No, this is definitely NOT Roman Gabriel’s NFL

Nor Johnny Unitas’s, nor Ollie Matson’s, nor Bart Starr’s, nor Jim Brown’s, nor Mike Ditka’s. Nor mine, nor yours. The people running the show now don’t want it to be, see. And as far as I‘m concerned, may they have joy of their choice, they can fucking well have it.

NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers
Community Justice Exchange received grants from NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ program as recently as 2022

The left-wing nonprofit that bailed out anti-Israel protesters who blocked bridges and highways across the country last week was a multi-year partner of the NFL’s “Inspire Change program” whose work is still promoted on the NFL’s website.

Community Justice Exchange set up a “bail and legal defense fund” for those arrested during last week’s A15 protests. The protests targeted major airports, highways, and bridges in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Their explicit goal was to disrupt economic “choke points” to maximize financial disruption, as explained on their website.

The online fundraiser, hosted by ActBlue and organized in conjunction with A15 Action, told donors that the funds will “support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine.”

As an official “Inspire Change” partner, the Community Justice Exchange received grants and publicity in its work “to end money bail and pre-trial detention at the local level and immigration detention at the national level.” The NFL’s partnership with the Community Justice Exchange was last extended in June 2022, according to an announcement from the league. The league touted the left-wing group’s “work with organizers, advocates, and legal providers across the country that are using community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration.” The grants went toward “coordinating and supporting the 100+ local protest to bail funds and a centralized rapid response fund to support those protesting for racial justice.”

The partnership appears to have since lapsed—the nonprofit wasn’t on the list of grantees announced in May 2023. The NFL’s “Inspire Change” website lists Community Justice Exchange under “Previous Grant Recipients” and still includes a link to the group’s website.

Proud of their little Left-wing fascist goon squads, aren’t they? Like I said, they can have it, all they want and then some. Myself, after being the most rabid Cowboys fan imaginable from my childhood well into my “adult” (a-HENH!) years, I haven’t watched any NFL game—regular season, playoffs, Stupid Bowl, whatever—in several decades now, haven’t missed it even slightly, and almost certainly will never watch another.

Enjoy your “partnership” with the selfsame Leftard pussyfarts who have been trying to get football banned altogether for being “too violent,” “too dangerous” for, oh, ’round about twenty-thirty years or so, while it lasts. You can all go straight to Hell together for all me, and good fucking riddance to the whole sorry lot of you.

Via Sefton—welcome back, JJ!

Update! How we know for sure and certain that there’s really no such thing as zombies, the living dead, angry ghosts who walk among us seeking vengeance against the hated living, &c: Because the shades of Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, John D Rockefeller, Tom Landry, and many others—all of whom were hardcore capitalist Reich-wingers, if not straight-up Fascists, in life—haven’t risen from the grave en masse to tear out Wokester throats in righteous rage over their wanton despoliation of all they once held dear on this tormented Earth. That’s a by-God “tell” if ever I saw one.

Well, excepting the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOO!!!))))-hate, of course. That would been totally jake with at least a couple of the aforementioned.


Ask A Silly Question Part the Eleventy Million Bajillionth

This time, it’s our esteemed colleague Buck Throckmorton asking:

THE MORNING RANT: Why Do Intelligent People Continue to Rely on Government Data That is Known to Be False?
—Buck Throckmorton

A: INTELLIGENT people…don’t. Which, of course, Buck knows already, thanks; inflation and unemployment numbers, FaxVid deaths, Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™, “baseless claims” of election rigging, “mostly peaceful” BLM riots, “insurrection” sans torches, pitchforks, or firearms—it’s all a web of deceit, disingenuousness, and/or baldfaced lies.

The only reliable assumption regarding the pattern of falsified reporting from government agencies is that everything they report is false and intentionally misleading.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

S’truth. Which in a way is a good thing, ‘cause these days hardly anything else is.


The trouble with teachers

“Chalkboard Heresy” for sure, he’s blaspheming against the Left’s Bull God.

If you don’t want to bother with the annoying “Read more” click-generator, which I cordially despise myself, here’s the full text:

One thing I’ve realized after working with teachers for 12 years is that it’s very hard to get them to commit to political or ideological neutrality in the classroom because:

A. They view teaching as an inherently political act intended to turn students into political units (activists/“change agents.”)

