“Best of Both Worlds”

Having nothing worthwhile to add myself, I’m a-gonna just swipe Bill’s post entire, title and all, except for the source-links he included over at his joint. Hopefully, he’ll excuse my wanton thievery.

Liberals Say This State Has the “Craziest” Gun Laws – It’s Also the Safest State – WokeSpy – Unmasking Extremism, Empowering Awareness!

Vermont sounds like a scene out of Mad Max when described by the anti-gun lobby, but the state’s residents would probably laugh at the characterization. Vermont was the safest state in the nation in 2016, 2017, and 2018, second safest in 2019 and 2020, and the safest in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

While I’m quite sure that Vermont’s support of Second Amendment guaranteed liberties is a factor in its status as a mecca for public safety, I’m also fairly certain that such is not the most important factor. This is:

Vermont Population by Race & Ethnicity – 2023 | Neilsberg

Racial distribution of Vermont population: 92.93% are White, 1.27% are Black or African American, 0.24% are American Indian and Alaska Native, 1.68% are Asian, 0.03% are Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, 0.49% are some other race and 3.37% are multiracial.

Huh, howzabout that. Gotta be a coinkydink, I’m thinkin’. GOTTA be.


Said it before, gonna say it again: greatest USSC Justice EVAR

Guess who.

Justice Thomas: Of course, the AR-15 is legal under Second Amendment
Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas showed his hand on Tuesday on the issue of whether AR-15-style rifles are legal. His Second Amendment analysis: They are.

In a brief dissent related to an Illinois ban on the “assault weapon,” Thomas said that the overwhelming popularity of the firearm, coupled with its non-military operation, makes it a clear fit under the Second Amendment.

His comments come as President Joe Biden is stepping up his assault on the popular “modern sporting rifle.” Biden was behind the 1994 ban and has been seeking to ban it since that law died in 2004.

The AR-15 has become the most popular rifle in America. The National Shooting Sports Foundation said that at 28.1 million, there are more AR-15-style firearms in circulation than Ford F-150s on the road.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied the petitioners’ request for a preliminary injunction, saying the AR-15 is not protected by the Second Amendment. The Supreme Court justices have declined to get involved for now.

“We are obviously very disappointed for the millions of legal gun owners in Illinois by today’s decision not to grant emergency relief, but we’re not giving up. And today’s decision does not impact the merits of our case for our upcoming hearing on September 16h in the Southern District of Illinois,” ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson said.

“Our objective from the very beginning of the process that started the moment Gov. Pritzker signed the bill into law — was to take our case to the United States Supreme Court. And we followed through on that promise, and despite today’s decision — if given the chance, we’d do it all over again because it is the right thing to do,” Pearson said.

Thomas encouraged that plan. “If the Seventh Circuit ultimately allows Illinois to ban America’s most common civilian rifle, we can — and should — review that decision once the cases reach a final judgment. The Court must not permit ‘the Seventh Circuit [to] relegat[e] the Second Amendment to a second-class right,’” the Supreme Court justice wrote.

Give ‘em pure-T hell, Mr Justice Thomas, sir. Gee, wonder why the shitlibs hate the man with such bitter, wild-eyed ferocity.  Puzzling, innit?

Lest we forget, “nice guy” and “good, good man” Pedaux Jaux Bribem was one of the main players behind the fabricated smear-job accusations hurled at Thomas during his SC confirmation hearings high-tech lynching, an abominable circus that put paid once and for all to the ludicrous mischaracterization of the US Senate as “the world’s greatest deliberative body.”

Oh, and about that “good, good man” nonsense.

The talking points must have gone out within minutes of the end of President Joe Biden’s lame debate performance. Among the first to tell us just how fine a man Biden was Barack Obama, who called his former vice president “someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life.” It is, of course, a lie. Biden is not a good man, and the idea he’s “fought for ordinary folks” for even a single day of his “public service” is risible.

Obama’s tweet also claimed that Biden is the candidate “who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight.” From there, the gaslighting grew exponentially worse.

At a July 2 fundraiser in Virginia, Democratic Rep. Don Beyer, whom Biden once called “Doug,” compared our disabled president to Jesus.

“​​He has been a good, good man. He’s resilient, optimistic, indefatigable, and above all courageous,” said Boyer.

On the day after the debate, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who admitted that watching the debate made him “weep,” assured us that Biden is “a good man and a good president.”

There was even a book published in 2020 that had the title “A Good & Decent Man: Joe Biden: Rescuing America.”

After wading hip deep through the malarkey, let’s look at the Biden record.

Read on for the ugly reality, which bears not even a passing resemblance to the above hagiographic, knob-polishing codswallop.


Halp is ON THE WAY!

