The House of Grift

If you build it, they will scum.

Lame-duck pardon, broken promise: Biden leaves a legacy of corruption
The most shocking aspect of President Biden pardoning his own son, Hunter, may be that it was not in the least shocking, given the history of the Biden family. This abuse of the pardon power was widely anticipated even by his allies as the president repeatedly denied that he would ever do such a thing as he ran for reelection. Indeed, it may be the single most premeditated unethical act in political history.

That would be the Biden CRIME Family to you, pal. Onwards.

Roughly two years ago, I wrote about how Biden might suddenly withdraw from the presidential race in 2024 and pardon his son as a lame-duck president. “The pardon-and-apology approach might appeal to Biden not only as an effort to convert vice into virtue but to justify his withdrawal from the election as a selfless act,” I wrote.

I further noted: “Everyone in Washington would win — except, of course, the public: The Bidens would keep alleged millions in influence-peddling profits; Hunter would not even have to pay his full taxes; members of Congress and the media could avoid taking responsibility for burying the reports of corruption.”

I wrote about the pardon option repeatedly because none of Hunter’s bizarre (and ultimately unsuccessful) criminal defenses made sense unless he felt confident that his father would pardon him in the end. Hunter’s taunting Congress with open contempt of a subpoena and his ridiculous defenses in court were not the actions of someone who feared consequences from these investigations. They were the actions of someone with a back-pocket pardon.

The eventual pardon restored what was a sweetheart deal reached with Special Counsel David Weiss that would have given Hunter immunity to the immediate charges and any unnamed criminal charges. It collapsed in court when Judge Maryellen Noreika expressed shock at such a deal and asked the prosecutor if he had ever seen such a deal offered to any other defendant. He admitted that he had not.

Now, President Biden has recreated an even more sweeping immunity grant through his own powers by pardoning his son not only for the crimes of which he was convicted, but of any crimes committed between Jan. 1, 2014 to Dec. 1, 2024.

Think on that. It would cover anything from perjury to murder.

For many in the media who helped bury this scandal and showed no interest in pursuing the influence-peddling operation of the Biden family, the pardon was met with uncomfortable shrugs. It is a measure of what you can call “Biden ethics.” In the curious world of Joe Biden, a lie that no one believes is treated the same as the truth.

It is likely to work. There may be little interest in pursuing this corruption scandal with so much to get done in the new administration. However, it is not the absolute “get-out-of-jail-free” card that President Biden would like.

Sure it is. What the hell will ever be done about it, you think? By you, by me, by Congress, by the Vichy GOPe, by Trump, by anybody at all? Much as I’d love to see it come back to bite him in the ass, I cannot for the life of me detect the mechanism by which such a desirable denouement might actually come to pass.

Here’s how it’s all gonna go down:

  • Biden leaves office, shuffling and stumbling out to the Beast for his final seventy-car-motorcade speed-run to Andrews AFB, whence he will be flown to one (1) of his several palatial mansions
  • He keeps all the millions he conned not just this country but the entire planet out of
  • He goes right on lying and creating alternate realities for himself and his sleazy, greasy retinue to dwell in for the rest of his/their days

Yes, it’s 37 different flavors of ugly for sure, but you can take it to the bank nonetheless.

Griftin’ Jaux Bribem wrapped the rest of his criminal associates (what the rest of us call “family members,” not that those words mean to them anything like what we understand them to mean) in a suit of armor which renders them utterly impervious to prosecution or sanction of any kind, for any crime, forever and ever amen.

Undismayed by the cold, cruel facts underpinning this farcical shitshow, Turley finishes up with a flourish:

Short of such continued investigation, the Bidens will have achieved something that would have made John Gotti blush. They were able to pull in millions of alleged influence-peddling proceeds. Hunter was showered with gifts and benefits, from a diamond to a luxury sports car. Various Biden family members reportedly received money from the operation. President Biden was himself accused of knowledge and possible benefits from the influence peddling. He will also be protected by this official act.

