A feeble conviction

All talk, no teeth.

The hidden issues in Hunter Biden’s gun crime conviction
Hunter Biden was recently convicted of three felony gun charges. As conservatives, it’s hard not to enjoy this for a moment. The entitlement that he’s felt all his life, his reckless behavior in all areas of his life, his spoiled rich frat-boy attitude — it’s very easy to feel the schadenfreude. Honestly, it’s impossible not to feel it.

And the fact that he broke the law is so obvious that I’m surprised that it took the jury ten minutes, much less three hours, to convict. But his conviction obscures the deeper issues in this case.

First, let’s talk about Form 4473, the ATF form Hunter signed, that clearly spells out the illegality and penalties for knowingly submitting false information. Joe Biden is on record and on video claiming he was instrumental in creating that form, for which he has bragged about wanting more severe penalties for false answers. The MSM, including Fox, have ignored that aspect of this story, but the aspect is a key element of the important story.

Democrats claim they want to reduce crime through gun control laws. We all know that this is a smoke grenade covering what they really want, which is gun prohibition. The response from the media and from the Biden administration should demonstrate to well-meaning but ignorant Democrat voters that gun control has nothing to do with saving lives or reducing crime. If the Republicans don’t put Joe’s statements about Form 4473 in an ad this election season, they’re committing election malpractice.

There is another important and interesting element to this story. Hunter’s legal team has already signaled that it intends to invoke the 2nd Amendment on appeal. That’s right: they’re going to argue the NRA position that Form 4473 violates the Constitution. I happen to agree with this argument. The one right recognized in the Bill of Rights that is not contingent on anything at all is the 2nd Amendment. Therefore, I believe Form 4473 is unconstitutional. You don’t lose your right to free speech if you’re a drug addict. You don’t lose your right to freedom from searches and seizures. Why should you lose the right to defend yourself?

Does it make practical sense to deny drug addicts access to firearms? Of course. But in my belief system, the pragmatic must often take a back seat to the principle. I must admit, though, that I am looking forward to watching the leftist media argue that the verdict violates the 2nd Amendment. I might even tune in to The View, and risk the inevitable brain cell loss that comes from listening to their “reasoning,” to watch their collective minds melt.

There’s a third important issue. Just hours after Hunter’s conviction for violating federal gun laws, Joe (and by “Joe” I mean whoever is really president) chose not to cancel his speech to the gun control organization Everytown for Gun Safety. The bizarrely ironic political decision to give this speech on this day must be one of the weirdest moments in politics I’ve ever witnessed. The idiots in the room did not see the irony, chanting, “Four more years!” and applauding loudly at every partially unintelligible word passing from the teleprompter through the corn maze of Joe’s brain and out through the microphone.

A fine article, chock-a-block with snappy, stinging riffage from overture to coda, winding up thusly:

Finally, the third and most important issue. Once again, Joe doubled down on his argument that having guns to protect yourself from a tyrannical government is silly because “you’d need an F-15.” Many have pointed out the obvious threat in this argument, and they are correct. It’s clearly a threat. But there’s something more subtle at play here. Without realizing the implications, he’s actually arguing that fully armed F-15s owned by private citizens are protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Think about it. If you agree that the 2nd Amendment is to protect you from a tyrannical government — and I’d argue that we’re watching that tyranny progress in real time — then logically, F-15s and tanks, and whatever else citizens need to defend themselves against that threat, are protected arms. I don’t want to live in a world like that, but then, I haven’t threatened the American people several times with the use of fighter-bomber aircraft. I’m not making that argument; I’m just pointing out that Joe Biden has been making it unintentionally.

As conservatives, let’s enjoy our little moment here. It’s satisfying to see a despicable person like Hunter Biden feel some consequences for the first time in his entitled life. (Although he’s certain to be pardoned by his father after the election.)

But let’s keep our eyes on the issues revealed in this case that really matter.

In my view, there’s but one (1) issue in this case that really, truly matters—which, when all’s said and done, ain’t gonna matter a whit, de facto if not de jure. To wit: will Faux Jaux’s pwecious widdle Huntie face any serious consequences for the crimes of which he has been duly charged, tried, and convicted beyond said conviction, perhaps a light juridical slap on the wrist before Daddykins pardons his iniquitous, Biden Cosa Nostra oxygen-thief ass? If you think he will, please contact me straightaway using the email addy over in the right sidebar; I have some lovely, desirable beachfront acreage in Arizona up for sale I’d love to discuss with your dumb Pollyanna ass.


Another day, another disruption

Man, FUCK these filthy dirtbags all to Hell and gone, until their anguished cries of pain make the welkin ring.

BLM Continues to Try to Destroy Free Speech Rights of Kyle Rittenhouse — Protests Erupt at WKU (Watch)
The video below shows Black Lives Matter protesting Kyle Rittenhouse’s slated speech at Western Kentucky University. Take a moment to watch. We’ll wait.

It’s no secret the Left hates free speech, but they really don’t hide it anymore. As the video references, they recently succeeded in overrunning one of his speaking events in Memphis; unfortunately, to this writer’s mind, this has only spurred them on.

It seems most of X agrees.

Follows, this screencap of a low-to-no IQ lardass hilariously self-beclowning via her extravagantly stupid little sign memorializing Kyle’s predatory, violent “victims.”

The inescapable conclusion.

No matter how you may feel about Mr. Rittenhouse, on November 19th, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, he was adjudicated not guilty and, therefore, still has all of the same civil liberties as every other American.

In this writer’s opinion, the ‘outrage inc’ culture we’ve built in this country needs to go the way of the Woolly Mammoth if we have any hope of remaining a free people.

Yeah, well, it “needs to” right enough. That said, Real Americans shouldn’t oughta be waiting around for another world-altering meteor strike or some other galactic cataclysm to take care of the heavy lifting for us. Unfortunately, though, that looks more and more like yet another of those notorious Jobs Americans Just Won’t Do. Perhaps enacting legislation strictly mandating the execution of stupid people…


Ain’t getting mine

Except bullets first.

No, Just No
They tell us that we are paranoid because no one wants to take our guns.

Jane Fonda says that we need to kill all of the white men in order to save the planet. You see, according to her and the climate change religion, we only have eight years to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half, or the world is doomed. Of course, they were saying we only had eight years last year. They also said it the year before that. They also said we only had eight years in 2007, sixteen years ago.

She should have been arrested and sentenced to death for treason when she went to North Vietnam and sat on that anti-aircraft gun for a photo opportunity. I am sick of the anti-American left telling me how they are going to come after me to have me killed, fired, deplatformed, or whatever, then telling me that I am paranoid for not wanting to give up my guns.

I am not giving up my guns, I am not getting into the rail car, and if you try, my only hope is that I make the trade an expensive one.

Preeee-cisely. As the Marines used to say, I plan to go to Hell in a crowd.

