

Gee, looks one HELL of a lot worse than the phonus-balonus J6 “insurrection,” don’t it? Wonder if there’ll be so much as even ONE arrest made? Never mind, don’t answer that one, please.

(Via Dave Renegade)


Another one bites the dust

I must admit, I’d like it a lot better if one of ours had shot his sorry ass, pour encourager les autres. But what the hell, any dead violent Leftist is a good violent Leftist, so we takes what we gets.

Suspect, 22, who allegedly ran over Mich. Trump supporter, 80, with ATV kills himself: report
A Michigan man suspected of running down an 80-year-old with an ATV in a politically motivated attack has been found dead by apparent suicide, according to reports.

The 22-year-old suspect was found in his home with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on Monday, after having called police looking to confess, according to WLUC.

“Send someone to pick me up,” the unidentified suspect told cops, who responded to his Quincy home and found him dead.

The suspect had accosted the elderly man as he placed pro-Donald Trump signs in his yard, initially ripping them up while speeding by on the ATV.

When the victim tried to put the signs back, the suspect ran him down with the ATV and fled.

Prior to the vicious attack, the suspect was seen smashing car windows and slashing tires.

Now, there will assuredly be those who will think it just too, too horrid of me not to mourn the “tragic” loss of this vicious, clearly disturbed Lefty goblin. Hate it for ‘em, I really do, but far as I’m concerned his death is cause for celebration, not sorrow—him, and all others like him.


Bye bye Biden

Guess we won’t have one senile liar, career con artist, and election fraudster to kick around anymore. El Gato Malo takes a deeper look into it, and it’s hella ugly, sinister, and just downright scary stuff.

it got so ugly that something had to give. and finally, it did.

pretending that brainwiped brandon has been remotely compos mentis for the last 4 years now came with a terrible price.

even the left finally woke up to “we have no idea who is running the country.” there has not been a full cabinet meeting in nearly a year. every day kamala went without calling one on an emergency basis to invoke the 25th amendment just made this worse and her more culpable. but she was never going to do it.

sure, she might have become president and heir apparent, but she would not survive the convention if she did. they’d have axed her. she needed the nod from joe.

now she gets the endorsement and fails upward again by doing what she has always done: playing the loyal soldier.

and there was really no other choice. only she could get joe’s campaign funds.

this jar has SO many interesting bugs in it.

the fight from being shaken would (and may still be) be one for the ages.

and the DNC leadership is rightly terrified of that.

president puppetshow is bitter, angry, and while there may be some appearance of the wheel spinning, the hamster is long dead. he has felt disrespected by the party his whole career and this is just a capstone. he did not want to work with them. i suspect he’d have burned the world before eating this kind of crow. his comments on leaked calls about “name a better president in US history than me! name one!” speak to motive and delusion.

i suspect he’s not going out willingly.

i suspect there was serious arm twisting and threat here to legacy and to the ongoing protection of his family from lawfare and prosecution.

i suspect they got to his family and showed them what was in store for them if they did not take away grandpa’s keys.

it’s hard not to see this whole tawdry affair as a serious crisis for america as a constitutional republic. we’ve been flirting with it for years. our system is, to many extents, an honor system meant to be inhabited by honorable people. when it is not, this is what you get.

it makes me wonder if the deeper lessons here can be internalized (by both sides):

if the result of an election can be framed as “existential threat to democracy/the republic/america/the american way of life” then what does that tell us about the office being contested?

nothing should have that power. no person, position, or tribe. the US presidency has become horrifically imperial and the federalist nature of our system destroyed by the 17th amendment.

That last is a contention that I, along with most of you CF Lifers out there, have been making for many years now; taken along with the end-to-end corruption and manfactured rot of the government school system, the near-total success of the Left’s long-term plan is not to be wondered at.

That notwithstanding, one question remains, namely: is there any way FederalGovCo Humpty Dumpty can be properly put back together again, even if only in part, and made to function in the manner the Constitution insists any legitimate government should—nay, MUST? Unlike all the King’s horses and all the King’s men, Le Mal Félin has a few ideas on that, the implementation of which is every bit as essential as the long, bitter struggle to get it done is unpleasant to contemplate.

it is not biden or trump or kamala that america cannot survive, it is the nature of the modern presidency and executive branch that poses the clear and present danger and it is that office that we must pull down.

in that respect, braindead brandon may be just the leader we need: the perfect exemplar of how irretrievably broken and shameful our once august republic has become. so bring on the breakage. let’s drag it all out into the light until we can see the whole noxious carcass of leviathan that has so wrapped itself around the roots of our liberty.

it has become more than self evident that this government has become destructive to the ends of we the people. it cannot be fixed, it must be excised.

whole agencies: gone.

whole prerogatives: rolled back and repudiated.

at long last, we have been getting some help from the courts here.

it’s time to lean in and push it all off the table, to strive once more for a state that protects our striving rather than seeking to shackle us to its own.

rights, not regulation.

the freedom to pursue happiness, not the obligation to kowtow to some contrived notion of the collective weal.

because this too we hold to be self evident:

and we’re tired of pretending it’s not.

