Trump shot, wounded

Blubberous, bumbling, female Didn’t Earn It SS hires hardest hit.

Secret Service says it’s appalled by DEI rhetoric against female agents after Trump rally shooting
Saturday’s shooting is the latest instance of right-leaning social media accounts trying to link diversity, equity and inclusion programs to deeply troubling news events.

The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that it stood by its female agents and was appalled by some of the criticism they’ve received on conservative social media since Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. 

The Secret Service, in a statement to NBC News, said that the criticism from pundits and influencers was baseless. The agency also stood by its commitment to diversity in recruiting as helping, not hurting, the effectiveness of its protective teams. 

The statement follows a multiday campaign of derision by some conservatives who accused Kimberly Cheatle, the Secret Service director, of being unqualified and who said that female agents assigned to Trump hadn’t been physically capable of protecting him. Some critics said the Secret Service should return to being all-male, which it hasn’t been since 1970. 

Anthony Guglielmi, the Secret Service’s chief of communication, said in the statement: “We stand united against any attempt to discredit our personnel and their invaluable contributions to our mission and are appalled by the disparaging and disgusting comments against any of our personnel.” 

“As an elite law enforcement agency, all of our agents and officers are highly trained and fully capable of performing our missions,” he said.

Trump was wounded in his right ear at Saturday’s chaotic rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. An attendee was killed trying to protect his family, and another two were seriously injured.

Yep, sure sounds like a two-thumbs-up Mission Accomplished to me, gals.


This shall not stand!

Aww, what a darn shame.

Lesbian Duo Baffled as to Why Muslim Gang Would Pummel Them. Who Wants to Break the News?
A gang of “Middle Eastern men” beat the potato salad out of a lesbian couple in Halifax, Nova Scotia, leaving the two zamis to wonder why the men would treat the ladies so viciously, especially considering it was during Pride month.

Emma MacLean, one of the women assaulted, posted to Facebook that there were between seven and ten men, all between the ages of 18 and 25 and “believed to be from Syria.”

As some may know, myself and my partner Tori were attacked on Saturday night by a group of 7-10+ middle eastern men, believed to be from Syria, aged 18-25 on Argyle Street in downtown Halifax. 

One particular individual, wearing a red shirt with a walking boot, initially made a sexually degrading comment to me. My partner Tori and this man got into a verbal altercation where this individual made several disgusting slurs, some being homophobic. Following this, the 7-10 men attacked me and my partner, throwing several punches and kicks to our faces, ribs, etc. 

The outcome of this attack has resulted in a broken nose, chipped tooth, several bruises and lumps on our head, faces, etc. We are extremely thankful that things were not worse. 

If anyone has any further information or had witnessed this event, or has personal video footage, I would be extremely grateful if you could share it. 

Stay safe and happy pride month.

MacLean would later admit that her girlfriend, Tori, followed the gang after they made homophobic slurs toward the women. That’s when things got spicy.

Tori was pushed to the ground, and that’s when the punches and kicks began to fly.

“I’m terrified to go downtown again in Halifax,” MacLean told CTV news. “I just feel like it’s so out of your control on what could happen. It’s overwhelming. I didn’t expect something like this to happen, especially with it happening during pride month as well.”

Some of us have been saying for a long time now that stupidity ought to be literally, physically painful, and whaddya know: in Nova Scotia at any rate, now it is.

Culprit identified!

So as y’all probably know already, Jerry Seinfeld, fresh off some disparaging words for Wokesters, Cancel Culture, and Leftards in general (to my own great surprise), was slated to give the commencement address at Duke University the other day. Whereupon a cpl-three dozen of the stunning, brave Extry Double Special Snowflake students, affronted by the comic’s White Male Jewboy Fascist violent microaggression against their tender sensibillities, walked out to convey their disgust for Seinfeld’s intolerable, Literally Genocidal Hate Speech the week before.

Questions arose: Might there have been some behind-the-scenes mastermind behind the walkout? Was it spontaneous, or planned in advance? Could such a protest have gone off so smoothly without prior coordination by some shadowy, sinister agent provocateur directing the action from offstage? If not, who might that shadowy manipulator have been?

You has questions, the Bee has answers.

Heh. NEWMAN!!! I might’ve known. The article is paywalled, so no excerpt; I figured the screen-grab pretty much says it all anyhoo. Calls for a topical embed, I do believe.

No word at this writing as to whether the student snub-cum-childishtantrum has shown Seinfeld the error of his Reich-wing ways and persuaded him to Become Better through embracing the enlightened, sophisticated, clearly superior Smarterer Set way of thinking yet, but I have every confidence that it soon will. It always has before, see. You’ll find true happiness and fulfillment once you’ve emerged from the dark side and joined us in the Light, Jerry!

Sweet home Shithole Chicago

Hog butcher for the world, City of the Sloped Shoulders, to update Sandberg to better reflect modern reality. They tell me you are wicked, and I believe them.