Per your “Commander” “in” “Chief,” Pedaux Jaux Bribem.

Biden Makes Gun Control a Focus of His Campaign
As if we ever doubted how this might play out, President Biden’s reelection campaign has moved his gun control agenda front and center of his campaign after unveiling a new advertisement last Saturday, highlighting his administration’s efforts to combat gun violence. The ad came just one day after the Supreme Court struck down a Trump-era prohibition on bump stocks.

In the 30-second spot, shared with The Hill, Biden blames former President Trump for the conservative-leaning court’s decision to overturn the ban. The Biden administration had defended the regulation, initially implemented by the Trump administration following the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.

“When Trump was president—children gunned down in classrooms, innocent people killed in church and massacred at a concert. Still, Trump did nothing,” Biden says in the ad, accusing the former president of often siding with the NRA. The ad also emphasizes Biden’s actions, including expanding background checks and establishing the Office of Gun Violence Prevention late last year.

God DAMN that Trump, out there wantonly slaughtering schoolchildren, “trans” “people,” Neegrows, Dindus, and Gibmedats—the heartless, inhuman monster. Not to worry though, Too Aulde Jaux is gonna put a stop to it, and be damned if he’s gonna let piffling irrelevancies like the US Constitution stand in his way.

“You and your family deserve to be safe and I’m going to fight like hell to see to it that you are,” Biden asserts in the advertisement. The campaign further notes that murder rates have declined under Biden’s administration, citing a 20 percent drop in over 200 cities across the U.S., based on an April analysis from the criminal justice consulting firm AH Analytics. Though those numbers are questionable, but if they are accurate, then it also possibly counters their arguments that “more guns equals more crime” as in that same time frame Biden is claiming to have made our country safer, gun sales continue on a healthy pace and more states have enacted permitless carry (also known as constitutional carry) in their states. Twenty-nine states now allow their citizens to legally carry firearms without a permit.

“If you care about the gun violence crisis in this country, there is only one candidate in this race with a proven record of successfully taking on the gun lobby and only one candidate who will ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” said Biden communications director Michael Tyler in a statement to The Hill.

WHEW, what a relief. Do you feel safer already? I know I surely do.



Further proof, as if any were needed

What does Mike’s Iron Law #873 say? They will NOT stop. They will NEVER stop. They will have to BE stopped. Period fucking dot, end of fucking story.

A New And Predictable Front For Gun Grabbers
Something many of us have been warning about keeps unfolding. While attempts to pass any sort of direct gun bans through Congress have been stymied for a long time and Supreme Court decisions like New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen have been instrumental in overturning unconstitutional state gun control laws, it is clear that the anti-2A forces are not giving up and are instead increasingly doing an end-around on Congress via lawfare.

Here is the latest effort on the lawfare front…

Families of the children who survived the 2022 Robb Elementary mass shooting and parents of those who died have filed a lawsuit against UPS and FedEx, claiming the shipping companies played a part in the massacre that left two teachers and 19 children dead by transporting the rifle and trigger accessories to the gunman.

The lawsuit, filed in Bexar County last month, seeks a jury trial to determine compensatory and punitive damages. The suit claims that the actions of the shipping company caused the families to “suffer and sustain severe physical, mental, and emotional harm” that has resulted and will continue to result in medical expenses and losses of income throughout their lives.

FedEx delivered the AR-15-style rifle to Oasis Outback, which is where the shooter picked up the firearm, the lawsuit said. UPS sent the Hell-Fire trigger modification, which allows a semiautomatic rifle to shoot at a faster rate of speed, to the shooter.

The lawsuit would seem to be without merit. Both the AR-15 and the trigger modification are perfectly legal products, shipped under tight controls. All firearms shipped in the U.S. must be delivered to a valid Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder and those FFLs are subject to strict rules about transfers and are under the oversight of the ATF. Meritless or not, frivolous lawsuits like these might find a sympathetic activist judge and jury who will go along, and even if that doesn’t happen there is an enormous cost to defending a company against lawsuits like this.

While these lawsuits are partly a money grab (the families are also suing Instagram and Activision along with Daniel Defense because the Uvalde shooter played Call of Duty), they are also aimed at shutting down a critical pipeline for gun-owners. It won’t happen with this lawsuit but just as the Firearms Policy Coalition likes to meme, the lawsuit printer runs non-stop, and it works for gun control groups just as much as it does for pro-2A groups like the FPC and GOA.

I keep saying we are in a unique window right now for buying firearms and while most of you presumably already have a bunch, now is the time to make sure you have the right firearms and ammo and accessories. Maybe it is time to upgrade your main rifle or your everyday carry pistol. Perhaps an upgraded trigger? You can always use more magazines. Or spare parts, Big Country did a good post the other day about what bits and bobs you should have for your AR: Needed Some Time Off and What to Have to Service Your Boom-Stick. Point is, don’t take for granted how awesome things are for gun buyers right now, it will not last.