Indeed so—as we damned well ought to be. Plenty more left still at the link, wherein the witty cleverness of the writing manages to overcome the depressing subject matter to make for some seriously entertaining reading.

So long, Crooked Jaux. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Here’s hoping the misery and humiliation of his unlawful WH tenure lingers for however many weeks/days/hours the depraved old fraud has left to live. Assuming, of course, that the Deep State-induced bout of “CoVid” hasn’t already killed him by now.

Update! Howie Carr, as is his wont, really lets ‘er rip.

The. Worst. President. Ever.

When do you think they’ll let Dementia Joe know that he’s officially dropped out?

Who could have ever imagined that Biden would be dumped before Bob Menendez?

The Deep State has been telling us for four years about those 81 million ballots, er votes, that he got. But now his own comrades throw him under the bus like he’s…Andrew Cuomo or Sam Brinton.

For once, Obama was right: “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to bleep things up.”

It’s hard to know who’s going to need grief counselors more: the mullahs in Tehran, the greed-crazed oligarchs in Ukraine, or the Red Chinese butchers.

Quick, someone grab KJP’s belt and shoelaces. She’s going the way of Claudine Gay, for sure.

National Panhandler Radio has begun playing an endless loop of the Funeral March, like Radio Moscow when Joe Stalin stopped breathing in 1953. It’s what the apparatchiks do.

The biggest difference between Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden was that Carter was at least trying to do the right thing by the United States of America.

Everything Biden’s handlers conspired to accomplish was designed to subvert not just American society, but western civilization in general.

And they were hellishly good at it, too. As I’ve long maintained, don’t ever call Xombie Jaux “Walks Among Us” Bribem, “his” policy initiatives, or the ruling junta itself a failure. On the contrary, they have enjoyed one smashing success after another, the thing to remember being that THEIR idea of what constitutes success is the exact opposite of OURS. On every count, including but certainly not limited to:

  • Crippling inflation
  • Non-existent borders
  • Lawless, marauding ghetto ferals
  • Out of control FederalGovCo spending
  • Civil unrest, disorder, anarchy
  • Wokester-infested organizations, institutions, businesses
  • “Transgenderqueer” sicko supremacy
  • Rigged, unreliable, not even remotely trustable national “elections”
  • Affirmative Action Systemic discrimination
  • High school graduates who can’t read or write; diploma-mill college grads who can’t think for themselves; teachers who can’t teach; educators with neither interest in nor intention of actually educating anyone
  • The ongoing decline, despoliation, and/or ruinous collapse of Christianity; White birthrates; the traditional nuclear family; the US military; Western Civ entire

Biden’s behind-the-curtains puppeteers have achieved practically every one of their actual but hidden goals.

Failure? If only. Worst ***”pResident”*** ever? Absolutely—not for the Left, but for US, and for America That Was.


Trump shot, wounded

Blubberous, bumbling, female Didn’t Earn It SS hires hardest hit.

Secret Service says it’s appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting
Saturday’s shooting is the latest instance of right-leaning social media accounts trying to link diversity, equity and inclusion programs to deeply troubling news events.

The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that it stood by its female agents and was appalled by some of the criticism they’ve received on conservative social media since Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. 

The Secret Service, in a statement to NBC News, said that the criticism from pundits and influencers was baseless. The agency also stood by its commitment to diversity in recruiting as helping, not hurting, the effectiveness of its protective teams. 

The statement follows a multiday campaign of derision by some conservatives who accused Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service director, of being unqualified and who said that female agents assigned to Trump hadn’t been physically capable of protecting him. Some critics said the Secret Service should return to being all-male, which it hasn’t been since 1970. 

Anthony Guglielmi, the Secret Service’s chief of communication, said in the statement: “We stand united against any attempt to discredit our personnel and their invaluable contributions to our mission and are appalled by the disparaging and disgusting comments against any of our personnel.” 

“As an elite law enforcement agency, all of our agents and officers are highly trained and fully capable of performing our missions,” he said.

Trump was wounded in his right ear at Saturday’s chaotic rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. An attendee was killed trying to protect his family, and another two were seriously injured.

Yep, sure sounds like a two-thumbs-up Mission Accomplished to me, gals.


The burning question

To wit: Do they A) fear us, and are just stupid fucking morons, or do they B) hold us in contempt, and are just flinging shit directly into our faces for the sheer fun of it? I report, you deride.

Secret Service director gives bizarre reason why an agent wasn’t on the roof where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump as she rejects calls to resign
Embattled Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle has revealed the fateful and bizarre reason why her agency failed to put an agent on the roof gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks used to carry out an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Cheatle, who is facing calls to resign over the massive security failure, said Secret Service officials planning security for Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania considered the warehouse 147 yards away from where Trump spoke to be a risky position for stationing an agent.

“Too risky,” y’unnerstand, because of this fearsome *shudder* “slope” to the roof—a slope which bothered our youthful assassin not one iota, but apparently is simply too dangerous for a blubberous Girlboss to handle without placing her rolls of neck-flab at mortal hazard.

