Ask A Silly Question Part the Eleventy Million Bajillionth

This time, it’s our esteemed colleague Buck Throckmorton asking:

THE MORNING RANT: Why Do Intelligent People Continue to Rely on Government Data That is Known to Be False?
—Buck Throckmorton

A: INTELLIGENT people…don’t. Which, of course, Buck knows already, thanks; inflation and unemployment numbers, FaxVid deaths, Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™, “baseless claims” of election rigging, “mostly peaceful” BLM riots, “insurrection” sans torches, pitchforks, or firearms—it’s all a web of deceit, disingenuousness, and/or baldfaced lies.

The only reliable assumption regarding the pattern of falsified reporting from government agencies is that everything they report is false and intentionally misleading.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

S’truth. Which in a way is a good thing, ‘cause these days hardly anything else is.


“We live in a banana Republic”

And yet somehow, some way, “Donald Trump is going to crush these people in November.” Sorry, Charlie, you have to pick one or the other. They’re mutually exclusive; both can’t be true, it’s by definition an impossibility. Making things tougher still is the concomitant fact that before you can even begin to sort out the latter, you first have to fully accept the ugly truth of the former.

The FauxVid fraud

Rand Paul nails ‘em to the wall AGAIN.

The Great COVID Cover-up: Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies
Shame on all the federal employees who covered up these facts about COVID-19

How vast was the Great COVID Cover-up? Well, my investigation has recently discovered government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19.   

These officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID 19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research.

Government officials representing at least 15 federal agencies were briefed on a project proposed by Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Read all of it; penned by the highly esteemed Sen Paul himself, the man knows whereof he speaks and takes it all the way down to the nuts and bolts of the issue. Bottom line: 1) FauxVid was actually not “Chinese CoVid,” but “US Covid,” bought and paid for entirely by FederalGovCo; and 2) Fauci is, as some of us have said all along, the most prolific mass-murderer in human history—willfully so, as is definitionally required for the charge of murder to apply.

It is not merely “unfortunate” or “regrettable” that none of the truly evil blackguards responsible will ever pay a price for their myriad crimes against humanity, it’s an atrocity.


Moar “squatters rights”

Just another D卐M☭CRAT pogrom against the right to own property, that’s all it is or ever was.

The property takeovers are all over the country in the nation’s woke cities. The stories are legion.

“The homeowner wouldn’t talk with us on camera for fear of retaliation from those living on the property. When he asked them to leave they beat him up sending him to the hospital,” a Portland, Ore., TV reporter explained in 2022 after squatters took over a man’s home while he was away. “He hasn’t been back since but still pays $1,500 a month for the mortgage.”

A Portland man complained that he left town to take care of his ailing mother only to discover someone had squatted in his apartment and turned it into a drug den.

A New York woman attempted to get the squatters out of her childhood home, but she was arrested for unlawful eviction because in that state squatters seem to have more rights than she does. Now she believes the Queens authorities will not act before 30 days is up and that means the squatters will be considered official tenants. The frightened neighbors say they believe the squatters started renovating the home. The owner believes the squatters will succeed in “stealing my home.”

In Atlanta, a man trying to build affordable housing on a nine-acre lot has 30 squatters on his property. He allowed four people to live on it and take care of it while he was away, but when he came back from California, he found dozens of squatters on his property, many of them Antifa holdovers from the “Stop Cop City” protests. Now, the homeowner can’t evict them because COVID-era moratorium on evictions is still in effect.

A Seattle area man is attempting to get rid of a man known as a “serial squatter” out of his $2 million property and is attempting to shame him out. He hopes the tactic works before he has to spend more time and thousands more dollars on court costs and lawyers. The squatter owes him tens of thousands of dollars in back rent.

You’ve undoubtedly seen this guy, one of Joe Biden’s invading army of illegal aliens, who’s now encouraging squatting by telling la gente to invade houses and take them over. “We can invade a house in the U.S. What do you think of this new law?”

When did all of this start?

The left has been mining this “occupy” vein for quite some time. The idea behind it is that those mean old white colonists took other peoples’ property and exploited it, so now a new set of white colonists are taking over people’s private property because they’re more noble. The upshot is that they envy someone else’s property but are too lazy to work and buy it for themselves, so they just take it. This is supposedly striking a blow against gentrification. Others call it stealing.

The proof of concept is found in Occupy and “Occupation Zone” extortion scams.

Occupy, the left’s recruitment program for future Antifa/anarchist actions, popularized the takeover of other people’s property.

Occupy Wall Street in 2011 drew leftist activists from all over the globe to pitch tents and learn at the feet of Lisa Fithian how to organize, monkey wrench, destroy, and frame a narrative. Not to be outdone, Portland activists mirrored the movement, took over two downtown Portland parks, and presided over a disgusting campsite filled with overflowing toilets, drug dealers, anti-Semitic activists, and local union paymasters “supporting” the event. The city and the mayor allowed them to take over the parks, and at least one city council member joined them in protest marches. Got to stick it to the 1%, you know.

From this Portland organization came a subgroup whose objective was to “occupy” peoples’ homes that they felt were ripe for the taking.

Eventually, they began taking over parts of the city and calling them occupation zones.

Proving yet again something I’ve contended for many, many years: Give Leftists an inch, and they’ll eventually take everything you have (now the latest addition to Mike’s Iron Laws). In the above context, quite literally so. Leftism isn’t merely a competing ideology or a legitimate system of political beliefs and values in opposition to conservatism. It is actually a cancer on the body politic, always 100 percent fatal to any healthy polity, thus must be not “tolerated” or “defeated” but utterly destroyed.


