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The Daily Donnybrook, and other fine things

Welcome to Ye Olde Colde Furye Blogge’s shiny new open-comments thread, where y’all can have at it as you wish, on any topic you like. Do note that the official CF comments policy remains in effect here, as enumerated in the left sidebar. All new posts will appear below this one. There will be blood…

Mike @Substack

New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: FUCK FEMA!

Please do consider subscribing to The Eyrie, gang; subscribers receive email notification whenever each new post goes live. All Eyrie articles are getatable (yes, that’s really a word—trust me!) for one and all to read and enjoy totally free of charge, regardless of subscription status. However, a paid sub is required to unlock commenting privileges—an almighty incentive to kick loose and chip in if ever there was one. Thanks!

Recent Comments:

It’s not just worst than you thought…

It’s worse than you can imagine.

Large area’s of western NC are destroyed. The roads are GONE. The power is off, for months at best, years more likely. Many of the power substations were destroyed and we have no capacity to replace them.

The destruction is WORSE than that caused by war conditions. People are completely cut off. There is no food and if there were they cannot get to it.

Entire mountain towns are DESTROYED. The lively-hood of the people in the towns are destroyed. There is nothing left.

This happens on rare occasion but always in a small area, one town or two has devastation. This is across the entire western part of the state.

This is without question the worst disaster in American history. Did you know that?

Who are our friends and who is our enemy? I have absolute contempt for our state and federal government that does nothing. Every resource at their disposal should have been mobilized, and CRICKETS.

It’s clear who the enemy is.

I have a customer in the area. I’ve had one text from one person, “It’s really bad”. That’s it.

Spruce Pine, Little Switzerland, Burnsville – these are all communities at or near the top of the mountains, imagine that if they are destroyed that what is below is just hell –



They’re from the government, and they’re NOT here to help

Tonight’s Eyrie post is on the thuggish FederalGovCo rakehells’ ham-handed interference with well-organized and effective private rescue efforts in and around Lake Lure and Asheville, specifically centering on Elon Musk’s (!) repeated run-ins with the infamous FEMA. It’s blindingly obvious to all but the most wllfully purblind fief-guarding tyranno-Fed that those poor people need every last bit of help they can possibly get, and aren’t overly concerned about whence it originated. Not that the Fedgoons give a tinker’s damn, of course.

That said, our friend of many years standing and fellow Carolinian Herschel Smith (maybe I’ve mentioned it here before, but his lovely daughter [or maybe niece? dunno, I was zonked out on pain meds at the time] kindly paid me a seriously morale-boosting visit at the thoughtful behest of her pop when I was laid up in rehab center durance vile not long after I’d become the World’s Greatest One-Legged Blogger™) has plenty to say on that score his own self. Read of it, for It. Is. Good.

The Hurricane Helene Hall of Shame
Following up on my post How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia, there are a number of shameful things that we’re learning about the official response.

Let’s begin with this terrible report of a man who used his own helicopter to rescue stranded people above Asheville, N.C., and who was told if he continued, he would be placed under arrest.

The responsible officials are Dustin Waycaster – Fire Chief, and Chris Melton – Asst. Fire Chief. Congratulations men, you’ve made the hall of shame. It would take an entire article to examine the moral implications of preventing the rescue of men and women in danger, but we’ll leave it at that and cover it later. Suffice it to say that it sounds like you were discomfited by someone showing you up and “interfering with your operation.” Although it’s likely a manifest lie to say that anyone was really interfering with anything.

An eminently safe bet, I should think. Lots, lots more where that came from, of which you absolutely must read the all. Those taking nitro-glycerin pills for heart issues will definitely want to have their ‘scrip close to hand, and peruse Herschel’s piece in a cool, calm, and collected state of mind, preferably while seated. You won’t be any of those things for long, trust me on that one.

The HHHoS is populating itself all too quickly to suit me.

Update! Is it all about the lithium, perchance?

Several Lake Lure denizens calling in to the Rise Guys program yesterday and today said that great swathes of land on which private homes and/or neighborhoods formerly stood have been preemptively declared FedGovCo property. Lord knows the batteries in all those useless, dangerous EVs Harris/Biden & Pals are determined to cram down our throats are gonna require lithium aplenty. SO, then: fact, or merely the sort of paranoiac rumor that tends to fly around in extreme circumstances such as this? Is it really a case of Federal ad lib opportunism run amok, in essence a spur of the moment land-and-lithium grab?

