Convergence of opinion

Lessee now, what’s that they say about great minds thinking alike…? A-HENH!

Disband the Republican Party
The time to end the Republican party is now, right now. I don’t care that it’s right before an election. As if elections meant anything and if they don’t, it’s because of the Republican party. The Republican party refused to take election tampering seriously. They were the ones who refused to take these cases to court, despite the overwhelming evidence of election interference, looking the other way when presented with voter fraud. If the Republican party cannot defend the rights of its constituents, but merely act as adjunct Democrats, the party should be abolished and reconstituted with those who recognize the dangers of unlimited debt, runaway inflation and a world turning away from the dollar as a prime reserve currency and the medium for purchasing petroleum.

The Republican party has funded the spying on American citizens by domestic intelligence services, the FBI and DOJ. They have funded the wide-open border. They have funded the UN who spread that largesse out to the NGOs who organize these caravans of illegals flooding the borders. They funded the instructions to vote for Biden when they made it to America. The Republican party is working in cooperation with the Democrats/communists to harm the American people. They are doing so arrogantly and with impunity, because the greater share of their constituents are afraid to abandon the party.

Fear not! Nothing our government can do to us will be any worse under Democrat rule than what we have recently witnessed from the Republicans. It might even help. As the Democrats rule through terrorism and hatred it might inspire some sort of resistance, but if the Republicans remain in charge, there will always be that sense that something better might come of it. It’s too late, they have been complicit in too many bad things, unwilling to do the good and responsible things, allowed all sorts of crimes to be committed under their noses and have not lifted a finger to put a stop to it, nor will they.

The imprisonment of Donald Trump, or even defeating him at the ballot box out of lack of interest on the part of the Republicans, is an opportunity to tear down the scaffolding around a corrupt uniparty system.

Watching those Ukrainian flags wave from the floor of the House was a sickening sight and one that could only be accomplished by a treasonous band of greedy, self-serving politicians, ignorant or insensitive to deaths they will cause not only in Ukraine by continuing a war that long should have been settled, but here at home because they could have used their leverage to close the border. At least, they might have been able to reverse some very bad policy decisions that have made the border crisis much worse. But they didn’t. They didn’t do it, because deep down, they didn’t want to.

Lots more to this one, all of which will richly reward a look. Also, many thanks to my old friend TL for commending my own Eyrie hang to his readership’s attention over at his joint, which has netted me a whole slew of new followers and subscribers.


Your feel-good video of the…um…welllll….

EVER, I’d say.

If you don’t particularly feel like watching the vid—which, you really, really, REALLY should, it’s a joy and a wonder to behold—this meme sums it up quite nicely:

Nicely, and word for word, also. Excellent work, Ms Williams, ya done good.


Another day, another scam

And you thought FauxVid was bad.

What? NOAA Graph Shows CO2 Is Not the Villain
Since the 1970s, we’ve been told CO2 is the villain that causes most climate change. NOAA obliterated that with a graph.

Some men think they can do better than nature.

“The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere today is comparable to around 4.3 million years ago when sea level was about 75 ft higher than today, the average temp was 7 degrees F higher than in pre-industrial times, & large forests occupied areas of the Arctic that are now tundra,” NOAA reports.

So, there were no people, the sea level was higher, and there were forests on the now-frozen tundra.

We’ve been sold a bill of goods.

Oh, have we ever. Follows, the charts which back it up in Tweet format, then a brief review of the origins of what I call the Church of AlGore—all of which establish that the whole thing was and is really about the same old things it always is: money, and power.

Update! Calls for another rerun of this George Carlin classic, I do believe.

For a Lefty, pretty much, ol’ George could be pretty damned smart at times.


Perfection vs good enough

Re: this comment, from Barry, attached to last night’s “Bee speech” post:

For every knock on Musk I read there is this, and it covers every bit of any uncertainty.

And also this followup comment, from SteveF:

I’m not interested in purity tests. “Is he better than the realistic alternatives?” “Is he the best available now?” By this standard, both Musk and Trump win by a landslide.

I hereby submit this, for your consideration and delectation:

Musk Lifts Restrictions on X Accounts in Brazil in Challenge to Courts
(Bloomberg) — Billionaire Elon Musk said he will lift restrictions imposed on some X accounts in Brazil, even if the move leads to the closing of the social media platform in the country.

X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, said in a post late Saturday that court decisions “forced” the site to block “certain popular accounts” in Brazil, without specifying the reasons or which posts allegedly violated the law. Shortly after, Musk wrote on the platform that he was defying the court’s ruling.

“We are lifting all restrictions. This judge has applied massive fines, threatened to arrest our employees and cut off access to X in Brazil,” Musk said in a social media post. He added that the move would probably cause X to lose all its revenue in the country and shut its office there.

While neither X nor Musk identified the judge that issued the ruling, the site’s billionaire owner was responding to another post that accused Brazil’s Supreme Court head Alexandre de Moraes of cracking down on free speech. Moraes didn’t reply to requests for comment late Saturday.

The spat comes as courts widen a fight against so-called fake news and hate speech online. In a recent decision, the country’s Superior Electoral Court approved a resolution requiring social media networks to limit the spread of fake news during elections.

Musk can think of himself as a liberal all he likes, but as far as I’m concerned he’s making all the right enemies. And the enemy of my enemy will always be my friend.

As for Brazil, I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t be too much longer before Brazilians come to deeply rue dumping Bolsonaro for the Brazilian socialist Flavor Of The Month. Was Bolsonaro perfect? No, of course he wasn’t; nobody is. But when we let the perfect be the enemy of the good—or the good enough—we play a mug’s game, and can never profit by it.