Notes from the Goolag

The straight skinny from newly-minted FederalGovCo dissident/political prisoner Peter Navarro.

Navarro’s message from federal prison
Democrats have turned lawfare into a coarse art

As you read this, I have entered a federal prison. I am the first senior White House adviser ever to go to jail for a “crime” never before considered to be a crime, yet there are really two bigger stories for the American people to ponder.

The first story is about the death of the constitutional separation of powers and the demise of executive privilege that, since the days of George Washington, has helped facilitate effective presidential decision-making. The second is about the alarming success of lawfare and the partisan weaponization of our now dual system of justice.

Regarding story one, during a dispute over the Jay Treaty, President George Washington stood before Congress and said that to preserve the constitutional separation of powers, he could not command congressmen to come to the White House. Nor could Congress compel him to go before Congress. Thus, the doctrine of executive privilege was born.

Over the decades, through legal decisions and opinions, both the Supreme Court and the Department of Justice would zealously defend executive privilege as a bulwark of effective presidential decision-making. Without the insurance of confidentiality among and between the president and his advisers, he would not receive the best advice possible.

With my imprisonment, the constitutional separation of powers has been severely damaged while the doctrine of executive privilege lies smoldering on the ground. The only hope for a resurrection will be success on my appeal, which is now traveling through the Federal Appeals Court in the District of Columbia and then, inevitably, to the Supreme Court.

To be clear, U.S. v. Peter K. Navarro is a landmark case in constitutional law that raises significant “open questions” of “first impression” that cry out for the settling of good law by the higher courts.

I find your naive, child-like faith in Amerika v2.0’s courts…touching, Mr Navarro.

Navarro, to his credit, doesn’t seem to be quite as naive as all that, though. Emphasis on QUITE.

While it is true that Chief Justice John Roberts had the last word in denying my appeal, my search engines say that he votes with the liberal judges about 40% of the time and in recent years, he has moved further left.

The one lesson I’ve learned from Chief Justice Roberts’ coup de grace is that it is dangerous for one man alone to be allowed to decide another man’s fate, particularly when the stench of politics is in the air. Justice here would have been far better served if the chief justice had referred this issue to the whole court, which was clearly in his power to do.

And yet. Navarro goes on from there to sprinkle some fairy-dust regarding Congressional subpoenas, “elections,” and other such too-hopeful folderol. Myself, I can only say that I strongly suspect poor Mr Navarro is going to be stuck in the Greybar Hotel for a lot longer than he seems to imagine.

(Via Ace)

SOIA yet?

Walsh is.

THE COLUMN: Now They Tell Us
Breaking news from 2020: “It’s Official: We Can Pretty Much Treat Covid Like the Flu Now.” What do you mean “now,” white man? From the Wall Street Journal:

A case of Covid no longer means isolating for five days, according to the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Friday. It’s the latest sign of the virus’s normalization four years after it upended our lives. You should now follow the same precautions with Covid as you take with the flu, according to new guidelines from the CDC. That means staying home until you’ve gone a day with no fever and symptoms start to improve. Take other precautions for the next five days, including wearing a mask and limiting close contact with others. Those are the same steps the CDC recommends for other respiratory viruses.

At what point have we had enough from these people?

Some of us reached that point long ago; others never will, no matter what. Still others are actually all for it. I call those perfidious “people” The Enemy.

The Malevolent Midget is gone now, pulling down his handsome pension for his “service,” but the evil that he did lives on after him. Should Trump actually overcome the forces arrayed against him and actually pull a Grover Cleveland and get re-elected to the office from which a “fortified” election forcibly ejected him in 2020, a just universe would allow him to deal out some well-deserved payback for the forces behind the Russia Hoax, the Climate-Change Hoax, and the Covid Hoax, not to mention the abrogation of American sovereignty at the southern (and northern) borders, the collapse of the American military into a sob-sisterhood of feminist resentment and gay and “transsexual” triumphalism, and all the other ills currently attendant upon these United States.

What lessons can we learn from this belated admission that the entire clusterkluge was a “mistake”? How to compensate for those who watched their loved ones die from behind a plate-glass window in Mengele Memorial Hospital? For those who — like a dear friend and mentor of mine — died from a second shot of the “vaccine” in the early days of the panic? For the families disrupted, restaurants closed, businesses destroyed, industries wrecked — and all with the witting complicity of the mainstream media, which so enthusiastically hosanna-ed the official narrative, despite the evidence of their own senses?

“Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission.” Isn’t that how the saying goes? I wrote my answer in this space almost a year ago. Never forgive, never forget, I advised.

Agreed, wholeheartedly—with an addendum: Make. Them. PAY. Every single last one of the rotten bastards, be he great or small. Mike is on board with that.

Hoaxes like these will never end until you do something about it. They will continue to pile on “catastrophe” after “catastrophe,” demanding that we do something about it right now, including changing some of our most fundamental laws and principles in order to combat a non-existent “threat.” The only thing these people understand is power. Not logic, argument, evidence, moral suasion. And the only way to respond to them is with greater power. Ask yourself this: what would the Romans do? To ask the question is to answer it.

If that’s a bit too oblique for ya, the answer is explicitly spelled out in one of the post categories below. The Bee gets the last laugh.


Turns out ol’ Frank was right about a lot more than just FauxVid.

Clobberin’ time

Evil, pure evil through and through, and nothing but.