Given what we’ve learned over the past several years regarding the far-less-than-benevolent nature of Amerika v2.0’s central Leviathan, it doesn’t take a cynic to think the whole thing a mite suspicious, at the very least.

Updated update! Re: those aforementioned chopper jocks, it bears mentioning that it’s not as if they were all just flying around willy-nilly, hither and yon, endangering themselves, their rescuees, other SAR personnel, and unwary shell-shocked survivors with their ill-considered blundering about. Oh HELL no!

These are fucking experienced helicopter pilots we’re talking about here, people—trained, capable, safety-conscious, procedure-oriented, highly intelligent. They are assuredly NOT the kind of vacuous ninnyhammers constantly tripping over their own dicks and guffawing a la Disney’s Goofy at their own gormless stupidity; quite the contrary, these are qualified civil aviators who’d never even DREAM of doing anything at all without a plan.

From what the pilot I heard on the radio yesterday morning said (and what I saw later in photos), the ‘copters were all arrayed in a neat line on the tarmac of a nearby airfield; every pilot was in close, constant communication with the others as well as with ground control; all had properly detailed flight plans filed with ATC before a single engine spooled up.

FEMA has attempted to portray these men as chuckleheads, amateurs, and gloryhounds—which, being arrogant, officious Überstadt pricks, is how THEY see them, certainly. But as anyone who has ever personally known either a fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft operator will attest, it just ain’t so. Turns out the bureau-rats are every bit as full of shit as they always are, have been, and forever will be. Imagine my surprise.

Update to the updated update! My brother-from-another-mother BCE reports on what I consider a most felicitous development. To wit:

Well. Well, well, well, well, well, well, WELL. Fancy that. Billy follows up:

And the reason for it?

No hard evidence but the general story is Mr. Director from Virginia got shitty with a woman and her three lil kids and wouldn’t let them get any water/food or supplies. She melted down and this asshole was all smug about it…

The local men didn’t like that much.

“That’s an asswhuppin’!!!”

Personally, I’d go for hanging, but I’ll get into that more in a few…

Me and you both, my friend, me and you both. Additionally, and perhaps mo’ betta still, we have this.

Damned skippy. Nice to know that, even in times as parlous as these, enough is still enough, by God. Back over to Big Country for a ding-dong doozy of a denouement.

And then, the very fact that low level midwit fucktards have been interfering in the “real work” that ‘non-sanctioned’ groups have been doing, and doing fucking well infuriates me at a core level that I forgot I had.

My rage as of late is so bad that I have recently thought that the best way -someone- could contribute is to go down there with a good scoped hunting rifle in the ubiquitous 30-06 caliber, and start ‘working their way through’ the assholes in the FEMA vests to start with.

Case in Point:

That soon-to-be-X Fire Chief, Dustin Waycaster of Lake Lure who demanded that the free-flying Rescue-Ranger Chopper Jockey cease and desist DESPITE his overwhelming success rate in his previous rescues and threatened to arrest and impound his bird?

My question:
Why is he (the ‘chief’) still alive?
Why is his dwelling still standing?
Why is his family still alive?

Hard times call for DRASTIC Measures. I’m not, per se, calling for any violence against this miserable toolbag fucktard nor his domicile or fam…. HOWEVER, I AM all about questioning his current apparent good fortune in these trying circumstances… That he, who, in truth as the “Lead Asshole in “Incompetence on Parade”? is still drawing O2???…. and that HIS domicile is untouched as is his job???

Took the words right out of my mouth, B.

As is entirely apparent, the swaggering Überstadt douchenozzles have become all too accustomed to being kowtowed to, groveled before, and unquestioningly obeyed by the lowly Serf Class oafs they lord it over so contemptuously. Might it be that, in such extraordinarily grim circumstances, a righteous if long overdue reckoning is now at hand? Might it be that, against all odds and expectations, our would-be Masters could now find themselves set upon by cruelly savaged Carolinians who no longer have anything left to lose? Might this be the first faint rays of sunlight which herald the dawning of a glorious new American day? Might the appropriate relationship between Public Servant and Citizen at long last be restored? Might horrific catastrophe, destruction, and human suffering yet turn out to be our salvation?