This is why I once wrote that the Bidens are the GOATs of influence peddling. While influence peddling is the most common form of corruption in Washington, this city has never seen the likes of the Bidens. The only thing greater than their appetite was their sheer audacity. 

In this statement on the pardon before fleeing the jurisdiction for a foreign trip, President Biden notably stated that “in trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me.” Indeed, this corruption scandal is as much about the president as it is about his son. And, as the president previously declared, “No one f—- with a Biden.”

Look for many more pardons to be puked forth by this contemptible wretch in the days ahead—of his “brother” and longtime co-conspirator James, probably of the execrable “Dr” Jill so as to shield her against any future repercussions from her illicit usurpation of Presidential powers as Jaux lapsed deeper and deeper into senile incapacitation, and who even knows who the hell else. Finally, in the last hours of his last day as ***”pResident,”*** he’ll grant a blanket pardon to himself—regardless of how legally murky that last cocking of the snook might be for honest people.

“Honest people”? It is to laugh, albeit ruefully. If there’s any single thing we all ought to have known about the Bidens eons ago, it’s that the words “honest” and “Biden” go together about like oil and water do. They’re as incongruous, contradictory, and disruptive as a turd in the punchbowl; a window-rattling, paint-peeling fart at a family dinner table; a wild, boisterous fuck during church services; a live tarantula dangling from the Christmas tree. As with lacquer and enamel, the words just don’t mix; never have, never will, never CAN. Anyone knuckleheaded enough to attempt such self-evident damfoolery will only beclown himself in the effort.

As somebody once said of some other fella: DE L’AUDACE, ENCORE DE L’AUDACE, ET TOUJOURS DE L’AUDACE! It’s a creed that has served the abominable Faux Jaux Biden and his rancid brood of hatchlings, rumpswabs, and partners in crime extremely well, painful though it is to have to admit it. The mediocrity to end all mediocrities, Pedo Peter will die in his soft, comfy bed with a broad grin on his face, comforted by the thought that he won in the end.

Because, y’know, he did.


Hey, let’s you and him fight!

Dump NATO NOW, please.

Military Chairman of NATO Admiral Rob Bauer: Preemptive Attack on Russia Should Be Considered
NATO Military Committee Chairman Admiral Rob Bauer from The Netherlands discussed the need for preemptive strikes on Russia in the event of armed conflict.

Joe Biden and NATO are hoping for all-out war with Russia, the world’s second largest nuclear power, before President Trump enters office in January.

Tucker Carlson calls these recent developments the most evil thing he has seen in his lifetime.

Dutch empty suit talks real tough for a guy who has no military to speak of backing up his fiery bluster, however powerful his beggar-nation might have been 400 years or so ago. Well, no military aside from OURS, that is.

Trump drew a shitstorm of outraged puffing and blowing from desk-chair warriors around the globe when he mentioned bringing the US role of propping up the rest of NATO to a past-due close early in his first term, but I thought then and think now that he couldn’t have been righter. NATO’s charter mission was rendered null and void the day the Soviet Union collapsed, and I’ve seen precious little to change my mind since then.



Me, I’m just happy to see a couple of these miserable-ass twits make good on their constant hysterical, teary-eyed threats to leave the country at long, long last.

Good riddance, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split etc. Or, in the immortal words of the great Powers Booth…


Rolling abortion

The late, unlamented Supervee.

The little engine that couldn’t: A short saga of the Super Vee
When it comes to motorcycles, I like the odd ducks.

I prefer ducks that are actually capable of moving under their own power, but maybe that’s just me.

I’m no match, though, for Paul and Joel at American Cycle Fabrication. You might remember Paul as the man who had those $35 Harleys we wrote about. Recently, I meandered by to see what the boys were up to and what curiosities I could turn up. I walked in the door, and sitting on a bench was the mother lode: a Super Vee.

