Vengeance is mine

Sayeth Southwest Airlines, and it’s pretty gol-danged schweet.

Apparently, it could be a genuine, bona fide SWA Tweet. Although the linked article pooh-poohs that out of hand, saying that SWA hasn’t posted anything at all on X since January in favor of (UGHHGAGBLECCHHH!) Instagram, I’m with Fox Mulder: I WANT to believe! Whoever is behind this, GREAT one, guys.


Government playing God

YET AGAIN, that is.

To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species
To save the imperiled spotted owl from potential extinction, U.S. wildlife officials are embracing a contentious plan to deploy trained shooters into dense West Coast forests to kill almost a half-million barred owls that are crowding out their cousins.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service strategy released Wednesday is meant to prop up declining spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington state and California. The Associated Press obtained details in advance.

Documents released by the agency show up to about 450,000 barred owls would be shot over three decades after the birds from the eastern U.S. encroached into the West Coast territory of two owls: northern spotted owls and California spotted owls. The smaller spotted owls have been unable to compete with the invaders, which have large broods and need less room to survive than spotted owls.

Past efforts to save spotted owls focused on protecting the forests where they live, sparking bitter fights over logging but also helping slow the birds’ decline. The proliferation of barred owls in recent years is undermining that earlier work, officials said.

“Without actively managing barred owls, northern spotted owls will likely go extinct in all or the majority of their range, despite decades of collaborative conservation efforts,” said Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon state supervisor Kessina Lee.

The notion of killing one bird species to save another has divided wildlife advocates and conservationists. It’s reminiscent of past government efforts to save West Coast salmon by killing sea lions and cormorants that prey on the fish, and to preserve warblers by killing cowbirds that lay eggs in warbler nests.

“The Fish and Wildlife Service is turning from protector of wildlife to persecutor of wildlife,” said Wayne Pacelle, founder of the advocacy group Animal Wellness Action. He predicted the program would fail because the agency won’t be able to keep more barred owls from migrating into areas where others have been killed.

The shootings would likely begin next spring, officials said. Barred owls would be lured using megaphones to broadcast recorded owl calls, then shot with shotguns. Carcasses would be buried on site.

Sick, arrogant fucks. But don’t any of you Serf Class oafs be getting any bright ideas from this, mmmkay?

Public hunting of barred owls wouldn’t be allowed. The wildlife service would designate government agencies, landowners, American Indian tribes or companies to carry out the killings. Shooters would have to provide documentation of training or experience in owl identification and firearm skills.

Oh goodie, I feel better already! I’m confident it will all work out a-okay—y’know, just like every other one of their meddlesome, half-baked schemes has— now that I know that goobermint-vetted “experts” are involved. There DOES seem to be one other tiny, minor little problem though.

But there is more to this story than the “old growth” fabrication. Another misrepresentation is that the northern spotted owl is a unique species at all.

Endangered “northern spotted owls” are a “sub-species” of spotted owls, which means they are, in fact, the same species as California spotted owls and Mexican spotted owls, which also live on the west coast. Their difference is that geographic distance and separation have caused some differences in plumage and appearance. To call these spotted owls a different “sub-species” is like stating that Norwegians, Koreans, and Nigerians are different subspecies of homo sapiens. The notion of bird “sub-species” is actively rejected by many in the ornithology community.

This research piece from the Cooper Ornithological Society makes it rather clear that the spotted owl is all one species, noting that the northern spotted owl’s identifying features are based on a specimen from Puget Sound in Washington, while the California spotted owl is based on one from Southern California, but the identifying features of spotted owls gradually morph between the two locations.

In summary, two great lies are at the root of the environmental damage that has been done in the name of the spotted owl: 1) That logging was responsible for their decreasing spotted owl population in the Pacific Northwest; and 2) That there is even such a species as the “northern spotted owl.”

But hundreds of thousands of barred owls are now going to be killed in perpetuation of these lies. Considering that the “green,” anti-carbon advocates of the wind industry defend the senseless killing of millions of eagles, raptors, and migratory birds as a necessary religious sacrament, this proposed owl slaughter is consistent with the 21st Century environmental movement.

Ummm…OOOPS! Well, hey, ya wins some and ya loses some, I reckon. After all, it’s really the thought that counts, right?


Misplaced pride

A sobering reminder of the dismal State of Our (Fractured) Union.

After decades of witnessing America hasten into a dark nightmare of an existence and an ever more uncertain, ill-prepared direction for the future of the country, under a fascist Marxist-Maoist regime, our reasons to be proud of this country have become practically non-existent, on this 4th of July, due to largely inadequate counters or no counterattacks at all to prevent or halt the constant and continuous assaults and attacks by America’s domestic terrorists and the enemies-from-within, as well as enemies from abroad. And as many prepare to celebrate America’s Independence Day, Americans should reflect on their own vision for the not so “united” United States of America and whether or not they love this nation enough to ensure its continued success and survival throughout the 21st century as the greatest nation on earth.

This is the nation that gave the world the marriage between the ideas of liberty and the equality of all under the law, which greatly enabled and facilitated the highest levels of individual liberty and the greatest economic prosperity ever seen throughout the entire history of mankind. This alone would ordinarily make America a very Exceptional nation indeed, if not for the advent of the new amerikkans who hate America’s founding, Her principles and Western civilization itself.

The American Flag is heavily worn, and its stars are faded today, after roughly 200 years of America being such an exceptional nation. Yes, we know She’s stood tall for many years, the best She could for 248 years, but a large segment of the American people — those with a long line of American ancestry as well as the newer generations of immigrants — have themselves diminished and torn asunder the luster of the idea of American Exceptionalism and that Shining City on the Hill that has so often been used across history to depict America, and in far too many instances they have sabotaged the country and American virtues and principles by way of numerous Machiavellian mechanisms, as seen for example in the 1913 Federal Reserve Bank Act, 1929 Stock Market Crash, 1965 Immigration Act, the Covid Pandemic, mail-in ballots, “Election Month” instead of “Election Day” and the New Green Deal.

Our nation emerged from the fire, fury and chaos of the War for Independence with the hopes of the people and a people determined to live free through their own capabilities and devices without the heavy, tyrannical hand of any government from that day on, but from the looks of things today, those hopes were dashed repeatedly across the ages. They revolted over a two percent tax hike on tea, and yet here we sit today taxed on every damned thing under the sun, including the property we supposedly own and the very damned air we breathe.

