays of camaraderie and acceptance that affected women typically feel obligated to put on for the cameras.

Hey, anybody out there remember back at the beginning of this sudden surge—UNEXPECTED!©—of “concern” about the “rights” of “transgenders,” some of us saying that canonizing this mental disorder as if it were all not just perfectly normal and above-board but actually admirable would provide opportunities for loser-perv Manwomen to invade female sports locker rooms, Ladies restrooms, and other restricted spaces in order to indulge their own predatory urges?

Nah, me neither, musta dreamed it or something.

And it’s not just a question of who gets to go home with the medals. As demonstrated by the case of the aforementioned “bearded trans basketballer”—Massachusetts high-school senior Lazuli Clark—just a single male athlete who chooses to invade protected female athletic spaces can antagonize, intimidate, or endanger dozens, or even hundreds, of female co-competitors.

Thanks in large part to The Independent Council on Women’s Sport, an American-based advocacy group, almost 9-million people have seen the infamous video clip of Clark injuring a female opponent during a February 8 high-school basketball game. Clark, a student at KIPP Academy in Lynn, MA, also reportedly hurt two other girls during that same game. Following the third injury, the coach of the opposing team, Collegiate Charter of Lowell, MA, chose to forfeit the game rather than risk losing more players.

Basketball isn’t Clark’s only sporting pursuit. By my count, Clark has opted into female categories in at least four separate sports. (I am making a deliberate attempt to avoid describing Clark with pronouns, as it isn’t clear which ones apply. While many public news accounts of Clark’s exploits use “she” and “her” descriptors, a Saugus, MA-based Tae Kwon Do studio recently appears to have described Clark, who is apparently a “black belt student,” as “them,” suggesting a non-binary identity.)

Recently, Quillette received a leaked copy of an October 12, 2022 letter sent to the United States Rowing Association (commonly known as USRowing), the sport’s national governing body, in which 15 parents of elite female Massachusetts-resident rowers detailed their concerns about Clark.

In an interview with Quillette, one of the signatories reported that Clark joined the female rowing club in 2021, after placing poorly (“near the bottom,” by this parent’s account) with the club’s corresponding male team. Clark reportedly didn’t bother to shave or otherwise maintain the outward aesthetic pretenses of female gender identification, and even continued to wear the male club’s uniform.

In one documented 2022 incident, it is alleged, Clark walked into the girls’ changing room, spotted a female rower who was topless, and made a lewd comment about her breasts (“Oooh, titties”). As a result, documents reviewed by Quillette indicate, Clark was reported by team officials to the U.S. Center for SafeSport, a congressionally mandated body dedicated to “ending sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on behalf of athletes everywhere.” After SafeSport took action in late 2022, Clark never rowed for the club again—in either gender category. (Efforts to contact Clark or adult members of Clark’s family about these allegations, as well as other events described in this article, were unsuccessful.)

Bold mine, because…well, I really don’t have to say it again, do I?


Rowling 1, PC Scotland 0

Chalk up a win for Team Reality.

Technically, Rowling should have been hauled off in chains. Instead, Scotland backed down:

If JK Rowling’s posts calling out biological men—and “abusing” and “insulting” them— aren’t actionable, then nothing can be actionable in that regard. Nor does it help the transgender cause that the only person with more demands for arrest under the law than JK Rowling is Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s First Minister (although his are anti-white, race-based complaints).

It’s great to see Rowling win this battle, but it’s only one battle in a nation that has no First Amendment enshrining free speech. And here’s the kicker: If you think it can’t happen here, it can. After all, the entire Democrat establishment is prosecuting Trump for complaining about an election outcome and urging people to go to Congress to make their voices “peacefully” heard, two essential elements of core free speech because they’re both political.

Trump’s not the only one being persecuted. Jurisdictions all over America pass laws and regulations exposing conservatives to prosecution or civil actions for wrong think and wrong speech. And do I even need to get started on Big Tech’s censorious activities, even though they have effectively become the public square in America?

Looking at America’s creeping censorship, do you see any American billionaires other than Trump having Rowling’s courage when it comes to Truth?

To ask the question is to answer it, I’m afraid. Widberg closes with another Tweet, wherein Matt Walsh tells it like it is in one short sentence: “Scotland Makes It Illegal To Hurt A Trans Person’s Feelings.” That’s about the size of it, yeah.

Unfortunately, anybody who imagines this will be the end of it, that the Wokester SS will now contritely accept defeat, pack up their kit, and slink off home to sulk and weep the pain away in ruminative solitude had damned well better think again. Scotland’s Hate Crimes law is still in effect, and there are still great numbers of reality-based Poors out there in need of having their doors kicked in and their skulls clubbed into red, gooey mush by swarming SWAT squaddies. Count on it: The Enemy will be back, more wrathful than ever and way sooner than you probably expect, to seek vengeance against sane, non-celebrity Scots with an assist from Offissa Pupp & His Many Pals.

Even so, a win is a win, and even the most modest, fleeting victory over the foes of decency, truth, and simple objective reality is cause aplenty for celebration. Dancing in the streets, pointing and laughing, and singing “Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah-nyah” in merry mockery of the dejected lunatics all remain strictly optional, of course, but are nevertheless highly encouraged.


Rowling rips ’em up

The indomitable JK Rowling, that is, who is the pluperfect example of what I once famously called a Tough Chick.

Much, much more—entirely too much, actually, it’s sickening stuff—before we get to that last one, of which Ace helpfully provides a transcription.

She finished the thread by posting an essay — and daring the Scottish Speech Brute-Squad to come and arrest her.

In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women’s and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex.

For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable. The re-definition of ‘woman’ to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women’s and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors.

It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.

I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.

If you agree with the views set out in this tweet, please retweet it.

#ArrestMe #AprilFools #HateCrimeActScotland

I’m glad she’s doing this. They like going after people with small voices that won’t be heard. They like going after people they can abuse in the darkness and silence.

Well, J.K. Rowling does not have a small voice.

If you really want to arrest people for saying that men are men and will remain men — then start with the near-billionaire with millions of followers on social media. Someone who can not only hire the best lawyers in the world, but who will villainize you for an audience of millions if you arrest her.

So do it, Thought Police.

Or are you just cowards?

Oh, I think we all know the answer to that one well enough, thanks. Then, after the bimbelinas at NAG (the National Association of Gals, in the Limbaugh parlance) slagged Rowling for her…ummm…(checks notes)…White Supremacism (???), Based Megyn Kelly puts in her two cents worth.

Well said, Megyn, you pretty thang, you. Heh—sorry, just couldn’t help it. I DENOUNCE MYSELF!


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Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

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Dwight D. Eisenhower

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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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