Medical Staff Ordered to Euthanize ‘Covid’ Patients: Leaked Docs
Explosive leaked documents have emerged that show medical staff were ordered to euthanize patients who had been admitted to hospital and tested positive for COVID-19.

The official documents were leaked from the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS).

The docs further confirm the previous reporting from Slay News that revealed patients were euthanized in order to boost the numbers for “Covid deaths.”

As Slay News reported, smoking gun evidence revealed that tens of thousands of elderly people were murdered to boost the mortality rates.

The data produced for the report indicated that people were being euthanized using a fatal injection of Midazolam.

The cause of their deaths was then listed as “Covid,” indicating that the virus was killing far more elderly people than it was.

The explosive data from the report was made public by Australian politician Craig Kelly, the national director of the United Australia Party.

The report obtained official UK government data on death rates and causes.

While alerting the public about the data, Kelly declared that it exposes “the crime of the century.”

I keep having to repeat this, which gives me no pleasure at all, but: Just when you think we’ve hit Peak Evil©, the filthy barstids go and raise the bar again. Or, y’know, lower it, more like.

Granted, this revelation, sensational as it is, may or may not hold up when all’s said and done. I know nothing about Slay News, Craig Kelly, or his United Australia Party, and therefore can’t speak to their credibility, if any. Documents can be fraudulent; data can be manufactured and/or manipulated; some “smoking guns” can turn out to be firing blanks. As such, could very well be this is all horseshit of the purest ray serene; it is to be hoped so, certainly.

But if I were a betting man, which I am not, I wouldn’t put one thin dime on it. After all we’ve seen these past few years, would you? Famed FauxVid hoax/Vaxx skeptic Dr Robert Malone addresses the larger issue here.

A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors. A vague uneasiness has been lurking around me over these last four years; a sense that I have not only been censored, defamed, and lied to during the time of COVID, but over my entire life. A deeply disturbing specter that the United States government is not the knighted champion of Camelot so frequently and pervasively portrayed in media and literature. Rather its actions since WW II have been those of an immature, petulant and narcissistic adolescent that feels entitled to exploit geopolitics and war to advance short term power and economic objectives that benefit a small elite, rather than more broadly advancing “democracy”, global economic development, and those ephemeral aspirations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not only have I been propagandized and lied to, but I also sense that the window of time where this behavior by a monolithic Imperial state has been tolerated is coming to an end, winding and grinding down into mundane corruption, bickering self-interest and bureaucratic dysfunctionalism. And that there is no way to stop this accelerating funhouse carousel of painted ponies and mirrors before an abrupt catastrophic failure of the hidden gears throws all into revolutionary chaos.

Maybe something like this has been bothering you also?

Whether fortunate or not, we live in a time of both disruption and deception. A period when change has become an inevitable norm, and yet objective reality is considered an obsolete anachronism. An anachronism that cannot be tolerated, and must be twisted or expunged to serve the interests of those most powerful who will always act to maintain their privilege. Poised in transition between the relatively stable legacy “Pax Americana” bequeathed to us by American military and political victories over twentieth century totalitarian regimes, and fragmentation into an increasingly multilateral rough and tumble world characterized by shifting transitory alliances based on short term interests and opportunity. We all now confront a surrealist intellectual and psychological landscape where truthiness becomes just another product to be marketed. Or propagandized. Or censored. Marketing, propaganda and censorship each being subtle linguistic variations on a single theme of methods to exert external control over the thought and behavior of what otherwise would be autonomous, independent and sovereign individuals.

For many, including myself, the fabric of the widely shared belief in the benevolence of the American Imperial state has been irreparably rendered by the grossly dysfunctional national and transnational mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis. Others were better able than I to see through the cloud of propaganda and lies long before SARS-CoV-2 was constructed. A virus developed and assembled by a bizarre and improbable collusion between US-dominated “biodefense” intelligence interests, the Chinese CCP/PLA (and its dual function Wuhan Institute of Virology), and an international network of entitled biomedical researchers. 

But now the gloves are off, and as the underlying truths of this global tragedy are gradually being revealed, the American Imperial state and its allies (governments and corporations) are increasingly resorting to raw power to avoid the consequences of their actions. And with this, it is becoming easier to see the fist. A fist that takes the form of the most aggressive and pervasive global suppression of thought and speech ever witnessed in recorded history. One that is rapidly becoming normalized as an industrial/academic censorship and propaganda complex.

Questions, questions: Just how deep does this rot go, anyhow? Would a global cabal of developed-world governments actually resort to out-and-out murder most foul in the course of pimping their Absolute Power & Control agenda? Have we really tumbled so far as that down the slippery slope to bare-knuckled tyranny?

Most dismaying of all: At this point, dare we assume that they wouldn’t?


The Dossier. Does President Trump Have it?

Rumors abound. Like all the other illegal and corrupt stuff the government has done, there is no doubt that the government including Clinton/Obama and their gunslinger Brennan were in it up to their necks. Is the proof in the hands of Trump?



I stand with Texas!

Tactical Hermit spells it all out for us, simply and concisely.

As per usual with liberal communist propaganda drivel, note how the article seeks to appeal to the humanitarian/emotional side:

DHS officials said Saturday that a woman and two children drowned in the Rio Grande after Border Patrol agents “were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area” under orders from Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

While all the while ignoring the cold hard facts that the Federal Government is helping to subsidize an outright invasion of 7 Million plus ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Let’s not forget that word ILLEGAL.

EVERYTHING that is transpiring on the Southern Border is UNLAWFUL and in Direct Opposition to the both the U.S. and Texas Constitution.

“Because the facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court,” Paxton wrote.

