Breaking news FLASH: Dog bites man!!!

Oh me oh my oh merciful Mother o’ God, whatever shall we DO? ALL IS LOST…

Ho fucking HUM. Insty calls it in his usual pithy, concise way.


Heh. Indeed. Sorry, STILL don’t give a drippy fart what scumsack pseudo-Repugnicunt Shitlick Soozie Collins© thinks, says, or does, about anything whatsoever. Nor her stupid, sorry-ass supporters neither. Now I do admit, being nonchalant and imperturbable is not the default response for me. But in this case, I am willing to make an exception.

Update! I will point out one amusing aspect to this otherwise flaccid, deadly-dull item of (no) interest: evidently, this Stretchsnizz Collins (non)person foolishly seems to think, per her “announcement,” that there might possibly be somebody out there somewhere who actually DOES care about what she thinks, says, or does. Okay, so who wants to break it to her…?

Ow that SMARTS update! Commenter Tom Smith tears her a new one.

Correia gives Collins too much credit.

Regular red-state America doesn’t waste its time even to form an opinion about Susan Collins.

YEEOWTCH! Good one Tom, and so, so true.

The Soviet origins of “he has a cold”

How very fitting for the D卐M☭CRATs, nyet?

A 1997 Time Magazine piece reminds 2024 Americans that this “has a cold” business has a long and storied legacy in the Soviet Union. 

The Kremlin has a credibility problem when it comes to presidential health. The first time officials announced Yeltsin had a head cold, while he was running for re-election in the summer of 1996, it turned out to be a loose synonym for a near fatal heart attack. For the rest of the year, he was prostrate and the country was paralyzed. A multiple-bypass operation in November 1996 seemed to bring a miracle recovery. Then two months later, Yeltsin came down with another “cold”–this time, his aides said, the result of a post-sauna chill. This cold quickly metamorphosed into pneumonia and two more months of anxiety, political stagnation and fruitless discussion about the presidential succession. [emphasis added]

Now go back to that quote and replace the word “Kremlin” with White House, replace Yeltsin with Biden, and “officials” with Ron Klain and Barack Obama.

Zee Pahty’s political minders sent out the talking points to their minions, but on debate night, when Joe couldn’t finish a sentence, they knew they couldn’t cover for him anymore. Biden had been cramming, prepping, resting, and taking concoctions and infusions for a week to get ready for the prime-time debate, but President Calling-A-Lid at 10 a.m. still couldn’t handle a 90-minute TV exchange with Team Biden moderators. 

Legacy news outlets, like American Pravda’s Joe Scarborough and Izvestia’s Joy Reid were busted. They couldn’t pass off Joe’s decline by dismissing it as a right-wing conspiracy theory any longer. They admitted, without using words, that they’d been lying to the American public about Joe Biden’s health. Either that, or they are the dumbest people in America. Both can be true.

Just wait until they “find out” about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Joe Biden’s open border, the conspiracy to jail Trump, Joe’s influence peddling, and who left cocaine at the White House.

Ayup—and then, the Repugnicunts don’t do a single damned thing about any of it. Because, y’know, Repugnicunts.


Moar Verdict fallout

Leave it to the ever-brilliant CatTurd to hit the Vichy GOpers with it like a brickbat to the kisser. It’s another damnable “Read more…” Tweet, so I’ll just skip the embedding and cut straight to the transcription chase.

Catturd ™


Dear Republican Party 



I don’t want to hear another damn word about Ukraine.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about Israel.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about GAZA.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about Taiwan.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about any other country except the USA, you America-last war pigs. 

The fascist Democrat Party has completely destroyed our country from within, we have a wide open border, and they’re shitting on the Constitution while you spineless, coward losers get rich on insider trading, rage tweet, and talk about your “principles.”

They’re literally arresting their political opponents and their lawyers and having kangaroo communists show trials – and you pitiful, worthless losers are doing absolutely nothing.

If you don’t have balls to fight for freedom – RESIGN!!!

At this late date, there’s little if any point to wagging my fingers in anybody’s face concerning the fact that the GOPe’s notorious unwillingness to show fight isn’t due to any lack of balls, but to the fact that they’re actually complicit. No matter; CatTurd’s general sentiment here remains valid, and the point is still worth making. Updates to follow…

Update! Our blog-bud Aesop brings the pain, bruise, and agony (to quote the inimitable American Dream, Dusty Rhodes) perfectly.

The meaning of today’s verdict is actually quite simple:

The Democrat Party hereby announces that they have formally seceded from the United States Of America.