Rowling 1, PC Scotland 0

Chalk up a win for Team Reality.

Technically, Rowling should have been hauled off in chains. Instead, Scotland backed down:

If JK Rowling’s posts calling out biological men—and “abusing” and “insulting” them— aren’t actionable, then nothing can be actionable in that regard. Nor does it help the transgender cause that the only person with more demands for arrest under the law than JK Rowling is Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s First Minister (although his are anti-white, race-based complaints).

It’s great to see Rowling win this battle, but it’s only one battle in a nation that has no First Amendment enshrining free speech. And here’s the kicker: If you think it can’t happen here, it can. After all, the entire Democrat establishment is prosecuting Trump for complaining about an election outcome and urging people to go to Congress to make their voices “peacefully” heard, two essential elements of core free speech because they’re both political.

Trump’s not the only one being persecuted. Jurisdictions all over America pass laws and regulations exposing conservatives to prosecution or civil actions for wrong think and wrong speech. And do I even need to get started on Big Tech’s censorious activities, even though they have effectively become the public square in America?

Looking at America’s creeping censorship, do you see any American billionaires other than Trump having Rowling’s courage when it comes to Truth?

To ask the question is to answer it, I’m afraid. Widberg closes with another Tweet, wherein Matt Walsh tells it like it is in one short sentence: “Scotland Makes It Illegal To Hurt A Trans Person’s Feelings.” That’s about the size of it, yeah.

Unfortunately, anybody who imagines this will be the end of it, that the Wokester SS will now contritely accept defeat, pack up their kit, and slink off home to sulk and weep the pain away in ruminative solitude had damned well better think again. Scotland’s Hate Crimes law is still in effect, and there are still great numbers of reality-based Poors out there in need of having their doors kicked in and their skulls clubbed into red, gooey mush by swarming SWAT squaddies. Count on it: The Enemy will be back, more wrathful than ever and way sooner than you probably expect, to seek vengeance against sane, non-celebrity Scots with an assist from Offissa Pupp & His Many Pals.

Even so, a win is a win, and even the most modest, fleeting victory over the foes of decency, truth, and simple objective reality is cause aplenty for celebration. Dancing in the streets, pointing and laughing, and singing “Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah-nyah” in merry mockery of the dejected lunatics all remain strictly optional, of course, but are nevertheless highly encouraged.


Another day, another disruption

Man, FUCK these filthy dirtbags all to Hell and gone, until their anguished cries of pain make the welkin ring.

BLM Continues to Try to Destroy Free Speech Rights of Kyle Rittenhouse — Protests Erupt at WKU (Watch)
The video below shows Black Lives Matter protesting Kyle Rittenhouse’s slated speech at Western Kentucky University. Take a moment to watch. We’ll wait.

It’s no secret the Left hates free speech, but they really don’t hide it anymore. As the video references, they recently succeeded in overrunning one of his speaking events in Memphis; unfortunately, to this writer’s mind, this has only spurred them on.

It seems most of X agrees.

Follows, this screencap of a low-to-no IQ lardass hilariously self-beclowning via her extravagantly stupid little sign memorializing Kyle’s predatory, violent “victims.”

The inescapable conclusion.

No matter how you may feel about Mr. Rittenhouse, on November 19th, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, he was adjudicated not guilty and, therefore, still has all of the same civil liberties as every other American.

In this writer’s opinion, the ‘outrage inc’ culture we’ve built in this country needs to go the way of the Woolly Mammoth if we have any hope of remaining a free people.

Yeah, well, it “needs to” right enough. That said, Real Americans shouldn’t oughta be waiting around for another world-altering meteor strike or some other galactic cataclysm to take care of the heavy lifting for us. Unfortunately, though, that looks more and more like yet another of those notorious Jobs Americans Just Won’t Do. Perhaps enacting legislation strictly mandating the execution of stupid people…


No good Whites

Why they hate us. No, really. This is not a joke. At least, I don’t think it is. And if you do, and you laugh at it, then you’re a racist bigoted homophobic Domestic Terrorist©, and the FBI/Stasi tactical squad will doubtless be executing a Dynamic Entry at your house in 4…3…2…

Remember, all the above traits, habits, and preferences are considered to be very, very bad things by the demented, depraved Goosesteppin’ Left.


Behind the scenes nuts ‘n’ bolts

Charlie Kirk provides them, on the Kyle Rittenhouse speech canceled by Goose-steppin’ Leftists.

For those who don’t want to bother with the annoying “Show more” link, Ace has helpfully posted a transcript.

The school has gone to incredible lengths to hamstring this event, including:

1 – Forcing us to change our ticketing system the day of the event. The university’s excuse is they want to ensure “fair and equitable” ticketing. This means the hundreds of students who thought they had tickets will not get in. This has never happened at one of our events.

2 – Protester groups were somehow tipped off about the school’s new ticketing system and the timing of when they’d be made available, allowing them to reserve large numbers of tickets to stage a walk out. We know this because our students are also in those group chats and alerted us. This also has never happened before.

3 – We had thousands of people register for tickets to this event, but the school would only give us a venue with 330 seat. No overflow. No larger venue.

4 – Our chapter president has been doxxed with his number and address published on social media. The campus police and school administrator shrugged their shoulders.

5 – The administration has said they cannot step in or ask protesters to leave if they attempt to disrupt the event or shout down Kyle.

6 – The school has allowed into the event the student that doxxed our chapter president, knowing this person was responsible for the doxxing.

7 – The protestors have entered the event and are taping the names of the people involved in Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense. The school is not stopping them.

