Elon explainer

Well, this is certainly…my GOD man, I just can’t even begin to…that is to say, it’s…I mean, like, WOW, brother, that is some heavy-duty…uhhh…ummm…uhhhhhhh

Elon Musk says trans child was figuratively ‘killed by the woke mind virus,’ vows to destroy it: ‘My son is dead’
Tesla CEO Elon Musk believes his estranged transgender child was “killed by the woke mind virus” after he was tricked into giving his consent for puberty blockers.

The 53-year-old billionaire vowed to “destroy” the “incredibly evil” culture that allows the gender reassignment surgery that his 20-year-old child Vivian Jenna Wilson, who was born Xavier, got in 2022.

“I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier,” the X owner told psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson in a Daily Wire interview.

“This is before I had any understanding of what was going on. COVID was going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told Xavier might commit suicide if he doesn’t…”

Peterson suggested it “was a lie right from the outset” because there was no clinical evidence to support the claim.

“It’s incredibly evil, and I agree with you that the people that have been promoting this should go to prison,” Musk stated firmly.

Musk said it was never explained to him that the puberty blockers were “actually just sterilization drugs.”  

“I was tricked into doing this,” Musk said.

Jeez, what can one say? My heart goes out to ya, Mr Musk, sir, it truly does. The Evil Left—and Evil is most definitely the mot juste—has a lot to answer for, and I do mean a LOT. Another rerun of the incomparable Andrew Breitbart’s signature riposte is in order here, I do believe.


Whatcha gonna do indeed.

Gott-damn SKIPPY. PREACH it, Hulkster!!! Much, much more of this incredibly good, tasty stuff at Twitchy. In response to the too-predictable D卐M☭CRAT sniffing, eyerolling, and contemptuous pearl-clutching for the Hulkster’s basic Not One Of Us, Dearie gauche-i-tivity—Harry Sisson’s lame-O bitch, piss, and moaning being the pluperfect example*—NotKenny Rogers puts it best:

You and me both, brother. You and me both.

* “No serious conversation on policy,” Harry? RILLY?!? Your corpse-tastic cadaver can’t manage to groan out a complete sentence betwixt the snot-bubbles and rivulets of drool even after his handlers have hit him with BOTH paddles, you sniveling sissymary. PRO TIP: Take close, careful note of Trump’s easygoing, beaming merriment at Hulk’s star-turn (at the end of @3YearLetterman’s post) and remember something: He who laughs last laughs best. And, in the theater of the absurd that national politics in Amerika v2.0 has become, he who laughs best will almost certainly win the race.


“Above it”? In a pig’s eye

Kill them. Kill them ALL.

Yet another of those blasted “Show more” clickbait pieces o’ shite, so here’s the whole thing.

A year ago, here in Utah, Joe Biden was coming for a visit. A 74 year old, morbidly obese, disabled guy, who couldn’t walk a block under his own power got raided by the feds because of some of the shit he’d talked on the internet was seen as a potential threat. They shot him to death and left his body on the street for hours.

It turns out this old dude was the neighbor of a friend of mine. When my friend (who happens to be a college art history professor, so not exactly a fire breathing monster) wrote about how the old disabled guy was clearly not in any sort of physical shape to cross the street, let alone the state to get into any sort of position he could be a threat to POTUS, my friend got absolutely savaged by leftist internet assholes.

I watched these fucking trash bags rip on the dead guy for days, and then I watched them rip on my friend, whose only crime was living on the same street and being perfectly honest about the dead man’s actual nature in real life, as opposed to the internet. They were utterly fucking ruthless, cruel, vindictive trash, crowing endlessly about serves him right, fuck that guy, death to the insurrectionist, the penalty for treason is death, so on and so forth. Sure, he couldn’t actually DO anything, but he talked violent shit on the internet, so clearly he deserved to die. If you disagree, you probably deserve to die too, MAGAt scum.

Fast forward a year, a psycho takes a shot at Trump, the exact same type of leftist asshole immediately starts crowing stuff that’s worse than what got this old disabled guy smoked. Too bad he missed. Better work on the aim. Better luck next time. All sorts of vile fucking evil bullshit begging for violence and bloodshed and rooting for murder. Fucking psychotic shit from people too stupid and sheltered to grasp how terrible things will become for everyone if they get what they wish for.

