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The Daily Donnybrook, and other fine things

Welcome to Ye Aulde Colde Furye Blogge’s shiny new open-comments thread, where y’all can have at it as you wish, on any topic you like. Do note that the official CF comments policy remains in effect here, as enumerated in the left sidebar. All new posts will appear below this one. There will be blood…

Mike @Substack

New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: Screamin’ meemie Monday!

Please do consider subscribing to The Eyrie, gang; subscribers receive email notification whenever each new post goes live. All Eyrie articles are getatable (yes, that’s really a word—trust me!) for one and all to read and enjoy totally free of charge, regardless of subscription status. However, a paid sub is required to unlock commenting privileges—an almighty incentive to kick loose and chip in if ever there was one. Thanks!

Recent Comments:

Woke is a joke

Like Ed says, there’s so much tasty stuff here it’s tough to decide what to excerpt, or how much. In the way of our esteemed colleague John Wilder, to excerpt it is to ruin it. Or, as Salieri said of Mozart’s music in Amadeus: Displace one note and there would be diminishment, displace one phrase and the structure would fall.

The dawn of the anti-woke era
Having rejected the Democrats’ progressivist dogma, the American electorate is undergoing a social and demographic revolution.

In late November, a California judge rejected a demand by several women’s volleyball teams to disqualify a transgender player for San Jose State before this year’s tournament. Six opponents have forfeited games against the team this year rather than collude in what they see as cheating. The larger question of transgender athletes in college sports will be decided later, but the judge is defending a lost cause. Fewer than a quarter of Americans (23 per cent) support allowing transgender athletes to play on women’s teams. Teams that do field trans athletes are sometimes booed off the pitch. Such feelings go a long way towards explaining Donald Trump’s resounding win in November’s presidential elections.

Washingtonians are often asked what it feels like to watch the second age of Trump dawn. Oddly, it does not feel much like his first arrival in 2016. It feels more like Barack Obama’s in 2008 or Bill Clinton’s in 1992 – less a political than a social revolution, in which philosophical habits will be broken along with political hierarchies. This particular social revolution owes most of its energy to a revulsion against woke. That is the source of the new era’s promise and danger.

Trump left office only four years ago. Washington rejected him – somatically, as in a botched organ transplant. Having squeaked into power on an anti-establishment platform, he arrived in the capital to find the establishment bloodied but unbowed. Hostile neighbours on Tennyson Street hung rainbow flags in front of the house where his vice-president Mike Pence was staying during the transition. By the CVS drugstore at Connecticut Avenue and McKinley, activists waved signs at honking motorists throughout December. The day after the inauguration in 2017, over 200,000 women, decked out in “pussyhats” and led by establishment celebrities from Scarlett Johansson to Emma Watson, descended on the Mall. It shook the city: it was the largest collection of protest marchers since the Vietnam War, and drew a considerably larger crowd than the inauguration ceremony. The mood was defiant.

There’s none of that now. The mood in Washington’s progressive neighbourhoods is more one of muttered commiseration. (And they are all progressive neighbourhoods: in the capital city, Harris defeated Trump 93 per cent to 7 per cent.)

The result was revolutionary, and not in the way Democrats intended: anyone with a sense of fair play would be tempted to vote for a fellow who had been, as the playwright David Mamet put it, “raided, indicted, convicted, sued, slandered and shot”. But at this point, to do so would be to declare the judicial system corrupt. In the end, half the country did just that: suburbanites wore T-shirts with Trump’s mug shot on them. Grannies danced giddily on TikTok: “Here’s how it feels to vote for a convicted felon!”

The country is floating free of its laws. That is what gives the present its feeling of open-ended promise and peril. If Trump decides to investigate the Biden administration’s connection to these cases, will it be sauce for the gander, or a sign of authoritarian tendencies? Hard to say. Every elected official poses some risk of turning authoritarian. Mostly, we assume it’s one in 100, or one in 1,000. But the more discontented an electorate is, the higher a risk it may run.