Nothing gets me going like an abstruse piece of motorcycle equipment, so when I saw this engine parked there, I started pushing people and parts out of my way so I could snap a few photos. You see, I’ve heard of Super Vees, but I’d never actually seen one live and in color. The particular one I saw was a third-generation, the final design ever offered for sale — and the rarest. Approximately 45 were ever sold.

Now as a rowdy, uncut stripling, I read all the biker rags religiously: Iron Horse, my all-time fave under David Snow (CAUTION: Fakeberg link) and my dear departed friend Chris Pfouts; Outlaw Biker, for whom I would later toil thanklessly; American Iron, for whom my tight Pittsburgh brother Mike Seate ditto; Easyriders, the granpappy of ‘em all, and entirely righteous back before it began to suck dead donkey dicks (in its glory days, ER once ran a pic of the illustrious Traci Lords [link is related, just scroll down] on the cover, under the preposterous nom de slut “Suzy Softail,” IIRC); Biker Lifestyle, an also-ran publication about which there really ain’t a whole lot to say other than they always seemed to run more titty-pics than any of the aforementioned rags; last and probably least, Steve Iorio’s Supercycle, which eventually became little more than a vehicle for pimping Iorio’s useless PoS Supervee doorstops.

A pic of the monstrosity in its natural habitat: to wit, propped up on a workbench surrounded by the tools with which the poor schlub who got suckered into buying it would attempt to ascertain why the &^%@#%)*!!! it wouldn’t run.

The rest of the sordid story.

So what is a Super Vee?
In 1983, Harley was not selling whole engines to custom bike builders. Steve Iorio, who owned an outfit called Nostalgia Cycle, wasn’t really digging that situation, so the Super Vee concept was born. The idea was to create an engine using cheap, easily available small-block Chevy parts, that could power a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. By 1985, the engines were released for sale. Iorio was so bold as to suggest that he was going to unseat Harley and put them out of business. He felt Harley was putting the screws to the workin’ joe, and the Super Vee was the common man’s way to fight back: Engine parts could be had reliably and very affordably from any GM dealership or aftermarket auto parts house.

Articles published in Supercycle Magazine as early as 1983 helped get the project off the ground. The engine, though primitive, got rave reviews. Nostalgia Cycle even had a phone number customers could call and hear a Super Vee running! Heady stuff for the 1980s. Nostalgia put together a video (which is pretty funny) extolling the virtues of the new mill. Take a peek. (Bonus points for the first reader to count how many times the narrator says “American.”)

Everything seemed hunky dory, but there were a few problems. First, did you notice in that video that you never hear the engine settle into an idle? That seems a bit strange, right? Secondly, Supercycle was published by the same guy who owned Nostalgia Cycle, Steve Iorio. Steve had dabbled quite a bit in the motorcycle industry. Those initials may be familiar to some — he used to produce springers under the company name SIE, and hung out with Dick Allen, a motorcycle legend in his own right.

Ol’ Steve also went by a few aliases, including “Steve Nelson.” In fact, you can read a lovely article the Los Angeles Times wrote about him — using his fake name! The biggest, most glaring problem with Iorio was his character. The biggest, most glaring problem about the Super Vee was its near-universal reputation of being a complete piece of shit.

For those of you who have never purchased a crate engine, let me fill you in on how the process works. You buy the engine, and sometimes you have to install an ignition and a carb. That’s about it. Install it, and hit the starter button.

The Super Vee was different. It did not run well, if at all. Mating Harley-esque cases to a General Motors rotating assembly presented problems. Critical engine parts didn’t always receive enough oil, yet most Super Vees puked plenty outside the engine. In many cases, engines required some disassembly and some additional machining. Many of the engines required an overhaul simply because of awful quality control during manufacture.

The gruesome saga of Iorio’s exorbitantly overpriced bastard-baby carries on from there; it’s a truly gripping read for any dyed in the wool gearhead-type weirdo, past or present. Won’t do much to bolster one’s naive, childlike faith in the fundamental decency of humanity, I’m afraid. But hey, dem’s da breaks, laddie-buck.

