Sweating the small stuff

Schlichter is wasting time and energy worrying about a matter of no real import.

If Republicans Collaborate with Dems to Betray Us on the 2A, They Will Lose the Midterms

If Republicans finally do decide to go ahead and commit figurative (and quite possibly literal) seppukku by pulling the trigger on the Ultimate 2A Sellout, who really gives a shit how they come out in the 2022 fucking midterms? Or, y’know, any other election, ever again? Myself, I hardly care whether they win or lose as it is, without reference to slip-sliming away on the Second. I adopted “Screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice, shame on ME; screw me 852 thousand million times over several decades, somebody please just shoot me in my fucking head until I fall over dead, mmm’kay?” as my personal motto right around the time the “Repeal Obamacare” campaign pledge suddenly softened into “Repeal AND REPLACE Obamacare” before going completely limpdick and slipping out altogether with “Hey, let’s just shut up and leave Obamacare the hell alone, eh guys?”

I mean, really now. The GOPe has been betraying conservatives/Real Americans/whatever you wanna call ’em so audaciously for so long now it’s become almost impossible to get too terribly riled up over the prospect of them doing it again. Now admittedly, I could see going to some little trouble so as to deal out some righteous retribution on ’em for their crap, sure. I dunno, though; opting to stay in close physical proximity to the beer fridge in the garage on eruction day so Repuke asses get dumped come November is nothing like as harsh as what I had in mind for ’em. Plus, it adds up to another big win for the gott-damned Demonrats, a thought which I never have been able to abide without making my ulcers bleed and my hair hurt.

It’s a real dilemma, that’s what. Breathes there a man with soul so dead that, great gouts of blood still pulsing from the wound in his back carved by a Vichy GOPe blade, he’d nonetheless still give a rotten, flyblown fig about how the treacherous sumbitches might fare on any future election day? FORBID IT, ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give the Republicans death!

The Democrats are giddy. They were hoping that SCOTUS putting the kibosh on kid killing was going to save them from annihilation in November. That did not work – Americans were less interested in preserving a non-existent right to snuff out a life two minutes from crowning than in $6 gas. But this scumbag’s murder rampage in Texas has given them new hope, they think. All the GOP has to do is be spineless and stupid.

So, they’re feeling pretty confident.

We could discuss the facts, like how the real issue is mentally ill kids (lib COVID lockdowns were no help) and lax security at schools where some cretin can wander in with a rifle and hang out unchallenged. We can also point out the obvious – that disarming law-abiding citizens only empower the criminals Democrats excuse and the tyrants they want to be. But facts and evidence will not stiffen the spines of the noodle caucus that thinks that the regime media will let up if they only “DO SOMETHING” even though the doings the Democrats demand are acts of political onanism.

Kurt doesn’t bother going into what the •REAL• issue •REALLY• is here, having other fish he prefers to fry instead. Which is fine, because Chris Adams helpfully laid the whole issue out for us, explicitly, accurately, and quite capably—all the way back in 2018. Pretty sure I approvingly excerpted it back then, too; kinda sad how little has really changed since then, ain’t it?

Anyhoo, as Adams points out, to •REALLY• understand what’s •REALLY• going on with this modern curse of ours wherein some deranged fiend with a grievance, coughed up from the very bowels of Hell, invades some school or other (go figure; all those laws forbidding firearms on school property don’t seem to have made much of an impression on said fiends, but surely ONE MORE will do the trick!) and starts in slaughtering innocent children until some Good Guy shows up toting another gun to put a stop to the festivities, there’s •REALLY• a question we must ponder.

The millennial generation might be surprised to learn that theirs is the first without guns in school. Just 30 years ago, high school kids rode the bus with rifles and shot their guns at high school rifle ranges.

After another school shooting, it’s time to ask: what changed?

Cross guns off the list of things that changed in thirty years. In 1985, semi-automatic rifles existed, and a semi-automatic rifle was used in Florida. Guns didn’t suddenly decide to visit mayhem on schools. Guns can’t decide.

We can also cross the Second Amendment off the list. It existed for over 200 years before this wickedness unfolded. Nothing changed in the Constitution.

What changed? The mainstreaming of nihilism. Cultural decay. Chemicals. The deliberate destruction of moral backstops in the culture. A lost commonality of shared societal pressures to enforce right and wrong. And above all, simple, pure, evil.

Before you retort that we can’t account for the mentally ill, they existed forever.

Paranoid schizophrenics existed in 1888 and 2018. Mentally ill students weren’t showing up in schools with guns even three decades ago.

So it must be something else.

Indeed it must, and it’s neither complicated, confounding, counterintuitive, or at all confusticating for any person of reasonable intelligence to figure out what that “something else” that’s different from the entire previous history of the United States of America might possibly consist of. Although fixing the problem will almost certainly be nothing like as simple or easy as identifying it was, alas. All we need to nail down just where things went wrong is sufficient honesty and courage to admit to ourselves a few uncomfortable realities we all already know deep down to be true, that’s all— no special tools, advanced training, or professional licenses necessary to tackle this job.

Those who have been so busy destroying the moral backstops in our culture won’t want to have this conversation. They’ll do what they do — mock the truth.

There was a time in America, before the Snowflakes, when any adult on the block could reprimand a neighborhood kid who was out of line without fear.

Even thirty years ago, the culture still had invisible restraints developed over centuries. Those restraints, those leveling commonalities, were the target of a half-century of attack by the freewheeling counterculture that has now become the dominant replacement culture.

Hollywood made fun of these restraints in films too numerous to list.

The sixties mantra “don’t trust anyone over thirty” has become a billion-dollar industry devoted to the child always being right — a sometimes deeply medicated brat who disrupts the classroom or escapes what used to be resolved with a paddling.