I repeat: stop flapping your yaps and just come and take them already, Leftards. At this point, there are untold millions of us out here who are hoping you’ll do exactly that. Enough talky-talk; do or do not, there is no try. So let’s get this party started, then. We’ll see how THAT works out for you in the end.

Any time you feel froggy, cockholsters.


With “friends” like these…

The NRA, The GOPe, all sorts of other ostensibly “conservative” outfits, like the Heritage Foundation among too many others—for many decades, Real Americans thought they could count on these organizations as at least lukewarm allies, if occasionally unreliable or even treacherous ones.

Well, guess what.

NRA was the first National Gun Control Organization
There are many in the gun community that are angry with Trump for the bump stock ban. I have never blamed Trump for the travesty that was the bump stock ban, because I don’t think that he is the one who sold out gun owners. Let’s be honest here- the NRA greenlighted the bump stock ban. This is nothing new, the NRA was pro gun control for most of its history.

In the 1920s, the National Revolver Association, the arm of the NRA responsible for handgun training, proposed regulations later adopted by nine states, requiring a permit to carry a concealed weapon, five years additional prison time if the gun was used in a crime, a ban on gun sales to non-citizens, a one day waiting period between the purchase and receipt of a gun, and that records of gun sales be made available to police. Florida becoming the 26th state to get rid of concealed weapons carry as a crime meant getting rid of that NRA proposal after 100 years.

During the 1930’s, the NRA helped shape the National Firearms Act of 1934. President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to make gun control a feature of the New Deal. The NRA assisted Roosevelt in drafting National Firearms Act and the 1938 Gun Control Act, the first federal gun control laws. These laws placed heavy taxes and regulation requirements on firearms that were associated with crime, such as machine guns, sawed-off shotguns and silencers. Gun sellers and owners were required to register with the federal government and felons were banned from owning weapons. Not only was the legislation unanimously upheld by the Supreme Court in 1939, but Karl T. Frederick, the president of the NRA, testified before Congress stating, “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”

After the assasination of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald with an Italian military surplus rifle purchased from a NRA mail-order advertisement, NRA Executive Vice-President Franklin Orth agreed at a congressional hearing that mail-order sales should be banned stating, “We do think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.”

The NRA also supported California’s Mulford Act of 1967, which had banned carrying loaded weapons in public in response to the Black Panther Party’s impromptu march on the State Capitol to protest gun control legislation on May 2, 1967.

Then came 1968. The assassinations of JFK, jr and Martin Luther King prompted Congress to enact the Gun Control Act of 1968. The act brought back some proposed laws from 1934, to include minimum age and serial number requirements, and extended the gun ban to include the mentally ill and drug addicts. In addition, it restricted the shipping of guns across state lines to collectors and federally licensed dealers. The only part of the proposed law that was opposed by the NRA was a national gun registry. In an interview in American Rifleman, Franklin Orth stated that despite portions of the law appearing “unduly restrictive, the measure as a whole appears to be one that the sportsmen of America can live with.”

It wasn’t until a mini-revolt was staged at the 1977 NRA convention that there was a change in direction. A group of gun owners pushed back and deposed the old leaders in a move called the “Cincinnati Revolt.” Led by former NRA President Harlon Carter and Neal Knox, the revolt ended the tenure of Maxwell Rich as NRA executive vice president and introduced new bylaws. The Revolt at Cincinnati marked a huge change in direction for the NRA. The organization thereafter changed from “hunting, conservation, and marksmanship” and towards the defense of the right to keep and bear arms. The catalyst for this movement was that the NRA wanted to move its headquarters from Washington, DC to Colorado. The new headquarters in Colorado was to be an “Outdoors center” that was more about hunting and recreational shooting than it was the RKBA.

I became a member of the NRA about a decade later and remained an annual member, until I became a life member about 15 years later. I believed for years that the NRA was fighting the good fight for gun owners. It wasn’t.

The NRA was always influenced by a group of Fudds who supported hunting, but hated guns that weren’t for hunting. The bureaucrats who were a part of the NRA’s organization always tried to steer towards hunting, eventually caused the organization to morph into an organization that used the threat of Democrat gun bans for fundraising.

It’s taken quite a long time for Real Americans to awaken to the sad, sorry reality that they are in fact beset on all sides, to emphatically include the one they had thought of for years as their own. One hates to plummet all the way down into unleavened, constant cynicism about absolutely everything and everyone. But in times such as these, when all that was once considered reasonable has been redefined—intentionally, and with malice aforethought—as unreasonable, even intolerable, what else can one sensibly do?


Amerika v2.0: the process is the punishment

The persecution of American hero Kyle Rittenhouse continues. Which, it will do; the poor kid is gonna be in courthouses and paying lawyers for the rest of his life. But hey, what else would one expect? He’s dead-to-rights guilty of the “crime” of successfully defending his life against a wolfpack of marauding thugs dead-set on murdering him, after all.

A wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of one of the men Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed in the Kenosha riots will proceed, a federal judge in Wisconsin ruled Wednesday.

Anthony Huber was one of the two men Rittenhouse killed in August 2020 during the riots following the shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man, by police.

Huber’s father, John Huber, first filed the lawsuit against Rittenhouse in 2021 and named Rittenhouse, law enforcement personnel, and officials as defendants, according to a report.

The lawsuit alleges that Rittenhouse conspired with police to harm protesters and that officers violated Anthony Huber’s constitutional rights when they allowed a dangerous situation to manifest, which resulted in his death.

Rittenhouse’s legal team and other defendants had filed motions to dismiss, but U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman on Wednesday rejected them and allowed the civil rights lawsuit to proceed.

The death of Anthony Huber “could plausibly be regarded as having been proximately caused by the actions of the governmental defendants,” Adelman said.

The decision to allow the lawsuit to move forward does not highlight its merits, Shane Martin, an attorney for Rittenhouse, said.

No, of course it doesn’t. How could it? There ARE no merits to highlight. It’s exactly as Bill says:

There is nothing even remotely “plausible” about the judge’s made-up bullshit theory, but the trial will go forward because the goal is not plausibility but punishment. Adelman, a card-carrying (Princeton/Columbia) member of the American Commie elite, was rewarded by the head of the Clinton Crime Family with his judicial position after serving several terms as a warrior of the Wisconsin left.

And none of them will rest until Rittenhouse is destroyed for lawfully defending himself against their fellow Commie storm troopers who were trying to murder him. As a warning to any who might be inclined to do likewise.

They do this in the faith that they will always be secure from Rittenhouse-style self defense for their own attacks on patriotic Americans who exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed rights. One has to wonder, though, how long that will actually remain true.

Hopefully, not a whole hell of a lot longer. Not just for Kyle Rittenhouse’s sake, but for ours.

“Wrongful death.” What a fucking joke, an extremely unfunny and sick one. Huber went out that fateful night in the role of a violent, destructive predator. Imagine the oxygen thief’s surprise when the intended prey turned out to have pretty sharp teeth of his own. Time to rerun one of what I think is still one of my best memes ever; although the gravely wounded thug in it isn’t Huber but his partner in crime Gage Grosskreutz, the lesson therein remains the same.



