Quote of the decade of the century of the millenium

Righteous Englishwoman Katie Fanning lays down the fucking smack on a couple of Moslem immivaders: “We don’t involve ourselves in gratuitous violence and terrorism. We are white people; we desolate continents, we wipe out civilizations, and we start world wars. So far we’ve been tolerant, but you wait until that tolerance is gone—when that Anglo Saxon is no longer willing to tolerate the rapes, robberies, extortion, and theft of our identity.”

Fucking beautiful. You go, girl! Via Phil, who gleefully quips:

When the Saxon began to hate in real time.

And as CederQ and I have agreed to many times, it’s when the women get fed up and tell their men to go kill some sonsabitches is when it all starts.

That’s about the size of it, yeah. Shoulda happened a long damned time ago, if you ask me.

Update! Goddamn if Phil ain’t got a second tasty vid below the above one. This one I won’t swipe, I’ll just link to it. Believe me, you’re gonna want to go over there and watch this one too.



Our friends over at Burning Platform have posted one that seems to be going viral, getting linked all over the place, reposted on Twitter/X, etc. It kicks off thusly:


I’m sorely tempted to say, “Doodly squat!” if only out of pure pig-headed contrariness, seeing as how Josey Wales fans—and who isn’t?—will recognize that memorable line from the flick. But never mind that right now. Onwards.

“Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.” – Josey Wales

“To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.” – Josey Wales

As our political, economic, civic, and social structures continue to degrade, dissolve, and disintegrate before our very eyes, it is easy to become apathetic and surrender to hopelessness. There are relentless powerful forces actively trying to destroy the fabric of our society and force the masses into economic servitude while caged in an electronic gulag, controlled by an oligarchy of evil totalitarian minded billionaires and their lackeys in key governmental, political, banking, military, media, and corporate positions of power. We are in the same situation as Josey Wales in Clint Eastwood’s epic 1976 film – The Outlaw Josey Wales.

An intriguing proposition, that, one I must admit had never occurred to me before—even though I must’ve seen TOJW about, oh, eleventy kajillion billion times by now. Even though it’s a long ‘un, and can be sorta…well, slow in places, I still like the movie a lot. Follows in boldface, a fun fact about the film I also didn’t know before.

I found it interesting the film was based on the novel Gone to Texas, written with a virulent anti-government slant by a former George Wallace speechwriter. When the script writer/director tried to tone down the anti-government aspects, Eastwood told him no and eventually fired him, taking over as director for the remainder of the film. Eastwood’s refusal to bow to Hollywood pressure and soften the dialogue and story line is a tribute to his resolute dislike and mistrust of governmental authorities. He has essentially gone his own way and made his films his way, never letting the Hollywood elite dictate his path.

Eastwood equates the plight of the Confederacy with the plight of the American Indian, as both groups were bullied, bloodied and crushed under the weight of the Federal government, which began its unfettered growth during the Civil War and has now reached its zenith of incompetence, arrogance, lawlessness, and hatred towards the citizens it is supposed to serve. Most people just want to be left alone, like Josey Wales, to live their lives in peace and harmony with their fellow community members. But the federal government makes that impossible, with their rules, regulations, taxes, fees, and enforcement thugs harassing the public on a daily basis.

In Eastwood’s movie they murder his family, murder his comrades, and are hell-bent on murdering him. The song remains the same. Our government murdered people minding their own business at Ruby Ridge. They murdered women and children at Waco. They murdered a rancher at Bundy Ranch. They send young men to war for bankers and corporations. They have been unlawfully imprisoning protestors in dungeons for a fake insurrection fomented and initiated by government agents. They rigged the presidential election and have convicted the leading political candidate of fake crimes he did not commit in order to maintain control over the political system.

The government is in the midst of creating millions of vengeful Josey Wales characters. As political chaos increases in the coming months, the threat of global conflagration escalates and the economic plight of the masses deteriorates, revenge against politicians, government drones, and the globalist financial elite for creating this madness will expand rapidly. We know what Josey Wales would do. The question is what will we do.

Dang, that thorny question just keeps popping up over and over again, don’t it? Again: an intriguing notion for sure, one which strongly suggests that you should read the whole thing.


For those who wilfully forget

I’ve been agonizing for a couple of days now over how to put this D-Day anniversary post, after seeing this jagged shard of complete idiocy cited approvingly all over the place.

White Brother War 768x753.

“Europe’s best men, our brothers,” is it, shit for brains? That would be Nazi scum you’re talking about there, pal. And let me hip ya to something you prolly ain’t gonna like much: NAZI SCUM AIN’T NO “BROTHERS” OF MINE, AND AIN’T EVER GONNA BE EITHER, GET ME? Nor are Saudis, nor Persians, nor Paleosimians, nor ChiComs, nor Tojos, for the matter of it. Sorry if my hatred for (((DemJooJooJooJOOOOOOZ!!!))) just ain’t intense enough to suit ya, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles, fuckface. If that’s what it takes to qualify me as officially “White,” then thanks but no thanks; I’d just about as soon call myself a nigger as to stoop that goddamned low.

My now-deceased Uncle Murray, who was an MP in the ETO and participated in the liberation of one of the concentration camps idiots like Mr “CEO of Based” above swear never existed—a life-altering experience he couldn’t even speak of without choking up in tears til his dying day, by the by—was probably the single toughest hombre I ever did know (my assessment made after a lifetime spent hanging with some damned tough hombres, mind) and woulda kicked your sorry ass so hard by the time you stopped rolling your clothes would be out of style for such loose talk as that.

“Are you mad yet?” You bet your ass I am now, you miserable turd. FUCK YOU in the spleen, with a sparking cattle prod.



All the above and then some

Divemedic, with about as astute an analysis as I’ve seen yet of what I long ago dubbed “The Coming Unpleasantness” will most probably look like.

The Civil War you imagine and fantasize about isn’t going to happen the way you think. There won’t be “front lines”, there probably won’t even be an insurgency, not in the beginning, anyway.

