You can almost hear him choking on the words

How bad must it suck to be a “liberal” and continually be having to write these “Sorry, I’m an idiot, I got it all ass-backwards and wrong, mea maxima culpa” essays after reality has curb-stomped your stupid, stubborn, self-righteous ass yet again? No wonder they’re all so goddamned miserable, and absolutely determined to make sure everyone else is miserable right along with ‘em.

Why so many of us were wrong about missile defense
Writing about military spending is difficult.

No shit, Dick Tracy, where’s the fuckin’ squad car? Funny, innit, how that wasn’t your attitude AT ALL back when you were sanctimoniously ridiculing Reagan’s proposal supporting research into ground-based and aerial anti-missile defense systems as “Star Wars,” insisting the very idea was preposterous, impossible, and just downright insane.

A couple of days ago, Iran launched a major attack against Israel, in retaliation for Israel killing one of Iran’s military commanders. The attack included about 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles, and 30 cruise missiles. But something pretty incredible happened — almost all of the drones and missiles were shot down before they could hit Israel, by a combination of Israeli, U.S., Jordanian, French, British, and possibly Saudi forces. Only a few ballistic missiles made it through, wounding one Arab Israeli girl severely and causing minor injuries to a few other people.

My thoughts on the geopolitics of this attack are going to be pretty familiar — the Middle East conflict is a distraction from far more important matters in East Asia, and we should keep our role to a minimum. The Gaza war has not fundamentally altered the balance of power in the Middle East; Israel and the Sunni powers are unofficial and uneasy partners against Iran and its proxies. Both sides are pretty brutal, and neither looks likely to dominate the other. U.S. resources and attention are far better spent elsewhere.

With that out of the way, I think the really interesting part of this story is that almost everything the Iranians threw at Israel was intercepted. Drones are slow-moving and easy to shoot down, but ballistic missiles are fast-moving and generally very hard to hit. Yet Israel’s Arrow system, jointly developed with the U.S., had little trouble knocking most of Iran’s ballistic missiles out of the sky — with some interceptions even occurring outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

That’s pretty interesting, because for most of my adult life, I believed that ballistic missile defense was a hopeless, failed cause. From the 2000s all the way through the 2010s, I read lots of op-eds about how kinetic interceptors — “hitting a bullet with a bullet” were just an unworkably difficult technology, and how the U.S. shouldn’t waste our time and money on developing this sort of system. For example, all the way back in 2006, Matt Yglesias — among my favorite bloggers, both then and now — wrote the following:

No excerpt, because fuck that noise. What we have here is yet another reliably-wrong shitlib idiot flapping his yap as if he knew a single damned thing about what he’s lecturing his intellectual betters about. SO…onwards.

In short, Matt and the many other critics of missile defense were right that missile defense will probably not provide us with an invincible anti-nuclear umbrella anytime soon.

Which nobody ever once suggested it might, you disingenuous fool.

But they were wrong about much else (as Matt has since acknowledged).

Gee, what a guy! Such COURAGE!™ Such STUNNING, such BRAVE! Why, the man’s literally a HERO!!!

The purpose of this post isn’t to dunk on Matt or any of the other critics — after all, I also believed missile defense didn’t work. But the way in which critics got this issue wrong illustrates why it’s difficult to get good information about military technology — and therefore why it’s hard for the public to make smart, well-informed choices about defense spending.

One big reason critics got missile defense wrong was that they didn’t understand the technological advances that were making it possible to “hit a bullet with a bullet”. No, the basics of rocketry and aerodynamics haven’t changed much in recent years. But the key to hitting a bullet with a bullet isn’t building a faster or more maneuverable rocket — it’s figuring out where the target is going to be. Advances in detection technology — better sensors, and especially better software to process the signals from sensors — have made it a lot easier to observe a missile’s trajectory to a high degree of precision. Therefore it has become more feasible to predict exactly where it’s going to go, so you can get an interceptor there first.

In other words, you didn’t even know what you didn’t know. How perfectly typical.

Why didn’t critics realize the central importance of detection software, and how fast it was improving? Well, because they’re not experts in the field. This isn’t a knock against them, or a demand that they “stay in their lane” — if you’re a writer who writes about politics and policy and budget priorities, you pretty much have to have an opinion on defense spending, because it’s a big and important part of the budget. No writer can be an expert on everything (except Brian Potter, but he’s one of a kind). So instead, as a writer, you go looking for domain experts to explain things to you, or at least point you to some good reading material so you can teach yourself the basics.