Sic semper all of them, until every last one of such foul, verminous ratlings is eradicated, the land cleansed of them forever.


Righteous shoot

Another goblin bites the fucking dust.

This is why you don’t rob a man while he’s trying to enjoy his taco

Yeah, that perp is dead.

From Fox San Antonio:

A robbery suspect was shot and killed by a customer inside a Mexican restaurant on Houston’s Southwest Side. …

Houston Police said a masked man pointed a “fake gun” at customers who were eating and demanded their wallets and money.

The gun wasn’t even real!

This criminal mastermind lost his life by waving around a fake gun for taco money.

But if this good citizen is reading this: You’ve got to make a statement to the police, my man!

Police said all the customers, including the shooter, left before officers arrived at the scene.

“It would be great if they would come back to the scene and talk to us or call HPD homicide,” said Houston Police Lt. R. Willkens. “They need to give us their statements especially the individual who did the shooting and left.”

Even in Texas, you can’t just shoot a bad guy and then flee the scene!!

In a pig’s eye. Under NO circumstances should this Good Citizen (which is precisely what he is) “call HPD homicide”—no, not even in Texas. For one thing, he topped the now-room-temperature goblin as said goblin was walking away, with his back partially turned to said citizen. Remember: the cops are NOT your friends, nor are they on the side of anything resembling justice, civil order, or basic decency.

Worse yet, what we have here is a Whypeepo (a/k/a white supremacist insurrectionist coup-plotting Sacred Temple Of Democracy-defiling MAGA terrorist) taking out a blameless Dindu, entirely for shits and giggles. With all that stacked against Good Citizen, Officer Friendly of Houston Homicide will have Good Citizen slapped in durance vile for Murder 2 so fast his head would never stop spinning.

It’s truly sad that we’ve come to this, but the simple fact is that when law and order is allowed to disintegrate into utter meaningless—or actively encouraged to by TPTB, no less—then vigilante justice is the only justice Joe Normal can ever hope to get. And, well, here we all are. They’ve sown it, and now reaping time approacheth.


Second look at the Bundy Ranch standoff?

The Bundy family’s take on our awful central government’s true nature was more accurate than they’ve ever been given credit for.

BUNKERVILLE, NEVADA—The Bundy Ranch roundup has understandably stirred thin-stretched emotions as the federal government seizes cattle belonging to the Bundy family. The family settled in the late 1800’s and has ranched in the area since. The federal government allowed Nevada ranchers to graze their cattle on federal tracts of land adjacent to their private properties for generations. The federal government later created the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to administer and “protect” the vast swaths of federal land—including the land the Bundy family’s livelihood was—and still is—dependent upon. The BLM began restricting ranchers’ usage of federal lands to protect various species, and the BLM decided to restrict the Bundy family’s usage of the federal land they historically grazed. The federal government told the Bundy family that a tortoise existed on the land and therefore the land’s usage for cattle would have to decrease—thus creating a scenario where the Bundy family could make fewer resources. A 20-year legal battle ensued.

There exist a number of elements to the story that inject shades of grey into the dominant media narrative. Perhaps hundreds of Bundy supporters have already shown up to the ranch area to “protect” the family and their land—which is federal land—but federal land such usage was promised to the family in the government’s efforts to get people to settle the West after Mexico ceded the land to the U.S. Court documents—discussed later in this article—reveal that the Bundy family decided at some point that the federal government was illegitimate and that they no longer had to give heed to the federal courts. The Bundy family patriarch has openly stated his willingness to use force against federal agents if they take his cattle off of the federal lands; the federal agents stand ready to use force against the family or their supporters if they interfere with the cattle removal. Both sides are armed, both sides are frustrated, and the rhetoric and hyperbole surrounding the entire matter has left many onlookers from around the world confused as to what is actually happening.

In the immediate aftermath of the infamous cattle roundup, Cliven Bundy granted a number of high profile media interviews continuing to deny—to the point of absolutely ignoring family history—what the federal courts have twice told him.

“I believe this is a sovereign state of Nevada,” Bundy recently told a radio reporter. “…I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But, I don’t recognize the United States Government as even existing.”

Oh, it exists right enough, I’m afraid. Cliven and several of his compatriots ended up finding that out the hard way. The thing I remember being struck by more forcefully than anything else at the time was the near-universal condemnation of the Bundys from the Right. Even folks whose ideological inclinations might be taken as suggestive of deep antipathy for FederalGovCo, its minions, and its nefarious works were suddenly tripping over themselves to join [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”hw7r99ujes” question=”Comments? Complaints? Thoughts?” opened=”0″]the mad rush to take the Almighty State’s side[/wpdiscuz-feedback] on this one.


Another opinion released

This one is sure to be of interest to everyone, since it comes from a renowned, widely-respected, and highly-regarded Constitutional law scholar and all. I mean, we’re talking here about a man whose words on the topic have for many years carried one hell of a lot of weight, and rightly so.

Joe Biden said he is “deeply disappointed” with the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to strike down a New York law that restricted access to concealed carry permits of handguns, saying in a statement that it “contradicts both common sense and the Constitution.”

Oh, shut the fuck up, you old fool. Like you have the vaguest clue about either one of those two things, or ever did have your whole squandered life long.

In a statement released hours after the Supreme Court released its decision, Biden expressed his deep disappointment in the ruling, and said it should “deeply trouble us all.”

The statement continues:

In the wake of the horrific attacks in Buffalo and Uvalde, as well as the daily acts of gun violence that do not make national headlines, we must do more as a society — not less — to protect our fellow Americans. I remain committed to doing everything in my power to reduce gun violence and make our communities safer. I have already taken more executive actions to reduce gun violence than any other President during their first year in office, and I will continue to do all that I can to protect Americans from gun violence.

I urge states to continue to enact and enforce commonsense laws to make their citizens and communities safer from gun violence. As the late Justice Scalia recognized, the Second Amendment is not absolute. For centuries, states have regulated who may purchase or possess weapons, the types of weapons they may use, and the places they may carry those weapons. And the courts have upheld these regulations.

I call on Americans across the country to make their voices heard on gun safety. Lives are on the line.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, also condemned the ruling, calling it a “dark day” for New York that “is sending us backwards.

Hochul stated when the 2nd Amendment was written, U.S. citizens only had access to muskets and that she was “prepared to go back to muskets” through gun regulations.

Fuck you, liar. US citizens at that time had “access” to all and every type of weapon, exactly as the Founders intended, up to and including privately-owned artillery pieces. An interesting little tidbit you may not have known about until right this very minute:

Even in 1934, when Congress responded to media-hyped Prohibition and Depression-era outlaws such as the Dillenger gang by regulating machine guns, suppressors, short-barreled rifles, and short-barreled shotguns under the National Firearms Act, they kept artillery pieces fully legal and free to own without Uncle Sam getting involved. Ironically this meant that for three decades you could buy a functional military surplus field gun, cash-and-carry, but had to pay a $200 tax and undergo a background check process to get a .22LR suppressor.

