The Daily Donnybrook, and other fine things
Welcome to Ye Olde Colde Furye Blogge’s shiny new open-comments thread, where y’all can have at it as you wish, on any topic you like. Do note that the official CF comments policy remains in effect here, as enumerated in the left sidebar. All new posts will appear below this one. There will be blood…
Mike @Substack
New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: FUCK FEMA!
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Recent Comments:
- Barry on They’re from the government, and they’re NOT here to help: “The F’ing government has at its disposal many helicopters and men that are trained to fly them in the worst…” Oct 5, 11:20
- They’re from the government, and they’re NOT here to help: “I’m on the other side of the Charlotte area from Mike but I’ll give you an answer – This area…” Oct 5, 11:14on
- They’re from the government, and they’re NOT here to help: “Off topic. Over at The Hostages the BBF (Big Boob Friday) semi-finals have started. Stop by every Friday and cast…” Oct 5, 10:56on
- They’re from the government, and they’re NOT here to help: “Mike, your kinda in that area. Did you get hit, and how hard? Obviously not as hard as most, being…” Oct 5, 10:46on
- They’re from the government, and they’re NOT here to help: “ go down there with a good scoped hunting rifle in the ubiquitous 30-06 caliber, and start ‘working their way through’…” Oct 5, 10:41on
- Disposable: “This is, over time, a self correcting phenomenon. Natural selection, evolution, always wins. I believe men and women to be…” Oct 3, 23:15on
- His mouth is moving again: “Bunch of bullshit, there have been devastating storms since i was a kid and that was a loooong time ago,…” Oct 3, 12:23on
- on