The making of a man

We are BORN boys. Men, however, must be MADE—a long, arduous process that doesn’t spontaneously “just happen” as part of the natural order of things. It’s another one of those myriad Very Important Things we once knew, but have recently been strongarmed by insidious Leftism into forgetting…or simply abandoning, more like.

An excellent point, as is this next:



I screencapped both the above Tweets/X’es/whatevers rather than embed them so as to eliminate the annoying “Show more” clickbait link. If you have trouble reading ‘em, links to the original X source can be found at the same place I got ‘em from, which is well worth a look-see its own self. KT has lots more therein, all of it up to her usual standard of excellence.


The MemememeMEEEE Generation

Anything about this stand glaringly out to anybody?

38-year-old woman decides she wants a baby, claims she’s been ‘betrayed by feminism’
A woman said she felt “betrayed by feminism” after deciding she wanted to settle down, have a family and a husband as she approached 39th birthday. At one point during the interview with Fox News Digital, she broke down crying describing how she feared she would end up alone and childless.

Melissa Persling recently wrote an essay for Business Insider titled, “I’m 38 and single, and I recently realized I want a child. I’m terrified I’ve missed my opportunity.” She said after it went viral in November, hate began to pour in from men telling her that she’s lived a selfish life. Persling has a much different account of her story.

When Persling was 22, she married a traditional man and moved to a rural community in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where she grew up.

“He wanted a simple life with children and home-cooked meals,” she said. However, Persling – despite coming from a religious Christian background – made it clear to her husband-to-be that she did not want children.

“At that time I felt very strongly I did not want children, that I wasn’t going to be like the traditional housewife. I knew I did want to pursue a career,” she told Fox News Digital in an interview. “And I felt very strongly that that would never change. And I guess I was wrong.”

Persling said both her and her ex thought that love could conquer everything, but after 10 years, it was clear their differences in life goals were irreconcilable. Persling said she became resentful when he would ask for dinner or for his laundry to be done.

“I did little to hide my disdain for our small-town life. He was a good and hardworking man, but I don’t think I made him feel that way,” she said.

The bleary, teary tale of choice and consequence goes on from there. The point about being “betrayed by feminism” is fair enough, I suppose; as Sarah Hoyt quips, that’s what feminism was intended to do.  In the end, though, if you count up the number of times this pluperfect narcissist says “I feel,” “I think,” “I believe,” “I want,” “I need,” etc, you’ll probably end up thankful she doesn’t have kids. Because really, what kind of upbringing is that child going to have, and what will this woman’s influence over him/her/it end up creating?


Testosterone: a cornerstone of civilization

For starters, there is no such thing as “toxic” masculinity. The term is no more than a politically-useful insult, a cruel slander against males designed to cow and intimidate them. Period fucking DOT, end of fucking story.

The simple assertion of the ‘toxic masculinity’ crowd is that specifically male behaviours are a problem. The most extreme aspects of male misbehaviour are portrayed as though they are routine. So young feminists insist that we live in a ‘rape culture’, in which men are alleged to be allowed to rape with impunity. Likewise, male-on-female domestic violence is portrayed as a kind of pandemic. And the answer to all these things is essentially to feminise men – to tell specifically young heterosexual men that they must curb their masculinity and subdue many of their most natural instincts. In every direction their path is cut off. For instance, men who come to the rescue of women are dismissed as ‘white knighting’, as though even the wish to help a woman is proof of ‘toxic masculinity’.

Of course, the concept itself is toxic – quite as much so as if our age decided to talk about women in a similar way. There’s no reason why ‘toxic femininity’ couldn’t be made as popular a concept as its opposite number. There are certainly plenty of grounds for talking about such things. For if men are, for example, more prone to physical violence then the data also shows that women are more prone to subtler methods of undermining opponents, such as reputational destruction. There are behaviours that are more male and behaviours that are more female, and the fact that some members of each sex are quite capable of one or other, or both, does not negate that fact.

Nevertheless, we do not hear much talk of toxic femininity. It is men who have been portrayed in recent years as a problem. And if you don’t believe this, speak to any teenage boy. They will be able to tell you some version of this.

Yet there must be consequences to interventions this hamfisted. It is one thing to try to fine-tune our species; quite another to attempt to do so while wearing mittens. And that is what concepts such as toxic masculinity are. They are blundering, blunt, inept efforts at rewiring – efforts that must have consequences.