Two days later, a bunch of these assholes find out actions have consequences, and after a decade of having it used against them, the right has finally figured out how to use cancel culture themselves. Some of these assholes are now getting outed, and fired by their employers who don’t want the PR nightmare of fucking psychopaths working for them.

So the progs take to the internet and cry about it. They cry about how hypocritical the right is, because we’re supposed to get cancelled, not do the cancelling, and how dare us do unto them what they’ve done to us? And the sanctimonious twits (nominally) on my side go tsk tsk, how rude of us to engage in such low behavior. We are supposed to be above such things. How can we possibly celebrate horrible asshole leftists getting fired for being horrible assholes?

And in that moment I just remember these same blood thirsty assholes celebrating the death of an old disabled fat guy. They’re lucky. They only got fired. When he talked shit on the internet he died because of it.

So I’m still fresh out of pity.

That’s putting it about as mildly as it possibly can be put, far as I’m concerned, but yeah. “Tone it down,” “unite” with such swine as they? Fuck them, the horses they rode in on, their whole families, and everybody who even looks like them. Die screaming, shitlibs, and be spitroasted over Hell’s hottest fires for all eternity—every last man Jack of you, unto the very last generation. Stretch every last shitlib neck until there’s no more shitlib necks left to be stretched, then, should one we missed dare to show his/her/its ugly face in public, give him/her/it the exact same treatment. Let there be NO peace while any shitlib still draws breath. Here endeth the lesson.

Via Divemedic, who adds:

The left crushed tens of thousands of people’s lives for things that they said for more than a decade and a half. They hounded CHILDREN for perceived transgressions. They gleefully ruined lives. They have been SWATTING people.

My sense of civility and kindness has been worn away. I don’t give a fuck about the left, and I will have no mercy. I am going to fight this fight, taking the battle as far as is strategically and tactically feasible.

Indeed, sir.


The burning question

To wit: Do they A) fear us, and are just stupid fucking morons, or do they B) hold us in contempt, and are just flinging shit directly into our faces for the sheer fun of it? I report, you deride.

Secret Service director gives bizarre reason why an agent wasn’t on the roof where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump as she rejects calls to resign
Embattled Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle has revealed the fateful and bizarre reason why her agency failed to put an agent on the roof gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks used to carry out an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Cheatle, who is facing calls to resign over the massive security failure, said Secret Service officials planning security for Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania considered the warehouse 147 yards away from where Trump spoke to be a risky position for stationing an agent.

“Too risky,” y’unnerstand, because of this fearsome *shudder* “slope” to the roof—a slope which bothered our youthful assassin not one iota, but apparently is simply too dangerous for a blubberous Girlboss to handle without placing her rolls of neck-flab at mortal hazard.

Yep, that’s awfully gosh darned scary alright; I’d hate to try skiiing it, that’s for sure and certain. In fact, I’d bet everyone reading this is gonna have bad dreams just from seeing a picture of it, and not just for a single night either.

Okay, okay, okay, here’s the real deal: I slid down WAY more “vicious” slopes sitting on a piece of cardboard shared betwixt the neighborhood kids when I was still in knee-britches. Laughing all the way HA-HA-HA too, as the old song says. Yet somehow or other we all survived, incredible as it may seem. Apparently, we were all made of much sterner stuff at 7 years old than any modern-day Girlboss SS agent. I dunno, make of it what you will.

Chilling new details have revealed that a team of local police snipers were inside the building when the 20-year-old Crooks opened fire, shot Trump in the ear and killed a member of the rally crowd.

INSIDE the building when, as Ace notes, their primary purpose and function is to be able to identify, engage, and eliminate threats at distance, not in the same fucking room with them. Nota very fucking bene also that 1) we for goddamned sure need ourselves a new SS director, 2) I am willing to work cheap, and 3) have just now established beyond all possible doubt I could do a much, MUCH better job of it than this Kim Choadle bimbette has.

Crooks managed to evade cops and Secret Service three times, even though he had been deemed ‘suspicious’ and could have been on the roof for up to 30 minutes before he pulled the trigger.

Witnesses also begged law enforcement to act when they saw him clamber onto the roof with his AR-style rifle, but the lapse in security meant he was able to carry out his bid to take the 45th president’s life.

“Evade,” is it? How sure of that ARE we, really?

