True colors

Christopher Wray is a scheming, despicable liar, one of Trump’s very worst appointments.

As Ace helpfully points out, Wray’s politically-calculated hairsplitting—bullet, shrapnel, who gives a drippy shit? Ask any combat vet whether jagged, high-velocity shards of glowing-hot steel can kill a man just as dead as any bullet*—moved the fever-swamp Left to joyously jump all over that immaterial speculative fiction, as Wray doubtless knew it would do, and are now having their usual loony-toony field day with it.

The left desperately, desperately wants to steal valor from Trump and claim AKSHUALLY he wasn’t shot, just hit by “shrapnel.”

They think this is a big win for them.

CNN’s freak-a-deak leftist “National Security Analyst” seized on the conspiracy chum:

Juliette Kayyem @juliettekayyem

I’ve waited a while to say this but the burden is now on Trump to show he was shot. I can condemn the assassination and still demand truth, especially since Trump is now politicizing taking a bullet. Wray has now opened the door; this is not a conspiracy theory. Wray, known for exact phrasing and being careful, didn’t say this on accident. He is begging us to ask.

Indeed, this vile monster is begging the left to pick up the crumbs he just left them.

A-yup. In light of which sick-making asshattery I can only repeat: Kill them. Kill. Them. ALLYes, I mean it. No, I’m not kidding.

As every Real American ought to know full well by now, noisome shitlib excrescences are plainly and simply unfit to live amongst decent, civilized human beings. They will never cease laboring arduously, single-mindedly, to bring the once-grand American house crashing down—encompassing not just our everlasting ruination but also their own, the witless chowderheads. The longer we go on tolerating them, the more likely they are to accomplish their mad societal-demolition mission, a long-term deconstruction project already far too near its final completion for any sane soul’s ease.

Meanwhile, Normals have blandly accepted an unending torrent of inanity, obnoxiousness, and withering contumely from the Left with little objection and absolutely no retaliation, suffering these among other insults as if they were no more than their due, presumably in just punishment for an extended, open-ended litany of vaguely-defined “crimes” starting with blasphemy most heinous against the sacred Wokester catechism. In reply to Normals’ ill-advised conciliation, Leftards have moderated their extremism, attenuated their innate aggressiveness, remitted their penchant for violence and destruction, and/or tempered their fanatical hatred not one jot or tittle. Not so’s anybody would notice they haven’t, which amounts to the same big, fat sack o’ nothing at the end of the day.

As has been predictable with overindulged brats throughout history, so it is with juvenile Leftards today. Tragically, Normals made the mistake of disregarding the Biblical injunction against sparing the rod, thus hath the child been spoiled beyond possibility of salvage. Time and past time, then, to throw out the rotten fruits and vegetables and give the storage bin a thorough scrubbing using bleach and a stiff-bristle brush, before our national home is infested by a plague of rats and the whole gorram neighborhood winds up stinking worse than a malfunctioning sewage treatment facility in summertime.

* PRO TIP: There’s a reason the external casing of hand grenades, land mines, bombs, battle-tank main gun rounds, and artillery projectiles are designed to produce wicked clouds of shrapnel (more precisely, fragments) in the first fucking place, stupid shitlib mouthbreathers, and it’s a very good one at that




Gee, looks one HELL of a lot worse than the phonus-balonus J6 “insurrection,” don’t it? Wonder if there’ll be so much as even ONE arrest made? Never mind, don’t answer that one, please.

(Via Dave Renegade)


Government playing God

YET AGAIN, that is.

To save spotted owls, US officials plan to kill hundreds of thousands of another owl species
To save the imperiled spotted owl from potential extinction, U.S. wildlife officials are embracing a contentious plan to deploy trained shooters into dense West Coast forests to kill almost a half-million barred owls that are crowding out their cousins.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service strategy released Wednesday is meant to prop up declining spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington state and California. The Associated Press obtained details in advance.

Documents released by the agency show up to about 450,000 barred owls would be shot over three decades after the birds from the eastern U.S. encroached into the West Coast territory of two owls: northern spotted owls and California spotted owls. The smaller spotted owls have been unable to compete with the invaders, which have large broods and need less room to survive than spotted owls.