Would that it were so. No, what you and your insufferable “journalist” ilk always and forever do instead is simply assume a mantle of expertise your knowledge and experience can in no wise support, scold your political opponents as if they were semi-retarded puppies who have just piddled on the rug again, declare another “victory,” and then move on to the next topic you know precisely jack and shit about. Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum ad nauseum.

Then, decades hence, after the raucous accolades from your equally pig-ignorant celebrity admirers have finally died away, the microscopically tiny handful of you possessed of even a wafer-thin scrim of honesty and integrity get to write another non-apology-apology like the above.

And that’s about it for me, I refuse to subject myself to another syllable of this self-serving twaddle. Those of you who wish to peruse the rest of the author’s rotgut self-justification, lame explication, and blame-shifting blather are perfectly free to do so, although I recommend against it.


Uncle Peter, my smelling salts!

Iowahawk soothes Government Radio (a/k/a Listener-free Radio, a/k/a NPR) “news” chief’s shattered nerves.

Since I couldn’t figure out how to get the remainder of ‘Hawk’s extended riff to display properly as an embed, I’ll just kype KT’s transcription:

– the white grad students who came up with “Latinx”
– sufferers of insomnia

– cat moms

– Vermont organic dairy cows who enjoy soothing NPR monotone during the milking experience

– people who tell you they’re into astrology but then claim it’s only an ironic thing when you ask them why
– people who have life tenure as the result of getting four plagiarized papers presented at MLA conventions

– people who still wear covid mask while bicycling

– people who won their 4th grade class poster contest
– people who have emotional service animals with counterfeit vests

– people concerned about the lack of diversity in the Vermont quilting scene

WHOA, that’s good squishy! Lots more over at KT’s post, winding up with a classic Hank Snow embed.


How you know the whole thing is a scam

DOG BITES MAN: the climate can and does change. Indonesian “transgender” hookers hardest hit.

No, really.

How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers

There’s an article which I didn’t bother to read, for the obvious reasons: 1) I don’t give a tinker’s damn, and 2) it’s all just made-up bullshit anyhow.


Just in time for riot season!

St George of Fentanyl v2.0, the new Martyr Of Color (type: “UNARMED!”) whose wholly justified shooting will be used to spark the upcoming Summer Of (mostly peaceful) Love v2.0.

The Press Are Pushing a New George Floyd, and the Headlines Are Dangerous and Shameless
The shooting death of Dexter Reed by police in Chicago has captured the attention of the mainstream press, and they aren’t exactly being honest in their coverage of the incident. Desperate for a new George Floyd, perhaps because it’s an election year, news outlets are shamelessly misleading about the incident.

In March, Reed was pulled over and approached by police. Body cam footage shows one officer asking him to roll the window down and then attempting to open the door after Reed tried to roll the window up. It’s at that point that shots ring out and the officers are seen running away to take cover. A gunfight ensues and with Reed stumbling out of the car, the officers discharge their weapons again.

While the press has reported that the officers fired “96 times” as a way to sensationalize the situation, 11 of the shots were actually from Reed, with his initial burst striking an officer in the arm. He can be seen bleeding on the extended body camera footage.

Misinformation about the situation began to be reported immediately, including from Reed’s family.

“If he was supposed to get pulled over for a traffic stop, why do they have four guns pointed at him? He was scared. And after he was already on the ground there, they still put him in cuffs instead of checking to see if he’s breathing. They shot to him 96 times and reload the clip three times,” Reed’s sister Porscha Banks said during a Tuesday press conference.

As the footage clearly shows, guns were only pointed at Reed after he refused to comply and started to roll his window up. The officer who was conducting the stop first approached the vehicle in a normal manner. Seeing Reed’s gun through the window may have prompted him to draw his weapon. There’s also the fact that Reed was out on pre-trial release for a variety of violent felonies related to a shooting he allegedly committed. Did the officers run his tag and know who he was? That could be another reason the officers were overly cautious in drawing their weapons after Reed refused to comply.

Regardless, you would expect a family member to defend their loved one. What shouldn’t be expected is for the press to be so incredibly irresponsible in its reporting.

Rilly? Pray tell, WHY would it not be expected, given everything we all already know about the lying Enemedia?

Much is being made about the number of times the officers fired and the fact that Reed no longer had the gun once he exited the vehicle. Both points are incredibly misleading. Once a suspect opens fire and strikes an officer, any expectation that the use of force will be limited goes out the window. At that point, the mission is to neutralize the deadly threat fully. No officer is going to count the number of shots they fire in the heat of the moment to make it look better for the press. Further, there would have been no way to know whether Reed was still armed or not after he exited the vehicle and began to move around it. That is hindsight that has no place in a fair analysis of what occurred. 