You have been warned. What you do with that warning is your bidness.

That’s about the size of it, yeah. Y’know, sometimes I just can’t help but HATE being proved right all the time.


No shame, no sense, no honor, no integrity

The sheer, unmitigated gall of the sorriest sumbitch ever to shit behind a pair of shoes. Well, usually behind them, that is, up until the last few years.

Oh the Irony: Biden Calls for Stricter Gun Laws Hours After Son’s Conviction on Gun Charges
In a speech delivered Tuesday afternoon at the annual misnamed Gun Sense University conference, President Joe Biden pushed for more stringent gun control measures, mere hours after his son, Hunter Biden, was found guilty of federal gun charges in Delaware. The irony of the president advocating for more gun laws while his own son faced legal consequences for violating existing ones was not lost on many.

The event, hosted by Everytown for Gun Safety, a group heavily funded by anti-gun advocate Mike Bloomberg, served as a platform for Biden to call for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in front of a crowd that supports such actions.

“It’s time once again to do what I did when I was a senator: ban assault weapons,” Biden proclaimed and then again showing he or his speech writers understand nothing about firearms, went on to say, “Who, in God’s name, needs a magazine which can hold 200 shells?”

Note ye well: HE did. Him, and nobody whatsoever else. Fucking execrable cocksucker.

“None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners,” Biden claimed, though many gun rights advocates disagree.

Yeah, fuck you all to Hell and gone, ***”pResident”*** DickWithEars. Prithee tell, though: just what part of “shall not be infringed” is too complex for you to wrap your empty head around? Not that he doesn’t understand, mind; he not only knows full well what the words laid down by the Founders are, but that they mean exactly what they say. Like the rest of his fellow gun-grabbers, it’s just that he’s ag’in it, that’s all.

As for those 200,000+ capacity magazine-clip-drums (!!!) of yours: according to the specific, explicit words of the late, lamented US Constitution you loathe so intensely, it is NOT given to you to decide who might need what. Nor is it any of your fucking business, either. If I want the things, it is my fundamental, unalienable right to by God have them, without reference to what you think I do or do not “need.” I am under no obligation to explain myself to you, nor to the horse you rode in on, nor to anybody who fucking well looks like you. Go fuck yourself in the lower pyloric sphincter with a rusty railroad spike marinated overnight in hydrochloric acid, you and all your hoplophobic Goosesteppin’ Left fellow-travelers.

Something from last night’s Memezapoppin’ post springs immediately to mind.

And WOOT! There it is. That right there is all the explanation you’re ever gonna get from me, and way more of one than you deserve or are owed—period fucking dot, end of fucking story. I say again: stop yer blubbing and just come and take them already. Let’s just see once and for all how that works out for ya when all’s said and done.



Ain’t this rich.

Tennessee Teacher Says Her Profession Can’t Be Trusted With Guns
On Wednesday, I addressed a teacher in Tennessee who said that she didn’t want to carry a firearm while performing her job. My take was that if she didn’t want to, she shouldn’t. It’s a pretty simple concept. It’s something each person should decide for themselves and they should be able to decide for themselves.

That’s where my goal is been on the entire subject of armed teachers.

After all, if teachers can have firearms, would-be mass murderers may well decide it’s not worth the risk to target schools.

But an op-ed out of Tennessee written by a student teacher appears to argue that her profession just can’t be trusted with guns. Let’s start with the headline that reads: “Teachers like me are trained to educate kids. Arming us will make everyone less safe.”

Now, to start with, arming teachers in Tennessee, under the proposal currently being considered, requires approval from the school board and a very extensive training course. I fail to see how it’ll make everyone less safe unless there’s something inherently unsafe about teachers.

But let’s look at her arguments. Maybe she can make the case.

Follows, an examination of her pathetic, fact-free emoting…uhhh, “arguments.” Then:

Nope. She’s still making the argument that teachers can’t be trusted with guns.

Far as I’m concerned, she couldn’t be righter. Very, very few teachers could be, or even should be, being hoplophobic shitlibs to practically the last man Jack of ‘em. Clearly, this silly bint is one of the other kind. Be that as it may, Knighton’s closing queries are truly priceless:

But you know what? If she’s going to say the profession she’s pursuing is full of people who can’t be trusted with guns, I’m more than willing to take her word for it.

If that’s the case, though, then why should they be trusted with our children?