The average American has many more valid reasons to revolt today, than they had in 1776. Consider the Declaration of Independence, and then consider the current political malaise that has grabbed the American people by the cajones and seemingly just sucked the will and the life out of them, as they sit back ever complacent and apathetic as a Marxist-Maoist juggernaut rolls over their inalienable God-given rights as seen in Natural Law made by God the Creator. One can almost hear the bleating as one walks down Main Street USA.

Never in American history have we seen our country and its people so sorely abused and put upon. Never have the American people suffered such a long train of abuses and usurpations, as we are suffering through today under this Marxist-Maoist communist regime that has captured our government through and through. And it’s damned hard to be proud of a country that has allowed for this, that stands by this very moment watching as if the situation will somehow miraculously resolve itself, as the Democratic Party move ahead with the fundamental transformation of America into something foreign and antithetical to Her founding, a tyrannical Socialist Super-State.

I’ve steadfastly maintained in recent years that, rather than celebrating an America that long since ceased to exist except in the minds and hearts of Real American patriots, the 4th of July ought to be informally declared a national day of mourning, swapping out the red, white, and blue with funereal black. Even so, I do think it worthwhile to celebrate—and take pride in—the unrivaled greatness of our Founding Fathers, if only to help us keep their accomplishments, the principles that inspired them, and the nation they selflessly pledged absolutely everything to ordain and establish foremost in our thoughts—not just today, but every day of the year.

Plus, there’s the side-benefit that doing so will piss shitlibs off so bad they’ll be running ’round and ’round in tight little circles like a man with one foot staked with an Arkansas Toothpick to the ground, frothing, baying, and shrieking like little girls over how horribly UNFAAAAIIIIR!!!! it all is—a spectacular tableau of grief-sodden, self-destructive futility bound to gladden the hearts of all Real Americans. I ask you, what’s not to like about that?

(Via Dave Renegade)

Unrelated update! Apropos of nothing whatsoever, I just noticed that, as of this moment, I have precisely ZERO (0) open blogfodder-tabs left—INCROYABLE!!

Granted, having deemed it unlikely that I ever would get around to properly addressing them at this point, I regretfully pulled the plug on three (3) long-open browser tabs earlier today that had been open so dang long they were dusty, rusty, and way past their use-by date. I mean, these things were so ancient I can’t even recollect why I’d originally thought they might be of much interest to anyone, much less interesting enough to inspire me to write about ‘em. Call it a mercy killing, perhaps.

But still…INCROYABLE!! Also, because reasons: SACRE BLEU!!

Another development which came to my attention yestiddy afternoon whilst slaving away to put the weekly Memezapoppin’ post together: my once-ginormous stockpile of memes awaiting deployment has dwindled to a mere shadow of its former robust self. Can’t even remember the last time that happened; it’s unsettling, frankly. Makes me feel rootless, adrift, without purpose, bereft. Out of the blue, I’m suffused with anxiety over a suddenly-unsettled future wherein, sooner or later, I’ll be caught with my pants down, as it were.

Yessir, to my astonishment and horror, the reassuring Strategic Meme Reserve I’d always taken for granted as a last-ditch backup which guaranteed me a steady, uninterrupted meme-stream to tap for post-content for the twice-weekly delectation of discerning, meme-thirsty CF Lifers and/or Eyrie Eyregulars in time of war and/or emergency is now almost totally drained. Disappointing you fine folks so egregiously by having to shut off the meme-spigot, albeit temporarily, owing entirely to my improvident lack of forethought is simply abhorrent to me— altogether unconscionable, unpardonable, unacceptable. T’is a personal disgrace, a fate worse than death, when you get right down to it.

Unlike the semi-successfully reanimated, overripe fleshly remains of Undead Jaux “Walks Among Us” Biden, I can’t even plead the near-fatal ravages of an immediate-onset head cold and/or mysteriously persistent faux fatigue from a weeks-past European sojourn for the undisclosed purpose of putting in a nominally lifelike appearance at a critically urgently vitally critical, inexplicably exhausting confab with my fellow-socialist-despot counterparts as excuse for my dereliction of duty, ferchrissake.

As expressed in the tear-soaked, grotesquely-theatrical sobs of Jerry Lee Lewis’s infamous cousin: I have sinned…against…you!

On the bright(er) side, it amounts to yet another recapitulation of a lesson drummed into me right down to the cellular level by many years of full-body immersion in the rock and roll lifestyle: too much is never enough. Guess I better get to surfing, downloading, and warehousing toot sweet…


Is it okay to start killing them yet?

Of course it is, my dear. You’ve had the power to do that all along, you know, you just had to learn it for yourself. And now that they’re openly declaring that they’re just about to start killing YOU, why the hell not?

‘Take Out Trump’: Left-Wingers Fantasize About Biden Having ‘Immunity’ To Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices
The left-wing media and pundits fantasized about President Joe Biden assassinating former President Donald Trump and Supreme Court justices as an official act following the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision Monday.

The decision ruled presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts taken while in office. Chief Justice John Roberts stated in the majority opinion the analysis on which acts in the indictment are considered official are “best left to the lower courts.” Trump appealed Department of Justice (DOJ) Special Counsel Jack Smith’s four-count indictment against him related to conspiring to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.

Several pundits accused the Supreme Court of being an ally to Trump, while others went as far as to suggest allowing President Joe Biden to assassinate Trump.

The Nation Justice correspondent Elie Mystal claimed Biden was able “to do the funniest thing ever,” prompting social media users to accuse him of suggesting Biden should commit lethal harm to his political opponent.

Attorney Bradley P. Moss argued the court has granted the president “unequivocal immunity” to take military action against Trump and execute his former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who has been sentenced to serve a four-month prison term for his contempt of Congress conviction.

Left-wing personality Harry Sisson argued the decision allows Biden to “send in the military to take out Trump” and Supreme Court justices.

“According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take them all out,” Sisson wrote. “He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has ‘immunity’ for official acts now!”

“No need to pack the Supreme Court now either. Just get rid of the ones you don’t like and then approve their successors,” another Twitter user wrote. “We can go from ‘life time appointments’ to a job so risky no one will accept it.”

Users said Biden could “drone strike” the residences of Trump and the justices.

“President Biden can have Supreme Court justices executed for treason,” another said. “He can drone strike Mar-a-Lago. Rape, pillage and murder at will. All in the name of an ‘official act.’”

And if you think they’re in any way just kidding around, don’t intend for their words to be taken literally, or exaggerating just to make a larger point, then you’re a goddamned fool; at the very best, you don’t know your Leftists very well. The entire history of Leftism worldwide tells us that these are by NO means empty threats, so why take a chance that this time will be any sort of departure from the norm? Best to exercise “an abundance of caution,” as the FauxVid mantra had it, and get busy shooting, stabbing, hanging, and dropping Leftists from great heights preemptively, before they can do it to us.