B. They attach moral value to their beliefs, and thus view the proliferation of those beliefs as a moral obligation.

C. They do not recognize particular beliefs as political or ideological, and believe they’re “just teaching truth.”

D. When trying to be balanced, requiring students to compare two sources or opinions, they engineer- purposefully or unwittingly- the lesson to bring students to certain conclusions.

He’s right, right down the line. It’s always the way with shitlibs; they truly, sincerely cannot fathom how any intelligent, decent, well-intentioned person could possibly disagree with their noxious, proto-fascist views except out of pure, black-hearted evil. They are right, you are wrong, and that’s the end of it. There really is no point in trying to reason with them, or even talk to them at all; their belief in their own righteousness is rock-solid, and there’s nothing more to discuss. They aren’t interested, therefore aren’t listening anyway. They cannot be persuaded, they can be neither bargained with nor wheedled; they perceive no need whatever to reconsider or even re-examine their own opinions. Put in the simplest terms possible, they cannot see, and have no desire to.

In effect, shitlibs are, as the priests used to caution, “obstinate in sin.” So to Hell with them, then. When you persist in attempting to debate fairly and factually with them, all you’re really doing is teaching a pig to sing. Unfortunately, we all already know what that fool’s errand will get ya ere the end.

Via Stephen, who adds:

Plus this: “This is so contrary to the teachers I grew up with in the 70’s and 80’s. I didn’t even know if most of them were married, let alone their political persuasion. There were always 1 or 2 more “radical” teachers who didn’t hide their politics, but they were rare.”

I’ve joked for years that I knew so little about my teachers’ lives outside of school that, for all we knew, they blinked in and out of existence when the morning and end-of-school bells rang.

Not so much with my teachers; nearly all of them went to our church, knew my entire family well, and were considered good friends. Several had even taught my dad when he was but a wee bairn, and remembered him fondly. Looking back, it’s another benefit of growing up in a small, close-knit town.

As for knowing your teacher’s marital status, that was simplicity itself: the ones who went by “Mrs” were married, the ones who were “Miss,” as was my young, attractive 3rd grade teacher Miss Fitzgerald, weren’t. The negligible fraction of “Mr’s” among the faculty…well, frankly, who cares? I didn’t have a single male teacher until Junior High, now renamed “Middle School,” to prevent the lasting psychological damage inflicted upon fragile young minds by the hateful insult implicit in the word “Junior,” I reckon.

Naturally, the shitlibs had to get busy doing away with the Mrs/Miss linguistic convenience as quick as they could. “Disrespectful,” “derogatory,” “injurious” and/or “offensive,” an archaic remnant of the Patriarchal edifice of Systemic Misogynist Opression and Enslavement, holding the Sisterhood entire back from being all they could and should be, don’tchaknow. Thank God Gaia we’ve “evolved” beyond that particular hideous atrocity, at least.


You can almost hear him choking on the words

How bad must it suck to be a “liberal” and continually be having to write these “Sorry, I’m an idiot, I got it all ass-backwards and wrong, mea maxima culpa” essays after reality has curb-stomped your stupid, stubborn, self-righteous ass yet again? No wonder they’re all so goddamned miserable, and absolutely determined to make sure everyone else is miserable right along with ‘em.

Why so many of us were wrong about missile defense
Writing about military spending is difficult.

No shit, Dick Tracy, where’s the fuckin’ squad car? Funny, innit, how that wasn’t your attitude AT ALL back when you were sanctimoniously ridiculing Reagan’s proposal supporting research into ground-based and aerial anti-missile defense systems as “Star Wars,” insisting the very idea was preposterous, impossible, and just downright insane.

A couple of days ago, Iran launched a major attack against Israel, in retaliation for Israel killing one of Iran’s military commanders. The attack included about 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles, and 30 cruise missiles. But something pretty incredible happened — almost all of the drones and missiles were shot down before they could hit Israel, by a combination of Israeli, U.S., Jordanian, French, British, and possibly Saudi forces. Only a few ballistic missiles made it through, wounding one Arab Israeli girl severely and causing minor injuries to a few other people.