That “loophole” was eventually closed.

It was in 1968, that the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act, introduced as H.R. 5037 by U.S. Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY) and signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson (D), regulated most “destructive devices” with a bore over .50-caliber. This meant that modern artillery “such as bazookas, mortars, antitank guns, and so forth” were placed under ATF restrictions in a kind of retroactive addition to the NFA. Before that time, you could buy surplus hardware such as working Boys and Lahti anti-tank rifles at local outlets, cheap.

With all that being said, modern breechloading artillery is still available in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave,” provided it is registered with the federal government and properly taxed. Still, legacy artillery systems like muzzleloading black powder field guns, such as Hamilton and Madison would be familiar with, do not require tax stamps.

For now, anyway.

Honestly, I had no idea that a fella could legally buy himself a breech-loading field piece to this very day. Then again, familiar as I am with what the tax-and-fees bite amounts to for Class III (ie, full-auto) rifles and subguns—HELPFUL HINT: as high as balls on a giraffe, as Goose likes to say—I can just imagine what you’d have to shell out for FederalGovCo’s permission to park a breech-loader out on the front lawn. Be that as it may, it’s nice to know they’re still legally allowed, even if they’re priced well out of my personal reach.

Better yet is knowing how batshit-apoplectic the ongoing legal availability for private purchase of a nice Napoleon, Howitzer, or 24-pound siege gun would make Plugs Biden if he only knew. Which, you can be sure he doesn’t. Somebody oughta mention it to him over porridge one morning before the addle-pated old fart goes down for 9AM nappies. The grand mal flailing and flopping about as a result would surely be the most epic and hilarious to date, which is really saying something.

Ain’t it funny, though, how shitlibs from sea to shining sea have suddenly conjured in themselves this awed reverence for the sanctity of States’ Rights and the unchallengeable primacy of State over Federal Law after oh, about a century and a half or thereabouts of reflexively dismissing such notions as peurile claptrap, antiquated bosh of the purest ray serene. But hey, whatever gets you through the next fifteen minutes, eh, Proggy?



It’s not that Leftards don’t get the 2A—don’t understand it, can’t comprehend what it so clearly and unequivocally says, what it so clearly and unequivocally means. It’s that they DO understand all those things perfectly well, and the knowledge burns them like fire.

It couldn’t have been more perfect than Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas penning the definitive decision that the right to carry guns on one’s person for self-defense is inherent for all Americans.

First of all, Thomas has been after the court to take up more gun rights cases. He used his considerable influence with Chief Justice John Roberts to continue looking for gun rights cases to take. The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al. v. Bruen and the state of New York was the obvious choice. Remember, the state of New York, before Thursday’s decision as a “may issue” state, read the tea leaves and tailored its law after the federal courts were prevailed upon to take the case.

Second, Thomas is the one who assigns the decisions when the conservatives are in the majority due to his seniority on the court, according to former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy. Thomas assigned himself the task of writing for the majority opinion. This may explain why he chose Justice Samuel Alito to pen the other hot button decision of the court this session, the Dobbs abortion case.

Thomas left no doubt that there shouldn’t be a test to determine if one should be permitted to carry a gun. Concurring opinions by Justices Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett made clear that this doesn’t mean the right is unfettered, but that justices must apply strict scrutiny to any decision about it, as all civil rights cases must be considered.

Thomas wrote, “the constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not ‘a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.’ McDonald, 561 U. S., at 780 (plurality opinion). The exercise of other constitutional rights does not require individuals to demonstrate to government officers some special need. The Second Amendment right to carry arms in public for self-defense is no different. New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms in public.”

New York and other “may issue” states require persons who want to carry a weapon to demonstrate a need with which the state agrees. And Thomas, noting that Heller had already decided this issue, blew that up for good, saying the two-step balancing test required by the state was “one step too many.” Indeed, the one test he endorsed was the historical “traditions of the American people…[which] demands our unqualified deference.” When was the last time you heard someone in the federal government say that?

Can’t recall hearing such a ringing endorsement of bedrock American principle since Ronald Reagan, maybe even longer. But how perfectly fitting that this full-throated affirmation of American rights and liberties should come from the greatest of all Supreme Court Justices, the brilliant and indispensable Clarence Thomas, may God bless and preserve him.

Alito stood up tall, proud, and righteous with some worthy remarks of his own.

In light of what we have actually held, it is hard to see what legitimate purpose can possibly be served by most of the dissent’s lengthy introductory section. Why, for example, does the dissent think it is relevant to recount the mass shootings that have occurred in recent years? Does the dissent think that laws like New York’s prevent or deter such atrocities? Will a person bent on carrying out a mass shooting be stopped if he knows that it is illegal to carry a handgun outside the home? And how does the dissent account for the fact that one of the mass shootings near the top of its list took place in Buffalo? The New York law at issue in this case obviously did not stop that perpetrator. What is the relevance of statistics about the use of guns to commit suicide? Does the dissent think that a lot of people who possess guns in their homes will be stopped or deterred from shooting themselves if they cannot lawfully take them outside? The dissent cites statistics about the use of guns in domestic disputes, but it does not explain why these statistics are relevant to the question presented in this case. How many of the cases involving the use of a gun in a domestic dispute occur outside the home, and how many are prevented by laws like New York’s?

The dissent cites statistics on children and adolescents killed by guns, but what does this have to do with the question whether an adult who is licensed to possess a handgun may be prohibited from carrying it outside the home? Our decision, as noted, does not expand the categories of people who may lawfully possess a gun, and federal law generally forbids the possession of a handgun by a person who is under the age of 18, and bars the sale of a handgun to anyone under the age of 21. The dissent cites the large number of guns in private hands—nearly 400 million—but it does not explain what this statistic has to do with the question whether a person who already has the right to keep a gun in the home for self-defense is likely to be deterred from acquiring a gun by the knowledge that the gun cannot be carried outside the home.

And while the dissent seemingly thinks that the ubiquity of guns and our country’s high level of gun violence provide reasons for sustaining the New York law, the dissent appears not to understand that it is these very facts that cause law-abiding citizens to feel the need to carry a gun for self-defense.

They don’t care about any of that, any more than they do about the Constitution, the sacred American birthright of individual liberty, or any other of the fundamental things that made us the blessed, extraordinary nation we once were. The only thing the Left knows is that they HATE guns; they fear them viscerally and irrationally, and the idea of any ordinary American citizen owning even one gives them the shivering fantods. Ace lays the whole thing out for us:

Alito also says this:

Like that dissent in Heller, the real thrust of today’s dissent is that guns are bad and that States and local jurisdictions should be free to restrict them essentially as they see fit. That argument was rejected in Heller, and while the dissent protests that it is not rearguing Heller, it proceeds to do just that.