The Great and Powerful Oz

Feel sorry for the addle-pated, megalomaniacal Too Aulde Jaux? Diplomad snorts, contemptuously and with malice aforethought, that’ll be the fucking day.

Let me take that up.

Feel sorry for Biden?

Nope. Not one bit. For the past fifty years, Biden has been one of the most disgusting, unprincipled politicians on the American scene. Look up his performance on the Clarence Thomas hearings, for example. He stole years’ worth of classified documents, tried to peddle them to a ghost writer, participated in his crack head son’s shady businesses, took money from foreign businesses and governments, and was clearly a racist and an abuser of women, and his daughter. He is a borderline pedo. He tanked his first run for the Presidency when he plagiarized an entire speech from, of all people, Neil Kinnock (Ugh!) He has been a serial fabulist making up wild Walter Mitty-type stories about his past, e.g., arrested on his way to see Mandela, taking on Cornpop. He has lied repeatedly about his first wife’s death, and that of his son, Beau. More important, he has been a disaster as President, and has caused our nation, and the West serious, perhaps irreparable harm. He has destabilized the Middle East; led Putin to invade Ukraine; encouraged Iran and its proxies to seek nuclear weapons and increase their global terror campaign; he has opened our border and our society to a flood of millions of illegal aliens from all over the world, murders, rapes, and other mayhem have followed.

Feel sorry for him?


UltraubermegaMAGA-dittos, Mr Diplomad, sir. Me, I intend to save my sympathy for someone actually deserving of it. Which is not now, nor will it ever be, the corrupt, mouldering oxygen thief currently befouling the Oval Office air by his noxious presence therein.

I’ve stated before here, and still mean every last word of it, that I fervently hope every minute of the usurper Biden’s time in the office he desperately lusted after for lo, those many decades will add up to the most miserable, frustrating, unpleasant days of his entire useless existence, right up until the frabjous day he finally keels over dead in his exorbitantly overpriced desk chair. After all the suffering, deprivation, and disaster he’s wreaked during half a century of suckling gluttonously at the government teat, let the shambolic shitbag suffer his own damned self—as much suffering as he can endure, plus some. The thought of such as he finally grabbing (stealing, more like) the brass ring, then going on to live happily ever after perched behind the Resolute desk rankles me to an intolerable degree.

Petty of me, mean-spirited, even? Meh, could be, could be. Don’t give a lumpy fart, don’t care who thinks it is.

Entertaining as it was for Real Americans, however, there’s a broader, more pressing point lurking beneath the surface of last week’s debate-night debacle, and Caitlin Johnstone makes it.

If people really believed the president runs the country, they’d be freaking out that Biden in his demented haze might order an attack on the Soviet Union or nuke Libya to kill Muammar Gaddafi or something. They’re not worried that this will happen because they know their government is actually being run by unelected empire managers from behind the scenes, and that Biden is just the official face on the operation.

Perhaps more troubling is that evidently, people in the main trust those unelected empire managers to do a good job of running things, and harbor a naive and unfounded faith in the good intentions of said managers. They seem to believe that, even though this unwholesome arrangement isn’t the way things were supposed to be in America, at the end of the day the Deep State’s Grey Men are patriotic Americans not all that different from themselves: fundamentally decent, honorable men and women who share similar aspirations, desires, and values to the ones they hold dear.

Whatever their personal foibles, failings, and trivial departures from traditional life and thought, the Government Greyfaces nonetheless love puppies, children, Grandma, and backyard cookouts with family and friends. They love their country, its people, its customs, and respect its history. They stand, salute the flag, and sing the national anthem at baseball games. They would never harm, harass, bully, or in any manner traduce the Constitutional rights of any solid, law-abiding citizen without cause. Only criminals, outlaw bikers, public nuisances, and dope fiends need fear their wrath, which is no more than meet and just.

They celebrate 4th of July and Christmas, take the kids out trick or treating on Halloween, enjoy the annual Thanksgiving gathering and the post-feast NFL game, and consider themselves to be good Christians, if maybe not always quite as good as they really should be. They work hard to fulfill their sworn duty to protect and serve, pay their taxes in full and on time, wear their seatbelt, drive safely and courteously, and keep to their own lane and tend to their own business in general. They don’t complain, don’t drink to excess, don’t abuse, neglect, or mistreat their wife and kids. They keep their lawns neatly manicured, their homes tidy, clean, and well-maintained.

Y’know, just like the rest of us. Right? RIIIGHT?!?

Unfortunately, as thousands of our fellow Americans have learned to their great cost over the last five-ten years, Joe Squarejohn has all of the above entirely assbackwards and wrong.

So in order to hold their mainstream worldview together, liberals are simultaneously straddling the two completely contradictory concepts that (A) it doesn’t matter who the president is because the country is actually run by unelected empire managers, and (B) that Biden’s debate performance was very concerning because it means Trump will become president.

In reality the US empire has marched along in all its usual depravity despite its official leader having Swiss cheese for a brain this entire time. They got their genocide in Gaza and their world-threatening proxy war against Russia, as well as China policy that is vastly more hawkish than that of Biden’s predecessors. The imperial murder machine hasn’t skipped a beat in its nonstop campaign of steadily increasing global tyranny.

This has happened because US presidential elections are fake and the results don’t matter. It wouldn’t matter if Americans elected a labrador retriever or a bottle of Tabasco sauce; the empire would roll forward without the slightest interruption. The wars would continue. The economic injustice would continue. The surging authoritarianism would continue. The oligarchy and corruption would continue. The ecocidal capitalism would continue. The imperialist extraction would continue.

US elections are just a diversion to keep Americans from pushing for real change in ways that pose a meaningful challenge to power, and Americans already kind of know this. The sooner they stop compartmentalizing away from this fact that they’re already dimly aware of and face reality, the sooner they can start bringing health to both their nation and the world.

There’s abundant fodder for dispute here—“genocide” in Gaza, “ecocidal” capitalism, “hawkish” China policy—standard issue, Mark-1 Mod-0 shitlib shibboleths all, with no more truth in ‘em than there is in any given Faux Jaux Bribem speech. As for “bringing health” to the world, that ain’t no way no how America’s job, nor is it within America’s power to do, nor should any sensible person want America to take a stab at it, much less succeed. Fact is, most if not all of the trouble and woe the world is staring down the muzzle of at present is the predictable end-product of endless attempts by arrogant Überstadt lackwits to “bring health to the world,” by hook or by crook.