We shall see.


Any individual man is disposable.

More broadly, any individual person is disposable. Even a George Washington or a Nikola Tesla could die in infancy and the species would muddle along. But as a group, men are more disposable than women.

Everyone knows this. All but the most broken societies are organized around it. “Women and children first” in a catastrophe, men are conscripted and sent off to die in wars, the jobs with the highest death rate are overwhelmingly filled by men.

It makes perfect sense, of course. The most primal instincts are to stay alive and to reproduce. A mammalian species which loses most of its females before they reproduce will probably go extinct. A mammalian species which loses most of its males before they reproduce might not even notice. See, for instance, the deer population in the United States. A sizable fraction of the bucks might be killed in any year, between hunters and other predators and car accidents and Winter, but the population comes right back up.

That’s for most species, either loners or those in which the males and females are equally able to obtain food.

Humans are different.

Humans obtain resources by specialization to a degree unknown in any other species. Humans choose to work in a specialized field according to their own opportunities and abilities and preferences.

And there’s the rub. Most of the jobs which keep modern society functioning are held by men: keeping the electricity and the water flowing, constructing buildings and roads, growing the crops. Any individual man might be replaceable but losing even 20% of men would cause systems to fail. The species might not be doomed but society as we know it would be.

Women are still essential, of course, because they are needed to produce the next generation. Any one woman can make only so many babies, so we need them all in order to keep the species going. Each individual woman is valuable and important regardless of her material or economic contribution.

… Or is she?

In modern, industrialized society, a large and increasing fraction of women have no children. The fraction of women who never have children went up from about 1/20 a couple of generations ago to 1/4 or even almost 1/3 today.

In almost all cases this is because they choose not to. In the past, most childless women were infertile or suffered repeated miscarriages. Today, fertility problems are much reduced and miscarriages, while individually tragic, are less common and are less likely to result in ongoing problems. That leaves choice. Some women never wanted children at all. Some put it off until they were emotionally or financially ready but by the time they’re ready they are unable to bear children. Some “can’t find the right man”. Some do indeed have fertility problems but they were caused by hormonal birth control or years-long use of IUDs or STDs left untreated too long.

We see the effects in birth rates and in demographic distributions. The United States, Canada, most of Europe, Japan, mainland China, and South Korea all have birthrates below replacement level. Their populations are either decreasing or are being sustained only by immigration. This has serious implications on societies and economies. Without a steadily-increasing population, most consumer economies will be shaken or or destroyed. Without a supply of younger workers, who will produce the goods and perform the services that an ever-aging population will need?

Demographic collapse signals societal collapse.

Demographic collapse is the result of women’s choices.

Demographic collapse can be halted only by women choosing to have more babies.

Women’s value as women was always based on their ability to have babies.

Women who choose not to have babies should lose that intrinsic value. No more “women and children first”. Now it’s “women /with/ children first”. No women-only college scholarships. No welfare for childless women. No hiring preferences for childless women. Draft childless women for war and send them to the front lines.

A woman who does not have children should be valued only for the value she brings. That is, what she does that others value enough to pay for. Just as men are.

Doctors (almost half female in the US) and nurses (overwhelmingly female in the US) are important but most people can go quite a while without needing to see them. Linesmen (overwhelmingly male) are unappreciated because if they do their job right no one notices (and because they don’t need college degrees) but if they disappeared, chunks of the nation would notice after every storm and the electrical grid would fall apart within a year or two. Garbage collectors (overwhelmingly male) are looked down on for their dirty, smelly job (and no college requirement) but if they all disappeared, people would for sure notice within a week. Sewer workers, doubly so. Modern city life would become impossible very shortly.

The loss of workers in jobs typically held by independent women would have, shall we say, somewhat less dire effects. If every social worker in the nation disappeared overnight, how long would it be before anyone noticed? If every HR department in every corporation was depopulated? If every not-for-profit little art gallery had to close?

If the ability to birth the next generation will not be used, if one is a net consumer of resources and wealth, who really is disposable?


