Laff riot

Lincoln Brown recommends scorn, mockery, and ridicule as excellent antidotes to Wokefucktardery, mentioning along the way a College Fix article on a Northwestern University survey.

The paper is titled, and I kid you not, “Attack Helicopters and White Supremacy: Interesting Malicious Responses to an Online Questionnaire about Transgender Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science Student Experiences.” Really. And there really is a “Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies.” Of course, there is.

There was a question regarding gender, naturally. Some of the responses included:

  • Apache attack helicopter
  • V-22 Osprey
  • F-16 fighter jet
  • Homophobic biggot, yes we exist (sic)
  • Cis gender lizard king
  • F*cking white male
  • Pansexual attack helicopter
  • Aerosol
  • Airplane

The responses for races included “Afro/Klingon-Asiatic Galapogayation” and “Native American (Elizabeth Warren).” Some of the responses were deliberately inflammatory. Despite the fact that the authors of the paper are probably screaming “racism!” and “transphobia!” from the rooftops, I don’t think the respondents were being racist.

I suspect that they have had enough of the unmitigated bulls**t (sorry, there is no better word for it) and wanted to make a point. These responses do not sound any less ludicrous than any of the so-called “legitimate” replies from people who really do fancy themselves non-binary demisexual wombats. Naturally, the authors missed that point because Leftists are, as one person once put it, “so dense that light bends around them.”

Heh. Yeah, I’d say intellectual black holes is a most apt way of describing the stupid, shrieky-shrieky cockholsters.


Nigger, PLEASE

Sure wish I could cash in myself on some of that sweet “White Privilege” these morons prattle on and on about.

Sunny Hostin of “The View” is facing intense backlash for suggesting wealthy blacks have it harder in America than poor whites.

Said during an episode of “The View” that aired last month, the comments are just now going viral. The comments come specifically from an episode during which the co-hosts of the show discussed the Supreme Court’s decision to nix affirmative action.

Amid that discussion, Hostin said this: “The lived experience of a white kid in Appalachia or perhaps on a potato farm in Idaho is different in this country for a black student, whether that black student be wealthy or not, because this country was founded on slavery.”

The suggestion was that, because America was allegedly founded on slavery (more on this later), then the so-called “lived experience” of black children is worse than the “lived experience” of white children.

Hey, don’t go gettin’ all mad ’n’ sheeeitz, Whypeepuh; bitch is just “living her truth,” dat be all. And in an age when Leftards rail vehemently against all and every aspect of objective reality itself—when up is down, cold is hot, men are women, wet is dry, and 2+2=5—how could any reasonable soul expect the concept of an incontrovertible, universally-accepted Truth to survive? Why, dat be RAYCISS™ ’n’ sheeeitz, yo!

The remarks triggered backlash for a couple of main reasons.

One, critics took offense to the notion that black people have automatically lived a harder life just because of the color of their skin.

And two, critics took an issue with the critical race theory-rooted idea that America was founded on slavery.

This idea is refuted mainly by the fact that slavery existed long before the founding of America, as well as the fact that slavery still exists to this day.

“There’s still slavery in parts of the world today, and depending on how you judge it and how you measure it, there’s potentially even more slavery in the world today than there has ever been in the past,” conservative commentator Jack Posobiec noted during a discussion recorded earlier this year.

There most certainly is not, that’s just another of De Blue-Eyed Debill’s filthy lies. Slavery only ever existed in the Southren Confederacy, nowhere else, and every Amurrkin Whypeepuh is still reaping the benefits of that unique atrocity to this very day. All at the expense of the Noble Oppressed, who conceptualized, designed, and built absolutely everything we have in Western Civ today, despite being entirely incapable of repeating that stupendous feat of creativity, skill, and industriousness back in their own paradisaical Motherland.


Yep, it’s a real headscratcher all right. I blame (((DEM PESKY JOOOOZ!!!))), myself.


Harbingers of doom

That would be shitlibs, whose endless, depthless misery is just begging to be shared with the entire world.

From the ‘Everything Enjoyable Is Bad for You’ Files: New Car Smell Gives You Cancer
The famed fictional advertising wizard Don Draper said it in Mad Men: “You know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car.” But that TV series was a long time ago and the time it depicts even farther from ours. Now we live in a sadder, more fragile age, in which even the smallest pleasures are to be denied us. The new car smell is no longer the smell of happiness; it is the stench of cancer, decay, and death. Welcome, Don Draper, to the enlightened twenty-first century.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported Friday that a new study has made a grim discovery: “The much-loved smell of a new car is caused by cancer-causing chemicals.” Well, of course! What pleasure, large or small, hasn’t been touched by the Left’s obsession with doom? Take weather reports. On warm, sunny days even just a few years ago, TV weather maps were green and pleasant, studded with images of smiling suns and blooming flowers. Now, for exactly the same temperatures, they are full of oranges and reds and images of extreme heat, working hard to sell climate change hysteria.

Major sports have not only been thoroughly politicized, but they have also become the vehicles for the same buzz-killing hysteria. Were you excited about the beginning of a new baseball season? Not so fast: AccuWeather wanted you to know that “MLB season is here: Experts warn lightning is a danger at games.” Now, maybe it really was true that “upwards of 90% of the lightning that happens in the United States, specifically the lower 48, occurs during baseball season,” but life is fraught with risks. Do the guardians of acceptable opinion want us to live in fear, cowering in terror at the prospect of a sunny day and forgoing a happy outing to a baseball game for fear of being struck by lightning? Why, yes. Yes, they do.

