Continuing education

Important Stuffz For Gals To Know 101.

A New Year – A New You
I post this only as a public service. We here at DMF have always prided ourselves with unceasing efforts to help create a well informed citizenry, as with our ongoing Public Service Educational Crash Course Series. This was sent to me by one of our smart-ass loyal readers, whom I have a strong suspicion is divorced………or soon will be.



Class 1: Up in Winter, Down in Summer – How to Adjust a Thermostat Step by Step, with Slide Presentation. Meets 2 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs. beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 2: Which Takes More Energy – Putting the Toilet Seat Down, or Bitching About It for 3 Hours? Round Table Discussion. Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 3: Is It Possible To Drive Past a Wal-Mart Without Stopping?–Group Debate. Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 AM for 2 hours.

Class 4: Fundamental Differences Between a Purse and a Suitcase–Pictures and Explanatory Graphics. Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Class 5: Curling Irons–Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Bathroom Cabinet? Examples on Video. Meets 2 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM

Class 6: How to Ask Questions During Commercials and Be Quiet During the Program Help Line Support and Support Groups. Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM

Class 7: Can a Bath Be Taken Without 14 Different Kinds of Soaps and Shampoos? Open Forum .. Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.

More yet at the link, all of it equally hilarious—if not more so, especially nos. 8, 10, and 12.


Just a guy in a lawnchair with a pen and a notebook

Is the evolution of the Surveillance State more or less a naturally-occurring phenomenon, or is it an insidious encroachment being intentionally foisted on us as part of a long-range plan hatched by shadowy FederalGovCo malefactors? Is there any realistic way to slow, halt, or reverse its growth, or to do away with it altogether once it’s fully implemented? Interesting questions, and with every passing day, more urgent ones.

When you think about what our emerging surveillance state will look like, you think 1984. You imagine East Germany powered by Google and Amazon. You recall your favorite dystopian sci-fi film – or maybe horror stories of China’s social credit system. Thoughts of a frustrated middle-aged police chief from a mid-sized Midwestern town attempting to procure security cameras with innovative new features probably don’t come to mind. You definitely don’t think of a guy in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles in a notebook. And that’s partly how the surveillance state is going to emerge as it creeps its way into one small town at a time.

Whether a surveillance state is the end goal is hard to say. The police chief of Pawnee, Indiana probably isn’t plotting the development of his own mini-Oceania. But, 18,000-plus mini-Oceanias operating across multiple platforms with varying degrees of integration, both locally and nationally, is undoubtedly the direction in which we are heading as salespeople peddle shiny new surveillance gadgets to cities big and small, making often unverified but intuitively appealing claims of how their devices will decrease crime or prove to be useful investigative tools.

Automatic license plate readers, or ALPRs, can be used to log a person’s movements through the license plates of their vehicles. Given the exponential increase in their use over the past few years and the ease with which data from the cameras of some vendors are integrated, they also pose a threat to privacy on par with facial recognition and cell site simulators.

Often positioned on street lights, traffic lights, independent structures, or police vehicles, ALPRs are a type of camera that captures the license plate and other identifying information of passing vehicles before comparing the information in real time to “hot lists” of vehicles actively being sought by law enforcement and transmitting the information to a searchable database. ALPRs sold by some companies are even said to be able to assess a car’s driving patterns to determine whether the person behind the wheel is “driving like a criminal.” 

You have nothing to worry about, you’re told. The town down the road brought them in six months back. Chief Jones over there said they helped solve that murder from the news. And, by the way, they’re not really that much different from a concerned citizen just keeping an eye on things. 

At the town hall in Urbana, for example, then-police chief, Bryant Seraphin, worked to dismiss the notion that ALPRs actually pose a threat to privacy or even constitute a surveillance tool. 

Repeatedly, he emphasized that ALPRs do not capture any information about the person driving a car or automatically link to information about the person to whom a vehicle is registered. Their ubiquity in the area was accentuated. Supposed success stories were shared.

To allay any remaining notion that there might be something scary about ALPRs, Seraphin described them with a folksy metaphor: “One of the things that I’ve talked about with these things is that if you pictured somebody sitting in a lawn chair writing down every plate that went by, the date, and the time when they wrote ‘red Toyota ABC123’, and then they would make a phone call and check the databases and then hang up and then go on to the next one – that’s what [an ALPR] does automatically and it can do it over and over again…with incredible speed.”

Yet, when Anita Chan, the director of the University of Illinois Community Data Clinic, proceeded to raise concerns regarding “the potential violation of civil liberties” and how a license plate alone is sufficient for the police to not just find out “where you live and where you work but also…who potentially your friends are, what religious affiliation you might have, essentially where you get medical services…[and] suss out essentially who’s traveling and where,” Seraphin acknowledged all this is possible. However, he assured her with a frustrated chuckle, ALPRs simply provide a notebook that would only be referenced when investigating serious crimes.

By the same logic, facial recognition simply provides a notebook as well. As do cell site simulators. As do any surveillance device. Yet, there is a fundamental question of whether such a notebook should exist. Does the chief of police in Urbana or the sheriff in Pawnee need a notebook containing your approximate location three Thursdays ago at 8:15pm, as well as a record of who attended last week’s political rally, in order to solve a murder? Should he be allowed to keep such a notebook if it might help solve an extra murder in his town each year? If the answer is yes, then what are the limits to the tools he and his department should be afforded?

Furthermore, there is also something a little off about the disarming metaphor of a guy who spends his days sitting around in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles. Something a little insidious. Something that perhaps Anita Chan was picking up on.

Although they’re not mentioned in the article, it brings to mind the strident denunciations of smartphones, social media, and even the internet itself currently prevalent among many on Our Side of the political aisle, all of which devices are apparently tools of the Devil Himself: a spy in your pocket or on your desk, devouring your liberty and eliminating your personal privacy and security whether you foolish, unwitting Sheeples realize it or not.

This is an old, old debate, going back at least to the early days of television itself if not even farther. While I am certainly not one to dismiss legitimate concerns of broad Snooperstate infringement on the citizenry’s right to privacy and essential liberty, to me it seems that what we’re witnessing is an inevitable byproduct of the ongoing march of technological advancement and innovation.

What we have here might be thought of as a clock that cannot be turned back to the semi-mythical Golden Days of yore, which exist now only in our collective cultural memory. T’was ever thus, I think; as wondrous new technologies become available and affordable—therefore ubiquitous, eventually—the convenience, assistance, and entertainment they provide are also accompanied by some less salutary and desirable secondary aspects as well. To imagine nefarious, skulking Bad Actors might not exploit those secondary aspects to the fullest possible extent is nothing but a fool’s hope. Such a fantasy ignores the very nature of government itself, even after the Founders explicitly forewarned us in their Declaration, Constitution, and Federalist Papers.