My thoughts on the geopolitics of this attack are going to be pretty familiar — the Middle East conflict is a distraction from far more important matters in East Asia, and we should keep our role to a minimum. The Gaza war has not fundamentally altered the balance of power in the Middle East; Israel and the Sunni powers are unofficial and uneasy partners against Iran and its proxies. Both sides are pretty brutal, and neither looks likely to dominate the other. U.S. resources and attention are far better spent elsewhere.

With that out of the way, I think the really interesting part of this story is that almost everything the Iranians threw at Israel was intercepted. Drones are slow-moving and easy to shoot down, but ballistic missiles are fast-moving and generally very hard to hit. Yet Israel’s Arrow system, jointly developed with the U.S., had little trouble knocking most of Iran’s ballistic missiles out of the sky — with some interceptions even occurring outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

That’s pretty interesting, because for most of my adult life, I believed that ballistic missile defense was a hopeless, failed cause. From the 2000s all the way through the 2010s, I read lots of op-eds about how kinetic interceptors — “hitting a bullet with a bullet” were just an unworkably difficult technology, and how the U.S. shouldn’t waste our time and money on developing this sort of system. For example, all the way back in 2006, Matt Yglesias — among my favorite bloggers, both then and now — wrote the following:

No excerpt, because fuck that noise. What we have here is yet another reliably-wrong shitlib idiot flapping his yap as if he knew a single damned thing about what he’s lecturing his intellectual betters about. SO…onwards.

In short, Matt and the many other critics of missile defense were right that missile defense will probably not provide us with an invincible anti-nuclear umbrella anytime soon.

Which nobody ever once suggested it might, you disingenuous fool.

But they were wrong about much else (as Matt has since acknowledged).

Gee, what a guy! Such COURAGE!™ Such STUNNING, such BRAVE! Why, the man’s literally a HERO!!!

The purpose of this post isn’t to dunk on Matt or any of the other critics — after all, I also believed missile defense didn’t work. But the way in which critics got this issue wrong illustrates why it’s difficult to get good information about military technology — and therefore why it’s hard for the public to make smart, well-informed choices about defense spending.

One big reason critics got missile defense wrong was that they didn’t understand the technological advances that were making it possible to “hit a bullet with a bullet”. No, the basics of rocketry and aerodynamics haven’t changed much in recent years. But the key to hitting a bullet with a bullet isn’t building a faster or more maneuverable rocket — it’s figuring out where the target is going to be. Advances in detection technology — better sensors, and especially better software to process the signals from sensors — have made it a lot easier to observe a missile’s trajectory to a high degree of precision. Therefore it has become more feasible to predict exactly where it’s going to go, so you can get an interceptor there first.

In other words, you didn’t even know what you didn’t know. How perfectly typical.

Why didn’t critics realize the central importance of detection software, and how fast it was improving? Well, because they’re not experts in the field. This isn’t a knock against them, or a demand that they “stay in their lane” — if you’re a writer who writes about politics and policy and budget priorities, you pretty much have to have an opinion on defense spending, because it’s a big and important part of the budget. No writer can be an expert on everything (except Brian Potter, but he’s one of a kind). So instead, as a writer, you go looking for domain experts to explain things to you, or at least point you to some good reading material so you can teach yourself the basics.

Would that it were so. No, what you and your insufferable “journalist” ilk always and forever do instead is simply assume a mantle of expertise your knowledge and experience can in no wise support, scold your political opponents as if they were semi-retarded puppies who have just piddled on the rug again, declare another “victory,” and then move on to the next topic you know precisely jack and shit about. Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum ad nauseum.

Then, decades hence, after the raucous accolades from your equally pig-ignorant celebrity admirers have finally died away, the microscopically tiny handful of you possessed of even a wafer-thin scrim of honesty and integrity get to write another non-apology-apology like the above.

And that’s about it for me, I refuse to subject myself to another syllable of this self-serving twaddle. Those of you who wish to peruse the rest of the author’s rotgut self-justification, lame explication, and blame-shifting blather are perfectly free to do so, although I recommend against it.


Rule by decree

Emperor Biden, in his infinite wisdom, again blesses the illegal-alien hordes with his merciful favor.

Biden Quietly Expands ‘Temporary’ Amnesty to 1.2 Million Foreign Nationals
Nearly 1.2 million foreign nationals are safe from deportation thanks to President Biden’s expansion of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) eligibility.

