Another day…

…another looney-tooney “transgender” attempted murder.

School Ignored Trans Student’s ‘Hit List, Leading to a Bloody Beat-Down
“I’m gonna murder you,” shouted the trans-identifying student at Pennbrook Middle School as the 13-year-old blindsided a 12-year-old girl last week and bashed her skull repeatedly with a Stanley cup (ie, a ThermosM). The victim had to be hospitalized, her scalp stapled back together, and she had to go through a concussion protocol, according to police.

It’s about as horrible a middle school assault as can be imagined, not in the least because students and staff alike were well aware of the perpetrator’s “hit list.”

The Daily Mail reported Monday that another 12-year-old female student — remaining anonymous because of her age, like the victim and the thug — made a public statement that “she and two fellow students filled out paperwork explaining what they knew was going to happen if nothing was done and said that she was warned ‘watch your back’ at lunch.”

“You could’ve stopped it,” she said. “It was five hours from when I told you it was going to happen. I don’t get how you couldn’t have stopped that.”

“We had to watch [the victim] taken out with blood dripping down her face and I will never forget that! Laying in bed last night I just kept repeating it in my head.”

Reportedly, she was next on the hit list — the one the school did nothing about except to tell the “trans” kid’s potential victims, “Don’t worry about it, it’s not gonna happen.”

Let’s talk for a moment about the so-called “trans” phenomenon we’ve seen explode these last few years.

NononononoNOOO, we shouldn’t. In fact, we mustn’t, not for any reason whatsoever. That would be WRONG, see.

So naturally, the vicious anti-“trans person” H8RRRbigot author then goes on to do precisely that, the “transphobic” sumbitch. Why, it’s an act of actual, literal genocide, that’s what it is! Probably another of those vile, vicious, H8ful Trump-suckers, I bet.

If these deranged mutants keep it up with the batshit-insane mayhem—which they will; the voices in their heads seem to require it of them, while Leftard chaos-pimps stand up and cheer, denigrate the brutalized victims, or at best maintain strict silence—one has to wonder how much longer it’s going to be before these twisted maniacs wind up with some real, bona fide hatred and retaliatory violence to contend with. For the nonce, it’s as our blog-buddy of twenty-mumblemumble years’ standing Stephen concludes, in response to yet another explicit threat of freakshow-violence against specific cis-het oppressors:

But don’t worry. He won’t actually hurt anyone. Right up until he does.

Pretty much, yeah.

Update! At the “Thermos” link above, Ace coins a term I expect will come in mighty useful for saner sorts going forward, regrettably: “Transgender Rage.”


MOAR trouble with teachers

I have a small question: what the actual fuck are “furries” doing in schools in the first fucking place, anyway?

Evidently, the “furries” these kids are complaining about are fellow students, not teachers—somewhat surprisingly, since the whole “furry” phenomenon started out as a sexual kink among “people” well past the age of majority (notice I did NOT say “adults” or “grown-ups”), and not a relatively innocuous if odd childhood declaration of their affection for household pets.

Be that as it may, the fact the “furries” are there at all is indicative of a failure of the teachers to maintain discipline in their classrooms, seems to me. Not an entirely unreasonable one, sadly enough, since the faculty and administrators seem to realize what would happen to them if they DID try to enforce discipline: “cancellation” by the Wokester hordes; loss of their jobs and careers; discrimination lawsuits; mass Leftist rent-a-mob protests at their homes in the dead of night, and etc.

Eventually, such dangerous White Supremacist insurrectionist Sacred Democracy™ defilin’ teachers (if any) will have their doors kicked in by FBI/SWAT paramilitary brigades, their dogs shot, their children forced out in their pajamas and laid facedown on the front lawn beside the corpses of their bullet-riddled pets with a select-fire M4 pointed at their heads—all the usual sort of thing, you know the drill by now.

Be sure to watch it to the end for the students’ near-disbelieving confirmation that their school “leadership” has actually put litter boxes in the girls’ bathrooms to oblige  their delusional “furry” students. No really, apparently they did that. The “furries” would have been better served if they installed a few fire-and-brimstone Baptist preachers in there instead, methinks. Assuming they haven’t all been rounded up and imprisoned without benefit of trial by now, that is.

HATE SPEECH!! HAAATE SPEEEEECH!!! I hereby denounce myself.

Update! Via Dave Renegade: did somebody just say “failure to enforce discipline”? Why yes, I believe someone did.

That scrawny, worthless nigger should have been strung up by his thumbs from the nearest oak tree in plain view of all his likeminded filthbags, pour encourager les autres, within no more than three (3) minutes of doing this shit, for no less than a full five (5) day school-week. Unacceptable, unforgivable, completely inexcusable and intolerable, that’s what. Instead, the shitlibs will probably give the little turd some kind of medal for his “bravery” in fighting against his “oppressors.”

Know why teachers in every semi-urban government school say they’re in constant fear every day they show up to work? Putting up with shit like this without dealing out some hard, swift consequences the instant it even looks like happening, that’s fucking why.


“Scottish endarkenment”

Steyn on the latest round of the ongoing JK Rowling “transgender” dust-up.

