Whatcha gonna do indeed.

Gott-damn SKIPPY. PREACH it, Hulkster!!! Much, much more of this incredibly good, tasty stuff at Twitchy. In response to the too-predictable D卐M☭CRAT sniffing, eyerolling, and contemptuous pearl-clutching for the Hulkster’s basic Not One Of Us, Dearie gauche-i-tivity—Harry Sisson’s lame-O bitch, piss, and moaning being the pluperfect example*—NotKenny Rogers puts it best:

You and me both, brother. You and me both.

* “No serious conversation on policy,” Harry? RILLY?!? Your corpse-tastic cadaver can’t manage to groan out a complete sentence betwixt the snot-bubbles and rivulets of drool even after his handlers have hit him with BOTH paddles, you sniveling sissymary. PRO TIP: Take close, careful note of Trump’s easygoing, beaming merriment at Hulk’s star-turn (at the end of @3YearLetterman’s post) and remember something: He who laughs last laughs best. And, in the theater of the absurd that national politics in Amerika v2.0 has become, he who laughs best will almost certainly win the race.



Today, June 4th, is the twentieth anniversary of True American Hero© Marvin Heemeyer’s righteous rampage through a Colorado town (link paywalled, but 12 Ft Ladder worked for me).

20 years after a bulldozer rampage in a small Colorado town, the legacy of the “killdozer” lives on
In Granby, Marvin Heemeyer’s homemade revenge machine “radiated evil” — but to some, he’s a folk hero

Only “some”?!? The hell you say.

GRANBY — Few physical reminders remain in this unassuming mountain town 20 years after a rampage by an aggrieved muffler shop owner attracted worldwide attention.

Marvin Heemeyer — convinced he’d been wronged by town leaders — plotted for more than a year, crafting and installing a 40,000-pound steel and concrete enclosure atop a bulldozer. He then smashed his makeshift tank into 13 buildings in a one-man act of revenge and retribution.

Tread marks are still engraved in the pavement in front of the Sky-Hi News building, which Heemeyer collapsed with his 85-ton armored Komatsu bulldozer on June 4, 2004, during a 2 1/4-hour slog from one end of town to the other. He and his dozer damaged or toppled Granby’s town hall, an electric utility building and a concrete plant as police fired high-caliber rounds repeatedly — but to no effect — at the slow-rolling behemoth.

At Thompson & Sons Excavating, what is likely the only remaining intact piece of Heemeyer’s fearsome machine — a trunnion that secured the blade to the dozer — now serves as a peculiarly heavy bookend on a shelf in the Thompson brothers’ shop. Back on that day, the chunk of iron fell off the bulldozer as it rammed through the front wall of their home.

Heemeyer, 52, fatally shot himself in the head after part of his bulldozer fell through the floor of a hardware store he was demolishing. His body wasn’t retrieved until the next day, when SWAT teams used explosives and a cutting torch to breach the nearly impregnable compartment he had built. He was the only person to die in the rampage.

The Grand County town of 2,100 has largely moved past the destruction wrought by Heemeyer 20 years ago this Tuesday. But the man who caused the damage lives on through music, on merchandise and inside the minds of those who see him as someone pushed to the edge by a heartless government — and forced to take matters into his own hands.

What struck a chord with some, especially those on America’s political fringes, is that the South Dakota native and Air Force veteran was acting out against government leaders who he felt had targeted him with unfair land use and zoning decisions. In some cases, he targeted their family members.

Now THAT’S some good old American ingenuity in dealing with unfair goobermint edicts, right there. See what I meant when I said “True American Hero” before? The man’s a legend, and has since gone on to be immortalized in extreme-metal song, bless him. Far as I’m concerned, June 4th should be officially declared a holiday in those dwindling few parts of America that remain, y’know, America.

Update! Stephen posts the appropriately Killdozerized version of the Gadsden flag.

I love it! Steve’s post has plenty more details.

