“Above it”? In a pig’s eye

Kill them. Kill them ALL.

Yet another of those blasted “Show more” clickbait pieces o’ shite, so here’s the whole thing.

A year ago, here in Utah, Joe Biden was coming for a visit. A 74 year old, morbidly obese, disabled guy, who couldn’t walk a block under his own power got raided by the feds because of some of the shit he’d talked on the internet was seen as a potential threat. They shot him to death and left his body on the street for hours.

It turns out this old dude was the neighbor of a friend of mine. When my friend (who happens to be a college art history professor, so not exactly a fire breathing monster) wrote about how the old disabled guy was clearly not in any sort of physical shape to cross the street, let alone the state to get into any sort of position he could be a threat to POTUS, my friend got absolutely savaged by leftist internet assholes.

I watched these fucking trash bags rip on the dead guy for days, and then I watched them rip on my friend, whose only crime was living on the same street and being perfectly honest about the dead man’s actual nature in real life, as opposed to the internet. They were utterly fucking ruthless, cruel, vindictive trash, crowing endlessly about serves him right, fuck that guy, death to the insurrectionist, the penalty for treason is death, so on and so forth. Sure, he couldn’t actually DO anything, but he talked violent shit on the internet, so clearly he deserved to die. If you disagree, you probably deserve to die too, MAGAt scum.

Fast forward a year, a psycho takes a shot at Trump, the exact same type of leftist asshole immediately starts crowing stuff that’s worse than what got this old disabled guy smoked. Too bad he missed. Better work on the aim. Better luck next time. All sorts of vile fucking evil bullshit begging for violence and bloodshed and rooting for murder. Fucking psychotic shit from people too stupid and sheltered to grasp how terrible things will become for everyone if they get what they wish for.

Two days later, a bunch of these assholes find out actions have consequences, and after a decade of having it used against them, the right has finally figured out how to use cancel culture themselves. Some of these assholes are now getting outed, and fired by their employers who don’t want the PR nightmare of fucking psychopaths working for them.

So the progs take to the internet and cry about it. They cry about how hypocritical the right is, because we’re supposed to get cancelled, not do the cancelling, and how dare us do unto them what they’ve done to us? And the sanctimonious twits (nominally) on my side go tsk tsk, how rude of us to engage in such low behavior. We are supposed to be above such things. How can we possibly celebrate horrible asshole leftists getting fired for being horrible assholes?

And in that moment I just remember these same blood thirsty assholes celebrating the death of an old disabled fat guy. They’re lucky. They only got fired. When he talked shit on the internet he died because of it.

So I’m still fresh out of pity.

That’s putting it about as mildly as it possibly can be put, far as I’m concerned, but yeah. “Tone it down,” “unite” with such swine as they? Fuck them, the horses they rode in on, their whole families, and everybody who even looks like them. Die screaming, shitlibs, and be spitroasted over Hell’s hottest fires for all eternity—every last man Jack of you, unto the very last generation. Stretch every last shitlib neck until there’s no more shitlib necks left to be stretched, then, should one we missed dare to show his/her/its ugly face in public, give him/her/it the exact same treatment. Let there be NO peace while any shitlib still draws breath. Here endeth the lesson.

Via Divemedic, who adds:

The left crushed tens of thousands of people’s lives for things that they said for more than a decade and a half. They hounded CHILDREN for perceived transgressions. They gleefully ruined lives. They have been SWATTING people.

My sense of civility and kindness has been worn away. I don’t give a fuck about the left, and I will have no mercy. I am going to fight this fight, taking the battle as far as is strategically and tactically feasible.

Indeed, sir.


The burning question

To wit: Do they A) fear us, and are just stupid fucking morons, or do they B) hold us in contempt, and are just flinging shit directly into our faces for the sheer fun of it? I report, you deride.

Secret Service director gives bizarre reason why an agent wasn’t on the roof where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump as she rejects calls to resign
Embattled Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle has revealed the fateful and bizarre reason why her agency failed to put an agent on the roof gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks used to carry out an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Cheatle, who is facing calls to resign over the massive security failure, said Secret Service officials planning security for Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania considered the warehouse 147 yards away from where Trump spoke to be a risky position for stationing an agent.

“Too risky,” y’unnerstand, because of this fearsome *shudder* “slope” to the roof—a slope which bothered our youthful assassin not one iota, but apparently is simply too dangerous for a blubberous Girlboss to handle without placing her rolls of neck-flab at mortal hazard.

Yep, that’s awfully gosh darned scary alright; I’d hate to try skiiing it, that’s for sure and certain. In fact, I’d bet everyone reading this is gonna have bad dreams just from seeing a picture of it, and not just for a single night either.