PRO TIP: They shouldn’t. They really, really shouldn’t. I mean, seriously now, these are the selfsame folks who sneak kids off to Dr Frankenstein & Pals “Health” Clinic PA for puberty blockers, surgical mutilation, and miscellaneous ”gender affirming care” absent parental consent, consultation, or even notification. TRUST the despicable propaganda-pimps?!? Not on your life, pal. Personally, I wouldn’t trust them to mow my fucking lawn without close, constant adult supervision.

Hell, I sincerely hope someone remembers this when the subject of teacher pay comes before the legislature in Tennessee. If they can’t be trusted, why should they get paid even more?

Frankly, this op-ed makes me just that much happier that we ended up homeschooling my daughter. At least I can trust her teacher with a gun.

Heh. Good ‘un, Tom. Not that any of these craven, firearm-fearful “educators” will grok your sense of humor, natch.


It could never happen here

Got news for ya: it already did.

BREAKING NEWS: Seventy-Two Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Massachusetts. National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction.

Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw. Speaking after the clash, Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical right-wing tax protest movement, which has been blamed for a number of terrorist acts, including the destruction of valuable cargo that had been located on ships in the Boston harbor.

Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices. The governor, who described the group’s organizers as “criminals and cowards” issued an executive order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the government’s efforts to secure law and order.

The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons after Gage issued a ban on military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week.

Thank goodness history never, EVER repeats itself, right?


Your feel-good video of the…um…welllll….

EVER, I’d say.

If you don’t particularly feel like watching the vid—which, you really, really, REALLY should, it’s a joy and a wonder to behold—this meme sums it up quite nicely:

Nicely, and word for word, also. Excellent work, Ms Williams, ya done good.


The dullards who rule us

Their arrogance is exceeded by only two things: 1) their ignorance; 2) their presumptuous, egomaniacal assertion that they, and they alone, are fit to rule us when they so manifestly are anything but.

ATF Chief Tells CBS He’s Willing To Skirt Laws To Ban Guns He Doesn’t Even Know How To Use
President Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Director Steven Dettelbach seems to know as much about guns as Democrat-nominated Supreme Court justices.

During his appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation” over the weekend, Dettelbach outlined for CBS News’s Margaret Brennan the ATF’s desire to ban certain firearms and modifications he claimed are loopholes in restrictive gun laws.

In the sit-down portion of his interview, Dettelbach claimed his 5,000-person agency is “way, way, way too small” to fully satisfy Biden’s gun-grabbing goals. He also admitted the ATF, even though barred from creating a federal database of firearm owners, still devotes its time and resources to “work within that system” and link guns to owners.

When the interview shifted to a demonstration featuring a table of unloaded firearms, Dettelbach tried his best to make the case for more regulation of law-abiding Americans’ top self-defense option. Even with the help of one of the ATF’s “leading experts,” however, Dettelbach failed to demonstrate knowledge of even the most basic firearm anatomy such as the difference between a clip and a magazine.

Acting AFT division chief Chris Bort, the “expert” present for the demonstration, also struggled to disassemble a pistol in an attempt to show how allegedly easily Americans can swap firearm frames. Bort is acting head of the ATF’s Firearms Ammunition Technology Division.

The vid of that bit is as hilarious as it is disturbing.

See what I mean about presumption and egomania? Surely this Bort chucklehead had to be well aware that he knew nothing whatsoever about the devices he’d be handling before a national TV audience as a scarifying demonstration of their monstrous lethality and ease of use—yet he couldn’t bestir himself to spend even a few minutes practicing with said devices in his swanky hotel suite the night before? Maybe doing a little light reading-up on his high-end laptop before bed, say, to avoid making a damned fool of himself before the TeeWee cameras in the morning?

In his predicament, wouldn’t you have? I sure would’ve. Any halfway sensible person would’ve, or so I’d expect.

But noooo. From all available evidence, these two abject feebs aren’t even smart enough to know they should be embarrassed by their spectacular self-beclownment—much less a tad more humble—as befits those who, in a more felicitous era, used to pridefully refer to themselves as “public servants.”

May I remind you: these are the shitwits spending God only knows how many taxpayer dollars to A) regulate and/or ban useful things which are beyond their meager comprehension; and B) pursue, imprison, and otherwise harass far better Americans than they’ll ever be, for the heinous crime of conducting themselves as if the clear, easily-understood words of the US Constitution still meant anything at all in Amerika v2.0.

May I also remind you: this dearth of intelligence coupled with supreme arrogance is hardly unique to the BATF, nor can these two assclowns be excused as the proverbial exception that proves the rule. Quite the opposite, depressingly enough: in FederalGovCo, it’s assclowns all the way down.


Aging “rocker” John Cougar Melonhead keeps on hacking away.