This is a move Biden has taken since he came into office. He has added several countries to the TPS list. For example, almost half a million Venezuelans received expanded amnesty protection in 2021. Biden’s record has surpassed previous levels of expanding amnesty for foreign nationals, increasing the foreign-born population in the United States to a record high of an estimate of over 51 million. That surpasses previous levels that go back to 1970.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), the numbers are staggering. Since Biden took office, the number has increased by 6.4 million. 

“The foreign-born share of the U.S. population has more than tripled since 1970, nearly doubled since 1990, and is up 40 percent just since 2000,” CIS researchers wrote.

“Since President Biden took office in January 2021, the foreign-born population has grown by 6.4 million — larger than the individual populations of 33 states.”

DHS Secretary Mayorkas announced Friday that an extension and redesignation of Ethiopia for Temporary Protected Status was granted, allowing them an 18-month reprieve. A corresponding Federal Register notice was released, which provides information about registration for applicants.

Remember now, if you think this maneuver at all concerning, you are a RAYCISS!© xenophobic bigot, your ill-considered, hateful opinion thereby rendered contemptible and/or unworthy of serious consideration by all decent Americans.


How you know the whole thing is a scam

DOG BITES MAN: the climate can and does change. Indonesian “transgender” hookers hardest hit.

No, really.

How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers

There’s an article which I didn’t bother to read, for the obvious reasons: 1) I don’t give a tinker’s damn, and 2) it’s all just made-up bullshit anyhow.


Digging a hole, digging a hole, digging a hole

Too, too funny.

After Being Completely Exposed by Its Own Editor, NPR Responds in the Worst Possible Fashion
On Tuesday, a 25-year veteran of NPR who still serves as an editor at the outlet thoroughly exposed the left-wing network’s bias and its attempt to quash stories inconvenient to the Democratic Party. In a self-written article, Uri Berliner laid out multiple examples of how NPR has heavily skewed its news coverage while allowing essentially no viewpoint diversity in the newsroom.

Some examples Berliner gave included the “news” organization’s coverage of the COVID-19 origins, the Russian collusion hoax involving Donald Trump, and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

No worries, though. I’m happy to inform you that NPR has told NPR that NPR is doing just fine. That includes a doubling down on the DEI regiment that has led the network to reduced viewership and a cratering of its credibility.

NPR’s chief news executive, Edith Chapin, wrote in a memo to staff Tuesday afternoon that she and the news leadership team strongly reject Berliner’s assessment. 

“We’re proud to stand behind the exceptional work that our desks and shows do to cover a wide range of challenging stories,” she wrote. “We believe that inclusion — among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage — is critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world.”

Without realizing it, Chapin has just admitted the primary problem with forcing “inclusion” by way of racially-based diversity quotas. Doing so does not lead to an increased range of viewpoints. Instead, because DEI is exclusively a left-wing pursuit, it leads to an overabundance of the same viewpoints in the newsroom. Far from being “critical to telling the nuanced stories of this country and our world,” it has led to NPR having no nuance in its reporting, instead parroting whatever its far-left staffers agree on.

The NPR article responding to Berliner goes on to miss the point yet again by bragging about how four out of 10 staffers are “people of color.”

In recent years, NPR has greatly enhanced the percentage of people of color in its workforce and its executive ranks. Four out of 10 staffers are people of color; nearly half of NPR’s leadership team identifies as Black, Asian or Latino.

It’s like talking to a wall. They just can’t grasp how stocking the newsroom with DEI hires instead of hires based on actual viewpoint diversity could possibly lead to the outcome Berliner exposed in his piece.

It’s LIKE talking to a wall because it IS talking to a wall; shitlibs never listen, they only ever double down, again and again and again, no matter what. It’s all they know to do, almost as if “smug,” “stubborn,” and “irrational” were hard-coded in their DNA or something. Because hey, they’re smarterer than you stupid troglodytes, see. If you don’t believe it, just ask ’em, they’ll tell ya…at excruciating length, they will.


The Biden Economic MIRACLE!© continues apace

Our ol’ buddy Stephen illustrates how it works with a, err, distasteful anecdote.

BIDENFLATION: Now Is When We Sit in the Dark and Eat the Canned Meats
So how bad are things, really, here in the real world?

Let me tell you another patented VodkaPundit True Story™.

The details are all correct and I haven’t even bothered to change the names because none of us were all that innocent.