Heemeyer, a 52-year-old small business owner, seemed at first like a good neighbor. An Air Force vet and a South Dakota native, he moved to neighboring Grand Lake, Colo., in 1989 after his USAF stint and seems to have been generally well-liked. 

Nevertheless, Heemeyer would spend the last 18 months of his life holed up in an otherwise unused part of his old muffler shop, modifying a Komatsu D355A bulldozer into an impenetrable battering ram. Calling it Marv’s Komatsu Tank (or MK Tank), Heemeyer armored the tank with concrete and steel plates. There were external video cameras — shrouded with ballistic glass and complete with compressed air nozzles to clear away dust — so he could remain inside, fully protected.

There was an A/C unit and fans. Steel-plated gun ports. Ballistic plastic. And enough food and water for a week.

At about 2:15 pm, Heemeyer busted Killdozer out of its hiding place and right into Mountain Park Concrete, owned by the rival Docheff family.

The city quickly took up arms, with civilians and police firing more than 200 rounds into KIlldozer to no avail. Undersheriff Glenn Trainer even climbed on top with his pistol, looking for a way to shoot inside.

Killdozer made its way through more than a dozen buildings and various streetlamps and roadsigns. Attempts to stop it with a front-end loader and two tractor-scrapers were brushed aside.

There’s also an inspiring video chronicle of Heemeyer’s Retribution Machine in action. You may laugh the guy off as just another nut, and perhaps he was nuts at that. Nonetheless: creativity, ingenuity, fearless determination—the bottom-line fact remains that, if America That Was is ever to be saved, it’s going to be nuts like Marvin Heemeyer in the vanguard, leading from the front, who save it, not mild-mannered, squarejohn family-types from the ‘burbs. Heemeyer’s situation was the microcosmic version of what all Real Americans are up against today, just twenty years before.


Straw scarecrows, burning

If they only had a brain…

This is where the Never Trumpers always hoped we’d/they’d be: they’ll clutch their pearls pro forma for about 15 seconds, just to pay homage to the ancient platforms, oaths, and deities they long ago abandoned.

Then they’ll start clawing tooth and nail to become the Jeb3.0 Savior Of The Party, and try to make a pitch to last-minute supplant Trump on this year’s nomination ballot, aching to lose gloriously (a la Dole, McCrazy, and Romney) fighting Emperor Poopypants and his puppet masters with one hand tied behind their back, and wearing a full blindfold to the manifest gang-raping of our Constitution and the republic (when they’re not busy participating in it themselves gleefully).

That’s merely a brief passage from what I’ll call Chapter One, with Chapter Two hard on its heels. At first glance, the two posts might appear to be topically unrelated, but I must beg to differ. These days it’s ALL related, in one way or another.

In all the many, many years I’ve been pursuing this avocation, I’ve gotten to know quite a few fellow ReichwingÜberNaziDeathbeast bloggers, who between all of us have burned down a hell of a lot of Leftist scarecrows that badly needed the immolation. But of all those, I can’t recall a one who wielded a bigger flamethrower than our friend Aesop. Which is just my way of telling you good folks that you need to read all of these two. If you haven’t read him before, call it your baptism of fire.

No, of course I don’t completely agree with him every single time, on every single issue. If that was the case it would be cause for both of us to worry, because it’s a sure-fire indication that one of us (at least) must be bugfuck nuts. But hey—when he’s right, he is hand-to-God, balls-to-the-wall right. Which, y’know, is often enough to suit me.


The “Left” is BugF’ing Insane, So is the “Right”

Every time there is an eclipse we get predictions of insane proportion.

I like the Liberty Daily, but they often link nutty stuff. And here is fruitcake thinking at it’s finest:

CERN, the Vatican, and the X-Marks-the-Spot Great American Eclipse; What Are the Powers That Be Planning?

Just so you know, many oversize and hazardous containers are prohibited from traveling during dark conditions. An eclipse produces dark conditions. The state of Texas isn’t trying to start a supply chain disruption and a one day slow down isn’t a disaster.
Just pure BS from BS purveyors.