Of course, Msrszxx Director Kimberly “Pronouns Undetermined” Cheatle doesn’t actually believe any of the intelligence-insulting flapdoodle she’s emitting, you know; fact is, she made it all up out of her own oblated head herself on the spur of the moment and (up)chucked it out purely for her own personal amusement, as indicated by her firm refusal to do the decent thing and resign her position in disgrace. SHE doesn’t believe it, her own overseers don’t, and not a one of them cares whether YOU do, obviously, nor if anybody else does. That tell you anything, p’raps possibly? Because if you ask me, it damned well ought to.

Back over to the AoSHQ post for the sad, sorry denouement.

No…125 meters is not a long shot. If you’re going to be a shooter that’s a free throw. Yes I’m aware a lot of gun owners couldn’t hit a 4″ plate with 4 tries but I don’t care my point stands.

Yes the secret service looked like shit on a stick. Sure they worked hard to get hired. Sure they try. Sure they passed all the tests. Still had a massive failure and looked like hot butter shit and I’m ashamed we as a country look like THAT at a critical moment. And I’m going to rail them harder than Ginger Lynn for that embarrassment of a shit show. And I’m not going to pretend better, bigger more physically qualified people were probably not offered the job for “reasons”.

I have eyes.

We are for damn lucky a 20 year old used a garbage rod and choked on mom’s spaghetti because the chick in charge of the SS sucks and put the C-team on the biggest target in political history. Only to have body positive diversity hire DUCK OUT OF THE GOD DAMN WAY at the critical moment and then couldn’t holster her gun through her fat roll!!! And I’m supposed to be proud of this? I’m supposed to think this was a good and professional operation? This was well planned and organized by the one chick who’s one job it is to make sure this doesn’t happen?

That’s what I’m to accept? That’s where we are? That THIS is the best we can do? The best we have? The best protection we can give to the one guy the world all knows is the biggest target in 2024 in politics?

And the after action report we just got was fucking mission accomplished? Really? Everybody in charge just slaps each other on the back, says “good job” and we go back to hoping the next guy uses a Century Arms CETME???

We all make fun of the fat bubbas who can’t get to their holster through their gut and thinks he’s going to be a super soldier in CW2 The Electric Boogaloo, but I’m supposed to not notice the chicks fupa is maybe an issue in doing her duty as a god damn Secret Service agent?!?

Excellent questions all, and extremely depressing ones to have to be asking ourselves as well.

Update! Further, and worserer, details.

I repeat: stinks, all to hell and gone. Better be checking six continually, President Trump, sir—head on a swivel, total SA. Another urgent recommendation: consider private security, assuming you haven’t already hired some.

Updated update! Mission Improbable.

Scooped a bunch more related good ‘uns from WRSA tonight, which I’m saving up for tomorrow’s edition of Memezapoppin’!


The man, the moment, the legend

An inspirational message from President Donald John Trump.

May God forever bless and keep you, sir.

And so, thanks entirely to the vile, vicious Left’s arrogance; their reckless, incandescent hatred; their fathomless self-regard; and their unquenchable lust for absolute power and control…well, here we all are at last, forced all unwilling into the dreadful corner none of us ever wished to find ourselves in, nor dreamed we ever would.

Fittingly enough for historical illiterates such as they, once again it’s just as ADM Yamamoto memorably, sorrowfully, and presciently esteemed in a bygone era the ineducable Left knows not of: all they have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. If any of y’all rowdies and/or rapscallions want to think of it as, say, Hirohito’s Folly Redux, I’ll cheerfully put a “yeppers” to it.

Remember “all we wanted was to be left alone”? Well, they flatly refused to honor that most humble of requests, though they easily might have with no inconvenience or loss to themselves of any conceivable sort. Alas and alack, that’s all over and done with now; to the incalculable cost of one and all, that good ship and true has officially sailed, with the vain fantasy of “peaceful coexistence” aboard her. May they be made to regret this fateful miscalculation—profoundly, agonizingly, and without surcease—for however long they have left to live.


Know thine enemy Part the Well, y’know…

How the Secret Service came to drop the ball so horrifically—assuming that that’s what happened, rather than just their being in on the whole plot. Which, in all honesty, is the direction I’m leaning heavily in as of right this minute. Either way, conspiracy or bumbling incompetence, it’s not a good look for the SS, to say the very least.

More from Chris Menahan at InfoWars.

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Focused on Hiring Women, Boosting Diversity
Biden-appointed Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s focus on DEI could have caused our former President Donald Trump to DIE in an assassination on Saturday.

Trump likely would have been killed if the assassin’s bullet was just an inch or two closer to his brain.