There, that ought to be sufficient motivation for y’all to click on over and read the whole thing. Of course, Caldwell throws in some of the usual “Trump lost in 2020 fair and square” bushwa which has become de rigeur for Old Media essayists these days, along with the now-obligatory “baseless” codswallop I railed about last night. All in all, though, it’s a good piece; his brief rundown deriding Trump’s “34 felonies” is especially pungent, and the rest is well-written and quite insightful at the very least.


New (old) feature

Just implemented over in the left sidebar immediately below Ye Aulde CF Blogrolle, something I used to have years back that somehow got lost in the shuffle, what with this, that, and the other: the CF Glossary section, wherein some of the sassy, snappy terminology I use quite a bit around these h’yar parts is explicated and/or defined.


Suicide solution

I’vre had this one sitting in the hopper waiting for me to get around to it for over a week now. It was worth the wait, I promise.

Great and sobering read.

From a published SF brother!

First stop calling it a swamp to be drained! It’s a septic tank, that needs a giant flush and DOJ- FBI-CIA-DIA-ETC need a giant enema, DOGE. Let’s say 30% from top day one POTUS45-47!

Please call me back to help Sec Def, slash Special Forces, and sea pigs (squeals). Just saying….old school PT for unit selection and 10 mile run in kit, first five with everything, you need for week prior in winter desert, at five mile dump, to LBE and weapons. Bottom 30 percent of team guys gone, all chicks and chicks with dicks (gender confused).

“ I am quite sure the event in Las Vegas has shaken us all, if for no other reason that none of it appears to make any sense. The principle of Occam’s razor is that when searching for an answer to an event or circumstance, the simplest explanation is more likely over any complex set of possibilities. Bearing that in mind, the thing in Vegas is either a conspiracy so weird and convoluted it makes every crazy Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory look completely sane and plausible, or . . . the guy was bonkers . . . I’m going with bonkers.

It was inevitable that people would start repeating the “22-a-day” mantra, especially considering its looking more and more like a deliberate suicide. I hate suicide – it is so destructive and unnecessary; a permanent solution to a temporary problem that permanently affects everyone around it.

Regarding the “22-a-day” thing – can we ever put that to rest? It has never been 22 a day, it never was – not even after the worst wars we had: Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam. The 22-a-day number is a completely flawed statistic derived from the VA taking a sample of numbers (from an incomplete and inaccurate sample set) and extrapolating it out, then the Left-Leaning Lamestream Media taking that number and running with it to prove that all us veterans are a pack of crazy Rambos – an extension of the old “Vietnam Flashback” myth (which they also made up) which validates their view that America is bad because America makes wars that turn all veterans into ticking time bombs.

Where “22-a-day” came from: The statistics come from the VA’s 2012 Suicide Data Report. The VA analyzed death certificates from 21 states from 1999-2011. Looking at the certificates, they identified which individuals were veterans and came up with 22% of all suicides were by veterans within those 21 states. They then extrapolated that number to the national number of suicides (~38,000), divided by 365.25 for days in a year, and voila: “22-a-day”!

Issues with this:

    • The statistical sample did not include California or Texas, the two states with the largest veteran populations

    • Does not account that the majority of veterans (67.7%) are over the age of 55

    • Not all deaths are correctly identified as suicides

    • Hunting accidents and/or accidental shootings (cleaning weapons etc) may be listed as suicide but are not the same thing as an intentional suicide

    Not all veterans are the same – here are some numbers:

    • 18.2 million veterans, 5.5% of the US population, 7.25% of US population aged 18+

    • 3.5 million post-9/11 veterans, 19.4% of veteran population

    • 1.6 million veterans aged 18-34, 8.9% of veteran population

But not all veterans are the same, and not all suicides are the same:

A WWII vet who served 3 years and went through the horrors of the D-Day landings, Battle of the Bulge etc, is not the same thing as a guy who served in admin or support and never saw a shot fired in anger, who is not the same as a post-Vietnam/GWOT guy who did 20 years in combat arms with multiple combat tours, who is not the same as a guy who did less than 2 years and got kicked out as a private E-1 for being a substandard soldier, dope smoker whatever – but statistically they are all veterans.