That being so, the remedy ought to be damned obvious to every right-thinking American: we do not ban the devices and technologies, thereby denying ourselves the myriad positive aspects they bring to the world. Instead, the right way to go about it is to keep the Bad Actors firmly and securely leashed, and severely punish any of them who dares to exceed his proper Constitutional remit at the very first hint he’s even considering such a thing.

Don’t like being surveilled, tracked, and/or put into a database by your smartphone? Don’t blame the smartphone, then; blame the assholes who use it not for its original intended purpose, but as a spy’s tool and a dictator’s security blanket. THEY’RE the problem, not technological progress and the near-magical, undreamed-of devices that enhance life for Normals. Blame the warped assholes and their villainous schemes, and make sure they pay a high price for their perverse authoritarian impulses—each and every time, always and forever, no exceptions. As the Founders knew, it really is the only way.

(Via WRSA)



Ho hum. Not giving a moist fart about it—scanned a few headlines, skipped the articles entirely—I wasn’t gonna bother mentioning the Iowa shindig at all. Then I read Aesop’s projection for the 24 “election.”

Well well. Seems that, despite eleventy-eleven indictments for everything from overdue library books to wearing a bad hairpiece in public, Trump only beat every other GOP-lite candidate, combined, in the Iowa Cornbowl.

Fourth-place finisher Ramalamadingdong, who only trailed Trump by 43 percentage points (more than the tally totals of Jeb #2 and Jeb #3 combined), has ejected from further headfirst smashes into the brick wall, rolled over, and kissed Trump’s ass, in the bid to become the next Veep running mate.

None of that means fuck-all for the actual 2024 election. Team Poopypants’ continued Keep-Him-The-Hell-Away-From-Live-Microphones-For-Another-Year strategy, a carbon-copy of the 2020 plan, points to the re-deployment of another massive Election Steal apparatus in 2024, except likely a necessary order of magnitude larger, to counteract what looks to be an actual 70-30 Biden drubbing, were a conventional (read “factual, free, and honest”) election to be held this year.

It won’t be.

My prediction of what happens in 2024 is a re-do of 2020: 

Biden “wins” again this time, improving on his 81M imaginary votes from 2020, with a final score of Biden 972%, and Trump 49%. Nothing to see here. Move along.

An actual election scares hell out of both parties, because they know who’d win that. Just like he did the last two times. They’re morons, but they’re not complete idiots.

The Deep State would hold a motorcade for Trump in Dallas the day he wins the nomination, and the GOP would donate the convertible for him to ride in before that would happen. The FBI and CIA can be relied upon to supply the Usual Book Depository Spectators, as they both have some wee experience with that sort of thing.

But in the meantime, the spectacle of Trump single-handedly upending the entire assembled crew of GOPe midgets, every single time it’s tried, is heartwarming, in that it sets the poo-flinging monkeys from both wings of the Uniparty (that would be just about all of them) to digging in their diapers for more offerings to throw at President Trump, and highlights the desperation and blatant frothingly mad depths of shrieking hysteria to which they’ll happily succumb, in their ceaseless quest to keep their jackboots on the neck of the American people.

A-yup, that squares entirely with my own take on the whole dumbshow: mildly entertaining, not much use otherwise. Said jackboots, as a rule, cannot be removed by simply voting them off our necks, and they’re the really important issue for us at this late date.

Pursuing, wielding, using, abusing…and, ultimately, losing

Power abhors a vacuum.

Joe Biden certainly knows how to wield his ‘power’ — to transform the country for the worse

Or his behind-the-scenes puppeteer, one Bathhouse Barry Soetero, does, more like.

Joe Biden let slip a telling boast after his latest Dark Brandon speech.

“I understand power,” he whispered into the microphone as the first lady wrangled him off stage to stop him impersonating a Roomba.

While ostensibly a self-deprecating cliché about wives’ control over men, “I understand power” also was a statement of unwavering confidence in his own mastery of today’s political landscape.

It’s hard to admit, given Biden’s manifest frailties and incompetence, but he’s right.

The president does know how to use power to transform the country.

From all available evidence, the so-called pRetend ***”pResident”*** doesn’t even know what year it is anymore. Nor who he is, who he’s speaking with, where he is at any given time, or what his minders brought him there for. Not that Pedo Peter ever was what any sentient soul would call the sharpest knife in the drawer, mind, even on his very best day.

What did Donald Trump achieve of any lasting value in the four years he had power? Clearly, he was a better president on every important measure: the economy, the border, foreign affairs, energy policy.

But every achievement of Trump’s was undone on day one by Biden, and many of his aspirations were foiled by Biden’s Deep State allies.

Power is all Biden has ever cared about. In his dismal first speech of the election season near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, on Friday, Biden used the word 13 times. He said “insurrection” or “insurrectionists” 11 times, because that is how he intends to hang on to power, by fashioning his entire campaign pitch around Jan. 6 and Trump’s threat to “democracy.”

Biden’s dishonest depiction of the Capitol riot as something far worse than it really was is out of kilter with the way 73% of Americans in a weekend CBS poll see it, as a “protest that went too far.”

But it’s no coincidence that his speech coincided with strategic leaks from special counsel Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 probe, which cast Trump as inciter-in-chief, exactly the question that has been dumped in the lap of the Supreme Court by puerile Biden proxies in Colorado and Maine, as 32 other states similarly consider removing Trump from the ballot on “insurrectionist” grounds.

Yet not one person of the 1,200 charged over the Capitol riot has been charged with insurrection.

And how could they be, prithee tell? What with the batch of unexpurgated J6 tapes having finally—FINALLY—been released into the wild after years kept tightly under wraps, it’s plain to the meanest intelligence that there WAS NO insurrection, not even remotely close to anything like one. Ah, but now we come to the tally of obfuscatory shitlib word-wrangling.

“Democracy” came up 30 times in Biden’s speech, too. Apparently it’s “on the ballot.”

“The alternative to democracy is dictatorship,” he thundered.

It’s a bizarre statement for the president of a nation that was founded deliberately, not as a democracy, but as a constitutional republic, precisely to avoid the “tyranny of the majority,” which James Madison warned about.

That’s why we have an Electoral College, and not a presidential election determined by popular vote, where New York would overrule Iowa.

Biden’s pursuit of power at any cost is behind his insidious new eulogies to “democracy.”

Similarly, he has dropped the word “unity,” which he invoked no fewer than 11 times in his inaugural address back in 2021.

The divider-in-chief has given up even pretending he meant it.