The ladies of the Secret Service could be seen in a total panic scrambling around the president while he was leaving the venue and one could be seen struggling just to holster her gun.

Elon Musk on Saturday demanded Cheatle and the leader of Trump’s security detail resign.

Did he ever. I must say, Elon’s response to all this has made me very proud indeed of the guy; he’s nailed it clean and tight right from jump, with nary a flinch nor pulled punch in the time-honored CF tradition, bless his ever-evolving heart. Might be some rhyme or reason for Real Americans to expect mo’ bettah from a self-avowed “liberal,” but damned if I can see how.

Update! Another good ‘un I dl’d last night for eventual use.


Heh. One of my all-time favorite meme-blanks, that one is. No matter what words you put in their mouths, on what topic, the Rock’s shocked face is still gonna make ya laugh.

Updated update! Divemedic ain’t having any either.

This was the swamp, trying to take Trump out. They are scared, they are willing to kill him, and by extension, they are willing to kill you. We have reached the point where people are voting from the rooftops, but the only people voting appear to me to be intelligence agency operatives.

A-yup—for now. We’ll see if that state of affairs continues to hold; if it does, then shame on us for letting the lousy bastards get away with it scot-free.

We’re still in the initial post-event-fog period, wherein absolutely everything should be taken with a YUGE grain of salt; in the usual run of such things, just about everything being reported as established fact at present will prove to be completely back-asswards and wrong over the coming days/weeks/months. Assuming, of course, that the entire affair won’t be memory-holed by then. Probably the one and only thing we DO know for sure and certain at this point is that they’re gonna at least try to, come hell or high water.


Know thine enemy, Part the Whothehellevenknowsanymore

Steyn weighs in—brilliantly, as per usual.

What They Wanted
Well, I guess the narrative has moved on to the next plot twist. As Joe Biden said just a few days ago:

We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.

It wasn’t quite a bullseye: the bullet struck his ear.

The other night my youngest expressed a wish to see The Manchurian Candidate – the original, of course. And, as great as it is, its famous ending seemed an artifact of a lost and somewhat innocent age: a man is able to stroll into a political rally and access easily a high-up vantage point with a direct line of sight to the nominee.

Couldn’t happen now.

And yet it just did.

Which, pardon my excessive cynicism and all, to me smells like a dead halibut on the centerline of a Texas blacktop in the middle of an August heatwave. More on that stinky, shady angle later, probably.

At the very minimum, this is a catastrophic security failure by the Secret Service. Nine years ago, in a considerably less insane America, my kids and I attended a Trump rally in Burlington, Vermont. I warned them beforehand to travel light because they’d have to go through security, but, unbeknownst to me, that afternoon one of them had been ambling along the street after school, espied a tennis ball in good condition on the ground, picked it up and put it in his pocket. The Secret Service at the Flynn Theatre confiscated it, the agent sternly demanding of my son: “Who takes a tennis ball to a political rally?”

And yet Thomas Matthew Crooks took his AR-15 to a political rally. And the reason he was permitted to do so is because he was “outside the security perimeter” …yet still within range of the candidate’s head.

Does that make sense even by the arseholian standards of the federal government? Even were one to accept it as a good-faith mistake, no prudent person would entrust his life to the same United States Government that wants him broke, gaoled and/or dead. From Sean Davis at The Federalist:

BREAKING: A source familiar with Trump’s security detail tells @FDRLST that the former and future president’s detail has been asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks, but has been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS.

Robert F Kennedy Jr, whose father and uncle have already taken bullets for their country, has likewise “been rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS” – for any protection. It’s almost as if whoever’s actually running the so-called “Biden Administration” has concluded that a descent into blood and carnage would play to their advantage.

This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Just a decade ago, Trump was an amiable bipartisan non-ideological telly-celeb schmoozing with Bill and Hill and doing cameos in Home Alone sequels. The Democrats chose to upgrade him to Hitler – complete with moustache.

Oh, but say what you want, trying to kill the candidate isn’t like January 6th, is it?

And, just for the record, Saturday night was not an assassination attempt: One Republican voter was killed, and at least two others are injured. That’s to say, an American family has had a great big hole blown in its heart – because on a summer afternoon they went to a campaign rally.

Just another day in the United States’ uniquely unique “peaceful transfer of power” – and on to next week…

…when the D卐M☭CRATs and pet Enemedia poodles will be striving mightily to find a big enough rug to sweep yesterday’s atrocity under for good, doubt ye not. We can not, we MUST not, allow that to happen—at not only Trump’s great peril, but our own as well.