Yesterday was another dark day for the west’s fast-fading freedom of speech. Scotland’s new “Hate Crime” law came into effect, formalising (among other things) my perennial gag that in the UK (or at least this miserable corner of it) everything is policed except crime: The wanker coppers will now be spending ever more of their worthless days sitting around monitoring your Twitter account. Oh, don’t worry, Scotland’s “First Minister” and the plods themselves have been at pains to assure you that they’re going to keep a sense of proportion about their new thought-crime powers. That’s why their “training exercise” for the new law was a lady Tweeter called “Jo” who wants to send all transpersons to the gas chambers.

The Jo in question took it in her stride:

‘Arrest me!’: JK Rowling challenges Scotland’s new hate crime laws

There followed on her Twitter feed a witheringly sarcastic roll call of the various bepenised women (see picture at top right) whose pathologies the decadent end-stage Scottish state has indulged.

Hers was the only sane Scots reaction I read yesterday, certainly from any public figure. Everyone else seems to have figured that cis-discretion is the better part of valour.

Her splendid isolation will surely have been noticed by that totalitarian constabulary. Maybe they will arrest her. As I said in After America some years ago, what matters are the habits of liberty. Once a people lose those, there are no easy ways back.

Written before Scots officialdom’s piteous no mas, obviously, but the essential point regarding “the habits of liberty” remains valid. Steyn follows the above rip with more which may not at first blush seem related at all, but in the long run most certainly is.


“OOOOH, titties!”

I scream, you scream, we all scream for…umm, “ice cream.” Some of us guys more girlishly than others.

The Damage Caused by Trans ‘Inclusion’ In Female Athletics: a Massachusetts Case Study
A single biologically male high-school student has invaded female categories in at least four different sports—negatively affecting hundreds of girls and women in the process.

“A 6’ Tall, Bearded Trans Basketballer Arrogantly Slams a Young Girl to the Ground—She Collapses in Agony,” was how Britain’s Daily Mail headlined the latest transgender sports scandal. Some may roll their eyes at the Mail’s sensationalist (and uniquely verbose) headline style. But in this case, at least, no one can accuse the newspaper’s copy editors of getting the facts wrong.

The author of that article was one Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimming star who now helps lead the campaign to protect women’s sport from transgender-identified males. It’s a cause I happen to support. As this Massachusetts high-school basketball controversy attests, male participation in female sports categories isn’t just unfair to girls and women. It’s often dangerous, as well.

One argument that’s commonly invoked in support of male-bodied “inclusion” in female sports categories is that, as Minnesota-based activist group Gender Justice asserts, “trans women are very much underrepresented in sport,” and “professional trans women athletes are extremely rare.” The idea here is that, no matter the obvious advantages that men have over women in athletics, few female athletes will be negatively affected by the handful of trans-identified males who choose to compete in categories that align with their gender identity.

And, to give these activists their due, it is quite true that most elite male athletes, even those afflicted with gender dysphoria, understand that they don’t belong in protected female spaces. It requires either a blinding sense of arrogance, or perhaps social cluelessness, for a man competing as a woman to fail to understand how disdained (and, in some cases, reviled) he will become if he insists on persistently invading female athletics—notwithstanding the forced displays of camaraderie and acceptance that affected women typically feel obligated to put on for the cameras.

Hey, anybody out there remember back at the beginning of this sudden surge—UNEXPECTED!©—of “concern” about the “rights” of “transgenders,” some of us saying that canonizing this mental disorder as if it were all not just perfectly normal and above-board but actually admirable would provide opportunities for loser-perv Manwomen to invade female sports locker rooms, Ladies restrooms, and other restricted spaces in order to indulge their own predatory urges?

Nah, me neither, musta dreamed it or something.

And it’s not just a question of who gets to go home with the medals. As demonstrated by the case of the aforementioned “bearded trans basketballer”—Massachusetts high-school senior Lazuli Clark—just a single male athlete who chooses to invade protected female athletic spaces can antagonize, intimidate, or endanger dozens, or even hundreds, of female co-competitors.

Thanks in large part to The Independent Council on Women’s Sport, an American-based advocacy group, almost 9-million people have seen the infamous video clip of Clark injuring a female opponent during a February 8 high-school basketball game. Clark, a student at KIPP Academy in Lynn, MA, also reportedly hurt two other girls during that same game. Following the third injury, the coach of the opposing team, Collegiate Charter of Lowell, MA, chose to forfeit the game rather than risk losing more players.

Basketball isn’t Clark’s only sporting pursuit. By my count, Clark has opted into female categories in at least four separate sports. (I am making a deliberate attempt to avoid describing Clark with pronouns, as it isn’t clear which ones apply. While many public news accounts of Clark’s exploits use “she” and “her” descriptors, a Saugus, MA-based Tae Kwon Do studio recently appears to have described Clark, who is apparently a “black belt student,” as “them,” suggesting a non-binary identity.)

Recently, Quillette received a leaked copy of an October 12, 2022 letter sent to the United States Rowing Association (commonly known as USRowing), the sport’s national governing body, in which 15 parents of elite female Massachusetts-resident rowers detailed their concerns about Clark.

In an interview with Quillette, one of the signatories reported that Clark joined the female rowing club in 2021, after placing poorly (“near the bottom,” by this parent’s account) with the club’s corresponding male team. Clark reportedly didn’t bother to shave or otherwise maintain the outward aesthetic pretenses of female gender identification, and even continued to wear the male club’s uniform.