Instead of telling the kid to quit kicking the back of the seat on a plane, we buy seat guards to protect the seat.

If you think it’s bad now, just wait until the generation whose babysitter is an iPhone is in high school. You can hardly walk around Walmart these days without tripping over a toddler in a trance, staring at a screen.

The high school kids who shot rifles in school in 1985 were taught right and wrong. They were taught what to do with their rifle in school, and what not to do. If they got out of line, all the other students and the coach would have come down on them hard. There were no safe spaces, and that was a good thing.

Culture is a powerful force for good. When good behavior is normalized and deviant destructive behavior is ostracized, shamed, and marginalized, you get more good behavior.

Thirty years ago, kids who brought their rifles to the high school shooting range didn’t wonder about evil and cultural decay. They simply lived in a time in America when right and wrong were more starkly defined, where expectations about behavior were clear, and wickedness hadn’t been normalized.

Annnnnd bingo. See what I mean when I say easy? There’s no big mystery to this thing, nothing obscure or puzzling or beyond the ken of your average Joe Lunchbucket. Only a shitlib “intellectual” could ever find zxhirmxxxelf flummoxed by so elementary an equation as this one: if you glorify immorality, impulsiveness, and untrammeled self-regard, you will end up with more of those things. Denigrate proper morals and ethics, devalue empathy, self-abnegation, Christian piety, and equanimity, and you will create monsters, not men.

If we stipulate the longtime Leftist premise that Man is just another animal—no more exalted, sanctified, or worthy of regard than any random, insensate beast of the field—then can we claim a right to be surprised at seeing regular outbursts of rabid, murderous bestiality among our fellow creatures here and there? Being the lowly beasts we are, are these periodic bestial rampages the most radical departure from the established norm one might expect? Or is the excessive solicitude and anxiety for the cubs evinced by the adult members of the pack on such eruptions the greater aberration?

Which brings us to something every bit as important as uncovering the changes in our society and/or ourselves that brought this horror down on us: pinning the blame for the “normalization of wickedness,” the “deliberate destruction of moral backstops in the culture,” and all the other coordinated acts of wanton societal destruction onto the correct lapels, and seeing to it that those malefactors will rue their misdeeds profoundly, sincerely, and for the rest of their miserable lives.

Update! Remember, you will never, ever convince this Soopergenius she isn’t much, much smarter and more evolved than you are.

Okay, who wants to tell this idiot?

With nitwits like Steinem and her execrable compadres in charge, the wonder isn’t that this poor, broken nation is in the sorry shape that it’s in, but that it isn’t much, much worse.


RIP Randy Weaver

One of the very worst of innumerable “FBI run amok” stories.

Randy Weaver has passed away. Three decades ago, he was entrapped by an ATF agent. Federal agents subsequently killed his son and wife. The Justice Department denied that anyone’s rights were violated but still paid a multi-million dollar settlement for the Weaver family’s wrongful death lawsuit. Federal abuses at Ruby Ridge, the subsequent FBI coverup, and the outrageous arguments that federal lawyers made in court to protect the FBI sniper helped awaken legions of Americans to the danger of boundless federal power.

On August 22, 1992,  FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi killed Vicki Weaver as she stood in the door of a cabin at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, holding her baby. The FBI initially claimed that killing Mrs. Weaver was justified and then later covered up key details and claimed it was accidental. FBI chief Louis Freeh pretended his agents had done nothing seriously wrong. After an Idaho prosecutor indicted Horiuchi for manslaughter, the Clinton administration Justice Department swayed a federal court to dismiss the case  based on the “supremacy clause” of the Constitution. But the Founding Fathers never intended for “federal supremacy” to nullify all of the Bill of Rights. Federal judge captured the soul of the case in a dissent that warned of the new  James Bond “007 standard for the use of deadly force” against American citizens. Kozinski summarized the case: “A group of FBI agents formulated rules of engagement that permitted their colleagues to hide in the bushes and gun down men who posed no immediate threat. Such wartime rules are patently unconstitutional for a police action.”

Though the FBI insisted its agents had behaved impeccably, the feds paid a $3 million wrongful death settlement to the Weaver family. A top FBI official was sent to prison for destroying key evidence in the case.

The FBI has become more powerful and more dangerous since Ruby Ridge.

It damned sure has at that, which is an abomination before God.

I’ve told the story here of meeting and hanging out with Weaver at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot one year. He was friendly and personable enough, although it would be stretching things a good bit to say he was gregarious. In the middle of an enraptured group of shooters who considered him to be something of a martyr/hero combination and were hanging on his every word, Weaver seemed to know he was among friends at KCR. But he remained slightly guarded nonetheless.

I was struck by how easy it was to see the anguish in the poor man’s eyes over having federal thugs murder his entire family right before his very eyes, for no good reason at all. Weaver’s pain was etched deeply in him like a burning brand, a wound still as fresh and raw as if his personal nightmare at the hands of an irredeemably evil government had taken place only the day before, rather than several years.

Rest now, Randy. No flesh and blood man could see the things you’ve seen and walk away with soul and spirit unscarred. May the pain and horror be far removed from you, now and forevermore.


BREAKING: DeSantis right again!!!

No news there, really; he almost always is.

Ron DeSantis: Requiring Permits for Concealed Carry is ‘Subcontracting Your Rights’
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is warning that requiring a permit for concealed carry subcontracts out constitutional rights to the whims of the person approving permit applications.

News4Jax noted that DeSantis described the concealed permitting process on Tuesday as a “licensing scheme” run by people who can take away your license if they so choose. The Governor made clear he wants to replace the permitting system with a constitutional carry framework.

Precisely so. As I always say: any time you must apply to the government for official permission and a license to exercise something you’ve deceived yourself into thinking of as a “right,” what you actually have is by definition not a right, but a privilege.

Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried is the individual who oversees concealed permitting in Florida. She is also a Democrat candidate for governor in the state. Fried responded to DeSantis by calling the push for constitutional carry “absurd political pandering from the governor of a state that has experienced some of the worst mass shootings in our country’s history.”

DeSantis also spoke about concealed permitting over the weekend, alluding to “the official in charge of these permits” but not calling out Fried by name.

The NRA quoted DeSantis saying “the official in charge of these permits doesn’t support Second Amendment rights.”

Right again, Ron, and it’s high time somebody found the intestinal fortitude to point it out, obvious as it is to some of us. The truth is, NO Demonrat supports the private ownership of firearms, contra whatever brazen lies they feel they must puke up during “election” season. Reflexive opposition to what the plainspoken, easily-understood language of the 2A says is a core prerequisite for acceptance as a Democrat Party candidate for elective office, any breach of which is grounds for immediate and summary expulsion.


“A Handgun Against an Army”

This deathless Mike Vanderboegh essay still pops back up now and again; I’ve linked to it three or four times since it first appeared myself, and almost certainly will again.

A friend of mine owns an instructive piece of history. It is a small, crude pistol [see the image at the top of this post], made out of sheet-metal stampings by the U.S. during World War II. While it fits in the palm of your hand and is a slowly-operated, single-shot arm, its powerful .45 caliber projectile will kill a man with brutal efficiency. With a short, smooth-bore barrel it can reliably kill only at point blank ranges, so its use requires the will (brave or foolhardy) to get in close before firing. It is less a soldier’s weapon than an assassin’s tool. The U.S. manufactured them by the millions during the war, not for our own forces but rather to be air-dropped behind German lines to resistance units in occupied Europe and Asia. They cost exactly two dollars and ten cents to make.

Crude and slow (the fired case had to be knocked out of the breech by means of a little wooden dowel, a fresh round procured from the storage area in the grip and then manually reloaded and cocked. It was so wildly inaccurate it couldn’t hit the broad side of a French barn at 50 meters, but to the Resistance man or woman who had no firearm it still looked pretty darn good.

The theory and practice of it was this: First, you approach a German sentry with your little pistol hidden in your coat pocket and, with Academy-award sincerity, ask him for a light for your cigarette (or the time the train leaves for Paris, or if he wants to buy some non-army-issue food or a half-hour with your “sister”). When he smiles and casts a nervous glance down the street to see where his Sergeant is, you blow his brains out with your first and only shot, then take his rifle and ammunition. Your next few minutes are occupied with “getting out of Dodge,” for such critters generally go around in packs. After that (assuming you evade your late benefactor’s friends) you keep the rifle and hand your little pistol to a fellow Resistance fighter so he can go get his own rifle.

Or, maybe, you then use your rifle to get a submachine gun from the Sergeant when he comes running. Perhaps you get very lucky and pick up a light machine gun, two boxes of ammunition and a haversack of hand grenades. With two of the grenades and the expenditure of a half-a-box of ammunition at a hasty roadblock the next night, you and your friends get a truck full of arms and ammunition. (Some of the cargo is sticky with “Boche” blood, but you don’t mind, not terribly.)

Pretty soon you’ve got the best armed little maquis unit in your part of France, all from that cheap little pistol and the guts to use it. (One wonders if the current political elite’s opposition to so-called “Saturday Night Specials” doesn’t come from some adopted racial memory of previous failed tyrants. For even cheap little pistols are a threat to oppressive regimes.)

They called the pistol the “Liberator.” Not a bad name, all in all.

It’s a perfect name, actually. If you haven’t yet read this important work, be sure you don’t fail to now. One of Mike’s most stirring, poignant passages:

The tyrant must be met at the door when he appears. At your door, or mine, wherever he shows his bloody appetite. He must be met by the pistol which can defeat an army. He must be met at every door, for in truth we outnumber him and his henchmen.

It matters not whether they call themselves Communists or Nazis or something else. It matters not what flag they fly, nor what uniform they wear. It matters not what excuses they give for stealing your liberty, your property or your life. “By their works ye shall know them.” The time is late. Those who once had trouble reading the hour on their watches have no trouble seeing by the glare of the fire at Waco. Few of us realized at the time that the Constitution was burning right along with the Davidians.

Now we know better.

We have had the advantage of that horrible illumination for more than fifteen years now — fifteen years in which the rule of law and the battered old parchment of our beloved Constitution have been smashed, shredded and besmirched by the Clintonistas. In this process they have been aided and abetted by the cowardly incompetence and venal avarice of the Republican party. They have forgotten Daniel Webster’s warning: “Miracles do not cluster. Hold on to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands — what has happened once in six thousand years may never happen again. Hold on to your Constitution, for if the American Constitution shall fail there will be anarchy throughout the world.”

Stirring, yes, although perhaps not in precisely the same way as when it was first published on Vanderboegh’s old site, Sipsey Street Irregulars, so many years ago; there’s a certain bitter flavor to it now as well, as we’ve been content to just sit idly back and watch so very much of what Mike warned us about come to pass, washing over us like the most dismal of tides. One final excerpt:

As a Christian, I cannot fear my own death, but rather I am commanded by my God to live in such a way as to make my death a homecoming. That this makes me incomprehensible and threatening to those who wish to be my masters is something I can do little about. I would suggest to them that they not poke their godless, tyrannical noses down my alley. As the coiled rattlesnake flag of the Revolution bluntly stated: “Don’t Tread on Me!” Or, as our state motto here in Alabama declares: “We Dare Defend Our Rights.”

But can a handgun defeat an army? Yes. It remains to be seen whether the struggle of our generation against the tyrants of our day in the first decade of the 21st Century will bring a restoration of liberty and the rule of law or a dark and bloody descent into chaos and slavery.