“Health,” you say? Whose definition of “health,” pray tell? What about people whose conception of “health” conflicts with the officially authorized version—are they to be assaulted, jailed, or coerced into toeing the party line by some other method—a tax penalty, a fine, a travel ban, summary disbarment from social interaction, gainful employment, grocery stores, commercial and/or banking privileges, say? Shall The Deciders’ definition of “health” be put to a vote? Will said definition be subject to review and revision? If so, how often, and by whom? Will a Select Blue-Ribbon Committee for the Advancement of Global Health need to be established? Should Committee members be elected or appointed? If they’re to be appointed, how will those appointments be made, and by whom—the (formerly) sovereign states, POTUS, the EU, the UN? By what criteria will those appointees be selected? Will said criteria also be subject to periodic review and/or revision? How long a term will Committee members serve? A year, two years? Ten years, until death?

You begin to see the problems here, I suspect, popping up their ugly heads like gophers in a truck patch. Any subject of a bloated Leviathan goobermint will recognize them without having to think very hard or long about it, such problems are all too familiar in those districts. Worse, the aforementioned list is only the beginning; many, many additional problematic questions will soon follow, as surely as night follows day. Naturally, the answers to those multitudinous questions never, ever vary in the slightest:

  • More money
  • More regulation
  • More paper-shuffling hirees, average salary: 80,000 dollars/yr
  • More supervisors to make sure the paper-shufflers (none of which can ever be fired, no matter what, by law) remain attentive to their pointless duty
  • More power and control, as much as they can possibly glom for themselves

After reviewing them, the eternal answers above suggest a new addition to Mike’s Iron Laws, covering all government departments, bureaucracies, and programs. To wit:

  • Its mandate will never expire
  • Its purview will never be limited
  • Its original mission will never be accomplished, its goals never achieved, its stated intentions never fulfilled
  • Its budget will never be cut, likewise the number of its employees
  • Its authority will never diminish, only expand
  • Its reach will never be constrained

In sum, government programs and agencies are a lot like those pestiferous gophers: if you don’t whack ‘em in the noggin with a BFH (Big Fuckin’ Hammer, in the time-honored greasemonkey acronym; see also, RCH) the instant the first one shows up, tomorrow morning there’ll be another one, then more and more and more, until before you know it the whole garden is infested. At which juncture the only thing left to do is just throw your hands up, walk away from the whole sorry shebang in disgust, and let the stupid critters have the place all to themselves. Try again next spring, maybe, assuming you’re feeling froggy enough for a rematch.

My piffling objections aside, though, Johnson’s central thesis re the perpetual Shadow State power behind the White House throne holds up pretty well.

Update! Related? Oh, you just bet your sweet bippy* it’s related.

You knew that Biden lost his marbles long ago, but the propaganda press has been telling the world that he’s just fine for years. For those people who rely upon Deep State programmers to tell them what to believe, seeing Biden disintegrate on the debate stage must have been stunning. Mainstream news corporations have been covering up Biden’s mental infirmities for so long that too many Americans watched Biden struggle to form sentences for the first time. Just as reporters in the first half of the twentieth century lied to the American people about FDR’s reliance upon a wheelchair, reporters in the first quarter of the twenty-first century have lied to the American people about Biden’s debilitating dementia. On June 27, the lid on journalists’ barrel of Biden-protecting lies shot right off.

Not even halfway through Biden’s debate disaster, his communications people were spreading a new lie — that he was suffering from a cold — to explain away his enfeebled and bewildered presence on stage. Maybe that desperate excuse would have worked on some of his most partisan supporters had Crooked Joe just gotten back from a whirlwind global tour during which he had spoken before several foreign parliaments and helped negotiate world peace, but the guy had been hiding away at Camp David for over a week! When you first tell the public that you are unable to perform your presidential duties and prepare for a debate at the same time and then tell them that your weeklong debate camp destroyed your immune system, you aren’t in a position to inspire sympathy. How nice it would be for every blue-collar worker suffering from a cold to be able to take a full week off for some rest and relaxation in a taxpayer-funded vacation home without losing any pay in this lousy economy!

No, the only thing the “Joe has a cold” lie accomplished was to make people wonder whether a simple virus could also explain Kamala Harris’s cognitive handicaps. It is no secret that some very stupid people have risen to the heights of power in the American government. A cynic might speculate that the bureaucratic Deep State and national security surveillance State prefer Potemkin “leaders” who can be easily manipulated and controlled. Still, with Biden and Harris occupying the top two leadership spots at the same time, the American people feel as if they have been forced to watch another unwatchable Dumb and Dumber movie that refuses to come to an end. While The New York Times and D.C.’s polite society have pretended that Old Joe and Cackling Kamala have “restored dignity” to the White House, ordinary Americans have been shaking their heads all along at two of the most dull-witted morons ever to putatively obtain the reins of power. The presidential debate simply confirmed that Dumb and Dumber are not running the government; those two can’t even answer basic questions without discombobulating.

If the two figureheads catapulted into high office by mail-in-ballot fraud aren’t running things, then who the hell is? Is it the cabal of Marxist military chiefs promoted not for their intellect and skill but rather for their compliance with DIE foolishness? Is it the collection of spooks and assassins enjoying unchecked power and limitless black budgets over at the CIA? Is it the elite club of investment bankers who print money and manipulate markets while riding roughshod over central banks? Is it the small number of financial powerhouses such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street that manage trillions of dollars in assets all over the world? Is it the gaggle of billionaires such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk who buy and sell entire industries as if they were trinkets from a garage sale?  

Whoever might be running the United States, it is certainly not anyone elected by the American people. If that were not obvious before 2016, it quickly became so once the Deep State engaged in an ongoing coup d’état against President Trump and replaced any vestigial respect for the will of voters with a criminal enterprise allowing political operatives to print, fill out, collect, and count as many ballots as necessary for “victory.

There’s more, much of it an extended rehash of the tired They’re terrified of us! cope, which I still ain’t buying for a minute. Go ask any of the never-tried/never charged folks even now languishing in the Goolag for unspecified Crimes Against The State concomitant to the spurious J6 “insurrection”—or Peter Navarro, or Steve Bannon, or God alone knows how many other innocent American political prisoners—just how “terrified” the Stasi scumbuckets look from where they’re sitting.

* Autodating Geezer Reference™ explicated here


The Left, eating itself

Questions without answers, problems without solutions.