A suicide by a WWII or Korean War vet in his 90s suffering from cancer who just wants to end the pain is not the same thing as a young vet in his 20s or 30s distraught from any number of life events (divorce, alcoholism, etc) plus the effects of PTSD and/or clinical depression, and not at all the same thing as the substandard individual who barely served and ended his life for whatever reason that had absolutely nothing to do with his minimal time in service.

Any suicide is a tragic thing – even one is too many. However, taking all of the above into consideration, the real number of veteran suicides among the post-Vietnam/GWOT generation is closer to 2 a week.

Unlike the last email I ran, I actually did get permission from the sender to run this one. Thanks for that, Doc, I do appreciate ya. Been having some problems of late with the Brave browser running slow as molasses in the Alaskan tundra in January, which caused me to hold off on posting this until I got a chance to look into the matter. Thankfully, I believe I have that pettifogging little issue resolved now.


Hilariouser and hilariouser

Okay, okay, just stop it, you pathetic dweebs. You’re killing me over here.

Biden Aides Terrified That Trump Won’t Give Him a State Funeral, Just Hoping He Outlives 2nd Term
A report from CNN details in-depth the thought process of the current president as he confronts his own mortality, seeing exactly how a funeral for a former president is conducted in the wake of the passing of Jimmy Carter.

Like most presidents, the outlet notes that Biden has already approved a plan for his own services. However, concern has seeped in that Trump, who is just days away from being inaugurated for a second term, would eschew decorum.

“Still, an uncomfortable thought has circulated among some Biden aides and longtime supporters in the days since Carter died: If Biden passes while Trump is president, would he get a state funeral?” they write.

“They hope Biden lives a long time, but, several of those aides and supporters told CNN, they want him to live to see the end of Trump’s time as president and not have to worry about questions like these.”

Yeh, fat chance of that happening, you miserable swine. The demented old fraud has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel already, has had for quite a few years now. He’s one more hilarious ass-over-teacups pratfall away from staggering on off to the Bone Orchard as it is.

Considering their cordial meeting at the White House in November, it seems unlikely that Trump would refuse to honor Biden’s wishes. Despite the fact that Biden’s administration did their absolute best for years to put him in jail.

Not to mention, it seems more like a case of projection. Is there any doubt President Biden and his aides would have refused to honor Trump had he unfortunately passed while Joe and Kamala were in office?

Recall, if you will, that congressional Democrats in 2021 introduced a bill that would ban former President Donald Trump from being buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

I repeat: pathetic. Also, disgusting. Once again I must refer you to Mike’s Iron Laws, namely #462 in this particular instance.

Then again, I must confess that I’d be pleased as punch to see Pedaux Jaux Bribem’s corporeal remains swaddled in a filthy, cum-encrusted bedsheet from a Tijuana whorehouse, stuffed into a worn-soft cardboard box, sealed in with half a roll of Gorilla tape, and unceremoniously bunged into the nearest Dempster dumpster to rot with the rest of the reeking garbage, myself. That would be meet, just, and no more than the decomposing oaf deserves. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I always say. Sweating Eternity out as doubtless he will be in the hottest, blackest corner of fiery Hell with his fellow career politicians, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that Too Aulde Jaux is neither gonna know nor care one way or the other.


On reality

And, y’know, NOT.

No, you aren’t
So I saw a dude (and yes, it had the adam’s apple, so a dude) wearing a skirt with leggings (and really nice heels) and a shirt that said “Everyone is entitled to their own view of reality” I couldn’t help but tell him: “No, reality is what it is, denying it makes you a fool and an idiot.” He got mad and pouted. No matter, he’s still a man, in a skirt. Not a chick. “Don’t call me Stupid!” say he. “Then don’t act stupid or say stupid shit, says I”…He flounced off in a huff. I laughed out loud at his back.