What you’re going to see is “The Troubles” on meth and steroids (And if you’re too young or too stupid to know what those were, fire up the Googlemachine.)

It’s going to be a lot of assassinations, kidnappings, and disappearances. Retributions and retributions for retributions. It’s going to be bombings and quick drive by skirmishes. The military will have next to no role in it other than on the ground checkpoint monitors and hardening their own instillations.

Your F-15 pilot won’t fly missions after the last time his squad mate did, and landed to find his family laying in the street.

It’s not going to be the far right vs the government alone. It’s going to be the militant left against the militant right, and the government. Battles are going to be fought everywhere and nowhere.

A friend of mine thinks it’ll be more like “The Purge” petty feuds with the HOA or neighbors finally take vengeance for some perceived wrong.

And I’m here to tell you, it’s going to be both.

Sounds too much like Hobbes’s horrific “war of all against all” to suit my tastes; whatever the case may turn out to be, I am waaaay too old for this shit.


Lavrentiy Garland, just doing his job

As always, lying under oath and just generally scuttling around covering for his Shadow State Supreme Kommissars in any fashion he can come up with.

Exhibit B:

I know, I know: We want to see action — some actual consequences that stand a chance of effecting positive change in the corrupt blob that our federal bureaucracy has become — particularly the weaponized Justice Department. Still, there’s a certain amount of enjoyment to be had watching Gaetz’s verbal slice-and-dice here. As much as Garland attempted to weasel out of answering the inquiry directly, Gaetz wasn’t having it.

First, Gaetz pushed back on Garland’s labeling as “dangerous conspiracy theories” assertions that there has been coordination between the DOJ and the offices of the state-level attorneys who’ve gone after former President Donald Trump either criminally or civilly. If they’re conspiracy theories, then there either won’t be any communications between the DOJ and those offices, or what communications there are will be fully above board, so there should be no qualms about producing them, right?

Gaetz didn’t leave it with calling Garland’s bluff on the purported coordination, however. He landed a well-placed jab while pivoting toward judicial demeanor and propriety.

GAETZ: Now, you were a judge — once nominated to the highest court in our country. When you were a judge, I’m just curious: Did you ever make political donations to partisan candidates?


(I’d simply like to take a moment and commend the attorney general on what may be the most succinct, direct answer I’ve ever seen him give. Points for that, at least.)

GARLAND: You’re asking me to comment on a case currently before —

GAETZ: Well, it seems you’re connecting the dots, Mr. Attorney General. I’m just asking you as to a general principle, but you are aware that Judge Merchan’s daughter was profiting off of this prosecution. You are aware that that creates the appearance of impropriety. You know the very reason there’s a federal rule against judges giving donations is because it is the very attack on the judicial process that we’re concerned about.

GARLAND: I’m sorry, I don’t agree with anything you just said, but I’m not going to comment on an action in another —

Then Gaetz moved on to the curious career path of Matthew Colangelo.

GAETZ: Okay, so you won’t comment on it, Mr. Attorney General, but you had no problem dispatching Matthew Colangelo. Who’s Matthew Colangelo?

GARLAND: That is false. I did not dispatch Matthew Colangelo. That’s false.

GAETZ: Matthew Colangelo…became the Assistant Attorney General at the very beginning of the Biden administration. Without having been Senate-confirmed, goes and gets this senior role at the DOJ. And then after, I believe it’s Gupta, replaces Colangelo, Colangelo makes this remarkable downstream career journey from the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and then pops up in Alvin Bragg’s office to go get Trump. And you’re saying that’s just a career choice that was made. That has nothing to do with the lawfare coordinated by the —

GARLAND: I’m saying it’s false. I did not dispatch Mr. Colangelo anywhere.

GAETZ: Well, do you know how he ended up there?

GARLAND: I assume he spoke — he applied for a job there and got the job.

 GAETZ: Well, you might not have had anything to do with it, but we’ve got this contemporaneous evidence in Mr. Pomerantz’s book. So Pomerantz writes this book, which I’m sure you’re aware of, where he says, “We put together the ‘legal eagles’ to get Trump. We got all these folks together, and we assembled them for that purpose.” And so, when we on the Judiciary Committee think about attacks on the judicial process, our concern is that the facts and the law aren’t being followed, a target is acquired — here, Trump — and then you assemble the legal talent from DOJ, Mr. Pomerantz, and you bring everybody in to get him —

GARLAND: I really —

GAETZ: And meanwhile, the judge is making money on it! The judge is making money on — or the judge’s family is making money on it for stuff that you yourself wouldn’t do. You know, no one’s going to buy this, no one’s going to believe it, it’s going to create great disruption. And I’m saddened by it because, like you, I’ve given my life to the law. I care deeply about the law and I think that the lawfare we’ve seen against President Trump will do great damage well beyond our time in public service.

Which, of course, is the whole fucking point, ultimately. It isn’t about Trump, nor even about Trump supporters, when you get right down to the nut-cuttin’. In the end, what it’s really about is destroying America That Was lock, stock, and barrel—burning it to the ground, scattering the ashes, and covering the earth on which it stood with salt. And yes, Lavrentiy Garland and his lying henchmen are all-in on that, same as every other cloven-hoofed D卐M☭CRAT in the country is. Admittedly, it’s possible—just barely, but theoretically possible—that there are exceptions to that rule here and there, sure. But not enough of them to matter.


What Trump is, what D卐M☭CRATs are

TL calls ‘em as we all sees ‘em.

I, along with most of the readers of this blog, might have always known this about the communists in government, might have seen the corruption in the Department of Justice as far back as Ruby Ridge, even further, back to what they called the Prairie Rebellion of the 1970s or the events surrounding the American Indian Movement (AIM). When a government is corrupt, it can take decades to bring that level of understanding to the otherwise unaffected general public. But once you have that watershed moment, that change in understanding, it becomes the new world that will take decades upon decades to reverse.