Yep, that’s awfully gosh darned scary alright; I’d hate to try skiiing it, that’s for sure and certain. In fact, I’d bet everyone reading this is gonna have bad dreams just from seeing a picture of it, and not just for a single night either.

Okay, okay, okay, here’s the real deal: I slid down WAY more “vicious” slopes sitting on a piece of cardboard shared betwixt the neighborhood kids when I was still in knee-britches. Laughing all the way HA-HA-HA too, as the old song says. Yet somehow or other we all survived, incredible as it may seem. Apparently, we were all made of much sterner stuff at 7 years old than any modern-day Girlboss SS agent. I dunno, make of it what you will.

Chilling new details have revealed that a team of local police snipers were inside the building when the 20-year-old Crooks opened fire, shot Trump in the ear and killed a member of the rally crowd.

INSIDE the building when, as Ace notes, their primary purpose and function is to be able to identify, engage, and eliminate threats at distance, not in the same fucking room with them. Nota very fucking bene also that 1) we for goddamned sure need ourselves a new SS director, 2) I am willing to work cheap, and 3) have just now established beyond all possible doubt I could do a much, MUCH better job of it than this Kim Choadle bimbette has.

Crooks managed to evade cops and Secret Service three times, even though he had been deemed ‘suspicious’ and could have been on the roof for up to 30 minutes before he pulled the trigger.

Witnesses also begged law enforcement to act when they saw him clamber onto the roof with his AR-style rifle, but the lapse in security meant he was able to carry out his bid to take the 45th president’s life.

“Evade,” is it? How sure of that ARE we, really?

Of course, Msrszxx Director Kimberly “Pronouns Undetermined” Cheatle doesn’t actually believe any of the intelligence-insulting flapdoodle she’s emitting, you know; fact is, she made it all up out of her own oblated head herself on the spur of the moment and (up)chucked it out purely for her own personal amusement, as indicated by her firm refusal to do the decent thing and resign her position in disgrace. SHE doesn’t believe it, her own overseers don’t, and not a one of them cares whether YOU do, obviously, nor if anybody else does. That tell you anything, p’raps possibly? Because if you ask me, it damned well ought to.

Back over to the AoSHQ post for the sad, sorry denouement.

No…125 meters is not a long shot. If you’re going to be a shooter that’s a free throw. Yes I’m aware a lot of gun owners couldn’t hit a 4″ plate with 4 tries but I don’t care my point stands.

Yes the secret service looked like shit on a stick. Sure they worked hard to get hired. Sure they try. Sure they passed all the tests. Still had a massive failure and looked like hot butter shit and I’m ashamed we as a country look like THAT at a critical moment. And I’m going to rail them harder than Ginger Lynn for that embarrassment of a shit show. And I’m not going to pretend better, bigger more physically qualified people were probably not offered the job for “reasons”.

I have eyes.

We are for damn lucky a 20 year old used a garbage rod and choked on mom’s spaghetti because the chick in charge of the SS sucks and put the C-team on the biggest target in political history. Only to have body positive diversity hire DUCK OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WAY at the critical moment and then couldn’t holster her gun through her fat roll!!! And I’m supposed to be proud of this? I’m supposed to think this was a good and professional operation? This was well planned and organized by the one chick who’s one job it is to make sure this doesn’t happen?

That’s what I’m to accept? That’s where we are? That THIS is the best we can do? The best we have? The best protection we can give to the one guy the world all knows is the biggest target in 2024 in politics?

And the after action report we just got was fucking mission accomplished? Really? Everybody in charge just slaps each other on the back, says “good job” and we go back to hoping the next guy uses a Century Arms CETME???

We all make fun of the fat bubbas who can’t get to their holster through their gut and thinks he’s going to be a super soldier in CW2 The Electric Boogaloo, but I’m supposed to not notice the chicks fupa is maybe an issue in doing her duty as a god damn Secret Service agent?!?

Excellent questions all, and extremely depressing ones to have to be asking ourselves as well.

Update! Further, and worserer, details.

I repeat: stinks, all to hell and gone. Better be checking six continually, President Trump, sir—head on a swivel, total SA. Another urgent recommendation: consider private security, assuming you haven’t already hired some.

Updated update! Mission Improbable.

Scooped a bunch more related good ‘uns from WRSA tonight, which I’m saving up for tomorrow’s edition of Memezapoppin’!


Know thine enemy Part the Well, y’know…

How the Secret Service came to drop the ball so horrifically—assuming that that’s what happened, rather than just their being in on the whole plot. Which, in all honesty, is the direction I’m leaning heavily in as of right this minute. Either way, conspiracy or bumbling incompetence, it’s not a good look for the SS, to say the very least.

More from Chris Menahan at InfoWars.

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Focused on Hiring Women, Boosting Diversity
Biden-appointed Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s focus on DEI could have caused our former President Donald Trump to DIE in an assassination on Saturday.