I have written many pieces criticizing the police over the years. My position has never been blind support but to judge every incident based on its own set of facts. This was a justified shooting by every metric, yet one would be forgiven for speculating that members of the press want violence to occur in response to it. Why else would they go so far to cover up what actually happened?

Well, actually, I can think of several possible alternate reasons for it, foremost among them being that for them, lying is so ingrained as to be nearly an instinctive reaction to any and every situation, regardless of whether it helps their cause or no. And if you don’t like that one, I have others.



Is it real, or is it satire? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.

Media Reports Trump Threatened Nuclear War After He Says, ‘This Guacamole Is The Bomb!’
U.S. — After former President Trump declared his freshly-made guacamole “the bomb”, media outlets across the nation announced that Trump had threatened to drop a nuclear bomb if he were to lose the election.

“This is a clear call to civil war,” cried MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough as video played of Trump eating chips. “You heard the words ‘the bomb’ from his very own lips. Is there nothing this madman won’t do?”

Several media outlets reported that Trump’s threat of nuclear war came immediately on the heels of Trump vowing to demolish democracy when he claimed he was “about to demolish” some tortilla chips. “We are sickened to hear such vile threats from former President Trump,” said Scarborough. “Watch as Trump openly says he’s about to ‘slice and dice’ tomatoes. Slice and dice? Trump is literally saying he plans to cut every one of his opponents into tiny pieces with a knife. Horrific!”

According to sources, the comments came after Trump served up his world-famous guacamole during fajita night at Mar-a-Lago. The guacamole, a family recipe for generations, was made tableside by Trump himself and described as “absolute dynamite” in addition to many other violent and obviously pro-insurrection phrases.

At publishing time, MSNBC had reported that Trump also planned to burn Democrats alive after revealing that Trump described the fajitas as “sizzling.”

You oldsters out there will get the dated references in my opening lines, no doubt. The rest of you will just have to look ‘em up, I’m way too ornery and lazy to spell that shit out for ya. As for the jumping-off point for the Bee’s surehanded spoof, that would be this.

Biden Campaign, Establishment Media Attack Trump with Fake Interpretation of ‘Bloodbath’ Comments in Ohio Rally
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday night forecast a financial “bloodbath” awaits the U.S. motor industry if he is not elected and China is enabled to swamp the country with their products.

The comments came at an Ohio rally hosted by the Buckeye Values PAC where he discussed the possibility of an increasing trade war with China over auto manufacturing in general and electric vehicle types in particular.

Critics in the political arena and the general media were quick to wilfully manipulate Trump’s words and infer intentions on his behalf even after Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung made clear Trump had clearly been talking about the impact of offshoring on the country’s auto industry and his own plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars.

“Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are engaging in deceptively, out-of-context editing,” he said.

James Singer, a spokesman for President Joe Biden’s campaign, issued a statement following Trump’s remarks, noting that former Vice President Mike Pence announced he will not endorse Trump’s re-election bid.

“This is who Donald Trump is: a loser who gets beat by over 7 million votes and then instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience doubles down on his threats of political violence,” Singer said.

Yeah, fuck you in the liver with a fully-charged cattle prod, liberal liar. Not that the Vichy GOPers don’t stand ever-ready to give some assistance to their “esteemed colleagues across the aisle,” of course.

What I said above goes for you too, dickweed—twice as deep, twice as hard, until sparks fly out your baggy ass.

Update! I think it safe to say that Elon Musk is now officially red-pilled.

Elon Musk Wrecks Joe Scarborough and His Wicked Take on the ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
We’ve seen many people on the left/the anti-Trump crew jumping in to help spread the “bloodbath” hoax, claiming that former President Donald Trump was pushing violence. Trump spoke about what a “bloodbath” Joe Biden’s policies would be for the auto industry if he was reelected. That’s it. That’s the “violence.” He was speaking out on behalf of the auto workers and American jobs.

Perhaps one of the worst was from MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

He posted a video of the riot on Jan. 6 with the words, “Donald Trump’s America. And he’s proud of it. Promised another ‘bloodbath’ if he loses again.” That is demonstrably untrue.

But X owner Elon Musk, who has been personally doing all he can to debunk the hoax, called out Scarborough’s disgusting and deceitful take.