In one documented 2022 incident, it is alleged, Clark walked into the girls’ changing room, spotted a female rower who was topless, and made a lewd comment about her breasts (“Oooh, titties”). As a result, documents reviewed by Quillette indicate, Clark was reported by team officials to the U.S. Center for SafeSport, a congressionally mandated body dedicated to “ending sexual, physical, and emotional abuse on behalf of athletes everywhere.” After SafeSport took action in late 2022, Clark never rowed for the club again—in either gender category. (Efforts to contact Clark or adult members of Clark’s family about these allegations, as well as other events described in this article, were unsuccessful.)

Bold mine, because…well, I really don’t have to say it again, do I?


Rowling 1, PC Scotland 0

Chalk up a win for Team Reality.

Technically, Rowling should have been hauled off in chains. Instead, Scotland backed down:

If JK Rowling’s posts calling out biological men—and “abusing” and “insulting” them— aren’t actionable, then nothing can be actionable in that regard. Nor does it help the transgender cause that the only person with more demands for arrest under the law than JK Rowling is Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s First Minister (although his are anti-white, race-based complaints).

It’s great to see Rowling win this battle, but it’s only one battle in a nation that has no First Amendment enshrining free speech. And here’s the kicker: If you think it can’t happen here, it can. After all, the entire Democrat establishment is prosecuting Trump for complaining about an election outcome and urging people to go to Congress to make their voices “peacefully” heard, two essential elements of core free speech because they’re both political.

Trump’s not the only one being persecuted. Jurisdictions all over America pass laws and regulations exposing conservatives to prosecution or civil actions for wrong think and wrong speech. And do I even need to get started on Big Tech’s censorious activities, even though they have effectively become the public square in America?

Looking at America’s creeping censorship, do you see any American billionaires other than Trump having Rowling’s courage when it comes to Truth?

To ask the question is to answer it, I’m afraid. Widberg closes with another Tweet, wherein Matt Walsh tells it like it is in one short sentence: “Scotland Makes It Illegal To Hurt A Trans Person’s Feelings.” That’s about the size of it, yeah.

Unfortunately, anybody who imagines this will be the end of it, that the Wokester SS will now contritely accept defeat, pack up their kit, and slink off home to sulk and weep the pain away in ruminative solitude had damned well better think again. Scotland’s Hate Crimes law is still in effect, and there are still great numbers of reality-based Poors out there in need of having their doors kicked in and their skulls clubbed into red, gooey mush by swarming SWAT squaddies. Count on it: The Enemy will be back, more wrathful than ever and way sooner than you probably expect, to seek vengeance against sane, non-celebrity Scots with an assist from Offissa Pupp & His Many Pals.

Even so, a win is a win, and even the most modest, fleeting victory over the foes of decency, truth, and simple objective reality is cause aplenty for celebration. Dancing in the streets, pointing and laughing, and singing “Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah-nyah” in merry mockery of the dejected lunatics all remain strictly optional, of course, but are nevertheless highly encouraged.


Rowling rips ’em up

The indomitable JK Rowling, that is, who is the pluperfect example of what I once famously called a Tough Chick.

Much, much more—entirely too much, actually, it’s sickening stuff—before we get to that last one, of which Ace helpfully provides a transcription.

She finished the thread by posting an essay — and daring the Scottish Speech Brute-Squad to come and arrest her.

In passing the Scottish Hate Crime Act, Scottish lawmakers seem to have placed higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness, however misogynistically or opportunistically, than on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls. The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women’s and girls’ single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women’s jobs, honours and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men, and the reality and immutability of biological sex.

For several years now, Scottish women have been pressured by their government and members of the police force to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears, repudiate biological facts and embrace a neo-religious concept of gender that is unprovable and untestable. The re-definition of ‘woman’ to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women’s and girls’ rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors.

It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women’s and girls’ rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man. Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.

I’m currently out of the country, but if what I’ve written here qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.

If you agree with the views set out in this tweet, please retweet it.

#ArrestMe #AprilFools #HateCrimeActScotland

I’m glad she’s doing this. They like going after people with small voices that won’t be heard. They like going after people they can abuse in the darkness and silence.

Well, J.K. Rowling does not have a small voice.

If you really want to arrest people for saying that men are men and will remain men — then start with the near-billionaire with millions of followers on social media. Someone who can not only hire the best lawyers in the world, but who will villainize you for an audience of millions if you arrest her.

So do it, Thought Police.

Or are you just cowards?

Oh, I think we all know the answer to that one well enough, thanks. Then, after the bimbelinas at NAG (the National Association of Gals, in the Limbaugh parlance) slagged Rowling for her…ummm…(checks notes)…White Supremacism (???), Based Megyn Kelly puts in her two cents worth.

Well said, Megyn, you pretty thang, you. Heh—sorry, just couldn’t help it. I DENOUNCE MYSELF!


Zxhim/zxhrr/zxhit’s a HERO!

To some, I suppose.

Drag Queen Feted By Kamala Harris Accused of Multiple Sexual Assaults

Gee, imagine my surprise to hear such shocking, stunning, unexpected news.