In line with the overall atmosphere of fear and gloom, the Daily Mail explains that “a cocktail of leather and plastics creates a gasoline-like odor which becomes more intense in the heat — due to an increase in energy available to odor-causing molecules.” And so if you’re enjoying your brand new car, pull over, stop, and get out of the vehicle. Quickly: “Sitting for just 30 minutes every day in a car exposes you to dangerous levels of carcinogens formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. These chemicals are linked to myeloid leukemia and rare cancers such as in the nose.” And so one day soon, when you step into your new electric car, you may find that the fabled new car smell has been relegated to the odiferous dustbin of history.

OH NOOOES WE’RE ALL GONNA DIIIIEEE!!!, they all ree-ree-reeeed. Which, to me, amounts to the best imaginable argument that, instead of wallowing in pointless agony along with the killjoys of the Gehenna-obsessed Left, we should all strive to wring every last ounce of enjoyment and happiness out of every single day that we possibly can.

And yet the weak, weepy Sad Sacks wonder why any intelligent person would reject the idea of living like they do. As if their neverending search for new sources of anguish, new and ever-more-fearful threats to life and limb, acts as some kind of lure and/or enticement to join them in their misery. As if the sound of kvelling, kvetching, and complaining rings at all appealing in our ears.

Sorry, idiots, not even slightly tempted over here. Life’s tough enough as it is, without your pathetic ilk going well out of your way to make it worse.


DeSantis’ popularity cratering among FLA Repugnicunts

Says “several”anonymous GOPe legislators, one anonymous lobbyist, and…a FLA Senate D卐M☭CRAT.

Florida Republican Lawmakers ‘Frustrated’ With DeSantis
Everything in the 2023 legislative session is going as Gov. Ron DeSantis has planned, as the Republican-led legislature is solely pushing through the Governor’s agenda prior to his announcement that he will run for President in 2024.

As we stated before, this is DeSantis’s world and lobbyists, lawmakers, media reporters, and state employees are just living in it.

But just as supporters of Gov.DeSantis’s soon-to-be-announced presidential campaign

Which, despite having been touted as “soon-to-be-announced” for many months now, still hasn’t been, I can’t help but notice.

continue to promote his accomplishments of the past four years, more and more DeSantis-friendly supporters, who have to work with the Florida Legislature, and lawmakers themselves, are starting to expose what could be a chink in the Governor’s armor—his alleged lack of loyalty and selfish legislative agenda.

According to several Republican lawmakers, DeSantis’s push to get his entire agenda passed through the legislature has left the caucus “exhausted” and “frustrated,” echoing the growing sentiment of lobbyists that DeSantis’s specific agenda has allegedly left many issues on the table, not to be heard because they did not conform with his overall agenda.

How unfair, having to buckle down and, y’know, do your fucking jobs. That sound you may be hearing is me playing “Hearts and Flowers” on the world’s tiniest violin, to express my sympathy for your suffering such an awful injustice under this thuggish DeSantis despot.

All of the Republican lawmakers spoke to The Floridian on the basis of anonymity for fear of retribution by the Governor and/or his executive office, but State Senator Jason Pizzo (D!!!) gave a very candid take on the growing concerns within Republican circles.

“It’s all about DeSantis. This place is run by his iron fist,” said Lobbyist X. ” And Didn’t we just elect him to govern for four more years?”

A very “colorful” Pizzo then pivoted his frustration for DeSantis to the state budget, where he claims he “successfully sued DeSantis on the budget, saying that the DeSantis Administration in the “midnight hour” created new policy on immigration.

“Where the f-ck are they? But where are they? You couldn’t find 49 people somewhere in Florida. And while yours and my property insurance is f0-cking exploding, we have $12 million to go blow for private jets,” questioned Pizzo. We don’t fly military vets in private jets from the state of Florida coming back from deployment, but it continues.”

Pizzo is referring to the $12 million dollars allocated in the Florida budget to transport illegal immigrants, and the aforementioned 49 illegals who were flown from the Texas border to Martha’s Vineyard. When he filed the complaint, which was dismissed on technicalities, Florida had already spent $1.56 million on the flights.

Cry me a river, little open-borders D卐M☭CRAT bitch. Then go take yourself a flying fuck at a plate glass window, you and all the rest of your fellow whining, over-entitled ProPol remoras. Shipping a planeload of border-jumping wetbacks to the very heart of Rich Shitlib Playground so as to acquaint the snobbish robber-barons who disport themselves thereabouts with the harsh realities of the policies they so stridently pimp was a genius move, the very epitome of poetic justice.

Admittedly, Ron DeSantis may yet turn out to not be the All-That-And-A-Hot-Fudge-Sundae his more rabid supporters purport him to be; we’re a long way from any final verdict being reached on that one. But crying in your craft beer about his upsetting of the Uniparty applecart to pursue his own agenda probably isn’t a very effective means of rallying Real Americans to your cause, I’m thinking. The people of Florida recently re-elected him—overwhelmingly—to do exactly that, after all.

You LOST, get over it

IMPORTANT NOTE TO HER HERNESS™: Nobody likes you. Nobody wants you. Why? Because you’re ten pounds of worm-riddled shit crammed into a five-pound sack made out of diseased-rat fur, that’s why.

And THAT, you evil, self-absorbed cuntbitch, is nobody’s fault but your own.