“Jan 6 was not a ‘bloodbath’ by any definition and Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry when he used that word. Your post is extremely misleading,” Musk responded. 

I don’t know if Scarborough has any shame, but he was forced to delete it after Musk busted him. 

Good on Musk for standing up for truth.

Ah, but is that all, you ask? Not by a long yard, it ain’t.

Twitter/X owner Elon Musk was busy posting to the social media platform that he owns Friday and Saturday, interspersing stories of SpaceX rockets taking off with searing political commentary about the state of our nation under Joe Biden and the Democrats.

One of his main concerns is illegal immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped into the country. Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he can think of – except on his own disastrous policies.

The billionaire and current holder of the number three spot on the list of the world’s wealthiest humans is not known as a conservative firebrand; in fact, he himself has revealed that he’s voted plenty of times for Dems in the past:

“To be clear, my historical party affiliation has been Independent, with an actual voting history of entirely Democrat until this year,” he wrote on Twitter the day before the midterm election. “And I’m open to the idea of voting Democrat again in the future.”

In recent years, however, much of his commentary veers sharply from today’s progressive orthodoxy, and he’s also been an outspoken supporter of free speech. 

As we reported, Musk visited with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in early March, sparking speculation that he’s going to go all in on Republicans. But at the time, he posted to X that it wouldn’t be the case: “Just to be super clear, I am not donating money to either candidate for US President.”

He warns that although the predicted red wave never materialized in the 2022 midterm elections, we’re in real trouble if voters keep Biden and the Dems in power this time around:

To wit:

Musk is way too smart—way too stable, confident, comfortable in his own skin—to remain under the sway of the stunted shitlib catechism his whole life, seems to me. His up-close-and-personal brush with drooling Progtard vitriol, irrationality, and hatred in the wake of the Twitter buyout—an ongoing ordeal generated purely by his uncompromising position on freedom of speech, nothing more—seems to have served as something of a wake-up call.

Then, as the Left’s (relatively) minor neurosis and emotional instability degenerated into raving psychopathological collapse, Elon only grew more sane, more sensible in response. While Proggie’s eyes were squinching tightly shut in yet another of their typical brattish furies, Elon’s had been opened wide, to behold a surfeit of grotesque, repellent reality off to his Left.

No, he isn’t what many of us would define as a “real conservative,” in all likelihood never will be. Nevertheless, Musk can be counted on to come down on the right side of the issue more often than not these days, and I say good on the man for it.


“Fiery,” yet

Gropey Grampy’s  enraged, foamy-mouthed, barely-coherent SOTU tirade is being extolled as “fiery” by auto-fellating shitlibs everywhere. What they fail to mention is that it was also “brimstoney.” Tucker slams on the reality-brakes.

Tucker Carlson: Biden Address Was ‘Darkest And Most Un-American’ State Of The Union Ever

Of COURSE it was. I mean, this is crooked Demo-creep Shifty Jaux Biden we’re talking about here; what else could it possibly have been?

In an immediate response to Biden’s State of the Union address, the former prime-time host charged the president with delivering a speech “entirely lacking in decency or generosity to his fellow Americans.”

“In fact it wasn’t a speech,” Carlson said, “it was a rant.”

In his live monologue Thursday night, Carlson also claimed Biden is unable to win a fair election.

Lucky for him, he won’t need to. To wit:

“We know they’re going to steal the election because they’re now saying so out loud,” Carlson said.

Annnnnd bingo.


JUDGMENT DAY: Skynet becomes self-aware, slaughters billions!

Actually, there seems to be a good deal less to the story than meets the eye. I’ll boldface what I mean by that.

Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Attacks Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’
A robotic malfunction at Tesla’s Giga Texas factory resulted in a violent encounter where an engineer was attacked by one of the company’s robots, resulting in significant injuries and leaving a ‘trail of blood.’

According to the Daily Mail, while working on software programming for non-functional Tesla robots, the engineer was suddenly pinned against a surface by a robot tasked with manipulating aluminum car components, with its metal claws inflicted an injury that left an ‘open wound’ on the worker’s left hand.

“Two of the robots, which cut car parts from freshly cast pieces of aluminum, were disabled so the engineer and his teammates could safely work on the machines. A third one, which grabbed and moved the car parts, was inadvertently left operational, according to two people who watched it happen. As that robot ran through its normal motions, it pinned the engineer against a surface, pushing its claws into his body and drawing blood from his back and his arm, the two people said,” The Information reported.

Quick action was taken by Tesla workers who intervened and triggered the emergency shutdown button to halt the malfunctioning robot and prevent further injury to the engineer.