It couldn’t be more obvious that they have, and not pleasant or in any way positive ones either. This next article looks at the grievous injury Leftist (who else) purveyors of this absurd, hateful shibboleth have inflicted not just on men and boys, but on society at large, men and women alike—knowingly, intentionally, and with malice aforethought.

In Japan, an estimated 1.5 million people — many of them young men — now live in complete isolation.

The problem has grown so severe that the Japanese have a term for it: Hikikomori, one who literally withdraws from society. 

Some 6,000 miles away, the United States is experiencing its own form of hikikomori. 

During a recent interview with Chris Williamson, a British podcaster based in Austin, Texas, the political economist Nicholas Eberstadt discussed the fact that 7 million men of prime working age are currently without employment and not seeking jobs.

Many of these men, said Eberstadt, spend inordinate amounts of time indoors, totally withdrawn from society.

They play video games, watch pornography, and tend to engage in heavy drug use, according to the author of “Men Without Work.”

Work carried out by academics at Kyushu University in Japan has found that a low testosterone level is one of the common metabolic signatures of hikikomori in young social recluses — which is important to note because testosterone levels among young American men are plummeting and have been for years.

The drop now reportedly affects 1 in 4 men in the US.

It’s commonly assumed that testosterone fuels anti-social behavior.

In December, “Avatar” director James Cameron made headlines when he claimed that testosterone is “a toxin” that needs to be worked out of one’s system.

Last month, NPR discussed the association between “toxic masculinity” and testosterone. 

But this belief is not supported by science: There is no strong evidence to suggest that men with higher levels of testosterone are overly aggressive or violent.

On the contrary, testosterone has been linked to more social behavior in males — while low testosterone levels in males are associated with social anxiety and socially submissive or avoidant behaviors.

Research carried out by Dr. David Terburg, an expert in human behavior, has shown the many ways in which testosterone improves both individual behavior and broader cooperation.

In one study, Terburg and his colleagues identified a clear association between the administration of testosterone and increased levels of social cooperation and better moral judgment.

Low testosterone — otherwise known as hypogonadism — meanwhile, was associated with brain fog, poor memory and focus, and an overall lack of mental clarity.

Mark Spritzer, a behavioral neuroendocrinologist at Middlebury College whose research focuses on the cognitive benefits of testosterone, told The Post, that “There is now considerable evidence that testosterone enhances some forms of learning and memory.”

Moreover, he added, “There are a number of studies that have shown that low testosterone is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia in older men.”

And there you have it, folks. Shitlib darling Pajama Boy was unavailable for comment, having quietly “transitioned” himself into infamous brand-wrecker Dylan “Dirk” Mulvaney some years back.


Wardrobe malfunction

The “girl” can’t help it.

Non-binary ex-Biden official Sam Brinton arrested for yet another baggage theft
Brinton is being charged with grand larceny in third airport baggage theft case

Sam Brinton, the embattled former senior Department of Energy (DOE) official, was arrested as a “fugitive from justice” by Maryland police late Wednesday.

According to county records reviewed by Fox News Digital, Brinton was taken into custody in Rockville. A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Police, which is the lead law enforcement agency for both Washington, D.C., area airports, said the arrest was related to the theft of airport luggage, the third such criminal case involving Brinton.

“Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Police executed a search warrant May 17 in Montgomery County, Maryland, in connection with allegations of stolen property in luggage from Reagan National Airport that was brought to the department’s attention in February 2023,” James Johnson, a spokesperson for the MWAA, told Fox News Digital in an email.

The arrest comes a month after Brinton — who made headlines last year after being appointed to the position that oversees nuclear waste policy at the DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy as a non-binary gender-fluid person — escaped jail time in two separate cases in Minnesota and Nevada involving luggage thefts.

No worries, I’m sure he’ll enjoy prison well enough—not that he’ll ever do a day’s time behind bars, of course. What better occasion to run this Little Richard classic?


You will be made to care

Even if—ESPECIALLY if—you don’t, not in the least.

Dying Vice Launches ‘Queer Sports’ Series, Hastens Its Demise
Dying Social Justice™ outlet Vice, apparently pathologically incapable of reform, is hastening its self-destruction by introducing a cringe segment called “Queer Sports.”

Video at the link—featuring some fat carpet-muncher dyke broad who obviously never participated in any sport not involving a comfy sofa, an xtra-jumbo-sized bag of Cheetos, and a case of designer beer in her entire life—which I won’t be embedding here, didn’t watch and have no intention of ever watching, and highly recommend you not watch yourself. Naturally, he/she/it is waving a giant rainbow fag-flag joyously around in the video screenshot, because QUEER SPORTS!!!! or something. Anyways. Onwards.

