Schlichter is wasting time and energy worrying about a matter of no real import.
If Republicans Collaborate with Dems to Betray Us on the 2A, They Will Lose the Midterms
If Republicans finally do decide to go ahead and commit figurative (and quite possibly literal) seppukku by pulling the trigger on the Ultimate 2A Sellout, who really gives a shit how they come out in the 2022 fucking midterms? Or, y’know, any other election, ever again? Myself, I hardly care whether they win or lose as it is, without reference to slip-sliming away on the Second. I adopted “Screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice, shame on ME; screw me 852 thousand million times over several decades, somebody please just shoot me in my fucking head until I fall over dead, mmm’kay?” as my personal motto right around the time the “Repeal Obamacare” campaign pledge suddenly softened into “Repeal AND REPLACE Obamacare” before going completely limpdick and slipping out altogether with “Hey, let’s just shut up and leave Obamacare the hell alone, eh guys?”
I mean, really now. The GOPe has been betraying conservatives/Real Americans/whatever you wanna call ’em so audaciously for so long now it’s become almost impossible to get too terribly riled up over the prospect of them doing it again. Now admittedly, I could see going to some little trouble so as to deal out some righteous retribution on ’em for their crap, sure. I dunno, though; opting to stay in close physical proximity to the beer fridge in the garage on eruction day so Repuke asses get dumped come November is nothing like as harsh as what I had in mind for ’em. Plus, it adds up to another big win for the gott-damned Demonrats, a thought which I never have been able to abide without making my ulcers bleed and my hair hurt.
It’s a real dilemma, that’s what. Breathes there a man with soul so dead that, great gouts of blood still pulsing from the wound in his back carved by a Vichy GOPe blade, he’d nonetheless still give a rotten, flyblown fig about how the treacherous sumbitches might fare on any future election day? FORBID IT, ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give the Republicans death!
The Democrats are giddy. They were hoping that SCOTUS putting the kibosh on kid killing was going to save them from annihilation in November. That did not work – Americans were less interested in preserving a non-existent right to snuff out a life two minutes from crowning than in $6 gas. But this scumbag’s murder rampage in Texas has given them new hope, they think. All the GOP has to do is be spineless and stupid.
So, they’re feeling pretty confident.
We could discuss the facts, like how the real issue is mentally ill kids (lib COVID lockdowns were no help) and lax security at schools where some cretin can wander in with a rifle and hang out unchallenged. We can also point out the obvious – that disarming law-abiding citizens only empower the criminals Democrats excuse and the tyrants they want to be. But facts and evidence will not stiffen the spines of the noodle caucus that thinks that the regime media will let up if they only “DO SOMETHING” even though the doings the Democrats demand are acts of political onanism.
Kurt doesn’t bother going into what the •REAL• issue •REALLY• is here, having other fish he prefers to fry instead. Which is fine, because Chris Adams helpfully laid the whole issue out for us, explicitly, accurately, and quite capably—all the way back in 2018. Pretty sure I approvingly excerpted it back then, too; kinda sad how little has really changed since then, ain’t it?
Anyhoo, as Adams points out, to •REALLY• understand what’s •REALLY• going on with this modern curse of ours wherein some deranged fiend with a grievance, coughed up from the very bowels of Hell, invades some school or other (go figure; all those laws forbidding firearms on school property don’t seem to have made much of an impression on said fiends, but surely ONE MORE will do the trick!) and starts in slaughtering innocent children until some Good Guy shows up toting another gun to put a stop to the festivities, there’s •REALLY• a question we must ponder.
The millennial generation might be surprised to learn that theirs is the first without guns in school. Just 30 years ago, high school kids rode the bus with rifles and shot their guns at high school rifle ranges.
After another school shooting, it’s time to ask: what changed?
Cross guns off the list of things that changed in thirty years. In 1985, semi-automatic rifles existed, and a semi-automatic rifle was used in Florida. Guns didn’t suddenly decide to visit mayhem on schools. Guns can’t decide.
We can also cross the Second Amendment off the list. It existed for over 200 years before this wickedness unfolded. Nothing changed in the Constitution.
What changed? The mainstreaming of nihilism. Cultural decay. Chemicals. The deliberate destruction of moral backstops in the culture. A lost commonality of shared societal pressures to enforce right and wrong. And above all, simple, pure, evil.
Before you retort that we can’t account for the mentally ill, they existed forever.
Paranoid schizophrenics existed in 1888 and 2018. Mentally ill students weren’t showing up in schools with guns even three decades ago.
So it must be something else.
Indeed it must, and it’s neither complicated, confounding, counterintuitive, or at all confusticating for any person of reasonable intelligence to figure out what that “something else” that’s different from the entire previous history of the United States of America might possibly consist of. Although fixing the problem will almost certainly be nothing like as simple or easy as identifying it was, alas. All we need to nail down just where things went wrong is sufficient honesty and courage to admit to ourselves a few uncomfortable realities we all already know deep down to be true, that’s all— no special tools, advanced training, or professional licenses necessary to tackle this job.
Those who have been so busy destroying the moral backstops in our culture won’t want to have this conversation. They’ll do what they do — mock the truth.
There was a time in America, before the Snowflakes, when any adult on the block could reprimand a neighborhood kid who was out of line without fear.
Even thirty years ago, the culture still had invisible restraints developed over centuries. Those restraints, those leveling commonalities, were the target of a half-century of attack by the freewheeling counterculture that has now become the dominant replacement culture.
Hollywood made fun of these restraints in films too numerous to list.
The sixties mantra “don’t trust anyone over thirty” has become a billion-dollar industry devoted to the child always being right — a sometimes deeply medicated brat who disrupts the classroom or escapes what used to be resolved with a paddling.