This announcement, therefore, makes them nothing less, at best, than seditious criminals and rebellious traitors, and as such, liable to hanging or shooting on sight, wherever and whenever found, top to bottom, and coast to coast.

The only open question is not any longer whether there will be an open, shooting civil war, but when it will commence being a range with the firing line fully open in both directions.

That’s not an incitement to anyone, nor intended as any such thing; it’s merely a statement of facts.

Whether the nation rises up as one and purges the rot, or doesn’t, there is an immutable Truth smacking us all in the face:

America That Once Was Is 


It didn’t die of natural causes. 

The Democratic Party Killed It.

All that remains to be seen, from now going forward, is whether We, the People, have the stones to hold them and their members accountable for the murder, round them up, and begin the mass hangings or shootings on sight such a calculated and treasonous criminal act demands.

If not, this was the moment when we began our irreversible slide into being Amerizuela, with all the trimmings, for years to decades.

Absitively, posolutely, indubitably so. You don’t have to like it, and when it comes right down to the nut-cutting, you really, really shouldn’t. You DO have to admit the inescapable truth of it, and disport yourselves accordingly.

And speaking of the Best Dressed Man in Wrestling, well, what the hey.

Y’know, I watched Dusty wrestle for years until his retirement from the ring, whereupon he joined Mean Gene Okerlund in the WCW broadcast booth as a blow-by-blow announcer, and I swear I think he was actually more entertaining on the mic than he was in the squared circle. Which, y’know, is really saying something.

Updated update! Don Surber, too, knows the score.

Of course they will send him to prison
Of course they convicted him. There is no justice in New York City. The Mafia proved that a century ago when it bought off the judges. The corruption runs deep and putrid in the city that never sleeps. Alvin the Chipmunk Bragg ran for prosecutor on a platform of letting criminals run rampant and bringing Donald Trump down. No one should be surprised by the 34 cries of guilty by a jury of liberal sheep.

New Yorkers love living in swill. They brag about their swill city and its diversity and rightly so.

There are black victims of violent crime. There are white victims of violent crime. There are Asian victims of violent crime. There are Hispanic victims of violent crime. There are Jewish victims of violent crime.

New Yorkers laugh and mock the victims because the city sides with the bad guys. Criminals no longer have to post bail. Businessmen who take out loans and repay them with interest, however, must post millions of dollars in bond to appeal a ridiculous verdict.

The clean and relatively crime-free city that Rudy Giuliani bequeathed to New Yorkers has gone back to rot.

New Yorkers are responsible for this. This is the life they chose. They elect the corrupt and communistic.

Judge Juan Merchan does their bidding because most New Yorkers hate decency and they hate the rule of law. This is a city that honors a career criminal and drug addict — George Floyd — while making the author of the Declaration of Independence a pariah.

All perfectly true and accurate, no argument to make from here, as far as it goes. Unfortunately, it’s worse than that though: nowadays, it applies not just to NYC alone, Don. Not by a long yard, it don’t. Surber waxes even more depressingly prophetic from there, before finally collapsing in an exhausted heap on the old reliable standby. To wit:

Judge Merchan deliberately gave Trump a trial riddled with errors that demand an appellate court to overturn him.

That won’t happen because everyone knows John Roberts is a pawn of the deep state and the trio of justices that Trump appointed to the high court fear the mob will go after their kids and their loved ones. That fear is well-founded. Why would a lower appellate court even take the case on?

Judge Merchan will put Trump in prison. He has to or the DNC’s checks to his daughter won’t clear the bank.

The state will proceed to confiscate all of Trump’s property — including Mar-a-Lago which will trigger a decades-long legal battle between Florida and New York, which will end when Floridians foolishly elect a Democrat governor.

The only hope the nation has left is to elect Trump president on November 5.

Dude, SRSLY?!? All the power, all the Überstadt muscle being flexed, the unabashed, in-your-face lawlessness and brazen criminality, extending from the Oval Office all the way down to the most benighted, semi-sentient shitlib NYC juror—yet somehow, some way, you think Trump is going to win the next sure-to-be-rigged “election”? Sorry—agreeable though it is to idly imagine, I still just can’t quite see it happening; as comforting fantasies go, it’s the pure, the blushful Hoppocrene. If that truly IS the only hope we have left, then in practical terms we have no hope at all.

Update to the updated update! It occurs to me that, even now, “What next?” is the wrong question. What Real Americans need to be asking themselves (and each other) is, “Okay, what the hell are we gonna do about this shit?” Think proactive, not reactive, people. Although defense might sometimes forestall defeat, it’s offense that wins the game. That mindset has been axiomatic with every great football coach since Vince Lombardi, every great general since at least George Patton.