Update! Another aspect of the Iorio melodrama I thought might be worth a mention: I also spent a fair few simoleons on Nostalgia Cycle parts for my trusty old Shovelhead FLH over the decade or so I owned and rode her, mostly at swap meets and such-like dens of iniquity.

I quickly learned that those Nostalgia Cycle (universally reviled amongst my fellow CLT-area scooter trash as “Nostalgia Psycho”) geegaws and gimcracks were without exception El Cheapo crap: flimsy, soft-rubber handlebar bushings; bolt-ons which couldn’t be bolted on thanks to mis-aligned mounting holes; “stainless steel” engine hardware dress-up kits that were neither stainless nor steel; points that didn’t fire, plugs that didn’t spark, filters that didn’t filter, external oil hard-lines without any holes drilled in ‘em; “high flow” oil pumps with no pump gear, etc. etc.

The chrome on all those fancy-shmancy covers—battery, nose cone, breather, primary, drive chain, coil, &c—would begin to blister, flake, and/or peel within no more than two (2) days of the first time it got wet. I was never much of a chrome-cover guy myself—I was more inclined to remove all that shit, box it up, and store it in the remotest corner of the garage. I vastly preferred the lean, mean, bare-knuckle brawler look, as exemplified by my stripped-nekkid, hellaciously fast, screamin’ demon 06 Sporty:

Custom Hot Rod Flatz paint in Desert Sand (hand-sprayed at the shop by Goose, hand-striped and -lettered by the legendary Eddie Brown, Fender motor-mount bottle opener by yrs truly); wrapped header-pipes; no front or rear belt cover; not a single extraneous piece of chrome anywhere that wasn’t factory-installed—what can I say? Except that I surely do miss that sweet, nasty little bitch.

Anyways. Every last bit of Nostalgia Psycho’s teetotal junk, mind, was made from pure Chineseum© in an era when such foreign-parts profanations were strictly verboten—taboo to any self-respecting Milwaukee Iron aficionado, for which unthinking sacrilege the Harley Gods would surely smite down the blasphemer with a quickness. Suffice it to say, after getting bitten like that a cpl-three times, my days of throwing money down the Nostalgia sewer drain were O-V-E-R over.

Updated update! Awright, awright, awright, quitcher crying, ya sissy-Marys; more righteous photos of my beautiful, decidedly non-shiny Sporty below the fold. Although I’ve described her verbally/textually here before, I don’t believe I ever did post any pics, for whatever bizarre reason.

Continue reading “Rolling abortion”


Freak has Teh SADZ©

Presented without comment, as none is needed.

Hijinks in liberated Churmany

Down Under blogosphere phenom David Thompson is another from the John Wilder school of bloggery: a gifted writer with plenty of worthwhile things to say and excellent points to make who is damned near impossible to excerpt effectively without doing real violence to the post it came from. Theirs is a long-form style which is densely packed, taut as a snare-drum head, with a punch like a George Foreman haymaker. As Salieri said of Mozart in Amadeus, omit a single note and the entire work would be diminished; omit a single measure and the entire structure must fall. So if you find it puzzling that I don’t excerpt Thompson very often, well, now you understand.

After all, what could possibly go wrong when housing with women a mentally ill man who likes to hold knives to women’s throats before stealing their footwear, and hoarding said footwear for sexual purposes? A man who delights in stalking women, assaulting them, and waving his tallywhacker at mothers with their young daughters.

A man who is referred to in the German media, somewhat surreally, as a woman, a she-person, despite being identified via the very male genetic material left at the scenes of his crimes.

Oh, and should you be concerned about the whereabouts of all those stolen items, fear not:

The defendant now hoards hundreds of boots and handbags in a large number of boxes; she had even taken her treasures with her to prison, where they were stored.

Her treasures, obligingly stored.

See what I mean, gang? Both Thompson and Wilder are longtime standbys of Ye Aulde CF Blogrolle, and we’re fortunate indeed to have ‘em therein. If you aren’t reading them on the regular, you’re missing out on something mighty good.