Chicago Mayor Panics, Runs From Reporters Asking About Slain Cop’s Funeral
Mayor Brandon Johnson had another one of his panic attacks Thursday, running away from reporters like NBC Chicago’s Mary Ann Ahern, who just wanted to ask him–among other things– about his administration pressuring the family of slain Chicago Police officer Luis Huesca, to let Johnson attend his funeral. Johnson ultimately did not attend, even though he and other officials spilled their petulant, childish drama over the somber event. To watch him succumb to his panic attacks over questions about the funeral I leave this link: “Why do you have to run from us Mr. Mayor?” asked Ahern.

But Ahern knows the answer. He’s a snowflake, a grape who can’t take the pressure of leadership. And there are just about 100 days until the hard left tear up the Democratic National Convention. What a party it will be.

According to reporting by Fran Spielman of the Sun Times, Johnson’s team tried to push the mourning Huesca family into inviting him to the funeral of the slain officer. I’ve never seen anything so despicable in Chicago politics and most of you know I’ve seen a lot.

If there’s anything lower than that, it’s running away like a whipped dog when you get caught.

He has a coward’s built-in excuse though, he might say Huesca’s mother didn’t understand the bad Spanish of his police officials and aides who initially tried to intimidate her by insisting he had to attend her son’s funeral, that it was mandatory. That it was all lost in translation. He’s craven enough, with his panic attacks, to try it. And he’ll always play the race card if it doesn’t work.

It’s John Kass, who as is his usual wont pulls not a single punch throughout, so of course you’ll want to read the whole thing.


Rowling 1, PC Scotland 0

Chalk up a win for Team Reality.

Technically, Rowling should have been hauled off in chains. Instead, Scotland backed down:

If JK Rowling’s posts calling out biological men—and “abusing” and “insulting” them— aren’t actionable, then nothing can be actionable in that regard. Nor does it help the transgender cause that the only person with more demands for arrest under the law than JK Rowling is Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s First Minister (although his are anti-white, race-based complaints).

It’s great to see Rowling win this battle, but it’s only one battle in a nation that has no First Amendment enshrining free speech. And here’s the kicker: If you think it can’t happen here, it can. After all, the entire Democrat establishment is prosecuting Trump for complaining about an election outcome and urging people to go to Congress to make their voices “peacefully” heard, two essential elements of core free speech because they’re both political.

Trump’s not the only one being persecuted. Jurisdictions all over America pass laws and regulations exposing conservatives to prosecution or civil actions for wrong think and wrong speech. And do I even need to get started on Big Tech’s censorious activities, even though they have effectively become the public square in America?

Looking at America’s creeping censorship, do you see any American billionaires other than Trump having Rowling’s courage when it comes to Truth?

To ask the question is to answer it, I’m afraid. Widberg closes with another Tweet, wherein Matt Walsh tells it like it is in one short sentence: “Scotland Makes It Illegal To Hurt A Trans Person’s Feelings.” That’s about the size of it, yeah.

Unfortunately, anybody who imagines this will be the end of it, that the Wokester SS will now contritely accept defeat, pack up their kit, and slink off home to sulk and weep the pain away in ruminative solitude had damned well better think again. Scotland’s Hate Crimes law is still in effect, and there are still great numbers of reality-based Poors out there in need of having their doors kicked in and their skulls clubbed into red, gooey mush by swarming SWAT squaddies. Count on it: The Enemy will be back, more wrathful than ever and way sooner than you probably expect, to seek vengeance against sane, non-celebrity Scots with an assist from Offissa Pupp & His Many Pals.

Even so, a win is a win, and even the most modest, fleeting victory over the foes of decency, truth, and simple objective reality is cause aplenty for celebration. Dancing in the streets, pointing and laughing, and singing “Nyah, nyah, nyah nyah-nyah” in merry mockery of the dejected lunatics all remain strictly optional, of course, but are nevertheless highly encouraged.


In your FACE, Normie!

Stridently, obnoxiously “queer” online newsragazine Them whines like a little bitch.

Lady Gaga Stands Up for Dylan Mulvaney: “Hatred Is Violence”

And so, right out of the gate we know how utterly full of horseshit of the purest ray serene they are. Wanna learn how stark the difference is between “hatred” and violence is, fucktards? Go on Fucking Around as you are and you’ll surely Find Out sooner or later. Get the hell out of our faces, on the other hand, and we’ll be perfectly happy to stay out of yours.

On Monday, March 11, Gaga shared a post of her own featuring a photo of herself and Mulvaney, writing, “It’s appalling to me that a post about National Women’s Day by Dylan Mulvaney and me would be met with such vitriol and hatred.”

“When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it ‘backlash’ I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence,” the singer-songwriter continued. “‘Backlash’ would imply that people who love or respect Dylan and me didn’t like something we did. This is not backlash. This is hatred.”

Gaga noted that while this response is unfortunately “not surprising,” she feels protective of Mulvaney and the larger trans community “who continues to lead the way with their endless grace and inspiration in the face of constant degradation, intolerance, and physical, verbal, and mental violence.”

“May we all come together and be loving, accepting, warm, welcoming,” she added. “May we all stand together and honor the complexity and challenge of trans life — that we do not know, but can seek to understand and have compassion for. I love people too much to allow hatred to be referred to as ‘backlash.’ People deserve better.”

