Another day, another disruption
Man, FUCK these filthy dirtbags all to Hell and gone, until their anguished cries of pain make the welkin ring.
BLM Continues to Try to Destroy Free Speech Rights of Kyle Rittenhouse — Protests Erupt at WKU (Watch)
The video below shows Black Lives Matter protesting Kyle Rittenhouse’s slated speech at Western Kentucky University. Take a moment to watch. We’ll wait.It’s no secret the Left hates free speech, but they really don’t hide it anymore. As the video references, they recently succeeded in overrunning one of his speaking events in Memphis; unfortunately, to this writer’s mind, this has only spurred them on.
It seems most of X agrees.
Follows, this screencap of a low-to-no IQ lardass hilariously self-beclowning via her extravagantly stupid little sign memorializing Kyle’s predatory, violent “victims.”
One of the signs at Western Kentucky University honoring Rittenhouse’s “victims,” who were shot in self-defense.
— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11)
The inescapable conclusion.
No matter how you may feel about Mr. Rittenhouse, on November 19th, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-one, he was adjudicated not guilty and, therefore, still has all of the same civil liberties as every other American.
In this writer’s opinion, the ‘outrage inc’ culture we’ve built in this country needs to go the way of the Woolly Mammoth if we have any hope of remaining a free people.
Yeah, well, it “needs to” right enough. That said, Real Americans shouldn’t oughta be waiting around for another world-altering meteor strike or some other galactic cataclysm to take care of the heavy lifting for us. Unfortunately, though, that looks more and more like yet another of those notorious Jobs Americans Just Won’t Do. Perhaps enacting legislation strictly mandating the execution of stupid people…