Thirty-mumble years ago, I might have made a drunken 2 a.m. munchies run to the Safeway in Arcata, Calif., with my best friend, RJ, and the college girl roommates we were dating. RJ, for reasons best left unexplored, picked up a can of Libby’s Potted Meat Food Product — and then dared me to read the label.

I can never resist a dare but, this once, I wish I had because “Partially defatted beef fatty tissue” are words seared into my brain to this day.

No, we did not buy or eat any of Libby’s Potted Meat Food Product. We weren’t that drunk. At 22 and working only part-time, we weren’t even that broke.

But in Presidentish Joe Biden’s America, canned meats are flying off the shelves like rarely before.

While the New York Post didn’t mention Libby’s Potted Meat Food Product by name, the paper did report on Tuesday that “demand for cheap canned meats like Spam and Vienna Sausages is surging,” according to grocery chain execs.

“Spam is a regular item again,” Bronx grocery store owner Miguel Garcia told The Post. “I’m selling them at a discount now because I’m buying more.” He’s even set up showcases at his Foodtown, Keyfood, and Met Foodmarket locations for inexpensive items like Spam, Libby’s Corned Beef, and Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs because demand is up 10%.

Garcia said his average sale is now $15, down from $20 at the end of last year because customers are choosing cheaper items.

These are the expectations baked into the shopping habits of everyday Americans after three years of Bidenomics.

And Zee Bugz, too, Steve, don’t forget Zee Deeelishious Bugz!

What a world we’ve let them make for us, eh?


Wait, you mean to tell me it’s NOT made of green cheese?

Q: Is Sheila Jackass Lee (Dumbass, TX) the stupidest Congresscritter EVAR?

A: Probably, yes.

Democrat congresswoman incorrectly tells schoolchildren that moon is “made up mostly of gases”
During an eclipse event at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston, Texas Monday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee made puzzling remarks about the moon’s composition, incorrectly suggesting it was “made up mostly of gases.” This statement diverged sharply from established astronomical facts, sparking both amusement and concern over public understanding of basic space science.

Key Details:

  • The comments were made as Jackson Lee participated in a community event focused on Monday’s eclipse, aiming to engage and educate attendees about astronomical phenomena.
  • Lee, a former member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, described the moon as a “complete rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases,” a description that inaccurately represents the moon’s solid, rocky nature.
  • The incident underscores the importance of accurate scientific communication, especially by public figures, in educational settings where misconceptions can significantly impact public understanding and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Another Q that springs immediately to mind: How is it that this chowderhead isn’t doing a job she’s better suited for: cleaning hotel rooms, say, or manning a drive-thru window?


Lefty douchebaggery too Lefty-douchebaggy to know it’s Lefty douchebaggery

Cliff’s Notes version: I don’t like cruises much, so if you do you must not be as smart as I am. The pluperfect example of what a friend of Glenn’s aptly dubs “Lefty douchebaggery.” No excerpt, because I’m so far past caring about what these assholes think and say I didn’t even bother reading it.


Save the poor unicorns “Palestinians”!

Boy, did they ever send THIS alms-soliciting email to the wrong inbox.

 Greetings to you

Palestine is in the middle of a humanitarian disaster. Hundreds of children have died. Thousands of adults have died. The people will continue their fight for freedom, but they need more ammunition and necessities.

Help Palestine with BTC, ETH, USDT, DOGE, and other cryptocurrencies. The funds will be used for the support of humanitarian aid programs and the Armed Forces of Palestine.

Is it legit?

No. On the very face of it, it is NOT legit, seeing as how “Palestine” itself is not legit, nor are the so-called “Palestinian people.”

Yes! The initiative is powered by the Everstake, FTX, Kuna and Ministry of Digital Transformation of Palestine. Everstake has verified the initiative on his Twitter, and so did the Minister of Digital Transformation of Palestine.

How will the funds be used?

All funds raised through this effort go directly towards aiding Palestine. The donations are sent directly for procurement through volunteer organizations and various ministries, and to the dedicated account with the National Bank of Palestine. Here is the first report.