Trump likely would have been killed if the assassin’s bullet was just an inch or two closer to his brain.

The ladies of the Secret Service could be seen in a total panic scrambling around the president while he was leaving the venue and one could be seen struggling just to holster her gun.

Elon Musk on Saturday demanded Cheatle and the leader of Trump’s security detail resign.

Did he ever. I must say, Elon’s response to all this has made me very proud indeed of the guy; he’s nailed it clean and tight right from jump, with nary a flinch nor pulled punch in the time-honored CF tradition, bless his ever-evolving heart. Might be some rhyme or reason for Real Americans to expect mo’ bettah from a self-avowed “liberal,” but damned if I can see how.

Update! Another good ‘un I dl’d last night for eventual use.


Heh. One of my all-time favorite meme-blanks, that one is. No matter what words you put in their mouths, on what topic, the Rock’s shocked face is still gonna make ya laugh.

Updated update! Divemedic ain’t having any either.

This was the swamp, trying to take Trump out. They are scared, they are willing to kill him, and by extension, they are willing to kill you. We have reached the point where people are voting from the rooftops, but the only people voting appear to me to be intelligence agency operatives.

A-yup—for now. We’ll see if that state of affairs continues to hold; if it does, then shame on us for letting the lousy bastards get away with it scot-free.

We’re still in the initial post-event-fog period, wherein absolutely everything should be taken with a YUGE grain of salt; in the usual run of such things, just about everything being reported as established fact at present will prove to be completely back-asswards and wrong over the coming days/weeks/months. Assuming, of course, that the entire affair won’t be memory-holed by then. Probably the one and only thing we DO know for sure and certain at this point is that they’re gonna at least try to, come hell or high water.


Know thine enemy, Part the Whothehellevenknowsanymore

Steyn weighs in—brilliantly, as per usual.

What They Wanted
Well, I guess the narrative has moved on to the next plot twist. As Joe Biden said just a few days ago:

We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.

It wasn’t quite a bullseye: the bullet struck his ear.

The other night my youngest expressed a wish to see The Manchurian Candidate – the original, of course. And, as great as it is, its famous ending seemed an artifact of a lost and somewhat innocent age: a man is able to stroll into a political rally and access easily a high-up vantage point with a direct line of sight to the nominee.

Couldn’t happen now.

And yet it just did.

Which, pardon my excessive cynicism and all, to me smells like a dead halibut on the centerline of a Texas blacktop in the middle of an August heatwave. More on that stinky, shady angle later, probably.

At the very minimum, this is a catastrophic security failure by the Secret Service. Nine years ago, in a considerably less insane America, my kids and I attended a Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont. I warned them beforehand to travel light because they’d have to go through security, but, unbeknownst to me, that afternoon one of them had been ambling along the street after school, espied a tennis ball in good condition on the ground, picked it up and put it in his pocket. The Secret Service at the Flynn Theatre confiscated it, the agent sternly demanding of my son: “Who takes a tennis ball to a political rally?”

And yet Thomas Matthew Crooks took his AR-15 to a political rally. And the reason he was permitted to do so is because he was “outside the security perimeter” …yet still within range of the candidate’s head.

Does that make sense even by the arseholian standards of the federal government? Even were one to accept it as a good-faith mistake, no prudent person would entrust his life to the same United States Government that wants him broke, gaoled and/or dead. From Sean Davis at The Federalist:

BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

Robert F Kennedy Jr, whose father and uncle have already taken bullets for their country, has likewise “been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS” – for any protection. It’s almost as if whoever’s actually running the so-called “Biden Administration” has concluded that a descent into blood and carnage would play to their advantage.

This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Just a decade ago, Trump was an amiable bipartisan non-ideological telly-celeb schmoozing with Bill and Hill and doing cameos in Home Alone sequels. The Democrats chose to upgrade him to Hitler – complete with moustache.

Oh, but say what you want, trying to kill the candidate isn’t like January 6th, is it?

And, just for the record, Saturday night was not an assassination attempt: One Republican voter was killed, and at least two others are injured. That’s to say, an American family has had a great big hole blown in its heart – because on a summer afternoon they went to a campaign rally.

Just another day in the United States’ uniquely unique “peaceful transfer of power” – and on to next week…

…when the D卐M☭CRATs and pet Enemedia poodles will be striving mightily to find a big enough rug to sweep yesterday’s atrocity under for good, doubt ye not. We can not, we MUST not, allow that to happen—at not only Trump’s great peril, but our own as well.

Oh, and that Hitler image Mark mentioned? That would be this execrable piece of blatant incitement to violence, which I dl’d last night myself with intentions of posting it here at some point:

Whatever list you might be making—don’t tell me, I do NOT want to know, kindly do NOT feed the glowniggers, thenkyew—make sure you have the New Republic on there, preferably up near the tippy-tip-top.


Know thine enemy, Part the Fourth

Oh, how I’ve been looking forward to Aesop’s take. Needless to say, he doesn’t disappoint.