I think that’s less snarky than simply accurate: lefties think guns are bad and so don’t care if any anti-gun law is actually effective in reducing crime. They think that any burden on gun ownership is a positive boon, whether it helps the crime rate or not, because guns are bad and gun ownership should be discouraged by any penalty or harassment the state can dream up.

The left is forever caught unprepared to answer the basic question, “But how does your proposed gun control law affect the crime that just happened, that you say you’re proposing this gun law to prevent?”

It’s because none of this is about stopping gun crime; it’s just about stopping guns.

Annnnnd bingo. Really, we can reduce it down still further: it isn’t about guns, specific gun-control legislation, school shootings, or crime. Ultimately, what it all comes down to is the same old thing it always does with shitlibs: CONTROL. The Left has no control to exercise over gun owners, who well know what they are, despise them for it, and will cheerfully go well out of their way to make sure Lefty doesn’t ever forget it.

Gun owners believe in an unalienable right to private ownership of firearms expressly bequeathed to them by the Founders, as delineated in the Constitution they wrote for the purpose. They fully intend to protect that right for themselves and their posterity, which is best done by the exercising of it. Gun owners do not give a fat rat’s ass for what Progressivists may think or feel about this.

The supreme indifference of gun owners for shitlib opinion as they happily go about taking fullest advantage of what it means to be a real American galls Leftists horribly, all the more so because they can easily see this for the upraised middle finger waved in their general direction it so truly is. Any day shitlib snouts are being rubbed into a stinking, steaming pantload of all-American FUCK YOU!™ is a good day for our battered but not quite beaten nation.

This would be one of those days.

Update! Just gotta include this:

Many, many happy returns to you, sir.

The Blueing of America update! The most encouraging thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.

Swiped from WRSA.


A pig in a poke

One of Ace’s longtime Moronettes, Alexthechick, shares some real-world personal experience that walks us through some of the numerous problems with red-flag laws, currently the très fashionable gun-grabber ploy getting the old shitlib/Vichy GOPe hard-sell as this year’s “reasonable,” “common-sense” “compromise” measure that will help put an end to the deranged, known-wolf school shooter phenomenon for us.

alexandriabrown @alexthechick
To show the potential issues with Red Flag laws, I shall discuss what happened to a client with the issuance of a protection order against him. He had an ex-wife who was bipolar and who refused to take her meds. She continued to harass him years after their divorce.

She showed up to court with a black eye and said he punched her in the face. She sought a protective order against him, which the judge issued. She also filed a criminal complaint for assault against a woman. The protective order statute requires gun confiscation until hearing.

Client learned about this when the police showed up to serve him with the order and summons for court appearance. He was stunned by this not only because he didn’t hit her but because he was out of the state on the date this supposedly happened. He told the police this.

The police shrugged and said we’re just here to serve you and get your guns. That is true. The cops do not adjudicate, they only do what the court says. So he turned over his guns and then got in touch with us later that day. Boss [I assume this means alexthechick’s boss at the law firm] and he were long time friends.

Boss told him to get together every bit of documentation about him being out of town, hotel receipts, meal receipts, any video of him at the gathering he was attending, all of it. Boss also got in touch with the DA and said he was out of state, he couldn’t have done this.

DA said I’m not dropping this but move to dismiss and we’ll hear both motions at the 10 day hearing on the protective order. So we filed the motion to dismiss and motion to consolidate and then Boss went to the hearing. The crazy ex didn’t show up to the hearing at all.

Boss presented everything to the judge. Judge told the DA withdraw the charges or I’m dismissing. The DA said fine, I’ll withdraw. Now, it’s better for the stats on the DAs side to withdraw than to have the case dismissed. Judge also refused to extend the protective order.

Client asked where do I pick up my guns. Judge said you have to go through the paperwork to do that. We’d anticipated that so we had the forms ready and the judge signed the forms. Client said where do I pick them up and judge said this has to be processed, it’ll take three weeks.

Client also asked the DA when the hearing would be for the ex’s perjury charges. The DA said what perjury charges? Client got very upset because it was obviously perjury, he wasn’t even in the state, she provably lied, that’s perjury. DA said no we don’t charge in these cases.

Three weeks go by and client starts calling the sheriff’s office to get his guns back. He keeps getting the run around. Boss had to threaten to go back to court to get an order compelling compliance. When client picked up the guns, his Mossberg shotgun was gone.

The sheriff’s office initially denied that he even had one, luckily he’d kept a copy of the inventory. It took seven months for him to get reimbursement for the Mossberg. The sheriff’s office never did say what happened to it other than there must have been a mix up.

While all of that is going on, client was looking for work. He had two interviews that went well and he was told that he would be offered the job once the background check was done. Both jobs retracted offers after the background check came back.

So we had to get copies of the background checks from the background check services. Sure enough, due to how the database on the state side was maintained, the data scrape pulled the protection order and the charge but the dismissal wasn’t showing up yet.

Client now had to decide if he wanted to disclose to a potential employer that, hey, I have a crazy ex who claims false things about me, here’s a copy of the dismissal paperwork or if he wanted to wait the five weeks it would take for the dismissals to propagate through the dbase.

Also the dismissal paperwork on the criminal charges was marked dismissed due to failure of complaining witness to appear. That said nothing about she lied about this entire thing. Boss had to explain the situation to an employer who, thankfully, listened.

Because they were friends, Boss handled this at a very low rate. It still cost the guy $2,500. If it had been at Boss’s standard rate? Well over $10,000. All for something that was an actual lie. But but but alex! Due process! It worked! Sure. In theory, it did.

The protection order was not renewed. The criminal charges were dropped. He got all but one of his guns back. He got a job, eventually. It all worked. Sure it did. All it cost him was $2,500, months of his life, humiliation during interviews, and immense stress. For a lie.

This guy, mind, had done nothing wrong; he had committed no crime, had never harmed a single soul with his deadly, e-ville ARSENAL!!! of GUNSGUNSGUNSGUNSGUNS!!! He did, however, make one mistake, a really bad one: he married a psychotic, vengeful, conniving bitch, then decided to rectify his error and ditch her batshit-crazy ass formally and legally.

And that—thanks to the megalomania and ghoulish opportunism of American ProPols, Soviet-style “red-flag” laws, and the cowardly anti-gun mania of the typical American “liberal” panic-ninny—was all it took for the ÜberState to get its talons well and truly into him and turn his whole life upside down and inside out.

Now lest we forget, this guy is one of the lucky ones. The story ended more or less happily for him; dude got two of his three guns back and was eventually reimbursed for the Mossberg shotter the cops stole, after lying about it—albeit only partially, it seems safe to assume. But for every gun guy with a grudge-nursing spouse, neighbor, or co-worker who somehow gets to skate away as relatively cleanly as Alexthechick’s lucky client, you can be sure that, as this “red-flag” horseshit continues to gain traction across the FUSA, there will be at least five, perhaps even ten less fortunate but equally innocent souls who, after five or ten years of desperately fighting a losing battle with The Power, ends up bankrupted by lawyer’s fees, fines, and court costs; jobless, maybe even homeless also; and stripped of not just a gun collection he spent years and mucho dinero and trabajo putting together, but a painful chunk of everything else he owns as well.