John Mellencamp: Show Dead Bodies to Change Hearts and Minds on Gun Control
There’s a particularly twisted subset of gun control fans who firmly believe that if Americans are only exposed to the sight of murder victims after they’ve been shot and killed, they’ll support every one of the anti-2A infringements the gun control lobby wants to shove down our throats. I’ve always liked John Mellencamp’s music, whether he was going by Johnny Cougar, John Cougar Mellencamp, or just plain old John Mellencamp, so it’s disappointing to see that he’s among those who are convinced that exploiting dead children is a price worth paying, so long as it leads to gun bans that will be ignored by the very people who’ve robbed those children of their future.

If we as a country want to find the collective will within ourselves to change our gun laws, let’s stop playing silly political games. Show the carnage on the news. Show the American people the dead children and others who have been struck down. Show us what guns and bullets can do to the human body. The news media need to be brave enough to let Americans see what slaughtered children look like. Otherwise, I fear that too many perceive gun violence as an abstract; a story that’s repeated nearly every day to numbing effect. When I was a teenager, there was a war in Vietnam. In the beginning, no one paid much attention to this problem in a foreign land until the media shouldered the responsibility and showed America how our sons were being slaughtered. Once those images were shown on TV, there was overwhelming demand for that war to be ended immediately. I say this as a father and a human being, with deep empathy for the parents whose children have had their lives ended so suddenly and so senselessly: Show America the carnage. I am not being callous, and I know it will be painful to see. But, sad to say, I think it’s the only way to shock America out of its stupor.

Clue to the clueless: We already know what guns and bullets can do to the human body—the saner sorts among us do, at any rate. It’s why we have the damned things, what we insist on our right to keep and bear them for in the first damned place, you blithering idiot. Only ign’ant, hoplophobic douchenozzles like your precious self seem not to be cognizant of this, as well as the accompanying fact that not a single gun has ever, throughout the entire course of human history, hopped out of the safe or off the nightstand, walked down the street, and shot anybody without human intervention or intent—not even once.

Only a sick, deeply depraved shitwit like Melonhead could be so cruel, so inveterately craven and soulless, as to go as far as this in clambering up onto the caskets of murdered children to use the loved and lost as mere tools to advance the Leftard political agenda in such an obscene fashion. Put in terms much more courteous than this repellent runt in any way merits:

I’m so sick and tired of this pathetic argument from the anti-gunners, which is based on the premise that the only reason people oppose gun control laws is that they just don’t care about the victims of violent crime; that they need to have some shock to their senses to bring them in line with the already enlightened likes of Mellencamp. It’s such a toxic mix of condescension and yes, callous disregard for others. Oh, he knows how painful it will be, but trust him: it’s worth other people’s pain so long as it convinces those he views as the ignorant masses to start demanding… well, Mellencamp never did get around to saying what kind of gun laws he wants to see on the books, did he? 

We’ve seen this argument used to demand bans on “assault weapons” specifically (as if it’s somehow less awful to be killed by someone using a 9mm pistol, an ice pick, or fists and feet) to outright repeal of the Second Amendment, but Mellencamp can’t even be bothered to lay out what laws he wants to see once we’ve been shocked out of our supposed stupor. 

What Mellencamp (and the other poor souls who believe this is a great idea) don’t seem to understand is that there are plenty of folks out there who have seen the brutal results of a child murdered in cold blood but who don’t believe that gun control laws are the answer; including front-line law enforcement, trauma surgeons, coroners, and moms and dads who’ll never get over the pain of losing their child. They don’t see “gun violence” in the abstract, but they don’t believe that gun control is the answer either.

Nor should they. Because, y’know, it isn’t. Never was, never will be. Not that the abhorrent likes of John Cougar Melonhead really give a shit, of course.

As I always say: stop flapping your yap and just come and take them already, dickwart. Anytime you feel froggy enough, we’re all ready and waiting for ya. Let’s see how that works out for you and yours, once and for all.

Amen, Chuck.


Your Celebrity Gall story of the year

Two via Ace: first up, Alyssa Milano self-beclowns in most spectacular fashion.

Alyssa Milano responds after critics slam her as ‘out of touch’ for requesting money for son’s baseball trip
‘Charmed’ star Alyssa Milano shares 12-year-old Milo with husband David Bugliari

Actress Alyssa Milano is responding after angering fans on social media by asking if they could donate to her son’s baseball team.

A day after her donation request, Milano took to X, formerly Twitter, to share that she had gotten a lot of “media inquiries about whether [she has] financially contributed to [her] son’s baseball team.”

“I’ve paid for uniforms for the entire team and coaches, thrown bday parties and sponsor any kid who can’t afford monthly dues,” she wrote Friday. “The kids also do fundraising themselves — car washes, movie nights, and many other fun things! Thank you to all who have contributed to the gofundme! You’ve made things easier for these boys and their families.”