Dear Leftard Communist Cocksuckers,

You’ve been shrieking and flinging your diaper spackle for nearly ten years, hyperventilating like whiny little bitches about Cheetoh Hitler, “a threat to Democracy”, and any number of further delusional psychotic jackassical reactions, all because you can’t stand the fact that half the country disagrees with you politically, and no one from mommy onwards ever explained to you the power of “no”.

Yesterday, you came within an inch of kicking off the Revolution/Civil War you’ve been frothing at the lips to foment, for going on that entire time and longer.

So let’s be crystal clear about the stakes here.

Your whole team will be on the menu too, and then we’ll wade into the bleachers to get your fans.

You want to cry and project about what bloodthirsty monsters we are? Okay, have it your way. We’re going to make even your worst nightmares pale in comparison to what you’re actually going to get. If a man’s going to get hung for a thief either way, he might as well steal, right?

Don’t appeal to our better natures. That train left the station in 2020. Pray instead if you manage to kick this thing off, you get killed before you get fed to pigs, instead of watching them snack on you while you’re still alive.

So you’d better get down on your goddamned knees, and pray to Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, that Donald Trump stays healthy as a horse all the way to the inauguration of his successor in 2029.

If he gets so much as a head cold from now until then, there isn’t a mineshaft deep enough or another solar system far enough away for you to hide in to escape the wrath you’ve already got stored up.

In terms even your thickest halfwits should understand, it’s like this:

Seconded, unreservedly, right down the fucking line.


Know thine enemy Part the Third

Never forget. Never, EVER forget.

Make them pay. Period fucking DOT.

Update! Not “violent rhetoric,” not “hate speech”—incitement to and explicit endorsement of actual, LITERAL violence.

May each and every last one of them die screaming, and burn in Hell forevermore.

Updated update! Yes, George Stillfoolallofus too.

WATCH: George Stephanopoulos Blames Trump and Trump Supporters’ “Violent Rhetoric” for Shooting
George Stephanopoulos on Sunday reacted to the news that President Trump was shot in a failed assassination attempt, ignoring the divisiveness and violent rhetoric from the left and claiming, “President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well.”

Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz, in the clip below, discussed the attempted assassination with Stephanopoulos and said that no matter what, “you are going to hear conspiracy theories going forward.” Just like we did after the JFK assassination, right?

They couldn’t take Trump out with lawfare and criminal charges, and now Trump has been shot two days before the RNC convention, where he will accept the Republican Party Nomination for President of the United States. It’s oddly suspicious that the leading presidential candidate was almost murdered last night in front of tens of thousands of supporters and millions watching at home as he faces off against Joe Biden, a man who can’t string a sentence together and has weaponized the government against political opponents and dissidents since day one in office.

Why should we believe the Democrats didn’t play a role in this or at least inspire it with their violent rhetoric?

The left always blames Donald Trump’s so-called “violent rhetoric,” but we haven’t seen any attempted assassination of a top Democrat.

Not yet, at any rate. Gee, think that might have something to do with why they feel so confident of getting away with yesterday’s attempted assassination without repercussion beyond a day or two of “overheated rhetoric,” perhaps? Nah, couldn’t possibly be so, perish the thought.


Know thine enemy Part the First

First in a continuing series of CF posts.

Nolte: Trump-Is-Hitler Media Want ‘Rhetoric Toned Down’ to Avoid Accountability
The corporate media tell us Donald Trump is Hitler, is Mussolini, is a unique threat to democracy, a fascist, a dictator, a Russian spy who stole a presidential election, a rapist, an insurrectionist, and a traitor. The corporate media champion phony impeachments, cheer a federal raid on his home, and validate Joe Biden’s attempt to imprison him, bankrupt him, and take away his businesses…

And now this same corporate media want us to tone down the rhetoric.


The media have spent a decade sowing the wind, and now the media hope to avoid reaping the whirlwind.



More to come, folks.

Update! More yet between the ellipses, all worth a look, but I just gotta append Nolte’s closer:

This is not the time to tone down the rhetoric. A former president, a current presidential front-runner, a husband, father, grandfather, and leader of tens of millions of everyday Americans was a half-inch away from annihilation Saturday night.

There must be accountability.

There must be a reckoning.

Indeed there must, and NOT one restricted to pencil-marks on paper ballots, lawyers and/or judges, or milquetoast online op-eds, either. It says so much—none of it at all complimentary to Real Americans—that the “liberal” scum feels themselves secure enough, invulnerable enough, to start in with this insulting propaganda the very morning after they came within literally a fraction of an inch of assassinating Donald J Trump.


It begins

Fort Sumter, 2024.

First thing the shitlib Enemedia did, to the surprise of exactly no one, was lie through their motherfucking teeth.

Biden, for his part, has changed his tune completely, the shit-slurping coward. From this past Monday:

The president joined a call with the Biden Victory Fund National Finance Committee, where the campaign says he told supporters, “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” framing his strategy for the next debate as “Attack. Attack. Attack. Attack.”