Um, sorry, but the robot was NOT “malfunctioning” at all. One of the stupid humans neglected to switch it off before performing what sounds to me like routine maintenance, then got in its way as it carried on with “its normal motions,” that’s all. It’s way more dramatic and upsetting to report it the other way, so that’s what they ran with, natch. Remember: for today’s über-sensationalist media, if it bleeds, it leads. And sometimes, even if it doesn’t really bleed all that much.



Fake News work stoppage.

The Babylon Bee Writers Stand In Solidarity With Our Fellow Fake News Writers Going On Strike At The Washington Post
It has come to our attention that the delightfully witty satirists of The Washington Post are going on strike this week. We here at The Babylon Bee stand in solidarity with our fellow comedians and join them in demanding fair wages. The writers at WP work hard to bring us their daring and uproarious brand of comedy every day, and they deserve compensation for their work.

Where else can we find comedic gems like “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48” or “Does that Jason Aldean song go on a playlist? Or a watchlist?” Where else can we find stories on race, gender, and foreign policy so consistently hilarious that they brighten our days and keep us hungrily coming back for more again and again?

Not to mention this classic howler:

Stop it, WaPo hacks, you’re killing me over here. Making me kinda hungry, too.

Update! Thought I was joking about that last one, did ya? ’Fraid not.


Come again, now?

Ahh, whatever would we do without the Old Grey Whore of 42nd Street, the execrable NYT, to tell us all what our opinion should be?

The Media Aren’t Quite Hackish Enough For The Biden White House
They’re working on it.

When will The New York Times finally stop pulling punches and go after Donald Trump?

That’s the question Joe Biden’s campaign asked the media this week. “For the political press corp (sic) —especially our friends at the Gray Lady,” pleaded the White House, “it’s time to meet the moment and responsibly inform the electorate of what their lives might look like if the leading GOP candidate for president is allowed back in the WH.”

I think I can answer that one easily enough:


Any questions, you evil fucking retards?

The New York Times is, indeed, a friend. It “meets the moment” all the time. So, no, Biden isn’t working the refs here. He’s demanding obedience. And the fact that the White House can brazenly petition a supposedly free press to join his campaign effort tells us a lot about how little the contemporary Democrat cares for a free press.

BZZZZT! Wrong, David; actually, they care a great deal about a “free press”—they hate the very idea of such a thing, and are neither afraid nor ashamed to do everything within their not-inconsiderable power to see that one never, ever comes into existence in Amerika v2.0.


Handing a Leftwit “journalist” his head

I wish he’d head South and run for President. Yes, I know, I know, he wasn’t born in the US and is thus Constitutionally ineligible. On the other hand, that sure didn’t stop Kenya-born Bathhouse Barry, now did it?

Calm, unflappable, laconically munching an apple while he takes this Mark-1 Mod-0 shitlib apart on camera—it’s entirely possible M Poilievre is actually Superman. As the esteemed Andrea Widberg says:

I’m one of those people who hates watching embarrassing things on TV or in movies. If I know the scene will be embarrassing, I take off my glasses and plug my ears. I almost had that urge to do both when watching Poilievre destroy the reporter. What Poilievre did to him was that brutal. Then I thought, “No, this reporter is a leftist hack. I’m not watching something painfully embarrassing. I’m watching something absolutely beautiful.”

Amen to that. Personally, I’d be every bit as happy if he’d just hurled his apple at the “journalist”’s nose à la Sam Gamgee (“waste of a good apple,” quoth Samwise afterwards), picked up a stout tree branch, and beat the dirtbag half to death with it upon said dirtbag’s first insufferably smarmy, smug insinuation disguised as a “question,” but that’s probably just me.


T’is the season

Be of good cheer—the holiday season officially kicked off last night, when the local classical station reran Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, complete with narration, the early annual indicator ‘round these parts that Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are nigh upon us. The other early indicator: Jurassic Media whining and bitching about how *checks notes* pumpkin spice is RAYCISSS!™, you guys!


Yep, apparently so.


Washington Post frets about ‘violent history’ of pumpkin spice
The paper reports that ‘thousands were killed, others enslaved’ over nutmeg in 1621.

The Washington Post is putting a damper on the fall by invoking the “violent history” of America’s beloved seasonal tradition: pumpkin spice. 

The report titled “Fall’s favorite spice blend has a violent history” set the scene of the Dutch’s 1621 invasion of the Banda Islands (located in modern day Indonesia), detailing that “Thousands were killed, others enslaved, and many who fled to the mountains were starved out.”