Social media users were confused why Milano was asking her followers for money, when she is a multimillionaire. Milano starred on the hit drama “Charmed” for six seasons, and Bugliari is the co-head of motion picture talent at the management firm Creative Artists Agency.

Many were left wondering “why isn’t Alyssa Milano paying for the trip for the whole team herself,” while others were questioning why the actress is “asking for money from people who can barely buy groceries.”

Gotta say, that question occurred to me also. Next up, Kurt Russell provides the antidote, in most refreshing, no-bullshit fashion.

Most hilarious aspect: the “journalist” doing the interview obviously assumed he had himself a natural “gimme” with a big Hollywood name who was just bound to agree with his hoplophobic views such as Russell—OOOOPS!—but ended up getting his butt in the blades and chawed all to hell and gone instead. Y’know, a lot like Billy Bob Thornton’s poor character did in this solid-gold scene.

“You gonna do something, or just stand there and bleed? No? I didn’t think so.” Priceless, just priceless. Nice to know that the guy who could utter those lines so brilliantly really does have his heart in the right place, and ain’t exactly what you’d call shy about saying so either.

Update! Via brack in the comments: Clay Travis steps up, problem solved. Just one leeeeetle catch…and it’s hilarious.


American classic

All hail the one, the only, the all-American Zippo.

Zippo Lighters: The Vietnam War Icon
During the Vietnam War, the trend of personalized the Zippo lighter emerged. Soldiers, with the assistance of local artists in Vietnam, began engraving their Zippos with various slogans. These engravings frequently carried a tone of sarcasm or expressed anti-war sentiments. This practice of customizing lighters gained popularity, as engraving messages on the metal casings of Zippos became a widespread phenomenon.

The Zippo lighter is a simple yet functional item, made of chrome-plated brass and measuring 2.2 inches in height with a weight of 2.05 ounces. It’s designed for efficiency, capable of being opened and lit with a single, practiced movement, and emits a satisfying ‘thwink’ sound upon being snapped shut.

However, during the Vietnam War, Zippos transcended their role as mere lighters. They became symbolic, much like the crests on medieval knights’ armor, bearing slogans that reflected the soldiers’ internal views on what many felt was a futile mission.

These lighters were comparable to tattoos in their personal significance. The custom engraving was often done in small, makeshift shops by the roadside.

Comparable to tattoos? Well, much as I’ve always loved my Zippos, let’s not get nuts here about this. A tattoo represents much, much more in the way of personal commitment, sacrifice, and dedication than a lighter purchasable in any truck stop for about 14.95.

The origins of the iconic Zippo lighter trace back to 1932 in Pennsylvania. George G. Blaisdell observed a friend struggling with a bulky Austrian-designed lighter, which was cumbersome and required two hands to operate, though it had a sturdy flame protected by an internal chimney.

Blaisdell set out to refine this design. His initial model retained the protective chimney but was more compact and stylish. He added a hinge connecting the lid to the base, allowing for one-handed operation. These innovations quickly popularized his creation, which he named the Zippo.

In 1936, Blaisdell patented his lighter design and offered a unique guarantee, promising to repair any defective Zippo at the company’s expense. The Zippo’s legacy was profoundly shaped by two major conflicts: World War II and the Vietnam War.

With America’s entry into WWII in 1941, Blaisdell ceased commercial production of Zippo lighters, focusing instead on supplying American soldiers. Due to wartime restrictions, the Zippo factory used lower-grade metal, and the lighters were given a protective “black crackle” finish.

Someplace around here I should have one of those wrinkle-black Zippos, I believe, althought not WW2 vintage; my friends, incredible as it may seem, even I am not that fuckin’ cool. My current favorite Zippo amongst the ten or twelve I still have would have to be this ‘un:

Okay, okay, allow me to adjust my previous statement a wee mite: I AM pretty danged cool after all.


The Vietnam/Zippo chronicle continues at the link, featuring many snaps of those custom-engraved, jungle-dwelling, hooch-torching Zips of yore. It’s a fascinating tale, of which you should read the all.


Moar sanctuary cities, stat!

Well, certain specific varieties of ‘em, that is: Gun Sanctuary Cities, Free Speech Sanctuary Cities, Conservative Sanctuary Cities, Wokester-Free Sanctuary Cities, and so on.

Just 1% of Illinois Gun Owners Register ‘Assault Weapons’ Ahead of Ban
Only a tiny fraction of Illinois gun owners registered their AR-15s and similar firearms before the state’s ban officially took effect.