Anybody else besides me good and goddamned sick of being endlessly lectured about what hard-core Leftists think they “deserve”? Of their intentional, casual distortion of the sun-bright distinctions between “hatred,” “violence,” and “genocide”? Divemedic spells it out clearly and concisely, in such a fashion as permits no misunderstanding whatever.

So if a man says he is a woman, and you use objective reality to disagree with him, you have just committed violence against him. Why are they saying this?

So they can justify the actual violence that they are about to use in eliminating you. Make no mistake, this is the attitude that they will use to come after you, to unperson you, deny you services, and place you into reeducation camps. You will deserve it in their minds, because you called Dylan Mulvaney a ‘he’ instead of a ‘she’ while not allowing him to celebrate being a woman.

Annnnnd bingo, there you have it. Jump back and get over yourselves, you stupid, lying sissymarys. Scree scree scree as you will about what you do and do not “deserve”; we see through your silly game, and aren’t gonna dance to your shrill, rancid tune anymore. Period, full stop, end of fucking story. You, along with every other hoomon on Earth, “deserve” exactly, precisely nothing whatsoever you haven’t worked hard to earn, and that’s flat.

If you don’t believe it, try this little experiment: shag your sorry ass on out to the middle of the Gobi desert, sit down on a dune, and wait for a benevolent, caring universe to present you with all those wonderful things you insist you “deserve” thanks purely to being another useless eater and little or nothing else besides. Assuming you survive—PRO TIP: you won’t—you’ll emerge from the experience knowing at long last all about what you “deserve”—a real FAFO lesson you won’t soon forget.

Update! In his magisterial Starship Troopers, the peerless Robert Anson Heinlein explicates the basic principle at issue here far above my poor power to add or detract. From Chapter Eight’s recounting of the course of classroom instruction under the redoubtable, unforgettable COL DuBois:

“The basis of all morality is duty, a concept with the same relation to group that self-interest has to individual. Nobody preached duty to these kids in a way they could understand — that is, with a spanking. But the society they were in told them endlessly about their ‘rights.’

“The results should have been predictable, since a human being has no natural rights of any nature.”

Mr. Dubois had paused. Somebody took the bait. “Sir? How about ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’?”

“Ah, yes, the ‘unalienable rights.’ Each year someone quotes that magnificent poetry. Life? What ‘right’ to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What ‘right’ to life has a man who must die if he is to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of ‘right’? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man’s right is ‘unalienable’? And is it ‘right’? As to liberty, the heroes who signed that great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called ‘natural human rights’ that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.

“The third ‘right’? — the ‘pursuit of happiness’? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can ‘pursue happiness’ as long as my brain lives — but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can insure that I will catch it.”

Far as I’m concerned, nobody’s ever said it better, either before or since. Yet another reason I’ve always maintained that anybody who hasn’t read and closely considered Heinlein’s stuff really, really needs to.

Updated update! Since they bear such uncanny relevance to our situation today, it would be grossly remiss of me not to include Chapter Eight’s penultimate ‘graphs.

“Mr. Dubois then turned to me. “I told you that ‘juvenile delinquent’ is a contradiction in terms.

“‘Delinquent’ means ‘failing in duty.’ But duty is an adult virtue — indeed a juvenile becomes an adult when, and only when, he acquires a knowledge of duty and embraces it as dearer than the self-love he was born with. There never was, there cannot be a ‘juvenile delinquent.’ But for every juvenile criminal there are always one or more adult delinquents — people of mature years who either do not know their duty, or who, knowing it, fail.

“And that was the soft spot which destroyed what was in many ways an admirable culture. The junior hoodlums who roamed their streets were symptoms of a greater sickness; their citizens (all of them counted as such) glorified their mythology of ‘rights’…and lost track of their duties. No nation, so constituted, can endure.”

And so, unsurprisingly to Heinlein devotees, it hasn’t.


Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke

Comedian David Lucas gives ‘em hell. Rather, he gives ‘em the plain and simple truth, and they think it’s hell.

‘I like Kyle Rittenhouse too!’ Comedian rips on George Floyd, black audience members storm out
Representing exhibit A in the case of why those readily triggered shouldn’t go to live comedy shows, David Lucas doubled down on controversy after daring to invoke the name of George Floyd during a set at the Kansas City Funny Bone.

The standup star, who built a career on MTV’s “Yo Momma” and later on the All Def Digital program “Roast Me” before opening for the likes of Joe Rogan and Louis CK, recently shared a video of an incident from a January performance where an interaction with a heckler went too far for some black audience members.

In a snippet of the incident shared by The Post Millenial’s senior editor Andy Ngô, Lucas had just finished unsuccessfully trying to talk an audience member to come on stage to get roasted and said, “All these f*ckin’ good a** white people at my show and you want to show them the reason George Floyd got his neck kneeled on?”

“Don’t ‘oo’ at that joke. It’s just a joke man. I would have never kneeled on George Floyd’s neck,” the comedian said as the audience had mixed reactions. “I would have shot that n*gga.”