The Democrats/communists don’t realize how much they’ve given up. They are no longer the party of the people, they’re the party of the freaks, of the BLM and Antifa goons, the party of FBI raids on grandmothers. They’re the party of political, police-state tactics.

The hush money trial turned Trump into a Mandela-like figure and only going to jail will further that image, while, at the same time, they’ve turned Biden into a Stalin-like character, jailing his political opponents. But they’ve done much worse for the image of the United States, that has now lost the moral authority to criticize China, Russia or North Korea. They’ve joined the tribe of the oppressive regimes and made the only way to reverse the trend voting for Trump. Trump won’t imprison his political opponents, because he’s not a communist and doesn’t have to force some ideology down the throats of the majority. He is the majority. What he will have to do, though, is dismantle the DOJ and the FBI, because they’re the facilitators of this fall from grace, they’re the feces on the face of the Statue of Liberty.

Alex Soros, George’s son, said that spreading the “convicted felon” label anywhere and everywhere was the key to winning the election and I hope they do it. Every time I hear them use that moniker, I think to myself: only because of dirty cops, corrupt judges and bought off District Attorneys. That’s who the Democrats are, corrupt, nasty, little communists. The duty of every anti-communists is to point it out, don’t let this watershed moment pass without an uproar.

Some of us out here are doing all we can to see to that, TL. In fact, speaking for myself, being old and crippled, that’s about the only contribution left for me to make, alas. But I damned sure intend to keep on making it, for as long as I possibly can.

Update! Glenn reels off a quip in his signature style.

INSURRECTION: Anti-Israel protesters burn UC Berkeley police vehicle with ‘incendiary device’ in ‘retaliation’ for arrests. Have you noticed that MAGA people don’t “retaliate” for arrests?

There was a time when that would have been considered a virtue, and rightly so—a marker of reasoned restraint, maturity, and politesse. Now, though, I can’t help but wonder if it hasn’t become something of a vice, a strategic weakness in actual fact, one which stands to be our ultimate undoing.


Toxic fruit of the Communist tree

Never bite an apple the serpent offers you, no matter how delicious he claims it is.

Lenin everlasting
On the totalitarian’s continued relevance.

Later in this issue, Gary Saul Morson writes about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s masterwork The Gulag Archipelago. Much of that book is devoted to the details of the dehumanizing brutality of the Stalinist regime: its terrifying sadism and staggering assault on basic human dignity. The Stalinist horror show, in which terror was perfected in the forge of deliberately arbitrary deployment, had its roots in the brief but brutal reign of Vladimir Lenin. This year marks the centenary of Lenin’s death. In January 1924, the consummate communist, having blighted as many lives as he could in his two years of rule, finally shuffled off his mortal coil, aged fifty-three. “That was young,” you may say. But we reply, “Not nearly young enough.”

It is worth pausing to remember the hideous legacy of that ice-cold totalitarian. What we have in mind is not so much Lenin’s butcher’s bill as his more general modus operandi. Estimates of the number of people Lenin had tortured, maimed, and murdered vary, but are always well into the millions. But what may be just as creepy is his model of government.

We were reminded of this when, late last year, Miguel Cardona, President Biden’s secretary of education, gave a talk to explain education-department priorities. Promoting a kinder, friendlier department, he said, “I think it was President Reagan [who] said, ‘We’re from the government. We’re here to help.’”

We suppose that was intended to be reassuring. What Reagan actually said, however, as was pointed out about ten thousand times on social media, was the opposite. “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’”

Lenin would have known exactly what Reagan meant. The difference is that Reagan’s observation was meant as a warning, an admonition about the dangers of overweening bureaucracy. Lenin, by contrast, regarded the terrifying side of unlimited government as a feature, not a bug. He liked the terror. It has always been thus with budding totalitarians. While Maximilien de Robespierre was a piker by comparison with Lenin, he nonetheless sang from the same chorus sheet, doing his best to disfigure France in the brief time allotted him. An ardent student of that supreme political narcissist Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Robespierre was always going on about “virtue,” though he conflated the emotion of virtue with what a Marxist might call “really existing” virtue. Above all, Robespierre knew that achieving the utopia of his dreams would not be easy or painless, which is why he spoke frankly about virtue and its “emanation,” terror.

At the center of the totalitarian impulse is the belief that ultimately freedom belongs only to the state, that the individual should not be treated as a free actor but rather, as Lenin put it, “ ‘a cog and a screw’ of one single great Social-Democratic mechanism.” Of course, few canny bureaucrats quote Lenin today, his association with tyranny having knocked him out of the great game of political PR.

But is he completely gone? One of the most depressing recent spectacles has been the rehabilitation of people and movements that, just a few years back, seemed safely consigned to the underworld. But watching Eloi-like college students praising Hamas, chanting genocidal formulae such as “From the river to the sea,” even excusing the incontinent maunderings of Osama bin Laden, makes us wonder whether any enormity is sufficiently grave to overcome the moral anesthesia of the entitled class. Someone once described the on-again, off-again socialist Philip Rahv as a “born-again Leninist”—their number, it turns out, is legion.

Which is why we predict an effort, perhaps sotto voce at first, to rehabilitate Lenin. After all, he articulated exactly the desire of everyone, from the creepy Doyen of Davos, Klaus Schwab, on down, who tells you that he’s from the global government and he’s here to help. What socialism implies above all, said Lenin, is “keeping account of everything.” Could the covid police, the bureaucrats pushing a cashless society to gain complete control over your spending, or the climate-change fanatics who want to limit your travel and impound your gas stove have put it any better?

Mebbe so, mebbe not, but it’s a lead-pipe cinch they’ll try to put it differently, the better to disguise their true totalitarian ambitions.

There isn’t really any need to speculate on whether the Goosesteppin’ Left might attempt to “rehabilitate Lenin” someday, as the author frets, because they already did it. Pulled the hocus-pocus off quite handily too, with astonishing ease—so much so that they’ve managed to drag us to the very brink of Civil War II with it. Lenin may have departed this vale of tears a century ago in the strictly physical sense, but his monstrous spirit lives on in Amerika v2.0. Truth is, he’s running things from beyond the grave right here, right now.