This is what happens when school administrators pander to petulant children. You get chaos. Our brave students will press forward but this is unacceptable, especially in a Tennessee.

Memphis had record homicides last year, but apparently our students and Kyle Rittenhouse are the problem for the University of Memphis.

Ace also offers a little follow-on commentary:

Don’t worry, though: The violent suppression of speech by street paramilitaries tacitly supported by the ruling Regime, which will not be punished precisely because the Regime sponsors their violent actions, poses no threat to democracy whatsoever.

Only Trump saying “pussy” does.

Heh. Well, actually, it’s true that it poses no threat to the Goose-steppin’ Left’s version of “democracy,” yeah. Just, y’know, icky, deplorable, gun-loving Reichwingnut NaziHitlers like us, that’s all. Which provides some insight into why the Founding Fathers all hated and feared “democracy” so intensely.

Sometimes, it seems kinda hard not to look forward to the frabjous day when it’s finally time to start shooting the bastards, I admit.


Mob rules

Kill them. Kill them all, every last man Jack of the scumbag sonsabitches.

‘Get Him! Get Him!’ The Angry Mob Comes for Kyle Rittenhouse Again
After spending days on social media churning up hatred toward Kyle Rittenhouse, an organized and planned mob of angry protesters intimidated, chased, and charged at people who attended an event at the University of Memphis where he was speaking.

The mob chanting, “no justice, no peace,” an implicit call for violence, charged and screeched at people who attended the Turning Point USA-sponsored event for Rittenhouse. The mob followed people who left the event to their cars. Thankfully, police intervened and prevented a riot — or worse.

Rittenhouse brought his service dogs to the event. They help with his PTSD, he has said in interviews.

He began, “On August 25th of 2020, I was violently attacked by a mob of rioters,” and was quickly jeered and shouted down, according to News3 in Memphis. The speech was abandoned, and Rittenhouse immediately went into a question-and-answer mode.

As the mob gathered outside, “Rittenhouse was abruptly rushed off the stage after only about 30 minutes as protestors inside booed him, yelled and disrupted him,” the news station reported. 

As people left, they were “chased” by the mob. Some shouted “Get him! Get him!” as they advanced on the crowd.

If you’re Kyle Rittenhouse, this is a PTSD-triggering event. 

Protesters met people going into the speaking event by chanting, “Black Lives Matter!” and holding signs calling Rittenhouse a “murderer,” “little s**t,” and referring to “Christo-Fascism,” the left’s latest verbal attempt to cast Christians as fascists and therefore targets. 

One held a sign reading, “Say their names.” 

OK, here are their names, and we’ll do you one better by including their rap sheets.

Which they then do, not that the violent Leftist mob will care a whit. As I’ve said a blue million times, for the rest of his life Kyle Rittenhouse will never again know a moment’s peace for having dared to commit several heinous crimes against the shitlib catechism, among them:

  • White? Check
  • Male? Check
  • Successfully deployed a fully-semi-automatic assault-weapon rifle-gun with extreme-high-capacity standard magazine clip—loaded with deadly high-explosive, armor-piercing cop-killer bullets, no doubt—in defense of his very life against a frothing, hate-fueled Leftist mob intent on killing him, armed and in hot pursuit of their intended victim? Check

There’s a few more I could tack on, but the above covers it well enough, I think.

Any of y’all remember a fine organization called the Patriot Guard Riders some years back? I rode on several of the local PG chapter’s escort missions myself, even posted on one of those runs here (with pictures, no less); unfortunately, said post was lost in the devastating Russian hack several years ago that sent twenty years’ worth of CF archives up in a puff of Cyrillic smoke.

And yes, it WAS Russians behind the attack, as confirmed and re-confirmed beyond any possible doubt by both the Hosting Matters crew and my own self. Who the hell knows what might’ve brought them to my humble doorstep to wreak their mischief? I blame Trump, myself. Or Putin. Or, possibly, both. As every shitlib knows, where one goes you usually find the other skulking about in the shadows.

No matter, though, my point being: stout biker-type dudes out in young Kyle Rittenhouse’s locality really ought to consider setting up the Kyle’s Guard Riders along PGR-like lines, for purposes of providing this courageous, indomitable American hero a protective escort to and from his speaking gigs—an escort congenitally disinclined to just sitting idly back and putting up with the usual bullshit from Leftard goon squads bent on intimidation at best, outright physical mayhem in actuality.

Just let a goodly number of vicious Lefty fuckwits get their empty skulls bashed in, their tires slashed, and their scraggly asses kicked up between their shoulder blades by a no-nonsense posse of burly One Percenters each and every time they show up to dog a Rittenhouse speaking engagement. Show them that their halcyon days of suppressing an entirely guiltless young American’s right to freedom of speech without swift retribution are over—that henceforth, such patently un-American thuggishness comes with a hefty price tag attached.

Tit for fucking tat, motherfuckers. Don’t start none, won’t be none, most assuredly. On the other hand, if you want a fight you’re damned sure gonna get yourselves one, most ricky-tick—all the fight you can stomach, plus some. Let’s all see how that works out for you in the end, shall we?

Meanwhile, I’ll content myself with a rerun of this lovingly hand-crafted meme I cobbled together in the immediate aftermath of the Wisconsin brouhaha in which the valiant Kyle Rittenhouse first made his American Patriot bones.

‘Nuff said.


Based America’s final stand

Knoxville attorney TJ Harker posts a truly magisterial essay.