Which indicates, as I’ve long insisted, that far from being “terrified” or “afraid” of us as so many erroneously proclaim, they are instead contemptuous of us—that they now believe their grip on absolute power to be so secure, so unchallengable, that they no longer perceive any necessity to keep the iron fist carefully concealed beneath the proverbial velvet glove.

As time marches ever on, though, this assumption will eventually be proven incorrect. History tells us that every would-be dictator carries deep within himself the seed of his own undoing, whether it be arrogance, greed, recklessness, or some other unlovely hobgoblin of his little mind. It’s an old, old story, going at least as far back as Hubris and Nemesis if not farther still, and it will be no different with our current crop of (mis)rulers.


A sordid history

Steyn reviews his op-editorializing on the J6 put-up job—of which there’s a gracious plenty, all up to the usual Steyn standard of excellence.

Re Rubio: well, the scene was still unfolding, and you’d have to be made of sterner stuff than a Republican senator not to get swept up in all the shameful-desecration-of-the-world’s-greatest-deliberative-body wankery. But what was Ted Cruz’s excuse when he denounced it, one year later, as a “violent terrorist attack”? Has he ever given a plausible explanation for that? “Oh, sorry, I forgot I was making a public statement. I thought I was just shooting the breeze in the Capitol hot tub with Chuck and Nancy”?

“Violent terrorist attack”? I thought that was Speaker Pelosi’s talking point. Say what you will, but the Dems play the long game very effectively. As opposed to the GOP, who don’t play it at all. Whoever’s waggling the dead husk of a moth-eaten sock-puppet that is Joe Biden planted the word “insurrection” within twenty minutes of the smoke clearing knowing full well its constitutional significance—and here we are three years later with judges and state officials using the term to ban the leading candidate from the ballot in the interests of “saving democracy”. The Maine Secretary of State’s statement is particularly instructive in this regard.

Meanwhile, in Nevada this career thug trying to kill his judge gets more lenient treatment than gran’mas with no criminal records who wandered around “the people’s house” for half-an-hour:

That last bit refers to the Jungle Bunny HoF’er mentioned here yesterday. Next up, another appalling horror-news item I’d nearly forgotten about.

Re that bit about the Capitol Police, the name of that woeful constabulary rang a vague bell with me, and I eventually recalled the last time I’d written about their shooting of a young woman, seven years earlier. Please read on to what I regard as the most repulsive aspect of this story: Congress’s standing ovation for the Capitol Police’s dispatch of that poor defenseless mom. You can read the full column here, but this is the pertinent part:

An unarmed woman was gunned down on the streets of Washington for no apparent crime other than driving too near Barackingham Palace and thereby posing a threat to national security. As disturbing as Miriam Carey’s bullet-riddled body and vehicle were, the public indifference to it is even worse. Ms Carey does not appear to be guilty of any act other than a panic attack when the heavy-handed and heavier-armed palace guard began yelling at her. Much of what was reported in the hours after her death seems dubious: We are told Ms Carey was ‘mentally ill’, although she had no medications in her vehicle and those at her home back in Connecticut are sufficiently routine as to put millions of other Americans in the category of legitimate target. We are assured that she suffered from post-partum depression, as if the inability to distinguish between a depressed mom and a suicide bomber testifies to the officers’ professionalism. Under DC police rules, cops are not permitted to fire on a moving vehicle, because of the risk to pedestrians and other drivers. But the Secret Service and the Capitol Police enjoy no such restraints, so the car doors are full of bullet holes. The final moments of the encounter remain a mystery, but police were supposedly able to extract Ms Carey’s baby from the back of a two-door vehicle before dispatching the defenseless mother to meet her maker.

In perhaps the most repugnant reaction to Ms Carey’s death, the United States Congress expressed their ‘gratitude’ to the officers who killed her and gave them a standing ovation. Back in the Eighties, the Queen woke up to find a confused young man at the end of her bed. She talked to him calmly until help arrived and he was led away. A few years later, Her Majesty’s Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien, was confronted by an aggrieved protester. As is his wont, he dealt with it somewhat more forcefully than his sovereign, throttling the guy, forcing him to the ground, and breaking his tooth, until the Mounties arrived to rescue the assailant from the PM. But, had the London and Ottawa intruders been gunned down by SWAT teams, I cannot imagine for a moment either the British or Canadian Parliament rising to applaud such an outcome. This was a repulsive act by Congress.

Miriam Carey is already forgotten, and the lawyer her family hired has now, conveniently, been jailed for a bad debt. I am not one for cheap historical analogies: My mother spent four of her childhood years under Nazi occupation, and it is insulting to her and millions of others who know the real thing to bandy overheated comparisons. But there is a despotic trend in American government. Too many of our rulers and their enforcers reflexively see the citizenry primarily as a threat. Which is why in Congress the so-called people’s representatives’ first instinct is to stand and cheer the death of a defenseless woman.

Ted Cruz’s anniversary remarks were very much in the spirit of that 2013 Congress. On the broader point, that “despotic trend” I noted a decade ago is well advanced now. I don’t do the constitutional-fetishisation shtick because, aside from anything else, from Miriam Carey to Ashli Babbitt, from Covid to ballot access, it’s increasingly clear that in the pseudo-republic citizens don’t count. Hence the daily scenes at the Rio Grande. Ultimately, open borders render citizenship a nullity. That’s one reason they do it to you.

Hm, lemmesee now:

  • State-sanctioned murder of its subjects
  • Applause for said murder from its well-insulated, invulnerable political class
  • Fraudulent national “elections”
  • Manifestly authoritarian lockdowns, Vaxx and mask mandates, and other unlawful edicts wholly incompatable with the concept of self-government, ordered liberty, and the rule of law
  • Leading opposition candidates barred from running for office via “legal” harrassment, smear and innuendo, and direct declarations of ineligibility issued by state-level officials with no authority to do such
  • A federal intelligence agency in flagrant violation of its own founding charter, which expressly restricts it to foreign surveillance and intel-gathering operations only
  • A heavily-politicized federal police force deployed against the ruling party’s civilian opponents absent indictment, due process of law, or credible evidence of criminal offense
  • An elephantine, lawless, prodigiously-rapacious central government gone rogue: untouchable, unstoppable, and entirely out of control, checked by neither meaningful oversight, periodic impartial review, nor accountability to its tax-slave populace

A credulity-straining litany of shocking malfeasance, shamelessness, and illegitimacy, and we’ve still barely skimmed the surface. SO: anybody out there want to try explaining to me in what sense Amerika v2.0 is NOT a dismal, banana-republic-style shitrapy? Because from where I sit, this one sets a new all-time record for shitrapy-ness.