If it is to be the former, I will meet you at the new Yorktown.

If it is to be the latter, I will meet you at Masada.

But I will not be a slave.

Mike Vanderboegh died on his feet and not his knees—something that, as America That Was slips deeper into darkness and our time drip-drip-drips away, becomes more and more difficult to do. He was a skilled writer, and a passionate advocate for his nation, its proud history, and its Constitution. He was also a for-real, genuine Warrior, in all the best senses of the word. He left behind a mighty legacy for True Patriots and Freemen to profit from.

May you forever be at peace, my friend, bless your valiant soul.

(Via WRSA)


As the frog boils

Government of the People, by the People, and for the People has now perished from this Earth, to be replaced by government by Imperial Decree.

On Monday, the White House announced a new crack down on American’s Second Amendment rights — entirely bypassing Congress — and ruling by executive decree instead. The new rule attacks individuals who build their own firearms at home.

In response to Biden’s new dictate, Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky lambasted the president’s decision to bypass Congress and attack one of the key components of the Second Amendment.

The Constitution does not authorize the federal government to prevent you from making your own firearm. This a fact that has been recognized for 200+ years. Also, Article 1, Section 1 (literally the first operative sentence in the Constitution) says Congress makes law, not POTUS!

According to the new dictate, “this final rule bans the business of manufacturing the most accessible ghost guns, such as unserialized “buy build shoot” kits that individuals can buy online or at a store without a background check and can readily assemble into a working firearm in as little as 30 minutes with equipment they have at home.”

The rule also dictates that gun stores can no longer destroy their records after 20 years. These stores must turn over lists to the ATF of every gun purchased at their store so the ATF can maintain a running database of American gun owners.

Second, the final rule requires federally licensed firearms dealers to retain key records until they shut down their business or licensed activity. At that time, these dealers must transfer the records to ATF, just as they are currently required to do at the end of licensed activity. Previously, these dealers were permitted to destroy most records after 20 years, making it harder for law enforcement to trace firearms found at crime scenes.

It is unclear how this administration will treat the millions of gun owners who currently have these custom firearms in their homes.

Think so? Because it sure seems obvious enough to me.

This blatantly unlawful arrogation of power by whoever has his hand up Biden’s shirt making his mouth move serves to underscore what I always say: If you have to apply to government for a license or permit in order to exercise some putative “right” or other, it isn’t a right at all; by definition, it is a privilege.


From my cold, dead hands,

Keep talking, bitch. You just keep right on talking.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says Nothing Will Deter Biden Administration from Eliminating Fossil Fuels
s more people become aware of the Build Back Better agenda, or as some would say “The Great Reset,” and its direct connection to the dreams and aspirations of the climate change ideologues in the elitist class, it is worth paying attention when Yellen says nothing will deter the Biden administration from eliminating fossil fuels; and it is her role to make that objective financially possible.

Yellen emphasizes the Biden administration position about how the conflict in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia are an example of why the global energy resources need to fundamentally change to renewable resources.  Her strength of advocacy, in alignment with the Davos/WEF position, is yet another data-point to highlight the predictable cleaving of the world economies into two distinctly differing groups of nations.

It doesn’t matter how economically painful it is to chase these energy policies, the elitists who operate western government are all-in on the same program.  The same western governments who used totalitarian emergency powers to destroy liberty and freedom under the guise of COVID-19 mitigation, are the same western governments now aligned to use the crisis in Ukraine to advance their energy ideology.

They’re almost there, actually, with sky-high gas prices inflicting slow-motion financial ruin on working-class American families—very soon now, on tens of millions of Americans. If our tormentors are not stopped, we’ll soon see entire industries wiped out by the Biden catastrophe. Next body-blow coming at us is a nascent food crisis: severe shortages; exorbitant prices for the little food available; irrepairable supply-chain snags and snarl-ups which will make things much, much worse, all culminating in something never seen in the US before: widespread hunger, famine, malnutrition and even death by starvation.

Although it’s no longer possible to avert this runaway man-caused disaster, it may not be too late to prevent it from getting even worse than it’s going to be. That, however, is going to mean rounds sent downrange in the direction of the criminals who caused this, from great distances off, followed by a rapid exfil when today’s target has been successfully neutralized. It’s going to mean laying low so as to evade capture until it’s time to begin planning, intel-gathering, and gearing up for the next mission. It’s going to mean a solid support network in your AO, noncombatants willing and able to provide you and your team with materiel, provisions, intel, maybe a secure hide for emergency E&E purposes should the need arise. It’s going to mean adapting yourself to a totally new way of thinking, of moving, of how you relate to others—a new way of life, in fact.

When and where Liberty’s Legion decides to go active and begin servicing targets will be for them to decide. Those of us who aren’t capable of functioning effectively as shooters will need to stand ready to fill other roles, of which there will be no shortage: medical, logistics, loading mags, staff, making coffee, etc etc. Anything we can do, we must do—ALL of the liberty-minded, no exceptions. Our freedom, our Constitution, and our way of life will require every last Real American to step up and do his part if our precious heritage is to be reclaimed. There will never be enough of us; I think it’s abundantly clear by now that we’re outnumbered, and badly. Contra Rush Limbaugh’s oft-stated contention, this is NOT a “majority conservative” nation anymore. I don’t think it’s been one since the mid-1960s.

But our minority status doesn’t mean we have no hope of defeating them. The Yellens, the Obamas, the Pelosis, the Comeys and Soroses, the whole filthy vermins’ nest of them—they can NOT be allowed to prevail. We know their intentions for us, and we know their Grand Plan means only suffering, deprivation, and injustice for us. They must be resisted; they must be fought; they must be eliminated, if that’s what it takes to lift their iron-shod jackboots from off our necks for good. All their works, their towers and edifices, their strongholds—ALL must be cast down to the earth alongside those who built them. We can afford no flinching, no quarter, no mercy. Our hearts must be hardened, our eyes wide open, our hand swift, sure, and steel-strong. They have a dark, cruel future planned for us. We must destroy them utterly, lest that future become cold, hard reality for us. We can beat them, outnumbered or not. We just have to go the right way about it, the smart way. We have to be firm as a bar of billet steel in our resolve; we have to be patient, we have to use every advantage, every edge, every tool available to us.