One of the primary reasons the Confederacy’s Robert E Lee believed deep in his soul that his breakaway nation was foredoomed to ultimate defeat was the various cold, implacable realities that forced him and his boss President Jeff Davis to adopt the strategic defensive, rather than the offensive they both greatly preferred. The two great men discussed this very issue many times over the course of the war; neither of them was happy about it, but they never managed to find a way around their dilemna.


Convergence of opinion

Lessee now, what’s that they say about great minds thinking alike…? A-HENH!

Disband the Republican Party
The time to end the Republican party is now, right now. I don’t care that it’s right before an election. As if elections meant anything and if they don’t, it’s because of the Republican party. The Republican party refused to take election tampering seriously. They were the ones who refused to take these cases to court, despite the overwhelming evidence of election interference, looking the other way when presented with voter fraud. If the Republican party cannot defend the rights of its constituents, but merely act as adjunct Democrats, the party should be abolished and reconstituted with those who recognize the dangers of unlimited debt, runaway inflation and a world turning away from the dollar as a prime reserve currency and the medium for purchasing petroleum.

The Republican party has funded the spying on American citizens by domestic intelligence services, the FBI and DOJ. They have funded the wide-open border. They have funded the UN who spread that largesse out to the NGOs who organize these caravans of illegals flooding the borders. They funded the instructions to vote for Biden when they made it to America. The Republican party is working in cooperation with the Democrats/communists to harm the American people. They are doing so arrogantly and with impunity, because the greater share of their constituents are afraid to abandon the party.

Fear not! Nothing our government can do to us will be any worse under Democrat rule than what we have recently witnessed from the Republicans. It might even help. As the Democrats rule through terrorism and hatred it might inspire some sort of resistance, but if the Republicans remain in charge, there will always be that sense that something better might come of it. It’s too late, they have been complicit in too many bad things, unwilling to do the good and responsible things, allowed all sorts of crimes to be committed under their noses and have not lifted a finger to put a stop to it, nor will they.

The imprisonment of Donald Trump, or even defeating him at the ballot box out of lack of interest on the part of the Republicans, is an opportunity to tear down the scaffolding around a corrupt uniparty system.

Watching those Ukrainian flags wave from the floor of the House was a sickening sight and one that could only be accomplished by a treasonous band of greedy, self-serving politicians, ignorant or insensitive to deaths they will cause not only in Ukraine by continuing a war that long should have been settled, but here at home because they could have used their leverage to close the border. At least, they might have been able to reverse some very bad policy decisions that have made the border crisis much worse. But they didn’t. They didn’t do it, because deep down, they didn’t want to.

Lots more to this one, all of which will richly reward a look. Also, many thanks to my old friend TL for commending my own Eyrie hang to his readership’s attention over at his joint, which has netted me a whole slew of new followers and subscribers.



Joe Mannix gets down to brass tacks.

RINO is perhaps the least accurate political insult ever used. The fact that it has been in existence for so long and is still so useful is a testament to that. We don’t still have “Nixonian Republicans” because it quit being relevant. We don’t still have “Me Too Republicans” or most of the others. But we do still have the misnamed “RINOs” and the term isn’t going anywhere because the disconnect between what the Republicans actually are and what their voters perceive them to be has never been solved.

Consider those who are famously “RINOs.” They are men like John McCain and Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney and Adam Kinzinger. The list goes on. And on. And on. It’s probably easier to name Republicans who are not “RINOs,” and that should underscore the problem with the term. If virtually all of the prominent and powerful Republicans are “RINOs” and have been for decades (though with even greater concentrations today), the term is internally contradictory.

These men are not RINOs, they are “Republicans In Good Standing.” These are not phony Republicans who work against the interests of the party. They work against the interests of their constituents, and of the people more broadly, but not of the party. They are not merely titular Republicans. These men and all of their fellow travelers are the Platonic Ideal of Republicans. They are the GOP. This is what the GOP has been for ages. This is what it wants to be. This is the party that puts forward red-meat legislation like ending Obamacare or improving border control when it can’t possibly pass, and then refuses to even consider such unseemly things when they are actually in a position to make them happen. We also call this “failure theater,” and it’s part of the same concept. It’s the GOP’s modus operandi.