An “open air prison”

It’s not that the Paleosimians in Gaza are angry about being “mistreated” by the Israelis; they’re angry that Israel—and ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOOOZ!!!)))) generally—exists at all.

Yep, pre-Oct 7 Gaza sure looked like Hell on earth for those poor suffering Paleosimians, didn’t it? After being treated as inhumanely as that—forced by the Israelis (who, by the way, control absolutely everything and everyone in the entire world) to live in such extreme squalor and deprivation as seen above—no WONDER they’re so implacably pissed off. What rational, reasonable human being yearning only to breathe free and be left alone to live their lives in peace WOULDN’T be?

But hey, you know ((((DemPeskyJOOOOOZ!!!))) and their never-ending propaganda trickery. The above footage was probably shot in Milan or Nice or Martinique, and the IDF just P-shopped in the Arabic-language signage on the storefronts and whatnot to fool everybody. JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOOO!!! Plus, they all have big noses, wear funny hats, are greedy as hell, and sound like a throat-cancer victim trying to hock up the world’s worst phlegm-ball when they talk in that fucked-up Yid language of theirs, the rat-bastards. Right, Jew-haters?

And those JOOOOOO women, they’re just the WORST, right? Compare, contrast:

Yep, looks like a no-brainer to me all right. Then again, I’ve obviously been deceived by the International JOOOOO Conspiracy©, so never mind, I guess.


Yeah, NO

Old soldiers may never die, but some of them ought at least to have the decency to just fade away.

Petraeus says Israel should try U.S.-style counterinsurgency in Gaza
CARLISLE, Pa. – Retired Army Gen. David Petraeus, who led a surge of U.S. troops and shifted Iraqi militia alliances to help turn the tide of the Iraq War, now says a similar, counterinsurgency-based approach could work for the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The former CIA director, who was later tasked with stabilizing the Afghanistan War, spoke on Nov. 30 at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center near the home of the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, following the October release of the book “Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine,” which he co-authored with military historian Andrew Roberts.

Shifting his attention to the current Israel-Hamas War, Petraeus said the “big idea” Israel has landed on is destroying Hamas. But how that happens and what comes next remain unresolved.

Petraeus, who said he has ongoing discussions with interlocutors in the Middle East, claimed that Israel has determined Hamas is the equivalent of the Islamic State, meaning it is an irreconcilable, extremist organization.

“You have to, therefore, destroy them,” Petraeus said. Israel cannot allow Hamas to reconstitute as a militant group and it also must dismantle the group’s political wing, he argued, adding that military force alone won’t accomplish that goal.

“But there are some big ideas missing,” Petraeus said. “You can’t kill or capture your way out of an industrial strength insurgency.” The Hamas challenge echoes what U.S. forces faced in Iraq and Israel should take a similar approach, he said.

“The campaign should be a counterinsurgency campaign,” Petraeus said. “Don’t clear and go on. Clear, hold and build.”

Oh goody, more nation-building! That’s always worked out SO well, every time it’s been tried. Well, the exceptions being Germany and Japan post-WW2, I suppose. But then neither of those two nations bears even a slight resemblance to the Mooselimb-run Shitholistans of the world, so there’s also that.

Either way, I do think it’s just sooo cute how Betrayus thinks anybody still gives a flying fuck what he has to say about anything at all, or even should. This Jason Dempsey fella seems to have the right of it.

Jason Dempsey, an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, told Military Times, “the only lesson on COIN that we as Americans have to offer or should be offering, is that one, we didn’t do it very well.”

Annnnnd bingo. Trying to sell peace, love, and democracy to nump-brained savages who hate that shit like the cancer is, was, and ever shall be nothing but a mug’s game.

Another day, another…

Another madman shoots up a school, another demand for law-abiding, non-insane people who have never shot anybody and never WILL shoot anybody to surrender their 2A rights.

Las Vegas police: 3 dead, 1 injured after Wednesday shooting at UNLV
A source close to the investigation says that the suspect is believed to be a 67-year-old college professor.

President Biden on Wednesday afternoon issued a statement on the shootings in Texas and Nevada:

“Yesterday, in Austin and San Antonio, at least six people were killed and several more injured by a gunman—leaving families devastated, and communities forever changed. And just hours ago, the University of Nevada at Las Vegas became the latest college campus to be terrorized by a horrific act of gun violence, and the community is still awaiting information on casualties.

Jill and I join citizens across our nation in praying for the families of our fallen, and for those who were injured during these latest acts of senseless violence. We are also grateful for the courageous work of law enforcement—who risked their own safety to bring an end to these deadly shooting sprees. Federal law enforcement officials are on the ground working with State and local law enforcement in both states and I have directed that all necessary support be provided to assist in the investigations and support these communities.

This year alone, our nation has experienced more than 600 mass shootings, and approximately 40,000 deaths due to gun violence. This is not normal, and we can never let it become normal.

For all the action we have taken since I’ve been President, the epidemic of gun violence we face demands that we do even more. But we cannot do more without Congress. Republican lawmakers must join with Democrats in Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, pass a national red flag law, enact universal background checks, require the safe storage of guns, and advance other commonsense measures that will help stem the tide of gun violence. And together, we must do more to prevent more families, and more communities like Austin, San Antonio, and Las Vegas, from being ripped apart by gun violence.”

Yeah, let’s allow you gun-grabber shitweasels to rip the entire fucking country apart by gun “control” and/or confiscation instead. From the above sub-hed, sounds to me like what we could really use here is some reasonable, common-sense loony-toony-college-professor control, Mr “President.” A good first step might be to enact strong legislation preventing opportunistic, lying scum-sucker ProPols like yourself from clambering atop the nearest podium before the sound of the shots has even stopped echoing to thump your scrawny chests and lecture the rest of us about what we must and must not do.

Update! For my money, the great Charlton Heston said it best.

Sure, I’ll be happy to give up my guns to you rat-bastards: bullets first, any old time you feel froggy enough.


Leftards to Normals: drop dead!

I repeat: Take. Them. At. Their. Word. And govern your response accordingly.

They Might Want You to Eat Bugs, But They Would Prefer You Weren’t Here at All
Back in January, I did a story on Jane Goodall. Someone I thought was the epitome of the schweet, uber feminine British flower, who spoke softly and risked her life nobly doing things like saving chimpanzees.

A heroine of my youth. Who just wishes there were less of us ruining the world she loves.

“We cannot hide away from human population growth, because it underlies so many of the other problems. All these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if the world was the size of the population that there was 500 years ago.”