So yeah, Janet, you just bring it on. You and yours go ahead and do your damnedest to “eliminate” fossil fuels. Old-school greasemonkeys like myself and untold millions like me might have a little surprise waiting for you, concerning who and what might wind up “eliminated.” You want to come confiscate MY ICE lead sled from me and force me into one of your gay-ass little Shamebuggies, you better bring help.

Real Americans desperately need to face up squarely to the harsh realities of our situation, which is indeed a desperate one. First and foremost among those realities: We cannot vote our way around these people. They will never give up or give in. Whatever we offer them in exchange for just leaving us alone, they will take the offer now, then come back for another bite later. We know from long, bitter years of experience, that no bargain or agreement with them is worth a fart in a whirlwind. Knowing this, we simply cannot fail to do our duty, both to ourselves and our future generations. I am deadly, deadly serious about what I’m saying, people. We play now for the highest imaginable stakes. This one’s for all the marbles—winner take all, no prizes for second place.

Be it hereby resolved: no more lethargy, no more dissembling, no more evasion. This is war we’ve been dragged kicking and screaming into—real war, not figurative or rhetorical or pretend. REAL war, the kind with lots of blood and death and horror and mutilation in it. Kill them all, then, God will surely know his own. Kill them, and keep on killing them, until the survivors have grown so sick of killing they just wrefuse to do any more of it. Or, in the wise words of the great Curtis LeMay: You’ve got to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough they stop fighting.


SHTF plan

Herschel posts a video of a bipedal parasite.

I wouldn’t embed this video except that I have actually talked to people like this.  Yes, to someone who told me he was arming himself (and even minimizing ammunition purchases) but planned to take what ammunition he had and steal ammo and food from other people.

I’m not kidding.

That’s certainly bad enough, but individuals like this can be dealt with as and when they crop up. There’s another thieving predator out there, though—a much more fearsome one.

Like him, I’ve also met people who openly talk in such terms. They’ve spent thousands of dollars on their guns, accessories, ammo and the like, but very little on everyday necessities that will be in short supply if (when) trouble comes. They consider themselves well prepared for emergencies, but in reality they’re only prepared to rob those who have prepared well for emergencies.

Bear in mind, too, that this is a very likely official response in an emergency. I’ve seen it time and time again in real life in the Third World, and there’s plenty of history of it in the First World too. In a crisis, the authorities mostly won’t have reserve supplies to feed people, but they’ll be under pressure by a huge number of folks demanding that they “do something!” There’s not much they can do, except take whatever supplies they can find from those who have them, under cover of a proclamation of a state of emergency.  If you check your state’s and town’s laws and statutes, you’ll almost certainly find legal authorization for such proclamations, including the right for theauthorities to take whatever they need from anywhere or anyone to deal with the emergency. It’s standard legal boilerplate, and it’s ubiquitous. (Look at the official seizure of firearms in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and how the authorities confiscated whatever they needed from those who had it – including cops looting stores right alongside “regular” looters. Learn from that example. If it happened there, it can happen where you are, too.)

If things go to hell in a handbasket, expect official proclamations forbidding “hoarding”, and demanding that those who have, share with those who have not. When the nice policemen come door to door, demanding to search your property (without a warrant) and confiscate half or more of your supplies to feed those who don’t have them, they won’t take “No” for an answer. They’ll have their orders. They’ll also have their own families that need food; and their bosses (political and/or law enforcement) will have made it clear to them that if they don’t produce the goods from the community, they and their families won’t eat either. If you try to stop them, you’ll be lucky to escape with an arrest and a beating. In a Third World nation, you’ll likely eat a bullet or three if you’re so stupid.

If grasshoppers think that an ant has food, they’ll come a-running. If some of those grasshoppers are well-armed individuals who think they can take what they need from you, as discussed in the video above, you’d best have some means on hand to deter them – or stop them the hard way.

Hey, I’m good with that. In a SHTF situation, my plan is to shoot first, early, and repeatedly, until not one skel is left upright. As one of Herschel’s commenters reminds us: The training period is coming to an end, use the remaining time well. Indeed so.

A loud silence

A crucial aspect of the Roosia/Ukraine dustup that should obviously be driven home with a nine-pound hammer, but somehow hasn’t been to date.

It’s almost three weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as this is being written, although, according to The Irish Times, to hear the United Nations tell it, it’s neither an “invasion” nor a “war.”

“Use ‘conflict’ or ‘military offensive’ and NOT ‘war’ or ‘invasion’ when referring to the situation in Ukraine,” the director of the UN Regional Information Centre instructed staffers via email. “Do NOT add the Ukrainian flag to personal or official social media accounts or websites.”

At first, the UN Spokesperson Twitter account tweeted that report was fake. Then they deleted the tweet. Another UN official said the email was real but not official policy. A later email “suggests the language policy regarding Ukraine was updated to reverse the initial guidance and allow for the use of ‘war’ and ‘invasion’.”

Now that we’ve got that settled…

The above example is a microcosm of the state of information (misinformation, disinformation, and real information) coming from both sides of the wa… uh … conflict, compounded by the same quality of information coming from observer countries with their own agendas. From this, Americans are deriving their assessments of credibility colored by their own confirmation biases, and in some cases, we’re seeing examples of cognitive dissonance that flat-out conflict with positions they’ve taken before.

