We are BORN boys. Men, however, must be MADE—a long, arduous process that doesn’t spontaneously “just happen” as part of the natural order of things. It’s another one of those myriad Very Important Things we once knew, but have recently been strongarmed by insidious Leftism into forgetting…or simply abandoning, more like.
An excellent point, as is this next:
I screencapped both the above Tweets/X’es/whatevers rather than embed them so as to eliminate the annoying “Show more” clickbait link. If you have trouble reading ‘em, links to the original X source can be found at the same place I got ‘em from, which is well worth a look-see its own self. KT has lots more therein, all of it up to her usual standard of excellence.
The first one ends with a lot of pearl-clutching feminista twaddle about the dating situation.
Men (and they are men) not dating or approaching women isn’t boyish fear, it’s a manly decision not to commit dating suicide by entering a rigged game with a single-digit shot at success.
Women have made getting married so “safe” for themselves, win, lose, or draw, they’ve ensured most men wouldn’t touch the institution with a 30-foot pole, and rightfully so.
When men see there’s no way to win a game, they won’t play. It’s that simple. Women’s delusions have become the guiding principles of society, and men get virtually nothing from the actuality except ignored, discarded, or destroyed.
Anybody, from any quarter, telling you differently, is smoking hopeium and peddling that same delusional ancient history crack, and is typically exactly one “I’m not happy!” event from getting red-pilled, and then black-pilled, but too late to catch a clue themselves, let alone offer sound advice to men about how to plan their futures.
End no-fault divorce, decertify any family court that doesn’t award custody to men 50% (+/-0.5%) of the time, and awards alimony to the male partner at the same percentage, as de facto discriminatory, and make any pre-nup ironclad unbreakable, and any voiding of the same voiding the original marriage contract and all judgements based thereon, and watch marriage rates rise back to where they were in 1950.
When women have to prove abuse, abandonment, or infidelity to get a divorce, they’ll stop acting like entitled twats, and maybe get married with the idea that there’s no golden parachute and lifelong indentured servitude for their former spouses for them riding their broomsticks and the cock carousel before, during, and after.
Fail to do it, and watch two generations of shrieking harpies raised on feminism and other delusions continue to buy box wine by the pallet, and raise cats by the gross as they hit the wall at the speed of sound.
The men watching that, sad for the loss of the institution, are laughing their asses off all the way to the shooting range, the fishing hole, the NASCAR races, and the bank.
Boo frickin’ hoo.