Okay, okay, okay, here’s the real deal: I slid down WAY more “vicious” slopes sitting on a piece of cardboard shared betwixt the neighborhood kids when I was still in knee-britches. Laughing all the way HA-HA-HA too, as the old song says. Yet somehow or other we all survived, incredible as it may seem. Apparently, we were all made of much sterner stuff at 7 years old than any modern-day Girlboss SS agent. I dunno, make of it what you will.

Chilling new details have revealed that a team of local police snipers were inside the building when the 20-year-old Crooks opened fire, shot Trump in the ear and killed a member of the rally crowd.

INSIDE the building when, as Ace notes, their primary purpose and function is to be able to identify, engage, and eliminate threats at distance, not in the same fucking room with them. Nota very fucking bene also that 1) we for goddamned sure need ourselves a new SS director, 2) I am willing to work cheap, and 3) have just now established beyond all possible doubt I could do a much, MUCH better job of it than this Kim Choadle bimbette has.

Crooks managed to evade cops and Secret Service three times, even though he had been deemed ‘suspicious’ and could have been on the roof for up to 30 minutes before he pulled the trigger.

Witnesses also begged law enforcement to act when they saw him clamber onto the roof with his AR-style rifle, but the lapse in security meant he was able to carry out his bid to take the 45th president’s life.

“Evade,” is it? How sure of that ARE we, really?

Of course, Msrszxx Director Kimberly “Pronouns Undetermined” Cheatle doesn’t actually believe any of the intelligence-insulting flapdoodle she’s emitting, you know; fact is, she made it all up out of her own oblated head herself on the spur of the moment and (up)chucked it out purely for her own personal amusement, as indicated by her firm refusal to do the decent thing and resign her position in disgrace. SHE doesn’t believe it, her own overseers don’t, and not a one of them cares whether YOU do, obviously, nor if anybody else does. That tell you anything, p’raps possibly? Because if you ask me, it damned well ought to.

Back over to the AoSHQ post for the sad, sorry denouement.

No…125 meters is not a long shot. If you’re going to be a shooter that’s a free throw. Yes I’m aware a lot of gun owners couldn’t hit a 4″ plate with 4 tries but I don’t care my point stands.

Yes the secret service looked like shit on a stick. Sure they worked hard to get hired. Sure they try. Sure they passed all the tests. Still had a massive failure and looked like hot butter shit and I’m ashamed we as a country look like THAT at a critical moment. And I’m going to rail them harder than Ginger Lynn for that embarrassment of a shit show. And I’m not going to pretend better, bigger more physically qualified people were probably not offered the job for “reasons”.

I have eyes.

We are for damn lucky a 20 year old used a garbage rod and choked on mom’s spaghetti because the chick in charge of the SS sucks and put the C-team on the biggest target in political history. Only to have body positive diversity hire DUCK OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WAY at the critical moment and then couldn’t holster her gun through her fat roll!!! And I’m supposed to be proud of this? I’m supposed to think this was a good and professional operation? This was well planned and organized by the one chick who’s one job it is to make sure this doesn’t happen?

That’s what I’m to accept? That’s where we are? That THIS is the best we can do? The best we have? The best protection we can give to the one guy the world all knows is the biggest target in 2024 in politics?

And the after action report we just got was fucking mission accomplished? Really? Everybody in charge just slaps each other on the back, says “good job” and we go back to hoping the next guy uses a Century Arms CETME???

We all make fun of the fat bubbas who can’t get to their holster through their gut and thinks he’s going to be a super soldier in CW2 The Electric Boogaloo, but I’m supposed to not notice the chicks fupa is maybe an issue in doing her duty as a god damn Secret Service agent?!?

Excellent questions all, and extremely depressing ones to have to be asking ourselves as well.

Update! Further, and worserer, details.

I repeat: stinks, all to hell and gone. Better be checking six continually, President Trump, sir—head on a swivel, total SA. Another urgent recommendation: consider private security, assuming you haven’t already hired some.

Updated update! Mission Improbable.

Scooped a bunch more related good ‘uns from WRSA tonight, which I’m saving up for tomorrow’s edition of Memezapoppin’!


Breaking news FLASH: Dog bites man!!!

Oh me oh my oh merciful Mother o’ God, whatever shall we DO? ALL IS LOST…

Ho fucking HUM. Insty calls it in his usual pithy, concise way.


Heh. Indeed. Sorry, STILL don’t give a drippy fart what scumsack pseudo-Repugnicunt Shitlick Soozie Collins© thinks, says, or does, about anything whatsoever. Nor her stupid, sorry-ass supporters neither. Now I do admit, being nonchalant and imperturbable is not the default response for me. But in this case, I am willing to make an exception.

Update! I will point out one amusing aspect to this otherwise flaccid, deadly-dull item of (no) interest: evidently, this Stretchsnizz Collins (non)person foolishly seems to think, per her “announcement,” that there might possibly be somebody out there somewhere who actually DOES care about what she thinks, says, or does. Okay, so who wants to break it to her…?

Ow that SMARTS update! Commenter Tom Smith tears her a new one.