Past efforts to save spotted owls focused on protecting the forests where they live, sparking bitter fights over logging but also helping slow the birds’ decline. The proliferation of barred owls in recent years is undermining that earlier work, officials said.

“Without actively managing barred owls, northern spotted owls will likely go extinct in all or the majority of their range, despite decades of collaborative conservation efforts,” said Fish and Wildlife Service Oregon state supervisor Kessina Lee.

The notion of killing one bird species to save another has divided wildlife advocates and conservationists. It’s reminiscent of past government efforts to save West Coast salmon by killing sea lions and cormorants that prey on the fish, and to preserve warblers by killing cowbirds that lay eggs in warbler nests.

“The Fish and Wildlife Service is turning from protector of wildlife to persecutor of wildlife,” said Wayne Pacelle, founder of the advocacy group Animal Wellness Action. He predicted the program would fail because the agency won’t be able to keep more barred owls from migrating into areas where others have been killed.

The shootings would likely begin next spring, officials said. Barred owls would be lured using megaphones to broadcast recorded owl calls, then shot with shotguns. Carcasses would be buried on site.

Sick, arrogant fucks. But don’t any of you Serf Class oafs be getting any bright ideas from this, mmmkay?

Public hunting of barred owls wouldn’t be allowed. The wildlife service would designate government agencies, landowners, American Indian tribes or companies to carry out the killings. Shooters would have to provide documentation of training or experience in owl identification and firearm skills.

Oh goodie, I feel better already! I’m confident it will all work out a-okay—y’know, just like every other one of their meddlesome, half-baked schemes has— now that I know that goobermint-vetted “experts” are involved. There DOES seem to be one other tiny, minor little problem though.

But there is more to this story than the “old growth” fabrication. Another misrepresentation is that the northern spotted owl is a unique species at all.

Endangered “northern spotted owls” are a “sub-species” of spotted owls, which means they are, in fact, the same species as California spotted owls and Mexican spotted owls, which also live on the west coast. Their difference is that geographic distance and separation have caused some differences in plumage and appearance. To call these spotted owls a different “sub-species” is like stating that Norwegians, Koreans, and Nigerians are different subspecies of homo sapiens. The notion of bird “sub-species” is actively rejected by many in the ornithology community.

This research piece from the Cooper Ornithological Society makes it rather clear that the spotted owl is all one species, noting that the northern spotted owl’s identifying features are based on a specimen from Puget Sound in Washington, while the California spotted owl is based on one from Southern California, but the identifying features of spotted owls gradually morph between the two locations.

In summary, two great lies are at the root of the environmental damage that has been done in the name of the spotted owl: 1) That logging was responsible for their decreasing spotted owl population in the Pacific Northwest; and 2) That there is even such a species as the “northern spotted owl.”

But hundreds of thousands of barred owls are now going to be killed in perpetuation of these lies. Considering that the “green,” anti-carbon advocates of the wind industry defend the senseless killing of millions of eagles, raptors, and migratory birds as a necessary religious sacrament, this proposed owl slaughter is consistent with the 21st Century environmental movement.

Ummm…OOOPS! Well, hey, ya wins some and ya loses some, I reckon. After all, it’s really the thought that counts, right?


Teh Cray-cray is STRONG with this one

Do please remember as you read this, gang, that they’re the caring, tolerant, compassionate, non-violent, more evolved, rational, and enlightened ones. If you don’t believe it, just ask them, they’ll tell ya alllll about it.

Watch — ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Star Lea DeLaria Begs Biden to Assassinate Trump: ‘Blow Him Up’
In a social media post shared to Instagram and TikTok, DeLaria went on (an) unhinged rant against former President Trump and begged Joe Biden to kill him as an act of war.

“Joe, you’re a reasonable man,” she said in a post that garnered over 9,000 Likes. “You don’t want to do this. But here’s the reality: This is a fucking war. This is a war now, and we are fighting for our fucking country. And these assholes are going to take it away. They’re going to take it away.”