A back-and-forth proceeded before the first of several audience members decided to bail on the rest of the performance with one man asserting to Lucas, “You need to know about George Floyd before you get yo a** up there talking about him. You really stoop low to be funny don’t you know that.”

“It’s called comedy,” the comedian replied before another group felt he “took it too far” and chafed at the jokes.

“I can tell you voted for Biden,” Lucas ripped as one woman made a production of leaving the show. “You already bought that VIP ticket. I already got that $42.”

“Buy a t-shirt on the way out too. I got a Make America Roast Again shirt in the style of Trump,” the comedian added.

With another parting shot, he riled those offended by jokes about the May 2020 death of Floyd in police custody by calling back to an incident that happened amid the ensuing riots and said, “I like Kyle Rittenhouse too!”

In sharing over 16 minutes of the show on YouTube, Lucas had titled the video “Controversial Joke Infuriates Crowd, Show Spirals Out of Control,” and days after it was posted, the same attitude that led to the walkouts had him pointing out on Facebook, “[I’m] currently getting ‘Cancelled’ for a joke, and i do not apologize about the joke at All, i will continue to joke about Everything.”

Good on ya, Dave, you damned sure got the right idea about what cutting-edge comedy is supposed to be all about—NOTHING sacred, NOTHING out of bounds, NOTHING off limits, NO bridge too far, NO topic too hot to touch. Shouldn’t oughta have bought a ticket if they can’t handle the ride. Keep sticking to your guns no matter what, it really is the only way.


The heart, it bleeds

Lileks nails it down clean and tight, as has always been his habit.

People who are in the United States without explicit permission, who are non-citizens, have an extensive set of rights. The people who are paying for them have an extensive set of obligations.

This puts things rather clearly:

Students at a Brooklyn high school were kicked out of the classroom to make room for nearly 2,000 migrants who were evacuated from a controversial tent shelter due to a monster storm closing in on the Big Apple.

The city made the move amid concerns that a massive migrant tent at Floyd Bennett Field would collapse from torrential rains and gusting winds — packing them instead into the second-floor gym at James Madison High School five miles away. 

The school’s neighbors were not keen on the last-minute decision.

LOL, as they say, at that last one. As if that’s going to make a difference. You could have a majority – say, 51% – of the locals disagree with this, but going along with their objections would be mob rule, not Our Democracy.

The students will now “attend” “class” “remotely,” which consists of completing an assignment given by the teacher. No actual lectures.

As a thought exercise, imagine another era where A) there wasn’t a constant stream of unvetted people entering the country and being distributed around and given benefits, because it was difficult to enter the country illegally, and those who did so were not facilitated in any way by the government, and B) the idea of suspending school because non-citizens need the building would be met with incomprehension by people of many political opinions. Not the Reds, who would regard any largess given to non-citizens as useful and just, but everyone else.

I’m trying to imagine Ed Koch reacting to the proposal.

The area’s current Congressional Rep’s website has a press-release section on immigration:

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (NY-09) released the following statement after the Biden Administration announced it would end the Trump-era Title 42 policy.

“As the daughter of immigrants and a lifelong advocate for their fair chance and access to the American dream, the Biden Administration’s decision to lift the harmful, malicious, and discriminatory policy that is Title 42 is a welcome blessing and one that I have long awaited. While this policy endured, countless hopeful migrants suffered under its authority as we circumvented our obligations under international and domestic law.”

That’s the last thing she said about immigration, in 2022. (Title 42 was not ended. Long story not relevant here.)

Since Title 42 was intended, in part, to keep people out during a pandemic, does this mean she believes the United States was morally and legally obligated to admit an undetermined number of people with COVID in 2020, and let them go wherever, and have access to the US health system? I’m thinking, yes.

As for the people who were advocating denial of health care to the unvaccinated, would they also deny health care to immigrants who came into the country and got COVID? I don’t think so, because the former were villains with moral agency, and the latter are victims. It seems like a special moral status attends the “undocumented,” and hence it seems like their priority in the Marshall High School situation is a reflection of their particular set of right – which, being Universal and International, trump the archaic “citizen-based” rights of nation states. Or neighborhoods.

The stories don’t mention whether the Document-Deprived will be required to return to the tents when the storms pass. If that’s the case, you suspect the number who return will not equal the ones that went to the school.


It’s like a lot of things.

Not good.

But there’s just nothing that can be done, is there? I mean, where do you start? It’s a big foggy mystery, all of it.

It’s not like climate, where we know exactly what must be done, and how to do it, and how we need to start doing it yesterday.

As a response to pretty much everything but the Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ hoax, we do at that. Although—James being the reasonable, kind-hearted, peaceable, entirely amicable and conciliatory sort—he wouldn’t be thinking of quite the same things a wild-eyed, tooth-and-claw radical like myself probably would.

As to the bleating of put-upon NYC shitlibs who are finding themselves distressed by the sudden, unlooked-for imposition of the cold, hard realities of life in a Sanctimony City: suck on it, fucktards. You wanted it, you supported it, you voted for it. Now you got it, good and hard, so siddown, shaddup, and deal.