Correia gives Collins too much credit.

Regular red-state America doesn’t waste its time even to form an opinion about Susan Collins.

YEEOWTCH! Good one Tom, and so, so true.

The full (three-card) monte

For this next trick, ladies and gentlemen, please watch my hand closely—not that hand, the OTHER one!

Biden Administration Promises to Veto any Legislative Effort That Blocks Vote or Ballot Fraud
The people behind Joe Biden that used illegal voter registration, subsequent ballot harvesting, and ultimately corrupt ballot counting to install Biden into office, have threatened to veto any legislation that would impede their election fraud operation.

By now we should all know the essential process being deployed. This is the reason for the open border policies.

The Biden administration (DHS) is not “importing democrat voters.” Instead, DHS is importing people, names, that allows the state fraud process to generate ballots. This is an important distinction.

The migrants will not use the ballots. The DNC harvesters will collect them, fill them out (Team Obama), then the Precinct workers will scan them and count them (Team Clyburn). Illegals don’t need to vote. They only need to exist to create a ballot.

And suddenly, it all makes perfect sense. But what the heck, if they DO get more D卐M☭CRAT voters in the process, that’s even more gooder.


Horse Puckey, it was always Horse Puckey

The BRICS countries are primarily 3rd world shitholes, commies (or both), or have petro dollars. They are not displacing the dollar, not today and not tomorrow. It’s a fantasy of the anti-American set and those caught up in the narrative of American decline.

The $ will not be displaced.

BRICS Currency Swap: Too Small and Complex to Dethrone the Dollar

There they go again

Remember the Climategate scandal, back in the first year of the Ogabe reign of error, when the Überstadt codex “hiding the decline” first entered the Serf Class lexicon? Because by now, all us lowly peasants oughta know it when we see it.

Bombshell Report Reveals ‘Conspiracy’ to Hide Biden’s Mental Decline
A new bombshell report from New York Magazine exposes with incredibly shocking detail how Biden’s health struggles have been kept secret by many who have gotten close to him. The report, headlined “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden,” includes longtime Biden family friends and associates who have decided to speak out after months of denial.

Uniformly, these people were of a similar social strata. They lived and socialized in Washington, New York, and Los Angeles. They did not wish to come forward with their stories. They did not want to blow a whistle. They wished that they could whistle past what they knew and emerge in November victorious and relieved, having helped avoid another four years of Trump. What would happen after that? They couldn’t think that far ahead. Their worries were more immediate.

When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they literally whispered. They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened. They needed to talk about it (though not on the record). They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy. Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that.

“Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names,” the report continued. “At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception.”

The article goes into disturbing detail about how Biden became increasingly hard to reach, even for official matters. Instead, he seemed “cocooned within mounting layers of bureaucracy, spoken for more than he was speaking or spoken to.” At a recent White House event, Biden blankly stared at a Democratic mega-donor until the first lady whispered in his ear, prompting him to repeat her words.

“It hasn’t been good for a long time but it’s gotten so, so much worse,” a witness told Olivia Nuzzi, the author of the article. “So much worse!”

This raised questions about who was truly in charge, with both sides of the aisle reaching the conclusion that a secret group of high-level officials was controlling Biden and planning to replace him as the Democratic nominee.

“Nothing else made sense,” Nuzzi wrote. “They were in full agreement.”

Of course they were, and almost always are. No need to spin any conspiracy-theory yarns to explain the Lyin’ Left’s uncanny intellectual homogeneity and their reflexive first-choice fallback to deceit and subterfuge; they’re all part of the same Hive Mind, so it’s only natural that they’d all think along the same lines, closer to natural instinct than formal organization. Ironically enough, they believe this universal conformity of thought to be one of the defining qualities of that glorious “diversity” they’re endlessly sermonizing rapturously about, instead of the exact opposite of the original concept. Just another real-life instance of Inigo Montoya’s unforgettable admonition: “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Any ST-TNG devotee who isn’t a dyed in the wool, Red in tooth and claw Leftard (such as, say, myself) will immediately recognize the shitlib Powers That Be and their Hive Mind as the contemporary equivalent of the Borg Collective. According to the superlatively arrogant Leftard Locutus:

Myself, I’m with Worf and the Klingon Empire all the way on that one. Every good TNG man already knows how things worked out for the Borg ere all was said and done: NOT. TOO. GOOD. If you’re casting about in search of the happy ending, well, there ya go.


The Soviet origins of “he has a cold”

How very fitting for the D卐M☭CRATs, nyet?

A 1997 Time Magazine piece reminds 2024 Americans that this “has a cold” business has a long and storied legacy in the Soviet Union. 