That infamous little snippet was from a discussion at a WEF gathering. The same WEF/Davos conferences for which Klaus Schwab has now removed all the videos that were once available to skewer them with on Twitter. It turns out the most elite, richest, and privileged geniuses among us have very thin skins when it comes to the peasants using their own self-congratulatory recordings to eviscerate their big plans and mock them mercilessly.

But the fact of the matter is, they don’t like us very much and would be thrilled to have fewer of us both to control and despoiling their precious Gaia. Life would be better all around.

Proponents of the idea that the world would be a better place sans a significant amount of the current population have a name unto themselves – it’s “Malthusians.” It springs from a late 18th, early 19th Century English economist named Robert Malthus, who believed that over-population was literally the bane of the Earth.

Dishonorable mentions for Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ idiot Michael Mann and overpopulation sub-genius Paul Erlich follow, a trio sans brio who, between them, share the inglorious distinction of having been conclusively proven all wet more times than the separate-but-equally-wrong unholy triumvirate of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin has. Then, Beege provides a link to the coup de grace for the whole sorry crowd.

If by fiat I had to identify the most consequential ideas in the history of science, good and bad, in the top 10 would be the 1798 treatise An Essay on the Principle of Population, by English political economist Thomas Robert Malthus. On the positive side of the ledger, it inspired Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace to work out the mechanics of natural selection based on Malthus’s observation that populations tend to increase geometrically (2, 4, 8, 16…), whereas food reserves grow arithmetically (2, 3, 4, 5…), leading to competition for scarce resources and differential reproductive success, the driver of evolution.

On the negative side of the ledger are the policies derived from the belief in the inevitability of a Malthusian collapse. “The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race,” Malthus gloomily predicted. His scenario influenced policy makers to embrace social Darwinism and eugenics, resulting in draconian measures to restrict particular populations’ family size, including forced sterilizations.

Science writer Ronald Bailey tracks neo-Malthusians in his book The End of Doom (St. Martin’s Press, 2015), starting with Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 best seller The Population Bomb, which proclaimed that “the battle to feed all of humanity is over.” Many doomsayers followed. Worldwatch Institute founder Lester Brown, for example, declared in 1995, “Humanity’s greatest challenge may soon be just making it to the next harvest.” In a 2009 Scientific American article he affirmed his rhetorical question, “Could food shortages bring down civilization?” In a 2013 conference at the University of Vermont, Ehrlich assessed our chances of avoiding civilizational collapse at only 10 percent.

The problem with Malthusians, Bailey writes, is that they “cannot let go of the simple but clearly wrong idea that human beings are no different than a herd of deer when it comes to reproduction.” Humans are thinking animals. We find solutions—think Norman Borlaug and the green revolution. The result is the opposite of what Malthus predicted: the wealthiest nations with the greatest food security have the lowest fertility rates, whereas the most food-insecure countries have the highest fertility rates.

Among a plethora of other examples, Ehrlich’s famous losing bet springs immediately to mind:

The Simon–Ehrlich wager was a 1980 scientific wager between business professor Julian L. Simon and biologist Paul Ehrlich, betting on a mutually agreed-upon measure of resource scarcity over the decade leading up to 1990. The widely-followed contest originated in the pages of Social Science Quarterly, where Simon challenged Ehrlich to put his money where his mouth was. In response to Ehrlich’s published claim that “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000” Simon offered to take that bet, or, more realistically, “to stake US$10,000…on my belief that the cost of non-government-controlled raw materials (including grain and oil) will not rise in the long run.”

Simon challenged Ehrlich to choose any raw material he wanted and a date more than a year away, and he would wager on the inflation-adjusted prices decreasing as opposed to increasing. Ehrlich chose copper, chromium, nickel, tin, and tungsten. The bet was formalized on September 29, 1980, with September 29, 1990, as the payoff date. Ehrlich lost the bet, as all five commodities that were bet on declined in price from 1980 through 1990, the wager period.

No more snow; London and NYC underwater no later than 1990/2000/2005/2010/2020 etc etc due to rising sea levels caused by melting polar ice caps/glaciers; nonexistent global warming; the hoary old “peak oil” myth; unbreathable air; acid rain; mass starvation across the developed world; killing floods, drought, tornadoes, and hurricanes all inexorably worsening, year after year; calamitous shortages, scarcity, impoverishment, famine, and war—only shitlib Chicken Littles could be wrong again and again and again about absolutely everything, and yet still unblushingly insist that they’re the smartest people in the room anyhow…no matter what room they happen to be in at the time.

Funny, innit, how all these disparate problems always seem to have the selfsame solution: more government, less freedom, more sacrifice and deprivation, more want. For YOU, that is, not for them. Never them, perish the thought. Why, one could almost be forgiven for wondering whether they might be wrong about that, too. But nah, that couldn’t be, it’s unpossible. Right?



Part of the problem

Let’s don’t and say we did.

Lawmakers call for investigation into J6 committee following release of security footage
Republican lawmakers are calling for investigations into a House committee and its members after the release of security footage that captured the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah called for the investigation of the now-defunct United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack, which determined that the riot was an attempted coup by then-President Trump. They said the tapes present a much different view of the chaos at the Capitol that day.

“The J6 committee was a sham,” Mr. Nehls said on X. “I knew it then. Everyone knows it now. Let’s investigate the investigators.”

Yeah, no. It’s just another stall, just another subterfuge, just another waste of time. The newly-released footage constitutes more-than-adequate proof, no further Congressional futzing about with mumble-mumble “investigation” required. Let’s hang the fucking treasonous bastards responsible for the plain, simple, and obvious coup instead. At the very, very least, lock all the NeverTrumpTard/Deep State traitors up and throw the fucking key down a DC sewer drain. In any event, the Goo(g)lagged J6 political prisoners must all be released forthwith. Nothing less will suffice, and that’s still only the first small step.

There’s a reason this incontrovertible documentation confirming high crimes and/or misdemeanors with malice aforethought at the highest levels of the federal government has been suppressed for lo, these past three years. That reason has now been exposed beyond further argumentation, fully and forever.

Yes, yes, I realize that in Amerika v2.0 treason is no longer a punishable offense, hasn’t been for a good many years now. So what? That’s a YUUUGE explanatory factor behind how we reached this sorry pass in the first damned place, perhaps the primary one. Which hurls the biggest question of all directly into our collective face: Are we serious about rectifying that, or are we not?

Time to either shit or get off the pot, seems to me—of course and as always, YMMV. Whatever may transpire from here, no Real American needs to be force-fed any more intelligence-insulting pap from Congresscritters, thenksveddymuch.