2024: The Stand of the Based Americans
For the first time in more than twenty years, the ruling elite’s stranglehold on the nation’s power structures threatens to collapse. Simultaneously, ambitious mandarins in big tech, high finance, big law, and the administrative bureaucracy vie for supremacy in the face of a power vacuum that grows with Biden’s deteriorating mental faculties. Meanwhile, millions of ordinary Americans seek a common political principle around which to organize a coherent defense of their way of life. 2024 is shaping up to be the year in which the existing balance of power between these two groups is consolidated or upended. 2024 will be the year that the new based Americans finally join the battle against the established ruling elite and its regime mandarins.

The Ruling Elite and Its Regime
Though Ross Perot is a distant memory, his 1992 third-party presidential candidacy catalyzed the ruling elite into self-awareness. Surprised by his 19% of the vote, the ruling elite took notice of itself as an independent political force and realized it had to act to maintain its power. Quickly it consolidated control of the major party systems. Simultaneously, it developed a cadre of loyal, mandarin-like sycophants within the administrative state, most legacy media institutions, big law firms, and virtually all of high finance. Later, it welcomed big tech into its mandarin classes. Today, this organizational structure, together with a lowly class of prole-like enforcers and useful idiots, is “the regime.”

For the five consecutive presidential elections from 1996 through 2012, the ruling elite used the regime to become rich and powerful, almost entirely at the expense of ordinary Americans and the nation’s interests. But, in the absence of any serious challenge to their power, it became arrogant and increasingly incompetent.

Today, this process has culminated in a Washington D.C. clown show, in which nearly every apparatchik is incompetent in the most clinical sense of the word. Thus we see children holding senior administration positions; mediocrities with literally zero subject-matter experience appointed to cabinet level positions; caricatures of Darth Vader in positions of extreme sensitivity despite catastrophic failures; spineless shills routinely embarrassing the nation in international affairs; and milquetoasts who decide whether to enforce the nation’s laws based solely on regime-approved criteria.

Their self-congratulatory “the grown-ups are back in charge” mantra notwithstanding, the regime is not blind to its own widespread incompetence. But it also knows that it has no quick solution. There is no standby legion of elite technocrats to which it can turn for technical competence. The “scientific government” of John Dewey and the mid twentieth century progressives is a distant memory. This leaves the regime with no choice but to lie … about everything. Thus, in a weird way, the regime’s growing mastery of political propaganda is a consequence of its technical incompetence

The Based Americans
Standing against the ruling elite and its regime are a widening circle of based Americans. Say what you will about Donald Trump, he deserves credit for at least one thing: His 2016 presidential victory pulled the wool from the eyes of many benighted Americans. For the first time, millions came to perceive, however dimly, the growing incompetence of the regime.

Today, the nascent political awakenings of 2016 have begun to sink roots. It is slowly accreting a litany of unlikely allies into an increasingly coherent political force. From homeschoolers to homesteaders, Bitcoin enthusiasts to cattle ranchers, evangelical Christians to Hasidim, secular jews mugged by reality to second-generation Hispanics, wilderness survivalists to moms for liberty, and neo-Nietzschean GigaChads to walkaway homosexuals, plus thousands of other vital human beings, first millions then tens of millions, and perhaps more than one hundred million Americans, have now awakened to the grave threat posed by the regime. Politics make strange bedfellows, and all that.

If in 2016 Trump’s supporters knew something was up, if not quite what, today this ground swell of based Americans has also realized that the regime is a threat to their liberty and property; that its unifying purpose is to subjugate them; that it uses propaganda systematically to conceal its unbelievable incompetence from them; and that it is both incredibly dangerous and grossly incompetent.

It is that combination–the awareness of the regime’s desire to subjugate, its power to do so, and its gross incompetence–that resonates with Americans more effectively than any specific political agenda. We Americans are freedom-loving and action-oriented people, deriving our wealth and success from a combination of fierce independence, self-reliance, know-how, expertise, craftsmanship, tacit knowledge, experience, and technique. As such, we are highly attuned both to threats to our liberty and to professional incompetence. We know that plumbers who can’t fix pipes aren’t plumbers. Electricians who can’t wire a house aren’t electricians. Pilots who can’t fly aren’t pilots. And tyrants who can’t do anything else will work to subjugate us.

Based Americans stand flummoxed by the regime’s fantastically childish climate agenda that erodes our national strength by prohibiting the search for, and production of, abundant energy. This is to continue until we ordinaries are cold and hungry, weak and frail, and stranded in the duplexes we rent from Blackrock. We won’t own anything and we’ll be miserable.

Based Americans now know that the CDC and the NIH fund gain-of-function research deep in the bowels of our greatest geopolitical rival, knowing that such research will be used to synthesize bio weapons of astonishing horror. Meanwhile the CDC—the Center for Disease Control—lectures us that “gun violence” is a public-health epidemic.

In short, based Americans now understand that transgender, dog-mask wearing generals aren’t warriors and won’t be able to defend us. That boy-faced small-town mayors with traffic circle design experience aren’t logistics experts and can’t unfuck the port of Los Angeles. That noble-prize winning “economists” who think war increases wealth have no idea how to enrich us. That beneficiaries of our racial-spoils system appointed to high positions in elite universities don’t know how to educate us. That medical “experts” who deny biological sex can’t be our children’s pediatricians. That public health officials who think “gun crime” is a health crisis, are not prepared to combat pandemics. That prosecutors who excuse mass violence by regime favored races while wildly overstating the frequency of so-called “hate crimes” will not protect our communities.

A rather lengthy excerpt, yes, but at 2500 words plus, there’s still plenty of great stuff to read here. Harker covers all the bases, and covers them extremely well. Great stuff it most certainly is; in fact, I’d go so far as to say the piece is nothing short of brilliant, and I urge you to read it in its entirety.