As the old saw warns, those who don’t remember history are doomed to repeat it. ADDENDUM: Those who don’t trouble themselves to learn history in the first damned place will never even know they’re repeating it, and probably wouldn’t care anyway. Unlike the dozens of failed efforts across the globe in half-assed loser-nations, they solemnly guarantee that True Communism is gonna WORK, this time for SURE, and will be implemented fully, correctly, and competently, to the enormous benefit of all. And if you don’t believe it, just ask ‘em, they’ll tell ya—at excruciating length, repeatedly, until the droning Commie mantra makes you want to retch.

In what might be the most eye-tearing example of irony ever, these asstards somehow missed completely the fact that Adolf Hitler, the abominable right-wing (!!!) dictator, said pretty much the exact same thing upon coming to power: to wit, that his Thousand Year Reich would teach the stupid Russians—who, being stupid Russians and all, had stupidly wrecked the reputation of a superlative German intellectual, one Karl NMI Marx, with their wretched, stupid-Russian rendition of the Great Man’s Sooperdoopergenius© theories—how Marxism ought really to be done, leaving the stupid Russians behind to choke on a thick, swirling cloud of History’s Own Dust, a defeat for the stupid Russians accomplished courtesy of universally-acclaimed Aryan racial superiority.

Herr Hitler, of course, wasn’t at all “right-wing,” never was (nor was he Aryan*). That specious notion just another successful Leftard rewrite of history—a deception, shorn of the most threadbare scrim of truth to cover it up. Der Feuhrer hated Christianity, capitalism, and Slavs above all else except possibly (((DemPeskyJOOOOOZ!!))), and said so explicitly times beyond number, in both his speeches and his writings. The Nazi Party’s name is an acronym for “National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party,” after all, and was by no means intended to be taken as either a sly misdirection or some kind of in-joke at the time. It means what it says and says what it means—period, full stop, end of fucking story.

Anyhoo, “rehabilitate Lenin”? No way, man; Our Fellow Americans of the Loyal Opposition are way too honest and above-board to ever even think of trying to pull such a lowdown dirty trick. Right? RIGHT? RIIIGHT?!?

Yeah, you just keep right on telling yourself that. If you do so long enough, eventually the headache from having reality smack you upside the noggin over and over trying to wake your dumb ass up will just go away. As a mantra of a somewhat different type than the puke-inducing Commie one mentioned earlier, it’s a more effective painkiller than a fistful of Ibuprofen. Maybe Demerol, even, or so I’ve heard.

* Aryan, in Nazi Germany, was a nebulous, ever-shifting categorization, a perversion of a field of study whose definitional criteria, from its origins and continuing over many years, were centered not on race, but language. A further irony involves the concept of “race” itself, which, through continual re-definition and politically-useful modification, eventually became every bit as flexible, malleable, and impossible to nail down as “Aryan” was, both terms reduced to little more than meaningless absurdities by the close of the war, of use only to historical archivists, mid-level bureaucrats “just following orders,” and sundry other sub-species of paper-shuffling rumpswabs.

For instance, according to Hitler the French had their own separate racial category—as he said, close to the German “race” but not quite their peers, respectable but still inferior to the Germans. The Italians, southern Eyeties in particular, he felt were the second “sickest” race in Europe (the quasi-human Hungarian knuckledraggers occupied the Number One slot on Hitler’s “Inferior” race card), informing his Axis co-swine Mussolini in 1934 that all the Mediterranean “races” had been “tainted with Negro blood.”

As every student of history well knows, Adolf Hitler was a truly sick, twisted whackjob, crazy as a shithouse rat. His mental condition steadily deteriorated throughout the course of the war, getting worse in sync with Germany’s gradual collapse until he was observably delusional by the time of its defeat: hysterically barking out orders for the re-positioning and re-deployment of phantasmagorical divisions, Luftwaffe squadrons, and naval flotillas which had long since surrendered, been transported en masse to Allied POW facilities, or otherwise obliterated—orders that shocked his more-rational subordinates (most if not all of whom were fully cognizant of the bleak reality outside their Supreme Commanders cramped, noisome bunker HQ) into a state of horror, fright, and indecisive stupefaction.

Hitler’s obssessive fixation on “race” distinctions—distinctions based not on genetic science (at that time in its infancy and scantily understood) but on the vagaries of nationality alone—is just one more piece of evidence confirming his deeply-disturbed mind.


Straw scarecrows, burning

If they only had a brain…

This is where the Never Trumpers always hoped we’d/they’d be: they’ll clutch their pearls pro forma for about 15 seconds, just to pay homage to the ancient platforms, oaths, and deities they long ago abandoned.

Then they’ll start clawing tooth and nail to become the Jeb3.0 Savior Of The Party, and try to make a pitch to last-minute supplant Trump on this year’s nomination ballot, aching to lose gloriously (a la Dole, McCrazy, and Romney) fighting Emperor Poopypants and his puppet masters with one hand tied behind their back, and wearing a full blindfold to the manifest gang-raping of our Constitution and the republic (when they’re not busy participating in it themselves gleefully).

That’s merely a brief passage from what I’ll call Chapter One, with Chapter Two hard on its heels. At first glance, the two posts might appear to be topically unrelated, but I must beg to differ. These days it’s ALL related, in one way or another.

In all the many, many years I’ve been pursuing this avocation, I’ve gotten to know quite a few fellow ReichwingÜberNaziDeathbeast bloggers, who between all of us have burned down a hell of a lot of Leftist scarecrows that badly needed the immolation. But of all those, I can’t recall a one who wielded a bigger flamethrower than our friend Aesop. Which is just my way of telling you good folks that you need to read all of these two. If you haven’t read him before, call it your baptism of fire.