Oh, and that Hitler image Mark mentioned? That would be this execrable piece of blatant incitement to violence, which I dl’d last night myself with intentions of posting it here at some point:

Whatever list you might be making—don’t tell me, I do NOT want to know, kindly do NOT feed the glowniggers, thenkyew—make sure you have the New Republic on there, preferably up near the tippy-tip-top.


Know thine enemy Part the Second

Got this email from Gab’s Andrew Torba last night, titled “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

While we may feel anger and frustration in the wake of tonight’s tragic event, it is crucial that we respond with wisdom and grace. As the CEO of Gab, I urge all users to refrain from posting any threats of violence or even remotely hinting at it. Gab disavows all threats of violence and has zero tolerance for them on our platform. Please do not post anything foolish on Gab or anywhere else online. Our enemies are watching closely. Do not post any threats. If you see people posting threats please use the report button to let our mod team know.

We must not give our enemies any reason to lock us up or silence our voices.

Instead, let us fight back with our words, our votes, and our unwavering commitment to freedom and justice.

Then you are foredoomed to lose; in fact, you’ve already lost, whether you care to acknowledge it or not. In the main, I’m with Giuseppe Filotto:

He’s right broadly speaking, and I understand his reticence to host any incitements to violence on his platform, but there are two points of actual objective, factual, observable reality he’s missing and a third even more important one wi to out which nothing will change, and they are these:

First: Retreating from these people is NOT the answer. It’s what the general population of not yet insane people have been doing for seven decades in a row. Enough. Fuck retreating. Make THEM retreat, and get back into whatever closet or rock they crawled out of. Be in their face. Stop tolerating their nonsense. No, homosexuality is not normal. No it will not be taught to me or my children as being normal. It is unnatural, deviant, degenerate behaviour that carries extremely high health risks and is associated with extremely elevated incidence of child sexual abuse, rape and molestation. And I don’t give a flying solitary fuck if that upsets you. You can get upset about the sun rising in the East too and I don’t give a fuck about that upsetting you any more than the other facts I just stated. It’s how reality works. Deal with it, your mental illness is not my problem and trying to make it so will not go well with you.

Amen to every last word of that, with big old bells on. More at the link, of which you should read the all. Excepting the obligatory “Genocide in Gaza” Joojoojoonoia horseshit—if Israel really wanted to genocide the disgusting Paelosimians they could’ve just nuked the shitbags long ago, and woulda, and for that matter shoulda, far as I’m concerned—it’s dead on the money.


Know thine enemy Part the First

First in a continuing series of CF posts.

Nolte: Trump-Is-Hitler Media Want ‘Rhetoric Toned Down’ to Avoid Accountability
The corporate media tell us Donald Trump is Hitler, is Mussolini, is a unique threat to democracy, a fascist, a dictator, a Russian spy who stole a presidential election, a rapist, an insurrectionist, and a traitor. The corporate media champion phony impeachments, cheer a federal raid on his home, and validate Joe Biden’s attempt to imprison him, bankrupt him, and take away his businesses…

And now this same corporate media want us to tone down the rhetoric.


The media have spent a decade sowing the wind, and now the media hope to avoid reaping the whirlwind.



More to come, folks.

Update! More yet between the ellipses, all worth a look, but I just gotta append Nolte’s closer:

This is not the time to tone down the rhetoric. A former president, a current presidential front-runner, a husband, father, grandfather, and leader of tens of millions of everyday Americans was a half-inch away from annihilation Saturday night.

There must be accountability.

There must be a reckoning.

Indeed there must, and NOT one restricted to pencil-marks on paper ballots, lawyers and/or judges, or milquetoast online op-eds, either. It says so much—none of it at all complimentary to Real Americans—that the “liberal” scum feels themselves secure enough, invulnerable enough, to start in with this insulting propaganda the very morning after they came within literally a fraction of an inch of assassinating Donald J Trump.


Bloody Sunday

Y’all may have noticed the header image, with which I’m not just totally happy yet and will likely be fiddling about more with as the day wears on. As regards the posting content over the next several…well, for the duration, let’s call it: as CF Lifers well know, I’ve never been known for pulling punches, and will not be changing that now. If the Secret Service, their current protectee The Scranton Rutabaga, and/or the Fibbees don’t like that, well, I truly hate it for ‘em.