Hillary Clinton tries explaining how Douglass Mackey and his evil memes cost her the election
Hillary Clinton simply cannot accept America didn’t want her. And this latest nonsense where Douglass Mackey and his memes somehow interfered in the 2016 election is just more fodder for her bruised, wrinkled, evil ego. Did Mackey make some stupid memes? Oh yeah. But does any sane, logical person really think these memes kept Hillary from winning?


Watch her try and explain how evil it was, snidely pretending THIS is what cost her the election. Not that the most unpopular GOP candidate in modern history was still more popular than she was.

We used to think nobody’s voice would be more annoying and cringe-inducing than Obama’s…we were wrong. So wrong.

And how. But, as Alexander Pope famously said, to err is human, to forgive divine. Which, neither “human” nor “divine” are concepts Her Herness™ knows anything whatsoever about, as we all too well know.


Now SWEEPING the nation!

The greatest television show ever created. Well, excepting Firefly, of course.

As Ace notes, “Apparently the Osundairo brothers are amusing hosts and naturals on camera.” They are indeed—quite personable, glib, and just damned funny as all hell, as the above vid amply demonstrates. Mo’ bettah:

Brothers in Jussie Smollett hoax break silence, say actor wanted to be ‘poster child for activism’
Abimbola “Bola” and Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo speak to media for the first time in ‘Jussie Smollett: Anatomy of a Hoax,’ streaming now on Fox Nation

Early in the morning hours of a polar vortex in January 2019, FOX’s “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett claimed two White supremacist Trump supporters attacked him near his Chicago apartment in a racially-motivated hate crime that would soon incite outrage from activists and the media.

It’s the “hate crime” that dominated headlines, but facts proved none of it was true.

In December 2021, the now-40-year-old actor and singer was convicted of five felony counts of disorderly conduct. One year ago, he was sentenced in March 2022 to 150 days in county jail.

Forgive me for saying so, but ol’ Juisseh (hey, that’s the way I’ve always pronounced it, just ’cause I think it’s funnier that way, no other reason) being both black and a rump-ranger, I have a hard time picturing jail as any kind of real hardship for him. A deee-luxe vacation, a rest-cure, more like.

Yes, I know, I know, I’m a homophobic racist bigoted racist H8RRRR.


I DID mention the Osundairos are quite personable and funny, right? Why yes, I believe I did at that.

“You know Eddie Johnson [former Chicago Police Superintendent] said he could tell in the footage that you guys are Black, right?” an off-camera interviewer asked the brothers.

“Really?” Ola asked. “I feel like he’s just saying that… we were in character the whole time.”

“So you think you guys are believable White supremacists?” the interviewer pressed.

“One hundred percent! Look at me,” Bola laughed. Chicago Police released images of the incident shortly after it took place, but Johnson said the initially released image of two silhouettes walking shoulder-to-shoulder down the snowy Chicago street was not the best image they had at the time.

Watch the vid, read it all. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.

Update! In comments, Aesop says: “Chapelle dealt with the whole incident better in 3½ minutes than the entire woketarded media did in 3½ months, and distilled that @$$hole’s entire career down to a single punchline.” And he’s right about that.

Many thanks for that gem of a find, Aesop.


No justice, no peace

Waitwaitwait, boogs are equestrians now too? My late wife was a professional Hunter-Jumper rider and a trainer as well, and I can’t recollect seeing any of our darker-complected brethren (or, y’know, sistren) at the many events she dragged me off to over the course of our tragically-foreshortened union. I mean, really now: who knew?

New York Times Discovers a New Source of Racism, and This One Could Be the Most Ridiculous Yet

The New York Times, that intrepid warrior for anything and everything that the Left is hysterical about, on Friday published a lengthy piece about a source of systemic racism that no one has ever noticed before: It seems that equestrian helmets are racist because they don’t accommodate the dreadlocks that some black horse riders wear. One black rider’s mother lamented: “Mostly everything in this sport isn’t designed for us.” Well, that’s got to change, and these Jackie Robinsons of the Coiffure, with the Times’ generous help, are leading the way to the Equestrian Helmet Justice that our society so desperately needs.

Chanel Robbins, the Times tells us solemnly, “has been riding horses most of her life, ever since her grandmother traded a cow from their family’s farm in Ontario for a pony when she was 7.” Horse riding “offered an escape from thoughts that weighed on her,” which included the fact that “she was the only Black girl in the neighborhood.” But when she grew dreadlocks, her helmet didn’t fit anymore, and that, as you must know by now, is racist.

Fighting back tears (really, the Times actually said she was), Robbins said: “I finally freaking feel like myself, and now society is asking me to change. I just want to be able to ride.” How dare Whitey do this! Is there nothing to which he will not stoop? Poor Chanel Robbins can only find relief on the back of a horse from the systemic racism that confronts her every hour in Amerikkka, but now Whitey has taken even that away!

The Times generously ascribes this not to malice, but to callous indifference: “Black equestrians have long felt virtually invisible in a sport that remains overwhelmingly white. For those with natural hair, which for many is a declaration of pride and Black identity, finding a helmet that fits properly can be nearly impossible, creating yet another barrier to full inclusion.” Big Helmet (ah, but not big enough) is just as indifferent to their plight as Whitey in general: “Some are now lobbying for change, mindful that horseback riding is among the leading causes of sports-related traumatic brain injury. The helmet companies say there isn’t a simple fix.”

The second most-dangerous sport in the world, actually, or used to be anyway. Snow-skiing being the first, back when my wife told me about it. Spencer’s next bit is truly sidesplitting, so swallow that mouthful of whatever you’re drinking or eating before reading on.