No, of course I don’t completely agree with him every single time, on every single issue. If that was the case it would be cause for both of us to worry, because it’s a sure-fire indication that one of us (at least) must be bugfuck nuts. But hey—when he’s right, he is hand-to-God, balls-to-the-wall right. Which, y’know, is often enough to suit me.


The Donald Trump of Julius Caesars

As promised/threatened earlier: the fall of the Republic, then and now.

Observations During The Late Republic
For the first time in a long time, I have turned back to Roman history. It has been something like 2 decades since I read anything to do with Rome. But, recently, as part of my fitness and general “be strong, not fat” program (on which I shall write more, as well), I am listening to Mike Duncan’s “The History of Rome” podcast. Ironically, I reached Julius Caesar in the last stages of the First Triumvirate just as the Donald Trump “hush money” trial got really interesting.

In the late Roman Republic, Patricians, wealthy Plebians, and successful Generals were often prosecuted for crimes (real and imaginary) after they left office and no longer were protected by the office they held. They were prosecuted by their political enemies, as a general rule of thumb, in order to gain power, prevent the individual from gaining further power, and so forth.

One of the key reasons that Julius Caesar broke Roman law and led his Army across the Rubicon River and into Italy was that he knew that his political enemies were going to prosecute him for crimes they believed he had committed while Consul. Once his 10 year term of Pro-Consul of Cis-Alpine Gaul was complete, they would bring charges against him and then have him exiled or executed. He attempted to negotiate with the Senate for amnesty from prosecution in return for relinquishing command of his Legions, but the Senate refused and ordered him to relinquish command and return to Rome alone.

When Julius Caesar refused, he knew (and said) that the die was cast, meaning that he would have to fight a civil war now. And he led his legions into Italy, which ultimately ended the Republic.

If you think this isn’t what we see happening right now in America, you don’t understand that history and how it is repeating itself.

I think it safe to say that, in Amerika v2.0, there are a great many historical parallels that aren’t understood—or even known, for that matter—by a great many people. And should you try to explain it to them, they’ll either

  • Stuff their fingers into their ears and ignore you completely
  • Accuse you of the Hate Crime of Mansplaining, call the cops, and demand you be arrested, which the cops will assuredly do
  • Physically assault you for your intolerable defense of the hated Patriarchy
  • Call you a damned liar
  • Run away to the nearest officially-licensed Safe Space, having been Triggered by your Violent© act of oppression, bigotry, and Literal Genocide

Those, among other unpleasant possibilities.


Good ol’ Meestah Luce has kindly dropped a comment over at last night’s Eyrie offering that I think is high-octane enough to merit a main-page mention here at Ye Aulde CF Muthashippe.

The US has a “double government”, one which is elected and runs a “clown car”, and a permanent – and actual – government which has existed since 1937 (see ) and whose ambit and powers have been codified into law since the Great Coup of 1947, the year of the establishment of the US National Security State and the final overthrow of Constitutional rule – the appearances remain so as not to upset the general public (those who aren’t in the Club) but the substance has been hollowed out and replaced by an entirely alien structure – see and the following videos from 10 years ago – rest assured, nothing has changed: and

What we have with Trump vs The Democrats is a big drama, where the population of the US can divide themselves into two more or less equal-sized “sides”, and get into a big fight with each other, maybe a war with lots of dead and wounded – the National Security State has played that drama in a lot of countries overseas, and now it’s coming home. It’s known as “divide and conquer” and it’s a very successful strategy and has been since Julius Caesar. The DNC *and* the RNC are equally tools of the underlying structure, the Permanent Government – and it’s the Permanent Government and its policies and utter unconstitutionality and its longstanding disrespect for the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, and the principles set forth therein, should be the true target of any rebellion. The Permanent Government is the tyrant “pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to subject [the American people] to arbitrary power…”

Words which should be kept in mind, here:

He continues in like vein from there, including a quotation from one of Jefferson’s early drafts of the Declaration, and it’s good, heady stuff indeed. Trust me when I say that you really want to click over and read the whole thing. Coinkydinkly enough, the above mention of Julius Caesar reminds me that I have an open browser tab also referencing him just sitting around waiting for me to get around to it. I’ll get on that straightaway, whilst y’all are preoccupied with hh’s comment.


The Verdict, Part the Third

Another of those never-to-be-sufficiently-damned “Read more…” clickbait Tweets, so no embed, but the magic of C&P instead.

Kerri Kupec Urbahn

Since Alvin Bragg in his speech last night mentioned District Attorney Thomas Dewey from the 1930s, I think it’s only appropriate to mention US Attorney General Robert Jackson from the 1940s and his warning to federal prosecutors about their capacity to abuse the law. Key excerpts: 

“The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion is tremendous. He can have citizens investigated and, if he is that kind of person, he can have this done to the tune of public statements and veiled or unveiled intimations. Or the prosecutor may choose a more subtle course and simply have a citizen’s friends interviewed. The prosecutor can order arrests, present cases to the grand jury in secret session, and on the basis of his one-sided presentation of the facts, can cause the citizen to be indicted and held for trial. He may dismiss the case before trial, in which case the defense never has a chance to be heard. Or he may go on with a public trial. If he obtains a conviction, the prosecutor can still make recommendations as to sentence, as to whether the prisoner should get probation or a suspended sentence, and after he is put away, as to whether he is a fit subject for parole. While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.”

“If the prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases, it follows that he can choose his defendants. Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted. With the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone. In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him. It is in this realm-in which the prosecutor picks some person whom he dislikes or desires to embarrass, or selects some group of unpopular persons and then looks for an offense, that the greatest danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies. It is here that law enforcement becomes personal, and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

By George, I think she’s got it. Far from being inconsequential, the thuggish, premeditated savaging of a former President’s right—every American’s right, in fact—to due process in open court trial presided over by a learned, impartial judge, the outcome decided with a verdict rendered by twelve jurors honest and true, is of unparalleled moment. It is, as some dirty, rotten scoundrel or other •cough-coughBIDENcough-cough* boasted in a different context *cough-coughOBAMACAREcough-cough*, a “big fucking deal.” The biggest fucking deal in my entire lifetime, actually.