The non-binary non-athlete’s main gripe is that “pride” events hosted by nearly every major professional sports franchise are too “performative,” which is ironic given that performative Tolerance™ and Diversity™ are the entire demand.

“Are pride nights, important, Lyndsey?” the moderator prompts — as if that’s an open question subject to legitimate debate.

“I think they’re important, but I also think it’s gotten very performative,” Lyndsey replies, with an upward inflection that suggests she’s asking a question and not answering one. “Very like, ‘this is what we’re supposed to do. We’re supposed to do it in June and like, then, we’ll kind of forget about it.”

If people like Lyndsey had their druthers, every minute of every hour of every day would be a nonstop orgasmic celebration of “pride.”

This criticism of corporations bending over backward to cater to gender-obsessed ideologues at the expense of the vast majority of their customer bases who haven’t totally surrendered themselves to the Social Justice™ hive mind as “performative” is quite common within the so-called LGBTQ+++™ “community,” which is a euphemism for the insular cult of self-appointed representatives of a made-up demographic.

Ben’s conclusion is worth the price of admission all by itself, being perfectly, one-hundred-percent true.

ANOTHER idea whose time has come…and gone

Lock. Her. Up.

It’s Time for Hillary to Pay for What She’s Done to America
Hillary Clinton lied. She knew Donald Trump was not a Russian spy. Trump knew she was lying. The FBI knew she lied but went after Trump anyway. The CIA knew she lied. President Barack Obama knew she lied. Joe Biden knew she lied. The FBI covered up for her. The CIA covered up for her. The DOJ covered up for her. Barack Obama covered for her and so did Joe Biden.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying,” according to the sardonic epigram attributed to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

He was describing life and imprisonment under Stalin. But it’s an apt description for the Democrats’ reign at Main Justice and the FBI. There’s justice and then there’s just us. America has sunk to new depths of political depravity, treating members of one political party differently from another, as pointed out in the Durham Report.

Justice without fear or favor, Merrick Garland? My ass.

Durham wrote the “Clinton Plan” was conceived to distract from her very real and very illegal destruction of evidence — her emails — which were under a preservation order. “According to the declassified Clinton Plan intelligence, on July 26, 2016, Clinton allegedly approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Clinton’s apparatchiks, including Jennifer Palmieri, John Podesta, and Jake Sullivan, told the Special Counsel they knew nothing of the plan to distract from Hillary’s email scandal, describing such a plan as ridiculous. Durham found their protestations ridiculous.

But it’s about time someone paid for all this lying which has corroded the very depths of the “intelligence community,” especially the FBI, and the body politic as a whole – reaching the top of the Obama White House when then-CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Obama about the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

None of these privileged Washington swells is going to the D.C. Gulag with the January 6ers. None has apologized to the American people or Donald Trump for putting them through this roiling cauldron of chaos.

Who should pay?


Au contraire, mon cher; if there were still any semblance of justice left in this notional “nation,” Her Herness™ would be but the first on a long, long list of defendants sweating it out in the dock awaiting their day in court. What does it say about Amerika v2.0—perhaps even worse, what it does it say about us—that every single last man Jack of us knows perfectly well that not a single one of them will ever face even so much as a light slap on the wrist or a mild, half-hearted scolding from a judge for their treasonous crimes?

Those rowdy, exuberant Trump-rally chants of “LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!” have never sounded so hollow.

Speaking of long, long lists, the good folks at The Federalist also have one that’s worth pondering (via Insty).

The fact of the matter is, if you trusted any of the above-named blaggards, scoundrels, and Deep State crawly things even before Hillarygate and her entirely manufactured Russia Collusion hoax was perpetrated, you definitely weren’t paying close enough attention.

Will it NEVER end?

A: No. No, it will not.

Adidas on Wednesday became the latest woke, globalist corporation to shove the radical left trans agenda in America’s face.

The company decided to feature an ugly biological male who calls himself a woman as their newest female swimwear model.

As Fox News reported, Adidas collaborated with radical South African designer Rich Mnisi to release the “Let Love Be Your Legacy” collection and campaign. The company claims to want to “encourage allyship and freedom of expression without bias, in all spaces of sport and culture” with its campaign with Mnisi.