Well, yeah. What are the helmet companies going to do, make the helmets three feet wide? This most first-world of all first-world problems brings Oscar Gamble to mind. Baseball fans of a certain age will remember Mr. Gamble, who played major league baseball in the 1970s while sporting an Afro of truly awe-inspiring proportions. In my neighborhood, baseball cards featuring Oscar Gamble with his baseball cap stuck on the massive thing, making his head and hair look like three planets of roughly similar size orbiting in close proximity to one another, were a coveted commodity. Many marveled at his hair, some dared to laugh, but Gamble himself took it all in stride. Never once did he demand that the people who manufactured baseball caps fashion one large enough to go around his huge hair. The white kids who played baseball in the 1970s often had long hair also, and got used to having it mashed uncomfortably under the cap. In life, sometimes one must put up with a bit of discomfort, or sacrifice one desired item in order to obtain another. But that was before everything, and I do mean everything, became racist.

A pic of Gamble—who racked up good enough stats over his long and storied career as a power-hitting Major League DH to be able to wear his hair any damned way he liked—and his ludicrous, totally off-the-chain ‘Fro.


Couldn’t say why, exactly, but for some strange reason that photo puts me in mind of the classic Mad magazine parody of Starsky & Hutch—renamed Harsky & Stutch, natch—wherein the Huggy Bear character was rejiggered (ahem) into “Buggy Hair.” Gamble is also remembered among baseball mavens for his brilliant Jive-speak quote referencing the general organizational chaos that plagued the Yankees at the time he was playing for them: “They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.”

Heh. Anyways, onwards.

And so now the Times tells us that Caitlin Gooch, “who wears her hair in locs that fall to her mid-back,” takes her riding helmet along when she gets her hair done, “to ensure it will still fit.” That’s perfectly reasonable and sensible. If someone wants some extravagant hairstyle, it might cause difficulties in other areas. Sometimes one must choose between the two. But Gooch “started teaching riding lessons” and “found herself having to tell children they couldn’t ride if there was no helmet that properly fit them.” This was, once again, perfectly reasonable, but apparently it’s a new and heinously racist offense in the Times’ dizzy and ugly world.

Yeah, well, what ain’t nowadays, according to these determinedly miserable shitlib gimps.


My heart bleeds

Aww, that’s a shame, I hate it for ya.

NYC mayor Eric Adams says the city is at ‘breaking point’ as 400 asylum seekers arrive EACH DAY – and submits an emergency aid request to Gov. Kathy Hochul to help shelter hundreds of migrants
New York City Mayor Eric Adams said the city has reached its ‘breaking point’ as 400 asylum seekers arrive at the Big Apple every day.

Adams has submitted an emergency mutual aid request to the state and Gov. Kathy Hochul asking for immediate help over the weekend to house the incoming migrants.

‘We are at our breaking point,’ Adams said. ‘Based off our projections, we anticipate being unable to continue sheltering arriving asylum seekers on our own.

‘Our initial request is for shelter to accommodate 500 asylum seekers, but, as New York City continues to see numbers balloon, this estimate will increase as well.’

Yeh, yeh, yeh. Tell it to El Paso, or any other of a huge number of Texas border towns, whydon’tcha.

The plea for help comes a week after Colorado joined the list of states busing migrants to New York City to alleviate the burden for those near the southern border and to get the asylum seekers to their preferred destination.

Adam’s office noted that the city has received more than 3,100 asylum seekers in the previous week, averaging about 400 each day, with 835 arriving on Thursday alone.

‘All this is pushing New York City to the brink,’ Adams said. ‘Since last spring, the city has stepped up to welcome approximately 40,000 asylum seekers, providing them with shelter, food, and connections to a host of resources.

Which still amounts to a mere drop in the proverbial bucket of the tsunami of illegals the border states have been inundated by, for years now. This next bit of blue-on-blue, friendly-fire aggression, though, is something kinda new.

The mayor also appeared to take a swipe at the Biden administration and federal lawmakers over the lack of solutions at the border, which saw a spike in illegal immigration in recent months.

‘The absence of sorely needed federal immigration reform should not mean that this humanitarian crisis falls only on the shoulders of cities,’ Adams said.

Sez you, Mr “In this house, we believe that no human being is ‘illegal’.”

‘We need support and aid from our federal and state partners and look forward to working together to meet this crisis head-on.’

Always with the beggar’s-hand out with these smarmy asshats, innit. Quelle surprise, that.

Later in the piece, Mayor Whinezalot bleats and moans about how very, very “unfair” it is that Colorado is joining the ever-lengthening list of much-put-upon states who have decided to shift a mere tithe of their wetback burden to NYC, but “unfair’ is hardly the right word here. Forcing self-proclaimed “sanctuary” cities like NYC to put their money where their self-righteous yaps are at last and share in a problem they did a great deal to help create is the very definition of “fair.”


What are they even teaching kids in school nowadays? ANYTHING?!?

Better to remain silent and be thought a fucking moron than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

Actually, bright boy, EVERY state has TWO (count ’em, 2) Senators; totting up a passel of less-populous states for purposes of sniveling about how UNFAAAIIIIR!™ it all is is entirely beside the point, and therefore irrelevant. That’s because, until the 17th Amendment stood the whole concept on its head and ruined everything, the Senate was originally conceived as providing representation for the sovereign States, not Duh Peepul. Which would, y’know, be the House’s job.

No seriously, dude, you could look it up. Assuming you can even read at all.