Just because a woman wants to think “Big is Beautiful” doesn’t mean that fat girls are as pretty or attractive as women who take care of themselves. Shy’s lying to herself or to her fat friend. Trans people (I.E. Men that pretend to be women or women who pretend to be men) are not the opposite sex just because they put on a skirt or pants. To believe otherwise is stupid. Trans men can’t have babies or nurse, and trans women are not strong men, even with supplements of Testosterone. Saying otherwise is stupid.

I can believe I can fly all I want, right up ’til I step off that cliff. Being upset when reality (and the ground) smacks me in the face is stupid….Stepping off the cliff is stupid. Don’t like the truth? Reality and the world just don’t care. Being upset that you can’t fly is also stupid.

Man or woman (and those are the only choices), to deny reality is stupid and it really is stupid to think otherwise. Reality is what it is. Deal with it. Stop being foolish.

We, as a society, need to stop pandering to people, be they straight or trans or gay, men or women, old or young, that feel that their alternate view of reality is just as valid.

Seems simple enough, no? Obvious; beyond argument; plain for all with eyes to see; as fair as fair ever gets in this life—none but a fool, a madman, or a stubborn, spoiled child would think to object. So readily apparent is it, in fact, that it shouldn’t have to be said at all; even the most rudimentary powers of observation will confirm that to contend otherwise is a pointless waste of time and/or energy.

And yet, somehow…well, here we all are nonetheless.

Via Bayou Peter, who adds:

This blatant falsehood manifests itself particularly in the “You can’t criticize me! You can’t judge me! You can’t say I’m wrong!” crowd. Look, if what you’re believing, or preaching, or doing, flies in the face of objective fact and natural reality, I can judge you (your actions, at any rate – not your soul, that’s God’s business) and I can say you’re wrong. I will. Loudly and frequently. To indulge your false fantasy would make me as guilty of ignoring reality as you are!

I saw this particularly as a prison chaplain. We had psychologists on staff whose job was to help inmates figure out where they’d gone wrong, and help them to change. The problem is that far too many of those psychologists tried to lead the inmate to come to the right conclusions on his or her own, without actually telling them they were wrong. In many cases, those inmates had never been taught how to think, and had none of the normal frame of reference (morality, civics, etc.) used in our society. To expect them to come to the “right” conclusions when they were filled with the “wrong” personal history, information (or the lack thereof), relationships, etc. was nonsensical – yet those psychologists persisted in that approach. They had to. That’s what the “system” demanded – and that’s why we have a 70%+ recidivism rate among US prison inmates over the first five years after they’re released.

Plenty more at both links, all of it well worth reading.


Like, wow

DAY-UMMM! Yesterday’s Eyrie offering, Grim fairy tale, has, according to the regular 24-hour-statistics email from Substack, simply obliterated all previous records with an astounding 744 views! Usually it runs around 250-300 hits before topping out at maybe 350 or thereabouts. Got no idea what it might have been, but I must’ve done something right with this one. A crap-ton of new free subscribers came in over the transom yestiddy and today as well. So I got that going for me, as Bill Murray once said.

Great movie, great character, great line. Seen that flick so many times I can recite pretty much the whole script from memory at this point, line by line by line. I assure you all that I am in no way joking or stretching the truth here; stand still for long enough and I’m just liable to prove it to ya, in fact.

Update! Ahhh, I believe I just found the explanation for the sudden Eyrie influx: WRSA kindly threw me a little linky-love. Thanks so much to my good friend CA for the boost.

Updated update! Don’t believe me? Get a load of this screen-grab from said Substack e-mail missive, then.

Hey, I freely admit it, I find this pretty darned exciting.

Update to the updated update! Just for shits and giggles I moseyed over to my Substack CP to see what we’re up to now, if only for curiosity’s sake and nothing else: 825 views as of right this very minute. Apparently, dem WRSA links are the gift that just keeps on giving. Thanks again, CA!

Updates, forsooth! Now this is kinda curious:

EyrieStats 2.