Fewer than 30,000 of the state’s Firearms Owner Identification (FOID) card holders registered firearms recently classified as “assault weapons” by the end of the December 31 registration deadline, according to updated data the Illinois State Police (ISP) released on Tuesday. That means only 1.2 percent of the state’s 2.4 million documented gun owners complied with the state’s terms for allowing continued ownership of AR-15s despite enforcement of the ban beginning on Monday.

The final year-end numbers paint a picture of mass non-compliance with the efforts of Illinois officials to crack down on the supply of AR-15s, the most popular rifle in America, and similar firearms in civilian hands despite facing the threat of criminal penalties. Starting Monday, possession of an unregistered assault weapon became a misdemeanor, while the manufacture and sale of one became a felony. It adds to a recent trend of gun owners being reluctant to go along with similar gun bans and registration requirements in states like New York and California.

Good on ’em, and keep it up, Fightin’ Illini. Elsewhere, how’s that original-recipe Sanctuary City thing working out for you sanctimonious shitlibs?


New Jersey deploys cops to send dumped migrants to NYC in desperate move: ‘F–k this’
Migrants in Jersey? Fuhgettaboutit.

New Jersey officials are making sure the Big Apple doesn’t dump the out-of-control migrant mess on the Garden State — and are even deploying cops to usher asylum seekers from the US border onto Manhattan-bound NJ Transit trains as soon as they get off their buses.

The scrap across the Hudson comes as New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy tries to rally the state’s mayors to form a unified front, while New York City Mayor Eric Adams pleads with Murphy to take on at least part of the migrant burden that is burying the five boroughs.

“New Jersey just said, ‘F–k this,’” one source close to the situation told The Post on Wednesday. “New Jersey Transit cops were waiting for them in Secaucus to show them how to get on the train to New York.”

Multiple Garden State sources described the scene as hectic over the last few days, as nearly two dozen migrant buses rolled into train stations with “chaperones” — with NJ Transit cops then taking over and serving as guides to get nearly 1,000 asylum seekers across the river.

The process has been successful so far, with no migrants choosing to stay in Jersey.

Well hey, who would that didn’t just absolutely have to? Abbott lays down the real bottom line here:

Earlier this week, Abbott boasted online that he had sent 95,000 asylum seekers north — including 33,600 to New York since August 2022 — and would continue to do so.

“Sanctuary cities like NYC & Chicago have seen only a FRACTION of what overwhelmed Texas border towns face daily,” he wrote on X. “We will continue our transportation mission until [President] Biden reverses course on his open border policies.”

Exactly, precisely so, right down the line. They’ve always talked a big open-borders game, but it seems those self-righteous “Sanctuary City” denizens really don’t seem to like being forced to put their money where there big fat yaps are, don’t it? In the words of a memorable schoolyard taunt issued back in Junior High by my now-deceased friend Sherry Beatty, tough titty said the kitty, but the milk’s still good. Now, sit back and suck on it, whydon’tcha.

Update! Dang it, I’ve had this one sitting in an open tab all this time just waiting for me to get around to it, and damned near forgot to include it.

Why 2024 Needs to Be the Year of the Energy Sanctuary State
As the world’s climate luminaries hop back on their private jets in Dubai after COP28, Americans should be worried.

Among the ideas being pushed is a global tax on oil and gas, shipping, and financial services. Its supporters are demanding nearly $10 TRILLION dollars to implement the green agenda around the world. With the Biden Administration well represented at the conference, America’s governors need to be thinking about what they can do to protect families from this radical push.

Here’s an idea: 2024 should be the year that “Energy Sanctuary States” are introduced to fight a globalist agenda.

The concept of sanctuary states is used extensively by those on the left, usually around immigration and drugs. However, it can and should be extended to the energy sector.

The new year is an ideal time for states to embrace their energy sovereignty. Such states would be able to contend with burdensome federal regulations by focusing on delivering reliable and affordable energy to their citizens. The left has decided to ignore federal immigration and drug laws. Let’s apply the same treatment to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the rest of Joe Biden’s Green New Army.

Currently, states must sue the Biden Administration for relief, as they did in West Virginia vs. the EPA that resulted with the Supreme Court rolling back the federal government’s ability to regulate carbon dioxide emissions. However, looking for relief through the courts takes time and a lot of money. States would be better off standing up first and suing later. Furthermore, redirecting state resources away from an unwanted climate agenda is a sensible move that benefits both the economy and energy consumers.

An energy sanctuary state should seize the opportunity to bypass onerous federal regulations that often impede progress and hinder affordable energy delivery. The current federal regulatory framework creates significant challenges for states in pursuing viable and efficient energy solutions. By establishing an energy sanctuary state, a state would be able to tailor its regulations in a way that best suits its unique circumstances. This flexibility allows for quicker decision-making, streamlined processes, and the ability to adapt to changing energy demands.