The sovereign Republic of Texas has a Constitutional Right to Protect it’s Citizens from FOREIGN Invasion when the Federal Govt. is aiding and abetting the enemy.

Eagle Pass may become our Fort Sumter very soon.

Prepare Accordingly.

 Please note that the entire DHS story about the three illegal-alien would-be border jumpers who drowned was, as you would expect from the evil Leviathan-state, a damned lie: none of it, not one single aspect of it, really went down the way FederalGovCo says it did.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stuck to the narrative — not the facts — the Biden administration parroted after three migrants drowned last Friday while attempting to cross the Rio Grande.

After the tragedy, the Biden administration rushed to blame Texas for the incident. Homeland Security, for example, accused Texas National Guard soldiers of having “physically barred” Border Patrol agents from responding to migrants in distress. The White House, on the other hand, suggested the migrants could have been saved had Texas soldiers not “blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance.”

But the Justice Department admitted in a filing to the Supreme Court on Monday that the migrants — two children and an adult woman — had already drowned when Mexican officials alerted Border Patrol agents of the tragic deaths. In fact, they had been dead for at least one hour.

On Wednesday, Fox News correspondent Jacqui Heinrich confronted Jean-Pierre over the White House’s dishonest narrative. She asked, “Will the administration amend its separate statement that implied that Texas officials were responsible for the deaths of those three migrants when, in fact, they had nothing to do with it?”

“They had already been dead for an hour by the time Mexico told anyone in the U.S. about it, and the administration admitted as much in their court filing,” Heinrich noted. “But the statement from the White House implies that Texas was responsible, and a number of outlets were forced to issue corrections and editor’s notes because of that White House statement.”

The falsehood exposed, Jean-Pierre responded by urging Heinrich to be “sensitive” because of the “devastating situation.” But then she refused to acknowledge the truth after repeatedly stumbling over her thoughts.

Ahhh, the usual fallback of the hack goobermint spokesweasel when caught in a blatant fabrication: “sensitivity.”

The Fox News reporter then read Jean-Pierre the White House statement — which said that “Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance” — but the press secretary simply restated her earlier point.

“There were other migrants in the water as well,” she said.

“Then why wasn’t that included in the statement?” Heinrich shot back.

Easy-peasy lemon squeezy: because they some lyin’ mothafuckas, yo. If ANYBODY is directly “responsible” for the drownings, apart from the criminal aliens themselves, it would be the senile, staggering stumblebum who threw open the former Border In Name Only and encouraged the flood of illegals to cross it in the first goddamned place…and we all already know who that is, thenksveddymuch.

Masks are slipping all over the place

Most. Transparent. Facade. EVAR.

Biden in dark over defense chief’s cancer for month
President Joe Biden was kept in the dark over his defense secretary’s cancer diagnosis and subsequent hospitalizations for about a month, the White House admitted Tuesday, as details of Lloyd Austin’s deeply unusual disappearance raised questions about leadership of the world’s top military.

The 70-year-old’s failure to disclose his hospitalization has prompted an extraordinary row in Washington and could be embarrassing for Biden, who faces multiple foreign crises in his reelection campaign year, including in Israel and Ukraine.

As defense secretary, career soldier Austin is personally overseeing military deployments to try and contain fallout from the Israel-Hamas war, which has sparked violence against American forces in Iraq and Syria as well as attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea.

After days of refusal to issue details, the Pentagon came out Tuesday with its first full account of Austin’s health issues, but the new transparency came too late for a clearly upset White House.

According to two of his doctors from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Austin’s prostate cancer was detected as a result of routine screening in early December.

He underwent minor surgery to treat it on December 22, returning home the following day, the doctors said, referring to a procedure the Pentagon had previously been describing as “elective.”

However, Austin was readmitted to the same hospital on January 1 due to complications “including nausea with severe abdominal, hip, and leg pain,” they said.

“Initial evaluation revealed a urinary tract infection,” while medical personnel found “abdominal fluid collections impairing the function of his small intestines” after Austin was moved to intensive care on January 2.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby made clear that Austin had not followed procedures.

“It is not optimal for a situation like this to go as long as it did without the commander-in-chief knowing about it or the national security adviser knowing about it, or frankly other leaders at the Department of Defense,” Kirby said during a briefing at the White House.

“It’s not the way this is supposed to happen…It’s not good. We want to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.”

Kirby insisted that Biden retains “complete confidence” in Austin and was looking forward to having him back at the Pentagon.

Yeah, tell me the one again about how ANY of these boobs—Bribem, Austin, Kirby, the whole clown-car load of ‘em—is actually in charge of anything whatsoever, Daddy. That one’s my favorite.

I need to establish a new category for this sort of thing, I’m thinking. “Deep State maskirovka” is pretty good, but doesn’t hit the mark quite as squarely as I’d like. Not sure what the name for it oughta be, but I’ll come up with something.

Update! So far I’ve got it narrowed down to six possibilities:

  • Frontmen, figureheads, and marionettes
  • The Great And Powerful OZ!
  • The Not-Ruling Class
  • Shadow-State kabuki
  • Signifying nothing
  • All the Washington world’s a stage

Preferences or suggestions of your own, anyone?

Updated update! Ace sees through it…almost.

White House Orders Cabinet Heads to Inform the “President” If They Cannot Perform Their Duties
—Disinformation Expert Ace

Let me save everyone the time: None of them is capable of performing their duties. Pete Buttigieg fucked off to play mommy for months and months and then have a secret vacay in Portugal and no one even noticed he was gone.