Only 7% from WRSA? That can’t possibly be right. No way did such a huge uptick in hits derive from the same-old same-old ratio; the above traffic-source percentages are in line with what they normally are. Makes no sense to me, it’s too weird. Oh well, heck with it. It’s late, I’m tired, and ain’t up to researching this seeming anomaly further tonight.


No prescience necessary

Christopher Hitchens offered some anyway all the way back in 2009 (!), not that anybody in his country’s leadership (nor ours, for the matter of it) wanted to listen.

Every last word Hitch says above ought to be forcibly tattooed—in scarlet red ink using a #15 Magnum shader (YEEEOWTCH!!! Ask me how I know; I remember all too well when those bastards first came out)—across the forehead of every perfidious Western ProPol behind inflicting this plague of Moslem locusts on their respective polities, starting with the lying sellout flapping his vile yap immediately below.

Update! Regarding those 15-Mag torture devices: my dear departed friend Randy Herring adopted them straightaway, one of the first tattoo artists anywhere to start using ‘em, in keeping with his at best half-joking admission that he was only in the biz in the first place because, as he used to laugh, “I enjoy hurting people.”

God, I miss that boy. Guess I always will. Old school biker; devout Christian; near-fanatical league bowler; gifted artist both on paper and in human skin; beloved friend, husband, and father, Randy was truly one of a kind, I never met anyone remotely like him.

The 15-Magnum, see, is a stacked arrangement with two rows of the stabby little things sitting one atop the other inside a square needle-tube. Worse, they emitted this deep, gnarly BZZZ when the gun was in action that rattled your back teeth, no lie. Right up till those fifteen (15) sharp points hit flesh and took your attention off of any- and everything else for the duration, that is.

Granted, the Magnums DO pack the color in much more solid and even than the old 14-needle round shaders ever did. But still. After being hammered with a Magnum a time or two (available in 7, 11, 13, or 15-needle configurations), the sound alone is enough to instill dread in even the most stout-hearted of men. Oddly enough, the single-needle setup used exclusively for big, bold outlines still hurts more than any of the Magnums do. But it’s a near-run thing.


MOAR persecution

The man literally saved NYC—I know, I was there, I watched him do it—and they’re never gonna forgive him for it.

Rudy Giuliani found in contempt of court — again — for defaming Georgia election workers
For the second time this week, a judge has found Rudy Giuliani in contempt of court in a case involving two Georgia election workers he baselessly claimed committed election fraud in 2020.

Washington, DC, federal Judge Beryl Howell sided with lawyers for Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman, finding that Giuliani violated the judge’s “unambiguous” prior ruling barring the former New York City Mayor from continuing to defame the two women, according to reporting by The Hill.

On Monday, a Manhattan federal judge similarly held Giuliani in contempt of court, on the grounds that he was trying to “run out the clock” to avoid paying Freeman and Moss a $148 million defamation verdict they won in 2023.

Howell chided Giuliani – President-elect Donald Trump’s one-time personal lawyer who was once regarded as “America’s Mayor” – for using his fame to tarnish the duo with “fabricated lies.”

“You’re the most famous person in this courtroom right now, you’ve got a bigger audience, you’ve got a bigger public following than anyone in this courtroom,” the judge said.

“I really hoped we were done,” the judge said.

Earlier, Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer for Moss and Freeman, told Howell they didn’t want to be back in court but said his clients just want “Mr. Giuliani to stop defaming them,” according to a report by NBC News.

He requested that Giuliani be fined $20,000 for every time he continued to defame the women even after Howell ordered an agreement promising he wouldn’t do so anymore. 

Gottlieb specifically requested that the fines come from money that has been deemed off-limits — including an IRA account.

Giuliani’s lawyer, Eden Quainton, claimed a $20,000 fine per violation would be “excessive.”

“Defamed” the two corpulent nigger “election” thieves? Told the God’s honest truth about ’em, more like. Something is rotten in the American “justice” system, and it stinks to high, high heaven.

Ted Goodman, Giuliani’s political advisor, claimed Giuliani wasn’t able to sufficiently defend himself in the original defamation suit.

