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Well done, Mister LaForge

The ones they want to ban most are the very ones they ought to be forced to read, up to and including putting a gun to their empty heads if that’s what it takes.

Literacy advocate, Star Trek star, and game show host LeVar Burton wants people, particularly children, to read banned books. The former Reading Rainbow host appeared during a segment about banned books on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. In the piece, Burton attempts to read some seemingly innocuous books only to get cut off because of a book banning for one contrived reason or another. Eventually, Burton runs away after hearing sirens nearby, but not before encouraging folks to read banned books “because that’s where the good stuff is.” You can watch the entire The Daily Show segment below.

The topic of banned books reached new heights when a Tennessee school district banned Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Maus, which chronicles the cartoonist’s father’s experiences in a concentration camp during the holocaust. Many have rallied against this movement, including author and CBLDF supporter Neil Gaiman, who wrote, “There’s only one kind of people who would vote to ban Maus, whatever they are calling themselves these days.”

They can call themselves anything they damned well please, but the song always remains the same with creatures like these. and always will.


9 thoughts on “Well done, Mister LaForge

  1. A) Welcome back!

    B) Natzsofast, guido.
    How many of the books parents want pulled are of the <i>Heather Has Two Mommies</i>, <i>Ken Likes To Dress Up As Skipper</i>, and <i>Mr. Johnson Likes Little Boys</i> ilk?
    I’ll wager there’s two hundred of those type, doing nothing but groowing for pedophiles and pushing for LGBTEIEIO explicit sexual content for kindergarteners, for every person who’s railing against <i>Tom Sawyer</i>.
    And the rampant cultural pedo-pervert-mania is wrapping themselves in the flag, and conflating grooming materials and filth with actual literature.

    At root, the problem is simple: we shouldn’t be burning books. We should be burning the authors and “educators”, at the stake. The slope between circumspect parental oversight and rampant censorship gets a lot less slippery if you just lay down enough bloody chunks of charred flesh from the violators first.

    1. Yah, my first thought was that they aren’t against censorship in general, only against censorship of their books.

  2. which chronicles the cartoonist’s father’s experiences in a concentration camp during the holocaust.”

    I can’t figure out how so many people apparently survived such a terrible genocide.

    1. Simple. Nazis like to torture people so they have a whole bunch alive at any given time.

      That being said I think a lot of these “survivor” stories are exaggerations or outright lies. Still, there would be a lot of real survivors.

      Note also that two or three generations later so there are a lot of people with the same survivor in their family history. One becomes many over time.

    2. Maybe you should do a bit of investigation to find out how many people were put in the concentration camps, how many concentration camps were established, and over what time period.

      Hitler started with Dachau in 1933. There were over 1000 camps built between 1933 and 1945.

      Actual numbers of deaths and total incarcerated are hard to account for. The Nazi’s hid this pretty well so I will not quote the numbers, you can look it up and read and judge for yourself.

      Certain things are clear. Jews were not the only people incarcerated and murdered. It went on for a very long period of time. The count is in the millions.

      so many people apparently survived

      How many is so many?

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