Mnisi said this in an Adidas news release:

In creating this collection, I had a strong impulse to speak to my inner-child and express to the world how LGBTQ+ allyship can create a legacy of love. “Unifying these themes together through my own visual language and Adidas’ iconic performance and lifestyle pieces is a powerful combination, making the collection a symbol for self-acceptance and LGBTQ+ advocacy. My hope is this range inspires LGBTQ+ allies to speak up more for the queer people they love and not let them fight for acceptance alone.

In classic woke speak, this means replacing attractive females with hideous males dressing up as women.

Because hey, as the classic Irving Berlin show-tune almost but doesn’t quite say: anything girls can do, men can do better. Among the responses over at GP is this gem.

Heh. Sure, why the hell not.


Groomer, Inc

Excellent insider reportage from a solid year’s worth of Drag Queens 4 Kidz shows in, of all places…Texas?!?

After entering the event, which was named “DRAG YOUR KIDS TO PRIDE”. I noticed there were over five children in attendance, one was even wearing a “Don’t Mess With Trans Kids” shirt. Almost every child attending was with their mother(s), it seemed like the dads of these children missed the memo or something.

I remember sitting there at the bar alongside Aldo Buttazoni in complete disbelief in what we were witnessing. In the moment I couldn’t fathom that this gay bar with sexual signs and scantily dressed men posing as women were about dance for little children with easily malleable minds. The environment was that of a strip club or a burlesque show. Looking around I was in complete disbelief watching parents, who are supposed to protect their children from perversion, were hooting and hollering in anticipation for men to dance sexually for their children.

As the show started, a young child was sitting next to me at the bar top, he looked miserable and out of place. He was playing with a rubiks cube and Nintendo throughout the entire performance. The bartender began talking to him as he was serving alcoholic beverages over the child’s head. That’s when I overheard a conversation that was truly horrifying and depicted the days events perfectly.

Bartender: Are you gay?

Child: No, I’m not gay.

Mother: *Interrupting* No he is gay, don’t let him lie to you, he is.

The Child, visibly uncomfortable by the bartenders comment and his mothers correction, bowed his head towards the ground like a puppy that was just scolded. The child didn’t say another word for the remainder of the show, and instead resumed playing on his Nintendo with his head hidden away.

This is just the merest fraction of a quite lengthy expose, with numerous Twitter vids taken on-site for documentation purposes by the courageous, intrepid author embedded throughout the post as well. You absolutely MUST read the whole thing; if you think you’re beyond being shocked at this point, as well you might, you are about to find out otherwise. Think I’m kidding? Overstating the case a bit, perhaps? Think again.

As a parent, what would you do if your place of faith had a secret closet where members of the church would bring your child and have them try on chest binders, panties, bras, and other clothing? Because this is exactly what happened at First Christian Church located in Katy, TX.

I went undercover at this event and what I discovered in such a short time-frame was extremely disturbing. As I pulled up to the event, there was nearly one hundred people standing on both sides of the roadway. In front of the church you had heavily armed ANTIFA and local Police Officers acting as security checking tickets to the event alongside organizers. Once I made it past the security checkpoint I was directed to park and to go around the backside of a building addition to the church. Immediately upon entering I was greeted by multiple people who worked for the church, all wearing rainbow garb and sporting trans flags.

When entering, there were two muscular men covered in glitter and dressed in feminine attire standing guard inside the church. A table was setup where people working for the church were handing out tickets for alcoholic beverages and a bowl full of pins with LGBTQ+ related slogans. The pin that I grabbed read “NOT ALL CHRISTIANS SUCK”. Referring to Christians that aren’t interested in Transing their children in the name of the Woke Religion, which is all this “church’ seemed to practice.

Sick, just….sick. Difficult as it is to believe, it only gets even worse from there. As I said, you MUST read it all. The closer:

I don’t claim to have all the answers but I do know one thing, lying down and accepting defeat is not going to win this battle for our children. If you want to stop the machine, you must break the gears allowing it to run.  

Indeed. And that, I’m afraid, is necessarily going to involve shooting motherfuckers in the fucking face sooner or later. This is all part of a Plan—a shitlib program to sow chaos and destruction that has been running successfully, the more so for being practically unchallenged, for many years now. Repeat after me: They will not stop. They will never stop. They will have to BE stopped. Sorry, but that really is all there is to it.

Cardinal sin

Matt Margolis commits it, leading to hissing, girlish squee-squee-squeeing to demand satisfaction.

Dylan Mulvaney Wants People Like Me Arrested
Dylan Mulvaney, who recently caused a $6 billion loss in value for parent company Anheuser-Busch through his failed partnership with Bud Light, is making headlines again.