Happily, J.kb has an idea for a solution I believe I could probably live with.


Baby, it’s politically-incorrect up in here

VP calls for a fresh look at a great old song.

It’s Time to Rehabilitate ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’

It’s been nearly two decades since “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” earned the ire of our finger-wagging, no-fun, culture scolds.

This week I saw the first sign that might finally be happening.

The heat was probably never more intense than it was four years ago when GenZ got into the act and demanded that radio stations stop playing it. The Wall Street Journal had the details in a piece headlined, “‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Heats Up Culture Wars.

The actual history of the tune is that Frank Loesser wrote it for himself and his wife to perform as a duet. And not just sung, but to be performed, perfectly staged, live at parties. The Journal spoke with their daughter, Susan, who said that “the reference to what is in the woman’s drink was common at the time, signifying only that having an alcoholic beverage was cool.” When I was a young boy in the ’70s, I can remember on many occasions my grandmother asking the very same thing when my grandfather had poured her a stiff one, and him replying, “Nothing I didn’t make for you last night,” or words to that effect. The same generation as the Loessers, middle age didn’t make them any less playful with one another.

Dean Martin recorded the song in 1959, and his daughter Deana told Fox News on Tuesday that she’s “flabbergasted” by the controversy. “It’s just insane. When I heard it, I said, ‘This can’t possibly be.’ You know, it’s a sweet, flirty, fun holiday song that’s been around for 40 years.”

No real conundrum or cause for bafflement here, I’d say. Sweet, flirty, fun—can it really come as any big surprise to saner sorts that pinched-faced, juiceless, joyless liberal bluenoses have so worked hard to do away with it?

Susan Loesser backs up that interpretation, telling the Journal, “The female singer’s repeated insistence that she needed to go was halfhearted, as she too wanted to stay.” Which is exactly how every female performer in every version of this song has sung it. She isn’t threatened or out-of-control drunk; she showed up at his place knowing exactly what she wanted. Or as Loesser explained: “She’s flirting like crazy. She’s wanting to stay, but she’s worried about what people will think.”

In other words: a nice girl with a naughty side. Just what I wanted for Christmas!

Better watch your step there, Stephen; they’ll be coming for you next, if you keep it up.



I think it’s so cute, all the things these poor widdle Snowflake Snuffleupagii think themselves entitled to in this cold, cruel world.

WATCH: Twitter’s former head of Trust & Safety claims Babylon Bee, Libs of TikTok make ‘people unsafe in the world’
Woke former head of Trust and Safety at Twitter, Yoel Roth, left the company, then Twitter, and now is pontificating about how satire is a danger to democracy. Roth made the remarks at the Knight Foundation’s “Informed: Conversations on Democracy in the Digital Age” at the end of November, after his time with Twitter had come to an end.

“Okay, Babylon Bee,” moderator Kara Swisher posed to Roth, “which is what got him to buy the thing, I think. That’s the one which is, which was not particularly funny. ‘The Babylon Bee’s Man of the Year is Rachel Levine.’ Not funny. I didn’t agree that they should have taken that down. But go ahead.”

In the spring, the Babylon Bee had been declared by Twitter to be in violation of their “hateful conduct” policies for sharing a satirical article awarding Biden’s transgender diversity hire, assistant Secretary to the Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Rachel Levine, a “man of the year” award. This was in response to Time Magazine naming Levine “woman of the year.”

The satire account was locked out of Twitter pending their voluntary deletion of the tweet. Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dylan refused to comply. The violation was to the terms of Twitter’s hateful conduct policy, which reads that users “may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

Not a single fucking one of which the Bee, by making sport of a patently mentally-disturbed, delusional freak, was to the least degree guilty of. Onwards.

It was after the Bee’s very public, and controversial ban that Musk bought enough Twitter shares to become a majority owner, and shortly afterward, Musk made his $44 billion proposal to buy the entire platform. In the fall, Musk freed the Bee from Twitter jail.

“You know, it’s interesting,” Roth replied to Swisher. “It’s interesting to think about what the competing tensions around that are. And I want to start by acknowledging that the targeting and the victimization of the trans community on Twitter is very real, very life threatening and extraordinarily serious.”

Yeah, fuck you, ya mincing bumblaster. Although it somehow seems to have escaped your notice, Poindexter, the frightening fact is that life on this here blue marble is life-threatening, extraordinarily serious, and quite damned dangerous, by the very nature of the thing. Contra all the nonsense Mummy and Daddykins appear to have filled your eggshell-fragile noggin with, along with every other too-twee little plague-rat currently infesting this sorely beset former nation, none of us are getting out of this alive.

No, not even you. I strongly suggest you get used to it.

This concept from Roth that words are violence is one traveling like wildfire through liberal circles. The idea is that if anyone says anything offensive, that could encourage others to do mean things. This has been called “stochastic terrorism,” and the goal of this kind of accusation is to suppress free speech.

Yeah, “stochastic terrorism,” who cares. A fancy-sounding phrase describing nothing of any genuine import, of course and as usual, beyond their Rule Numero Uno: Our violence is speech, your speech is violence. Big fucking deal.

“We have seen from a number of Twitter accounts, including Libs of TikTok, notably, that there are orchestrated campaigns that particularly are singling out a group that is already particularly vulnerable within society,” Roth said.

“And so yeah, not only is it not funny, but it is dangerous, and it does contribute to an environment that makes people unsafe in the world. So let’s start from the premise that it’s f*cked up,” he continued.

