Better to remain silent and be thought a fucking moron than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.
People in California and New York pay 20% of federal taxes and have 4 Senators. People in 21 states–AK ID UT MT WY ND SD NE KS OK IA MO AR LA MS AL TN KY IN WV SC–pay 15% of federal taxes and have 42 Senators.
What's that old saying? Oh yeah, taxation without representation.
— Kurt Andersen (@KBAndersen) January 4, 2023
Actually, bright boy, EVERY state has TWO (count ’em, 2) Senators; totting up a passel of less-populous states for purposes of sniveling about how UNFAAAIIIIR!™ it all is is entirely beside the point, and therefore irrelevant. That’s because, until the 17th Amendment stood the whole concept on its head and ruined everything, the Senate was originally conceived as providing representation for the sovereign States, not Duh Peepul. Which would, y’know, be the House’s job.
No seriously, dude, you could look it up. Assuming you can even read at all.
Happily, J.kb has an idea for a solution I believe I could probably live with.
Most of the left are dumber than dog turds. A few are intelligent and evil.
This one?
Dumber than a dog turd.
And a Useful Idiot manipulated by the intelligent, evil ones.
Which makes him evil and dumber than a dog turd.