Normal as you or me

This must be some of that “genocide” they’re always caterwauling about, one presumes.

3 Of The Trans People Eulogized By Biden Admin Died Attacking Innocent Strangers
President Joe Biden’s White House celebrated Transgender Remembrance Day on Monday by lamenting the deaths of 26 transgender-identifying Americans, at least three of whom were shot and killed while committing a crime or tangling with law enforcement.

“We must never be silent in the face of hate,” the official White House statement published on Monday reads. “As we mourn the loss of transgender Americans taken too soon this year, we must also recommit ourselves to never stop fighting until all Americans can live free from discrimination.”

During a press briefing on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized that these “victims are disproportionately black women and women of color.”

SO. Prone to violence and hysteria, poor/no impulse control, and mentally deranged, then. Gotcha.

The White House paints the 26 transgender people as victims whose deaths were tragedies linked to their gender identity. Several family members of the deceased even called the deaths the result of “targeted shootings,” but none of their accounts or the reports on their loved one’s death produced a direct link between the fatal violence and the transphobia the White House claims has gripped the nation.

While several of the 26 people listed died in hit-and-runs, shootings, and domestic violence that plague cities all across the U.S., at least three were killed while committing acts of violence.

SO? You Whypeepuh cis-het breeder scum made ‘em do it, it’s all YOUR fault. Follows, the list of the three, which I didn’t bother to read because who cares.


Sympathy for the Devil

What a revoltin’ (but entirely predictable) development this is, to swipe one Chester A Riley’s signature line.

‘Black Lives Matter:’ Hamas massacre must not be condemned
BLM Grassroots reiterates its unwavering support for the Palestinian Arabs and their right to ‘resist’ after massacre of 900 people.

Black Lives Matter Grassroots issued a statement today (Tuesday) reiterating the organization’s support for the Palestinian cause following the Hamas massacre of over 900 Israelis on Saturday, and even said that Hamas should not be condemned for the deadliest attack on Jews since the Nazi Holocaust.

They continued: “Black Lives Matter Grassroots stands in solidarity with our Palestinian family who are currently resisting 57 years of settler colonialism and apartheid. As Black people continue to fight to end militarism and mass incarceration in our own communities, let us understand the resistance in Palestine as an attempt to tear down the gates of the world’s largest open air prison. As a radical Black organization grounded in abolitionist ideals, we see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people.”

“We, too, understand what it means to be surveilled, dehumanized, property seized, families separated, our people criminalized and slaughtered with impunity, locked up in droves, and when we resist they call us terrorists. We, too, dream of a world where our people may live freely on decolonized land. May the borders, checkpoints, prisons, police, and watchlists that terrorize our communities crumble and may the world we build from their ashes honor those who have fallen in struggle.”

You pissant dilettantes. You sniveling pussyfarts. You don’t understand either jack or shit. But understand this: If your kind ever DID have to face so much as a single moment’s worth of REAL genocidal oppression and “unimaginable violence,” you overpraised and overindulged shit-gobs would all fold up like a cheap fucking accordion and wilt to the ground in a fetal ball, crying like little girls whose mommy just took their binky away from them.

Via Ace, who quips, “I’ve got a counter-offer: Fuck off and die.” Seconded, with all my heart and soul. The best thing that ever happened to these stupid-ass BLM niggers was their generations-removed forebears being sold out of Africa by their own tribal “brothas” and brought to America as slaves—which, after being liberated thanks to five years of one of the bloodiest fratricidal wars in human history, turned out to be a golden opportunity their worthless descendants have never failed to ignore and/or whine about since.


T’is the season

Be of good cheer—the holiday season officially kicked off last night, when the local classical station reran Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, complete with narration, the early annual indicator ‘round these parts that Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are nigh upon us. The other early indicator: Jurassic Media whining and bitching about how *checks notes* pumpkin spice is RAYCISSS!™, you guys!


Yep, apparently so.


Washington Post frets about ‘violent history’ of pumpkin spice
The paper reports that ‘thousands were killed, others enslaved’ over nutmeg in 1621.

The Washington Post is putting a damper on the fall by invoking the “violent history” of America’s beloved seasonal tradition: pumpkin spice. 

The report titled “Fall’s favorite spice blend has a violent history” set the scene of the Dutch’s 1621 invasion of the Banda Islands (located in modern day Indonesia), detailing that “Thousands were killed, others enslaved, and many who fled to the mountains were starved out.”

University of Texas at Austin historian Adam Clulow told The Post, “The Dutch company was later accused of carrying out what some describe as the first instance of corporate genocide…And it was all for nutmeg.” The report notes that nutmeg is “one of three key spices in the blend known as pumpkin spice.”

Ahhh, not just RAYCISS™, then; RAYCISS™ in that peculiarly Southren American way, via the uniquely American system of Nee-grow chattel slavery, which absolutely no other nation in the history of the universe has ever, ever engaged in, not ever.

God, but it must truly suck to be as wholly, inchoately miserable as these shitlib cocksickles are determined to be every single minute of every single day of their miserable existences. I wouldn’t trade places with them if you paid me by the hour, myself.