A better, more sensible idea: let’s don’t and say we did. It’s “people” like YOU that are fucked up here, not the “premise.”

I cannot even begin to express my tremendous relief that nobody had to depend on contemptible, cowardly dorksnorts like these two prime examples of everything that’s gone haywire with this once-great country when it came time to storm the beaches at Normandy in 1944. Sadly, though, they ARE who our dying 1st Amendment rights will be relying on for their perpetuation—particularly in light of the sorry fact that not only are they vehemently opposed to the very concept, but are actually scared out of their wits by it.


“Austin Has Been Invaded by Texas”

LOVE the headline. It just says so much, y’know?

On a late summer evening, friends of John Stettin gathered at a bar called Kitty Cohen’s in East Austin to say good-bye. A carrot cake with “Good Luck” written in orange icing softened in the heat, but as far as they were concerned, the occasion was his birthday. “You can’t say, ‘Happy going away!’” said Jeff, his best friend, greeting him with a hug. “We’re just not happy. We’re all very sad about it.” Good-bye parties are inherently not that fun. They’re even less fun when they’re driven by a far-right takeover of the state government.

“Tell him he can’t leave,” whispered a woman seated under an umbrella. “There are too many Republicans.”

To hear Stettin tell it, that is precisely why he is moving out of what Rick Perry once described as the “blueberry in the tomato soup,” a predominantly Democratic city full of liberal expats like himself seeking progressive politics and an urban lifestyle at a red-state cost-of-living discount. “It was easy to just be in Never Neverland, floating with a bunch of other transplants having a good time,” said Stettin, who relocated from Dallas to Austin five years ago.

But then 2020 happened. As the pandemic raged, Governor Greg Abbott banned municipalities including Austin from implementing COVID measures such as mask mandates. The following year, amid a brutal winter storm, the state’s electric grid failed, killing hundreds and leaving millions freezing in the dark, and it has yet to be fixed. That summer, Abbott codified permitless carry and further restricted voting access. This past February, he ordered investigations into the parents of trans children for child abuse. By June, when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Texas was ten months ahead, having already effectively banned abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest and topped it with a $10,000 reward for informants.

“It’s like how a frog boils one degree at a time,” Stettin said. “They trigger-banned all abortion and they’re offering a bounty! What more do you need if you are a remotely liberal person to get the fuck out of here?” His destination was Massachusetts. “At least if I’m going to get into an argument with a guy in Boston,” he said, “he’s probably not carrying an AR-15 in his trunk.”

An EXCELLENT choice, Poindexter Hoplophobe. The People’s Republic of Taxachussetts is precisely the right place for you and your simpering shitlib compatriots. Get thee gone, toot fucking sweet.

This summer, that anxiety pervaded a stratum of liberal Austin, namely women, LGBTQ+ folks, parents, and people of color who fear a future in Texas and have the means to escape. The overturning of Roe seemed to remove the last obstacle in the state’s march to the far right, which is likely to be cemented in the upcoming election where Beto O’Rourke is way behind Abbott. While the Democratic mayor and the liberal city council institute token measures such as decriminalizing abortion, it’s cold comfort. One 25-year-old woman said she had her tubes tied, fearing the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy.

Progtards getting abortions? Their tubes tied? Sounds like one of those vanishingly rare self-solving problems to me, if on a too-slow-to-suit-me timescale.

One couple may relocate to the Northeast to carry out their pregnancy. Some job candidates are refusing to relocate. At Stettin’s party, his friend Jeff swiped open his phone to a note entitled “New Austin Cities” — a list of places that are what Austin used to be to him before he moved here from New York. It read, “Pittsburgh, Durham, Boise, Columbus, Jackson Hole, Chattanooga. Factors: Climate change, demographics, economy, location, taxes, nature, weather.” He plans to stick it out at least for now. “Global warming in the next ten years,” he said. “That’s gonna be fucking real.”

Oh, you betcher. As “real” as it ever was, at any rate. Although I must say, I always liked Pittsburgh quite a lot, and hate to imagine liberal locusts ruining it the way they do everywhere else they invade.

However many people leave, it will be small in comparison with how many keep coming. Austin is the fastest-growing metro in the U.S., and its population has increased by one-third over the past decade, with people from across Texas and the nation lured to the hippie-cowboy capital by tech jobs. In some cases, this explosive growth has bred at least as much discontent as the shifting political landscape. What was once seen as an affordable, creative haven is now a runaway boomtown, pricing out most of whatever was left of Austin’s proclaimed weirdness and drawing frequent comparisons to San Francisco.


Parents of trans children started to flee months ago. In March, Karen had just picked up her 10-year-old daughter from acting camp when she began telling her about an upcoming protest at the governor’s mansion against Abbott’s order instructing Child Protective Services to investigate families providing gender-affirming medical care to their trans children for child abuse.

Translation from the Libspeak: medical care=wanton mutilation. The “child abuse” stands as is, no correction required. To wit:

Karen (whose name is being withheld to protect her family) asked if her daughter might want to do a voice recording to share her story with the crowd. “Am I going to die?” she asked. Stunned, Karen asked why she would think such a thing. “Because everybody here hates me.” Karen pulled over, jumped out, and threw her arms around her daughter as they sobbed. “It was that moment when I knew we had to leave,” she recalled through tears.