The Kremlin has a credibility problem when it comes to presidential health. The first time officials announced Yeltsin had a head cold, while he was running for re-election in the summer of 1996, it turned out to be a loose synonym for a near fatal heart attack. For the rest of the year, he was prostrate and the country was paralyzed. A multiple-bypass operation in November 1996 seemed to bring a miracle recovery. Then two months later, Yeltsin came down with another “cold”–this time, his aides said, the result of a post-sauna chill. This cold quickly metamorphosed into pneumonia and two more months of anxiety, political stagnation and fruitless discussion about the presidential succession. [emphasis added]

Now go back to that quote and replace the word “Kremlin” with White House, replace Yeltsin with Biden, and “officials” with Ron Klain and Barack Obama.

Zee Pahty’s political minders sent out the talking points to their minions, but on debate night, when Joe couldn’t finish a sentence, they knew they couldn’t cover for him anymore. Biden had been cramming, prepping, resting, and taking concoctions and infusions for a week to get ready for the prime-time debate, but President Calling-A-Lid at 10 a.m. still couldn’t handle a 90-minute TV exchange with Team Biden moderators. 

Legacy news outlets, like American Pravda’s Joe Scarborough and Izvestia’s Joy Reid were busted. They couldn’t pass off Joe’s decline by dismissing it as a right-wing conspiracy theory any longer. They admitted, without using words, that they’d been lying to the American public about Joe Biden’s health. Either that, or they are the dumbest people in America. Both can be true.

Just wait until they “find out” about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden’s open border, the conspiracy to jail Trump, Joe’s influence peddling, and who left cocaine at the White House.

Ayup—and then, the Repugnicunts don’t do a single damned thing about any of it. Because, y’know, Repugnicunts.


Pre-debate prediction

First, though, allow me to present (via Stephen) a behind-the-scenes peek at Biden’s debate prep.

Not entirely sure if it’s real or parody; these days, it’s virtually impossible to tell.

Now for the prognosticatin’. Despite Pedaux Jaux’s inarguable, obvious infirmity, decrepitude, inability to walk, think, or speak intelligibly, the sad, sorry fact is that Trump has already lost; no matter what he says or does tonight, how brilliantly he may perform onstage, his opponent will be acclaimed throughout Enemedia as the clear winner.

Trump won’t be debating one person but three, all of whom loathe Orange Man Bad with a blazing passion. All Faux Jaux has to do to seal his
victory is show up, not fall down or wander offstage, and remain marginally calm and coherent for an hour and a half, and voila! Ladies and germs, we have ourselves a WINNAH!

If Trump so much as looks as if he’s about to land a knockout blow, his mic will be muted, every camera turned away from him and towards his drooling, cadaverous opponent. Whatever Trump IS permitted to say on-mic will be sliced, diced, and dissected immediately by the partisan moderators, who will eagerly explain to their audience of lowing cattle what that awful Nazi terroristic threat to “democracy” REALLY just said. Should Trump object or in any fashion attempt to defend himself, his mic will be shut off, the cameras trained again on the semi-sentient, doped-to-the-gills zombie grinning vacantly into them.

If deemed needful, the “moderators” will call in Biden’s SS detail to subdue the dangerous madman Trump by any and all means—up to and including nightsticks, saps, and an economy-sized blast of pepper spray full in the face. As the bleeding, unconscious Trump is carried off-camera to his Secure and Undisclosed prison cell to await indictment, trial, and conviction for the latest cobbled-up “crime,” Jake the Fake and Dana Gash will rush to the side of the unanimously-beloved ***“pResident”***, each impartial moderator hoisting one of Jaux’s withered, decomposing arms in celebratory salute of the near-effortless way Faux Jaux vanquished his abominable, habitually-violent, “democracy”-threatening foeman.

The “debate” after-party closes with the emergence of a chorus line of sag-bellied “transgender” Manwomen from the Stage Left(ist) wings to can-can at center stage, spectacularly bedecked in neon-dyed frightwigs, fishnet stockings, too-tight tye-died T-shirts above leather G-strings, exposed cock-n-ballbags prominently a-flounce and a-dangle for the delectation of all right-thinking debate attendees, their saucer-eyed, bewildered elementary-schoolers most particularly—the high-kicking, hairy-legged drag queens’ muddleheaded caricature of feminine pulchritude emphasized by metric tons of bizarre makeup.

Tomorrow morning, the “conservative” punditry will indignantly harrumph-harrumph over this intelligence-insulting traveshamockery, resulting in nothing of use. The day after, at most two, all will have been forgotten; the next Righteous Crusade will be taken up with alacrity, producing the selfsame results their show of Dudgeon Most High following the “debate” did—ie, none whatsoever.

The kiddy-diddler wins, the Donald loses, and that’s really all there is to it. The outcome was foreordained the moment Trump agreed to his subordinate role in the pre-rigged shitshow, reinforced by a surfeit of outrageous, unfair conditions under which it was to be conducted in the bargain.

Update! I must admit, I like the Bee’s predictions a heckuva lot better than mine.