Instead of telling the kid to quit kicking the back of the seat on a plane, we buy seat guards to protect the seat.
If you think it’s bad now, just wait until the generation whose babysitter is an iPhone is in high school. You can hardly walk around Walmart these days without tripping over a toddler in a trance, staring at a screen.
The high school kids who shot rifles in school in 1985 were taught right and wrong. They were taught what to do with their rifle in school, and what not to do. If they got out of line, all the other students and the coach would have come down on them hard. There were no safe spaces, and that was a good thing.
Culture is a powerful force for good. When good behavior is normalized and deviant destructive behavior is ostracized, shamed, and marginalized, you get more good behavior.
Thirty years ago, kids who brought their rifles to the high school shooting range didn’t wonder about evil and cultural decay. They simply lived in a time in America when right and wrong were more starkly defined, where expectations about behavior were clear, and wickedness hadn’t been normalized.
Annnnnd bingo. See what I mean when I say easy? There’s no big mystery to this thing, nothing obscure or puzzling or beyond the ken of your average Joe Lunchbucket. Only a shitlib “intellectual” could ever find zxhirmxxxelf flummoxed by so elementary an equation as this one: if you glorify immorality, impulsiveness, and untrammeled self-regard, you will end up with more of those things. Denigrate proper morals and ethics, devalue empathy, self-abnegation, Christian piety, and equanimity, and you will create monsters, not men.
If we stipulate the longtime Leftist premise that Man is just another animal—no more exalted, sanctified, or worthy of regard than any random, insensate beast of the field—then can we claim a right to be surprised at seeing regular outbursts of rabid, murderous bestiality among our fellow creatures here and there? Being the lowly beasts we are, are these periodic bestial rampages the most radical departure from the established norm one might expect? Or is the excessive solicitude and anxiety for the cubs evinced by the adult members of the pack on such eruptions the greater aberration?
Which brings us to something every bit as important as uncovering the changes in our society and/or ourselves that brought this horror down on us: pinning the blame for the “normalization of wickedness,” the “deliberate destruction of moral backstops in the culture,” and all the other coordinated acts of wanton societal destruction onto the correct lapels, and seeing to it that those malefactors will rue their misdeeds profoundly, sincerely, and for the rest of their miserable lives.
Update! Remember, you will never, ever convince this Soopergenius she isn’t much, much smarter and more evolved than you are.
With nitwits like Steinem and her execrable compadres in charge, the wonder isn’t that this poor, broken nation is in the sorry shape that it’s in, but that it isn’t much, much worse.
Cloud people and Dirt people are at an impasse…soon to be concluded
Even if they do NOT sell us out now and win the midterms, do you think ANYTHING will change for the better with McCarthy as Speaker and Post Turtle as Senate Leader? Or are you foolish enough to think the House Conservative Caucus will stand against that sewage?
We aren’t hearing much about the person who actually shot and killed those kids.
Let me ask something. He killed the Grandmother. Where was his parents?
Was he an illegal? I’m pretty sure I heard he wasn’t born here. Although that is vague as well.
Why aren’t we looking more at this person who murdered people than we are looking at what he used to do it.
75 minutes in a locked classroom. He could have done it with a machete. How he did it is not important.
Well, Kenny, it’s not the mentally ill and evil shooter that’s at fault, it’s the gun (whatever gun he used). So, concentrate on the gun. Watch it closely. Show pictures of other scary guns (we don’t actually know what he used regardless of what he purchased).
So, best that I know.
No father present. Mother an addict. He was living with grandparents who were evicting the mother from a trailer they rented her.
He was not an illegal. Born here from what I can gather. Parents/grands I don’t know.
“He could have done it with a machete.”
Precisely. Guns make it easier, but removing them will change nothing in terms of mass murder except to increase such. States without guns in the population murder by the millions, not the 5/10/20 numbers.
And the insane will just turn to the machete.
As was noted, there are more casualties EVERY weekend in Chicago than what happened here. They have the strongest gun restrictions anywhere.
These were mostly innocent children and that’s a tragedy. Still, it’s not the guns.
Apparently, his parents had criminal records (from the Daily Mail):
Ramos is the son of Reyes and Salvador Ramos, 42 – both of whom have a criminal history, can confirm.
Salvador Sr. has a criminal history going back to 2000, when a Texas Court report shows he was sentenced to 180 days in jail for an unspecified misdemeanor, and was ordered to pay $875 at Uvalde County Court.
He then committed another misdemeanor just one month later and was ordered to pay another $375.
Two years later, on July 29, 2002 he was again arrested – this time for an assault that causes bodily injury against a family member, according to public records.
He was again sent to prison for 180 days.
In 2005, he faced another misdemeanor charge and was sentenced to a maximum of 30 days in prison, and by April 2011, Ramos again faced charges – this time for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and possession of marijuana, and faced a maximum of two years in prison.
It is unclear what Salvador Sr’s relationship was with his son, though he lived nearby.
Salvador’s mother, meanwhile, was arrested in June 2003 for property theft of less than $500. It is unclear how long she served for that offense.
She was also arrested on misdemeanor charges in 2005 – though it is unclear what precipitated that arrest.
Nicely written, Mike.
“Instead of telling the kid to quit kicking the back of the seat on a plane, we buy seat guards to protect the seat.”
Kids, hell. The adults are far worse. I used to fly, a lot. How many times have I had to stand up with my 6’4 frame looming over the person behind me to tell them to stop, or else. At least 25-30 over the years. The few kids I just asked nicely and they stopped. The adults would sometimes be worse when you asked nicely, and nicely was always once.
Schlichter is a worthless little cunt. When he cucked on the fake election, he showed his true colors.