Unfortunately, Harker appears to be a victim of the same “political solutions ONLY” syndrome all too many of our best and brightest writers are afflicted by, and I won’t try y’all’s patience further by restating my views on that. Buck Throckmorton, via whom etc, shares the Harker view:

When Harker talks of the brewing rebellion, he is talking about a political rebellion. We need to win this fight at the ballot box, but part of the battle we must fight is not to politely acquiesce again to ballot fraud.

Left undiscussed is how, exactly, this proposed “non-polite acquiescence” might be accomplished—let alone why, exactly, the mere idea of violent resistance to a tyrannical regime should be taboo in a nation which was founded, established, and secured by the selfsame methods we now preemptively forswear as utterly unthinkable, even as a desperate, last-ditch measure. The logical contradiction from which this puzzling conviction proceeds is as blindingly obvious as is the piss-poor result it must inevitably yield. I can only refer you to last night’s Heinlein quote-a-palooza for the antidote to such weak-tea sob-sister-ism.

Apart from that regrettable averting of the eyes, it’s nonetheless a fantastic piece—its central thesis enheartening, its language straightforward, its examination of the hows, whys, and wheretofores that brought us to this dismal pass impeccably reasoned—of which you should read the all.


Market reality takes command

As a WaPo headline cheekily put it many years ago: they’re the car of the future…and they always will be.

‘EV Euphoria Is Dead’: CNBC Declares Transition to Electric Vehicles Has Failed
CNBC has admitted that the attempted transition from gas-powered to electric vehicles (EVs) has failed.

The business-focused news channel explained in a piece on Wednesday that “EV euphoria is dead” and that the largest automakers are drastically scaling back their plans.

The piece read:

For years, the automotive industry has been in a state of EV euphoria. Automakers trotted out optimistic sales forecasts for electric models and announced ambitious targets for EV growth. Wall Street boosted valuations for legacy automakers and startup entrants alike, based in part on their visions for an EV future.

Now the hype is dwindling, and companies are again cheering consumer choice. Automakers from Ford Motor and General Motors to Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans. Even U.S. EV leader Tesla, which is estimated to have accounted for 55% of EV sales in the country in 2023, is bracing for what “may be a notably lower” rate of growth, CEO Elon Musk said in late January.

The report goes on to outline some of the principal reasons why the market is struggling and concedes that the Biden administration overestimated the willingness of consumers to make the switch from traditional gas-powered vehicles:

After significant interest from early EV adopters — bolstered by low interest rates and Tesla’s rise — interest rates skyrocketed, raw materials costs surged and the vehicles became much more expensive compared with their traditional counterparts.

It’s also become clear that the automotive industry and the Biden administration, which set its own target for half of new U.S. vehicle sales to be electric by 2030, overestimated the willingness of consumers to adopt a new technology without a reliable and prevalent charging infrastructure.

Such an article points to the growing resignation among progressives and advocates of electric vehicles that their proposals do not make economic sense.

So? When have they ever? But the attempt to jam CPVs (Coal Powered Vehicles) down our throats was never about “economic sense” anyway, nor was it really about Saving Mommy Gaia©. This latest farcical iteration of the regularly-recurring flirtation with the electric-car fantasy was only ever about one thing, and one thing alone: power, and control. This was nothing more nor less than the Überstadt flexing its muscles, determined to show its lowly Serf Class who was boss—a show of force by Leviathan intended to establish once and for all who wields ultimate power around here, and who must accede to whom.

Happily, after a piss-poor Scamdemic showing, a large number of Normal Americans finally responded with a bland shrug and a yawn once the initial curiosity-generating hype had subsided—enough of them to elbow the horrendously expensive, unreliable, and dangerous ‘Splodeycar play-purties out of mass-market consideration and back into the garage, lowering and locking the door, then turning out the lights behind them to re-embrace the time-tested and proven, superior, and far more practical ICE technology they had come to rely on for convenient, dependable transportation.

Until next time the EV will o’ the wisp is trotted out to be foisted upon them by too-big, too-powerful government, that is—which, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that there’s gonna be one. Count on it, friends: as the Terminator vowed, they’ll be back. Like Leftards themselves, they’ll never really go away, not for very long.



Personally, I rather like having them think of me as a threat. I much prefer that to being regarded by them as basically harmless; any day I don’t annoy, inconvenience, or alarm such as they is a day misspent as far as I’m concerned.

Rural America Is a Threat to the Totalitarian Left
Last week Newt Gingrich tried to remind Americans how serious the threat of nuclear conflict remains. In a sober essay, he warned that the United States is not prepared to withstand nuclear or electromagnetic pulse attacks and urged Americans to prepare for unthinkable possibilities. Then a few days later, I woke up to read that “white rural rage” is the greatest “threat to democracy” and thought, “Well, at least we don’t have to worry about nuclear Armageddon now.” Such is the sorry state of the “woke” West that the “thinking class” moronically obsesses over trivialities, while ignoring everything that is disastrous.

This somewhat regurgitated “white rural rage” thesis comes from a “journalist” and an “academic” who have written a book explaining why white, patriotic Americans who just want to live their lives free from government interference are actually responsible for everything wrong in the country. Just when I think my white-hot contempt for closed-minded toffs couldn’t burn more brightly, a couple nitwits ratchet up my “rage” to eleventy. Dang, they got me. Turns out that if you scapegoat rural Americans long enough, some will get angry. Uff da.