The Babylon Bee’s 100% Accurate Predictions For Tonight’s Debate
Excitement for tonight’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has already reached a fever pitch, and The Babylon Bee is here to cover it all — and tell you what will happen. Years of battle-hardened journalistic expertise and election coverage have yielded the following list of totally accurate predictions for tonight’s debate to give you a heads-up of things to watch for:

  1. Biden will go the full 90 minutes without blinking: Meaning he’ll be completely dialed in and not under the influence of any chemical substances whatsoever.
  2. Trump will make up 13 new nicknames for Biden throughout the evening: Biden will respond by reciting the 13 new indictments for Trump that his team has made up in the last week.
  3. Biden will utter the phrase “convicted felon” at least 384 times: It may not always be intelligible, but he’ll say it.
  4. FBI agents authorized to use deadly force will raid Trump’s podium midway through the debate: Somebody said that Trump has been storing classified documents next to a spare putter in the podium he’ll be using.
  5. Biden will respond to a question by asking Obama to please stand up and be recognized: He’ll be pointing to a random black man in the crowd, of course, but it’s the sentiment that counts.

Why yes, of course there’s more at the link. Why do you ask?

Updated update! It only just now occurred to me that, having mentioned the Manwoman supporting cast dancing the can-can in riotous celebration of Biden’s Big Win, the perfect opportunity for an apposite musical interlude presents itself.

Now for a good brain-bleach scouring with a steel-bristled brush, to erase the disturbing, gorge-raising mental image of a bunch of flabby, inadequately-attired Manwomen cavorting onstage from it.


War is coming here long since over, and lost

This. This right here.

I had an interesting conversation with a bunch of like-minded conservatives last month, and articulated something that in retrospect is obvious, but difficult to accept.

Islam is winning.

It has a coherent (to them) political philosophy, there is very little internal dissension, the vast majority of its adherents are supportive of its most savage and world-destroying goals, and they have successfully co-opted the natural antipathy of the West toward them and turned it on its head.

There are short-sighted economic reasons for the West to allow the immigrant invasions, but the grand scheme has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with the progressive drive to destroy traditional Western culture and replace it with…anything else. Islam, their allies of convenience, is happy to be of assistance, because they are confident that they will have the upper hand if the West falls to the globalist left.

And they will.

Alas, not “will,” CBD; HAVE, and/or DID. He links to an insightful, thought-provoking piece by one NS Lyons which opens thusly:

Cast Away Illusions and Prepare for Struggle
A response to old guard conservatism

Last fall the Claremont Institute’s venerable Charles R. Kesler published a lengthy essay critiquing National Conservatism and the “New Right” for, essentially, departing from the polite constitutionalist rhetoric of Bill Buckley-style American conservatism for a more definitive popular-nationalism. I was among those invited by Claremont to respond as part of a thoughtful symposium published last month. I’ve decided to republish my short contribution here (though I encourage you to go read the original essay and the full symposium). My argument is brief (and “nearly dismissive” according to Kesler, which I suppose is true): for decades old guard conservatives have for the most part completely failed to conserve anything, institutions of the republic included, no matter how frequently they’ve bandied about the Constitution and appealed to American exceptionalism; it will avail us nothing to continue in the same vein. Because of all this context and the intramural nature of the dispute I hesitated to bother posting this here at all. But given the “conservative”-leaning Supreme Court’s tragic decision yesterday to roll over and allow the gutting of the First Amendment (as predicted), the moment now seemed more appropriate to do so. – N.S. Lyons

To say the very least it is, if not already far too late to do anyone any real good. Continuing from there:

Mao instructed revolutionaries to seize power by struggling to control the “pen,” the “knife,” and the “gun” (that is, the propaganda and administrative institutions, the intelligence and security services, and the army). By this measure the progressive Left has already achieved near total victory. By contrast, old-guard conservatives have—for almost a century now—utterly failed to conserve much of anything, republic included. And none of their habitually muttered invocations of the Constitution’s sacred text have turned the tide in the least. Sadly, theirs is a god that failed—whatever regime we live under now, it is not the U.S. Constitution.

Meanwhile, this struggle is hardly confined to America’s shores. All across the Western world, regimes are converging on the same form of authoritarian managerial technocracy, treating popular sovereignty with disgust and brooking no dissent. New legislation in Canada proposes life in prison for “hate speech.” Britain already arrests hundreds of people per year for holding the wrong opinions. Germany’s interior minister says right-wingers who “mock the state” will be preemptively ejected from the financial system, have their business licenses revoked, and be banned from traveling. At the behest of the E.U., Poland’s new “centrist” government has cast aside the rule of law in order to arrest political enemies and purge the Right from all institutions.

Some of these countries have written constitutions, others don’t—it hardly matters. What they all share, along with the United States, is a near-identical ruling class of transnational managerial elites who believe they alone possess History’s mandate to reengineer society. And what they hate and fear above all else is the nation: the existence—and yes, the very idea—of a distinct and sovereign people that lies beyond the reach of their totalizing hunger for conformity and control. Hence, they hate and fear democracy, too—the self-governance of a nation. This global battle between transnational managerialism and sovereign democratic nationhood now defines 21st-century politics.