To supinely permit such an extraordinary profanation to pass without a swift, forceful, vehement response would be a monumental disgrace—an unpardonable sin which would redound on generations yet to come. To allow such a grievous insult to American integrity to fade from collective memory, then to be supplanted by the next manufactured Enemedia Outrage O’ The Day, would constitute, quite literally, a crime most heinous in and of itself.


Moar Verdict fallout

Leave it to the ever-brilliant CatTurd to hit the Vichy GOpers with it like a brickbat to the kisser. It’s another damnable “Read more…” Tweet, so I’ll just skip the embedding and cut straight to the transcription chase.

Catturd ™


Dear Republican Party 



I don’t want to hear another damn word about Ukraine.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about Israel.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about GAZA.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about Taiwan.

I don’t want to hear another damn word about any other country except the USA, you America-last war pigs. 

The fascist Democrat Party has completely destroyed our country from within, we have a wide open border, and they’re shitting on the Constitution while you spineless, coward losers get rich on insider trading, rage tweet, and talk about your “principles.”

They’re literally arresting their political opponents and their lawyers and having kangaroo communists show trials – and you pitiful, worthless losers are doing absolutely nothing.

If you don’t have balls to fight for freedom – RESIGN!!!

At this late date, there’s little if any point to wagging my fingers in anybody’s face concerning the fact that the GOPe’s notorious unwillingness to show fight isn’t due to any lack of balls, but to the fact that they’re actually complicit. No matter; CatTurd’s general sentiment here remains valid, and the point is still worth making. Updates to follow…

Update! Our blog-bud Aesop brings the pain, bruise, and agony (to quote the inimitable American Dream, Dusty Rhodes) perfectly.

The meaning of today’s verdict is actually quite simple:

The Democrat Party hereby announces that they have formally seceded from the United States Of America.

This announcement, therefore, makes them nothing less, at best, than seditious criminals and rebellious traitors, and as such, liable to hanging or shooting on sight, wherever and whenever found, top to bottom, and coast to coast.

The only open question is not any longer whether there will be an open, shooting civil war, but when it will commence being a range with the firing line fully open in both directions.

That’s not an incitement to anyone, nor intended as any such thing; it’s merely a statement of facts.

Whether the nation rises up as one and purges the rot, or doesn’t, there is an immutable Truth smacking us all in the face:

America That Once Was Is 


It didn’t die of natural causes. 

The Democratic Party Killed It.

All that remains to be seen, from now going forward, is whether We, the People, have the stones to hold them and their members accountable for the murder, round them up, and begin the mass hangings or shootings on sight such a calculated and treasonous criminal act demands.

If not, this was the moment when we began our irreversible slide into being Amerizuela, with all the trimmings, for years to decades.

Absitively, posolutely, indubitably so. You don’t have to like it, and when it comes right down to the nut-cutting, you really, really shouldn’t. You DO have to admit the inescapable truth of it, and disport yourselves accordingly.

And speaking of the Best Dressed Man in Wrestling, well, what the hey.

Y’know, I watched Dusty wrestle for years until his retirement from the ring, whereupon he joined Mean Gene Okerlund in the WCW broadcast booth as a blow-by-blow announcer, and I swear I think he was actually more entertaining on the mic than he was in the squared circle. Which, y’know, is really saying something.

Updated update! Don Surber, too, knows the score.

Of course they will send him to prison
Of course they convicted him. There is no justice in New York City. The Mafia proved that a century ago when it bought off the judges. The corruption runs deep and putrid in the city that never sleeps. Alvin the Chipmunk Bragg ran for prosecutor on a platform of letting criminals run rampant and bringing Donald Trump down. No one should be surprised by the 34 cries of guilty by a jury of liberal sheep.

New Yorkers love living in swill. They brag about their swill city and its diversity and rightly so.

There are black victims of violent crime. There are white victims of violent crime. There are Asian victims of violent crime. There are Hispanic victims of violent crime. There are Jewish victims of violent crime.

New Yorkers laugh and mock the victims because the city sides with the bad guys. Criminals no longer have to post bail. Businessmen who take out loans and repay them with interest, however, must post millions of dollars in bond to appeal a ridiculous verdict.

The clean and relatively crime-free city that Rudy Giuliani bequeathed to New Yorkers has gone back to rot.

New Yorkers are responsible for this. This is the life they chose. They elect the corrupt and communistic.

Judge Juan Merchan does their bidding because most New Yorkers hate decency and they hate the rule of law. This is a city that honors a career criminal and drug addict — George Floyd — while making the author of the Declaration of Independence a pariah.

All perfectly true and accurate, no argument to make from here, as far as it goes. Unfortunately, it’s worse than that though: nowadays, it applies not just to NYC alone, Don. Not by a long yard, it don’t. Surber waxes even more depressingly prophetic from there, before finally collapsing in an exhausted heap on the old reliable standby. To wit:

Judge Merchan deliberately gave Trump a trial riddled with errors that demand an appellate court to overturn him.

That won’t happen because everyone knows John Roberts is a pawn of the deep state and the trio of justices that Trump appointed to the high court fear the mob will go after their kids and their loved ones. That fear is well-founded. Why would a lower appellate court even take the case on?

Judge Merchan will put Trump in prison. He has to or the DNC’s checks to his daughter won’t clear the bank.

The state will proceed to confiscate all of Trump’s property — including Mar-a-Lago which will trigger a decades-long legal battle between Florida and New York, which will end when Floridians foolishly elect a Democrat governor.

The only hope the nation has left is to elect Trump president on November 5.

Dude, SRSLY?!? All the power, all the Überstadt muscle being flexed, the unabashed, in-your-face lawlessness and brazen criminality, extending from the Oval Office all the way down to the most benighted, semi-sentient shitlib NYC juror—yet somehow, some way, you think Trump is going to win the next sure-to-be-rigged “election”? Sorry—agreeable though it is to idly imagine, I still just can’t quite see it happening; as comforting fantasies go, it’s the pure, the blushful Hoppocrene. If that truly IS the only hope we have left, then in practical terms we have no hope at all.