Thank You African American Elon Musk!

The role played by Musk in this election, starting with enforcing free speech on twitter, then endorsing Trump is HUGE.

And –

The Senate goes to the Trump led Republican party, and the house is now projected to remain in the republican hands by 1 vote.

It is a complete sweep, the greatest comeback in history. It vindicates every single person that just kept working to defeat the marxist cabal.

Congratulations to America, and thank you to President Donald Trump – they have tried to jail him, bankrupt him, and murder him – and they failed.

Fight, Fight, Fight


COMING SOON: Open season on “liberals,” no bag limit

Wow. Just…WOW.

More from the embedded link:

A digitally altered image of Kamala Harris dressed as a McDonald’s employee has gone viral on social media, sparking debate over her recent claim that she once worked at a McDonald’s in Alameda, California. The photo, widely shared by some liberal users as supposed “proof” of Harris’s claim, is actually a modified image of a white Canadian woman who passed away from cancer in 2007. 

The original photo is of Suzanne Bernier, who passed away from cancer in 2007, according to an archived webpage about her life.

These so-called “people” seem absolutely, positively determined to make it impossible not to look forward eagerly to the day they’re finally being hunted down and shot for sport, don’t they? If they go on like this, eventually banks and truck stops will be offering a free toaster oven or fancy embroidered ball cap for every shitlib pelt brought in.


Joke turns out not to be a joke after all

Okay, I admit I was just joking around (well, mostly) when I suggested yesterday that the CDC’s phonus balonus E Coli scare attempt was Überstadt retaliation against Mickey D’s. Looks like, despite everything, maybe I’m not quite as cynical as I really ought to be yet.

Democrats Target McDonald’s for Price Gouging After Trump Served Customers
Senate Democrats attacked McDonald’s on Tuesday for price gouging while it continues to “grow” profits and serve the needs of customers.

The letter, written by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), underscores the success of former President Donald Trump’s campaign stop on Sunday when he worked a McDonald’s drive-thru window in Pennsylvania.

Images and video of the former president helping customers to McDonald’s finest foods nearly broke the internet. Many of Trump’s critics heralded the gesture as great retail politics and a stroke of political genius.

Senate Democrats, however, appeared very upset by Trump’s success.

In a letter addressed to McDonald’s Chief Executive Officer Chris Kempczinski, the senators sought information about the fast-food restaurant’s “increases in fast food prices over the last several years and seeking information regarding McDonald’s pricing decisions.”

The letter made no mention of the policies implemented by the Biden-Harris administration that fueled inflation.

No, of course not. Why would they have, frankly? That wouldn’t be “helping” anybody, y’know.


Opposite Rule, exemplified

This. This. Right. HERE.

Your “See more…” workaround.

They put Bannon in prison. 

They put Navarro in prison. 

They are trying to bankrupt Gateway Pundit. 

They indicted the CFO of Epoch Times.

They are investigating Elon Musk. 

They are trying to put Donald Trump in prison. 

They are trying to disbar Jeff Clark.

They disbarred John Eastman and debanked him. 

They arrested the doctor who blew the whistle that a Texas hospital was illegally performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors. 

They indicted and disbarred Rudy Giuliani. 

They spied on Catholic Churches. 

They put concerned parents who went to school board meetings on the FBI watchlists. 

They imprisoned 1500 protestors, most first time nonviolent offenders. 

But Donald Trump is going to weaponize the government to go after his enemies?

Kinda says it all, don’t it? As codified in Mike’s Iron Law #462, actually.


DeSantis delivers

Ron the Great slaps ‘em down again, and it’s a joy and a wonder to behold.

PREACH it, Guv. “Show more” transcript:

“The chance of me virtue signaling for people in the media is zero. So, do not count on that. I do not subscribe to your religion.”

“I get you have an agenda, I understand that. I think you should be more honest about what that would mean for people: taxing them to smithereens, stopping oil and gas, making people pay dramatically more…we would collapse as a country.”