No one seems to really know for sure, but there are currently betwixt twenty and perhaps as high as forty thousand-plus gun laws on the books in this *cough cough* “free” country—a country in which a solid share of its citizenry is constantly congratulating itself on having done such a bang-up job of understanding, treasuring, and defending its precious Second Amendment rights. INESCAPABLE FACT: One more gun-control law, or a hundred of them, is not going to prevent a single sad-sack whackadoodle bound and determined to engrave his name into the annals of mass-murdering fiends from securing his fifteen minutes of notoriety. Only children and/or the blood-simple could seriously imagine that a real solution might be so easily found.

Are there effective measures that could be taken to make it more difficult, even damned near impossible, for such sickos to consummate their diseased fantasies of score-settling and schoolyard mayhem? Absolutely, yes. But we’re unlikely to avail ourselves of them, because they will necessarily involve a sort of cascading series of long-term projects that will strike a lethargic, by-and-large contented adult population as too extreme, too unpleasant, and in direct contravention of the verymost fundamental American principles. Which, okay, I admit they are at that. But still. For whatever it might be worth, then, we must:

  • Surgically excise the malignancies seeded by the Left like time-bombs throughout American society and institutions, which in turn will require that we
  • Disrupt and erode the Left’s ability to exercise unwholesome or destructive influence on American society and institutions henceforth, no matter what it might take
  • Develop uncompromising, proactive strategies to counter and/or prevent dissemination of political philosophies which advocate replacing our Founding ideals with collectivist, Statist, Marxist/socialist, or totalitarian-Left ideological systems

Doing those things won’t rid us of this nightmarish scourge immediately; nothing can, more’s the pity. But, in concert with a broad resurgence of enthusiasm for Christian piety and restraint, responsible adulthood, traditional family life, maturity, and moderation, as the very middle-class (ie, Whypeepuh) virtues the Left spent decades denigrating as suffocating, stilted, and unnatural gradually come back to preeminence, these school shooters As J Christian Adams so brilliantly opined in his seminal 2018 piece:

The millennial generation might be surprised to learn that theirs is the first without guns in school. Just 30 years ago, high school kids rode the bus with rifles and shot their guns at high school rifle ranges.

After another school shooting, it’s time to ask: what changed?

Thirty years ago, kids who brought their rifles to the high school shooting range didn’t wonder about evil and cultural decay. They simply lived in a time in America when right and wrong were more starkly defined, where expectations about behavior were clear, and wickedness hadn’t been normalized.

The idea that guns caused the carnage we have faced is so intellectually bankrupt that it isn’t worth discussing.

Perfectly true, I couldn’t agree more. So it’s high time we stopped discussing it then, wouldn’tcha say? Gun-grabber SOP after each of these hideous massacres has become so familiar, so by-rote and predictable, it’s now gotten tiresome as well as pointless. We know what they’re really after; they know that we see through them and have NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of letting them achieve their ultimate goal. From here on out, let’s not allow them to drag us along for yet another ride down the same old road. From here on out, the discussion is OVER. We ain’t gonna play your game anymore. The one and only way you’re ever going to get them will be bullets first. Period, full fucking stop, end of fucking story.

At this late date, statistics, comparative analysis, common sense, the historical record, and observable reality have all made it perfectly clear that, here in the United States of America in this, the Year of our Lord 2022, we do NOT have a gun problem. What we have is a Democrat problem, a Leftist problem, a liberal problem. From the calculated rubbling of a once healthy, orderly, and decent society—said rubbling being the fruit of a dimwit nihilism that provided a kind of soul-stunting chrysalis from whence, like so many Death’s-Head moths, the school shooters could crawl into the light of day; to staggering hyperinflation; to a wantonly shattered economy; to unprecedented shortages; to unheard-of prices for the fossil fuels which are the very lifeblood of every First World economy in the name of a risibly phony climate “crisis”; to burdensome, prosperity-throttling overregulation; to a sprawling, meddlesome, Constitution-profaning central government; to rogue, out of control, and unaccountable federal agencies and agents; to in-your-face exhibitions of sexual dementia thrust upon bewildered five year olds in our public schools and libraries; to public school teachers, aides, principals, administrators, and boards of education who misperceive their mission as indoctrination instead of education, seduction rather than instruction, but who even so are such brave, transgressive Warriors for Justice they desperately try to hide the truth of what they’re up to from parents and dishonestly deny the whole thing when caught red-handed, like the slinking cowardly shitlibs they are; to rampant urban lawlessness overseen by a “justice” system so thoroughly corrupt and dysfunctional it can’t even begin to rein in the marauding thugs; to a power grid so decrepit, overstressed, and ill-maintained no knowledgeable person seriously expects it to hold together for very much longer—virtually ALL of our nation’s problems, issues, and failures can rightly be laid on a single doorstep. Which happens to be nailed to the front porch of the House Of Progressivism.

Gee, if only there was some way we could properly thank these fine folks for all they’ve done for to us…


You’ll never get mine

Not one more fucking inch.

We’ve  compromised our Nation and ourselves into a semi-Soviet, woke, ‘through the looking glass’, turning our children into travesties of human beings, and now are seriously talking about giving the Communists what they need to finish the job, namely, disarming the American public.

THIS is the way to stop ‘mass shooters’:  Carry, Practice. Carry. Practice.  And, if that time comes, ‘Take Out the Trash!’

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Tuesday that he is going to give a bipartisan group of Senators more time to work out how many of our constitutional rights we will lose.

How many? Nah, it’s just the one, actually—the same one it always is, and always has been. As the Duke of Wellington said at Waterloo, they’re coming at us in the same old style. But at long last, it is imperative that Real Americans foresake General Picton’s advice and not meet them in the same old style anymore. The tit-for-tat, proportionality über alles method has permitted them to advance so far that the 2A has been very nearly extinguished as a practical matter, so it’s time and past time for a newer, more defiant and bellicose approach. Unless we swap the kid gloves for a set of knuckledusters with a quickness, all will be lost, and that right soon.

How magnanimous of the Leader. He and the Dems are apparently not in any rush to institute a laundry list of Second Amendment infringements. Why should they be? Each day that goes by their lapdogs in the mainstream media make their case for them. Even FOX News has joined in. FOX’s news actors positively gushed Tuesday over Matthew McConaughey’s recent guns-are-bad performance. “It was so emotional,” one of their vacuous news actors muttered.

And hey, it’s NEVER a bad idea to base national policy purely on emotion instead of reason, logic, and the fucking US Constitution, right? Not that the Democrats would agree, natch—their entire policy platform has been based exclusively on emotion since the mid-60s, if not longer.

Enough is enough.

I am sick of watching our gun rights being bartered away by RINOs, Quislings and traitors, none of whom speak for me. None of whom understand guns. None of whom have likely even fired a damn gun. And, quite frankly, I don’t care which liberal Hollywood actor they drag in next to buttress their case.