“This contempt ruling is designed to prevent Mayor Giuliani from exercising his constitutional rights,” Goodman said.

Annnnd BINGO, nailed it in one.

Update! Meant to mention it before and let it get by me, but I have to say the endless, droning repetition of this “baseless” propaganda is really beginning to work my nerves. Good as they frequently are, as iconoclastic and against-the-grain as they’ve long prided themselves on being, one might expect the NY Post to do better than the wearisome, manifestly dishonest “baseless” canard. And yet.

“Baseless,” is it? CLUE TO THE CLUELESS: the evidence that the 2020 “election” was fraudulent stem to stern is voluminous, credible, and overwhelming. Anybody who claims not to know that at this late stage of the game is either 1) a fully-paid-up member of Team Steal; 2) not paying attention; 3) a hopeless imbecile; or 4) shouldn’t be allowed access to sharp objects, power tools, and/or heavy machinery unless under the close supervision of a competent, responsible adult.

SOUL, man!

RIP Sam Moore, of the legendary Sam and Dave.

Soul icon Sam Moore, half of the Grammy-winning duo Sam and Dave, died Friday at age 89.

Moore — who with his late partner Dave Prater cut some of the best-known records of the genre with hits like “Soul Man” and “Hold On! I’m Comin’” — died in his Florida home after an unspecified surgery earlier in the week, though his cause of death has yet to be determined, his wife Joyce Moore told Rolling Stone.

His former partner Prater, with whom he shared a sometimes contentious relationship, died in a car accident in 1988.

The trailblazing black artists were known for their high-energy live performances and became in the 1960s one of the top acts on the legendary Memphis-based Stax Records, alongside stars like Otis Redding and collaborators Isaac Hayes and David Porter.

Moore was born in Miami on Oct. 12, 1935, and like his eventual partner grew up singing in church, cutting their teeth separately on the southern gospel circuit before they joined forces in 1961 at an amateur night at the Miami’s King of Hearts Club, according to a Stax spotlight on their careers.

Prater supposedly forgot the lyrics to the song “Doggin’ Around” when Moore joined him and a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame partnership was forged.

The harmonizing, hard-dancing pair had already gained a name for themselves and signed with Atlantic Records but they quickly were moved to subsidiary Stax, where they recorded with “house band” Booker T and the MG’s and started a run of 10 consecutive top 20 R&B hits with “You Don’t Know Like I Know,” the bio said.

In 1968, Atlantic’s distro deal with Stax was axed and the duo were left working with the larger company as whatever personal relationship they had deteriorated.

Booker T and the MGs (for Memphis Group, natch) was another legendary outfit, one of my all-time favorite instrumental combos; their Christmas album in particular is nothing short of truly stellar stuff, start to finish. Booker T Jones; Donald “Duck” Dunn; one of the most amazing guitarists ever to wrap his hands around a Tele neck, Steve “the Colonel” Cropper—I ask you, what’s not to like? Cropper started off playing with yet another legendary outfit, the Mar-Keys, who were responsible for one of my verymost favorite songs EVAR. To be specific:

LOVE that ooky-spooky-kooky organ. Bizarre thing: peeping out now and then from behind the tenor sax man and/or trumpeteer is what looks suspiciously like a Marshall Plexi rig, which in 1961 didn’t even exist yet. Hrm…

PERsecution, not PROsecution

What an ugly, sordid mess.

Donald Trump will not go to jail or be put on probation for being convicted of 34 charges that never should have been brought against him by a prosecutor who could never articulate the criminal conduct that led to those charges and sentenced by a judge who claimed that Trump’s election put him above the law.

Partisan hatred and revenge drove this prosecution. Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan district attorney, brought charges against Trump for falsifying his business records to hide payments made to pornstar Stormy Daniels. 

Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor. But in order to bump the charges up to a felony, Bragg claimed that the records were altered for political purposes and that Trump tried to hide the payments because they would have damaged him so severely that he would have lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“We allege falsification of business records to the end of keeping information away from the electorate,” Bragg said in a January 2024 interview with NY1. “It’s an election interference case.”