“Thank you, [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence ‘Uncle’ Thomas. Joe, you now have the right to take that bitch Trump out. Take him out, Joe. If he was Hitler, and this was 1940, would you take him out? Well, he is Hitler. And this is 1940. Take him the fuck out! Blow him up, or they’ll blow us up. Facts,” she added.

DeLaria justified these actions as an act of war.

“It’s all out war now. They will destroy us. They only want power…like all tyrants. FUCK THEM!!! And if any of you assholes wanna death threat me like you have been doing for my entire life, bring it on bitch. I’m Sicilian, I know how to play that game,” she said.

Any time you feel froggy, psychobitch. War, you say? Careful what you wish for, dearie, lest fed-up-to-the-eyeteeth Normals raise up on their hindlegs at long, long last and give you one. I assure you, you won’t enjoy it. “Death threats” will be the very LEAST of your worries when/if that kicks off, and “Sicilian” ain’t gonna intimidate anyone, nor stay any hands either.

Gotta be the most debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome on record. Get professional help, that’s my advice, before you bust a blood vessel. Failng that, a nice, loooong lie-down in a bathtub full of ice might be the way to go.


This shall not stand!

Aww, what a darn shame.

Lesbian Duo Baffled as to Why Muslim Gang Would Pummel Them. Who Wants to Break the News?
A gang of “Middle Eastern men” beat the potato salad out of a lesbian couple in Halifax, Nova Scotia, leaving the two zamis to wonder why the men would treat the ladies so viciously, especially considering it was during Pride month.

Emma MacLean, one of the women assaulted, posted to Facebook that there were between seven and ten men, all between the ages of 18 and 25 and “believed to be from Syria.”

As some may know, myself and my partner Tori were attacked on Saturday night by a group of 7-10+ middle eastern men, believed to be from Syria, aged 18-25 on Argyle Street in downtown Halifax. 

One particular individual, wearing a red shirt with a walking boot, initially made a sexually degrading comment to me. My partner Tori and this man got into a verbal altercation where this individual made several disgusting slurs, some being homophobic. Following this, the 7-10 men attacked me and my partner, throwing several punches and kicks to our faces, ribs, etc. 

The outcome of this attack has resulted in a broken nose, chipped tooth, several bruises and lumps on our head, faces, etc. We are extremely thankful that things were not worse. 

If anyone has any further information or had witnessed this event, or has personal video footage, I would be extremely grateful if you could share it. 

Stay safe and happy pride month.

MacLean would later admit that her girlfriend, Tori, followed the gang after they made homophobic slurs toward the women. That’s when things got spicy.

Tori was pushed to the ground, and that’s when the punches and kicks began to fly.

“I’m terrified to go downtown again in Halifax,” MacLean told CTV news. “I just feel like it’s so out of your control on what could happen. It’s overwhelming. I didn’t expect something like this to happen, especially with it happening during pride month as well.”

Some of us have been saying for a long time now that stupidity ought to be literally, physically painful, and whaddya know: in Nova Scotia at any rate, now it is.

Pure, unadultered capital-e Evil

Think that’s a trifle too strong, a trifle too harsh a thing to say of Amerika v2.0’s central-government Leviathan? Read this and then tell me you still feel that way.

Biden admin official pressured medical experts to nix age limit guidelines for transgender surgery: court doc
A top Biden administration health official successfully pressured an international group of medical experts to do away with age limit guidelines for transgender procedures, including gender-changing surgery, for minors, an unsealed court document shows.

Adm. Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, feared that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s late 2021 draft guidelines would make it difficult for American transgender youth to obtain access to the procedures, according to email excerpts between WPATH members included in an Alabama court filing.

WPATH guidance recommended age minimums of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation and 17 for genital surgeries.

One would think that last might be plenty evil enough to suit the lesser demons of Mordor On The Potomac Styx. Apparently, one would be dead wrong about that.

“We sent the document to Admiral Levine…She (sic) like[s] the SOC-8 very much but she (sic) was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to health care for trans youth and maybe adults too,” a WPATH member wrote in one internal email released by psychologist Dr. James Cantor as part of litigation challenging an Alabama law outlawing certain gender transition-related treatments and procedures. 