Showdown at the Bundy ranch

Divemedic posts an important, timely reminder of how it’s fucking DONE, saying:

To those who say that citizens armed with AR15s can’t beat the Federal government, I remind you of the events that happened a decade ago…

Indeed. Suggestive of a little something of my own devising I’ll dub Bedford Forrest’s Law of Government©: If you keep the skeer on ‘em, they will retreat. Now for DM’s call-out:

Henceforth, Real Americans should celebrate April 12th as if it was Independence Day v2.0. Because, as historical events go, that’s exactly what it is.

Update! The classical station just played Rossini’s Overture to The Barber of Seville, which put me in mind of the perfect musical accompaniment for this post.

The ever-excellent Gioachino Rossini also, of course. One of my verymost favorite orchestral-music composers of them all, and small wonder. For me, it’s not so much the Three B’s (Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, two of whom I’ve never really liked all that much) as it is the Four Non-Contiguous Consonants: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and Rossini. Might ought to’ve worked Chopin, Haydn, Tchaichovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Verdi into the mix too, but what the hell. You can’t please all the people all of the time, and should never try lest you wind up shitting and falling back in it, as my stern, tough as parboiled steer-hide, wise old Grandmaw Hubbard—better known to three generations of Hubbards and McAllisters as “Big Mama”—liked to caution her grand-young’uns.

Unrelated update! OT side-note: Just thought I’d let all interested parties know that the anti-spam plugin I installed last night, available here, seems to be working like a charm so far—not so much as a hint of a murmur of a whisper of a breath from the thrice-bedamned spamsterbot hordes as of yet, thank goodness. Hope I didn’t jinx myself by mentioning it. Sort of like what I’ve always maintained: you never, EVER say things like “What next?” or ‘How much worse can it be?” in the midst of some travail or tribulation—because God takes such expostulations as a challenge or dare, and will assuredly get busy toot sweet showing you what’s next, and just how much worse it could be.


Misplaced pride

A sobering reminder of the dismal State of Our (Fractured) Union.

After decades of witnessing America hasten into a dark nightmare of an existence and an ever more uncertain, ill-prepared direction for the future of the country, under a fascist Marxist-Maoist regime, our reasons to be proud of this country have become practically non-existent, on this 4th of July, due to largely inadequate counters or no counterattacks at all to prevent or halt the constant and continuous assaults and attacks by America’s domestic terrorists and the enemies-from-within, as well as enemies from abroad. And as many prepare to celebrate America’s Independence Day, Americans should reflect on their own vision for the not so “united” United States of America and whether or not they love this nation enough to ensure its continued success and survival throughout the 21st century as the greatest nation on earth.

This is the nation that gave the world the marriage between the ideas of liberty and the equality of all under the law, which greatly enabled and facilitated the highest levels of individual liberty and the greatest economic prosperity ever seen throughout the entire history of mankind. This alone would ordinarily make America a very Exceptional nation indeed, if not for the advent of the new amerikkans who hate America’s founding, Her principles and Western civilization itself.

The American Flag is heavily worn, and its stars are faded today, after roughly 200 years of America being such an exceptional nation. Yes, we know She’s stood tall for many years, the best She could for 248 years, but a large segment of the American people — those with a long line of American ancestry as well as the newer generations of immigrants — have themselves diminished and torn asunder the luster of the idea of American Exceptionalism and that Shining City on the Hill that has so often been used across history to depict America, and in far too many instances they have sabotaged the country and American virtues and principles by way of numerous Machiavellian mechanisms, as seen for example in the 1913 Federal Reserve Bank Act, 1929 Stock Market Crash, 1965 Immigration Act, the Covid Pandemic, mail-in ballots, “Election Month” instead of “Election Day” and the New Green Deal.

Our nation emerged from the fire, fury and chaos of the War for Independence with the hopes of the people and a people determined to live free through their own capabilities and devices without the heavy, tyrannical hand of any government from that day on, but from the looks of things today, those hopes were dashed repeatedly across the ages. They revolted over a two percent tax hike on tea, and yet here we sit today taxed on every damned thing under the sun, including the property we supposedly own and the very damned air we breathe.

The average American has many more valid reasons to revolt today, than they had in 1776. Consider the Declaration of Independence, and then consider the current political malaise that has grabbed the American people by the cajones and seemingly just sucked the will and the life out of them, as they sit back ever complacent and apathetic as a Marxist-Maoist juggernaut rolls over their inalienable God-given rights as seen in Natural Law made by God the Creator. One can almost hear the bleating as one walks down Main Street USA.