In a video from October 2022 now going viral, Mulvaney declares that journalists who commit the “crime” of “misgendering” him in their reporting should be arrested.

“The articles written about me using ‘he’ pronouns and calling me a man over and over again,” he starts. “I feel like that should be illegal. I don’t know that’s that’s just bad journalism.”

The clip that is going viral is clearly part of a larger rant, but there’s really no concern about his meaning being taken out of context. He made his beliefs known, clear as day. Why does this matter to me? Well, I’m one of those who correctly calls Mulvaney a man and uses masculine pronouns in reference to him whenever writing about him. Why? Because he is a man, and no amount of hormones, makeup, and surgery can change that. I’ve never used feminine pronouns any time I’ve written about him and never will.

Nor should you, nor should any of us. To bend the knee to the capricious whim of these sad, deranged freaks would be to de facto permit them to reshape reality itself into something they find more congenial to them. And that, we must never, ever allow.

It calls to mind the obligatory shrieks from the Usual Suspects decrying the ever-dreaded but never-actually-materializing surge of nonexistent “Islamophobia”-inspired violence against Islamists in the immediate wake of each successive jihadist atrocity against the West, exemplified by a slight rejiggering of the old NYT joke-headline to fit the situation: Muslim terrorists attack again, Muslim terrorists hardest hit! The truly ugly part of all this ugliness follows:

Of course, the real question is, why does this matter? Let’s face it: For reasons that are hard to understand, Mulvaney has become an influential figure solely for acting like a little girl. He’s got woke corporations falling over themselves to give him endorsement deals, and he was invited to the White House by Joe Biden—though I’m sure even Biden wasn’t about to sniff Mulvaney’s hair or rub his back inappropriately. But there is a real risk that “misgendering” people could become a criminal act. It sounds ludicrous, but in 2021 a father in British Columbia was arrested for referring to his 14-year-old daughter as “she” after she transitioned. In Britain, a journalist named Caroline Farrow faced a criminal investigation for “misgendering” a transgender individual on Twitter. Some schools in the United States are punishing students who “misgender” classmates. In May of last year, a school district in Wisconsin filed sexual harassment complaints under Title IX against three 8th grade students because they referred to a classmate with the wrong pronouns. The so-called victim had switched to the grammatically incorrect pronouns “they/them” only a month before the incident. As terrifying as these incidents are, they are the precursor to the criminalization of “misgendering” individuals.

All too many supporting links in the original, alas for sanity, biology, and actual, y’know, truth. It can’t happen here? Oh, I think we all know that, in this era of rampant PC and redundant, spurious “hate crimes,” it most certainly can, and eventually will.

Making them live their “truth”

Anything goes.

As do I. I mean, really, what could possibly be more fair? T’was toxic feminism created this voracious, all-consuming beast; now, let them live with it—cheek by jowl, in the house they themselves built for the rest of us, until they’re sick unto death of being forced to keep close-quarters company with the stinking, grotesque thing.

 GP also has a copy of Shepherd’s application to compete as a wyrmynnzzz, wherein zhirm hilariously declares “I identify as a woman for this contest.” Naturally, the weightlifting Powers That Be are pissing all over themselves trying to find a way to short-circuit the jolt of high-voltage reality being hurled their way by the Zeus-like Ms Shepherd.

According to the Reduxx report, the Global Powerlifting Committee of New Zealand (GPCNZ) appears to be scrambling to keep Shepherd out of the competition — even going so far as to change their rule book to say that he is ineligible.

The report points out that in their 2023 Rulebook, the Global Powerlifting Committee of New Zealand (GPCNZ) recognizes self-declared gender identity. In a section of the guidelines titled “Transgender Athletes,” GPCNZ states that “gender is presented on a spectrum” and that the organization “respects the autonomy of the individual and how they identify.”

“An archived version of the official website dated March 30 does not display the GPCNZ rules for trans-identifying competitors, instead leaning heavily on self-identification,” the report explains. “But, after submitting his application and declaring himself a ‘woman’ for the purposes of the competition, Shepherd was hastily sent an email and told he was not allowed to self-identify as transgender and must have been on estrogen for at least one year to compete.”

Shepherd is challenging their decision to exclude him.

You go, girl ummm, boy ummm, Manwoman ummm, whatever.


Spencer justly lauds Twatter über-mememeister Carpe Donktum for some truly outstanding work.

