Lincoln Brown recommends scorn, mockery, and ridicule as excellent antidotes to Wokefucktardery, mentioning along the way a College Fix article on a Northwestern University survey.
The paper is titled, and I kid you not, “Attack Helicopters and White Supremacy: Interesting Malicious Responses to an Online Questionnaire about Transgender Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science Student Experiences.” Really. And there really is a “Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies.” Of course, there is.
There was a question regarding gender, naturally. Some of the responses included:
- Apache attack helicopter
- V-22 Osprey
- F-16 fighter jet
- Homophobic biggot, yes we exist (sic)
- Cis gender lizard king
- F*cking white male
- Pansexual attack helicopter
- Aerosol
- Airplane
The responses for races included “Afro/Klingon-Asiatic Galapogayation” and “Native American (Elizabeth Warren).” Some of the responses were deliberately inflammatory. Despite the fact that the authors of the paper are probably screaming “racism!” and “transphobia!” from the rooftops, I don’t think the respondents were being racist.
I suspect that they have had enough of the unmitigated bulls**t (sorry, there is no better word for it) and wanted to make a point. These responses do not sound any less ludicrous than any of the so-called “legitimate” replies from people who really do fancy themselves non-binary demisexual wombats. Naturally, the authors missed that point because Leftists are, as one person once put it, “so dense that light bends around them.”
Heh. Yeah, I’d say intellectual black holes is a most apt way of describing the stupid, shrieky-shrieky cockholsters.
I identify as a Venereal Disease.
Signed – Dick Hertz