The business records that Bragg said Trump altered to get elected were dated from Feb. 14, 2017, to Dec. 5, 2017. That’s right. Bragg was making the case that the falsified records allowed Trump to defeat Clinton after the election was already held and Trump was in the White House.

Did that stop the media from claiming that Trump “interfered” with the election?

Of course it didn’t. That’s why doing anything other than just shooting them in the fucking face outright, in job lots, is a complete waste of time. It’s something dumb fucks like Boehner, Romney, Juanny Mav, et al never seem able to grok: no matter how much or how long you try to make nice with Progtards, they will always, always, ALWAYS turn around and bite you the instant they think it will help them advance Teh Agenda. If they’re going to do that—and they are, every single time, no matter what—then why bother trying to make nice with them at all? It wastes your time and annoys the pig, as the old admonitory joke goes.


My one and probably only post on the Cali wildfires

I’m with John Ringo.

Eat of it indeed. Via Ragin’ Dave, who adds:

Just for the record, I agree with this 100%. I do not care how many people lose homes in Los Angeles. Especially in Pacific Palisades, or Malibu, or Santa Monica. Because I’ve lived in LA, I’ve been to those areas, and I know without a single doubt that damn near every single person living there, with a few exceptions here and there, voted for Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass. They voted for the people who defunded the fire department. They voted for the people who fired the firefighters who refused to get the jab. They voted for the governor and his cronies who refused to fill the reservoirs. They voted for DEI instead of competence, they voted for Marxism instead of something that actually works, they voted for all of this. They voted for the regulations that prevented the fire base from being cut back. They voted for the empty fire hydrants.

They voted for everything that is now afflicting them.

Yep, that’s about the size of it. Read the rest. I say again: some of us live and learn. Others just live, and never learn.



Welcome to this week’s installment of our Wednesday meme feature, folks. Links to the “found via” sources will be attached to the specific MiQ’s (Memes in Question) whenever I can remember them, which likely won’t be very often. Only the first two memes will appear above the fold to save on bandwidth usage, since I assume not everybody who shows up at this here websty will want to see all of them. This intro will appear at the top of each week’s Memezapoppin’! post. Enjoy, funny-pitcher lovers.

Continue reading Memezapoppin’!



Never let anyone tell ya that all female pilots suck, that girls can’t fly, that they have no business in a cockpit much less doing aerobatics. T’ain’t so, McGee.

That stunning krasivaya devushka is one Svetlana Kapanina, about as badass as they come regardless of gender. Biographical info:

Kapanina was born on 28 December 1968 in Shchuchinsk, Kokchetav Oblast, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (now Akmola Region, Republic of Kazakhstan). She dedicated herself to several sports modalities at school and always liked motorcycles and other motor vehicles. She enrolled at medical school in Tselinograd (now Astana), where she graduated in pharmaceutical sciences. She started flying at age 19, in 1988, on a Sukhoi Su-26M3, while working as a technician at the Kurgan sports aviation club of DOSAAF. By 1991 she was already an instructor pilot at DOSAAF’s Irkutsk club, and then back at Kurgan. Also in 1991, she became a member of the Russian national aerobatic team. In 1995 she graduated from Kaluga aeronautical technical school.

She lives in Moscow with her husband and two children.

Kapanina was World Aerobatic Champion in the women’s category in 1996, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2011 and has won the title more times than any other pilot in the category. Additionally, she was overall World Air Games Champion in 1997 and 2001.

Together with Mikhail Mamistov and Oleg Spolyansky, she won the team gold medal in the 16th FAI European Aerobatic Championships 2008 in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic). She placed fourth overall and was best female participant.

Known in the aviation/aerobatics community as “the Queen of Heaven” (a fitting nick if I’ve ever heard one), Svetlana’s flying is precise, bold, and sure. Lots more videos of her throwing both piston-engine and jet aircraft all over the sky with grace and aplomb on YewToob; the above-embedded one is only an appetizer to an extremely tasty meal.