Twitter Memester Carpe Donktum Mocks the Trans Cult, and It’s Riotous
Carpe Donktum calls himself an “Eternally Sarcastic Memesmith,” and his eternally sarcastic memes have earned him over 335,000 followers on Twitter, as well as the undying wrath of the authoritarian Left: his pro-Trump memes were so effective that he was banned from Twitter in June 2020, at the height of Trump’s reelection campaign, and only reinstated when Elon Musk took over. Over the last few days, he has begun calling attention to the transgender cult’s grooming of the youngest children in schools in a particularly piquant — and riotous — way.

It all started on Thursday, when Carpe Donktum tweeted: “As a 3rd grade teacher, I often talk about Jesus with my students, they are so excited to hear about my faith. They point to the cross on [the] wall and ask me about the resurrection. Some have gotten baptized in the sink, as long as they don’t tell their parents. It’s our secret.” This tweet now has 3.7 million views. It was an obvious send-up of primary school teachers who push transgenderism on their students and keep it all secret from their parents, and just in case anyone didn’t get it, Donktum drove the point home in a series of follow-up tweets.

“I hope this doesn’t get me fired, please don’t share this to [sic] libs,” he added, and then: “want you guys to understand something, I am NOT grooming these young apostles, THEY COME TO ME and I follow their questions back to it’s [sic] source These kids feel something is not right inside them and I help them to understand that Jesus is what they are missing in their life.”

Warming to his topic, Carpe kept going: “These kids are so excited about their new spiritual identity that they devote every moment to studying the Bible. But sometimes, they lack the focus, in those cases the school nurse prescribes distraction blockers to help complete the transformation. Don’t tell mom and dad tho.” He took the opportunity to push other Leftist buttons as well: “One of my fondest memories from last year was when Taleb made his transformation from Islam to Christ. To celebrate his new identity we had a pizza party with his new favorite topping, Canadian bacon. Sometimes, I buy him a hotdog at lunch, since he can’t have them at home.”

Heh. Good, tasty schtuff indeed, more of which is perusable at the link. CD’s ingenious turning of the Trannylib tables has inspired me to throw in another similarly-inclined slice of brilliance, from Matt Margolis:


Heh again. That one’s culled from Matt’s Meme-manic Monday Substack post, the rest of which can be viewed—and really, really should be—at the immediately-preceding link. I’d suggest y’all subscribe to the Margolis thang like I already done dood a while back, so’s you can regularly enjoy more good stuff from the comfort and safety of your own email inbox as and when. But if you haven’t signed up for The Eyrie yet, then don’t you dare, you rotten bastige.


You LOST, get over it

IMPORTANT NOTE TO HER HERNESS™: Nobody likes you. Nobody wants you. Why? Because you’re ten pounds of worm-riddled shit crammed into a five-pound sack made out of diseased-rat fur, that’s why.

And THAT, you evil, self-absorbed cuntbitch, is nobody’s fault but your own.

Hillary Clinton tries explaining how Douglass Mackey and his evil memes cost her the election
Hillary Clinton simply cannot accept America didn’t want her. And this latest nonsense where Douglass Mackey and his memes somehow interfered in the 2016 election is just more fodder for her bruised, wrinkled, evil ego. Did Mackey make some stupid memes? Oh yeah. But does any sane, logical person really think these memes kept Hillary from winning?


Watch her try and explain how evil it was, snidely pretending THIS is what cost her the election. Not that the most unpopular GOP candidate in modern history was still more popular than she was.

We used to think nobody’s voice would be more annoying and cringe-inducing than Obama’s…we were wrong. So wrong.

And how. But, as Alexander Pope famously said, to err is human, to forgive divine. Which, neither “human” nor “divine” are concepts Her Herness™ knows anything whatsoever about, as we all too well know.


Know thine enemy Part the First

I’m thinking I might start up a recurring “Know Thine Enemy” series like this here. Installment 1, Exhibit A for the prosecution:


It would be easy enough to just dismiss this mindless, hate-crazed freak as just another LARPing Leftard, but don’t do it. Remember what I told y’all the other day about underestimating the enemy? I repeat: Don’t. Do. It.

(Via WRSA)

Update! Do be sure to scroll down to the very end of the above-linked WRSA post; there’s a crap-ton of other good, thought-provoking memes there for your edification and…well, okay, enjoyment might not be quite the mot juste. But don’t miss a one of them anyhoo.