Jewish “journalist” SHOCKED to learn murdering Hamas terrorists are, in fact, murdering Hamas terrorists

…and, being a pluperfect, Mark-1 Mod-0 example of what our blog-bud JJ Sefton aptly dubbed “self-gassing Jews,” is scrupulously careful to make sure that he learns absolutely nothing whatsoever else.

I’m a Jew at ‘The Guardian.’ I Don’t Feel Safe at Work.
An anonymous employee describes the hostile environment at Britain’s foremost left-leaning newspaper.

I wake up on October 7 to a text from my brother-in-law: “Thoughts are with your family in Israel. I hope everyone is safe.”

I check the news. Hamas has entered southern Israel. They’re in a kibbutz. My partner’s family is in that kibbutz. His cousin is nine months pregnant. He’s in contact with them; they’re in the safe room. Terrorists are outside.

I check social media. Reports of hostages, maybe three. I check again; perhaps ten.

There has been a massacre at a music festival. I look at the video. Who do I know there? I check social media again; there are videos of hostages. I look at their faces. Do I know them?

We lose contact with family in the kibbutz. I tell myself that the phone lines are down because the IDF are there. I watch Hamas footage as it is coming out. I go on Telegram for the first time in my life and I see a room full of bodies covered in blood. I see children gunned down. I see the bodies of raped women. I see families holding each other as Hamas livestreams atrocities. I look for people I might know.

I look at the papers the next day. The newspaper I work for has a tank on the front page: ‘Hundreds die and hostages held as Hamas assault shocks Israel’—victorious terrorists hold a Palestinian flag. The subheading reads ‘Netanyahu declares war as 150 Israelis die. 230 Palestinians killed in air strikes.’

I don’t understand. I know people, Israelis, who were murdered. They did not “die,” as if in some kind of accident. I saw footage of terrorism. It was not an “assault.”

On Sunday, we get more information about what happened to my partner’s family, about how Hamas set the family’s house on fire when they thought it was empty, how my partner’s cousin screamed for her life when the room filled with smoke, how her husband had to pin her down to stop her cries, how Hamas laughed when they realized the family would need to crawl out of the room, how they refused to leave the burning building. We hear that they somehow survived and walked out through pools of their neighbors’ blood, pieces of dead children littering the street; kids who’d been playing on a Saturday morning.

My group chats are exploding as family and friends work out what has been happening, who is alive. I go back to the news. I type the name of the kibbutz into the wires. Nothing. I read how Hamas invaded “settlements.” They’re not settlements! They’re small, pre-state kibbutzim.

I find out that a friend of a friend was at the music festival and is missing. I’m shaking at work.

I see a colleague who had posted about “decolonization” all over social media over the weekend. They’re laughing with the rest of their team. They’re having a great day. I used to love their podcast, full of hot takes and celeb gossip. Now they’ve evolved into an expert on the Middle East. It doesn’t look like their family is in the middle of it, though.

No one else at work speaks to me about it. I nod my way through conversations about fonts and I stumble home.

I go back the next day. I look at the front page. A photo of Gaza and “violence escalates.” Israelis “dead” but Palestinians “killed.” If they can’t empathize with the Jews now, they never will.

Hate to be the one to break it to you, schmendrick, but guess what: they never will. Nor will any but the tiniest handful of left-wing ((((JoojoojooJOOOOOOOZ!!!)))) learn, either. Too uncomfortable a truth for any diehard shitlib to ever even consider taking on board, see. Better get used to it, at least until you and yours somehow scrape up the stones to finally remove those tired, worn-out old ideological/intellectual knickers and try a new pair on for size. We won’t be holding our breaths for that, I’m afraid. Until then, it will remain as Ace says:

“If I just repeat the leftwing mantra that will protect me from their hatred.”

Can I see your ticket, sir? Yes, I see; your ticket is in order.

The trouble is, sir, that this ticket proves that you bought the ticket, and now you’ll have to take the ride.

I know: How could you have foreseen this? Socialists and communists are never antisemitic, never ever!

Pretty much, yeah.

How ANY self-respecting person of Jewish descent could even dream of aligning himself with the Left-wing religious creed—much less a solid majority of them—is way beyond me. Yet somehow…well, here we all are, as we have been for years.


Blast from the past

Either you learn the lessons of history, or you doom yourself to repeat them.

On August 30, 1918, Vladimir Lenin had just given a speech at the Hammer and Sickle arms manufacturing facility in Moscow. As he was leaving, a woman called out his name and he stopped to see who was calling to him. Why he would have done this is unclear, as by this point Lenin was the most important man in Russia. He had lots of people who wanted a minute of his time. Nonetheless, he stopped to address the woman, who produced a pistol and shot Lenin three times.

The woman was not just any woman. She was Fanny Kaplan, who had been involved in radical politics since she was a teenager. She was a member of the SR’s, a very radical group that had been aligned with the Bolsheviks at times. She had spent time in a Siberian labor camp for having taken part in terrorist bombing attacks in Kiev, as well as other activities. She had been released by the Bolsheviks after the February revolution and gone right back to radical politics.

Lenin survived the assassination attempt, although he was never quite the same physically or psychologically. This was terrifying to Lenin and his inner circle not just due to the attack itself, but what it represented. The Bolsheviks were no longer the revolutionary force from the left, but the established order that had to contend with threats from all corners of the political space. The Bolsheviks had real power so that meant wielding that power to maintain that power.

There was also the issue of how Kaplan was able to get so close to Lenin in order to take a shot at him. Lenin had security, but it became clear that the SR radicals had friends and sympathizers in the security apparatus. The Cheka was filled with people who were not entirely loyal to the Bolsheviks. Many had been aligned with coalition partners, like the SR’s. If revolution was going to stay alive, it meant the system had to be purged and that meant unleashing political terror.

This was an important step, especially given the fact that Lenin and the Bolsheviks were students of the French Revolution. They knew how the terror worked out for the Jacobins and they were determined to avoid the same fate. Yet from the perspective of Lenin lying in a bed with a hole in his neck and a bullet in his shoulder, the only logical path forward was to unleash the forces of political terror. The same logic would eventually motivate Stalin to follow the same course.

The reason this matters at all to those living in this spot on the space-time continuum is that the people in charge of the empire are facing similar choices. In fact, they have been in this spot since the 2020 coup. In the fullness of time, that election will probably be looked at the same way as other radical coups in revolutionary times. Maybe Trump is actually our version of Kerensky, the radical liberal reformer who tried to head off the radical socialists but was eventually defeated by them.

Putting that aside, what mattered to Lenin as doctors patched him up was his perspective on the situation. The same can be said of the regime in the aftermath of the January 6th protests. Like Lenin and the Bolsheviks, the people who engineered Biden into the White House suffered from a similar lack of confidence. They had pulled off the great coup, but they were still unsure of their position. People climbing barricades brought to mind people more radical than themselves.