We’re well into “Pride Month” now – only another twelve or fifteen weeks to go – and, as you know, my advice to the LGBTQWERTY crowd is to enjoy it while you can. Because demography is destiny, and the successor populations imported into the west will not be hot for Pride parades. That process is already underway, and it will intensify. To reiterate:

In the end, it’s all demography… You can change all the boys into girls and all the girls into boys but in the end there aren’t enough of either to alter the outcome. You’re merely arguing about who’ll be using which bathroom on the Oblivion Express.

Or maybe who’ll be waxing which genitals on the Oblivion Express. We used to do trans waxing stories on Rush and elsewhere every so often because, for a while, thanks to the psycho-tranny from hell in British Columbia, there were rather a lot of them. But, if you’re the salon-owner getting scorched, it’s not really funny:

Trans-identified male awarded $35,000 by Ontario court after women’s salon refused to wax ‘her’ balls

By “awarded”, the Court means that the proprietor of the ladies’ salon Mad Wax in Windsor, Ontario will have to pay it to her. His name, delightfully, is Carruthers (not this Carruthers, presumably). The bepenised beauty called up to have her wedding tackle waxed on a day when the attendant in question was …oh, I’m sure you can guess:

The salon employee working that day was a devout Muslim woman who refrained from physical contact with men, and the salon owner told the trans woman that they could not find a way to accommodate her request.

In other words, there is no correct answer to this dilemma. Mr Carruthers could have instructed the devout Muslima to wax the meat-and-two-veg in question and earned himself an entirely different “human rights” complaint or, alternatively, a visit to the bottom of the Detroit River courtesy of her husband and brothers. Like I said, no correct answer; an excess of diversity; what Marx would call the internal contradictions of multiculturalism.

The court in question was the Ontario “Human Rights” Tribunal, where I beat the rap over a decade-and-a-half ago. But time creeps on and the “human rights” judges have now discovered the universal human right to have your testicles depilated by an observant Muslim lady. Try it next time you’re in Riyadh.

Oh, if only they would—every last one of them, by no later than this time tomorrow. If ever there was a problem that solved itself, the “transgender” invasion of Saudi Arabia demanding their “right,” as “women,” to have Moslems depilate their junk for them would have to be an excellent example of one.


Deadly denouement

Stupid fucking dick-with-ears.

Alec Baldwin fired blank at crew member before fatal ‘Rust’ shooting: prosecutors
Alec Baldwin once fired a blank round at a crew member on the set of “Rust,” prosecutors alleged in new court papers, as they accused the actor of being reckless with firearms while filming.

Gee, wonder if that mightn’t be the same type of “blank round” that did for Brandon Lee some years back, perchance? Or Jon-Erik Hexum? Or Terry Kath, say? Naaah, couldn’t be, it’s unpossible.

Prosecutors in the New Mexico involuntary manslaughter case against the “30 Rock” star said they plan to bring evidence at his trial — slated to begin on July 9 — showing that Baldwin had a history of flouting safety protocols on set, which led to Halyna Hutchins’ tragic shooting death in 2021.

One such reckless moment came when Baldwin, 66, pointed his gun and fired “a blank round at a crew member” while he held the person target in his line of sight, prosecutors alleged in the Monday filing.

Other examples of Baldwin ignoring safety procedures between Oct. 12, 2021 up until the day of the shooting included him using his gun as a pointer; firing the weapon after filming was over in violation of safety rules; holding his finger on the trigger in scenes that didn’t require it; rushing armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed to reload his gun faster; and being on FaceTime with his family and making videos for them during firearms training, the court papers claimed.

And before filming even started Baldwin — one of the producers and the leading actor in the movie — “asked to be assigned the ‘biggest’ gun available,” the filing alleged.

In one clip, he “can be seen engaging in horseplay with his gun and pulling his gun when the scene did not call for the pulling of his gun,” the papers claimed. “When he pulls his gun the muzzle of the gun is pointed directly at another actor.”

Prosecutors said many clips show an angry and aggressive Baldwin, who can also be seen halting filming to yell and swear at the crew.

“Mr. Baldwin can be seen screaming intermittently throughout the attempts at filming the scene,” the filing claimed. “He exercises complete control over the set by stopping the acting sequence, cursing loudly and rushing the other cast and crew.”

Taken altogether this “intrinsic evidence” of Baldwin’s “other acts” leading up to Hutchins’ death shows that the incident wasn’t an “accident or mistake” — as Baldwin has maintained all along, prosecutors said.

Indeed. Looks a lot more like a pattern of behavior from where I’m sitting. Although YMMV, of course and as always.

The funny-but-not-ha-ha-funny aspect of all this is the observable demonstration of Mike’s Iron Law #462 represented herein: clearly the jerk Baldwin, subconsciously or otherwise, regarded the prop guns he recklessly and obnoxiously brandished at people on-set as the “penis substitutes” shitlibs like him so love to mock gun-fanciers for supposedly using to compensate for certain, ummm, shortcomings, shall we say. Y’know, same as stump-jumping 4WD pickups, Harley Davidsons, Texas-sized cowboy belt buckles, and high-performance American V8 engines also are.

Totally ignorant about guns of every type and description; unmindful of the most elementary precepts of firearm safety; blinded by his bloated, unchecked ego to the very real peril his childish monkeyshines put others in; negligent, preening, profoundly self-absorbed, inconsiderate, unprofessional—the real marvel here is that Alec Baldwin’s damn-fool jackanapery didn’t get some other cast- or crew-member killed long before now. Truly, the man’s a menace. One can only wonder what other horror-stories about his on-set misconduct remain untold, except in sotto voce whispers amongst the pitiable souls condemned to work with the bratty little asswart over the years.


Somehow, I do NOT feel reassured

I don’t care so much about this story per se, interesting though it surely is. I only intend to use it as a springboard for making another point entirely, for which a clue is provided in my bolded bit.

Earth’s Core Seems to Be Wrapped in an Ancient, Unexpected Structure
The most high-resolution map yet of the underlying geology beneath Earth’s Southern Hemisphere revealed something we previously never knew about: an ancient ocean floor that may wrap around the core.

This thin but dense layer exists around 2,900 kilometers (1,800 miles) below the surface, according to a study published in 2023. That depth is where the molten, metallic outer core meets the rocky mantle above it. This is the core-mantle boundary (CMB).

“Seismic investigations, such as ours, provide the highest resolution imaging of the interior structure of our planet, and we are finding that this structure is vastly more complicated than once thought,” said geologist Samantha Hansen from the University of Alabama when the findings were announced.