And that’s the whole story. Hit ‘em again, Gov, harder and in the head this time—I think I see one of the shitlib pieces o’ shite still crawling around under that pile of stinking corpses.


His mouth is moving again

Right straight to Hell with this dirty, demented whoreson.

Biden labels people ‘brain dead’ to doubt ‘climate crisis’ fueled Hurricane Helene: ‘Put politics aside’
President Biden called on Americans Wednesday to “put politics aside” to focus on Hurricane Helene recovery efforts — moments before stepping on his own message by saying that anyone who doubts climate change’s role in the disaster “must be brain dead.”

“In a moment like this, we put politics aside, at least we should put it all aside, and we have here,” the retiring 81-year-old president said during a recovery briefing in Raleigh, NC.

“There are no Democrats or Republicans, there are only Americans, and our job is to help as many people as we can, as quickly as we can, and as thoroughly as we can.”

The consoler-in-chief, seated next to the Tar Heel State’s Democratic governor, Roy Cooper, and emergency officials after an aerial tour of the Asheville area, pivoted moments later to an attack on the mostly Republican skeptics about the role of fossil fuel use in severe weather.

“Unite” with scuttling D卐M☭CRAT cockroaches like you and Komrade Kooper for the furtherance of the Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ ploy, Jaux? Yeah, no; I’d rather gargle crackwhore diarrhea, thanks. MUCH rather, in fact, six days a week and twice on Sundays. Drop dead, whydon’tcha—a process with which any Real American you’d care to name would be more than happy to assist you via the judicious application of a .308 caliber prescription.

Gotta love how, immediately after the brazen jackass flippantly denied any more aid to suffering, ruined Appalachian Americans who bore the brunt of the gut-wrenching Helene catastophe, he eagerly jumps in with both Left feet to try and turn a natural disaster into a political opportunity. He even has the unmitigated gall to misnomer this “put(ting) politics aside,” in what would have to take the trophy for the most transparently self-contradictory statement of all time. Only the scummiest, sleaziest, most heartless ProPol would be capable of such a thing. Here’s hoping Pedo Peter is made to pay for this outrage in fullest possible measure—slowly, painfully, permanently.


The Opposite Rule

In full effect, as always.

For more on the Opposite Rule, please see Mike’s Iron Law #462.


For those who didn’t know

Today we salute the remarkable Rick Rescorla, national treasure and casual Brit-American hero. To begin with, WRSA ran this touching meme:

Next, y’all might or might not be familiar with this book, which I’ve owned for years and re-read countless times:

We Were Soldiers Once...and Young.

And now, the rest of the incredible story.

We Were Soldiers Once…and Young: la Drang – The Battle That Changed the War in Vietnam is a 1992 book by Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore (Ret.) and war journalist Joseph L. Galloway about the Vietnam War. It focuses on the role of the First and Second Battalions of the 7th Cavalry Regiment in the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley, the United States’s first large-unit battle of the Vietnam War; previous engagements involved small units and patrols (squad, platoon, and company sized units). It was adapted into the 2002 film We Were Soldiers.

The cover features Lt. Rick Rescorla, a British-American Vietnam War veteran who served for both countries during the war. Rescorla was uncomfortable about being portrayed as a war hero and chose not to read it when he saw that its cover featured a combat photograph of him. When he learned that the book was being made into a film starring Mel Gibson, he told his wife Susan that he had no intention of seeing it, as he felt uncomfortable with anything that portrayed him or other survivors as war heroes, commenting, “The real heroes are dead.” Rescorla later served as the director of security for Morgan Stanley and is credited with saving nearly 2,700 lives during the September 11 attacks, dying in the process.

Ladies and gents, there walked a man indeed—a true-blue lionheart of a sort they just aren’t making any more of these days, to all our sorrow. Rest ye well, Leftenant Rescorla.


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Kill one for mommy today! Click to embiggen

Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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