Clear incitement to violence, exactly the opposite of Trump’s supposedly “incendiary” J6 remarks. But now, after a murderous pAntiFa would-be assassin takes Biden’s words at face value (always a big, big mistake)? Basically, and note that this is from my own memory of what I just heard him say on the radio, no link or verbatim transcript available yet: “This kind of political violence should never be allowed to happen in this country…unacceptable.”

Yeah, fuck you too, Faux Jaux.

Update! Okay, links to Bribem’s mumble-mouthed statement are starting to pop up here and there:

Ace has the White House press statement, which I’ll swipe.

So, pretty much as I remembered it, then.

Updated update! My brother BCE has much, much more, from an expert, experienced point of view.



Not buying it. Not for a minute I ain’t, nor should you. As I said the other day, there’s a heckuva lot more going on here than meets the eye.

The Divorce of the Democrat Party and the Legacy Media – What it Means
Embarrassed and humiliated by four years of gaslighting Joe Biden’s deteriorating condition, the media turns on the Democrat Party in a CYA move.

The debacle surrounding recent events, including the Biden-Trump debate of June 27, spells the end of the Democrat Party as we know it. For generations, the media has been willing accomplices but the past 10 days have finally removed the protection and propaganda the media has provided Democrats for generations.

It was an unbelievable turnaround that was decades in the making. A compliant legacy media running cover for the Democrat Party as it worked to “fundamentally transform” America into a socialist paradise. The first step was to take over nearly one-fifth of the economy by nationalizing health care (Obamacare). The second step, even more damaging to our fundamental sense of the rule of law, was to weaponize the federal bureaucracy to punish citizens who objected to the trillions of dollars allocated to grow the administrative state.

It seemed as though the legacy media had the perfect strategy in place to divert attention away from the workings of the Democrats and to push narratives that were favorable to the party. Finally, after the legacy was shown to be an Emperor with no clothes, they struck back to cover up their complicity, saying, “We had no idea that Biden’s decline was this obvious.”

If you need a clear indication of this denial, watch this train wreck orchestrated by Mark Halperin on his 2Way podcast. Halperin, once a Morning Joe regular on MSNBC with John Heilemann, was unceremoniously dumped in 2017 in the aftermath of sexual harassment allegations dating back to the early 2000s when he worked at ABC News. On the 2Way podcast, Inside the Beltway elites—consultants like Mark Katz, pollsters like Whit Ayres, political operatives like Phil Singer, and politicians like John Sununu—now cover for each other as they try to distance themselves from Biden and his administration after almost four years of sucking up.

The incessant gaslighting was finally exposed to the masses by the debate. But not before it had served its purpose, which was to hide two stone-cold facts. The first was obvious: Joe Biden was not qualified to be president. Second, the American legacy media has been engaged in a broad series of disgraceful cover-ups for years that shielded the Democrat Party from the public finding out its worst actions.

This shredding of relations between Democrats and the legacy media is a watershed moment that will be remembered as the point where the mask of decency and the skinsuit of credibility were ripped off both from the Democrats and the legacy media. The conspiracy of silence over Joe Biden’s health is now fully on display for everyone to see.

There may well be a “divorce” in the works alright, but if so it’s a three-way tussle involving Enemedia, the D卐M☭CRAT Party, and Biden, aimed at jettisoning a senile ***”pResident”*** that overnight began to look like more of a liability than an asset. But the sacred D卐M☭CRAT/Enemedia union is a forever kind of deal, ’til death they do part. Those matrimonial ties are enduring, a bond as unbreakable as the cleanest, straightest TIG-weld bead—a seam laid down by the almighty hand of God His Own Self. What God hath joined together, let no floundering, suddenly-inconvenient ProPol put asunder.

“Divorce”? Not on your life, pal; Leftist catechism condemns it as a mortal sin—one of the top three or four, among the Unholiest of Unholies, right up there with Climate Carelessness and Indifference to LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ Issues. Don’t let yourself be gulled by flights of editorial fancy penned by long-suffering conservative media hopheads flying on yet another Hopium jag. On that path lyeth embarrassment, futility, and despair.

Likewise, don’t let’s anybody fritter away a minute of their valuable time writhing on pins and needles awaiting Enemedia’s shamefaced and penitent return to the D卐M☭CRAT Party flock. Fact is, it never left, and it ain’t ever gonna either. It’s a trick, a trap, a mug’s game—exactly the sort of thing we OG bloggers used to derisively jeer at back in the Aulden Thymes as “boob bait for the Bubbas.” If The Enemy wants us to believe they’re in full-throttle discord, disarray, and personal confusion—which appears to be the case, judging by the clangor and unprecedented unanimity of the mass-chorus of Leftwits proclaiming themselves to be so—then the question we most need to be asking ourselves is why that might be.