We have nothing to gain by entering into discussions with the gun banners. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Conversely, we have everything to lose. Our team should immediately walk away from the table. It’s not like we’re going to get anything from the talks. The gun banners expect us to willingly give up some constitutional rights. They won’t give up anything. This is not even an actual discussion. It’s a strong-arm robbery.

DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING WE HAVE A WINNAH! I swear, the above paragraph is so chock-full of rich, buttery goodness you could get fat from reading it.

Instead, we need to hold the line. We need to understand that the Uvalde killings weren’t caused by you or me or the guns in our safes. They weren’t caused by the NRA, the GOA, the SAF, the USCCA or by the scores of state-level gun-rights groups. Neither were the killings the fault of the gun or the gunmaker. The madman was at fault, may he continue to rot in hell.

Correct as far as it goes, which isn’t quite far enough. The madman, directly, yes. Indirectly, the societal rot carefully seeded, nurtured, and brought to full emetic flower by the Evil Left. WE understand this perfectly well already; THEY may or may not, but will never, ever admit the inescapable truth therein, lest their ongoing program of tyranny, subjugation, and untrammeled power suffer for it.

The gun banners excel at instituting a sense of mass guilt whenever one of these atrocities occurs. Unfortunately, many of our lawmakers buy into it and surrender our rights as a result. There are a lot of slices of bread on the table right now – expanded background checks, RKBA infringements for 18-20-year-olds, waiting periods and a national Red Flag law. The gun banners are salivating. I say we put them on a carb-free diet.

Carbs, my squinted eye. The only thing that will work is to put them on a hot-lead diet, as we all damned well ought to know by now. These filthy, conniving shitweasels must never again be treated with as if they were anything other than exactly what we know them to be: liars, manipulators, sneak-thieves, and amoral opportunists with less probity and abstemiousness than a rabid wolverine in rut. Henceforth, the only thing they should ever get from us is the backs of our hands—quite literally, in a way they’ll never forget.

Chuckles Schumer and his fellow Uniparty grubworms think to take guns away from blameless American citizens who have done no wrong whatever, do they? Let them try, then.

Bring it, motherfuckers. Let’s just see what it gets you in the end.

(Via WRSA)


Trouble up the road

Twitter twats bite back.

Elon Musk Says Twitter Is ‘Resisting’ Terms of Deal, Threatens Termination
Elon Musk is accusing Twitter of “resisting and thwarting” his ability to obtain information about bot accounts on the social media website, saying that it’s a “breach” of the terms of their April deal.

Musk, the world’s richest person, sent a letter to the San Francisco-based firm on June 6.

“Mr. Musk reserves all rights resulting therefrom, including his right not to consummate the transaction and his right to terminate the merger agreement,” the letter reads.

Several weeks ago, the Tesla CEO accused Twitter of allowing a significant number of automated or “bot” accounts on the platform and demanded that the company release that data to him.

In late April, Twitter’s board and Musk jointly announced that he would purchase the social media company for $44 billion and take it private. The deal could take months to finalize, and Musk has publicly stated that it’s not entirely confirmed that he’ll actually buy Twitter.

After the letter was released on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s website, shares of Twitter dropped 1.5 percent.

“As Twitter’s prospective owner, Mr. Musk is clearly entitled to the requested data to enable him to prepare for transitioning Twitter’s business to his ownership and to facilitate his transaction financing,” the letter reads. “To do both, he must have a complete and accurate understanding of the very core of Twitter’s business model—its active user base.

“Musk is not required to explain his rationale for requesting the data, nor submit to the new conditions the company has attempted to impose on his contractual right to the requested data. At this point, Mr. Musk believes Twitter is transparently refusing to comply with its obligations under the merger agreement, which is causing further suspicion that the company is withholding the requested data due to concern for what Mr. Musk’s own analysis of that data will uncover.”

Much as many of us would enjoy seeing this propaganda mill and the nefarious manipulators running the joint finally on the receiving end of the overdue bruisin’ they’ve long been a-cruisin’ for, the sole arbiter who will judge whether the project to bring Twatter into compliance with 1A standards is actually worth the effort, hassle, and expense required for final consummation of the current takeover agreement is none other than Elon Musk his own bad self. Of course, there are other avenues for dealing effectively with the likes of Twitter and their odious ilk available. But given how pricey ammo has gotten these days, we can only wish fair seas and following winds for Musk. For now, at least.

Explanation for my post title:

That there’s the jumpin’ and jukin’ 1991 cover version of an old Ike Turner-penned scorcher—originally recorded and released by the great Jackie Brenston, who gained everlasting renown for “Rocket 88“, which platter is generally acknowledged as the no-shit genesis of rock and roll—as reimagined by my longtime Nashville homeboys The Planet Rockers.

As it happens, and probably to the surprise of absolutely no one here, I not only have a history with the Planet Rockers, but with this specific song also.

If I recall correctly, which I do, we were playing under a drenching rain that night.

Update! Well, spank my ass and call me Shorty.

“Rocket 88” (originally stylized as Rocket “88”) is a rhythm and blues song that was first recorded in Memphis, Tennessee, in March 1951. The recording was credited to “Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats”, who were actually Ike Turner and his Kings of Rhythm. The single reached number-one on the Billboard R&B chart.

As long as I’ve been aware of “Rocket 88” and its storied history, never did I have the vaguest clue that the record was actually done by Turner and his posse, not Brenston. Just goes to show that no dog is so old he can’t be taught a new trick once in a while, I reckon.


Sweating the small stuff

Schlichter is wasting time and energy worrying about a matter of no real import.

If Republicans Collaborate with Dems to Betray Us on the 2A, They Will Lose the Midterms

If Republicans finally do decide to go ahead and commit figurative (and quite possibly literal) seppukku by pulling the trigger on the Ultimate 2A Sellout, who really gives a shit how they come out in the 2022 fucking midterms? Or, y’know, any other election, ever again? Myself, I hardly care whether they win or lose as it is, without reference to slip-sliming away on the Second. I adopted “Screw me once, shame on you; screw me twice, shame on ME; screw me 852 thousand million times over several decades, somebody please just shoot me in my fucking head until I fall over dead, mmm’kay?” as my personal motto right around the time the “Repeal Obamacare” campaign pledge suddenly softened into “Repeal AND REPLACE Obamacare” before going completely limpdick and slipping out altogether with “Hey, let’s just shut up and leave Obamacare the hell alone, eh guys?”

I mean, really now. The GOPe has been betraying conservatives/Real Americans/whatever you wanna call ’em so audaciously for so long now it’s become almost impossible to get too terribly riled up over the prospect of them doing it again. Now admittedly, I could see going to some little trouble so as to deal out some righteous retribution on ’em for their crap, sure. I dunno, though; opting to stay in close physical proximity to the beer fridge in the garage on eruction day so Repuke asses get dumped come November is nothing like as harsh as what I had in mind for ’em. Plus, it adds up to another big win for the gott-damned Demonrats, a thought which I never have been able to abide without making my ulcers bleed and my hair hurt.