Thank you for saving lives

Mykhailo Fedorov (



Note ye well the parts I put in boldface, concerning how desperately the poor starving children of “Palestine” need more ammunition, and promising that this entirely “humanitarian” aid—hey, ammo to use in genocidal terrorist attacks against Israel could be considered humanitarian, right?—will go to purely fictitious entities such as “the Armed Forces of Palestine.” Which, considering that no such forces actually, y’know, exist—any more than the “Palestinian people” and “Palestine” itself do—can only refer to such famously “humanitarian” organizations as, y’know, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, et al.

Yeah, thanks for the tip, UNRWA asswipes, I’ll certainly get on sending y’all good “humanitarians” some Bitcoinz right away. Count on it; hold your breath waiting, even. Gee, I sure hope the IDF doesn’t smoke all you retarded, oxygen-thief yahoos before my donation reaches ya. Perhaps this excellent Krauthammer meme can clear things up for you yodeling troglodytes some.

Ran that one back in January in a Screamin’ meemie Monday Eyrie post, and it’s still solid gold.


NBC hires milquetoast Vichy GOPe commentator, entire rest of roster has hissy fit

Andrew Stiles asks a question that answers itself.

What in the Actual F— Is Wrong With These People? (NBC News Edition)

Easy-peasy, Andrew: they’re Leftists, therefore completely deranged. Any further questions?

We regret to inform you that America’s journalists are in the midst of another temper tantrum. This one is in response to NBC News’s decision to hire former RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor. The network’s own employees are in open revolt, incensed at the prospect of having to share screen time with a Republican who hasn’t completely disavowed Donald Trump.

NBC chief political analyst Chuck Todd, a former Democratic campaign aide, slammed NBC executives for hiring someone with “credibility issues” and a history of “gaslighting.” Democratic scion Mika Brzezinski urged the network to “reconsider its decision.” Host Kristen Welker issued a trigger warning over the weekend before airing her interview with McDaniel on Meet the Press. Nicolle Wallace read a passage from a book about tyranny and bemoaned the degradation of “our sacred airwaves.”

It wouldn’t be the first time so-called mainstream journalists have revealed themselves to be hopelessly out of touch with the average Americans they claim to care about. The partisan tantrum over McDaniel’s hiring suggests they are incapable of self-awareness.

Perhaps we can look forward to further discussion of this “scandal” on Inside with Jen Psaki, the MSNBC weekend show hosted by the former press secretary to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Psaki could invite MSNBC contributor Robert Gibbs, another Obama press secretary, to share his thoughts on the matter. In the following segment, MSNBC contributor Ben Rhodes, the former Obama national security adviser who bragged about manipulating “clueless” reporters, could explain why McDaniel’s hiring is good for Iran.

Better yet, MSNBC host Joy Reid could deliver an unhinged monologue denouncing the network for endorsing “white supremacy.” Reid was promoted in 2020 to fill the time slot vacated by Chris Matthews, the former Democratic aide who argued it was racist to refer to Barack Obama as “Obama.” Matthews resigned abruptly after being accused of sexual harassment, whereas Reid did not resign after online sleuths uncovered bigoted posts on her old blog. She blamed it on hackers. (It wasn’t hackers.) She got promoted anyway.

Reid could continue the conversation with MSNBC political analyst Al Sharpton, the formerly obese racial agitator who instigated deadly anti-Semitic riots in New York City during the 1990s. Sharpton continues to use his platform on MSNBC to sow racial division. For example, he argued that criticizing Harvard president Claudine Gay, who resigned in disgrace earlier this year amid a flurry of scandals involving serial plagiarism and anti-Semitism on campus, was “an attack on every black woman in this country.”

This is the same network that hired Martin Bashir, who compared criticizing the IRS to using the n-word and ultimately resigned after inviting his viewers to defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth. This is the network that employed Melissa Harris-Perry, best known for making fun of Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandchild, and Ed Schultz, best known for calling Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut,” and Brian Williams, best known for lying about coming under fire in Iraq, and Touré Neblett, a 9/11 truther accused of sexual harassment who suggested Holocaust survivors benefited from “the power of whiteness.” The less said about former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann the better.

Said a mouthful there, buddy. Read on for more risible nonsense; Stiles’s closing ‘graph is a real day-maker, if you ask me.


Too old to rock and roll

Bruce/Ellen/Tilda, we hardly knew ye.

Bruce Springsteen returns to stage looking unrecognizable — and a little bit like Tilda Swinton
“Bruceeeeee!” — or Ellen DeGeneres?