His mouth is moving again

Right straight to Hell with this dirty, demented whoreson.

Biden labels people ‘brain dead’ to doubt ‘climate crisis’ fueled Hurricane Helene: ‘Put politics aside’
President Biden called on Americans Wednesday to “put politics aside” to focus on Hurricane Helene recovery efforts — moments before stepping on his own message by saying that anyone who doubts climate change’s role in the disaster “must be brain dead.”

“In a moment like this, we put politics aside, at least we should put it all aside, and we have here,” the retiring 81-year-old president said during a recovery briefing in Raleigh, NC.

“There are no Democrats or Republicans, there are only Americans, and our job is to help as many people as we can, as quickly as we can, and as thoroughly as we can.”

The consoler-in-chief, seated next to the Tar Heel State’s Democratic governor, Roy Cooper, and emergency officials after an aerial tour of the Asheville area, pivoted moments later to an attack on the mostly Republican skeptics about the role of fossil fuel use in severe weather.

“Unite” with scuttling D卐M☭CRAT cockroaches like you and Komrade Kooper for the furtherance of the Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ ploy, Jaux? Yeah, no; I’d rather gargle crackwhore diarrhea, thanks. MUCH rather, in fact, six days a week and twice on Sundays. Drop dead, whydon’tcha—a process with which any Real American you’d care to name would be more than happy to assist you via the judicious application of a .308 caliber prescription.

Gotta love how, immediately after the brazen jackass flippantly denied any more aid to suffering, ruined Appalachian Americans who bore the brunt of the gut-wrenching Helene catastophe, he eagerly jumps in with both Left feet to try and turn a natural disaster into a political opportunity. He even has the unmitigated gall to misnomer this “put(ting) politics aside,” in what would have to take the trophy for the most transparently self-contradictory statement of all time. Only the scummiest, sleaziest, most heartless ProPol would be capable of such a thing. Here’s hoping Pedo Peter is made to pay for this outrage in fullest possible measure—slowly, painfully, permanently.


History lesson

Our boozum chum, frequent commenter, and esteemed CF Lifer hhluce provides us with a real gem of an educational post centering on a Fredrick Douglass speech which includes some enduring words of wisdom which, IIRC, currently live on in our Notable Quotes section at right. hh’s post was good enough that, rather than excerpt and link it here, I decided to just repost in its entirety at my Substack hang as a bonus Eyrie edition. Do check it out, you won’t regret it.


Welcome to this week’s installment of our Wednesday meme feature, folks. Links to the “found via” sources will be attached to the specific MiQ’s (Memes in Question) whenever I can remember them, which likely won’t be very often. Only the first two memes will appear above the fold to save on bandwidth usage, since I assume not everybody who shows up at this here websty will want to see all of them. This intro will appear at the top of each week’s Memezapoppin’! post. Enjoy, funny-pitcher lovers.

Hopefully, the animated GIF at #8 featuring a dastardly Hate Crime Most Foul will work properly for y’all. It’s side-splittingly funny, but sometimes I’ve had problems with the finicky little beasties after they’d been uploaded and poste. I tested it locally in two (2) browsers—Safari, and my own personal fave, Brave—and it seemed okay, so who the hell knowsd. This is the first time I’ve attempted an animated GIF in the Memezapoppin space, I believe, so we’ll soon see, I suppose. If it fails to function correctly, please accept my most abject apologies. Should that be the case, I suggest a Luxxle or Duck Duck Go search for the Tik Tok handle visible at bottom left of it: @davenelsonlit.

Update! Urethra, it works! If for whatever reason you get a static image or, Heaven forfend, the dreaded broken-image icon instead of the full animation, drop me a note in the comments and I’ll be happy to email it to ya. Take my word for it, it’s worth the trouble.

Continue reading Memezapoppin’!


Choices and Consequences

We all watched in 2020 as politicians and pundits and pill-pushers said that anyone declining to get the Covid shots — “anti-vaxxers”, “refusers”, “covid deniers” — should be denied health care. Almost half of the US population nodded along with the stentorious proclamations that “actions have consequences” and “why should we help people who won’t take one simple action to keep themselves and everyone else safe?”