Update to the updated update! It occurs to me that, even now, “What next?” is the wrong question. What Real Americans need to be asking themselves (and each other) is, “Okay, what the hell are we gonna do about this shit?” Think proactive, not reactive, people. Although defense might sometimes forestall defeat, it’s offense that wins the game. That mindset has been axiomatic with every great football coach since Vince Lombardi, every great general since at least George Patton.

One of the primary reasons the Confederacy’s Robert E Lee believed deep in his soul that his breakaway nation was foredoomed to ultimate defeat was the various cold, implacable realities that forced him and his boss President Jeff Davis to adopt the strategic defensive, rather than the offensive they both greatly preferred. The two great men discussed this very issue many times over the course of the war; neither of them was happy about it, but they never managed to find a way around their dilemna.


Time for some REAL equality

He shoulda kicked the ever-lovin’ shit out of the whining Nazi bitch and left her violent, lying ass bleeding on the sidewalk.

I suppose Perez should be commended for his great restraint in dealing with an out-of-control Leftard lunatic. But honestly, FUCK her, and all shitlibs, in the liver with a rusty railroad spike. As Ace says:

What was that cutesy leftwing call to violence…? Ah yes: “Punch a Nazi.”

Well, I see a lot of Nazis attempting to shut down people’s speech through violence or threat of violence.

So I agree: Let’s start punching some fucking Nazis.


Update! More from the Red State post Ace linked:

What kind of moral degenerate acts like (this), much less in front of their child? A miscarriage is not an “abortion” because there is nothing to abort when a baby has already passed away of natural causes. Whatever similarities the extraction procedure has is irrelevant. It’s like arguing that burning people alive is fine because the cremation of dead bodies exists. 

Also of note is how these pro-abortion fanatics rarely want to own their position. Falsely claiming that miscarriages and abortions are the same is a calculated deflection. It’s meant to take the spotlight off of what an actual abortion is because even this woman knows how evil it is, even if she’s loathe to admit it. 

The woman is also lying about access to the medical procedure she describes. There is not a single state in the union that outlaws real doctors at real medical facilities from removing a baby’s body after a miscarriage. If people in Oregon believe that, I’d suggest they get better sources.

Unfortunately, intellectual heft isn’t common in the Beaver State these days. This is allegedly the crazy lady’s sister. Can you spot the resemblance?

Follows, yet another vid of yet another screaming, violent femme who really ought to be locked up with her sister in some kind of home. It may not (or, y’know, it may) be quite time yet to just start shooting barking-mad shitlibs such as these on sight, before they can get within assault-and-battering range of us. Nonetheless, the day cometh, and that right soon.

Updated update! From Chaya Raichak, more Lefty loons.

The story the media will try to bury.

Over the weekend, Libs of TikTok was one of the first to report on the identity (of) the perpetrator in an insane unprovoked stabbing spree that occurred in Massachusetts. The suspect was identified as 26-year-old Jared Ravizza, a radical left-wing transgender activist.

We confirmed his identity after searching his social media accounts where we uncovered various images including “she/her” pronouns in his bio and a poster of Barack Obama on his wall.

Ravizza began his stabbing spree at the AMC in Braintree where he stabbed four young girls. One of the mothers reported that Ravizza was laughing during the attack. The four girls were hospitalized after the stabbing but thankfully did not receive any life-threatening injuries.

After leaving the theater, Varizza proceeded to a local McDonald’s restaurant where he stabbed a man and a woman before fleeing the scene. He was later caught and arrested by police after crashing his car.

Yes, she has pics, and they’re everything you’d expect them to be, and not a jot or tittle more. We’ve already allowed “people” like these to turn our cities into war-zones and open-air asylums, and if you ask me it’s time and well past time to take them back.


Memorial Day Part the Second

Not to slight our honorable war dead, but these filthy, fascist bastards should never be forgotten either—just in a different way, with utmost dishonor instead of respect and love.

Those of the above that haven’t already dropped dead from twelve-foot long bloodclots and coronary “distress” should be shot right in the fucking face. “Fuck your freedom,” Arnie? No, fuck YOU, pal. You, and everyone who “thinks” like you, forever and ever amen.

(Via Dave Renegade)


The cars of Teh Future

And they always will be.

Buttigieg defends Biden’s EV strategy after question on how only 8 federal charging stations have been built
Buttigieg says Biden focused on making sure EV revolution is American-led

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg defended the Biden administration’s push to build half a million electric vehicle (EV) charging stations along U.S. highways by 2030 after being questioned about how just eight have been built since President Biden signed the legislation two years ago.

Buttigieg appeared Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation” where he tried to ease doubts about reaching Biden’s goal of 500,000 chargers by the end of the decade when asked why it wasn’t happening more quickly.

“Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plugging a small device into the ground,” the secretary said. “There’s utility work, and this is also really a new category of federal investment. But we’ve been working with each of the 50 states.”

“Seven or eight, though?” host Margaret Brennan said with a laugh.

“Again, by 2030, 500,000 chargers,” Buttigieg said. “And the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built.”

See? Fret not, folks, Comrade Mr Secretary Buttplug is ON THE CASE!!! Assuming he’ll have any time, whilst also getting pregnant, giving birth, and breast chest-feeding “his” children, to deal with such trifling inanities as this charger grift, of course. Meanwhile, a commenter over at Insty’s joint notes a leeeetle problem.

My back-of-the-envelope math also indicates that building seven stations every two years will get us to Biden’s goal of 500,000 no later than the year 144,881 AD. Assuming we’re still using AD by then. 2030 doesn’t seem that far away now, does it?

Oof. Also, ouch. Hey, math is haaaaard. Who knew? Really, though, the underlying issue is going unmentioned.