Can’t win for losing

So just when Jurassic Media thinks they’ve got themselves another Angry White Male School Shooter to seize upon, no sooner do they all start doing the old soft shoe on the long-anticipated grave of the 2A than what happens?

Wait for…wait for it…waaaaiiiit for it


Well, dammit. Back to the ol’ drawing board, shitlibs. As BCE quips, now we see how fastly they can activate the memory hole, which has gotta be getting near full-up with this sort of thing by now.

Oops oops OOOPSIE update! So…how’s that “Trans Day Of Vengeance” working out for ya, eh?

“Militant” might be understating the case just a wee mite, don’tchathink?

Same old senility update! Notional “pee-Resident” Pedo Joe SPRINGS INTO ACTION, offering comfort to a shocked and heartsick nation as only he can.

GHASTLY: Biden in Jocular Mood, Jokes About Ice Cream Before Statement on Nashville Shooting

An extraordinarily strange scene unfolded at the White House on Monday after the news broke that a woman claiming to be a man had murdered six people at Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville. Old Joe Biden came out to address the Small Business Administration’s Women’s Business Summit, knowing that the shooting had taken place and that there were fatalities, and likewise knowing that the world was waiting and watching, expecting him to make a statement about what had happened. Instead of striking a somber note, however, asking for prayers and expressing condolences, Old Joe was positively insouciant, yukking it up with some children in the audience, kidding around about ice cream, and generally showing himself to be in splendid high spirits. Was he buoyed at the prospect of another chance to push his agenda of disarming sane and law-abiding Americans?

Biden began by announcing, to laughter from the crowd: “My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband. And I eat Jeni’s Ice Cream, chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream.” In its jarring inappropriateness, this rivaled the false reports that Abraham Lincoln had asked his friend Ward Lamon to sing a ribald song while touring the battlefield at Antietam just after the battle, as they walked among the dead bodies of the fallen soldiers. But this one really happened, and Biden wasn’t finished. “By the way,” he plowed on, “I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. You think I’m kidding, I’m not.” Oh, I’m sure you weren’t, Joe; it’s widely known that dementia patients actually can receive a short-term cognitive boost from eating ice cream.

Old Joe babbled on about the children in the crowd, and with them, for a while longer; then he abruptly changed his tone and announced: “Before I begin to speak, and the reason I spent a little time on the kids, I — I just want to speak very briefly about the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.” Now, wait a minute. Biden joked around about kids and ice cream because he had the Nashville shooting in mind? The cringe, as the kids say today, is off the charts.

The putative president praised the police and then got to his point: “We have to do more to stop gun violence. It’s ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of this nation — ripping at the very soul of the nation. And we — we have to do more to protect our schools so they aren’t turned into prisons. You know, the shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol — two AK-47. So I call on Congress, again, to pass my assault weapons ban. It’s about time that we begin to make some more progress.” See? Let the administration prevent law-abiding Americans from defending themselves, or more kids will be unable to enjoy ice cream like Old Joe.

Biden said absolutely nothing, of course, about the transgender madness, or about how dangerous it could be to encourage people who are mentally ill to embrace their mental illness. He didn’t say anything about how his own policies of encouraging trans delusions could have led to this shooting. Of course he didn’t. The man’s handlers know how to keep him on message.

No word on whether the addled old kiddie-diddler managed to work in any hair-sniffing after he’d rattled off the anti-2A talking points given to him by his wardens, but you know he was thinking about it, and really, really wanted to, at any rate.

Transgenocidal update! Yeah, no.

FBI Stats On 2021 Anti-Trans Hate Crimes Don’t Support Claims Of ‘Genocide’

Gee whiz, I’m shocked. Flummoxed. Gobsmacked. Floored. Why, it’s almost as if these deranged freakazoids are over-dramatizing themselves, hysterically and dishonestly, for their own nefarious purposes. But no, that couldn’t POSSIBLY be right, could it?

Americans who claim to be transgender were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, with few of the crimes being serious, undercutting claims that the community is facing “genocide,” according to FBI data released this week.

Of the 177 cases where the offender’s race was known, 81 offenders were black, about 60 were white, 20 were Hispanic, and one was Asian. Still, even that data could be misleading as FBI statistics inflate the number of “white” hate crime perpetrators by counting most Hispanics and Arabs as “white.” To a limited extent, the data can be adjusted to treat Hispanic as a race separate from black and white, which The Daily Wire did in the above numbers, but in many cases the “ethnicity” was not even recorded, forcing them to be treated as white.