Agreed, for the most part, with my usual two (2) caveats:

  1. I still maintain that they do NOT fear us, not in the least; if they did, they’d be dealing with us in a quite different fashion than they have been since at least 2020, if not before. Rather, they despise us, hold us in contempt. And why shouldn’t they? So far, they’ve been given no reason whatsoever to think otherwise
  2. Can we please just dispense already with using The Enemy’s own terminology as if it had been mutually agreed upon as essentially accurate, applicable, and acceptable—ie, this never-ending “democracy” twaddle? I have another diatribe to be completed and put up later today (hopefully; no promises either expressed or implied) covering this very subject, so I’ll stop here on that and spare you folks the redundancy

Apart from those more or less pettifogging objections of mine, this short piece is another for the old must-read list, folks.

The normalcy bias which stubbornly (not to say “bitterly”) clings to the starry-eyed but nonetheless hopeless delusion that—despite the extremities of lawlessness, oppression, and bare-faced despotism Real Americans have been subjected to for lo, these many years—political business as usual somehow still offers meaningful recourse for the persecuted and misruled Serf Class must be abandoned toot sweet, lest all be well and truly lost. Surely it’s clear by now that petitioning the very government which is itself the author of our woes for redress of grievances, as if this were still America That Was rather than the contemporary, built-back-“better” Amerika v2.0, is nothing but a mug’s game.


Can’t we please change the channel, Mom? This one is old and stale; it just plays the same tired shows we’ve already seen a million kajillion times, over and over and over again.

Liberal Media Scream: CNN proves anti-Trump bias days before debate
And just like that, CNN showed its anti-Trump bias on Monday, just three days before hosting the first debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, proving Republicans correct in complaining that the debate would be an ambush.

It came early Monday morning when anchor Kasie Hunt was hosting Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt. At the time, Secrets was considering the week’s choices for the Liberal Media Scream feature with Brent Baker of the Media Research Center.

I’m so old, I can remember when Republicans said their guy Mittens Romneycare ought to refuse to participate in any more debates because the “moderator,” Candy Crowley, being an obviously partisan member of the “liberal” media, was biased. In fact, I’ve been hearing this since at least the days of Shrubya, if not before that, even. Now we get this Big Blockbuster News Flash©: the partisan “liberal” debate moderators might actually be *GASP* partisan “liberals!” Even more SHOCKING, they don’t seem to give three whoops in Hell who knows it, either!

Ho fucking hum. Wake me when the shooting starts, willya?


Happy Jumeteemf, yo!

Arthur observes our newest made-up Nee-grow “holiday,” celebrated in accordance with the ancient traditions.

Like The Sun Rising In The East
It (is) the weekend before Juneteenth, a celebration of White people letting slaves go free and then watching the descendants of those freed slaves royally fuck up the country White people built. Since the inception of Juneteenth as a new Federal holiday in an attempt to placate blacks so they would stop burning down cities, there have been plenty of mass shootings accompanying the “holiday”. We have already had our first of 2024…

So, the big “pawdy” went exactly as one would expect, then.


The Marxists Have…

All that is required to appoint the next White House occupant. And they will. They do not care what you think. They do not care what individual action you take.

They will not stop until a large group of Americans put a stop to it.

Democrats have the U.S. Dept of Justice.
Democrats have the United States postal service.
Democrats have the key state Secretaries of State.
Democrats have the United States US Attorney General.
Democrats have key state Attorneys General.
Democrats have county level District Attorneys.
Democrats have BLM foot soldiers (Ballot Harvesters).
Democrats have AME precinct workers (Ballot Counters).
Democrats have illegal alien names for ballots.

Democrats do not have voters.

The Guy Who Organizes Ballot Counting, Says…


A feeble conviction

All talk, no teeth.

The hidden issues in Hunter Biden’s gun crime conviction
Hunter Biden was recently convicted of three felony gun charges. As conservatives, it’s hard not to enjoy this for a moment. The entitlement that he’s felt all his life, his reckless behavior in all areas of his life, his spoiled rich frat-boy attitude — it’s very easy to feel the schadenfreude. Honestly, it’s impossible not to feel it.

And the fact that he broke the law is so obvious that I’m surprised that it took the jury ten minutes, much less three hours, to convict. But his conviction obscures the deeper issues in this case.

First, let’s talk about Form 4473, the ATF form Hunter signed, that clearly spells out the illegality and penalties for knowingly submitting false information. Joe Biden is on record and on video claiming he was instrumental in creating that form, for which he has bragged about wanting more severe penalties for false answers. The MSM, including Fox, have ignored that aspect of this story, but the aspect is a key element of the important story.