Those who do not behave this way – the odd man who seems to at least occasionally try to do something else – are the real RINOs. They are the ones who do not behave like Republicans. If someone is “in name only,” it’s the person who is hated by the rest, and the person whom the rest resent for bucking their trend and their norms. Those who normally get called “RINOs” don’t deserve to be because they’re the real, true, effective, “team player” Republicans who serve in the manner demanded by the party.

Boldface mine, because A) it’s the indispensible truth, and B) it says it all, really. I’ve suggested here many times that the D卐M☭CRAT Party ought to be banned and dismantled as a criminal organization masquerading as a political party, but maybe it would be more useful to ban the Vichy GOPe instead.



Is it real, or is it satire? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.

Media Reports Trump Threatened Nuclear War After He Says, ‘This Guacamole Is The Bomb!’
U.S. — After former President Trump declared his freshly-made guacamole “the bomb”, media outlets across the nation announced that Trump had threatened to drop a nuclear bomb if he were to lose the election.

“This is a clear call to civil war,” cried MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough as video played of Trump eating chips. “You heard the words ‘the bomb’ from his very own lips. Is there nothing this madman won’t do?”

Several media outlets reported that Trump’s threat of nuclear war came immediately on the heels of Trump vowing to demolish democracy when he claimed he was “about to demolish” some tortilla chips. “We are sickened to hear such vile threats from former President Trump,” said Scarborough. “Watch as Trump openly says he’s about to ‘slice and dice’ tomatoes. Slice and dice? Trump is literally saying he plans to cut every one of his opponents into tiny pieces with a knife. Horrific!”

According to sources, the comments came after Trump served up his world-famous guacamole during fajita night at Mar-a-Lago. The guacamole, a family recipe for generations, was made tableside by Trump himself and described as “absolute dynamite” in addition to many other violent and obviously pro-insurrection phrases.

At publishing time, MSNBC had reported that Trump also planned to burn Democrats alive after revealing that Trump described the fajitas as “sizzling.”

You oldsters out there will get the dated references in my opening lines, no doubt. The rest of you will just have to look ‘em up, I’m way too ornery and lazy to spell that shit out for ya. As for the jumping-off point for the Bee’s surehanded spoof, that would be this.

Biden Campaign, Establishment Media Attack Trump with Fake Interpretation of ‘Bloodbath’ Comments in Ohio Rally
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday night forecast a financial “bloodbath” awaits the U.S. motor industry if he is not elected and China is enabled to swamp the country with their products.

The comments came at an Ohio rally hosted by the Buckeye Values PAC where he discussed the possibility of an increasing trade war with China over auto manufacturing in general and electric vehicle types in particular.

Critics in the political arena and the general media were quick to wilfully manipulate Trump’s words and infer intentions on his behalf even after Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung made clear Trump had clearly been talking about the impact of offshoring on the country’s auto industry and his own plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars.

“Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are engaging in deceptively, out-of-context editing,” he said.

James Singer, a spokesman for President Joe Biden’s campaign, issued a statement following Trump’s remarks, noting that former Vice President Mike Pence announced he will not endorse Trump’s re-election bid.

“This is who Donald Trump is: a loser who gets beat by over 7 million votes and then instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience doubles down on his threats of political violence,” Singer said.

Yeah, fuck you in the liver with a fully-charged cattle prod, liberal liar. Not that the Vichy GOPers don’t stand ever-ready to give some assistance to their “esteemed colleagues across the aisle,” of course.

What I said above goes for you too, dickweed—twice as deep, twice as hard, until sparks fly out your baggy ass.

Update! I think it safe to say that Elon Musk is now officially red-pilled.

Elon Musk Wrecks Joe Scarborough and His Wicked Take on the ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
We’ve seen many people on the left/the anti-Trump crew jumping in to help spread the “bloodbath” hoax, claiming that former President Donald Trump was pushing violence. Trump spoke about what a “bloodbath” Joe Biden’s policies would be for the auto industry if he was reelected. That’s it. That’s the “violence.” He was speaking out on behalf of the auto workers and American jobs.

Perhaps one of the worst was from MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

He posted a video of the riot on Jan. 6 with the words, “Donald Trump’s America. And he’s proud of it. Promised another ‘bloodbath’ if he loses again.” That is demonstrably untrue.

But X owner Elon Musk, who has been personally doing all he can to debunk the hoax, called out Scarborough’s disgusting and deceitful take.

“Jan 6 was not a ‘bloodbath’ by any definition and Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry when he used that word. Your post is extremely misleading,” Musk responded. 

I don’t know if Scarborough has any shame, but he was forced to delete it after Musk busted him. 

Good on Musk for standing up for truth.