Understanding exactly what’s beneath our feet – in as much detail as possible – is vital for studying everything from volcanic eruptions to the variations in Earth’s magnetic field, which protects us from the solar radiation in space.

Guess we should feel pretty lucky that we already know everything there is to know about the Earth’s climate, then; good thing for us all that there’s nothing left to learn about that. Right, guys?



Did he or didn’t he? Only his on-staff dipey-dumper knows for sure.

Did Joe Biden Poop Himself at the D-Day Event?
If there was any doubt that the United States is no longer a serious country with a serious mainstream media, let’s consider it settled science after the internet erupted this morning when it appeared Joe Biden pooped his pants during the D-Day event at Normandy.

PJ Media’s Matt Margolis covered the more-than-awkward event where President Biden made several humiliating gaffes, which certainly has Vladimir Putin quaking in his boots having to face off against such senility in Ukraine. However, the circus became even crazier as X users noticed a video clip where Joe Biden bends over in front of Jill in a moment where it looked like he lost control of his bowels. In the same clip, Jill Biden appears to cover her nose to escape the stench. 

Tim Pool, the purveyor of the hit YouTube political program Timcast, noted, “Oh my god he’s pooping,” which set off a poopstorm of users laughing at the President on X, not the image that Joe Biden wanted to present in the middle of an election season on a trip abroad. 

However, leave it to the left-wing serious journalists at The Daily Beast to make sure the record on this matter was fact-checked on behalf of the administration. Within hours of the event, the site had an article titled, “This Video Shows Joe Biden Did Not—in Fact—Poop Himself at D-Day Event,” oddly listed under the “Extremism” category. Whether the extremism has to do with any Chipotle burritos Joe Biden consumed before the event or not, it’s unclear.  

In the article, the mainstream shill author defends Joe Biden’s engagement as “forceful” despite the President barely excreting the words out for his canned speech. The writer tried to paint laughing at what’s a ridiculous scene — whether it’s true Joe Biden pooped or not — as some kind of situation where a viewer should be ashamed of himself for thinking such a thing of the President.  

The article branded people laughing at a ridiculous scene as “MAGA Trolls,” and the more the author protested, the more it seems the Daily Beast is attempting to cover up a hot turd on behalf of the administration. 

It’s embarrassing that we live in a country where we have to legitimately wonder whether our President pooped himself or not. This isn’t the first strange act of senility by Joe Biden, but merely the latest in a long list of cringe-worthy moments during his tenure as president. 

How DARE you impugn our Dear Leader so maliciously, you dirty Ultra-Über-Mega-MAGAT terrorist, you! Why, for a senile sharp, marginally ambulatory nimble, decrepit vigorous, detested stumblebum beloved statesman whose lower-bowel functions are incontrovertibly—a-HENH!—regular as the seasons, reliable as a Swiss watch; one hundred percent all-natural without need for laxatives, stool-softeners, enemas, anti-diarrheals, or other pharmaceutical/chemical/mechanical artificialities; and under his control completely, Too Auld Jaux is doing one HELL of a bang-up job masquerading as ***”pResident”***, damn your eyes.

For my money, the answer to my post-opening query is of no real import, pretty much beside the point. Just the fact that the question keeps cropping up again and again is entertaining enough all by itself. Sure, knowing for a certainty that the malevolent, crooked old kiddy-diddler was serially plagued by involuntary doody-downloads during public appearances, speeches, grip ’n’ grins, and such-like events would be a seriously awesome bonus. But even so, watching as the charge’s unassailable credibility compels shitlibs to rally round in spluttering, fumbletongued defense of the Incontinent in Chief every time he stops, squats, grunts, and grimaces in perfect red-faced emulation of cranking yet another ***”pResidential”*** stink-pickle in his Depends is almost as good.


All the above and then some

Divemedic, with about as astute an analysis as I’ve seen yet of what I long ago dubbed “The Coming Unpleasantness” will most probably look like.

The Civil War you imagine and fantasize about isn’t going to happen the way you think. There won’t be “front lines”, there probably won’t even be an insurgency, not in the beginning, anyway.

What you’re going to see is “The Troubles” on meth and steroids (And if you’re too young or too stupid to know what those were, fire up the Googlemachine.)

It’s going to be a lot of assassinations, kidnappings, and disappearances. Retributions and retributions for retributions. It’s going to be bombings and quick drive by skirmishes. The military will have next to no role in it other than on the ground checkpoint monitors and hardening their own instillations.

Your F-15 pilot won’t fly missions after the last time his squad mate did, and landed to find his family laying in the street.

It’s not going to be the far right vs the government alone. It’s going to be the militant left against the militant right, and the government. Battles are going to be fought everywhere and nowhere.

A friend of mine thinks it’ll be more like “The Purge” petty feuds with the HOA or neighbors finally take vengeance for some perceived wrong.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s going to be both.

Sounds too much like Hobbes’s horrific “war of all against all” to suit my tastes; whatever the case may turn out to be, I am waaaay too old for this shit.


The Donald Trump of Julius Caesars

As promised/threatened earlier: the fall of the Republic, then and now.

Observations During The Late Republic
For the first time in a long time, I have turned back to Roman history. It has been something like 2 decades since I read anything to do with Rome. But, recently, as part of my fitness and general “be strong, not fat” program (on which I shall write more, as well), I am listening to Mike Duncan’s “The History of Rome” podcast. Ironically, I reached Julius Caesar in the last stages of the First Triumvirate just as the Donald Trump “hush money” trial got really interesting.

In the late Roman Republic, Patricians, wealthy Plebians, and successful Generals were often prosecuted for crimes (real and imaginary) after they left office and no longer were protected by the office they held. They were prosecuted by their political enemies, as a general rule of thumb, in order to gain power, prevent the individual from gaining further power, and so forth.

One of the key reasons that Julius Caesar broke Roman law and led his Army across the Rubicon River and into Italy was that he knew that his political enemies were going to prosecute him for crimes they believed he had committed while Consul. Once his 10 year term of Pro-Consul of Cis-Alpine Gaul was complete, they would bring charges against him and then have him exiled or executed. He attempted to negotiate with the Senate for amnesty from prosecution in return for relinquishing command of his Legions, but the Senate refused and ordered him to relinquish command and return to Rome alone.

When Julius Caesar refused, he knew (and said) that the die was cast, meaning that he would have to fight a civil war now. And he led his legions into Italy, which ultimately ended the Republic.

If you think this isn’t what we see happening right now in America, you don’t understand that history and how it is repeating itself.