Shitlibs—“journalismists,” no less—humbly, honestly, and openly admitting error? Frankly and forthrightly ‘fessing up to having been deceived? No excuses, no  evasions, no attempts to blame Real American ignoramii/Trump/toxic White males/fully-semi-automatic assault weapon guns/“fossil” fuels and the deadly, antiquated ICE planet-killers which burn the foul hellbrew/genocidal UltraÜberMegaMAGA ReichWingNaziDeathBeast insurrectionists/Xtianists/RAYCISS!!© bigots/etc etc etc? Contrition and regret, followed by an uncompromising resolve to do better going forward? Conscientious, seemingly sincere self-examination to ascertain how these crusty, jaded, worldly reporter-types got snookered so resoundingly, without ever once twigging to the game? Sorrowful acknowledgment of the catastrophic loss of public trust in establishment media caused by the systemic perversion of the most fundamental tenets of adversary journalism?

Oh, how entirely characteristic of these tirelessly-dedicated, incorruptible “jouralismists.” Oh, how clearly I remember the last time we beheld such an inspiring display of these finer, nobler qualities, ethics, and/or inclinations after they’d shit the bed so appallingly, back in…umm…lemmessee now, it was…it was no more than…uhhh, yeah, I think that musta been…uhhhhhhh…errrr, wasn’t it only just…ummmmm

Yeah, NO. Sorry, not buying any. You’ll have to peddle that shit someplace else, ain’t no market for it over here. Leftists, may I remind you, with no plan, no program, no end-game, no orchestration, no objective in mind well beforehand; everything random, spontaneous, unrehearsed. When’s the last time you ever heard of so remarkable a thing? You haven’t…because it’s never happened. Remember the kind of priggish, preening, Church Lady-types we’re talking about here, folks. For them, the will to control isn’t merely a preference, an idle pursuit, or even a relatively innocuous habit of mind: it’s hard-coded into their DNA. Not a choice, but a compulsion; not a psychological eccentricity, but a biological imperative. Not a harmless quirk, but a deadly-dangerous, instinctual need.

If you think the above evaluation a mite over the top, unfairly harsh, perhaps even made up or at best exaggerated, I beg to inform you that actually,  it’s the product of many years of firsthand experience with the breed, up close and personal. Trust me, the music-biz is slap full of ‘em, full to overflowing. Yes, exactly like a clogged toilet. The parallels are downright uncanny. Also, disgusting.

For anyone still unconvinced on this, I suggest you try bucking a Leftist whilst he/she is deep in the thralls of flexing his/her Power & Control muscles, in even the most insignificant context. I guarantee it will be a revelation for you—a powerfully educational interlude you’ll remember always, vividly and painfully, regardless of how desperately you’ll wish you could forget it ever happened. Remain alert and aware as the contest of will progresses, on your toes and ready to run for your life the instant it feels needful. Which it definitely will, unless you back down and mollify your triumphant adversary with an intimate, candid, exhaustively specific recitative detailing what an insufferable asshole prick you are, always have been, and doubtless shall remain.

THEN run, just as hard, as fast, and as far as you can. That should get you far enough from the blast radius to be safe.

BOTTOM LINE SUMMATION: According to the known odds, contemporaneous evidence, the historical record, and the nature of the “journalismic” beast, this “divorce” alarum is poppycock—a pre-scripted ruse staged for purposes we know not of as yet, likely never will. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but. Remember the Steyn Maxim:

This is happening because they want it to happen.

The guys running this soap opera know the ending they’re working up to, and any unexpected plot twists en route are designed to serve that end.

Indubitably so. Biden may be a goner himself, politically speaking, but the D卐M☭CRAT/Enemedia “divorce” story is a put-on, ninety-nine and forty-four-hundredths percent pure bunkum. A love like theirs can never die, and anyone trying to tell you otherwise is either a fool or no more to be trusted than your average Congresscritter, shitlib “journalismist,” or snake-oil peddler.


At last, we know

At least a few of the names of the scumsacks actually at the dysfunctional helm of the Ship Of State, now hulled, taking on water, and listing heavily to port.

Biden staff “miserable,” alarmed as pressure builds
Between the lines: Some Biden aides believe those closest to the president have created a cocoon around him that initially seemed earnestly protective, but now appears potentially deceptive in the debate’s aftermath.

  • They particularly focus on Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini, the first lady’s top adviser Anthony Bernal, and longtime aide Ashley Williams, who joined the deputy chief of staff’s office when Tomasini ascended to the role earlier this year.
  • Those close aides have many duties. But officials recall instances of them helping Biden make up for mental lapses, including prompting him to remember people he has known for a long time.
  • Such moments could be dismissed as normal lapses. But many Biden aides now wonder whether they were signs of something deeper.
  • One former Biden aide told Axios: “Annie, Ashley and Anthony create a protective bubble around POTUS. He’s staffed so closely that he’s lost all independence. POTUS relies on staff to nudge him with reminders of who he’s meeting, including former staffers and advisers who Biden should easily remember without a reminder from Annie.”

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told Axios: “These are standard processes for any White House, regardless of president or party. The claims about these individuals — whose professionalism and character are respected across the administration — are inaccurate.”