“Apparently the situation in the USA is terrible and [Levine] and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse,” the health group member continued.

Well, at least there’s one thing we agree on: “the situation” in the US is indeed terrible, and becoming moreso every single day, thanks in no small measure to sick fucks like “Admiral” Levine and his deranged Uruk Hai cohort.

So, to sum up then: the US government is now a fully-paid-up and complicit partner in the permanent surgical mutilation, for profit, of children regardless of age. Children, mind, who are also deemed to be too young to legally vote, drive, marry, consume alcoholic beverages, own a firearm, rent an automobile, and/or view R-rated feature films in a movie theater. Good to know, I suppose.


Pride goeth

Hm, just can’t seem to remember how that old saw ends for some reason. Ah well, Steyn does, at any rate.

I believe there’s only another seven or twelve weeks till “Pride Month” ends, so I trust readers will forgive me for belatedly attending to a story I didn’t get to because of my legal travails. In Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, the festivities began with the Pride Parade being disrupted by pro-Hamas protestors chanting “No Pride in Genocide”. The American right mostly played it as just another pass-the-popcorn I-don’t-have-a-dog-in-this-fight moment.

But, in fact, it was rather more interesting than that. It wasn’t just any old members of the rapidly Islamising western left shutting down the LGBTQWERTY crowd, but the local chapter of Queers4Palestine. That’s another phenomenon the right played for laughs – Turkeys4Thanksgiving, etc. The dominant figure in the Philly scenes was apparently the biker from the Village People:

The picture which appears at this point in the essay is truly sidesplitting, if you’ll pardon my interjection. Onwards.

I assumed, naturally, that he was an old-school gay who’d polished up his best leathers and resented these Ahmed-come-latelies from the Hamas set raining on his parade.

But no: upon closer inspection of the photographs he was on the side of the keffiyeh crowd, facing down a phalanx of rainbow-hued lesbians and declaring, like the East End Jews and dockers to Sir Oswald Mosley’s Fascists in Cable Street, that they shall not pass. The Sapphists seemed befuddled at being thwarted by a guy who appeared to have stepped out of Uniforms Night at a Greenwich Village leather bar. As Barack Obama would say, “The Eighties called. They want their gay clichés back – and they don’t quite understand how they got mixed up with American foreign policy.”

But that’s how bad it is: at least in Philadelphia, the Islamophile queers turn out to be heavier on the Islamophile and rather lighter on the queer. I have no idea how representative they are of the broader movement, but the symbolism is arresting: Gay catchers crossing over to join the Islamic pitchers. The ever-proliferating array of sexual identities doesn’t seem to be doing all that much for actual sex: the fastest growing boutique sexuality is “aces” – or asexuals. For LGBTQWERTY Pennsylvanians, Palestine is more of a turn-on than gay sex.That may have a broader appeal than you think.

I answered that one a week ago:

In the end, it’s all demography…You can change all the boys into girls and all the girls into boys but in the end there aren’t enough of either to alter the outcome. You’re merely arguing about who’ll be using which bathroom on the Oblivion Express.

Whatever one feels about it, Islam is real in a way that chestfeeders and persons with “bonus holes” aren’t.

“Large and rapid demographic changes” are remorseless and ongoing: unless reversed, the United States will die as a vast violent tribalised Latin-American favela, and Britain as “Somalia with chip shops”. The last American “conservative” will be wondering why the Federalist Papers are no longer available on Amazon, and the last Brit “progressive” will be showing off her wedding tackle in the ladies’ changing room and wondering why all the cis-chicks are wearing burqas.

The transanity is just the lurid front window of the west’s going-out-of-business sale. The Village People leather guy will not be the first LGBTQWERTY aficionado to figure out who’s gonna come out on top.

Verily, t’is so.


The textbook definition of capital-e Evil

Jesse Kelly says it for me, for you, for all of us.

He’s right, and that’s all there is to it.


Mission creep, creepy mission

Whatever would we DO without Too-Big Government helping us to evolve into better, more compassionate and/or tolerant human beenz?