That includes from the “right” as well as the “left,” and what that’s doing is diverting attention away from the one now-undeniable truth that destroys the “gun control” narrative: An armed populace is essential to a nation’s security. Citizen disarmament works to the advantage of a nation’s enemies.

So, instead of relentlessly hammering that point to where it cannot be ignored by that part of the electorate still receptive to reason, some “conservatives” are dividing into camps and descending into squabbles, with no small amount of name-calling, accusations, and vitriol.

Later in the piece Correia casually tosses in an aside that caught my eye. I’ll boldface the part I found interesting:

EDITOR’S NOTE: There have been many inaccurate reports that President Zelenskyy gave Ukraine a 2nd Amendment and just ordered the military pass out machine guns to the public, this is not the case. Any citizen who wants to join the Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces must show a passport and/or other form of Ukrainian identification, take an oath, and immediately undergo military training. At that time, they will be issued a firearm (registered to them) which is most likely an AK-74 rifle. These Ukrainian citizens are then considered to be Ukrainian military. There have been no changes to Ukrainian gun laws since the invasion at the time of this writing.

An AK-74, is it? Seems a bit odd; the ’74 is nothing like as ubiquitous as its bigger, older brother. It’s chambered in the 5.45×39mm round, something of an odd duck compared to the venerable and available-everywhere 7.62×39mm the ’47 rouna. Makes me wonder if it might not have been a typo. Anyhoo.

Codrea goes on at some length from there, deftly making several other key points along the way. Well worth a look, I’d say.

Well done, Mister LaForge

The ones they want to ban most are the very ones they ought to be forced to read, up to and including putting a gun to their empty heads if that’s what it takes.

Literacy advocate, Star Trek star, and game show host LeVar Burton wants people, particularly children, to read banned books. The former Reading Rainbow host appeared during a segment about banned books on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. In the piece, Burton attempts to read some seemingly innocuous books only to get cut off because of a book banning for one contrived reason or another. Eventually, Burton runs away after hearing sirens nearby, but not before encouraging folks to read banned books “because that’s where the good stuff is.” You can watch the entire The Daily Show segment below.

The topic of banned books reached new heights when a Tennessee school district banned Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Maus, which chronicles the cartoonist’s father’s experiences in a concentration camp during the holocaust. Many have rallied against this movement, including author and CBLDF supporter Neil Gaiman, who wrote, “There’s only one kind of people who would vote to ban Maus, whatever they are calling themselves these days.”

They can call themselves anything they damned well please, but the song always remains the same with creatures like these. and always will.


Courting the ban-hammer

A bit of background will be needed on this one, folks. To wit:

Way back when Twitter first got cranked up, I was persuaded by a lovely and charming lady friend from the halcyon days when we were both working at the venerable and now-defunct Cheap Jack’s vintage clothing store on Broadway near Union Square—Heather by name, now residing in northern Califruitopia a stone’s throw from Sacramento, or she was last I heard anyways—to procure myself both a Twatter and a LinkedIn account, the better for us to keep in touch with. Never once have I bothered using either of them, although naturally I still receive multiple annoying e-mails from them every single damned day—along with same-same from Imgur, which outfit to my sure and certain knowledge I have never signed up for at all.

That said, I have now been driven to Tweet my first Tweet.

Wooden tit be awesome if my very first Twat wound up getting me banned for life? I think so. More from GP.

A Massachusetts liberal activist visiting his parents in Merrimack, New Hampshire over the Thanksgiving holiday had a meltdown over a gun store’s window display that features posters criticizing Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein and Anthony Fauci, calling the display a “call to violence.” Nothing in the display explicitly or implicitly calls for violence. Apparently however, exercising First and Second Amendment rights is seen as a call to violence by this liberal activist.

Ben Jackson, a writer and producer who works with actress Alyssa Milano on her Sorry Not Sorry podcast, posted a photo of the store, 619DW Guns & Ammo, with the statement, “This is the gun shop in my parents town. Don’t fucking tell me this isn’t a call to violence. Don’t tell me gun culture isn’t sick to its very core. #NoRA #MerrimackNH #NHPolitics”

Jackson was further triggered by Guns & Ammo’s requirement that patron not wear masks in the store, posting a photo a sign in the door that reads, “Stop & Read: We Draw Guns on Masked Visitors – Take Your Mask Off before Entering.”

This is not the first time 619DW Gun & Ammo triggered liberals over their window display. A poster of Barack Obama captioned “Firearms Salesman of the Year” drew complaints in 2013.

Sounds like my kind of gun store. In my inaugural Twat, unfortunately, I totes forgot to include the appropriate “hashtags,” which are apparently de rigeur in that little demi-monde, I guess: #ComeAndTakeThem, #AnyTimeYouFeelFroggy, #CryMeARiverShitlibs, #BulletsFirst.

And with that, I hereby announce my permanent retirement from Twatter. Thanks so much, everyone, you’ve been a wonderful audience.


One for Big Country

I’m QUITE sure he knows about this deal already, but just in case it got by him somehow.

$799.99 $599.99

The patent-pending Pulsefire is the ultimate compact, lightweight, fully handheld flamethrower that sends a blast of fire 25 feet away with the press of a button. Fill it like any other outdoor tool. With the system off, unscrew the cap and pour in gasoline or a gas/diesel mixture. When the battery gets low, take it out and charge it or swap in a spare to keep bringing the heat. The Exothermic Technologies Pulsefire is the safest and most effective way to apply fire at a distance. Includes everything you need to get up and running, besides fuel!

Is there a reason I immediately thought of BCE when I saw Bill’s mention, you ask? Why, yes. Yes, there is. Tried to embed the blasted vidya but it didn’t seem to be an option, so you’ll just have to motor on down to the end of the post to see it. Trust me, the maniacal laughter alone is well worth the wear and tear on your scrolling finger.