As I’ve said so many times, our would-be Masters don’t fear the righteous wrath of their subjects…YET. But there are many good reasons why they really, really should, if only they’d heed the signs and portents warning of impending catastrophe. Unfortunately for all of us, they almost certainly won’t, unless and until an uncompromising, resolute Resistance movement of some as yet unknown sort compels them into de-escalation sans option—a requisite, non-negotiable climb-down forcibly imposed on the Überstadt orcs, most likely by violent means. To sum up, then:

The regime is Lenin, lying on a couch with two holes put there by someone with help from the inside. The reality of that thinking is not important. What matters is the belief that the revolution is in mortal danger. Our revolutionaries are just as aware of the past as the prior revolutionaries, but they are just as trapped by the dynamics of revolution, so they will be compelled to follow the same path. What lies ahead is not a break from the madness, but a renewed assault by the radicals.

Their wild-eyed radicalism is already so extravagantly exaggerated it strains credulity to think it could get even worse from here. Nevertheless, their ludicrous serial assaults against observable reality just keep on keepin’ insanely on, with nary a trace of rational moderation, reconsideration, or judicious restraint anywhere in sight. To wit:

  • Child-bearing, breastfeeding—s’cuse me, that’s been revised to CHESTfeeding by the federal Komissariat on Pronouns, Gender, and Propaganda, I’m given to understand—emasculated male facsimiles
  • Laughably impracticable tampon dispensers installed in public Mens’ rooms for the convenience of manifestly fictitious “men who menstruate”—an improbable eventuality to say the least, seeing as how said delusional Penile Pyrrsynzzz of Periods© are notably ovary-, uterus-, and Fallopian tube-challenged, to use the requisite FederalGovCo-approved, certified non-triggering, psychobabblicious terminology
  • Outlawing of the purchase, possession, and/or usage of any quantity of so-called fossil fuels, a/k/a the lifeblood of industrialized national economies, by any civilian personage lawfully determined not to be A) a politician currently holding federal elective office; B) a similarly situated politician’s manservant, chauffeur, rumpswab, buttboy, or taxpayer-funded side-piece, of the politician’s choice of any of the 79 authorized gender “identities” (79 currently, many more coming soon); C) an active duty US military officer of commissioned rank no lower than full colonel, exclusively assigned to the Pentagon and presently engaged in his official duties, said outlawing in strict accordance with the specific demands of pig-ignorant “liberal” morons who even now are tapping away on their plastic iPhones whilst unmindfully operating their personal plastic eggmobiles at freeway speeds along congested motorways, in race ’n’ brake city traffic, no less
  • Government-required reversion to unreliable, inefficient, outdated “renewable energy” technologies utterly incapable of powering huge, incomprehensibly complex First World economic systems
  • No-bail-no-jail arraignment prelims, to be followed by catch-and-release slaps on the wrist, freebies lavishly proferred by Turn ‘em loose Bruce Soros-bought DAs far too delicate and high-minded to bring serious charges, in close concert with the Right (Occasionally) Honorable Judge Bleidenhardts who would much rather grant the benefit of the doubt to dead-eyed, soulless monsters than lock them up and toss the damned key down the nearest storm-drain. It paints a warm, comfy-cozy mental portrait when you think about it: the uncut, civic-crusader freshman-DAs in their ill-fitting bargain basement suits; the exalted, overly-intellectual Judge Teetime Z Softhearts clad in their meticulously cleaned and steam-pressed robes of office, all tucked up in their respective favorite plush La-Z-Boy recliner by a roaring real-wood fire; sipping amiably at the nightly mug of fresh, homemade hot cocoa; protected from all conceivable harm behind the high, two-foot-thick brick shieldwalls of their gated communities, contractually guaranteed to be one hundred percent safe and secure thanks to regular patrol sweeps of vigilant security-guard contractors; well-distanced from the heinous depredations of the selfsame unreformable career perps repeatedly unleashed by those starry-eyed DAs and judges, wittingly or unwittingly, so that the brutal, remorseless animals might pick up feasting on their less financially-well-insulated, Prey Class workaday schlubs right where they’d left off…what, a night or two ago, was it? Who knows, who cares. In any event, just before the Bacchanalian orgy of mindless criminal atrocity was so rudely interrupted by the untimely lights-and-sirens arrival of responding officer Friendly Flatfoot and his preemptively dispatched backup crew
  • Defunding, downsizing, and/or disbanding already undermanned police departments in Amerika v2.0’s lawless big-city combat zones
  • Experimental, untested DNA-altering “vaccines” that offer zip, zero, nada immunization to an unlawfully-funded by the US government with years of not-plausibly-deniable foreknowledge of its flagrantly illegal project, an ineptly cloaked, lab-spawned p(l)andemic “threat” no more deadly or virulent for most normal, healthy demographic cohorts than any other seasonal flu strain

All the above and many more examples of the Progtard War On Reality indicate a comprehensive obliviousness to the ever–deepening hole (or grave) they’re digging for themselves. Which, in turn, indicates that ZMan’s grim forecast of the current shitstorm intensifying further yet will prove accurate.

Funny, innit, how the very ones who pontificate, insistently and without cease, on a sweeping, ineluctable “arc of history” will instantly turn on a dime and disregard the half-baked, Marxism-derived concept whenever it looks like becoming inconvenient to them.

Read all of it, gird your loins, and keep loading those spare mags.


The enemy inside the wire

What a disgusting, obscene joke this putative “nation” has become.

White House slammed for ‘tone deaf’ unveiling of anti-Islamophobia strategy as antisemitism surges
The Biden administration faced backlash Wednesday after announcing that it would develop “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia” in the US amid rising levels of antisemitism.

The White House’s focus on combatting Islamophobia comes one day after both the arrest of a 21-year-old self-identified “Hamas fighter” in New York who allegedly threatened to kill and rape Jews at Cornell University and FBI Director Christopher Wray telling senators that antisemitism is reaching “historic levels” in the US following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

“For years, Muslims in America and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in a video posted on X.

Surprising absolutely no one who isn’t a ((((JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOO!!!))))-hating “liberal,” that last is just a rerun of the tired, worn-out Wokester lie the Left has been wailing on and on about for decades.

“As a result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents across America,” she added, referencing the brutal slaying of a six-year-old Palestinian American boy in Chicago last month.