The real fear of the “white rural rage” Chicken Littles is not that rural Americans are a threat to “democracy” but rather that they provide an immovable bulwark against the Deep State’s “master plan” for a totalitarian super-State. All over the West, politicians and pundits continue to extol authoritarianism as “democratic” and denigrate self-government as “populist.” It’s absurdly Orwellian, of course, but since we live in the age of censorship, propaganda, and linguistic chicanery, these word games will continue. Somewhere in the pits of Hell, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao are eager to remind Klaus Schwab and all the other Western globalists how “democratic” their “rules-based international orders” are, too.

The globalist authoritarians have instructed the commoners to stop eating meat. Rural Americans have said, “Nah, we’re good. We like steak.” The “new world order” folks have insisted that a great deal of speech must be censored in order to protect fragile adults from experiencing outbreaks of unapproved “hate.” Rural Americans have responded, “Suck it up, Buttercup. Maybe try listening to an opposing point of view sometime. It might just vaccinate you from the plague of groupthink.” The globo-Marxists have demanded that consumers hand over their keys to any car with an internal combustion engine. Rural Americans have laughingly replied, “Not only are we keeping every truck and tractor from the last century in a barn out back but also we can’t wait to buy some new all-terrain vehicles to ride through the backcountry.” Officials who betray their oaths to the Constitution have told law-abiding Americans that they have no right to own a gun. Rural Americans have calmly loaded their weapons in preparation for self-defense and whispered back, “Come and take it.” In disposition and beliefs, rural Americans are the natural “Minutemen” guarding American liberty.

Ultimately, attacks against rural Americans — like the left’s attacks against Christians — are a wretched form of bigotry designed to spread the insidious idea that people who live outside city limits are subhuman. Because rural America is filled with resilient people who adamantly defend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, it represents an antidote to the cancerous form of Marxist globalism killing cities across the country. Because rural America is filled with faithful people who are obedient to God’s will — and not D.C.’s — it remains a natural refuge for those immune from institutional brainwashing. Because rural America is blessed with an abundance of self-sufficient families, hard workers, and freethinkers, it provides a welcoming home for human liberty. For these reasons, aspiring totalitarians must destroy rural America if they are to have any chance at erecting a new system founded on censorship, surveillance, oppression, and tyranny. The problem for the Deep State is that rural Americans know what to do when the SHTF and, in fact, have been preparing all their lives.

Be afraid, shitlibs, be VERY afraid. As ferociously, as desperately as you hate us, our hatred for you still outstrips it, by orders of magnitude. Despise us for our religious devotion; our stable, loving families; our safe, pleasant, orderly communities; our self-restraint and moderation; our rugged individualism and independence; our reverence for the code of ideals, traditions, and philosophy bequeathed to us by America’s Founders, whom we also reverence; despise us for all these and much, much more—I assure you, your contempt is of no consequence whatsoever to us.

Little as we care about what your opinion of us and our way of life might be, a friendly word of advice: LEAVE US THE HELL ALONE; STAY WELL CLEAR OF US AND OUR SMALL TOWNS, RURAL AREAS, FAMILY FARMS, AND HOMESTEADS. You do NOT belong here, are NOT welcome here; we do NOT want you anywhere near us. We are entirely agreeable to leaving you alone in your crumbling, crime-ridden urban hellscapes, your gated residential enclaves, your expensive, exclusive vacation resorts, so long as you consent to leave US alone to conduct our own lives as we see fit.

That said, we do NOT want our children exposed to your sickness; your depravity; your diseased, anarchic monoculture; your total lack of rectitude; your amoral self-indulgence; your childish, pouty intemperance—in sum, your heedless, unthinking rejection of absolutely everything that, for us, makes life truly worth living.

Go your own way, then, and do us the courtesy of letting us go ours in turn.

And there you have it, that’s it: one hundred percent fair, honest, and above-board; simplicity itself, nothing onerous, oppressive, or obscure. This is what’s on offer; call it a fresh, new Social Contract between our two disparate and wholly incompatible nations, perhaps. Respect the provisions and obligations therein, and all will be copacetic between us. Fuck Around and traduce the contract, however, and you will most certainly Find Out—to your deepest dismay, boundless sorrow, and everlasting regret.

That’s the deal, like it or lump it. Get cracking on your answer straightaway, no shilly-shallying, waffling, or mucking about either necessary or tolerated. There’s a clock ticking here, and we ain’t gonna wait around forever. Not after all these years of putting up with your shit, we ain’t.


16th century technology comes to West By-God Virginia

A blight, an eyesore, and an inefficient, inadequate “solution” to a problem that does not exist.

This is what happens when a wind farm comes to a coal town
Sheila Wagoner is not a fan of the wind farm overlooking Keyser, West Virginia.

“I really don’t care for those windmills,” the 71-year-old says. “I guess I wasn’t brought up with that kind of society. Like 50 of ’em together? Who likes all that?”

It’s not just the visual contrast that Wagoner finds bothersome. She is from one of many families in Keyser—and throughout West Virginia—that relied on the coal industry for generations. Her late father worked as a railway engineer for coal trains that used to run non-stop through Keyser.

Today, those trains are an increasingly rare sight.

Not to worry; once the faltering shitlib fever-dream finally fades to black and the polity regains its collective sanity—which it assuredly will, one way or another; there’ll be no other choice when the whole shambolic sham of a shitshow has finally unraveled so entirely that the fact of its existence can no longer be denied by even the most purblind, self-deluded lackwit among us—Americans will be eager, perhaps even desperate, to avail themselves of the affordable, plentiful energy provided by proven-reliable technological improvements which shouldered their antiquated, long since abandoned predecessors aside in the first goddamned place.