Darius Jeremy “DJ” Pierce, better known as “Shangela,” has appeared on numerous television series and is best known for competing on RuPaul’s “Drag Race” and Dancing With the Stars.

The accusations are described in sordid detail in a Rolling Stone exposé following a 16 month investigation researching the allegations, reviewing court documents, and interviewing several accusers.

The report features five people who accused Pierce of sexually assaulting them or attempting to have sex with them while they were too inebriated to consent. The alleged offenses took place over a period of six years in Louisiana, Texas, California and the United Kingdom, and sometimes involved a second assailant, according to a Rolling Stone investigation. Three of the five accusers, who ranged in age at the time of their alleged assaults from 18 to 23, said they were aspiring drag queens at the time.

Separately, Daniel McGarrigle, a former production assistant on HBO’s “We’re Here” accused Pierce in May of 2023 of committing “sexual assault, gender violence false imprisonment, negligence, and sexual harassment, among other offenses” while they worked on the show in 2020.

McGarrigle alleged in the lawsuit that he “threw up” after drinking with Pierce before waking up to the drag star “rubbing his penis against his buttocks, attempting to insert himself into his anus.” The lawsuit claimed Pierce thrust inside of McGarrigle while saying, “I know you want it, and you’re going to take it.”

Of COURSE the little shit wanted it! I mean, really, don’t they all? The fact that the sicko has to slip ‘em a roofie in their drink beforehand shows that clearly enough.

In a statement last year, Pierce said the allegations were “entirely meritless,” and that they “perpetuate damaging stereotypes that are harmful not only to me but also to my entire community.”

As I have said so many times, stereotypes exist for a reason. They don’t just spring into being out of thin air; they are no more nor less than exaggerations to one degree or another, based on simple observation of a group’s behavior, tendencies, or traits.

For instance, if a certain group is mentally dysfunctional, sexually perverted, and consists of grown men obsessed with presenting themselves in public as women—even going to the extreme of claiming to actually BE women in some cases—then the particulars of a stereotype applying to said group won’t be overly difficult to predict.

The event apparently marked the first time the VP residence had hosted a pride event featuring a transvestite.

Pierce gushed about the experience in an Instagram post, writing, “I woke up today asking myself ‘did that really just happen?’…Thank you Madame @vp for being an authentic ally and for not only holding this LGBTQ event at ur residence, but for also inviting me to make a few welcoming remarks.”

“After laughing and sobbing on the phone with my Mom this morning, I took a sec to take this in. Me — the lil, country gay kid from Paris, TX just helped introduce the highest ranking female leader ever elected in our Country,” Pierce continued. “And I did it standing in my Truth. Proudly representing my community. Here’s to all the dreamers. I’m doing it, and so can YOU.”

Ummm…not entirely sure what you’re standing in is actually “Truth” there, fella. Might want to check the bottom of your shoes before you go tracking something nasty into the house. Just sayin’, that’s all.

Later, in December of 2022, Joe Biden invited Pierce and other LGBTQ celebrities to the White House to celebrate the signing of “the Respect for Marriage Act,” which repealed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and required the federal government to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages in the United States.

The “Respect for Marriage Act”? SRSLY?!? Oh, the irony is STRONG with these ones—so strong, in fact, that it’s capable of scorching human flesh right off the bones.

Anybody confused as to how this country came to be so well, truly, and totally fucked need look no further for the reason why: this country is fucked because it richly deserves to be—well, truly, and totally.


In your FACE, Normie!

Stridently, obnoxiously “queer” online newsragazine Them whines like a little bitch.

Lady Gaga Stands Up for Dylan Mulvaney: “Hatred Is Violence”

And so, right out of the gate we know how utterly full of horseshit of the purest ray serene they are. Wanna learn how stark the difference is between “hatred” and violence is, fucktards? Go on Fucking Around as you are and you’ll surely Find Out sooner or later. Get the hell out of our faces, on the other hand, and we’ll be perfectly happy to stay out of yours.

On Monday, March 11, Gaga shared a post of her own featuring a photo of herself and Mulvaney, writing, “It’s appalling to me that a post about National Women’s Day by Dylan Mulvaney and me would be met with such vitriol and hatred.”

“When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it ‘backlash’ I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence,” the singer-songwriter continued. “‘Backlash’ would imply that people who love or respect Dylan and me didn’t like something we did. This is not backlash. This is hatred.”

Gaga noted that while this response is unfortunately “not surprising,” she feels protective of Mulvaney and the larger trans community “who continues to lead the way with their endless grace and inspiration in the face of constant degradation, intolerance, and physical, verbal, and mental violence.”

“May we all come together and be loving, accepting, warm, welcoming,” she added. “May we all stand together and honor the complexity and challenge of trans life — that we do not know, but can seek to understand and have compassion for. I love people too much to allow hatred to be referred to as ‘backlash.’ People deserve better.”

Anybody else besides me good and goddamned sick of being endlessly lectured about what hard-core Leftists think they “deserve”? Of their intentional, casual distortion of the sun-bright distinctions between “hatred,” “violence,” and “genocide”? Divemedic spells it out clearly and concisely, in such a fashion as permits no misunderstanding whatever.

So if a man says he is a woman, and you use objective reality to disagree with him, you have just committed violence against him. Why are they saying this?