See what I mean? This woman has severely damaged her poor child by convincing her that everyone in Austin, or anyplace else for that matter, “hates” her—solely to puff up her own overinflated self-regard and political vanity, no other reason. Child, let me assure you: nobody “hates” you, nobody. They aren’t even thinking about you at all, I promise, whatever your sick, narcissistic mother tells you to the contrary. She has some serious mental-health issues of her own, much as I hate to have to inform you of it.

A second-generation Texan, she stayed as long as she could. “I’ve always said, ‘I’m gonna stay and fight until they try to take my kids away,’” she said. While she said her daughter is not undergoing any sort of medical treatment targeted by the directive, she did not want to risk being separated from her children. In early June, they fled from Austin to Portland, Oregon. When she told her Republican father about her decision, he burst into tears. He said, “I’m glad you’re getting out of here to get someplace safe.”

Karen said she has PTSD from the experience, and she feels survivor’s guilt for not staying behind to fight with other families with trans children. But in the end, leaving is what she, and at least five other families she knows, had to do. Speaking from Portland, she said, “I am genuinely frightened for my home state.”

Don’t be, Countess Queefula. Portland sounds like just the place for you, and your home state will be better off without you constantly weeping and moaning all over the damned place from sheer irrational terror. Free advice: seek professional help after you’ve gotten settled into your new digs, without a moment’s delay. I’m confident some Portland headshrinker is going to just LOVE getting his/her hands on your extravagantly fucked-up ass.


The TRUE threat

HINT TO SHITLIBS: It ain’t us, it’s you.

Biden’s Rhetoric is a Threat to the Republic
This isn’t just pandering to the base

The only good thing about this speech is that it didn’t have a color scheme out of V for Vendetta and didn’t feature Marines in the background. Whoever runs these things at least learned from that attempt at looking like Biden was about to declare martial law, suspend habeas corpus and make everyone read Gender Queer and How To Be An Anti-Racist at gunpoint in a gulag.

With the countdown underway, voters have made it clear that they care about the economy and crime. Anyone who finds the “threat to democracy” routine persuasive is already a solid blue voter and ActBlue donor who probably showed up for at least one D.C. protest.

This isn’t just pandering to the base, it’s pandering to the Elizabeth Warren base.

Biden’s call to “vote knowing what’s at stake and not just the policy of the moment, but institutions that have held us together as we’ve sought a more perfect union are also at stake” is an admission that his faction has lost the policy argument and doesn’t have anything else to work with.

While the delivery is laughable, the premise isn’t. Biden’s speeches may not interest voters, but they continue to push the totalitarian message that “democracy” is embodied by Democrats and threatened by Republicans, that if Dems fail to win, then the result will be the end of America.

That kind of rhetoric is typical, but under Obama and Biden, it’s been backed up by arrests, investigations, surveillance, raids, imprisonment, censorship and the whole banana republic gamut.

Daniel is a bit too blasé about Slow Joe’s overheated bargain-basement histrionics amounting to no more than mere pandering to Leftard extremists to suit me. Bribem and his fellow like-minded fanatics aren’t so much pandering to their proven-violent followers as they are trying to motivate them, along with granting tacit permission for them to do what they so badly want to do already.

It’s never been more vital that Heritage Americans pay unflagging heed to a hoary old military mantra, a handy phrase I was first introduced to at the NAS Oceana O-club by the fighter-jocks therein assembled: head on a swivel, total SA. Indeed, it could well turn out to be a matter of life and death for some of us before all is said and done, depending on where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with.


Musk takes Twitter

From the rear.

Dear, Sweet Leftists: Show Us On The Doll Where Elon Musk Touched Your Twitter

A truly WONDERFUL title, if you ask me.

Outside of anything illegal or the explicit doxxing of an individual, liberals should offer a single tweet that posed a legitimate threat to someone. They can’t.

Because, of course and as always, they’re lying through their fucking teeth, that’s why.

If you haven’t heard, a bunch of people are about to lose their homes, their jobs, and perhaps their very lives because Elon Musk has successfully purchased Twitter and assumed control of the most powerful thing in American political discourse.

There will be just too much “disinformation” and “harmful content” for innocent men and women to bear now that Musk is in charge of the platform he has promised to make more conducive to free conversation and expression.

There needs to be a new rule. Each time a liberal sounds the alarm about “disinformation” and “harmful content” that absolutely must be censored, lest dire consequences ensue, a tangible example of such material needs to be provided.

Everyone deserves to know what content would have been so detrimental to their well-being that there was no choice but for it to be erased from reality.

The shrill shitlib hissy fit over the ghastly, nightmarish prospect of free speech on Twitter *GASP* confirms for all time and beyond any possible doubt something some of us have long known: it isn’t Elon Musk that’s got them so upset, it’s free speech itself. They’re unalterably, irredeemably against it, no matter how strenuously they may deny that sad, sorry fact whenever they think it useful and/or needful for them to do so.

Update!The Bird is freed.”

That’s what Elon Musk tweeted upon the consummation of his bid to buy Twitter. ’Twas a consummation devoutly to be wished. Why? For one thing, as Musk later tweeted, henceforth comedy once again will now be “legal on Twitter.”

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter for more money than you or I can really contemplate ($44 billion) lit the punditocracy ablaze. On the Left there was, as St. Matthew (13:42) put it in another context, abundant “fletus et stridor dentium,” “wailing and gnashing of teeth.” On the Right, there were cheers and not a little “Schadenfreude,” which is German for “serves you right, knucklehead.” The Right also went in for some creative trolling.