Referenced by Lying Whore Harris because, horrific as it certainly is, it’s just about the only incident she could reference—a lone incident perpetrated by a guy who is clearly a deranged lunatic. The continuous drone from shitlibs bemoaning “Islamophobia” is yet another example of one of their perpetually-imminent-but-never-materializing hobgoblins, ever since 9/11. Assuming anybody out there still remembers why that date used to have some significance attached to it, that is.

Harris indicated that the plan – still in the works – will aim “to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim from hate, bigotry and violence. And to address the concern that some government policies may discriminate against Muslims privilege domestic jihadi terrorists and their left-wing supporters and shield them from all potential consequences for their vile, hateful transgressions against decency, sanity, and the very concept of human civilization.”

Fixed it for ya there, Willie-Licker.

Canadian professor Gad Saad, who referenced the statistics Wray presented to senators Tuesday, was one of many who took to social media to express dismay with the Biden administration’s anti-Islamophobia announcement.

“According to the [FBI] director, Jews make up 2.4% of the US population but are the targets of 60% of hate crimes. This is why it is apparently important to fight Islamophobia according to the White House,” Saad, who was born into a Jewish family in Lebanon, wrote on X.

GAAAAH, THE TRUTH, IT BURNS US, IT BUUURRRNNNNS USSS! GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY!!! More 24k truth ***”pResident”*** Slo-Jo Stumblebum and his vapid-whore Veep would rather we all ignore:

Direct quotes:

HAMAD: Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and it it must be finished. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force…

We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.

Q: Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?

HAMAD: Yes, of course. The existence of Israel is illogical. The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It is Israel, not us. We are victims of the occupation. Period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000 — everything we do is justified.

And there ya go. Any further questions? When an enemy of all civilized humanity openly, explicitly declares his intentions like this, I’d suggest you should take him at his word…and either quarantine or kill him, along with all of his adherents you possibly can.

I especially like that “on our land” horseshit. Sorry, Charlie, but that land had been known as either Israel or Judea (as in, JEWdea, get it?) for about, oh, three thousand fucking years before your precious Pedophile Prophet was even fucking born.

“Never forget” 9/11—and now, a (un)duly-“elected” US administration is issuing stern fatwas deploring a nonexistent Islamophobia to its dimwitted, cowed subjects, spending money it doesn’t have to claim a moral high ground it’s too improvident and reprehensible to ever even locate, much less reach. Yeah, I’d say 9/11 has been well and truly forgotten at this point, shamefully so, its lessons blithely tossed into the dustbin of history until our next painful schooling.

Bottom line update! Bayou Peter has it.

There is no place in a civilized world for anyone who can speak so casually about the mass gang-rape and murder of women, and the mass slaying of children, as “justified”. Any person, and any organization, that can say such things so openly has self-defined as being in need of elimination, so that the rest of human society can rest easier at night.

It’s as simple as that. Israel needs no further justification to eliminate Hamas. That organization has already provided enough, and more than enough, out of the mouths of Mr. Hamad and its other spokesmen. As I’ve said before, there is a moral imperative upon Israel to do its utmost to protect innocent victims in Gaza…but that it must eliminate Hamas, even at the tragic cost of some innocent victims, is an overwhelming, pre-eminent priority. Far too few people appear to realize that – even in Israel.

That’s because it’s a difficult, brutal calculus to confront: that this world could be so hard, so cold, that there would exist people in it who are beyond any hope of redemption or reform; that among us there will always be those who are utterly without worth—that the Law of the Jungle remains forever in effect, that for all their advancement and sophistication, even decent, kind, eminently-civilized and high-minded people must eventually either kill or be killed.


Did Mossad really create Hamas?

Actually, no. Not exactly, anyway. Not quite.

How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas
Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor’s bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile’s trajectory back to an “enormous, stupid mistake” made 30 years ago.

“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel’s destruction.

Instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with “Yassins,” primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.

Bold mine, and dispositive. Once again, as we have so many times in so many variant contexts, we see the triumph of forlorn, vain hope over common good sense and experience: Israeli leadership took the option of supporting the ostensibly-more-moderate devil they thought they knew over the seemingly more radical/extremist one. Or so it seemed at the time, anyway. That worked out for them precisely as it always has in all times and places: Not. Too. Good.

So in effect, the ultimate lesson is being taught yet again: Kill. Them. ALL. Mooselimb jihadists come in but one flavor, and one flavor only, which has nothing whatever to do with Baskin-Robbins: Bloodthirsty Genocidal Maniac©. Alas for us all, that really is all there is to this; no amount of “hope” will ever alter the ugly reality one whit. After more than 1500 years, the Western world fails to learn at its own direst peril.


Just curious

Aesop says something which raises a practical question.

Average Joe’s toleration of “public good” screw tightening has eroded down to the wear bars on that particular tire. Ain’t nobody having another helping of that, nor likely to anytime this century.

It is to laugh.

Somebody tries that anyways? Fed agent’s pelts – whole body mounts, mind you, not just the horns – would be nailed to every wall from Maine to Monterey, and snitches’ and collaborators’ heads would decorate every fencepost in sight, from sea to shining sea.

The WHOLE pelt, you say—would that include the tail and cloven hooves too, prithee tell? Asking for a friend, don’tchaknow.

Carlos Hathcock had 93 confirmed kills in a jungle war, mostly in a single tour of duty of under 13 months. Chuck Mawhinney’s official tally is recorded at 103, and another 216 probables in the same conflict. Simo Häyhä chalked up 542 Reds in only under a hundred days in the snow, maxxing out at 25 in one day. With a bolt-action rifle and iron sights!

Put in simple terms, if there’s as little as one Simo in 30,000 in the entire U.S., the entire problem is gone – forever – in the amount of time it takes to put one Marine through boot camp. (And the waiting line to sign up for that has gone pretty quiet of late.)

There’s no respawn button, they can’t shake-and-bake new orcs fast enough to overcome that problem, and even the hordes pouring across the border are going to be headed the other way the minute that happens.

Pepe LePew couldn’t clear out a town as fast as two-way gunfire hereabouts is going to solve the illegal alien problem. Least of all if some of it squirts in their direction.

And trying to disarm the populace triggers the exact scenario the feds are earnestly hoping to avoid.

I must say, t’is a consummation devoutly to be wished indeed. One strongly suspects we’ll have the opportunity to find out for sure soon enough; Lord knows caution, good judgment, humility, and simple common sense are conspicuous only by their total absence amongst our would-be masters nowadays.

Ron White famously said “You can’t fix stupid,” but that’s not entirely correct; there’s always been one sure-fire way, which has been observed in field trials to be one hundred percent effective. How convenient, then, that it also just happens to be the exact same therapy explicitly commended to their posterity by the Founding Fathers as a guaranteed palliative for tyranny.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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