Update! All this talk about females in aviation got me to thinking about an awesome wingwalker chick I saw at the annual Warbirds air show in Monroe, the unstoppable Ashley Battles, way back in 2013. A pic I took of daredevil Ashley dismounting her trademark “Wonder Woman” 1943 Stearman right after she and her pilot—no slouch himself when it comes to airborne swashbucklery—had returned safe, sound, and fit as fiddles to good old terra firma following a flawless demonstration of the wingwalker’s art.

Had the privilege of speaking with Ashley for about ten-fifteen minutes after that photo was snapped; she was just as friendly and gracious as could be, bless her fearless heart—all smiles and cool as some cucumbers, although it was also plain to see that she was riding an adrenaline rush the likes of which the ground-bound will never know. More from America’s most trustworthy news source: the Weekly World News.

Ashley Battles holds the world record for remaining on the wings of a plane for a staggering four hours and two minutes.

She performed at high altitude two weeks after fellow airborne stuntwoman Jane Wicker died when her biplane plummeted into the ground with her on the wing.

Ashley, who has clocked up over 100 flights so far in her career, bravely stepped onto her plane in Colinville, Oklahoma this weekend.

She admits that as she only uses the simplest safety gear, she relies heavily on her physical and mental strength when performing.

She said: ‘It takes someone who is able to flip a switch in their mind to wing walk; someone who is able to not think about how high off the ground they are or how close to the ground you get or how hard it can be to move along the wing.’

Fearless Ashely is faced with speeds up to 70 knots as she performs on the wings while the plane spirals, twists, loops and barrels above screaming crowds at up to 10 air shows a year.

The young dare devil has developed a way to cope with the pressure on high altitudes – listening to music.

She added: ‘When I am standing up there that long, I’m thinking about everything from what I get to eat later to just contemplating life. I’m also listening to my iPod.

‘There’s of course the danger of possible engine failure. Hitting a bird while a wing walker is atop the wings could be a pretty terrible event.’

Yeah, I can see how that might really, really suck.

Never have been fortunate enough to take to the skies in a classic Stearman myself, but I did hitch a ride once in the next best thing: the front seat of a beautiful red Waco biplane.

In a Waco (WAH-KO, not WAY-KO, for you poor, deprived groundhogs) the pilot is the rear-seater (see photo), but both cockpits are equipped with a full complement of controls, instruments, and gauges—stick, rudder pedals, throttle, altimeter, airspeed indicator, etc—which I was sternly instructed before saddling up not to mess with or touch for any reason. I didn’t bother protesting that I’d known how to fly since age 13, was probably as familiar with the appropriate-in-flight-behavior drill as they were, and knew better than to be clowning around at 2500 feet. I figured they wouldn’t believe me, and it didn’t matter either to me or them anyway.

I climbed up and in, donned the traditional leather helmet and goggles, and off we went, into the Wild Blue Yonder. It was GREAT, lemme tell ya. Other than getting 20 minutes of stick time in a Douglas A-1D Skyraider, the Waco flight was by far the most fun I’ve ever had in the air.

Wingwalkers, of course, have been around since the pioneering days of powered flight, many if not most of them women, including the legendary Gladys Roy, Lillian Boyer, and Gladys Ingle, to all of which brave, daring souls I humbly doff my cap. Much as I’ve always loved me some flying, ain’t no way in the world you’d ever coax me out of that comfy, safe cockpit to go cavorting about on the wings, fuselage, landing gear, or anyplace else. Not on your life, bub. As with skydiving, I see no reason to be jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, nor standing on the wing of one neither. It would have to be on fire at the very minimum, and even then I’d need some time to think it over.

I also have a short video of Ashley and her aerial chaffeur doing a high-speed (for a Stearman) pass low over the runway, climbing to slightly higher altitude, then executing a heart-stopping barrel roll with Ms Battles insouciantly leaning back against the frame atop the biplane’s wing visible in the above pic—Smoke On for dramatic effect the whole while. Tried hand-coding an embed of it, but unfortunately couldn’t get the blasted thing to work.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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