I think it safe to say that, in Amerika v2.0, there are a great many historical parallels that aren’t understood—or even known, for that matter—by a great many people. And should you try to explain it to them, they’ll either

  • Stuff their fingers into their ears and ignore you completely
  • Accuse you of the Hate Crime of Mansplaining, call the cops, and demand you be arrested, which the cops will assuredly do
  • Physically assault you for your intolerable defense of the hated Patriarchy
  • Call you a damned liar
  • Run away to the nearest officially-licensed Safe Space, having been Triggered by your Violent© act of oppression, bigotry, and Literal Genocide

Those, among other unpleasant possibilities.


Good ol’ Meestah Luce has kindly dropped a comment over at last night’s Eyrie offering that I think is high-octane enough to merit a main-page mention here at Ye Aulde CF Muthashippe.

The US has a “double government”, one which is elected and runs a “clown car”, and a permanent – and actual – government which has existed since 1937 (see ) and whose ambit and powers have been codified into law since the Great Coup of 1947, the year of the establishment of the US National Security State and the final overthrow of Constitutional rule – the appearances remain so as not to upset the general public (those who aren’t in the Club) but the substance has been hollowed out and replaced by an entirely alien structure – see and the following videos from 10 years ago – rest assured, nothing has changed: and

What we have with Trump vs The Democrats is a big drama, where the population of the US can divide themselves into two more or less equal-sized “sides”, and get into a big fight with each other, maybe a war with lots of dead and wounded – the National Security State has played that drama in a lot of countries overseas, and now it’s coming home. It’s known as “divide and conquer” and it’s a very successful strategy and has been since Julius Caesar. The DNC *and* the RNC are equally tools of the underlying structure, the Permanent Government – and it’s the Permanent Government and its policies and utter unconstitutionality and its longstanding disrespect for the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, and the principles set forth therein, should be the true target of any rebellion. The Permanent Government is the tyrant “pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject [the American people] to arbitrary power…”

Words which should be kept in mind, here:

He continues in like vein from there, including a quotation from one of Jefferson’s early drafts of the Declaration, and it’s good, heady stuff indeed. Trust me when I say that you really want to click over and read the whole thing. Coinkydinkly enough, the above mention of Julius Caesar reminds me that I have an open browser tab also referencing him just sitting around waiting for me to get around to it. I’ll get on that straightaway, whilst y’all are preoccupied with hh’s comment.


SO: how’s Bribem’s Pier of Friendship, Peace, & Harmony© workin’ out for ya, anyway?


Biden’s Gaza “Pier to Nowhere” a Disaster and National Embarrassment, Breaks Apart
“This is a larger issue than anything happening in that impossible corner of the globe. Over the weekend, we saw yet more indications of an empire in decline deteriorating from bad to pathetic”

“From bad to pathetic.” Yeah, that’s about the size of it, I’d have to say. Pathetic Pedaux Jaux to attempt to retrieve his “pResidential” legacy by declaring war on Israel in 5…4…3…2…

To sum up, then:

  • While the stupid thing was under construction, Hamas launched mortars at it
  • None of the “aid” for supposed “innocent civilians” in Gaza—none of whom actually, y’know, exist—has reached its intended recipients, thanks to Hamas stealing every last ounce of it
  • Then, the whole ill-conceived mishegoss was brought to a screeching, smoking halt when perfectly normal weather and sea states caused a great chunk of it to tear away and float off
  • THEN, the pathetically-incompetent US Army—for some unfathomable reason in charge of what clearly should have been a Navy mission—ran several ships aground trying to retrieve the remains of the silly thing

And now, as if all that clownish half-assery wasn’t enough, this:

Biden’s Gaza pier is sinking into the sea… very few supplies delivered and $320 million in US tax dollars down the drain…
What’s happening to Biden’s Gaza project really puts a spin on “pier pressure.” It’s clear that the Biden administration could give the Keystone Cops a run for their money. It seems everything these bumbling nitwits touch turns to absolute disaster, and the Biden “Gaza Pier” is no exception. Social media is buzzing with photos and videos of the pier seemingly sinking into the sea.

Know who benefits most from this plethora of stumbling, bumbling, and boobishness, though? Jimmeh Peanuthead, that’s who. With this riotously funny shitshow, Bribem has easily supplanted Carter as the by-God worst “pResident” of all time.


Free markets, free enterprise? No thanks, we’re Amerikans

An amusing story that illustrates perfectly how very far from anything resembling small-business-oriented laissez-faire capitalism we’ve come.

How to Murder a Popular Restaurant Chain With This 1 Weird Trick
Following the unexpected closure of dozens of locations last week, Red Lobster completely expectedly filed for bankruptcy protection this week — and how the seafood chain ended up in Chapter 11 restructuring is a fascinating story of bad decisions, spastic leadership, and shortsighted greed. It’s that last element that really tells the tale.

Reb Lobster “temporarily closed” 87 restaurants last week, but as USA Today reported, some of them have “their kitchen equipment up for auction on an online restaurant liquidator.” Temporary, eh?

CNN’s Nathaniel Meyersohn wrote Monday that the chain’s “misguided endless shrimp promotion drove it into bankruptcy.” If you missed the news — I knew about it but my efforts at getting back into shape couldn’t afford it — last summer, Red Lobster made their $20 all-you-can-eat shrimp special a permanent menu item.

“The plan, as far as I can tell,” Luke Winkie wrote for Slate, “was for guests to fill up on just enough shellfish to preserve Red Lobster’s profit margin. It backfired spectacularly: The restaurant’s clientele scarfed down enough shrimp to accumulate an $11 million operating loss in the fourth quarter of 2023.” But that $11 million loss was only a small fraction of the company’s overall $72 million loss last year.

There’s so much more to the story than a money-losing menu item.

Business analyst Trung Phan posted to X that “the interesting part” behind the all-you-can-eat shrimp “is that one of the chain’s owners is Thai seafood firm Thai Union… and it may have used Endless shrimp to dump its own shrimp supply through the 578 restaurants in North America.” Restaurant Business Online reported that bankruptcy court documents question “whether the control Thai Union exerted over the supply chain process drove up costs for the chain, worsening its financial condition.” Quality control was reportedly an issue, too.

“Quality”? At Red Lopster?!? The McDonalds of seafood restaurants, first-choice favorite of Neegrows nationwide and hardly anyone else?

Now you’ve heard everything, right?


There’s still more.

And of course there is, Stephen wouldn’t lie about a thing like that. Thankfully, down South we’ve always been blessed with enough old-school “fish camps” that no sensible person had to even think about resorting to dumps like Red Lopster *shudder* for their seafood needs anyway, so no great loss.