University of Texas at Austin historian Adam Clulow told The Post, “The Dutch company was later accused of carrying out what some describe as the first instance of corporate genocide…And it was all for nutmeg.” The report notes that nutmeg is “one of three key spices in the blend known as pumpkin spice.”

Ahhh, not just RAYCISS™, then; RAYCISS™ in that peculiarly Southren American way, via the uniquely American system of Nee-grow chattel slavery, which absolutely no other nation in the history of the universe has ever, ever engaged in, not ever.

God, but it must truly suck to be as wholly, inchoately miserable as these shitlib cocksickles are determined to be every single minute of every single day of their miserable existences. I wouldn’t trade places with them if you paid me by the hour, myself.


Boogs on parade

Steyn plays a round of Name That Dindu.

Spirits of the Age
Last month, The Las Vegas Review-Journal carried a sad little story about a man who’d died while out on a bicycle ride:

His daughter, Taylor Probst, got an alert from her dad’s Apple Watch indicating that the 64-year-old man had fallen. The 27-year-old and her mother, Crystal Probst, drove to the scene of the crash, only 3 miles from their home.

“I come from law enforcement as well in my younger days,” Crystal Probst said in an interview Friday. “I was able to ascertain, there’s his bike, his helmet is way over there, his phone is way over there. I’m like, this is not good…”

Officers and firefighters told the women that Probst had been taken to University Medical Center.

They waited four hours there, asking everyone where their loved one was.

Finally, a representative from the Clark County coroner’s office told them Probst had passed.

“When they know somebody’s dead, and a family is sitting out in that lobby waiting, somebody needs to come out,” Crystal Probst said, angry at the delayed response.

So that’s how it was initially reported. As the characteristically somnolent monodaily’s original headline put it:

Retired police chief killed in bike crash remembered for laugh, love of coffee

Must have been a pretty bad “crash”, huh? But just one of those things, compounded at the hospital by the usual bureaucratic heartlessness of modern life.

And then a video emerged, which included a little witty repartee.

So two joyriders steal a car, hit another vehicle, and then decide to kill a bicyclist for kicks. “Ready?” says the driver. “Hit his ass,” responds the passenger. And they do – and whaddayaknow, killing a guy makes for a really cool video when you post it on “social” media!

Then a CBS report dropped relating the arrest of a “teen” of scrupulously-undisclosed ethnic origin, for “a series” of “hit-and-run crashes” in El Lay. Mark throws yet another eerily similar incident from Toronto into the gruesome mix before hurling the payoff pitch:

Notice how in all three jurisdictions the media report what happened as a “hit-and-run”. I think not. Hit-and-run laws are among the earliest of traffic regulations (1927, even on the rustic byways of British Bengal) because, in the days of dusty unpaved roads, no license plates and begoggled drivers, good luck figuring out who that chap is fleeing the scene of an accident. But that’s what the term is meant to cover: an accident. You carelessly hit another vehicle and, in a moment of panic, hightail it out of there.

The above incidents are hit-and-run only in the sense that, say, the 2016 Bastille Day truck carnage or the Berlin Christmas market slaughter were.

Of course, those guys were ploughing you into the asphalt in order to advance the triumph of Islam over the infidel. The good news is that the killers in Nevada and California and Ontario just do it for a laugh.

Annnnd dingdingdingdingdingdingding WE HAVE A WINNAH, FOLKS! Meanwhile, the LVR-J folks would like all you RAYCISS!!!© peons to know they’re upset with you for being upset with their stringently sotto voce reportage on this hate-crime:

Compare and contrast all the above with the hometown paper’s anodyne headline. Having remained silent through Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the Review-Journal finally returned to the “bike crash” today to defend its feeble, anaesthetizing coverage:

As the online firestorm evolved on Saturday, editors at the Review-Journal changed the headline of the article, removing the phrase “bike crash” and replacing it with “hit-and-run,” hoping the change would calm the online vitriol.

But that isn’t true either: it’s an act of murder – a vehicular homicide for which that guy in Charlottesville, Virginia is presently serving half-a-millennium.

Indeed so. Funny, that—but not in a jolly, hah-hah sort of way.

And yes, my post title IS an intentional play on the name of my favorite RATM song.

My second-favorite? The obvious one, of course.

(Via Ed Driscoll)


Hey rube, AR15s suck

The indecipherable yet ineluctable twisting and turning of the irrational hoplophobic mind.