Ah, but is that all, you ask? Not by a long yard, it ain’t.

Twitter/X owner Elon Musk was busy posting to the social media platform that he owns Friday and Saturday, interspersing stories of SpaceX rockets taking off with searing political commentary about the state of our nation under Joe Biden and the Democrats.

One of his main concerns is illegal immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped into the country. Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he can think of – except on his own disastrous policies.

The billionaire and current holder of the number three spot on the list of the world’s wealthiest humans is not known as a conservative firebrand; in fact, he himself has revealed that he’s voted plenty of times for Dems in the past:

“To be clear, my historical party affiliation has been Independent, with an actual voting history of entirely Democrat until this year,” he wrote on Twitter the day before the midterm election. “And I’m open to the idea of voting Democrat again in the future.”

In recent years, however, much of his commentary veers sharply from today’s progressive orthodoxy, and he’s also been an outspoken supporter of free speech. 

As we reported, Musk visited with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in early March, sparking speculation that he’s going to go all in on Republicans. But at the time, he posted to X that it wouldn’t be the case: “Just to be super clear, I am not donating money to either candidate for US President.”

He warns that although the predicted red wave never materialized in the 2022 midterm elections, we’re in real trouble if voters keep Biden and the Dems in power this time around:

To wit:

Musk is way too smart—way too stable, confident, comfortable in his own skin—to remain under the sway of the stunted shitlib catechism his whole life, seems to me. His up-close-and-personal brush with drooling Progtard vitriol, irrationality, and hatred in the wake of the Twitter buyout—an ongoing ordeal generated purely by his uncompromising position on freedom of speech, nothing more—seems to have served as something of a wake-up call.

Then, as the Left’s (relatively) minor neurosis and emotional instability degenerated into raving psychopathological collapse, Elon only grew more sane, more sensible in response. While Proggie’s eyes were squinching tightly shut in yet another of their typical brattish furies, Elon’s had been opened wide, to behold a surfeit of grotesque, repellent reality off to his Left.

No, he isn’t what many of us would define as a “real conservative,” in all likelihood never will be. Nevertheless, Musk can be counted on to come down on the right side of the issue more often than not these days, and I say good on the man for it.



Err, let’s not get TOO very excited about this, ‘kay?

As per usual with Too-Big Goobermint, it’s the wheels within wheels within wheels that tend to fuck ya up.

Update! Ace runs down what’s really going on in Yertle’s labyrinthine but increasingly senile “mind.”

Senate Sources Tell Sean Davis: Mitch McConnell Isn’t Really Stepping Down. There’s a Revolt Brewing and He’ll Likely Be Removed from Leadership, So He’s Saying He’s “Stepping Down” To Stop the Vote to Remove Him.
—Disinformation Expert Ace

And he’ll un-step down when he senses that the current controversy has passed.

So this explains why he’s not ragequitting the Senate — this is all a ploy. Just like Kevin McCarthy stuck around in the House just to repeatedly attempt to be re-elected Speaker, and only finally left after a popular consensus choice had been elected to replace him.

This is a fake announcement of stepping down — he’ll be continuing to scheme to remain in power.

He just doesn’t want to be formally evicted from leadership.

So, as is nearly always the case with Republicunt “victories,” it’s pretty much Pyrrhic, then. Remember too, that Yertle hasn’t stepped down from anything yet—he only “promises” to in November. And we all ought to know by now the real-money value of a politician’s promise.


Q: Is Mark Robinson the last REAL Republican left?

A: Yes. Yes, he is. So naturally, NC’s Vichy GOPe swine are working just as hard as they can to take him down.

North Carolina Republicans Attack Republican Lt. Governor For Defending Women’s Bathrooms
Mark Robinson passed stage one of the transgender insanity litmus test with flying colors. His governor primary competitors did not.

For vowing to defend women in North Carolina from men who infiltrate female-designated spaces, something a majority of voters support, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson was criticized by two Republican gubernatorial candidates in his state. Robinson is also campaigning for governor.

Robinson told attendees at a campaign event in the beginning of February that he is committed to keeping men out of women’s sports and bathrooms.

“We’ve already passed a law,” Robinson said, alluding to the Republican General Assembly’s overrides of several vetoes in 2023, “and if we need to pass another one, we will. We’re going to defend women’s sports in this state, period.”

The 55-year-old Republican said his commitment to “defend women in this state” extends to protecting their bathrooms from anyone of the opposite sex who tries to use them.

“That means if you’re a man on Friday night and all of the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman and you want to go in the women’s bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested — or whatever we got to do to you,” Robinson said. His pledge was met with a round of cheers.