The dominant narrative, on the Left anyway, is that Musk’s acquisition of Twitter represents a conservative takeover of the social media giant. Twitter had been a brash and scrappy upstart, you see, and now it has been “colonized” by the rich and powerful…

In order to appreciate how funny this is, you can start with CNN’s story about the pile of money paid to the executives that Musk, in his first order of business, fired on Thursday. It is a large pile. According to CNN, Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s former CEO, Ned Segal (former CFO), and Vijaya Gadde (former Chief Legal Officer) will walk away with nearly $200 million. (I pause so that you, along with many others, can savor the word “former.”)

Gadde, by the way, was not only paid many millions of dollars a year but was also instrumental in engineering the expulsion of Donald Trump, then the president of the United States, from the platform.

The idea that Twitter was a challenge to the establishment before the advent of Musk is almost as wrong as the idea that Musk is conservative and that he aims to transform Twitter into a a bastion of Trumpesque MAGA (or, to quote Joe Biden’s focus group, “ultra-MAGA”) sentiment.

There are, I think, two major things to bear in mind about Musk’s takeover of Twitter. One is that, although he is not himself a conservative, the fact that he supports a robust view of free speech in which a wide variety of opinions are not only tolerated but encouraged means that he will be regarded as an existential threat by the progressive establishment.

That establishment is right to regard him as a threat. For its guardians require strict conformity in dispensing their twisted gospel of “diversity” if they are to maintain their power and perquisites. Open the door just a little, let just a little sunlight in, and pow! The magic spell that made it seem OK to say that men are women, that “climate change” is a threat to humanity, that COVID is a peril on the same plane as the Black Death, or that BLM and Antifa were justified in burning down our cities—suddenly that spell is broken, and so is the hold over the narrative that these new guardians of conformity had enforced.

The second thing to bear in mind is that the establishment will not sit idly by as Elon Musk challenges their narrative. Everything about Musk is an insult to the coddled, low-testosterone consensus that has been ruining America this last decade through the promulgation of its dependency agenda. It is no accident, as the Marxists say, that even as Musk pushes ahead with his reformation of Twitter, the coercive busybodies of the state have begun making minatory noises about “investigating” Musk. Thus we read that Tesla is under federal investigation over autopilot claims.

Expect more of that.

Yep—a LOT more of it, until either Musk cries “Uncle” from his knees; FederalGovCo has stripped him of every asset, right down to the last bloody nickel; or Musk somehow, unexpectedly and against all odds, emerges victorious after his defiant but draining face-off with an angry and vengeful Leviathan. Conservative or not, I wish the man nothing but the best in this endeavor.


Spare the rod, spoil the brat

I can’t for the life of me remember where I first ran across this, so I’ll have to post it without proper attribution, which I am always loathe to do. Ah well, it’s a real sockdolager, as Huck Finn used to say.

Letter from an obnoxious toerag
Dear Neighbor: please indulge my obnoxious imposition

Is there anything more insufferable than assholes so deeply, passionately in love with their own magnificent selves that they don’t even realize they’re assholes? “Narcissist” doesn’t even EGIN to cover this. I’ll say this much: if I lived in that neighborhood, there’d barely be any paint left on the sides of those EV twatmobiles by now, because I’d be keying the fucking things every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Mark Tokowski takes care of business on these arrogant, self-centered little pukes so I don’t have to.

The letter above, sent to people living on an unspecified street in an unspecified community, simply reeks of smugness. I would guess the four electric vehicle owners are young, as the bulk of the climate alarmism has been directed at school children, who are now becoming adults. During the school years they were never given more than one side of the climate debate, and so they do not know the the supposed science is unsettled, and that the warmists could be (very) wrong,

The impunity with which they presume that their neighbors have to change their lifestyles so that the virtue-signalling EV owners can do God’s work is off putting, to say the least. As the person who brought this letter to WUWT noted, the meeting they speak of was probably attended by four people, the EV owners.

It gets worse:

The pair to the left struck a blow for saving Mother Earth a few days ago by splashing a can of tomato soup on a Van Gogh painting, Sunflowers, valued at more than $50 million. They then glued their hands to either it or the wall or the floor – I am not clear. No worries, art lovers. Museums do not put valuable treasures at risk. This particular painting is sealed and covered with glass.

This is modern schooling at work, the kids having no clue how wrong they might be, and not having the good sense to see even what Michael Mann sees, that this sort of publicity is not good for their movement. Further, these narcissistic little brats need a good hard spanking delivered by a caring adult, one who will not indulge them in their fantastic ideas and actions. Ground the brats, that they might someday be grounded adults.

The mere fact that they claim that CO2 is some sort of monstrous agent that is causing the demise of our planet, while at the same time opposing nuclear and hydroelectric power, both of which are CO2-free substitutes, tells me that their enemy is not CO2, but rather fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels make our lives easier, make us richer and more comfortable and happy in our lives. They are the reason that our planet can support seven billion people. And that is what they are against. People.

That’s about the size of it, yeah. To add a little meat to Mark’s bare-bones assessment, a few more specifics: what they violently, reflexively oppose is happy, well-adjusted, gainfully employed, content people. White people. Adults. Heterosexual people. People who derive genuine pride and satisfaction from making a meaningful contribution to their society. Grateful people. Humble, unassuming people. People who are content to just live their lives in the normal, traditional fashion, without making much of a to-do over it or calling undue attention to themselves.

As one could easily guess, they hate their parents above all else. Sniveling toerags like these are the best argument I can think of in support of corporal punishment, because ignoring the Biblical admonition in my post title is exactly how useless, annoying excrescences like them are created in the first damned place.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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