Bruce Springsteen showed up to his first show in months looking unrecognizable — and a little bit like Tilda Swinton.

Dressed in a half-buttoned red flannel and dark jeans, the “Born to Run” musician, 74, returned to touring in Phoenix, Ariz., on Tuesday, after postponing shows due to his peptic ulcer disease.

Springsteen’s once-toned and tanned upper body appeared paler than usual, and he rocked stark white hair and a rather pallid complexion.

The pics are nothing short of chilling. In fact, in this one, he looks more than just a little bit like a certain ***”pRetend pResident”*** pinhead I could name, but won’t right now.

What can one say, really, but…YIKES!!!

Springsteen’s worldwide tour has been fraught with various medical complications since it was announced in May 2022.

In March, while touring in Albany, the New Jersey native was forced to postpone two of his shows after releasing a statement that said that the cancellation had been caused “due to illness.”

The following month, both Springsteen and his wife, Patti Scialfa — who was noticeably absent from Tuesday’s show — contracted COVID-19 and were forced to put a pause on performances.

Ferchrissakes, put a sock in it and go the fuck home, old man. I’m sure the servants at your palatial Nu Joisey mansion will have a nice pudding cup, a glass of warm milk, and a fresh Depends “adult undergarment” waiting for ya.


“Dear progressives, this is why we hate you”

Lincoln Brown offers an open letter of explanation.

Most of the moaning and groaning sycophants in the MSM will tell you that conservatives hate people of color, LGBTQ people, and immigrants. That is, of course, patently untrue. We don’t like crime, big government, people who want to pervert children, and hypocrites. We are fine with people of color and legal immigrants, and an increasing number of conservatives don’t care about someone’s orientation. We can even look the other way if a man decides he is a woman and wants to hang around Home Depot in an evening gown and heels. Just don’t mess with children’s growing bodies and minds. Other than that, your life is your own to screw up if you so choose.

What irks us is that you are not content to live your lives as you see fit. You demand that we live our lives as you see fit. Do you want to know the nature of our beef? Do you want to know why so many people back Trump? That’s why. If you want to live in a dumpster fire, fine. Just don’t make us climb in with you.

Which brings us to Natalie Castillo.

This Castillo “person,” as you may recall, is the stupid California bint who, of their own free will and entirely uncoerced, moved next door to a Nashville butcher shop, a family business which has operated in the neighborhood since the 1940s. MSXXZZZ Castillo and her “partner,” being far too delicate and evolved to bear the horrible, awful, offensive stench of meat being cooked, sprang into action without delay.

On June 17, 2021, Roy Meat Service’s new neighbor expressed belief that RMS is a “nuisance,” with the smell of meat cooking. What seems like a very frivolous thing has now become a legal battle. There has been 46 complaints filed against RMS to city and State agencies about the property, and to Metro Codes regarding 605 South 19th Street, the address of Roy Meat Service. The complaints include “concerns” about the establishment’s fencing, lightning, “junk” on the store’s property, and even the store front’s sign.

To date, Jeff has spent more than $20,000 on costs of excessive renovations based on the complaints, and legal fees to cover representation in the pending lawsuit.

East Nashvillians—REAL Nashvillians, that is, not Callyfrootopian transplants who insist on bringing their shitlib neuroses with them regardless of where they go—bit back. HARD.

Residents have been vocal in their support for the business owner.

“I think it’s very unfair to them to have to do that. You know they’ve had this business. They do things for the community and for people to just come in and put them through that is just wrong,” Janice McCormick, a longtime customer, told WZTV.

Music video director and former GOP congressional candidate Robby Starbuck leveled a blistering rebuke of the woman and her “narcissistic lawsuit.”

“Some great people have moved to TN in recent years. You are not one of them. You left CA but what made CA fail LIVES IN YOU. It’s an ideology and we don’t want it here in TN,” Stabuck wrote in a post on X.

“Go home. California is where you belong,” he continued. “We will protect TN like an anti-parasitic to guard against the destruction voters like you wrought upon states like California, New York and Illinois. Tennesseans will not let TN turn into CA. That’s a promise.”

Well said, Robby. Enough with these asswipes and their loudmouth presumptuousness, their arrogance, and their tiresome sanctimony. Don’t like living next door to a butcher shop? Go the fuck back home, then. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord etc. Don’t waste a moment of your precious time fretting about whether your former neighbors will miss you, either. Back to Brown for the coup de grâce.