So they can justify the actual violence that they are about to use in eliminating you. Make no mistake, this is the attitude that they will use to come after you, to unperson you, deny you services, and place you into reeducation camps. You will deserve it in their minds, because you called Dylan Mulvaney a ‘he’ instead of a ‘she’ while not allowing him to celebrate being a woman.

Annnnnd bingo, there you have it. Jump back and get over yourselves, you stupid, lying sissymarys. Scree scree scree as you will about what you do and do not “deserve”; we see through your silly game, and aren’t gonna dance to your shrill, rancid tune anymore. Period, full stop, end of fucking story. You, along with every other hoomon on Earth, “deserve” exactly, precisely nothing whatsoever you haven’t worked hard to earn, and that’s flat.

If you don’t believe it, try this little experiment: shag your sorry ass on out to the middle of the Gobi desert, sit down on a dune, and wait for a benevolent, caring universe to present you with all those wonderful things you insist you “deserve” thanks purely to being another useless eater and little or nothing else besides. Assuming you survive—PRO TIP: you won’t—you’ll emerge from the experience knowing at long last all about what you “deserve”—a real FAFO lesson you won’t soon forget.

Update! In his magisterial Starship Troopers, the peerless Robert Anson Heinlein explicates the basic principle at issue here far above my poor power to add or detract. From Chapter Eight’s recounting of the course of classroom instruction under the redoubtable, unforgettable COL DuBois:

“The basis of all morality is duty, a concept with the same relation to group that self-interest has to individual. Nobody preached duty to these kids in a way they could understand — that is, with a spanking. But the society they were in told them endlessly about their ‘rights.’

“The results should have been predictable, since a human being has no natural rights of any nature.”

Mr. Dubois had paused. Somebody took the bait. “Sir? How about ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’?”

“Ah, yes, the ‘unalienable rights.’ Each year someone quotes that magnificent poetry. Life? What ‘right’ to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What ‘right’ to life has a man who must die if he is to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of ‘right’? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man’s right is ‘unalienable’? And is it ‘right’? As to liberty, the heroes who signed that great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called ‘natural human rights’ that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.

“The third ‘right’? — the ‘pursuit of happiness’? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can ‘pursue happiness’ as long as my brain lives — but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can insure that I will catch it.”

Far as I’m concerned, nobody’s ever said it better, either before or since. Yet another reason I’ve always maintained that anybody who hasn’t read and closely considered Heinlein’s stuff really, really needs to.

Updated update! Since they bear such uncanny relevance to our situation today, it would be grossly remiss of me not to include Chapter Eight’s penultimate ‘graphs.

“Mr. Dubois then turned to me. “I told you that ‘juvenile delinquent’ is a contradiction in terms.

“‘Delinquent’ means ‘failing in duty.’ But duty is an adult virtue — indeed a juvenile becomes an adult when, and only when, he acquires a knowledge of duty and embraces it as dearer than the self-love he was born with. There never was, there cannot be a ‘juvenile delinquent.’ But for every juvenile criminal there are always one or more adult delinquents — people of mature years who either do not know their duty, or who, knowing it, fail.

“And that was the soft spot which destroyed what was in many ways an admirable culture. The junior hoodlums who roamed their streets were symptoms of a greater sickness; their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of ‘rights’…and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure.”

And so, unsurprisingly to Heinlein devotees, it hasn’t.


Linguistic hijacking

Words mean things. Except, of course, when they don’t.

Gender Ideology’s Verbal Engineering
I encourage you to read the entire APA page that I’ve linked to. You will look in vain for any physical symptoms; a blood test, a DNA test, even a persistent pattern of behavior that someone else might be able to verify.

This is important because it means people can define their “gender identity” any way they want. No one has solid grounds for challenging their “internal sense” of themselves. This in turn, is important because our society is in the process of creating legal rights and protections for a new category called “transgender.”

Trans Rights Activists (sometimes abbreviated to TRA) wish to impose obligations that other people owe to the “transgender” person. Before we accommodate this demand, it would be prudent to take full notice of the fact that people can define themselves into or out of this new legal category called “transgender” for any reason they want.

Let me give you some examples of some very different kinds of people who are currently wearing the “transgender” label.

  1. The Pretender: a mediocre male athlete who says he’s a woman so he can win competitions he could not win against other male athletes. He is not the same sort of “transgender” as
  2. The Predator: the convicted rapist who says he’s a woman so he can be housed in women’s prisons, locked into a cell with his preferred victim. He, in turn, has nothing in common with
  3. The Autistic Teen Girl: who says she’s a boy because she sees it as a way to fit in with a group of friends who seem to like her better as a trans boy than an ordinary girl. She has something in common, but not much with
  4. The Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoric Teen Girl who has spent too much time in internet chat rooms and becomes convinced that becoming a boy will make her happy. She has literally nothing in common with
  5. The Adult Man who decides, after years of marriage and perhaps siring children, while secretly cross-dressing because it sexually arouses him (known as “autogynephilia”), that he is, and always has been, a woman. He, in turn has nothing in common with
  6. The Victim of Munchausen by Proxy, the boy whose mother has been the center of lots and lots of attention since she decided he was really a girl when he was age 3. This boy most likely has nothing in common with
  7. The Freaked Out Same Sex-Attracted Kid, including the boy who concludes it would be easier to be a transgender girl than a gay boy or the girl who concludes it would be easier to be a transgender boy than a lesbian girl. They in turn have nothing in common with
  8. The Authentically Gender Dysphoric Teen who hates his or her body and has a distorted image of what he or she looks like. These people might have more in common with an anorexic than with some of the other people wearing the “trans” label.
  9. Finally, let’s not forget the people sometimes called Intersexed. The proper term for them is people with Disorders of Sexual Development. These are the people who actually have one of a number of medically diagnosable conditions. Their “internal sense of themselves as male or female or something else” may influence some aspects of their treatment. But the underlying condition itself is not defined by their feelings, but by medically observable criteria. The people with Disorders of Sexual Development quickly disappear from the conversation once the transgender rights activists are finished using them to bolster their claim that “sex is not binary.”