That same day, at a rally in Greenville, Robinson repeated his belief that men should not be using women’s restrooms.

“If you are confused, find a corner outside somewhere to go,” Robinson quipped. “We’re not tearing society down because of this.”

Robinson’s opposition to the male takeover of protected female spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms resonates with most Americans. Yet it earned him the ire of two Republican candidates for governor in his state.

With the help of NBC News, which was happy to amplify complaints against the lieutenant governor, North Carolina gubernatorial candidates state Treasurer Dale Folwell and attorney Bill Graham accused Robinson of hampering the GOP’s chances. Robinson is leading both in the primary, according to polling in the race.

“Mark Robinson is history’s latest example of someone rising to power through hate,” Folwell told NBC. “If he really cared about NC or the Republican Party, he would resign now.”

And if RINO scum like yourself really cared about conservatism or the specific political stances most Republicans have traditionally assumed their party to be all about—correctly or incorrectly—and would much prefer to see it advocate and (hopefully) advance, YOU would, asswipe.

Bottom line: Mark Robinson is way, WAY more of a “Real Republican” than Folwell, Graham, and their sorry Decepticon ilk will ever be.


The Firm™

Another one I’m gonna just have to screencap rather than embed, so as to avoid the annoying “Show more” clickbait link—in three (3) parts, no less.

Apologies for the formatting weirdness, but well worth a read anyway, I think. If you’d rather take it all in in one big gulp at the original source, it’s here. I do really like Lee’s “The Firm™” formulation, and plan to make mucho use of it going forward.


Georgia – Ground Zero for Destruction of America

Georgia, yes Georgia. The 2020 presidential election in Georgia was stolen, and then the senate seats were stolen giving the solid marxist party* control of the senate.

How does this work when the same politicians that are supposed to guarantee election integrity now work for Dominion?

Lots of bad places, but remember Georgia is run by republicans…

*the dems of course. The R’s are marxist but not solidly.

Part of the problem

Let’s don’t and say we did.

Lawmakers call for investigation into J6 committee following release of security footage
Republican lawmakers are calling for investigations into a House committee and its members after the release of security footage that captured the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah called for the investigation of the now-defunct United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, which determined that the riot was an attempted coup by then-President Trump. They said the tapes present a much different view of the chaos at the Capitol that day.

“The J6 committee was a sham,” Mr. Nehls said on X. “I knew it then. Everyone knows it now. Let’s investigate the investigators.”

Yeah, no. It’s just another stall, just another subterfuge, just another waste of time. The newly-released footage constitutes more-than-adequate proof, no further Congressional futzing about with mumble-mumble “investigation” required. Let’s hang the fucking treasonous bastards responsible for the plain, simple, and obvious coup instead. At the very, very least, lock all the NeverTrumpTard/Deep State traitors up and throw the fucking key down a DC sewer drain. In any event, the Goo(g)lagged J6 political prisoners must all be released forthwith. Nothing less will suffice, and that’s still only the first small step.

There’s a reason this incontrovertible documentation confirming high crimes and/or misdemeanors with malice aforethought at the highest levels of the federal government has been suppressed for lo, these past three years. That reason has now been exposed beyond further argumentation, fully and forever.

Yes, yes, I realize that in Amerika v2.0 treason is no longer a punishable offense, hasn’t been for a good many years now. So what? That’s a YUUUGE explanatory factor behind how we reached this sorry pass in the first damned place, perhaps the primary one. Which hurls the biggest question of all directly into our collective face: Are we serious about rectifying that, or are we not?

Time to either shit or get off the pot, seems to me—of course and as always, YMMV. Whatever may transpire from here, no Real American needs to be force-fed any more intelligence-insulting pap from Congresscritters, thenksveddymuch.


Thank HEAVENS, we’re SAVED!

Well, ain’t that a relief.

McConnell claims he is in ‘good shape’ and ‘completely recovered’ after health scares

Not a word, of course, detailing what these serial “health scares” might have actually, y’know, involved. Beyond Yertle McTurtle locking up several times on-camera like a deer caught in headlights, that is. Everything’s cool, we good, we good.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he is “completely recovered” after a series of health episodes earlier this year that raised questions about whether the 81-year-old senator could continue serving.

“I’m in good shape, completely recovered, and back on the job,” McConnell said in an interview that aired Sunday with CBS News’s Face The Nation.