Mouth, meet Money

Another shitlib gets herself a painful schooling in the stark home-truth that a nation without borders, by definition, cannot be said to be a nation at all.

New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul ranted about failing immigration policies saying the southern border is ‘too open’ and demanded a limit on how many people can stream over into the US.

During a Sunday appearance on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ Hochul said she feels the country’s border is currently too much of a free-for-all.

‘We want [Congress] to have a limit on who can come across the border,’ said Hochul.

‘People coming from all over the world are finding their way through, simply saying they need asylum, and the majority of them seem to be ending up in the streets of New York, and that is a real problem for New York City,’ she added, echoing what Mayor Eric Adams has been saying for months.

‘It’s in our DNA to welcome immigrants. But there has to be some limits in place.’

How delightfully ironic—that’s precisely what beleaguered border towns have been telling open-borders D卐M☭CRATs like yourself for years and years now, you miserable bint. Compounding the irony is this (bold mine):

‘Congress has to put more controls at the border,’ she said, noting that some lawmakers have called for a reduction in the number of Border Patrol officers stationed down south.

‘Talk about eliminating positions for Border Patrol, well, we actually need to double or quadruple those numbers,’ she said.

Within the last 18-months, more than 110,000 migrants have arrived in New York City.

OOOOOOHHHHH, you poor pitiful Sanctuary State/City pearls! Over a hundred thou, is it? How very awful for you all! May I remind you that a lowball-estimated 20 fucking MILLION immivaders have crossed our (former) borders the last few years, the majority of them blitzing tiny Texas towns who hadn’t smarmily declared themselves to be “Sanctuary” anything.

Officials have been scrambling to house and provide basic accommodations for the massive number, and the attention of the city’s government has been diverted, often at the expense of the legal population of the Big Apple.

“Massive number,” my wrinkled, baggy scrotum. You asked for it, you got it. Now deal.

More at the link, which I didn’t bother reading because of a sudden onset of intense ennui and lack of concern.

Backupdate! Not as bad as all that then, huh Kath?

Sunday, Gov. Hochul delivered a spot-on explanation for New York’s current dilemma — for how it came to be stuffed full of penniless border-hoppers.

The problem, she said, is the border itself: As in, “It’s too open right now.”

Which it obviously is. The consequences — societal, fiscal and cultural — also are obvious, and becoming more so.

But Hochul’s candor — aimed squarely at Washington, and at Joe Biden in particular — clearly has had consequences too.

On Monday, she was warbling a different — far more deferential — tune. To wit:

“With respect to what was said about the border, I have called for a more thoughtful, balanced national immigration — federal — immigration policy.”

Translation: “Oops, I sure stepped in it this time. Please don’t hurt me.”

Ah, but Gov. Flippity-Flop needn’t worry. She’s too compliant to be of concern, especially after re-embracing the orthodoxy — and, in the process, making sure that nobody ever again takes seriously a word she says.

It’s not hard to imagine the blowback Hochul’s impertinence generated; the phone calls doubtless came fast and furious — the message being clear: “Nice incumbency you got there, guv. Be a pity if something happened to it.”

To which Hochul might have replied: “Go to hell. This is my state, and I’m going to do what I can — what I must — to protect it.”

What a glorious, liberating moment that would have been – both for Hochul and for the Empire State itself.

But she said no such thing.

She groveled – and now she, and New York, can expect more of the same: More disrespect, for sure, but also many, many more budget-crushing economic wanderers masquerading as political refugees.

Tough noogies, sez I. You can be sure that, whoever New York’s governor ends up being, he/she/it will be another of their patented cookie-cutter D卐M☭CRAT shitlibs, who will put political intrigue, corruption, and personal privilege over the best interests of the people they misrule, as always. I know there are a fair few saner sorts in the less-citified corners upstate; they’re so lopsidedly outnumbered, one can’t help but feel kinda bad for them, really.

That said, in NY as in Europe “conservative” doesn’t mean anything close to what Real Americans understand by the word. That’s something that should always be borne closely in mind. Even Rudy Giuliani, contra his hardass right-winger image in The City itself, was always a Big Government guy—a lot more liberal than Flyover folks might assume. Mind you, he did a fine job as mayor and prosecutor both, no denying that. Rudy really did save NYC from itself; I lived there then, and watched him do it. What fun it was for a guy like me to behold, too. Take him out of the Five Boroughs and plonk him down in Alabama or Oklahoma or Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, though, and he’s just another “moderate” at best.


Adams, NYC, and illegal aliens: the TL;DR version

ADAMS, on being forced to live up to his burg’s “Sanctuary City” status: YOU’RE GONNA DESTROY NEW YORK SHITTY!!!

NYC SHITLIBS, on being recently forced, over a couple of months, to deal with the merest fraction of the veritable tsunami of illegals towns like El Paso have had to cope with every single day, for decades: WAAAAAHSTOPSTOPSTOPYOU’REHURTINGMEEEEEEE

100 MILLION+ REAL AMERICANS, in response to all this weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth:

Heh. But by all means, y’all just keep right on voting D卐M☭CRAT, y’hear? All of us out here in Flyover Jesusland don’t mind the rib-cage injuries we sustain from laughing at your self-inflicted wounds, just so’s you keep the top-notch comedic entertainment coming.