There’s a very good reason this rough shoving-aside occurred many, many decades ago, a reason which guarantees that such a displacement will, in fact MUST, occur again, regardless of how frantically bawling-brat shitlibs labor to keep their benighted subjects shivering in the dark in perpetuity—cold, hungry, utterly miserable, and above all, obedient.

In 2022, the country’s first major climate policy, known as the Inflation Reduction Act, passed with the promise to speed up that transition, offering at least $4 billion to boost development of renewable projects like the Pinnacle Wind Farm in Keyser.

Huh. So let me get this straight: here we have the nation’s “first major climate policy”—smuggled in all stealthy-like under the cloak of a bit of legislative jiggery-pokery whose title makes no mention of climate policy whatsoever. Sounds kinda suspicious, no? Or maybe that’s just me, I can be overly cynical like that now and then.

Hell, forget alleviating any purely-notional climate issues, it won’t no way no how reduce inflation, even. That’s not the actual intention here, never has been—as is the case with nearly all the other bonehead boondoggles rammed down American throats via remote diktat puked forth by the Most Exalted Lord High Mucky-Mucks of far-off Mordor On The Potomac, in Congress assembled.

That law passed with the key vote of West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, but Tillman is skeptical that those benefits will reach Keyser.

“I like Joe. I talk to him a good bit. But the thing is a city like Keyser [doesn’t] ever see any of that money,” says (Keyser’s Mayor Damon) Tillman. “That money all goes to bigger cities – Morgantown, Jefferson County, Charleston. So it doesn’t do us any good.”

With all due respect, Mr Mayor, it doesn’t do any Normal American any good. Nor anybody else neither, by no means exclusive to your city and state but across the nation—with the notable exception of wily, double-dealing Congresscreatures à la le Manchin and the well-heeled schemers and bunco artists who own their ilk lock, stock and barrel. Make no mistake, s’il vous plaît: those miserable tapeworms are Manchin’s actual constituents, the people he really works for, not you ridge-running Sad Sacks stuck out there in your disgusting hinterlands hovels. Forget this at your dire peril.

No, we don’t have to like it. We DO have to face up to it, honestly, resolutely, and unflinchingly. And that right soon, lest continued foot-shuffling, mumblemouthed rationalization, and weak-kneed dithering prove to be our undoing.

Absent a Real American renaissance and concomitant renewal of a staunch, unyielding commitment to see the ideals of Her Founding restored in full and vigorously safeguarded—no negotiation, no compromise, no tit-for-tat spit-swapping with the selfsame scurvy, lying motherfuckers who, after all, stole our country from us in the first place—there can be but one denouement, a most unhappy ending to the long American story: with our integrity besmirched, our honor forsaken, our rights revoked, our liberty lost, and our children enslaved.


The leopard polecat never changes his spots

Be it federal, state, or local, Government is a right bastard. You should never, ever trust it, it’s always a mistake.

Liquor Regulators Are Seeking Revenge on Bars That Broke Pandemic Rules
“The people who violated the governor’s mandates and orders should face some consequences,” a Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board member said in 2022.

During the height of the pandemic summer of 2020, the proprietors of the Burning Bridge Tavern worked with local officials in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania, to host a series of outdoor gatherings for the community.

For their trouble, the bar’s owners got slapped with a series of citations by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB), the government agency that oversees and manages the sale of alcohol in the state. The citations were ticky-tack offenses, according to Burning Bridge’s chief financial officer, Mike Butler. Twice, the bar was cited for noise violations because they’d allowed a band playing at the gathering to plug into the tavern’s electricity supply. Another offense occurred when the owners and some family members were drinking inside the tavern, which was closed to the public, during a period when indoor dining was prohibited.

A frustrating situation, but not the end of the world. Burning Bridge’s owners paid the fines associated with the citations and assumed that was that. But then the bar had to renew its liquor license.

Fines, be assured, that amounted to thousands of dollars— dollars already hard to come by in the best of times given the extremely thin profit margins all bars and restaurants struggle with in normal times, orders of magnitude moreso under the draconian and entirely contra-Constitutional FauxVid rules of play.

Not the end of the world, perhaps, but having worked in a good few of them over the years I can tell you with absolute certainty that in the bar/restaurant business there simply ain’t no such thing as “extra money.” But as if all that weren’t enough:

“They denied it. They said, ‘Oh, you’re the guys that got all those citations,'” Butler says. “It was a real gut punch.”

Turns out, over the past two years the PLCB has pushed dozens of Pennsylvania establishments that racked up pandemic-​related citations to sign “conditional licensing agreements” to renew their liquor permits. In some cases, those agreements have forced the sale of licenses—but in most cases, as with Burning Bridge, they’ve added additional conditions to the license that could prevent a future renewal from being approved.

While the PLCB cannot revoke existing licenses, the board is empowered to object to the renewal of a license or to demand the license can only be renewed conditionally. “In extreme cases,” PLCB Press Secretary Shawn Kelly says, the PLCB can force the sale of a liquor license, though the board only pursues that option when “there is an operational and citation history that calls for such an agreement.”

Even though Burning Bridge’s owners weren’t forced to sell their license, Butler says signing the conditional licensing agreement has come with real costs: The bar’s insurance premium tripled as a result of being viewed as a greater risk.

Assuming BBT isn’t part of a bar/restaurant chain, the owners don’t by any stretch have what you might call deep pockets. So taken altogether, the bruising punishment inflicted by the state of Pennsylvania might NOT be “the end of the world” for them, no. But it could very well be the end of their sojourn in the bar biz.

As I always say, seems like there ought to be some way we could thank the “people” responsible adequately for it. I just can’t for the life of me imagine what it might be.

Update! Can’t leave out the closing ‘graph, which sums up the whole contretemps perfectly.