When asked by host Margaret Brennan if he believes he is fit to continue serving “at a time when we are talking about incredible dysfunction in Washington, McConnell fired back, “I think we ought to be talking about what we were talking about earlier, rather than my health.”

Oh, by all means, Yertle. Important, crucially vitally crucial things like the absolute imperative shared by every single last American to keep hurling pallet-loads of US hush-money at a certain pint-sized dictator to continue his becoming silence concerning the Biden Crime Familia‘s frequent use of his “nation” as an ATM-slash-money laundry.


So how’s that Speaker Kevin McCarthy thing working out for ya, anyway?

Oh, just about exactly like a lot of us predicted it would. Thankfully, though, Matt Gaetz just won a small victory—not just for himself, but for us all.

Kevin McCarthy ousted as House speaker, thrusting Congress into chaos

Well good, I’m glad to see it. As much chaos as CongressCreatchters (appropriated from the great Ernest T Bass, look it up) have wreaked on America That Was, they deserve to share in the experience.

Kevin McCarthy made the wrong kind of history Tuesday — becoming the first speaker of the House of Representatives to be ousted by a floor vote driven by members of his own party.

Eight Republicans — Andy Biggs of Arizona, Ken Buck of Colorado, Tim Burchett of Tennessee, Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Bob Good of Virginia, Nancy Mace of South Carolina, and Matt Rosendale of Montana — banded together with a united Democrat conference to declare the office of speaker vacant by a vote of 216-210, removing McCarthy (R-Calif.) from power and plunging the chamber into uncertainty as it faces a grinding process to pick his replacement.

McCarthy, who made no comment to reporters as he left the House chamber following the vote, was booted from his job three days shy of the nine-month anniversary of his election as speaker on the 15th ballot this past January.

Now, lawmakers face a rerun of that marathon process, with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) considered the favorites to put themselves forward for the job — assuming McCarthy doesn’t want to try again.

Having proved out as just the kind of treacherous two-headed serpent we knew him to be, I can’t really see McCarthy trying again, and if he does I can’t see him regaining the position. But perhaps that’s naive of me; a few dirty, quiet deals, a little back-room conspiracizing, and some assiduous scratching of the right backs and hey presto! We’re saddled with Speaker McCarthy again.

Gaetz had dangled the prospect of a revolt against McCarthy almost from the moment the Californian took the gavel.

The 41-year-old finally went ahead with the motion to vacate Monday night, after a weekend of stewing over the now-former speaker’s decision to call up a stopgap spending bill to avoid a partial government shutdown — and rely on Democratic votes to get the measure through

“I’m confident I’ll hold on,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday morning, but his political demise became a matter of time when a motion to block Gaetz’s effort failed 218-208. Reps. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio), Cory Mills (R-Fla.) and Victoria Spartz (R-Ind.) voted against the motion to table, but to keep McCarthy in place.

With only 426 House members casting votes, however, McCarthy needed 214 supporters to keep his speakership.

We need a speaker who will fight for something, anything besides staying or becoming speaker,” declared (Virginia Rep Bob) Good, who assailed McCarthy for both the debt limit deal he reached with the Biden administration earlier this year and the maneuvering to avoid a shutdown.

“We need a speaker — ideally somebody who doesn’t want to be speaker and hasn’t pursued that at all costs for his entire adult life — who will meet the moment, and do everything possible to fight for the country.”

Boy, did you ever say a mouthful there, sir. Bold mine, and quite heartening. Always nice to see a DC denizen who seems to really get it, y’know? As I said, it’s but one small victory, and certainly won’t solve everything for us. But in times like these, you takes your victories where you finds em, be they large or small. Those small victories should properly be thought of as stepping stones to more significant wins. Stack up a big enough pile of those, and you’re on your way to more serious and impactful wins—that’s taking the long view, one of the primary reasons the Left has been consistently our asses for so damned long.

This is a process, not an event, as I’m so fond of saying. Kudos to Matt Gaetz for outlasting and outmaneuvering the shifty, scheming Vichy GOPe shitweasels, and slam-dunking this one on them in the end. Many happy returns, Rep Gaetz. Bravo, and encore.

Update! Multifarious backup for my “treacherous two-headed serpent” slam against FORMER (a-HENH!) Speaker McCarthy.

Eight Republican representatives, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), on Tuesday successfully carried a motion to vacate, meaning Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is no longer speaker of the House. Several of the representatives have spoken out to explain why they ousted McCarthy.

There was a running theme in the comments criticizing McCarthy, who cut deals on spending with Democrats despite the fact that America cannot afford continued high spending, for his financial irresponsibility.