An unlooked-for victory: SUCK IT, BITCHES!!!

Whenever they’re unhappy, Real Americans should rejoice.

Anytime you feel froggy enough, Commie. As another great American once put it, I have five dollars for each of you.

If they couldn’t lie, they’d be unable to speak at all.

Whatevs, assholes. I believe Kyle Rittenhouse to be a genuine, true-blue American hero, and don’t give a single shit that you consider him, me, and every Dissident Right patriot white supremacists, fascists, Nazis, racists, and extremists. You and all your fellow-traveling Reds please do feel free to go fuck yourselves blind, then die in a fire and descendeth into Hell to burn for a thousand years. NOW what?

With that brief sampling of The Enemy’s excruciating agony upon witnessing the scarifying spectacle of actual justice being done despite all their best efforts to prevent it, we’ll leave off pointing and laughing at them for the nonce to bring you this deathless reminder that, for all sane, upstanding, non-evil folks, their bitter tears are as the sweetest wine.

Lap it up, fellow Hitlerians. I insisted Kyle would go down, making this another of those extremely rare (a-HENH!) occasions when I have to admit I was wrong, and couldn’t be happier about it. Not a difficult thing, in this instance, this being by far the best-tasting crow I ever had to eat.

Update! To anyone in need of an explanation as to why the Rittenhouse verdict might cause such anguish in Progtardia, there’s a very simple one.

Swiped from WeirdDave, with my thanks.

Update! Courageous, unflappable under unimaginable pressure in the heat of battle, supremely competent, a bona fide hero? One of Herschel’s commenters concisely lays out the case for why you just better believe he is, bub.

This 17-year-old kid was alone, under attack on his life, and beaten to the ground. And in defending himself he managed to harm exactly zero people who were not actively attempting to kill him. Think about that for a moment. How many trained adults could keep their heads — and their aim — that steady under anything like those circumstances? Have to hope he manages to bankrupt several MSM outlets and personages; he’s going to need years to recover from what just happened to him, and he’ll need all the resources he can get.

Agreed, right down the line, without hesitation. This admirable young man is nothing short of exemplary, a marvelous role model every Real American can only hope and pray their own teenagers will try to emulate.


A testing of mettle

Fuck around. Find out.

MOB JUSTICE: Judge, jurors threatened in Rittenhouse, Daunte Wright trials
In recent days, BLM and antifa activists have issued threats to the Judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial as well as the jurors. Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with multiple counts of homicide as well as unlawful possession of a firearm in the wake of Black Lives matter riots in Kenosha. Since the beginning of the trial, activists have attempted to doxx jurors as well as the judge. Businesses in Kenosha have already started preparing for potential unrest following the verdict, with police increasing their presence in and around the courthouse during the trial.

George Floyd’s nephew, Cortez Rice, has issued veiled threats to the jurors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, with the support of Unicorn Riot, an antifa affiliated organization. “I ain’t even gonna name the people that I know that’s up in the Kenosha trial,” Rice said. “But it’s cameras in there.It’s definitely cameras up in there. There’s definitely people taking pictures of the juries and everything like that. We know what’s going on.” “so we need the same results, man.” said Rice in a video released today. Rice has a history of intimidating jurors and judges in prominent cases, coordinating with antifa and BLM activists. In the Daunte Wright case, Rice located the apartment of the female judge presiding over the case and stood outside the door of her home.

I have to say, Sh’Qw’onzellationabloobalubu—may I call you Sh’Qw’onzellationabloobalubu?—that I agree with you completely. We do indeed need the same results, man. Which I interpret as Yo’ ign’ant, woithless ayess lyin’ in da muhfuggin’ skreet, bleedin’ the fuck out. Nomesayn, muh niggah? DASS wussup! A good, stiff dose of what I think I’m gonna call The Rittenhouse Cure would be just the thing to put you right, Sh’Qw’onzellationabloobalubu…once and for all.

Rittenhouse faces multiple felony charges in the aftermath of the unrest in Kenosha. Prosecutors have attempted to build a case against Rittenhouse by portraying him as reckless and aggressive, while the defense has produced evidence of violent intent on the part of protesters who chased Rittenhouse down. Witnesses have testified that Joseph Rosenbaum, one of the shooting victims in the Rittenhouse case, issued death threats to Rittenhouse, “If I catch any of you guys alone tonight I’m going to f—ing kill you!” a key witness testified in the case.

The below Tweet includes a vid of Sh’Qw’onzellationabloobalubu running his stupid mouth about “juss’uss ‘n’ shit,” who knows or cares. Yes, he looks, dresses, and speaks EXACTLY as you’d expect he would.

Yeah, civilized Whypeepuh ought to be able to live peaceably cheek-by-jowl with THIS primordial knuckledragger, don’tchathink? The question before us is, are we sure we really want to? Sadly, terrifyingly even, the issue here is much bigger than just that, and Miguel at GFZ knows exactly what it is.

This is the end of our judicial system.

Conviction in court obtained by mob coercion of the jury.

We must protect our juries at all costs or we might as well cut out the middle man and go straight to trial by Twitter poll.

Little late for that, I’m afraid. Any system this thoroughly rotten can only be razed to the ground, then rebuilt from scratch. But there’s an even larger, more fiercely-burning issue yet, in my own estimation. Now as it happens, I’ve been struggling over lo, the past several days to finish up a post on the Rittenhouse trial which spells it all out as well as I’ll ever be able to. Thus I shall shameless quote myself:

I’m just gonna come right out and say it: When Rittenhouse is unjustly convicted and harshly sentenced—as he will be, have no doubt whatsoever about that—I hope to God that there will be a massive, nationwide uprising in response. No, I ain’t kidding. I’d think it a joyous occasion if very urban shithole coast to coast got itself well and truly trashed as retribution for the up-close-and-personal destruction by the State of yet another of our own whose only real offense was his refusal to kneel in submission to the day’s prevailing PC platitudes and shibboleths, in defense of a young life the PCPTB regards as without value. If the cities burned in precise proportion to the damage wrought by last year’s “mostly peaceful” Saint George Of Fentanyl gatherings, I’d celebrate with a nice, stiff drink the night the deal went down, watching on TeeWee and laughing myself sick.