“The feeling was that our government really isn’t working to try and help us,” says Butler. “At this point, it feels like they’re coming after us.”

A-yup. That’s because they, y’know, ARE. You now, and eventually all the rest of us right along with you. Unpleasant as that is to get our heads around, as difficult as it can be for Real Americans naturally inclined to patriotism and faith in their institutions to choke down and accept, that’s the ugly reality nonetheless. The harder we resist admitting it to ourselves, the rougher it’s going to be when we do come around at last.

Which, sooner or later, one way or another, we’re all gonna have to, like it or not. Think of oversized, intrusive, all-powerful government as a sickness with only one effective treatment. It’s some bad, bad medicine—sure to leave a bitter taste that will linger for a long, long time—but before we can hope to be cured, the body politic fully restored to health, a full dose is going to have to be swallowed.


Make ’em PAY

Let’s just find out who really has the power here…and who does NOT.

Trump-supporting truckers vow their boycott could ‘shut New York City down’ after $355M fraud ruling
Truckers supporting Donald Trump are warning that their refusal to deliver to the Big Apple could paralyze New York City — as more drivers vow to join the boycott following the bombshell ruling in the former president’s civil fraud case.

“It could shut New York City down,” said Jennifer Hernandez, a trucker who has joined in the protest against Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s decision to fine Trump $355 million for inflating his net worth by billions to dupe banks and insurers.

Shut ‘em down? It could damned well starve ’em out, actually. Which would serve them right, far as I’m concerned. Let ‘em try chowing down on their own insufferable self-righteousness and sanctimony, see how much sustenance the shitlib asstards can draw from that.

Several other truckers have been posting on social media expressing their support.

One man even suggested the boycott could go on for three years.

“Keep on f—ing around, you’re going to find out, New York,” he said in a video posted to TikTok.

The boycott seemed to have been started by conservative social media influencer Chicago Ray, who posted a clip Friday saying he had spoken to some of his trucker colleagues who said they would stop making deliveries to the city starting Monday.

He claimed that 95% of truckers support the former president, and said the bosses of freight companies “ain’t gonna care if we deny the loads — we’ll just go somewhere else.”

(Fake)Newsweak, in their typically-dishonest fashion, tried mightily to portray Chicago Ray as having “backed down” and totally reconsidered his position (no link, look it up yourself if you don’t believe me), but that doesn’t appear to be the case at all.

Unexpectedly, NY’s governor seems to be fully alive to the disaster that even a small minority of truckers refusing to continue putting up with the extreme hassle, expense, and hazard both personal and professional of pulling loads into the Big Rotten Apple would result in for her state, issuing a preemptive “don’t worry, all is well” notice to justly-worried New Yorkers that she had to know wasn’t going to fool anybody.

The New York governor has told business owners in her state that there is “nothing to worry about” after Donald Trump was fined $355m and temporarily banned from engaging in commerce in the state when he lost his civil fraud trial Friday.

In an interview on the New York radio show the Cats Roundtable with the supermarket billionaire John Catsimatidis, Kathy Hochul sought to quell fears in some quarters that the penalties handed to Trump for engaging in fraudulent business practices could chill the state’s commercial climate.

Asked if businesspeople should be worried that if prosecutors could “do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody”, Hochul said: “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are businesspeople have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.”

She added that the fraud case against Trump resulted from “really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance”.

True, dat; in fact, it’s quite unique, no one else ever before having been persecuted, harassed, and fleeced to the tune of half a billion fucking dollars (!!!)—along with two (2) of his sons—for a so-called “crime” that’s been committed by pretty much every living soul who ever applied for a loan, in the course of which one of the putative “victims” actually testified that Trump was, in essence, the very model of a model customer.

Trump never missed a loan payment, the credit reports and the banker’s testimony showed. In almost a decade as a borrower, Trump was never even late making a payment – not before, during, or after his presidency.

“So far as I can recall, the loans were performing,” the banker, Nicholas Haigh, told the judge in the non-jury trial, at which attorney general Letitia James seeks to banish Trump Organization from her state’s borders, and to ban Trump and his eldest sons from ever running a New York company again.

“And all the obligations of the borrower were met,” Trump attorney Jesus M. Suarez asked the banker in his next question.

“As far as I know, yes,” the banker answered.

If Trump’s prompt payments were not enough to burnish his borrower bona fides, the former president’s collateral also grew, the credit reports showed. It grew by millions each year, as the projects Deutsche Bank funded with $400 million in loans – his tower in Chicago, his golf resort in Miami, his luxury hotel in Washington DC – were developed.

And all the while, the bank made “millions” in interest, the banker testified, to that extent bolstering a frequent Trump defense talking point: that the fraud trial is a political grudge in search of a victim. Trump, who last week attended the first three days of the trial, is expected to return in person next week, The Messenger and the Associated Press reported.

That’s because, as everyone in the whole damned world knows, “a political grudge in search of a victim” is EXACTLY what this horseshit is. Trump is being persecuted by TPTB for the heinous crime of having the temerity to not be one of their clique and go ahead and run for “President” anyway. Why, the unmitigated GALL of the man! Uncle Peter, my smelling salts!!

Update! Via Irish.

Brings to mind a memorable Gandalf quote from Tolkien’s The Two Towers.

It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains.

And one thing you have not changed, my friend.


You still speak in riddles.

A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the elder days. The Ents are going to wake up…and find that they are strong.

And so they did—did they ever! God help “blue” America if ever the majority of truckers wake up one day and, like the Shepherds of the Trees of Fangorn Forest, realize just how strong they truly are.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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