Gaetz posted multiple videos of himself on X (Twitter), including a fiery denunciation of the corruption of our government. “I’ll make this argument at any desk in this building. I’ll make it on every street corner in this country, that Washington must change,” he said.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) tweeted his opinion before the vote happened. “Speaker McCarthy has failed to demonstrate himself as an effective leader who will change the status quo,” he said. “He has gone against many of the promises he made in January and can no longer be trusted at the helm.” Biggs also posted a clip of himself on Steve Bannon’s “War Room,” highlighting McCarthy’s uninspiring record.

Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) posted after the vote that he wants to ensure “We the People” aren’t “steamrolled by the status quo.”

More at the link. I’ll leave you with Catherine Salgado’s summation:

Finally, I’d like to add my own personal opinion. “Infighting is bad for the GOP,” we are told, but spineless politicians who consistently cave to the Democrats are helping destroy our nation. The U.S. debt is “unsustainable,” according to experts, and yet McCarthy even reportedly made a deal with Joe Biden for Ukraine funding we can’t afford! We need people in charge who work for American citizens, not people who assist our disastrous careen toward national bankruptcy and collapse. Republicans lose partly because we have a defeatist mentality; we assume we’re going to lose before we even start fighting, and we choose to act based on how we think Democrats will respond. That’s unacceptable. Thank God the Founders didn’t think the same way. The Democrats sure as heck don’t, which is probably how they took over all our institutions and normalized ideologies that a few decades ago were considered blatant insanity.

I must beg to differ, Cath: Republicans “lose” mainly because that’s their assigned role in this elaborate kabuki production currently misnomered as *gag choke puke spit* “democracy.” Although your point about the debilitating plague of “defeatist” malaise afflicting the hoodwinked Republican Party rank and file is certainly well-taken. The sad fact is that, for far too many years now, conservatives have been content to play defense only, when every winning coach would tell you that the time-tested path to victory is offense.

In military terms, although it’s eminently possible to forestall defeat via a tenacious, determined defense of a position or region, wars aren’t usually won that way. In warfare, the initiative is everything; forever responding to enemy actions is folly, a sure-fire recipe for defeat. Forcing the enemy to respond to you—bringing him to battle on ground of your choosing, not his; forcing his soldiers to cower in hastily-dug foxholes and improvised entrenchments under an aggressive artillery barrage; neutering his own artillery with counterbattery fire; leaving his aircraft aflame in their revetments, the pilots and ground crews fleeing for their lives to the shelters, instead of taking to the air to attack your planes and airfields—is always the way to go, if you can manage it.


“Rep. Jamie Raskin: ‘It’ll Be the End of the Republican Party’ if Biden Impeachment Proceeds”

Actually, Congresscritter, with such an incredible preponderance of credible evidence of “treason, bribery, high crimes and” etc, it’s WAY more likely to be the end of their treacherous, collaborationist Party if they don’t.

Try to follow the logic train here, such as there is one.

Via HuffPost (emphasis added):

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) move to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden could backfire badly.

“I can’t tell you the number of Democrats who’ve come up to me today to say, ‘Let them do the impeachment, it will be the end of the Republican Party,’” Raskin said on MSNBC on Tuesday night.

Raskin said those lawmakers predicted that the impeachment proceedings “will end up in complete defeat and humiliation” for the Republicans.

McCarthy’s move comes after Republicans in the House have made accusations of corruption against Biden for months, but have so far failed to produce any evidence*.

*cough-cough* BULLSHIT *cough-cough*

Continuing via HuffPost:

Raskin said he’s against the inquiry for a simple reason.

“I’ve got a little bit too much respect and love for the Constitution just to let them go down that road without at least pointing out that the constitutional standard is treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” he said. “And they don’t have evidence of any wrongdoing at all.”

He said House Republicans have thousands of documents obtained via subpoena and dozens of hours of witness interviews.

“But far from proving their claims, it all disproves their claims,” he said. “It all shows that nobody’s laid a glove on Joe Biden and he wasn’t involved in any of Hunter Biden’s business activities. And so, that’s really the end of the case.”

So to recap: Raskin is sure that Republicans impeaching Biden will somehow end in “complete defeat and humiliation” for his political opponents, whom his party has repeatedly claimed are an existential threat to Democracy™ itself. Yet he opposes allowing the inquiry to proceed out of “respect for the Constitution,” even though his party just recently impeached the former president twice on arguably more dubious grounds than the coming Biden impeachment.

That all checks out.

Insofar as anything these stinking Swamp critters say ever checks out, yeah, I suppose it does.

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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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