Indeed so—exactly as the Founders intended from the very beginning, ironically enough. We seem to have somehow lost track of the concept over our long, slow downhill slide into the socialist ditch, but the fact is that’s why those great men wrote the Constitution as they did in the first damned place—which fact even a cursory review of said simply-worded, easy-to-comprehend document will make clear as crystal and beyond further debate, without the average reader having to so much as break a sweat over it.

Come to think of it, “ironic” doesn’t begin to meet the case.


Another day, another…

Another madman shoots up a school, another demand for law-abiding, non-insane people who have never shot anybody and never WILL shoot anybody to surrender their 2A rights.

Las Vegas police: 3 dead, 1 injured after Wednesday shooting at UNLV
A source close to the investigation says that the suspect is believed to be a 67-year-old college professor.

President Biden on Wednesday afternoon issued a statement on the shootings in Texas and Nevada:

“Yesterday, in Austin and San Antonio, at least six people were killed and several more injured by a gunman—leaving families devastated, and communities forever changed. And just hours ago, the University of Nevada at Las Vegas became the latest college campus to be terrorized by a horrific act of gun violence, and the community is still awaiting information on casualties.

Jill and I join citizens across our nation in praying for the families of our fallen, and for those who were injured during these latest acts of senseless violence. We are also grateful for the courageous work of law enforcement—who risked their own safety to bring an end to these deadly shooting sprees. Federal law enforcement officials are on the ground working with State and local law enforcement in both states and I have directed that all necessary support be provided to assist in the investigations and support these communities.

This year alone, our nation has experienced more than 600 mass shootings, and approximately 40,000 deaths due to gun violence. This is not normal, and we can never let it become normal.

For all the action we have taken since I’ve been President, the epidemic of gun violence we face demands that we do even more. But we cannot do more without Congress. Republican lawmakers must join with Democrats in Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, pass a national red flag law, enact universal background checks, require the safe storage of guns, and advance other commonsense measures that will help stem the tide of gun violence. And together, we must do more to prevent more families, and more communities like Austin, San Antonio, and Las Vegas, from being ripped apart by gun violence.”

Yeah, let’s allow you gun-grabber shitweasels to rip the entire fucking country apart by gun “control” and/or confiscation instead. From the above sub-hed, sounds to me like what we could really use here is some reasonable, common-sense loony-toony-college-professor control, Mr “President.” A good first step might be to enact strong legislation preventing opportunistic, lying scum-sucker ProPols like yourself from clambering atop the nearest podium before the sound of the shots has even stopped echoing to thump your scrawny chests and lecture the rest of us about what we must and must not do.

Update! For my money, the great Charlton Heston said it best.

Sure, I’ll be happy to give up my guns to you rat-bastards: bullets first, any old time you feel froggy enough.


Know your rights

Alllll three of ‘em, as Joe Strummer once sang.

Not long ago, I heard about an incident I want to bring to your attention. A motorist, traveling outside his state of residence, was the victim of a minor traffic accident. However, during the investigation, an officer found two handguns in his car. The motorist was arrested for carrying without a permit, a felony in that particular state.

The problem was that the motorist had a concealed-carry permit alright—but only in his home state. This man was not a criminal. He had no prior-arrest record. He simply was in a state that refused to recognize another state’s license. What that oversight meant for this gentleman was a trip to jail, very expensive legal fees and possible time in prison—and loss of his Second Amendment rights.

We spend a lot of time talking about guns and gear and even some time talking about tactics. But, I’m not sure we spend enough time discussing the various laws concerning personal defense. It is possible to be otherwise justified in defending oneself, yet still be charged with a crime for some violation of legal procedure.

For example, some states have the so-called “Stand Your Ground” law. That is, if you have a legal right to be where you are, then there is no requirement to retreat before defending yourself. Other states require you to attempt to retreat, sometimes with an exception when you’re in your home, before responding to a violent attack. What do they consider a legitimate attempt to retreat?

While you may know the law in your home state, you are bound by the law, whatever it is, in the state that you are visiting. And, trust me, they are not going to be the least bit interested in how you do it back home.

That’s a fact, Jack. In Amerika v2.0, the State’s one and only interest is locking you up, first, last, and always. The Constitution itself clearly states that no State law may traduce the US Constitution—which certainly includes the 2A—rendering gun-grabber legislation in even the most Left-“liberal” of states null and void. “Shall not be abridged,” remember? Yet somehow, well, here we all are nevertheless.

What a travesty. As the bumper stickers have it: the Founders would have been shooting a loooonnnng time ago.

(Via Insty)


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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