Never in American history have we seen our country and its people so sorely abused and put upon. Never have the American people suffered such a long train of abuses and usurpations, as we are suffering through today under this Marxist-Maoist communist regime that has captured our government through and through. And it’s damned hard to be proud of a country that has allowed for this, that stands by this very moment watching as if the situation will somehow miraculously resolve itself, as the Democratic Party move ahead with the fundamental transformation of America into something foreign and antithetical to Her founding, a tyrannical Socialist Super-State.

I’ve steadfastly maintained in recent years that, rather than celebrating an America that long since ceased to exist except in the minds and hearts of Real American patriots, the 4th of July ought to be informally declared a national day of mourning, swapping out the red, white, and blue with funereal black. Even so, I do think it worthwhile to celebrate—and take pride in—the unrivaled greatness of our Founding Fathers, if only to help us keep their accomplishments, the principles that inspired them, and the nation they selflessly pledged absolutely everything to ordain and establish foremost in our thoughts—not just today, but every day of the year.

Plus, there’s the side-benefit that doing so will piss shitlibs off so bad they’ll be running ’round and ’round in tight little circles like a man with one foot staked with an Arkansas Toothpick to the ground, frothing, baying, and shrieking like little girls over how horribly UNFAAAAIIIIR!!!! it all is—a spectacular tableau of grief-sodden, self-destructive futility bound to gladden the hearts of all Real Americans. I ask you, what’s not to like about that?

(Via Dave Renegade)

Unrelated update! Apropos of nothing whatsoever, I just noticed that, as of this moment, I have precisely ZERO (0) open blogfodder-tabs left—INCROYABLE!!

Granted, having deemed it unlikely that I ever would get around to properly addressing them at this point, I regretfully pulled the plug on three (3) long-open browser tabs earlier today that had been open so dang long they were dusty, rusty, and way past their use-by date. I mean, these things were so ancient I can’t even recollect why I’d originally thought they might be of much interest to anyone, much less interesting enough to inspire me to write about ‘em. Call it a mercy killing, perhaps.

But still…INCROYABLE!! Also, because reasons: SACRE BLEU!!

Another development which came to my attention yestiddy afternoon whilst slaving away to put the weekly Memezapoppin’ post together: my once-ginormous stockpile of memes awaiting deployment has dwindled to a mere shadow of its former robust self. Can’t even remember the last time that happened; it’s unsettling, frankly. Makes me feel rootless, adrift, without purpose, bereft. Out of the blue, I’m suffused with anxiety over a suddenly-unsettled future wherein, sooner or later, I’ll be caught with my pants down, as it were.

Yessir, to my astonishment and horror, the reassuring Strategic Meme Reserve I’d always taken for granted as a last-ditch backup which guaranteed me a steady, uninterrupted meme-stream to tap for post-content for the twice-weekly delectation of discerning, meme-thirsty CF Lifers and/or Eyrie Eyregulars in time of war and/or emergency is now almost totally drained. Disappointing you fine folks so egregiously by having to shut off the meme-spigot, albeit temporarily, owing entirely to my improvident lack of forethought is simply abhorrent to me— altogether unconscionable, unpardonable, unacceptable. T’is a personal disgrace, a fate worse than death, when you get right down to it.

Unlike the semi-successfully reanimated, overripe fleshly remains of Undead Jaux “Walks Among Us” Biden, I can’t even plead the near-fatal ravages of an immediate-onset head cold and/or mysteriously persistent faux fatigue from a weeks-past European sojourn for the undisclosed purpose of putting in a nominally lifelike appearance at a critically urgently vitally critical, inexplicably exhausting confab with my fellow-socialist-despot counterparts as excuse for my dereliction of duty, ferchrissake.

As expressed in the tear-soaked, grotesquely-theatrical sobs of Jerry Lee Lewis’s infamous cousin: I have sinned…against…you!

On the bright(er) side, it amounts to yet another recapitulation of a lesson drummed into me right down to the cellular level by many years of full-body immersion in the rock and roll lifestyle: too much is never enough. Guess I better get to surfing, downloading, and warehousing toot sweet…


Take it back

Sayeth Eric Peters, and I could not possibly agree more.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July, the day Americans traditionally celebrate the independence of the American colonies that became states (plural) from Great Britain, which was not accomplished by asking for it.