This is why all thinking people should stop using the term “trans” or “transgender.” When one term can be used to mean eight or nine things, confusion, not clarity, will be the result. Some, perhaps most people who use these terms do so in good faith. Sincerely motivated by compassion, and misled by nonstop propaganda, using the term “trans” doesn’t actually help the people they think they are trying to help.

On the contrary, the use of these terms enables the continuation of some very deep problems. I also believe that the real movers and shakers who invented these terms know perfectly well that they’re causing weaponized ambiguity. In my next column, I will give you some pointers about what to say instead. In the meantime, stop saying “trans.”

This is as straightforward, concise, and plainspoken an analysis as I’ve ever seen anywhere on this topic, especially her insightful sorting of the increasingly (and deliberately) vague “transgender” pathology into nine specific category-types. I very much look forward to the second installment, I must say.

The Left’s brutalization of the very language we speak represents a vital chapter from the Marxist playbook for sowing societal disorder, demoralization, and, ultimately, destruction. The current “transgender” escalation is the most audacious of their Great Leaps “Forward” to date. Thankfully, indications that they may have gone too far this time are beginning to pile up out there. Normal Americans must never, ever forget that howling lunatics cannot prevail without the cooperation, whether witting or not, of the non-deranged majority.


O, irony

So caustic it burns.

‘You absolutely can’ identify as a cat: Soda-wielding Alabama student goes on insane rant about transgenderism: EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
A conservative University of Alabama student was drawn into a confrontation after a pro-trans student erased her chalk sign advertising a Riley Gaines event.

‘I’m going to go and uncover and f***ing destroy every piece of transphobic piece of garbage you put on the f***ing ground,’ the student said.

A pro-trans student recently defaced a display made by conservative students on the University of Alabama Campus. After pouring a ‘Dr. Pibb’ on the group’s event advertisement, the student engaged in debate, claiming that it is ‘absolutely’ possible to ‘identify as a cat.

Anybody else seeing the problem here? I’ll give ya a sec…


Um, rilly now, MSRXXZZ Manwoman? DR PIBB?!? “Dr” is an antiquated, elitist term of the patriarchy, which no self-respecting Forward Thinker should ever deploy without first pre-emptively apologizing for hsxxzzz/hrxxzzz/itxxzzz microaggressive act of Literal Genocide© against Otherkins. Not unless they’re Saint Dr Jill/Joan of Biden, at least.

What exactly do you mean by purchasing/consuming this self-evidently transphobic, non-Progressive, revanchist, pronoun-denying, hypercapitalist, probably non-vegan fizzy-sugar-water product with the cis-het dollars your Mommylad and/or Daddygirl spend to keep and support you in Krayzee Kollege, anyway? It’s unhealthy, unsustainable, and full of deadly, GAIA-raping CO2 (the Silent Killer!), didn’t you know that? DON’T YOU CARE?!?


(Via Insty)


Another day…

…another deranged “transgender” Manwoman© shooting up the place.

Here’s Everything We Know About the Megachurch Shooter
The now-deceased gunman who opened fire inside a famous Texas megachurch run by Joel Osteen Sunday afternoon has been identified as an identity-switching Hispanic woman with pro-Palestine, antisemitic beliefs.

36-year-old Genesse Ivonne Moreno, a biological female who used multiple male aliases, was wearing a trench coat when she entered the Houston-based Lakewood Church with two rifles, a backpack, and a young child by her side around 2 p.m. Sunday.

According to Commander Christopher Hassig of HPD’s homicide division during Monday’s press conference, the sticker simply stated “Palestine” on the long gun’s buttstock. In addition to the Anderson-manufacturing AR-15, which she used to carry out the church shooting, Moreno possessed a .22 caliber rifle by Blue Line Solutions on her person, but it was not fired at the time.

Authorities have also uncovered “antisemitic writings” in Moreno’s possession.

Hassig said police believe there was “a familiar dispute” that took place between her ex-husband and her ex-husband’s family. “Some of those individuals are Jewish. So, we believe that might possibly be where all of this stems from,” Hassig stated.

Dayumm, a possible self-gassing Jew for the Nutjob Trifecta too? I admit, I did NOT see that coming.

There were two victims injured: The seven-year-old boy, allegedly used as a human shield, was hit during the exchange of gunfire and taken to Texas Children’s Hospital in critical condition; a 57-year-old man, an innocent bystander, was shot in the leg.

The child caught in the crossfire suffered a gunshot to the head and remains hospitalized.