Good. And. HARD

Reading these next two maddening stories, I’m more convinced than ever that no one has ever understood democracy as thoroughly as did HL Mencken. First up, a little Maui Wowie.

After President Joe Biden traveled to Maui and all-too-typically cited his own personal history in order to comfort the grieving residents of the island, where at least 115 people have been declared dead from the fire that engulfed the town of Lahaina, he was blasted on social media for his colossal insensitivity.

“Hearing you talk about your house that had a little fire, you ‘almost lost your house and your Corvette,’ there were children that were incinerated to ash, you f***king old man, you vile human being,” one man said in a viral video.

“You’re so out of touch with the common man, you don’t even know how to speak to them,” he continued. “The only way you think you can establish commonality with them is to lie, ‘The same thing happened to you no matter what the tragedy is.’ He referenced Biden attempting to commiserate with Gold Star Moms who lost their son in action by citing his son Beau’s death from brain cancer: “Your son wasn’t killed in action, by the way,” adding furiously, “Your house didn’t burn down. Your children weren’t burned to death.”

“How dare you get up there and speak this way?” he snapped. “Your job is to go there and assuage them in a way that you talk to them about their loss, that you can’t imagine what it’s like, that you can’t imagine what it’s like never to find the bodies of the poor children who were sent home from schools. They died alone! Alone. In fear. Without their parents or guardian. The most abhorrent thing happened. You’re a disgusting, despicable bastard.”

“You ‘almost lost your cat?’ Go f*** yourself,” he concluded.

Yeah, I’d say SOMEbody ought to go fuck themselves for sure and certain. I’m just not entirely sure it shouldn’t be the whole goddamned kit and kaboodle of them. Lots of other Twitter X rips on the soulless, senile old fraud included with the article—all of them coming from the overwhelmingly liberal populace of a West Pacific island chain that “voted” for none other than Pedo Jaux Buyem in 2020 by well over 63 percent, and has reliably pulled the lever for D卐M☭CRATs in every “election” since said islands inexplicably became a state.

Not that the guy’s wrong in anything he says about Buyem, mind, be he the typical Islander shitlib or no. Hey, there’s bound to be three or four Hawaiians who ain’t, right?

In our next example of getting exactly what you voted for, and richly deserving it, the “good people” of Oakland are declaring themselves fed up too.

Sick and Tired in Oakland
The city’s NAACP chapter calls out its political leaders to do something about an “intolerable public safety crisis.”

On July 27, the Oakland NAACP published a scathing letter decrying the city’s failure to keep its vulnerable communities safe from persistent violence from high-risk offenders.

“Oakland residents are sick and tired of our intolerable public safety crisis that overwhelmingly impacts minority communities,” the letter begins. “There is nothing compassionate or progressive about allowing criminal behavior to fester and rob Oakland residents of their basic rights to public safety. It is not racist or unkind to want to be safe from crime.”

The NAACP called on Oakland to declare a “state of emergency” due to the untamed spiral of crime. “Murders, shootings, violent armed robberies, home invasions, car break-ins, sideshows, and highway shootouts have become a pervasive fixture of life in Oakland,” the letter warns.

Indeed, much of the crime data support the NAACP’s portrayal of disenfranchised and increasingly endangered Oakland residents. The most recent week’s Oakland Police Department statistics show that violent crimes have risen (year to date, compared with last year) by 18 percent, while overall crime is up 28 percent. The recent trend represents a major reversal from a few years earlier. Between 2012 and 2018, the city reduced gun violence by 50 percent, aided by its Oakland Ceasefire program, which implemented strategies such as “focused enforcement” involving the highest-risk individuals. In the first two years following the George Floyd uprisings, however, homicides rose 17.6 percent.

Oakland has seen radical shifts in its police department in recent years. The department is down 100 officers, according to Councilman Noel Gallo, though the NAACP states in its letter that various experts view the department as short as many as 500 officers from optimal levels. (The force’s current size is 734 officers).

Uh HUH. SO, how’s that “defund the police” bushwa you demanded not so long ago working out for ya then, idiots? From where I sit, it looks to be working out exactly as the more intelligent among us said it would from the start—and then got denounced by you as RAYCISS!!!!™ for having the outrageous temerity to say so right out loud.

I gravely doubt if a single man Jack of these maleducated ignoramii—whether they’re breathing through their mouths in Hawaii, Kalifornia, Chicago, or NYC—has even the vaguest clue who HL Mencken was, but they could all benefit from boning up on him. Because being the irascible, curmudgeonly visionary he was, he foresaw every bit of this horseshit long, long ago.

Civilization, in fact, grows more maudlin and hysterical; especially under democracy it tends to degenerate into a mere combat of crazes; the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary. Wars are no longer waged by the will of superior men, capable of judging dispassionately and intelligently the causes behind them and the effects flowing out of them. The are now begun by first throwing a mob into a panic; they are ended only when it has spent its ferine fury.