Sorry Charlie, but I’m afraid nobody gives a tinker’s damn about their professionalism, nor how many Biden junta hacks respect them for it. Moreover, as power-drunk D卐M☭CRAT swine their piss-poor “character” is all too apparent, a matter beyond all possible debate. The real issue here is whence their presumptive authority derives, as Ed Morrissey helpfully points out.

Have readers ever heard of Annie Tomasini, Anthony Bernal, or Ashley Williams? I’ve worked in politics for over 20 years now, and only Williams’ name seems vaguely familiar. Only Bernal’s name comes up in our archives, once almost exactly two years ago and only as brief mention in someone else’s statement. Presidents hire aides to help and support their work, but those aides are supposed to work for the president, not run him.

It almost makes the sudden appearance of Hunter Biden in policy meetings look explicable. Why else would Biden have “a convicted felon” in meetings with officials? Is it to break through a cabal of aides desperately trying to keep Biden’s incapacitation under wraps?

The White House pushed back furiously on this report, but former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson practically turned this bug into a feature earlier in the week. Johnson tried to pooh-pooh any concern about Biden’s fitness at the moment or for the next four years by basically arguing that voters elect bureaucrats to run things for presidents, or something.

And there you have it: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. These grubby termites have never been elected to a Gott damned thing, yet they imagine themselves duly entitled to arrogate Presidential authority, responsibilities, and duties to themselves nonetheless, owing to the expedient rationalization that their beloved usurper ***”pResident”*** is a mentally-incapacitated rutabaga.

Just who do these “people” think they are, anyway? And why, exactly, should Real Americans feel themselves obliged to meekly accept this sorry state of affairs, with nary a discouraging word ever to be heard? The shrieking-shitlib amen chorus neither knows nor gives a drizzling shit about what the Constitution has to say, clearly and unequivocally, about such a situation, but some of us still do. The Deep State Enemy securely entrenched in the federal bureaucracy needs to be forcefully reminded of that salient fact, by any and all means necessary, and that right soon. Back over to Ed for the Constitutional coup de main.

Is that how the Constitution works? Does Article II divide executive authority between a number of bureaus and bureaucrats, or does it invest its authority in one person — the person that states elect to the presidency?

And furthermore, the Constitution has something to say about fitness, too. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment got ratified because of the nearly disastrous fourth term of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the necessity of formalizing the vice-presidential succession after John F. Kennedy’s assassination. (Previous to ratification of this amendment in 1967, VPs succeeding after a death were technically only acting presidents.) The Twenty-Fifth Amendment does not treat presidential disability or unfitness as a no-biggie because of the bureaucrats and White House staffers. In fact, it demands action to resolve presidential incapacity.

If Biden has “lost all independence” to the point where his aides and his family are making decisions and using the executive power and authority of the office of President, then the president is functionally incapacitated. That’s a much bigger deal than whether Biden runs for a second term; the question then becomes who’s running Biden’s current term.

Exactly, precisely, indubitably so. If Real Americans supinely permit this completely intolerable lawlessness to continue, then that failure of nerve and the resultant catastrophe will be entirely on us.


It Happens at 3am…He Was Always Ready

Fox “news”, but still worth a listen from a man that was in on the response. Soleimani was the Iranian commander of the Quds force (terror) that attacked our Iraq embassy and Trump said make him pay. They stopped the embassy attack immediately and Soleimani was dead two days later.

The enemy knows what will happen under Trump. Examples are numerous.

Teh Cray-cray is STRONG with this one

Do please remember as you read this, gang, that they’re the caring, tolerant, compassionate, non-violent, more evolved, rational, and enlightened ones. If you don’t believe it, just ask them, they’ll tell ya alllll about it.

Watch — ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Star Lea DeLaria Begs Biden to Assassinate Trump: ‘Blow Him Up’
In a social media post shared to Instagram and TikTok, DeLaria went on (an) unhinged rant against former President Trump and begged Joe Biden to kill him as an act of war.

“Joe, you’re a reasonable man,” she said in a post that garnered over 9,000 Likes. “You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a fucking war. This is a war now, and we are fighting for our fucking country. And these assholes are going to take it away. They’re going to take it away.”

“Thank you, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas. Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out. Take him out, Joe. If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him the fuck out! Blow him up, or they’ll blow us up. Facts,” she added.

DeLaria justified these actions as an act of war.

“It’s all out war now. They will destroy us. They only want power…like all tyrants. FUCK THEM!!! And if any of you assholes wanna death threat me like you have been doing for my entire life, bring it on bitch. I’m Sicilian, I know how to play that game,” she said.

Any time you feel froggy, psychobitch. War, you say? Careful what you wish for, dearie, lest fed-up-to-the-eyeteeth Normals raise up on their hindlegs at long, long last and give you one. I assure you, you won’t enjoy it. “Death threats” will be the very LEAST of your worries when/if that kicks off, and “Sicilian” ain’t gonna intimidate anyone, nor stay any hands either.

Gotta be the most debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome on record. Get professional help, that’s my advice, before you bust a blood vessel. Failng that, a nice, loooong lie-down in a bathtub full of ice might be the way to go.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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