It’s a real dilemma, that’s what. Breathes there a man with soul so dead that, great gouts of blood still pulsing from the wound in his back carved by a Vichy GOPe blade, he’d nonetheless still give a rotten, flyblown fig about how the treacherous sumbitches might fare on any future election day? FORBID IT, ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give the Republicans death!

The Democrats are giddy. They were hoping that SCOTUS putting the kibosh on kid killing was going to save them from annihilation in November. That did not work – Americans were less interested in preserving a non-existent right to snuff out a life two minutes from crowning than in $6 gas. But this scumbag’s murder rampage in Texas has given them new hope, they think. All the GOP has to do is be spineless and stupid.

So, they’re feeling pretty confident.

We could discuss the facts, like how the real issue is mentally ill kids (lib COVID lockdowns were no help) and lax security at schools where some cretin can wander in with a rifle and hang out unchallenged. We can also point out the obvious – that disarming law-abiding citizens only empower the criminals Democrats excuse and the tyrants they want to be. But facts and evidence will not stiffen the spines of the noodle caucus that thinks that the regime media will let up if they only “DO SOMETHING” even though the doings the Democrats demand are acts of political onanism.

Kurt doesn’t bother going into what the •REAL• issue •REALLY• is here, having other fish he prefers to fry instead. Which is fine, because Chris Adams helpfully laid the whole issue out for us, explicitly, accurately, and quite capably—all the way back in 2018. Pretty sure I approvingly excerpted it back then, too; kinda sad how little has really changed since then, ain’t it?

Anyhoo, as Adams points out, to •REALLY• understand what’s •REALLY• going on with this modern curse of ours wherein some deranged fiend with a grievance, coughed up from the very bowels of Hell, invades some school or other (go figure; all those laws forbidding firearms on school property don’t seem to have made much of an impression on said fiends, but surely ONE MORE will do the trick!) and starts in slaughtering innocent children until some Good Guy shows up toting another gun to put a stop to the festivities, there’s •REALLY• a question we must ponder.

The millennial generation might be surprised to learn that theirs is the first without guns in school. Just 30 years ago, high school kids rode the bus with rifles and shot their guns at high school rifle ranges.

After another school shooting, it’s time to ask: what changed?

Cross guns off the list of things that changed in thirty years. In 1985, semi-automatic rifles existed, and a semi-automatic rifle was used in Florida. Guns didn’t suddenly decide to visit mayhem on schools. Guns can’t decide.

We can also cross the Second Amendment off the list. It existed for over 200 years before this wickedness unfolded. Nothing changed in the Constitution.

What changed? The mainstreaming of nihilism. Cultural decay. Chemicals. The deliberate destruction of moral backstops in the culture. A lost commonality of shared societal pressures to enforce right and wrong. And above all, simple, pure, evil.

Before you retort that we can’t account for the mentally ill, they existed forever.

Paranoid schizophrenics existed in 1888 and 2018. Mentally ill students weren’t showing up in schools with guns even three decades ago.

So it must be something else.

Indeed it must, and it’s neither complicated, confounding, counterintuitive, or at all confusticating for any person of reasonable intelligence to figure out what that “something else” that’s different from the entire previous history of the United States of America might possibly consist of. Although fixing the problem will almost certainly be nothing like as simple or easy as identifying it was, alas. All we need to nail down just where things went wrong is sufficient honesty and courage to admit to ourselves a few uncomfortable realities we all already know deep down to be true, that’s all— no special tools, advanced training, or professional licenses necessary to tackle this job.

Those who have been so busy destroying the moral backstops in our culture won’t want to have this conversation. They’ll do what they do — mock the truth.

There was a time in America, before the Snowflakes, when any adult on the block could reprimand a neighborhood kid who was out of line without fear.

Even thirty years ago, the culture still had invisible restraints developed over centuries. Those restraints, those leveling commonalities, were the target of a half-century of attack by the freewheeling counterculture that has now become the dominant replacement culture.

Hollywood made fun of these restraints in films too numerous to list.

The sixties mantra “don’t trust anyone over thirty” has become a billion-dollar industry devoted to the child always being right — a sometimes deeply medicated brat who disrupts the classroom or escapes what used to be resolved with a paddling.

Instead of telling the kid to quit kicking the back of the seat on a plane, we buy seat guards to protect the seat.

If you think it’s bad now, just wait until the generation whose babysitter is an iPhone is in high school. You can hardly walk around Walmart these days without tripping over a toddler in a trance, staring at a screen.

The high school kids who shot rifles in school in 1985 were taught right and wrong. They were taught what to do with their rifle in school, and what not to do. If they got out of line, all the other students and the coach would have come down on them hard. There were no safe spaces, and that was a good thing.

Culture is a powerful force for good. When good behavior is normalized and deviant destructive behavior is ostracized, shamed, and marginalized, you get more good behavior.

Thirty years ago, kids who brought their rifles to the high school shooting range didn’t wonder about evil and cultural decay. They simply lived in a time in America when right and wrong were more starkly defined, where expectations about behavior were clear, and wickedness hadn’t been normalized.

Annnnnd bingo. See what I mean when I say easy? There’s no big mystery to this thing, nothing obscure or puzzling or beyond the ken of your average Joe Lunchbucket. Only a shitlib “intellectual” could ever find zxhirmxxxelf flummoxed by so elementary an equation as this one: if you glorify immorality, impulsiveness, and untrammeled self-regard, you will end up with more of those things. Denigrate proper morals and ethics, devalue empathy, self-abnegation, Christian piety, and equanimity, and you will create monsters, not men.

If we stipulate the longtime Leftist premise that Man is just another animal—no more exalted, sanctified, or worthy of regard than any random, insensate beast of the field—then can we claim a right to be surprised at seeing regular outbursts of rabid, murderous bestiality among our fellow creatures here and there? Being the lowly beasts we are, are these periodic bestial rampages the most radical departure from the established norm one might expect? Or is the excessive solicitude and anxiety for the cubs evinced by the adult members of the pack on such eruptions the greater aberration?

Which brings us to something every bit as important as uncovering the changes in our society and/or ourselves that brought this horror down on us: pinning the blame for the “normalization of wickedness,” the “deliberate destruction of moral backstops in the culture,” and all the other coordinated acts of wanton societal destruction onto the correct lapels, and seeing to it that those malefactors will rue their misdeeds profoundly, sincerely, and for the rest of their miserable lives.

Update! Remember, you will never, ever convince this Soopergenius she isn’t much, much smarter and more evolved than you are.

Okay, who wants to tell this idiot?

With nitwits like Steinem and her execrable compadres in charge, the wonder isn’t that this poor, broken nation is in the sorry shape that it’s in, but that it isn’t much, much worse.


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"Mike Hendrix is, without a doubt, the greatest one-legged blogger in the world." ‐Henry Chinaski

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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