Democrats claim they want to reduce crime through gun control laws. We all know that this is a smoke grenade covering what they really want, which is gun prohibition. The response from the media and from the Biden administration should demonstrate to well-meaning but ignorant Democrat voters that gun control has nothing to do with saving lives or reducing crime. If the Republicans don’t put Joe’s statements about Form 4473 in an ad this election season, they’re committing election malpractice.

There is another important and interesting element to this story. Hunter’s legal team has already signaled that it intends to invoke the 2nd Amendment on appeal. That’s right: they’re going to argue the NRA position that Form 4473 violates the Constitution. I happen to agree with this argument. The one right recognized in the Bill of Rights that is not contingent on anything at all is the 2nd Amendment. Therefore, I believe Form 4473 is unconstitutional. You don’t lose your right to free speech if you’re a drug addict. You don’t lose your right to freedom from searches and seizures. Why should you lose the right to defend yourself?

Does it make practical sense to deny drug addicts access to firearms? Of course. But in my belief system, the pragmatic must often take a back seat to the principle. I must admit, though, that I am looking forward to watching the leftist media argue that the verdict violates the 2nd Amendment. I might even tune in to The View, and risk the inevitable brain cell loss that comes from listening to their “reasoning,” to watch their collective minds melt.

There’s a third important issue. Just hours after Hunter’s conviction for violating federal gun laws, Joe (and by “Joe” I mean whoever is really president) chose not to cancel his speech to the gun control organization Everytown for Gun Safety. The bizarrely ironic political decision to give this speech on this day must be one of the weirdest moments in politics I’ve ever witnessed. The idiots in the room did not see the irony, chanting, “Four more years!” and applauding loudly at every partially unintelligible word passing from the teleprompter through the corn maze of Joe’s brain and out through the microphone.

A fine article, chock-a-block with snappy, stinging riffage from overture to coda, winding up thusly:

Finally, the third and most important issue. Once again, Joe doubled down on his argument that having guns to protect yourself from a tyrannical government is silly because “you’d need an F-15.” Many have pointed out the obvious threat in this argument, and they are correct. It’s clearly a threat. But there’s something more subtle at play here. Without realizing the implications, he’s actually arguing that fully armed F-15s owned by private citizens are protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Think about it. If you agree that the 2nd Amendment is to protect you from a tyrannical government — and I’d argue that we’re watching that tyranny progress in real time — then logically, F-15s and tanks, and whatever else citizens need to defend themselves against that threat, are protected arms. I don’t want to live in a world like that, but then, I haven’t threatened the American people several times with the use of fighter-bomber aircraft. I’m not making that argument; I’m just pointing out that Joe Biden has been making it unintentionally.

As conservatives, let’s enjoy our little moment here. It’s satisfying to see a despicable person like Hunter Biden feel some consequences for the first time in his entitled life. (Although he’s certain to be pardoned by his father after the election.)

But let’s keep our eyes on the issues revealed in this case that really matter.

In my view, there’s but one (1) issue in this case that really, truly matters—which, when all’s said and done, ain’t gonna matter a whit, de facto if not de jure. To wit: will Faux Jaux’s pwecious widdle Huntie face any serious consequences for the crimes of which he has been duly charged, tried, and convicted beyond said conviction, perhaps a light juridical slap on the wrist before Daddykins pardons his iniquitous, Biden Cosa Nostra oxygen-thief ass? If you think he will, please contact me straightaway using the email addy over in the right sidebar; I have some lovely, desirable beachfront acreage in Arizona up for sale I’d love to discuss with your dumb Pollyanna ass.


“Jew York” no more

Things are hotting up for ((((DemJooJooJooJOOOOOZ!!!)))) in what for many years was a safe haven for them.

Protesters are harassing Jews every day in NYC, when will pols protect them?

A more apposite question would be: “When in the actual FUCK will liberal Jews wake up and revise their stuck-in-the-mud thinking?”

How much more are Jews in New York City expected to take?

Earlier this week, a protest in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street, which commemorates those slaughtered at a music festival in Israel during the October 7 attacks, waved Hezbollah and Hamas flags and a “Long live October 7th” banner, lit flares and chanted “long live the intifada.”

On Tuesday, a mob took over a New York City subway car and chanted, in a call and repeat fashion, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.”

Two nights ago, the homes of Brooklyn Museum’s director Anne Pasternak and several of the museum’s Jewish board members, were defaced with fake blood and a sign that accused Pasternak of being a “White-Supremacist Zionist.”

I’ve been writing in these pages about the growing antisemitism in New York for years.

But this is the worst it has ever been. It’s no longer random attacks, that could be blamed on the mentally unwell.

The last few years have exposed something else.

Now it’s hard not to notice that the worst eruptions, the vilest hate, is happening in New York specifically.

The mob is masked to conceal their identity and able to be violent then disappear into crowds.

It’s worth noting that when the regular attacks on Jews were happening during de Blasio’s terms, with hundreds of attacks caught on video, only one perpetrator ever served a day in prison.