To people on the sane side of the spectrum, those demands sounded just a tiny bit tyrannical. The people making the demands sounded just a tiny bit unhinged. There was no science backing the “safe and effective” claim. There was no science behind the mask mandates or the six-foot distancing rules. There was almost no data backing the claim about the deadliness of SARS-CoV-2. And, of course, the people screaming the loudest about mandatory “vaccinations” were the same people who screamed about “My body, my choice!”

A few years on, it’s public knowledge that the disease was not as deadly as claimed. The mask mandates were useless. The distancing was useless. The shots failed not only the “effective” claim but the “safe” claim. Many people won’t admit these things, because that would mean admitting that they were wrong, but it’s widely understood.

The unhinged demands to identify “refusers” and to deny them healthcare are even more unhinged in light of the evidence. Not that the lunatics who made the demands will ever admit it. The best we’ll ever get is the tepid “Mistakes were made on all sides. Let’s just forget it and move on.” from late 2022.

How about, No. I remember your face, I remember your name, and I remember your words. I’m not going to forget it and I’m not going to “move on”

One good thing comes from the demands, though: There’s now precedent for demanding that people follow good health practices or be denied healthcare.

The obvious first target: Obesity. Over half of adults in America are overweight, and almost half of the children. Excess weight is linked to any number of health problems, including but not limited to diabetes, joint and back problems, liver problems, and mental disorders. Obesity is tied to an increase in almost all causes of death.

Between government-provided or -subsidized healthcare, the Obamacare mandates that individual health and lifestyle choices not be taken into account when setting private insurance premiums, and hospitals increasing bills to subsidize those who can’t or won’t pay their own bills, everyone pays for the increased healthcare costs of the overweight.

I demand that fatties be denied access to healthcare other than weight-loss clinics. Why should we help people who won’t take one simple action to keep themselves healthy?


Take ’em out, take ’em out, take ’em ALLLLL out!

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Note the secondaries, which would tend to support the weapons-depot hypothesis. No reasonable non-((((JooJooJooJOOOOO!!!))))-obsessed person can say they didn’t have it coming. Meanwhile Netanyahu, for his part, makes an encouraging prediction.

Netanyahu: Iran’s Islamic Republic will fall sooner than people think
Netanyahu claims Iran’s regime will fall soon and envisions future peace between Israel and a free Iran amid reported IDF strikes on Hezbollah targets.

T’is a consummation devoutly to be wished.

“When Iran is finally free – and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think – everything will be different,” he said.

“When that day comes, the terror network that the regime built in five continents will be bankrupt, dismantled,” Netanyahu explained, adding that Iran will “thrive as never before.”

“There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach,” Netanyahu said on Monday. “There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country.”

On Monday, he released a statement in English aimed at the Iranian people, explaining that “at this pivotal moment, I want to address you – the people of Iran. I want to do so directly, without filters, without middlemen.

“With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you – the noble Persian people – closer to the abyss,” he stated.

“The vast majority of Iranians know their regime doesn’t care a whit about them,” Netanyahu said.

I’m afraid I can’t honestly say as I’m as optimistic about that “vast majority” business as Bibi appears to be. Be that as it may, Godspeed to you, your country, and its valiant armed forces, Mr Netanyahu, sir. If this be “genocide”—which is of course arrant, stark-raving shitspew from the “our natural allies” doofi of the Crackpot Right—then make the most of it, sayeth I.


On-air freakout

Hurricane+divorce=just too much for this poor TeeWee weatherdude to take.

“Satan’s butthole,” no less. That’s gotta be the funniest forecast I ever did see. Can’t remember where I ran across this one, but I sincerely thank whoever it was for the steer to it.


Mittens Romneycare, confirmed coward

Poor widdle dear says he’s afwaid of the big bad MAGA monster lurking under his bed, and personally, I’m GLAD he is, the punk-ass pissypants. Putting the skeer on Uniparty Fauntleroys like Romneycare and then keeping the skeer on ‘em is the first step in putting things to rights in this fallen nation. Or as right as they’re ever gonna be again, at least.

The Fear That’s Keeping Mitt Romney From Endorsing Harris
Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who has said he would not vote for Donald Trump, has expressed some reticence about endorsing Trump’s opponent over a particularly grim worry.