A “president” who even has to give this “order” (or strong recommendation) is obviously not really the president.

Annnnd bingo. In the next line, Ace says it’s “Obama’s staffers” who are in charge, but as much as it may seem so at times, I remain extremely skeptical. As far back as 2008, I maintained that the Boy Who Would Be King was nothing but a ventriloquist’s dummy himself; the man with his hand up Charlie McCarthy’s butt making his lips move was who really brought the act to life.

In fact, though, it isn’t even the Edgar Bergens who are of supreme interest here. The Grey Men skulking in the wings who don’t have faces; don’t have names; never do interviews or appear on the Sunday shows; and who don’t ever stand for “election” are the ones who must be sought out and uncovered. Otherwise, we’re still just playing the same old game, tilting at the same old (replaceable) windmills, dancing to their tune as always.

It’s a daunting task to be sure, but until the backstage string-pullers are at last brought out into the bright lights at center stage, willing or not, there can be no real hope of bringing the final curtain down to close the long-running Amerika v2.0 Show once and for all.

And even that arduous quest, should it be successfully accomplished, will be just the first step. Makes you respect the Founders more than ever, don’t it?

Update to the updated update! Gee, ya THINK?



The J6 shenanigans continue apace

Quelle surprise.

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

Doubtful, that. I’d say the battle lines are pretty well drawn at this point, the sides fully chosen, all minds made up. The odds of anybody who pays attention changing their opinion at this juncture are pretty slim, seems to me.

PJ Media readers already know that the Jan. 6 Capitol riot wasn’t an insurrection, but it’s still absolutely mind-blowing just how much we’ve been lied about the events of that day.

The truth has never stopped the left from pushing the narrative that it wants, between the criminally partisan House Select Committee on Jan. 6 and Joe Biden’s annual speeches making insane accusations and debunked mischaracterizations, it’s almost a miracle they haven’t turned Jan. 6 into a federal holiday akin to Memorial Day. According to the left, it was not only an insurrection, but as many as five Capitol Police officers died that day when there were actually zero. 

Why do they continue to push these falsehoods and bogus narratives? For one thing, it’s pretty much the only message Biden has (but, sadly for him, it’s not working), and it’s also an effective fundraising tool. According to a report from The Hill, Biden’s campaign raised more than a million dollars following his January 6 anniversary speech.

But again, we’re being sold a huge barrel of lies. In an interview with Tucker Carlson on the new Tucker Carlson Network, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), who has been investigating the Capitol riot, says that there were at least 200 undercover FBI assets embedded in the crowd, inside and outside of the Capitol Building.

“We believe that there were easily 200 FBI undercover assets operating in the crowd outside the Capitol, embedded into groups that entered the Capitol or provoked entry of the Capitol,” Higgins told Carlson. “Given the scope of the operation and the number of doors where entry was allowed or even encouraged — and the number of people that were actually outside the Capitol and that entered — we believe 200 [is a] conservative number.”

“It’s shocking what you’re saying and confirms everyone’s worst suspicions about this,” Carlson told Higgins, clearly alarmed by this new information. “It’s clearly true.”

Higgins said that based on the evidence he’s reviewed, the FBI worked with local law enforcement, including the Capitol Police. The undercover agents, Higgins said, dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol “because those were the guys that knew their way around the Capitol.”

As Carlson explained in the interview, FBI Director Wray has long refused to answer whether the FBI had assets dressed as Trump supporters at the Capitol that day.

Higgins believes that anti-Trumpers in the FBI orchestrated the entire thing.

“It’s a complex web of FBI assets across the country that can be activated. So, if you have authority at some of the highest levels in the FBI, it doesn’t take much,” Higgins explained.

“Their objective was to destroy the entire MAGA movement to forever stain the patriotic fervor that was associated with the America First MAGA movement that had won in 2016 and we believe won again in 2020,” he continued.

Higgins says the evidence points to FBI undercover agents who planted the seeds of a “radical occupation” of the Capitol online before Jan. 6.

“Some of that evidence shockingly reveals that the FBI agents that were operating undercover within the online groups across the country were the first ones to plant the seeds of suggestions of a more radical occupation of the Capitol.”

One of those FBI “assets” most certainly NOT being great MAGA-American patriot Ray Epps, mind you.

The Feds’ Pet J6 Protester, Ray Epps, Is Sentenced. You’ll Want to Sit Down for This.

Naah, you won’t, no need for it. My bitter, caustic sarcasm just a moment ago notwithstanding, you won’t be at all surprised. Nor should you.

Ray Epps, the federal government’s pet protester, has been granted one of the lightest sentences for a January 6 rioter that we’ve seen yet.

Epps was gifted by federal prosecutors and a D.C. judge with probation for one year. His recent sentencing memo has been widely mocked by imprisoned January 6 protesters, some of whom are still awaiting trial. In fact, he didn’t even have to show up for the sentencing that was done via Zoom.

Epps was “only” charged with one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct, and not the felony the feds have bootstrapped to misdemeanor charges to create an imprisonable offense of interfering with an official government proceeding. Multiple January 6 prisoners have been hit with this Enron-era corporate statute that supercharged the feds’ case against them and imposed decades-long sentences against members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, among others.

Indeed, Epps was one of the more prominent provocateurs before and during the January 6 riots that started at the Capitol Complex well before President Trump stopped speaking at a rally about the 2020 election.