Just GREAT: Biden to bring peace in our time

Anybody remember last night somebody mentioning “a phonus-balonus ‘peace’ agreement that would be tantamount to suicide” for Israel?

Yeah, about that.

The US aims to wrap up Gaza war. How does that square with its goal of toppling Hamas?

Easy-peasy: it does not, because it cannot. “Toppling” Hamas, much less eradicating it altogether, is in no wise the “goal” of the ruling US junta, the Moslem terrorist’s bestest friend.

More than seven months into the Israel-Hamas war, the Biden administration’s top priority is to try and secure a hostage deal. This would commence a weeks-long truce, but Washington’s goal is for that pause to be turned permanent.

“If we can get a ceasefire, we can get something more enduring and then maybe end the conflict,” White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said this month.

What appears less clear, though, is how pushing for this ceasefire squares with another US commitment, which is to eliminate the threat of Hamas.

“An enduring defeat of Hamas certainly remains the Israeli goal, and we share that goal with it,” Kirby said last week.

The two objectives seem to clash, given that a temporary-turned-permanent deal with Hamas would ostensibly leave the terror group standing in Gaza.

Which is of course the whole point of the double-dealing exercise. Contra the pearl-clutching of the Jewphobic Right denouncing the “Biden” junta’s supposed lickspittle obeisance to the sole natural ally the US has (s’cuse me, HAD) in the region—which would be Israel, not Iran, as those misguided souls contend—actions speak louder than words, and by their fruits shall ye know them.

FederalGovco, controlled entirely by (((Dem Pesky JoojoojooJOOOOOOZ!!)))? Don’t make me laugh, people.

NEXT UP: the “humanitarian” importation of hordes of Hamas terrorists in the guise of helpless, monstrously abused “refugees,” followed by the transmogrification of another once-pleasant, inhabitable American metrop into the new Minneapolis, Dearborn, Mogadishu, et al.

FOLLOWING THAT: a sudden inexplicable surge in crime rates; riots; brutal gang-rapes; occasional bizarre murders by perps screaming “Allahu akhbar” and “Death to America” whose motive the FBI and/or DHS will swiftly announce themselves entirely capable of determining; various other “man-caused disasters” wherein “some people did some things.” All these incidents and more besides will be mystifyingly accompanied by “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth,” the Moslem call to prayer broadcast five times a day at ear-splitting volume throughout the city’s formerly placid residential districts.

It’s all very strange, I must say, although these phenomena are plainly unrelated, no discernible connection between them, no cause for the effect. Who even knowns anymore why it is that hoomon beenz do the wild and crazy things they do? Must be the contrails, or water flouridation, or an enchantment laid on by those Wicca gals. Or werewolves, maybe.

Update! Yeah, about importing those pitiable “refugees.”

Bob Casey Won’t Say Whether He Backs Biden’s Plan To Relocate Gazan Refugees to the United States
Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey (D.) this week repeatedly refused to say if he supports President Joe Biden’s plan to relocate refugees from Gaza to the United States.

Casey remained stone-faced and silent for nearly a minute as a political tracker pressed him for his stance on Biden’s proposal.

“Do you think Biden should send Gazan refugees to Pennsylvania?” asked the tracker, according to a video released by the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Casey did not answer the question. Neither his office nor campaign responded to questions from the Washington Free Beacon about his views on the refugee proposal.

Casey and other vulnerable Democrats shied away from staking out a position on Biden’s proposal earlier this week. A Casey spokesman dodged the question in a statement to Politico, saying Casey is “focused on supporting Israel as it prosecutes its war against terrorist Hamas leaders, getting the hostages home, and ensuring Israel fulfills its obligation to prioritize humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza. He believes U.S. focus should be on these three goals right now.”

The heart, it bleeds for our new Hamas-American fellow citizens. POINTS FOR POLLYANNAS:

  1. The hostages are dead already, likely having been slaughtered by those Ham-ass animals within no more than a month or so of being taken prisoner; they should be mourned, avenged, and remembered, but not expected to ever be seen alive by their loved ones again
  2. If Israel prioritizes humanitarian aid to “civilians” in Gaza—the overwhelming majority of whom support Hamas and their genocidal ambitions, making them anything but “innocent”— then the successful prosecution of this entirely just war is of necessity going to be lower on the to-do list, when it of right ought to be Israel’s A-Number One imperative
  3. If you credulously imagine that a majority percentage of our proposed “refugee” imports won’t consist of fit, devout-Moslem males of military age, you should immediately bend over for the swift, hard kick in the ass you so badly need, because you are just too fucking stupid to live

As hesitant and conflicted as the aforementioned D卐M☭CRAT scumbuckets pretend to be regarding mass-relocation of hordes of bloodthirsty, unvetted Moslem unassimilables from Gaza to these shores, don’t be fooled, I implore you. The snake-in-the-grass politicos are engaging in the requisite fence-straddling theatrics before they “reluctantly” agree to give Bribem’s backstage string-pullers everything they want.

This is merely the same old camera-ready dumbshow for their fed-up constituents showcasing several of their many admirable qualities for the mouth-breathing rubes: their noble, heartfelt compassion for the plight of innocent, war-weary “refugees”; their judicious consideration of all sides of a weighty issue; their courageous, fair-minded demand for an immediate end to Israeli brutality; the deep, abiding patriotism exemplified by their unwavering commitment to look out for the best interests of the hapless schmendricks every slime-encrusted Swamp critter loves to poke out both forks of his/its tongue and reverentially refer to  as “the folks back home,” as a single crocodile-tear rolls down his reptilian cheek.

Note ye well, s’il vous plaît, that not a one of those admirable qualities do the politicians actually possess. I repeat: don’t be fooled. Despite how self-evidently stupid, destructive, and downright dangerous this manipulative fan-dance is, the Hamas “refugees” are as good as here already, like it or lump it—pre-loaded ATM and EBT cards, Medicaid enrollment, patently illegal voter registration, welfare bennies, free housing in undisclosed locations, and all. This profligate generosity, mind, all courtesy of the US tax-slave.

Updated update! In light of the imminent influx of Hamas-American “immigrants,” I think a rewrite of Emma Lazarus’s maudlin, auto-flagellational pome is in order, to more accurately reflect our increasingly parlous times.

Give me your poor, your illiterate
Your intractable masses yearning to slaughter the infidel
The irredeemable refuse of your barren desert.
Send these, the troglodytic, soulless zealots to me,
I lift my dimming lamp beside the open border!

There, that’s more like it. Welcome home, you knuckledragging abominations.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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