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule—and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.

Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.

Liberty and democracy are eternal enemies, and every one knows it who has ever given any sober reflection to the matter.

Democracy turns upon and devours itself. Universal suffrage, in theory the palladium of our liberties, becomes the assurance of our slavery. And that slavery will grow more and more abject and ignoble as the differential birth rate, the deliberate encouragement of mendicancy and the failure of popular education produce a larger and larger mass of prehensile half-wits, and so make the demagogues more and more secure.

An honest, reasonably intelligent soul might wish to try argue that he’s incorrect about any of that, but I can’t for the life of me see how he’d go about it without beclowning himself spectacularly in the doing of it.

Working as intended update! Joe Mannix makes an excellent point.

As the details about the disastrous Maui fire continue to unfold, many people are left wondering how the hell a foul-up this spectacular is possible. How did everything go so wrong at every level of the response? Why did Maui have to wait for water authorization? Why were the emergency sirens not activated? Why was traffic allegedly blocked from leaving on the only good road out? Assuming that all of what we’ve heard is true, how did so much go wrong?

I think that the sad conclusion is that, in reality, nothing went wrong. Not officially. Everyone likely followed every guideline, rule, regulation and requirement. Procedural compliance was probably quite good. What apparently nobody did, however, was the single most important thing: think. The environment in which they operate has been designed to eliminate the need to think and ensure compliance instead.

The purpose of the rules laid down in such great volume for so long a time is to obviate thinking. You don’t need to think if there’s a rule to cover whatever it is you need to do. Follow the rules, comply with the procedures, adhere to the regulations and you will achieve your goal or at least be shielded from any poor consequences. Nobody is to blame, because the rules were followed. The rules are there to act as a substitute for thinking. Robotic adherence to the rules – and striving to have a rule for all things – is awfully bad in situations that even slightly deviate from the context envisioned by the rulemakers.

Juat another of the many wonderful attributes of kakistocratic bureaucracy run amok. For certain values of the word “wonderful,” that is.

Harbingers of doom

That would be shitlibs, whose endless, depthless misery is just begging to be shared with the entire world.

From the ‘Everything Enjoyable Is Bad for You’ Files: New Car Smell Gives You Cancer
The famed fictional advertising wizard Don Draper said it in Mad Men: “You know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car.” But that TV series was a long time ago and the time it depicts even farther from ours. Now we live in a sadder, more fragile age, in which even the smallest pleasures are to be denied us. The new car smell is no longer the smell of happiness; it is the stench of cancer, decay, and death. Welcome, Don Draper, to the enlightened twenty-first century.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported Friday that a new study has made a grim discovery: “The much-loved smell of a new car is caused by cancer-causing chemicals.” Well, of course! What pleasure, large or small, hasn’t been touched by the Left’s obsession with doom? Take weather reports. On warm, sunny days even just a few years ago, TV weather maps were green and pleasant, studded with images of smiling suns and blooming flowers. Now, for exactly the same temperatures, they are full of oranges and reds and images of extreme heat, working hard to sell climate change hysteria.

Major sports have not only been thoroughly politicized, but they have also become the vehicles for the same buzz-killing hysteria. Were you excited about the beginning of a new baseball season? Not so fast: AccuWeather wanted you to know that “MLB season is here: Experts warn lightning is a danger at games.” Now, maybe it really was true that “upwards of 90% of the lightning that happens in the United States, specifically the lower 48, occurs during baseball season,” but life is fraught with risks. Do the guardians of acceptable opinion want us to live in fear, cowering in terror at the prospect of a sunny day and forgoing a happy outing to a baseball game for fear of being struck by lightning? Why, yes. Yes, they do.

In line with the overall atmosphere of fear and gloom, the Daily Mail explains that “a cocktail of leather and plastics creates a gasoline-like odor which becomes more intense in the heat — due to an increase in energy available to odor-causing molecules.” And so if you’re enjoying your brand new car, pull over, stop, and get out of the vehicle. Quickly: “Sitting for just 30 minutes every day in a car exposes you to dangerous levels of carcinogens formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. These chemicals are linked to myeloid leukemia and rare cancers such as in the nose.” And so one day soon, when you step into your new electric car, you may find that the fabled new car smell has been relegated to the odiferous dustbin of history.

OH NOOOES WE’RE ALL GONNA DIIIIEEE!!!, they all ree-ree-reeeed. Which, to me, amounts to the best imaginable argument that, instead of wallowing in pointless agony along with the killjoys of the Gehenna-obsessed Left, we should all strive to wring every last ounce of enjoyment and happiness out of every single day that we possibly can.

And yet the weak, weepy Sad Sacks wonder why any intelligent person would reject the idea of living like they do. As if their neverending search for new sources of anguish, new and ever-more-fearful threats to life and limb, acts as some kind of lure and/or enticement to join them in their misery. As if the sound of kvelling, kvetching, and complaining rings at all appealing in our ears.

Sorry, idiots, not even slightly tempted over here. Life’s tough enough as it is, without your pathetic ilk going well out of your way to make it worse.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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