Come come, the saintly Ray Epps, a Fed?!? UNPOSSIBLE!!! Why, in the pictures and vids Epps can be clearly seen wearing one of those scary red Trump hats, ferchrissakes! How could anybody in a Trump hat POSSIBLY be an FBI stooge? Or anything, really, but a diehard, violent, ÜberUltraMegaMAGA InsurrectionistRevolutionaryTraitor©? It’s absurd. The honest “journalists” at AP know what’s really going on here, and are courageous enough to spell it out for us. Everybody say it wit’ me now: another RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!

A man targeted by right-wing conspiracy theories about the U.S. Capitol riot was sentenced on Tuesday to a year of probation for joining the Jan. 6, 2021, attack by a mob of fellow Donald Trump supporters.

Ray Epps, a former Arizona resident who was driven into hiding by death threats, pleaded guilty in September to a misdemeanor charge. He received no jail time, and there were no restrictions placed on his travel during his probation, but he will have to serve 100 hours of community service.

Link is to Bonchie at Hot Air and not the original AP item, because fuck them. Bonch has plenty more over at his place, which you should definitely peruse. All in all, though, there really is but one possible conclusion to be drawn by any sensible, thinking person, and it is assuredly NOT the claptrap being pimped by FederalGovCo, its Stasi goons, or its in-house propaganda organs like AP.

Yet more details on this ludicrously not-credible fairy story, so hackishly ginned up as threadbare cover for Deep State manipulation, skullduggery, and treachery—chockablock with video, Tweets, and pics—at the Daily Mail.

I just have to ask again: how in the everlovin’ blue-eyed world did we ever let a Ruling Class this inept, this half-assed, this just plain incompetent steal an entire nation from us, anyway? In the final analysis, it might really be us who should be more ashamed of ourselves than anybody, just for that alone.

Update! Another smelly and telling detail, from Hoft.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit, Epps was just sued by J6 defendant Eric Clark for “Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights.” The case was filed in a Utah Federal Court.

Here’s where it gets shady.

The Gateway Pundit had a tip that Ray Epps was going to be served with the lawsuit at the courthouse during his sentencing. Process servers were hired by the Plaintiff and our reporters were scheduled to be there to capture the moment Epps was served on video. This was all discussed yesterday in private phone calls.

Then like magic, Ray Epps’ Fairy Godmother changed his PUBLIC IN-PERSON sentencing hearing to a REMOTE TELEPHONIC sentencing hearing.

What a coincidence.

Uh-huh. MUST be, right?

It’s like they don’t even care anymore that we know they’re lying to us, so confident and secure in their arrogance are they. This is not, repeat NOT, the behavior of people who are “scared of us” and all our big, bad firearms locked away in the gun safe at home.


Anarcho-tyranny perfectionists

SO. They figure out how to eliminate Trump from either running or winning next year, thereby at last getting him “out of the way” so they can come after us, in accordance with his canny prediction. Then what happens?

This is what they will do:


At least, nothing we are not seeing already, just perfected.

You have likely heard the phrase “anarcho-tyranny,” originally coined by Sam Francis thirty years ago. He put it best when he described it as:

Essentially a kind of Hegelian synthesis of what appear to be dialectical opposites: the combination of oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding and, simultaneously, a grotesque paralysis of the ability or the will to use that power to carry out basic public duties such as protection or public safety. And, it is characteristic of anarcho-tyranny that it not only fails to punish criminals and enforce legitimate order but also criminalizes the innocent.

Just today on the left’s new favorite holiday, Washington, D.C. attorney Matthew Graves announced the scope of the DOJ’s persecution of people present on January 6th will expand to everybody who was at the Capitol but did not enter (provided here by ALX on TwitterX), right as the FBI arrested three other participants.

If you browse Twitter/X, you will see Democrats shamelessly crowing about how scary that day was and how we need to protect “our democracy,” and people swallow it up. Others gleefully say Ashli Babbitt deserved to be killed (even stealing the meme about George Floyd) and that it was a shame she was the only one.

Who needs a salaried, uniformed, professional secret police when random people ginned up on regime rhetoric demonizing political opposition will do it for free, as this attitude suggests? Might I remind you that just the other day a campaign speech and ad both called Trump supporters extremists, if not enemies of the country?

We have already seen a casualty of this rhetoric when Cayler Ellingson was murdered in 2022 by Shannon Brandt, who said Ellingson was a “Republican extremist.” Brandt has only been given five years.

“But wait, what about the schemes of the World Economic Forum to make us live in pods, eat bugs, and own nothing?” you may ask. That goal could very well be on the table, but the stated objective to enslave us by 2030 might just be a means of provoking outrage. If people object too loudly? Just keep on saying they are conspiracy theorists.

In essence, the good thing about anarcho-tyranny for power-mad psychopaths is that you need to do very little on your own part to oppress the populace. But patience is required because, by its own logic, dissidents cannot be purged, just whittled away.

And rest assured, the Power can expect plenty of assistance from the willing victims of their own self-enslavement: ie, all the Karens, Kens, and sundry other shitlibs who favor “freedom FROM choice” over “freedom OF choice.” Factor in, too, the vigorous cooperation of the born-snitch types who infest every suburban neighborhood, trendy urban enclave, and modern condo community. These Nosy Nellies enjoy a frisson of near-orgasmic bliss at the prospect of diming-out all who A) flatly refuse to mask up; B) decline to get Vaxxed as ordered; C) are possessed of the outrageous temerity to live free no matter what.