Buttigieg said “the EV revolution will happen with or without us” and that Biden is focused on making sure the EV revolution is led by America, not by a competitor like China.

He said the charging stations are just one factor that will help Americans transition from gas-powered cars to electric; the other is lowering the cost of EVs for the consumer.

Bold mine, and horseshit of the purest ray serene. The “EV revolution” will assuredly NOT be “led by America,” contra whatever falsehoods the flailing, floundering Buttplug pukes forth. Fact is, this misleading Peter-puffery is a useful indicator of precisely where, how, and why we’ve gone so wrong: unlike previous world-altering, genuinely revolutionary* shifts organically driven from the bottom up thanks entirely to entrepreneurial creativity, ingenuity, and ambition (think Eli Whitney’s cotton gin, Edison’s incandescent light bulb, the internal-combustion engine, powered flight, among others), the hard-luck huckster Buttplug’s “EV revolution” is 100% Astroturf, forced on us Serf Class simps from the top down, whether we will or we nil—led by the government, not America.

Sorry, but this is not no way no how something to be celebrated, at least for any Real American not hungrily sucking at the drooping Überstadt teat. Such as, for example, Comrade Buttplug. On the bright side, though, maybe FederalGovCo will explain that mind-boggling “7 every 2 years=500k in 6” computation when the junta issues its next Five Year Plan. That ought to be a hoot.

*Hate to have to bust any bubbles here, but the very idea of a government-led “revolution” is a non sequitur, by definition an impossibility; sorry, but revolutions just don’t work that way. Call me pedantic, call me a language-Nazi, but revolutions aren’t done BY governments, they’re done TO them.

Open mouth, insert foot update! Jesus, it’s like the boob just can’t help himself.

In a surprising move, Secretary of State Pete Buttigieg didn’t blame an alleged increase in extreme turbulence impacting air travel on racism. During an interview on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” the embattled cabinet member instead chose to blame the problem on climate change.

“The effects of climate change are already upon us in terms of our transportation,” he said. “We’ve seen that in the form of everything from heat waves that shouldn’t statistically even be possible threatening to melt the cables of transit systems in the Pacific Northwest to hurricane seasons becoming more and more extreme.”

A recent study found hurricanes and typhoons are actually decreasing, but okay, Pete.

It’s always the same old song with these people over and over and over again, the song only has one note, and nary a one of ‘em can carry a tune in a slop bucket. Yet they will NOT stop singing the stupid thing, even as the audience stomps out with their hands clapped tightly over their ears. More tiresome than one of those interminable, multi-band “Louie Louie” marathons they used to do now and then as radio-station promos, that’s what it is.

MOAR EV follies update! A joke, and not a very funny one: Electric…FIRE ENGINES?!?

Jeez Louise.

New Mexico Democratic Governor Michelle Grisham was recently excited to announce that the state’s Environment Department was awarding a nearly half-million dollar grant to Bernalillo County to partially finance the purchase of a new “all-electric” fire truck for their fire department. It was only a “partial” reimbursement because the projected cost to the county to replace its 1991 diesel fire engine with a Pierce Volterra battery electric fire engine was more than $1.8 million. The local fire chief was quoted as proudly saying, “There’s no cancer coming out of the tailpipe” of the new truck. So that’s a win for all concerned, right?

Not so fast there, chief. You have to read quite a ways down into the announcement to learn the uncomfortable truth about this purchase. The supposedly “all-electric” fire engine has a diesel engine in it. The pumps that actually deliver the water to put out fires run off of the diesel engine and the truck itself can run off of diesel when the battery inevitably runs out. So the entire description of “all-electric” is a farce.

What aspect of the “EV revolution” ISN’T a farce?

So why would these fire trucks still have diesel engines?

Elementary, Watson: because electric motors and batteries simply aren’t adequate to the kind of heavy-duty task required of pumper trucks, shitlib fantasies about Skittle-pooping unicorns notwithstanding.

They’re supposed to be eliminating fossil fuels to save us all from climate change, aren’t they? The answer should be fairly obvious. These are emergency response vehicles. If your neighbor’s EV can’t make it out of the driveway one morning because they couldn’t find a charging station or there was a blackout, they might miss a day of work. If the fire truck can’t do its job, buildings will burn down and people may die. It’s simply not worth the risk.

The water pumps on the fire trucks are massive. They have to be to move that much water so quickly over a sustained period of time. Also, the engine that powers the vehicle is far larger than the ones in most consumer vehicles, on par with the ones in big rigs. If there is a significantly large fire taking place, the pumps may be running for hours on end. EV batteries simply are not up to the job. If a conventional fire truck begins running low on diesel, a refueling truck can be brought over to fill up the tank in a few minutes. You can’t accelerate the battery recharging process.

Bad enough, sure, but is that all, you ask? Not hardly, I reply.

Here is another fun fact about these trucks, as pointed out by Larry Behrens, Communications Director for Power The Future. Those “all-electric” fire trucks cost 40 to 50 percent more than conventional, diesel models. The one that Bernalillo County purchased cost $1.8 million. That’s roughly $600,000 more than standard diesel truck costs and that bill was saddled on the taxpayers of the county as well as the entire state thanks to the Governor’s “generous” grant. (It’s funny how these politicians are always able to be so generous with your money, isn’t it?)

Wait, so you’re telling me you feel that Saving Mother Gaia from A) trace atmospheric gases essential for plant life; B) gas stoves, furnaces, and water heaters, and C) efficient, reliable, affordable modes of transportation for everyday Americans isn’t worth paying any price, going to any lengths imaginable? To quote Saint Greta of Thunberg: HOW DARE YOU!!! Oh, and speaking of that glowering, insufferably self-righteous nitwit, get a load of this:

Doom Goblin Greta? Bless my soul, how I do love it! Expect to see that one regularly from here on out, gang. I’ve been sitting on this mad-genius Tweet for a couple weeks now, just waiting for the right time to use it, and finally, it has come.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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