Everybody on this side of the Great Schism needs to fully square themselves with the implacable reality that Kyle Rittenhouse is by no means the only one on trial here. In a way that closely parallels Heritage America’s relationship with Donald Trump, Kyle isn’t just some lone, random kid who got his butt caught in the blades of Amerikan dysfunction, an unfortunate predicament for him but of no real import to the rest of us. We may find his fate unsettling, unconscionable, perhaps unacceptable. But for some, the whole mess has kind of a faraway feel about it, as being not a thing that we need to be concerned about just yet. I mean, yeah, it’s terrible thing, I know. You gotta hate it for the boy’s parents, how awful this must be for them. But ultimately, it’s not really our problem, right?

Wrong. What Kyle has become, now, today, this very moment, is a symbol. What we have here before us is a heretofore unassuming, ordinary Joe who was suddenly transmogrified by extraordinary circumstances into a representational stand-in for EVERY Heritage American, in both body and spirit—an unlooked-for bolt out of the blue that blasted him into a role I strongly suspect he’d be very uncomfortable with, and wholly unhappy about.

And lest you believe you could never find yourself in circumstances similar to the one that has forever altered Kyle’s life—forced to employ lethal measures so as to preserve your very existence against marauding, lawless proto-simians, whether singly or in a mob—you are completely, dangerously mistaken. Even a fairly inattentive observer of current events could put you wise to the unpleasant facts on the ground, and probably ought to. Hell, a brief look in on any evening Teewee “news” show, dishonest and unreliable as they all are, might do the trick.

So here we all are, then: officially up to our clavicles in the Real, the Bad, and the Scary, folks. Kyle Rittenhouse should not, MUST NOT be abandoned to face alone the full might of the self-same Enemy who is certain to turn his Lidless Eye on the rest of us once he’s been allowed to destroy Rittenhouse without some serious opposition. Kyle is the personification of absolutely everything the wholesome, clean-living, responsible young American ought to be. Consider also that, his derring-do and extreme competence aside, the guy is after all just a kid. Then ask yourself: Can we really be the kind of people who would sit passively back and allow the vicious, soulless Left Establishment machine to sink its talons into him and rip him into bloody gobbets unchallenged? Can we blandly tolerate a guiltless youth being thrown into prison for the rest of his natural life in punishment for actions that are, in practical and moral terms, entirely justified?

In Patrick Henry’s immortal words: Forbid it, Almighty God! Many of our less-patient compatriots have fretted themselves into near-despair over what fresh outrage might be the one to spur their hesitant fellows to action at long, long last. What, they’ve lamented, will be our Hill Worth Dying On? Do we even have one at all, or no? In answer, I hereby nominate the Flensing of Kyle Rittenhouse as a worthy for the title of that Ultimate Hill. There are plenty of reasons in support of the idea, not least of which is what our response to this balls-out mockery of justice should it come to pass—flaccid or vigorous, forceful or feeble—will tell The Enemy about us. What unspeakable atrocities are likely to be inspired by his newly gleaned knowledge of our character and courage should we prove ourselves lacking in those qualities, with a shrug of our collective shoulders and an averting of our eyes, while the aggregation of slavering monsters utterly destroys another of us without retaliation? Will we embolden the Enemy further by backing down to let him have his awful way with one of our own AGAIN? Or will we stand firm this time and refuse him another unearned victory?

We’ll learn soon enough what we’re truly made of, looks like.


Oh, snap!

Another good Tucker bitch-slap.

CARLSON: So on its way out of Afghanistan, the Biden administration left behind an awful lot of Americans but also nearly $90 billion in military equipment. How much is that? Well, only two countries on the planet have a military budget larger, China and the United States. So, the Taliban now have the best-equipped military of its size in the history of the world.

What do they have? Well, according to a tally by The Times of London, the Taliban just received more than 22,000 Humvees, more than 50,000 trucks, and other armored vehicles, as well as a sizable Air Force. It comes with four C-130 transport planes, dozens of other fixed-wing aircraft, and up to 350 combat helicopters. The Taliban now has more Blackhawks than many developed nations, and those are just the vehicles.

Taliban soldiers also got more than 350,000 American rifles, 126,000 handguns, and approximately 64,000 heavy machine guns. It’s quite an arsenal. It’s all at your expense.

It’s a disaster, obviously, but it also makes for a striking contrast with what is happening in this country. At the very moment, the White House is arming our new friends, the Taliban. They are working hard to disarm you.

Whether or not it makes the news, it is happening. The administration just announced quietly. It is banning some of the most commonly purchased ammunition in the United States. This move will certainly and intentionally lead to severe shortages in this country. That’s why they did it.

Joe Biden himself has said repeatedly, he would like to prevent you from owning the firearms that most Americans use to defend themselves and their families, and those efforts are now accelerating.

So how about this as an answer? No. You’re not allowed to give more than half a million guns to the Taliban, guns that we paid for, and then try and take our guns away in this country. Sorry, that’s not how it works. So, shut up and back off.

Not one more word about gun control from these people until they get back every single rifle from Kandahar. That is the rule.

You gotta love it, which I do. At the same time, it becomes more apparent every day that you gotta be ready to back it up too. And I don’t mean with voting, lawsuits, and/or snappy quips, either. Gonna take something quite a bit more concrete than that, I’m afraid.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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