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s Intel Community Is Celebrating Pride Month With Free Trans Flag Manicures, ‘Filipinx’ Lectures
Intel agents can get their nails painted and listen to a non-binary ‘Filipinx’ activist discuss ‘trans rights’ — all during work hours

The top intelligence agency in the United States is celebrating Pride Month by inviting agents to have the transgender flag painted on their nails, participate in a “Pride Ally Challenge,” and learn from a “non-binary,” “Filipinx” activist who has taught children about her non-binary identity, a document exclusively obtained by The Daily Wire reveals.

The intelligence document outlines nine different Pride Month activities held by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), a cabinet-level agency overseeing the rest of the IC, including the CIA, FBI, NSA, and intelligence components in each branch of the military. Over the course of the month, intelligence officers will have their nails painted with trans flags, or even learn to crochet their very own Pride flags.

“For nail painting, we’ll have our pro team of FVEY artistes ready to decorate you ready for Pride Month, with the option of celebrating pride or trans flag colors,” the document reads before further encouraging intelligence agents to have their nails painted. “If you don’t normally paint your nails, or have never done so, all the better! We’ll do everything for you, and you might just love it. What better way to show your allyship to the community?”

I KNOOOW, right?!?

The elaborate array of Pride celebrations, all of which will occur during the work hours of America’s top intelligence apparatus, demonstrates one of the most blatant ways in which the most powerful instruments of the federal government have been captured and leveraged by leftwing ideologues.

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence and combat-decorated U.S. Army veteran who fought in the elite Green Berets, confirmed the authenticity of the document with the intelligence community. He said it’s another example of the Biden administration wasting valuable time and resources away from serious intelligence-gathering activities that are vital to our national security.

“It just shows where this administration’s priorities continue to be, which is a virtue signal to the progressive Left, rather than staying focused on lethality, effective intelligence collection, and keeping America safe,” Waltz told The Daily Wire. “It’s just a total misplacement of priorities, and it comes from the top, and it comes from highly politicized political appointees, by political appointees that are pushing an agenda.”

The ODNI provided several more outlets for intelligence agents to celebrate Pride Month.

Oh, I don’t doubt it, not one bit I don’t. I mean, why wouldn’t they have, for Gaia’s sake? Whatever our other differences, I think one thing we can all agree on is that there simply is no better, more appropriate use of taxpayer dollars imaginable than funding Pride Month celebrations, boosting Allyship as much as possible, and painting all the cis-het male CIA and FBI agents’ fingernails in the vibrant colors of the Rainbow Flag against their will. Right?

It’s the whole reason we have a federal government in the first place, really. Pimping for mentally-unbalanced freaky-deaks and ramming the Trans Mafia agenda down Normie throats using their own filthy money is an essential, core component of the overall US intelligence-agency mission. I mean, it says so right there in the friggin’ Constitution, you guys! Can’t recall exactly where right at the moment, but I’m absolutely, positively SURE I saw it in there someplace once. Or somebody told me it was in there, maybe. Or, y’know, something like that. DUDE, it’s, like, Civics 101, or something. Why, anything less would be LITERAL GENOCIDE©!!!!

Update! Just had what I think is a totally fabulous idea: every Friday evening during the month of June, throw a huge ODNI Pridemania© disco bash at FBI Training HQ in Quantico, complete with DJ, bartenders, and wait-staff of indeterminate gender; splashy wall decorations; baffling modern-art installations; whirling, swirling, queasy-making lighting effects; and a seriously kickin’ sound system cranked up to Full Stun! As that yummy, gummy, pansexual Captain Kirk would say: BEAM ME UP, BITCH!!

Attendance will be mandatory, especially for all binary-H888R male IC personnel. Cute cocktail dresses and size 16 spike pumps obligatory for men, construction apparel (including but not restricted to steel-toed brogans, Oshkosh B’Gosh overalls, and hardhats) for the ladies (whatever THOSE obsolete words mean anymore. Men? Women? Whatevs!). Open bar serving pink, fruity tropical libations all nite long; free amyl-nitrate poppers, dildos, and Astra-Glide available at the bar on request. No highballs, Scotch, malt liquor, or cheap canned beer because…well, quite frankly, icky-POO, sweetcheeks!