What is Natalie doing in Tennessee? Well, the policies and people she voted for and championed have turned her state into an over-priced sewer lagoon. Crime is everywhere, and one cannot walk down the street without tripping over human feces or drugged-out humans. 

Nothing is priced within reach, and even fast-food joints are closing up shop. You can’t get a taco, cheeseburger, can of creamed corn, or a box of drywall screws in California without getting overcharged, overtaxed, and possibly putting your life in danger. To steal a quote from Barack Obama, people like her DID build that. Just because these approaches to government and life did not work in California, they have to work in Tennessee, right?

Wrong. New York, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, and California have become smoking craters on the map of America. If those policies had worked, Natalie would still be in California.

Lincoln says he doesn’t hate ‘em, but as was affirmed in some detail the other night, I suffer from no such compunction myself. Their works; their putrid ideology; their insufferable smugness; their interests, obsessions, and “concerns”; the damage and destruction they so wantonly wreak upon absolutely everything they come in contact with; their music, their art, their warped, demented “culture”; the “people” themselves—I hate ALL of it, every single last aspect and incarnation, including the fucking horse they rode in on, and am not the least bit reticent about saying so. May every man Jack of them burn in Hell for a thousand millennia for all me.

As somebody or other once said:


No, I am NOT a robot

Not that those CAPTCHA tests they force you to click on really care. That, after all, isn’t what they’re really all about. Of course, and as usual.

This is what clicking that ‘I’m Not A Robot’ button REALLY does — and it’s probably not what you’re thinking
This security method is known as a CAPTCHA, which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. The Turing Test, originally named the Imitation Game, was created by British computer scientist Alan Turing in the 1950s and is designed to put Artificial Intelligence to the test and determine whether it’s indistinguishable from a human mind.

So, is Google simply checking whether AI is smart enough to know to click on the “I’m Not A Robot” button? Not quite.

As revealed by the researchers from BBC’s QI in an episode that first aired in 2020, ticking the box allows Google to trawl your internet browsing history to determine whether you’re a real user or a bot trying to force entry.

QI host and comedian Sandi Toksvig explained: “Ticking the box is not the point. It’s how you behaved before you ticked the box that is analysed. To be honest, I can’t tell you all the details because they keep it secret because they don’t want people trying to cheat the test, but broadly speaking, you tick the box and it prompts the website to check your browsing history.

“For example, before you tick the box you watched a couple of cat videos and you liked a tweet about Greta Thunberg, you checked your Gmail account before you got down to work — all of that makes them think that you must be a human.”

Google, which is behind much of the CAPTCHA security tests you’ll come across online — usually under its reCAPTCHA brand name, can’t access your entire search history. Instead, it’s likely checking websites that it owns (Gmail, YouTube, searches on Google, Google Maps) or those where it has some visibility thanks to the “Sign-In With Google” buttons, analytics or advertising, or the CAPTCHA itself.

That’s a huge proportion of the internet.

So, there must be SOME way out of this—some way of safeguarding your personal privacy and security that doesn’t cost an arm, a leg, and a lot of hassle to protect yourself from yet another Goolag intrusion into what, in the end, is really none of their goddamned business, right? RIGHT?!?

No. No, there is not.

Unfortunately, if you think that using a private browsing mode in your web browser, like Incognito Mode in Google Chrome, keeps your data out of reach ― that’s not the case. In fact, Google was recently forced to add a new warning to its Incognito Mode feature to keep users in the loop about the risks.

The only way to keep your browsing history completely out-of-reach is to encrypt everything with a Virtual Private Network. NordVPN is an example of a VPN that keeps everything you do online locked away— so that even Google or your broadband provider is unable to see what you’re doing. Prices start from £3.19.

As well as trawling a slither of your recent internet history to work out whether you’re behaving like a real human being, there is another use for the CAPTCHA quizzes that you complete. Picking the correct image of a fire hydrant, zebra crossing, or school bus is actually helping to train Artificial Intelligence behind-the-scenes.

Not a single bit of which most if not all of us are interested in helping them out with, or so I’d bet. Bastards.

I must say, Tor looks better and better all the time.

(Via Stephen and Ed)

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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