Frequently Debunked Crackpots Claim the AR-15 is Worthless for Self-Defense
When the young paste-eaters at Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun propaganda factory, known as the Trace, team up with the stodgy window-lickers at the Gun Violence Archive to produce a story about the utility of the AR-15 platform as a modern self-defense tool, it’s hard not to get too excited.

It’s like watching two freight trains headed toward each other on the same track. You know the results are going to be cataclysmic. None of these halfwits have ever heard a shot fired, much less one fired in anger, or especially one fired to good effect. They know less about what makes a reliable home defense weapon than I do about man-buns, skinny jeans, or avocado toast.

We have debunked the Trace and the Gun Violence Archive so often it’s getting old. The kids at the Trace masquerade as legitimate journalists when, in fact, they’re nothing more than highly paid anti-gun activists. The GVA purports to track gun crimes and maintain a list of mass shootings, but their data is collected from media, and even social media sources, and their stats are so inflated they’d have you believe a mass shooting occurs nearly every time someone draws from a holster. When the two anti-gun nonprofits combine for a story, it’s bound to be something as bereft of facts as it is poorly written, and to that standard, their most recent collaboration does not disappoint.

A story published Tuesday asks: “How Often Are AR-Style Rifles Used for Self-Defense? Supporters of AR-15s, often used in mass shootings and racist attacks, say they’re important for self-defense. Our analysis of Gun Violence Archive data suggests otherwise.”

Don’t give a fart in a whirlwind what your ginned-up, jerry-rigged “data” does or does not suggest. My God-given rights, as codified in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, are not up for negotiation, nor will they ever be. I like my AR, I intend to keep it, and I care not one iota whether it’s practical as a self-defense weapon or is as useless as teats on a boar-hog. That’s flat; end of discussion, no more to be said. You can’t bear the idea of me having it, you just come ahead on and try to take it from me, then. FREE ADVICE: bring help. Level III body armor might be a pretty good idea, too.

As Mr Williams points out, the writer of Tuesday’s “published story” arrived at her conclusions via data glommed off her gungrabber sob-sisters at Herr Bloomberg’s GVA, which ludicrous tag-team circle-jerkery amuses me no end. As if any gun person in existence would ponder this meticulous, scrupulously impartial and honest “analysis” and freely decide he needed to shitcan his AR, so as to improve his ability to defend himself and his family using some other alternative.

More “as ifs”:

  • As if the Trace, the GVA, or any other passel of pissypantsed, pathologically gun-shy shitlibs give a fat rat’s patoot about how one might go about defending oneself more effectively
  • As if they’re in the least interested in how Normals might feel about anything, at all
  • As if they hadn’t demonstrated, over and again, their preference for the “rights” of the predator class over those of their victims
  • As if sane, sensible Americans would trust obviously manipulated statistics and naked propaganda over their own native common sense, lived experience, and observable reality
  • As if shitlibs sincerely felt obliged to honor the very concept of natural, God-given rights in the first place

As Williams says, we’re talking about people who have not only never heard a shot fired, they’ve probably never so much as even been in the same room with a gun, and are totally ignorant about them. In fact, the one and only thing they DO know about guns is that they don’t like them, and wish they would all just go away. Yet somehow this footling, cowardly neurosis translates into blanket moral authorization to trample the rights of more mentally balanced, less hysterical sorts.

So yeah, go piss up a rope, shitlib hoplophobes. I repeat: stop flapping your yaps and just come take ‘em already. Let’s see how that works out for ya in the end.

MYOB, serf

Know what quite possibly the best thing of all is about living in a free, open society? Gotta be the total transparency on the part of our dedicated, conscientious public servants, who always see to it that their employers are kept fully informed about what the government Of, By, and For The People is getting itself up to.

Regrettably, this is assuredly NOT that society.

IRS special agent killed at Phoenix gun range during training exercise
The FBI is investigating after a special agent with the Internal Revenue Service was killed at a gun range at a correctional facility in Phoenix on Thursday afternoon.

According to the Federal Bureau of Prisons, the shooting happened at the firing range at the Federal Correctional Institutional in Phoenix, located near Pioneer Road and Interstate 17 in north Phoenix. Aimee Arthur-Wastell, spokesperson with the FBOP, said the range was being used by multiple federal agencies at the time.

The FBI specified that the agent was there for “routine” training when they were killed, but didn’t offer specifics as to how the agent was killed or if anyone was in custody.

According to Phoenix police, officers who responded to the area found a person shot, later determined to be the IRS agent. The agent was taken to a hospital with serious injuries. It wasn’t immediately clear if the agent died en route or at the hospital.