So all you FBI, CIA, NSA, and DIA darlings, get ready to mix ’n’ mingle, shake yer booty, and get funk-ay like a monk-ay at ODNI Pridemania©—guaranteed to be the wildest, craziest, most slam-banginest weekly Happening of the entire year!


“Jew York” no more

Things are hotting up for ((((DemJooJooJooJOOOOOZ!!!)))) in what for many years was a safe haven for them.

Protesters are harassing Jews every day in NYC, when will pols protect them?

A more apposite question would be: “When in the actual FUCK will liberal Jews wake up and revise their stuck-in-the-mud thinking?”

How much more are Jews in New York City expected to take?

Earlier this week, a protest in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street, which commemorates those slaughtered at a music festival in Israel during the October 7 attacks, waved Hezbollah and Hamas flags and a “Long live October 7th” banner, lit flares and chanted “long live the intifada.”

On Tuesday, a mob took over a New York City subway car and chanted, in a call and repeat fashion, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.”

Two nights ago, the homes of Brooklyn Museum’s director Anne Pasternak and several of the museum’s Jewish board members, were defaced with fake blood and a sign that accused Pasternak of being a “White-Supremacist Zionist.”

I’ve been writing in these pages about the growing antisemitism in New York for years.

But this is the worst it has ever been. It’s no longer random attacks, that could be blamed on the mentally unwell.

The last few years have exposed something else.

Now it’s hard not to notice that the worst eruptions, the vilest hate, is happening in New York specifically.

The mob is masked to conceal their identity and able to be violent then disappear into crowds.

It’s worth noting that when the regular attacks on Jews were happening during de Blasio’s terms, with hundreds of attacks caught on video, only one perpetrator ever served a day in prison.

Jews are getting the message that no one will protect them and they’re largely not allowed to protect themselves.

At the Nova exhibit, Mayor Adams told influencer Lizzy Savetsky “We have the largest Jewish population outside of Israel right here in New York. This is not going to be a city where you’ll have to take off your yarmulke, be afraid to walk inside a synagogue,” but then added “or church or mosque” as if anyone is afraid to walk into those.

He seemed to want to cut off the obvious criticism that Jews have largely been left exposed in his city saying “A minority of those who want us to live in fear, who want us to say ‘police departments you’re not doing enough,’ who want us to turn on our allies, we can’t turn on each other.”

As long as NYC Jewry keeps stubbornly clinging to their outmoded Left/“liberal” political identity, they can expect things to go right on getting worse for them in the Big Rotten Apple. Same-same for the “how much more are Jews in New York City expected to take” query. If they stick with the pattern they have for decades, they can expect to take plenty and to spare of it; as things now stand, the D卐M☭CRAT Party which has turned viciously on Dem Joooz takes the purblind fools entirely for granted. As well it might; second only to the hapless Nee-grows they’ve done so much to destroy utterly, American Jews remain one of the D卐M☭CRAT Party’s verymost dependable voting blocks.

Alternatively, NYC Jews can carry on doing the same thing, expecting a different result. If I remember right, one of their kinsmen is purported to have had a little something to say about that sort of thing.



I see no possible objection to this young lady’s wish, except from transphobic bigot H8RRRZ. And Donald Trump, of course.


For those who wilfully forget

I’ve been agonizing for a couple of days now over how to put this D-Day anniversary post, after seeing this jagged shard of complete idiocy cited approvingly all over the place.

White Brother War 768x753.

“Europe’s best men, our brothers,” is it, shit for brains? That would be Nazi scum you’re talking about there, pal. And let me hip ya to something you prolly ain’t gonna like much: NAZI SCUM AIN’T NO “BROTHERS” OF MINE, AND AIN’T EVER GONNA BE EITHER, GET ME? Nor are Saudis, nor Persians, nor Paleosimians, nor ChiComs, nor Tojos, for the matter of it. Sorry if my hatred for (((DemJooJooJooJOOOOOOZ!!!))) just ain’t intense enough to suit ya, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles, fuckface. If that’s what it takes to qualify me as officially “White,” then thanks but no thanks; I’d just about as soon call myself a nigger as to stoop that goddamned low.