In every society independent, liberty-minded people have always been a tiny minority, and always will be; the toil, hazard, and strong sense of personal accountability required by true freedom hold no attraction for the vast majority of stupefied Sheeple, a condition which has been exacerbated by many decades of government-school indoctrination and mass-media exhortation. Shamed by their own pathetic desire to cower under the warm, cozy security blanket of conformism and compliance, they can only resent their betters, and will do all they can to thwart them, hinder them, and see them punished. Last week I posted a meme that’s well worth remembering:


Ahh, but once the anarcho-tyrannists DO overtly, aggressively “come after us,” surely we can rely on the military to step into the breach, refuse illegal orders, and fulfill their oath to the Constitution, right?

RIIIGHT?!? USAF vet Mike McDaniel sure thinks so.

Forget it. They’re going to kill their families, neighbors, pastors and friends? The people they’ve grown up with and live with? What they are going to do is walk away with as many weapons, as much ammo and other gear as they can carry and haul in the trucks they’re going to take with them. A few higher-ranking, idiot true-believers might try to stop them, might even try to use deadly force. Heh.

To be sure, there will be some social justice warriors that will turn traitor out of a misplaced sense of duty, or just because they want to be on what they think will be the winning side. But even now, most people in our military love America and Americans. They’re the people buying the guns, living the American military ethic of duty, honor and country. They like Red Dawn and The Patriot. They’re not going to kill fellow Americans. They know who America’s enemies are.

Who are the few that will? They’re the people who shrink from killing our actual enemies, people who haven’t won a war in decades, people who can’t bring themselves to kill the demons that would gladly murder every American. They surely get excited, however, about strafing Des Moines, or nuking South Dakota. Suzie Soccer Mom and traditional Catholics are so much easier to beat than actual armies.

Most of our military—probably enough—will either just walk away, or will fight for liberty, taking as much materiel with them, and sabotaging the rest, as they can. Many will try to go neutral, but won’t be able to maintain that for long.

I pray that he’s right, but I fear that he’s wrong, persisting in a pleasant delusion countered by a plethora of recent evidence indicating otherwise. Commenter Chuck Lowe makes an airtight case.

We already know exactly what will take place. It has already happened. When Americans wanted redress in the streets, BLM-Antifa were given “room to destroy” & allowed to burn 2 Billion dollars to the ground, assault and murder cops-people and Kamala Harris went on TV to get everyone to help make bail for them to get out of jail.

When we went to the capital, to protest the FBI/Deep State irregularities and corruption associated with the election, we were shot dead, imprisoned, marginalized, economically destroyed and placed on watch lists.

Even the incarceration or suspicious death of Trump, or a Black Swan event, will not get the majority of people off of their couches and into the street.

‘Fraid so, yep. Bottom line: there is NOBODY coming to save us, to set things right, to correct the nation’s course and restore America That Was—not the cops, not the military, not the Congress, not the courts—NOBODY. Painful though it is to admit it, liberty-minded folks are well and truly on their own. For whatever cold comfort it offers, t’was ever thus.

It was so in 1776, it remains so in 2024 and, human nature being what it is, it probably always will be. Liberty has many false friends who gushingly extol its virtues, when it suits their immediate purpose. Those who truly, sincerely love it—who are dedicated enough to foreswear a life of convenience and ease to pursue and sustain it at any cost—will never number much more than a handful, relatively speaking.

Doesn’t matter, don’t care. Samuel Adams expressed the sentiment better than anybody:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

Amen, brother. Calls for yet another rerun of Jack Nicholson’s classic soliloquy in response to Dennis Hopper’s nonplussed bewilderment, I believe.

What a great fuckin’ movie. Well, right up to the part where the rednecks brutally beat George to death while he’s sleeping; I always have to turn it off before that scene, it’s just too much to endure.



It’s about damned time somebody said it. Besides me, I mean.

Let’s Stop Using the Words: ‘Trump Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election’
After almost three years — and as Democrats in Colorado and Maine ban Donald Trump from the Centennial State’s ballot — it is beyond time for the media to stop “reporting” that “Trump tried to overturn a presidential election” and to quit referring matter-of-factly: to “the election that Trump lost”; to “Trump’s defeat” and his “baseless” “false claims”; and to “Trump is challenging the results” of “Biden’s victory (in, say, Georgia)” and to “swing the election in his favor.”

It is equally time for news organizations to stop “reporting” that the four (who’s counting?) indictments are nothing more than valid or understandable (if ill-timed) reactions to punish Trump for his (“criminal”) attempts to “disenfranchise voters” and thus “subvert democracy.”

This is not a neutral, objective, and non-partisan view of of the facts of the 2020 election. Far from it. No. It is the (self-serving) DNC version. It is akin to asking “When did you stop beating your wife?”

Phrases like “baseless fraud claims,” “sham election investigations,” and “false claims of election fraud” come straight from the Democrat party. At a minimum, readers and viewers are used to circumspect “allegedlys,” to prudent “reportedlys,” and to cautious “accused ofs“. What happened to them?

Easy-peasy: they’re not useful to D卐M☭CRATs in this instance, so they must be expunged. Temporarily, of course; next time it suits them, their Praetorian Media partners in crime will trot those terms back out to club us over the head with as before.

Remember that his whole message — as was that of the protestors on Jan. 6, 2021 (not a single one of them, to my recollection, brandishing weapons other than cellphone cameras for selfies) — is exactly, or almost exactly, the same — i.e., that it was the Democrats who tried to overturn (and, indeed, who succeeded in overturning) the 2020 election and thus democracy (hence his, and the protesters’, far from unreasonable anger).