Moreno is the child’s biological mother. She’s posted “#momlife” and “#motherandson” content with pictures of a boy in her care.

In the past, Moreno assumed the altar-ego Jeffery Escalante as well as other male-presenting personas.

Moreno’s Facebook page—which expressed leftist, anti-police views—has since been scrubbed. Moreno’s since-deleted Instagram account featured posts of her cleaning an AR-15 and donating money to Lakewood Church. There, she uploaded a screenshot of the contribution’s confirmation. “[A]s for me and my household…I will honor and bless my church,” Moreno wrote on Instagram.

In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Moreno supported socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). “I WANT HIM IN THE OFFICE AS THE US PRESIDENT,” she wrote in an Instagram post, uploading a photograph of Sanders on the campaign trail.

Arrest records show she was an El Salvadoran immigrant.

Jesus tapdancin’ Christ, is there any present-day socio/political/personal pathology this pluperfect looney-tooney doesn’t represent? Of course you know what this means, right? To wit: all normal, sane Real Americans who never shot anybody and never will must yield up their 2A rights immediately so something like this can never, ever happen again. Best-case scenario: the whole sad, sorry story will be alacritously hurled down the memory hole in 3…2…1…


Ace is on FI-YUHHH!!!

I know a good few of y’all don’t read him; trust me, you’re really missing out this go-round.

Predatory Hosebeast Fani Willis: If You Have a Problem With Me Spending $654,000 to Hire My Current Hookup, Mr. Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., Then Your Real Problem Is With a Strong Empowered Black Woman Taking Charge Of Her Own Orgasms
—Disinformation Expert Ace

You tell ’em, Fani!

You talk that stupid racist talk!

The judge overseeing Fani Willis’ political witch-trial has ordered a hearing into the allegations against her.

The Washington Post has a more detailed report explaining that Judge Scott McAfee has ordered Willis to respond in writing to the allegations by Feb. 2, and he has called a hearing about the accusations and scheduled it for Feb. 15.

McAfee is also presiding over the RICO case involving Trump and 18 other co-defendants. Willis is alleged to be in a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, an attorney with little experience in corruption cases whom the DA hired to serve as a special counsel in the Trump case.

“Willis has declined to address the accusations directly so far,” reports the Washington Post’s Amy Gardner and Holly Bailey. “McAfee’s order appears to be forcing her to do so in televised court proceedings, a development that could at the least be embarrassing for the district attorney and at worst derail the investigation completely.”

And just in the nick of time, the New York Times rushes in to report that this is all just a case of white men not treating black women with “respect” or acknowledging them as equals.

Whew! I was worried that a single black politico would be accused of wrongdoing and would not claim to be exempt from ordinary critique and examination on account of their race.

Now, much of what Fani Willis says is accompanied by palpable subtext. In the below article, I have raised this subtext to the level of text, and added it to the New York Times article where I believe appropriate.

I trust the New York Times, and the sex-swollen brutish man-slammer Fani Willis, will thank me for these emendations to the report.

Fani T. Willis, the district attorney prosecuting the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald J. Trump, is trying to quash a subpoena seeking her testimony in the divorce proceedings of a special prosecutor she hired to manage the case.

A court filing last week accused Ms. Willis of having a romantic relationship with the prosecutor, Nathan J. Wade, a two-bit man-slut known on the streets as “Turgid Manblossom,” “The Booty Vandal,” and “Dixon Butts.”

The motion containing the accusation was filed by Michael Roman, one of Mr. Trump’s 14 co-defendants in the criminal case. The motion argues that the relationship, which it provided no proof of, amounted to a conflict of interest; it seeks to have Mr. Wade, Ms. Willis and her office dismissed from the case.

There’s no evidence except that the wife of her Gigolo and co-counsel alleges it in a divorce proceeding.

Oh, and no evidence apart from Fani Willis, Rodsmuggler, admitting it in church, stating that just like Martin Luther King, Jr. — who had his own adultery scandals — she too had “stumbled.”

It’s almost as if — I say almost as if — you can’t question a Strong Empowered Black (Leftwing) Woman at all without being smeared as a racist who Just Doesn’t Understand the True Love We Share When We’re Gouging The Taxpayer.

Then Ms. Willis weighed in.

“In the legal community (and the world at large) some people will never be able to respect African Americans and/or women as their equal and counterpart,” she wrote in a note addressed to Mr. Sadow but sent to all of the defense lawyers, most of whom are white men. “That is a burden you do not experience. Further, some are so used to doing it they are not even aware they are doing it while others are intentional in their continued disrespect. I shall answer no more impertinent questions about the man who tickles my cervix.”

Ms. Willis also made a case for her own fortitude. “Now you know, I cannot be bullied,” she wrote. “I can be spanked, by the right man, a man with a domineering grin and the soul of a pirate, but I cannot be bullied.” She added: “As you are aware, I have now experienced some of the most powerful people in the country call me everything, but a child of God. I have also experienced the power of a veiney python going nine-deep in my dusty old cobwebby mummyc*nt. But, yet here I and my team stand still pursuing justice.”

So there you go. She’s not denying she hired her gigolo to prosecute Trump, and you’re a fucking racist to even ask about it.