Jews are getting the message that no one will protect them and they’re largely not allowed to protect themselves.

At the Nova exhibit, Mayor Adams told influencer Lizzy Savetsky “We have the largest Jewish population outside of Israel right here in New York. This is not going to be a city where you’ll have to take off your yarmulke, be afraid to walk inside a synagogue,” but then added “or church or mosque” as if anyone is afraid to walk into those.

He seemed to want to cut off the obvious criticism that Jews have largely been left exposed in his city saying “A minority of those who want us to live in fear, who want us to say ‘police departments you’re not doing enough,’ who want us to turn on our allies, we can’t turn on each other.”

As long as NYC Jewry keeps stubbornly clinging to their outmoded Left/“liberal” political identity, they can expect things to go right on getting worse for them in the Big Rotten Apple. Same-same for the “how much more are Jews in New York City expected to take” query. If they stick with the pattern they have for decades, they can expect to take plenty and to spare of it; as things now stand, the D卐M☭CRAT Party which has turned viciously on Dem Joooz takes the purblind fools entirely for granted. As well it might; second only to the hapless Nee-grows they’ve done so much to destroy utterly, American Jews remain one of the D卐M☭CRAT Party’s verymost dependable voting blocks.

Alternatively, NYC Jews can carry on doing the same thing, expecting a different result. If I remember right, one of their kinsmen is purported to have had a little something to say about that sort of thing.



Did he or didn’t he? Only his on-staff dipey-dumper knows for sure.

Did Joe Biden Poop Himself at the D-Day Event?
If there was any doubt that the United States is no longer a serious country with a serious mainstream media, let’s consider it settled science after the internet erupted this morning when it appeared Joe Biden pooped his pants during the D-Day event at Normandy.

PJ Media’s Matt Margolis covered the more-than-awkward event where President Biden made several humiliating gaffes, which certainly has Vladimir Putin quaking in his boots having to face off against such senility in Ukraine. However, the circus became even crazier as X users noticed a video clip where Joe Biden bends over in front of Jill in a moment where it looked like he lost control of his bowels. In the same clip, Jill Biden appears to cover her nose to escape the stench. 

Tim Pool, the purveyor of the hit YouTube political program Timcast, noted, “Oh my god he’s pooping,” which set off a poopstorm of users laughing at the President on X, not the image that Joe Biden wanted to present in the middle of an election season on a trip abroad. 

However, leave it to the left-wing serious journalists at The Daily Beast to make sure the record on this matter was fact-checked on behalf of the administration. Within hours of the event, the site had an article titled, “This Video Shows Joe Biden Did Not—in Fact—Poop Himself at D-Day Event,” oddly listed under the “Extremism” category. Whether the extremism has to do with any Chipotle burritos Joe Biden consumed before the event or not, it’s unclear.  

In the article, the mainstream shill author defends Joe Biden’s engagement as “forceful” despite the President barely excreting the words out for his canned speech. The writer tried to paint laughing at what’s a ridiculous scene — whether it’s true Joe Biden pooped or not — as some kind of situation where a viewer should be ashamed of himself for thinking such a thing of the President.  

The article branded people laughing at a ridiculous scene as “MAGA Trolls,” and the more the author protested, the more it seems the Daily Beast is attempting to cover up a hot turd on behalf of the administration. 

It’s embarrassing that we live in a country where we have to legitimately wonder whether our President pooped himself or not. This isn’t the first strange act of senility by Joe Biden, but merely the latest in a long list of cringe-worthy moments during his tenure as president. 

How DARE you impugn our Dear Leader so maliciously, you dirty Ultra-Über-Mega-MAGAT terrorist, you! Why, for a senile sharp, marginally ambulatory nimble, decrepit vigorous, detested stumblebum beloved statesman whose lower-bowel functions are incontrovertibly—a-HENH!—regular as the seasons, reliable as a Swiss watch; one hundred percent all-natural without need for laxatives, stool-softeners, enemas, anti-diarrheals, or other pharmaceutical/chemical/mechanical artificialities; and under his control completely, Too Auld Jaux is doing one HELL of a bang-up job masquerading as ***”pResident”***, damn your eyes.

For my money, the answer to my post-opening query is of no real import, pretty much beside the point. Just the fact that the question keeps cropping up again and again is entertaining enough all by itself. Sure, knowing for a certainty that the malevolent, crooked old kiddy-diddler was serially plagued by involuntary doody-downloads during public appearances, speeches, grip ’n’ grins, and such-like events would be a seriously awesome bonus. But even so, watching as the charge’s unassailable credibility compels shitlibs to rally round in spluttering, fumbletongued defense of the Incontinent in Chief every time he stops, squats, grunts, and grimaces in perfect red-faced emulation of cranking yet another ***”pResidential”*** stink-pickle in his Depends is almost as good.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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