According to Arthur-Wastell, no FBOP or firing range employees were injured.

“To preserve the integrity and capabilities of the investigation, details of the ongoing process will not be released,” the FBI said in a statement. “Findings of the FBI investigation will be turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona for review.”

Phoenix police remained on the scene assisting the FBI, which took command of the investigation.

Arthur-Westell directed all inquiries regarding the incident to the Department of Treasury’s Office of Inspector General, which as of Thursday evening had not responded to a request for comment.

And there you have it—that’s it, the news “report” in its entirety, nothing redacted,  expurgated, or left out by little old moi. Not a jot or tittle therein of anything resembling actual information, other than  that one of our notional “employees” went to the range and then “was killed”—somewhere, somehow, somewhen, who really knows? Inquiring minds would surely wish to know more, but in Amerika v2.0, inquiring minds can just go suck themselves a fat dique for all their “public servants” give a shit.

From the notable lack of interest on the part of our dogged media establishment in pursuing things any further, one can safely assume that no Ultra Mega Mucho MAGA Americans© whatsoever were involved. As such, expect this story to disappear quicker’n lightning, no further elaboration sought or neccessary, as far as They’re concerned.

Multiple indictments of one Donald J Trump for causing this “tragedy” to follow, naturally.

Via Insty, who quips: REMEMBER, ONLY TRAINED GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS CAN BE TRUSTED TO USE FIREARMS SAFELY. Yes, if there’s any reasonable takeaway here, that would have to be it.


Fiddling with numbers

Yahoo News tries it and, thanks to Divemedic, comes a cropper.

In this editorial piece disguised as news and statistics, Yahoo tells us that there are only about only 16.7% of Americans actually own firearms.

the top twenty percent of all gun owners actually owned 55% of the guns. In terms of absolute figures, ten million people owned 105 million guns – for an average of ten guns per person, and the remaining 87 million guns were owned by 34 million people – for an average of 2.6 guns per person. The population of the U.S. was 263 million in 1994 – indicating that only 16.7% of Americans had actually owned a weapon.

So their claim is that 44 million people own all of the guns. That is complete and total bullshit, and I can prove it. Let’s use concealed weapons permits as an estimate of the number of gun owners. Florida alone has approximately 2.6 million active concealed weapons permits. With 12% of all Florida residents having a concealed weapons permit, this would mean that three in four gun owners have a CWP. That would be a very high percentage, indeed.

How many people in Florida have weapons but no CWP? That is impossible to know, but what we do know is that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducts 1.5 million instant background checks for firearm purchases per year. The anti-gunners are claiming that all of these firearms are being sold to the same people over and over.

I just don’t see it. It is far more likely that, when called by some random “survey taker” that the person answering the phone either says, “Guns? We don’t have any guns here,” when asked, or they simply refuse to take the survey. I just don’t think that surveys are a reliable means of “research” on any topic like firearms. I might as well take a survey of high school boys, asking them about their number of sexual partners. I’m equally as likely to get an accurate count in either case.

Yep. Then again, though, it’s not as if the Enemedia “people” are really trying for accuracy here, either. The point, the REAL point that we’re all not supposed to know about or notice, is to propagandize; to demoralize Our Side and enhearten their own; and to mislead and obfuscate generally. That, after all, is what propaganda is for, its raison d’être. There IS a factual bottom line here, which DM helpfully spells out for us.

If even one percent of the gun owning public decides to respond in kind to being called an enemy of the people, there will be somewhere around 1.8 million people who are armed, pissed off, and know how to shoot. Many of them spend their weekends hitting small targets at thousands of yards, because they think it’s fun. They will not be lined up in neat ranks out in a field somewhere, just waiting for you to nuke or drone strike them.

The US police cannot even begin to control the gang problem in our inner cities, and the membership of those gangs is only around 800,000 or so and the gang members aren’t actively hunting cops, no matter what the cops try to claim. This is a fight that cannot be won, but they don’t care because liberals are not the ones who will be getting killed. Or so they think. That is dangerous thinking indeed. The people of each side who are the least stable will be the ones who decide when the violence begins and how far it goes.

Pretty much, yep, and t’was ever thus. This all reminds me of a couple of things right off the bat: Number one, the wise old Heinlein quote from SGT Zim in Starship Troopers (Chapter 5) that posits “There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men.” Number two: “Can you count, suckahs? The future is OURS, if YOU can count!”

I can dig it, Cyrus.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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