The Washington Post reported Friday that Romney has cited concern for his family’s safety as one of the reasons he has not publicly supported Kamala Harris, according to one person familiar with the Utah politician’s thinking.

Link is to Ed Driscoll’s Instapundit post, not the original item in the New Republic. Because fuck those shitlibtards, that’s why.


Another red pill, down the hatch

First Megyn Kelly, now Roseanne Barr—where will it all end?

Not a single punch pulled; not a smidgeon of irresolution, timidity, or fence-straddling; every last word of it the raw, unvarnished truth—every point hammered home boisterously, boastfully, ferociously. In the above broad-spectrum diatribe Roseanne exhibits the subtlety of a steam locomotive; the gingerly restraint of a barroom brawl; the soothing delicacy of a stick of TNT, its fuse alight; the biddable diffidence of a fistful of brass knuckles; the careful politesse of a hungry Great White shark slashing through a school of unwary minnows. She is confrontational, not conciliatory. She holds nothing whatsoever back, offering neither mercy nor apology.

Love her or hate her, Roseanne obviously groks certain essential facts, among them:

  • That, whatever they may once have been in the long ago and far away, Leftists can no longer be safely regarded as our friends, our countrymen, or just honest, well-intentioned fellow citizens who, although we may occasionally disagree with them on specific relatively minor issues, remain loyal Americans who share our fundamental beliefs and/or aspirations
  • That, regrettably, tragically, Leftists are now the avowed Enemy of the American nation, Her institutions, Her Founding principles, and Her people
  • That said Enemy is multitudinous, serious, and implacably devoted to the utter destruction of absolutely everything we hold dear

In sum, then, if Real Americans are ever to defeat the perfidious Left, Barr just gave an advanced-level course of instruction in how it must be DONE: not via discussion, not via accommodation, but via bludgeoning—brutal, unstinting, and whole-souled, using any and every weapon ready to hand, be it rhetorical, metaphorical, or physical. Not with a smile, but a snarl. A heart not tender, but hard…and terrible.

Henceforth, any American (so-called) who attempts to flinch from, evade, or ignore these harsh realities confirms himself as unworthy of the very freedom he professes to treasure.


Get up, stand up

As y’all know, I stopped with the Eyrie-promo posts here a long while back; in all that time, this makes only the second exception to that general rule to date. I truly feel that tonight’s topic is important enough, enheartening enough, inspiring enough, to implore CF Lifers who may not also be Eyrregulars to check it out. The usual paying-customer requirement for commenting has been waived as well, so you know I ain’t playing around here. Don’t miss this one, folks; it’ll restore your faith in humanity, put a smile on your face, a song in your heart, and a spring in your step. This story really is that good, I promise.

None better or more apt than the legendary Bob Marley to wind things up for us.


Missing person

That would be one Mr Darius “Sweetdick” Honeycum Esq, currently being sought by US Marshals who would like to have a quiet word about God only knows what. Have they checked under Ass Slangin’ Fani’s bed yet?

There is currently a major manhunt underway by US Marshals for Nathan Wade, the former Fulton County investigator and DA Fani Willis’s lover.

Jesse Watters broke the news Thursday evening on FOX News.

Jesse Watters: Lover boy, Nathan Wade is missing. The House Judiciary Committee, which is investigating Georgia DA Fannie Willis, needs Wade to testify at a hearing tomorrow on their love affair. But no one can find the guy. They’re trying to serve him, but he’s flown the coop, and now the US marshals are in a manhunt to track him down.

“The committee issued the subpoena on Friday, attempted to serve the subpoena to Nathan Wade’s lawyer, who declined, and subsequently the committee tried to serve the subpoena via email through Nathan Wade himself, never heard back. As a result, the committee had to use the assistance of the U.S. Marshals, who have also not been able to find Nathan Wade,” Russell Dye, a spokesman for the committee, told Newsweek on Wednesday evening.

Nathan Wade, previously a special prosecutor in the election interference case against former President Donald Trump in Georgia, has gone missing.

Yet TRUMP is supposed to be the “threat to democracy” somehow, not these sleaze-slurping reprobates. Please see the previous post for more on this; oh, you better bet it’s related, all to hell and gone it is.


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Kill one for mommy today! Click to embiggen

Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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