That’s one righteous rip; if you don’t like that—a funny-bone deficiency I won’t even pretend to comprehend—happily, he has others. To wit:

Oh Boy: Records Prove That Debased Female John Fani Willis Traveled to Sexotic Sexcursions On Her He-Whore’s Dime (and She Was Paying Her He-Whore With Taxpayer Funds)
—Disinformation Expert Ace

Taxpayer funds? More like ass-slayer funds, am i rite

I am right. I’m exactly right.

This is hilarious. Hilarious.

She cannot remain as the DA on this case, and Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., cannot remain the prosecutor. They have a vested interest in milking this prosecution, as they’re profiting from it. Prosecutors are not permitted to have a direct stake in the outcome of a case, or in the case merely continuing.

Fani Willis does have such an interest. She is paying her Fuckboy with taxpayer funds, and these funds are even being kicked back to her in the form of sexpensive sexcapades. Who knows — he’s much more attractive than her dumpy ass is, so her entire relationship may demand that she keep paying him to keep him servicing her haggard gnarly snizz.

She’s gone. Gone. There is no question now.

Hilarious is the mot juste all right, no doubt about it. Read all of both.

Citadel of shite

Clogged to overflowing with the very worst sort of bipedal turds.

As you may recall, on January 6th 2021, I was on air with Tucker as the alleged “storming of the Capitol” was drawing to a close. It was not yet over, but the media had already agreed the Official Narrative – that it was a shameful violation of the most hallowed precincts of “the Citadel of Democracy”. I got sick of that shtick almost instantly:

Mark Steyn rips media’s ‘citadel of democracy’ framing of Capitol: ‘It’s a citadel of crap’

Ah, but I was wrong. It turns out it’s a Citadel of Shags. Headline from The Daily Caller:

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

Er, don’t hit the link unless you enjoy that sort of thing. If you think “Filming Gay Sex Tape” is just the usual teasing click-bait for a bit of lame-o soft-focus light-petting, not at all. It’s definitely Not Safe For Work, although evidently it’s safe for government work, as the Senate staffer in question had no qualms about uploading it to the Internet. The setting is the table of the Hearing Room of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That would be the room where Brett Kavanaugh was grilled, and FBI straight-shooter James Comey testified at length and with an impressively straight face about the “Russia investigation”. I have also testified at the US Senate, but can’t remember if it was that room or another. Still, if I’m ever asked back, I’ll remember to bring a couple of moist towelettes to wipe down the furniture.

So, if I understand the social norms of the People’s House, it’s completely unacceptable (and, indeed, a crime) to wander its precincts goofily with a MAGA hat and an American flag; but, if you stop for ten minutes to have anal sex before the Supreme Court nominee hearing re-convenes, that’s perfectly fine – so fine it might be worth entering it in mitigation and getting a couple of years knocked off your sentence. You will get a serious prison term if you put your feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, but not if you climb on, get down on hands and knees, and um…

Useful to know.

The staffer in question, an aide to Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin, one Aidan Maese-Czeropski, responded indignantly on LinkedIn:

This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love…

In fairness, he was mostly attacked not “for who I love” but for where he loves him. Nevertheless, I assumed that this defence would prove effective – and that no Washington bigshot would dare to pink-slip a gay guy for getting caught being gay. Besides, in the broader sense, in a decadent pseudo-republic with no equality before the law, it seems entirely natural that some citizens rot in gaol merely for passing half-an-hour ambling aimlessly around the People’s House—and other, more favoured citizens can with impunity roger like billy-ho on the very People’s Table that determines the composition of the highest court in the land. The symbolism is too perfect.

Ain’t it, though. Ain’t it just. It’s Steyn, so you know what you must do, Glasshoppa.

Too bad, so sad

The heart, it bleeds.

Dylan Mulvaney Suffers Total Embarrassment at Penn State
The “transgender influencer” who destroyed Bud Light is back, and this time he’s speaking on college campuses. Let’s just say that endeavor isn’t going any better than Mulvaney’s excursion into the beer industry.

According to The Daily Mail, Mulvaney was set to charge $40,000 a pop to show up and give speeches on college campuses. Whether Penn State (or whoever on campus brought him in) paid that much isn’t known, but what is certain is that whatever he paid was too much. Take a look at how many people showed up, or rather, didn’t show up.

The room Mulvaney was given holds somewhere around 1,000 people. To say the crowd missed the mark would be an understatement. There might be a hundred people there, and that’s probably being generous. Given this is the quality of what transpired, can you blame people for not showing up?

So, more of that “genocide” we’ve been hearing so much about lately, then.

Why do major brands give this guy money? What value is he providing? What customers are buying a product because they saw that Dylan Mulvaney endorses it? It’s astonishing to me that any marketing department would be dumb to pay him to do brand placement for them. The only thing I can figure is that it’s an easy way to get a company’s ESG score up.

Clearly, aside from being a target for mockery, there isn’t much actual interest in Mulvaney. Student-aged individuals are supposed to be his core audience, and no one is showing up to see him. Imagine being the person who wrote the check for that speech only to see him prance around in a cheerleader outfit for a few dozen people. How many homeless people could have been fed? How many Christmas presents could have been bought for foster children?

You miss the point, which is that you will be made to care—and endorse, and support, and stand up and applaud with utmost enthusiasm. Y’know, OR ELSE.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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