Although Arab is counted as a separate category when it comes to the victim, there is no such category for perpetrators, leaving them to generally be counted as white. People of Arab descent have been behind some anti-Jewish crimes and their inclusion in statistics could change the anti-transgender breakdown as well.

The data does not support the notion widely pushed by activists and Democrats that there is a “genocide” of transgenders underway.

Well, in fairness, when has it ever? On any topic, of any kind, at all? For the matter of it, when have “activists” and/or D卐M☭CRATs ever given the merest indication of interest in what “the data” might indicate, anyway?

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) said it is planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” on March 31 in D.C. to “stop trans genocide,” and also fundraised for firearms training, which it said was for self-defense.

Of the 271 crimes against transgenders, the FBI data reported two slayings and two rapes. Of the remainder, 70 were incidents of “intimidation.” There were 48 aggravated assaults, 87 simple assaults, eight robberies, 14 thefts, and 37 instances of vandalism or damage.

The data comes from law enforcement divisions that report hate crime information to the FBI and includes jurisdictions covering 300 million of the 330 million Americans.It was released March 13 as a “supplement” to a less comprehensive dataset previously released. The supplemental data provides less detail, but original data shows one anti-trans killing committed by a black offender, one incident of robbery and sodomy by a black offender, and two instances or rape or sodomy by offenders whose race was unreported.

Me, I’m still trying to suss out the vitally-crucially-vital Importance! of distinguishing between “crime” and “hate crime.” What, is a “hate crime” somehow made more crime-ier than ordinary, plain-vanilla crime? Is, say, rape more unpleasant for the victim for having “hate” affixed to the charge? A mugging more intense, more brutal? Sodomy, meh, let’s not go into that for now. There has to be an important distinction lurking about in there somewhere, I just can’t seem to find the damned thing.

The Passion of Big Burly Mike

Can you spot the bear-trap the writer of this piece blithely waving away the scarifying possibility of Moochelle running for Prexy in ’24 gets snagged in?

Michelle Obama Is Not Coming to Save the Democrats

I love a good conspiracy theory. Aliens, ancient builders, Bigfoot—I will absolutely click on that headline and read the latest conspiracy, no matter how fanciful or ludicrous. Everyone has a harmless personal foible, right? And in the times we live in now, shadowy government conspiracies and UFOs are no longer just for “The X Files.”

My favorite new conspiracy theory goes like this: the Democrats know they are in big trouble for 2024. They have this addled, dementia-riddled, diaper-wearing octogenarian and his dreadful wife occupying the White House, and he’s become an embarrassment. These days he makes three to four hair-curling, cringey gaffes per week, falls up the stairs to Air Force One every time he tries to trot up them to project American strength and vigor, and has been credibly accused of passing gas in front of the Queen Consort of England. But Democrats can’t abandon him before the primaries because, well, Kamala. So Biden will announce he is running again but will withdraw sometime around the Democratic National Convention so as to clear the presidential field for…

Michelle Obama.

The stench of desperation is hilarious, isn’t it? That’s how bad the field of Democratic presidential prospects is. Democrats must be pretty frantic for someone to have conjured up and floated this rumor. A recent poll indicated 72 percent of Americans don’t want Biden to run again in 2024. Biden will be 82 shortly after the 2024 election. Is this Michelle Obama rumor supposed to give Democrats hope? To keep them from abandoning Biden because just wait, Michelle is waiting in the wings to save their party from Bad Orange Man, or even worse, Ron DeSantis?

Please. I’ll believe aliens taught Bigfoot how to make crop circles in Peru before I buy this one. Michelle Obama hates politics, hates voters, and hates Washington D.C., and not necessarily in that order.

I don’t believe it for a millisecond. Michelle Obama is living her best life right now, the life she has always wanted and felt that she deserved (if her husband hadn’t been a community organizer obsessed with politics who didn’t make any money and forced her to support the family). She’s completely free of the restraint of politics. Now she can say whatever she wants about people she used to have to pretend to like. Polls name her consistently as the most admired woman in America. You think she’s giving any of that up to schmooze and take photos with donors, or hit the campaign trail in Iowa, or spend the night in one-star hotels in Pennsylvania? Not likely.

Maybe so, maybe not. But all the well-known trappings of fame, wealth, and power aside, it would be best not to leave out of our calculations the overwhelming allure of the one enticement that might prove powerful enough to turn even Burly Mike’s big ugly head, creating a 180 degree shift in whatever passes for “thinking” therein, expressible thusly: First Black Female President In US History.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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