My now-deceased Uncle Murray, who was an MP in the ETO and participated in the liberation of one of the concentration camps idiots like Mr “CEO of Based” above swear never existed—a life-altering experience he couldn’t even speak of without choking up in tears til his dying day, by the by—was probably the single toughest hombre I ever did know (my assessment made after a lifetime spent hanging with some damned tough hombres, mind) and woulda kicked your sorry ass so hard by the time you stopped rolling your clothes would be out of style for such loose talk as that.

“Are you mad yet?” You bet your ass I am now, you miserable turd. FUCK YOU in the spleen, with a sparking cattle prod.



Time for some REAL equality

He shoulda kicked the ever-lovin’ shit out of the whining Nazi bitch and left her violent, lying ass bleeding on the sidewalk.

I suppose Perez should be commended for his great restraint in dealing with an out-of-control Leftard lunatic. But honestly, FUCK her, and all shitlibs, in the liver with a rusty railroad spike. As Ace says:

What was that cutesy leftwing call to violence…? Ah yes: “Punch a Nazi.”

Well, I see a lot of Nazis attempting to shut down people’s speech through violence or threat of violence.

So I agree: Let’s start punching some fucking Nazis.


Update! More from the Red State post Ace linked:

What kind of moral degenerate acts like (this), much less in front of their child? A miscarriage is not an “abortion” because there is nothing to abort when a baby has already passed away of natural causes. Whatever similarities the extraction procedure has is irrelevant. It’s like arguing that burning people alive is fine because the cremation of dead bodies exists. 

Also of note is how these pro-abortion fanatics rarely want to own their position. Falsely claiming that miscarriages and abortions are the same is a calculated deflection. It’s meant to take the spotlight off of what an actual abortion is because even this woman knows how evil it is, even if she’s loathe to admit it. 

The woman is also lying about access to the medical procedure she describes. There is not a single state in the union that outlaws real doctors at real medical facilities from removing a baby’s body after a miscarriage. If people in Oregon believe that, I’d suggest they get better sources.

Unfortunately, intellectual heft isn’t common in the Beaver State these days. This is allegedly the crazy lady’s sister. Can you spot the resemblance?

Follows, yet another vid of yet another screaming, violent femme who really ought to be locked up with her sister in some kind of home. It may not (or, y’know, it may) be quite time yet to just start shooting barking-mad shitlibs such as these on sight, before they can get within assault-and-battering range of us. Nonetheless, the day cometh, and that right soon.

Updated update! From Chaya Raichak, more Lefty loons.

The story the media will try to bury.

Over the weekend, Libs of TikTok was one of the first to report on the identity (of) the perpetrator in an insane unprovoked stabbing spree that occurred in Massachusetts. The suspect was identified as 26-year-old Jared Ravizza, a radical left-wing transgender activist.

We confirmed his identity after searching his social media accounts where we uncovered various images including “she/her” pronouns in his bio and a poster of Barack Obama on his wall.

Ravizza began his stabbing spree at the AMC in Braintree where he stabbed four young girls. One of the mothers reported that Ravizza was laughing during the attack. The four girls were hospitalized after the stabbing but thankfully did not receive any life-threatening injuries.

After leaving the theater, Varizza proceeded to a local McDonald’s restaurant where he stabbed a man and a woman before fleeing the scene. He was later caught and arrested by police after crashing his car.

Yes, she has pics, and they’re everything you’d expect them to be, and not a jot or tittle more. We’ve already allowed “people” like these to turn our cities into war-zones and open-air asylums, and if you ask me it’s time and well past time to take them back.


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Comments appear entirely at the whim of the guy who pays the bills for this site and may be deleted, ridiculed, maliciously edited for purposes of mockery, or otherwise pissed over as he in his capricious fancy sees fit. The CF comments section is pretty free-form and rough and tumble; tolerance level for rowdiness and misbehavior is fairly high here, but is NOT without limit.

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"Mike Hendrix is, without a doubt, the greatest one-legged blogger in the world." ‐Henry Chinaski

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Kill one for mommy today! Click to embiggen

Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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