The American colonists – some of them, a determined minority of them – took their independence.

And now the time has come to take it back.

Americans live in a consolidated state controlled by a central government so controlling it is challenging to come up with anything at all that it considers to be beyond its control. No one can be independent when subject to such control.

Americans are obliged to submit to such control at practically every turn. The only control they are permitted is to cast a single vote out of tens of millions for one of two controllers. We will not elect our way out of this. There is only one way out of this. It is the same way the American colonists got away from the control of king and parliament.

They got away from it.

Certainly, they had to fight for it. But what came before it came to fighting? The determination by a committed minority of Americans that they would no longer abide being controlled by king and parliament – and, implicitly, by anyone else. That was the spirit that animated the fighting, without which the fight would have been lost. The Americans who fought were out-manned and out-gunned in every battle that was fought, just about – especially the early ones. But it was what they were fighting for that made each man worth more than just a man (of which the British had plenty). Put another way, when a man fights for himself – and for his family and his friends – he has a lot more incentive to fight than a man who fights for a paycheck.

Give me liberty or give me death.

It is hard to fight men animated by such a sentiment. It is also hard to conquer them. John Adams, the second president of what became the United States (still plural when Adams was president) said that the fight for independence was won before the fight started when a minority of committed Americans decided the time had come to fight. Put another way, when those Americans came manfully face-to-face with the hard reality that independence would not be achieved by asking for it.

Perhaps a sufficient minority of committed Americans understands this now. Are you one of them?

Are you willing to take your independence back? For your own sake? For the sake of your children – and theirs, yet to be born?

That truly IS the burning question for all Real Americans at this point, isn’t it? Eric goes on to stipulate that it doesn’t necessarily have to come to actual, physical violence, although it very well might—and in my view almost certainly will, although I’d be nothing short of ecstatic to be proven wrong on that. Whichever way things go from here, this superb piece is inarguably one of the most stirring 4th of July paeans to American liberty I’ve ever read.


Is it okay to start killing them yet?

Of course it is, my dear. You’ve had the power to do that all along, you know, you just had to learn it for yourself. And now that they’re openly declaring that they’re just about to start killing YOU, why the hell not?

‘Take Out Trump’: Left-Wingers Fantasize About Biden Having ‘Immunity’ To Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices
The left-wing media and pundits fantasized about President Joe Biden assassinating former President Donald Trump and Supreme Court justices as an official act following the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision Monday.

The decision ruled presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts taken while in office. Chief Justice John Roberts stated in the majority opinion the analysis on which acts in the indictment are considered official are “best left to the lower courts.” Trump appealed Department of Justice (DOJ) Special Counsel Jack Smith’s four-count indictment against him related to conspiring to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.

Several pundits accused the Supreme Court of being an ally to Trump, while others went as far as to suggest allowing President Joe Biden to assassinate Trump.

The Nation Justice correspondent Elie Mystal claimed Biden was able “to do the funniest thing ever,” prompting social media users to accuse him of suggesting Biden should commit lethal harm to his political opponent.

Attorney Bradley P. Moss argued the court has granted the president “unequivocal immunity” to take military action against Trump and execute his former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who has been sentenced to serve a four-month prison term for his contempt of Congress conviction.

Left-wing personality Harry Sisson argued the decision allows Biden to “send in the military to take out Trump” and Supreme Court justices.

“According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take them all out,” Sisson wrote. “He could send in the military to take out Trump. He has ‘immunity’ for official acts now!”

“No need to pack the Supreme Court now either. Just get rid of the ones you don’t like and then approve their successors,” another Twitter user wrote. “We can go from ‘life time appointments’ to a job so risky no one will accept it.”

Users said Biden could “drone strike” the residences of Trump and the justices.

“President Biden can have Supreme Court justices executed for treason,” another said. “He can drone strike Mar-a-Lago. Rape, pillage and murder at will. All in the name of an ‘official act.’”

And if you think they’re in any way just kidding around, don’t intend for their words to be taken literally, or exaggerating just to make a larger point, then you’re a goddamned fool; at the very best, you don’t know your Leftists very well. The entire history of Leftism worldwide tells us that these are by NO means empty threats, so why take a chance that this time will be any sort of departure from the norm? Best to exercise “an abundance of caution,” as the FauxVid mantra had it, and get busy shooting, stabbing, hanging, and dropping Leftists from great heights preemptively, before they can do it to us.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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