We could even use similar wordings: “the election that Biden lost,” “Joe’s defeat,” “false claims,” and “the Democrats tried to change/challenge (and succeeded in changing/challenging) the results.” Indeed, the 45th President called it “stealing the election” and thus…if anyone disenfranchised voters and undermined democracy, it was the party of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.

Yes. YesyesyesyesyesohshitmuddafugginHELL. YES. Every last one of us ought to be out there shouting it from the gott-damned rooftops, each and every time any Lyin’ Liberal, great or small, so much as even attempts that “baseless” bushwa again. Right before we slap the taste right out of his/her/its mouth, of course, in a response we’ll call “mostly peaceful.”

Remember, too, that this ain’t just about Trump, either. At this very moment, there are patriotic Americans doing hard time for the “crime” of exercising their Constitutional right to petition the government for redress of grievances, after being untruthfully smeared as “violent insurrectionists.” All of it, every bit of it, based on nothing but baldfaced lies, used by the Power against these poor victims so as to

  • Disempower, intimidate, and subjugate Real Americans
  • Depose a duly-reelected President
  • Demoralize his supporters
  • Discredit their chosen candidate, and rationalize said candidate’s ongoing persecution
  • Defang the political opposition entire
  • Seize power for a figurehead “president” and his éminence grise puppetmasters

Then again, though, when it comes to the “mainstream” press, such in-your-face propagandizing and manipulation is no more than we’ve come to expect from them. Doesn’t make it any more tolerable or less grating, but it’s nonetheless par for the usual course. The truly confounding thing, at least to me, is why so many otherwise sensible people have just sat silently back and taken it all this time—worse still, that they’ve adopted this patent codswallop themselves, bleating the “baseless claim” mantra like so many hypnotized lemmings as if there had ever been one iota of truth to it. To wit:

The way that even conservative outlets like Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, not to mention RINOs like Mike Pence, buy into and repeat the Left’s “talking points” and double standards is disconcerting. (A WSJ editorial defended Donald Trump against “lawfare” (to wield war on people through the legal system, by imprisoning them or “merely” ruining them, a tactic the Democrats have already used on such Trump allies as Gen. Michael Flynn and Rudy Giuliani) while calling his “post-election behavior” in 2020 “deceitful and destructive” and referring to his “disgraceful” “malfeasance.” While National Review also pushed back against the Trump indictments, all the while feeling the need to point out that it “condemned Trump’s appalling actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election” as well as “Trump’s deceptions”: “Mendacious rhetoric in seeking to retain political office is damnable.”) 

An otherwise outstanding post at the Power Line Blog by the usually outstanding John Hinderaker, gives us, paragraph after paragraph, evidence of cheating and lying by Democrats. And still, that can’t prevent Hinderaker himself from being polite and handing some rope to the opposition, ending said post with the words, Trump’s “obviously indefensible claims,” and with these immortal lines:

In sum, the indictment does not make out a case that Trump is a criminal who should go to prison. But it does make out a strong case that Trump is a dishonest egomaniac with terrible judgment who should never again be entrusted with a responsible government position.

You have just written 15 paragraphs detailing the Democrats’ lying, cheating, and criminal interference in the 2020 election, John Hinderaker — not least in the very indictments that have been served up by Bolshevist prosecutors. Where do those two final sentences fit in except to prove that with enough pressure and broadsides, the Drama Queens’ left-leaning propaganda will overwhelm even the most open-minded and the most honest brain?

Indeed so, good sir, to the eternal disgrace of all who have so docilely gone along with this abominable crime. The esteemed Mr Svane, who I didn’t know about before seeing this excellent piece, goes on at some length from there—all of it every bit as on-target as it is long, long, LONG overdue.

In re the rest of it: gird them loins, load them mags, and stock them larders, people. For Spicy Time cometh, and that right soon, I’m afraid.


“Significant problem”

Gee, ya THINK?!?

Ex-CIA analyst says intel agencies to be politically active again in 2024 election: ‘Significant problem’
A Georgetown University professor who spent 12 years as a CIA intelligence analyst is warning that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts and the overall politicization of the intelligence community have become a “significant” problem and that he is confident those agencies will attempt to interfere with the 2024 election similar to their efforts in 2020.

“My guess is that the the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like,” Dr. John Gentry, author of the new book, “Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences,” told Fox News Digital. 

Within days of the bombshell New York Post story that detailed the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead-up to the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials signed onto a letter in an attempt to discredit the laptop, saying it “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” 

The CIA approved the publication of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop letter, according to documents obtained by Fox News Digital in 2023.

Gentry told Fox News Digital that downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop was “clearly political” and that a highly placed source told him “in no uncertain terms” that it was done “explicitly” with the “intent to help the Biden campaign.”

He said there have already been signs in recent weeks that current or former intelligence agency members will be active in 2024.

“I long have thought we are likely to again see former intelligence officers be politically active against Trump or whomever the Republican presidential candidate is next year, and I expect leaking to resume,” Gentry said. “The activities of ‘formers’ have resumed already, a bit before I expected.”

Further details, unsurprising as they are, at the link. It’s a real dog-bites-man story, and such stories will continue to be so unless/until something is done not just about our fake ’n’ ghey “elections” process, but about our rogue Deep State intelligence apparatus as well—at which point it will be a man-bites-dog deal for sure.


Chief Injustice John Roberts IS compromised

Hate to admit it but I have never seen this information before. It’s always been speculation. No longer, now you know.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Asks Supreme Court to Decide Trump Immunity – Highest Court Immediately Drops All Business to Comply With Special Counsel Request

George Fing Bush put this commie bastard on the court and made him chief. Don’t forget that.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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