More from the same source, Liberty Daily. When everything else fails, try religion. Invoking the bible puts fear in some…

This Is the Eclipse “Conspiracy Theory” That the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Talk About

And more tin foil moonbattery…
Burning Platform “Super PSYOP”

“I Know How to Fix Our Political System. Hear Me Out”

It’s our dear old friend Stephen Green, who is always worth lending an ear. Although I can’t say I agree with him in every last particular.

I have yet another idea about how to save our Republic — and before we even get started, you’re welcome.

Every elected official — from my small-town mayor to the President of the United States — should be issued a seriously cool-looking sword. Sharp, too.

Higher-level appointees from White House cabinet officers down to that slow-moving jerk at the County Clerk’s office would each be issued a sword of their own.

Anybody running an HOA would get one, too, despite the risks. 

The more important the office, the shinier and fancier the sword. I figure by the time we get up to, say, the Speaker of the House, they’d get a sword so bejeweled that Inigo Montoya’s father would be embarrassed to craft it. 

But, man, would the thin-skinned attention whores who crave authority love carrying those things around.

You think I’m being silly. I’m not.

How our betters behave when carrying their swords would teach us valuable lessons about them. I imagine a guy like Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) would look a little sheepish carrying one, and that would make me like him even more.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), fond as she is of drink on occasion, would probably have a few too many one Friday afternoon, lunge her sword at a staffer who displeased her, but end up falling down and cutting herself. And that would make me like her even more, too.

Okay, I’m A-okay with that part. But sorry, I ain’t so much down with handing out swords willy-nilly to FederalGovCo bureaucrats and/or cabinet officials in the expectation that they’ll have the decency to hurl themselves upon them in paroxysms of grief-stricken remorse as atonement for their myriad fuck-ups. Not gonna happen, I’m afraid; sorry, but they’ll have to be pushed. Which, y’know, I AM down with, one hundred percent.

An alternative proposal, which I muchly prefer: Equip the citizenry with swords, perhaps local and state officials in rock-ribbed Red locales ONLY, and encourage the whole motley crew to mob up and send those Fed fuck-knuckles scurrying in affrighted anticipation of the use to which those keen-edged blades might be put should their angry pursuers prove to be fleeter of foot.

HOA Oberst-Gruppenführers? Oh, HELL no. Those nosy, insufferably smarmy Church Ladies are already pain in the ass aplenty; issuing them swords would only make them worse.

Somehow it got by me until now, but Stephen offers another bright idea which seems like it might likewise be worth implementing.

Longtime Sharp VodkaPundit Readers™ might recognize this as a fancier version of my alternative to term limits, the Take An Oath of Office, Lose a Finger Amendment — and you’d be right.

But I ask, why think small? Let’s do both.

For the Republic.

Absolutely—without even knowing the specific ins and outs of it, this LaFA deal sounds pretty dang schweet to me.


Moar backstory

In an update to yesterday’s Boycott NYC post, The Real Trucker Jake mentions something the handful of us who even knew about it at all have probably forgotten about: in 2021, a trucker boycott brought the state of Colorado to heel toot damn sweet. So I looked it up.

What Happened with the Colorado Trucking Boycott?
The Colorado Trucking Boycott occurred during the last weeks of December 2021 in response to the sentencing of truck driver Rogel Aguilera-Mederos to 110-years in prison. He had been found guilty on 27 charges including four negligent homicide charges, and multiple first-degree assault and first-degree attempted assault charges stemming from an April 25, 2019 collision on I-70 west of Denver.

Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, a Cuban immigrant and rookie truck driver was traveling eastbound on I-70 near Lakewood, Colorado on April 25, 2019. It was his first time traveling through Colorado on I-70, a stretch of interstate with steep mountain grades that require proper training and experience to navigate safely in a commercial vehicle. Aguilera-Mederos, only 23 years old at the time, was in over his head.

He made multiple mistakes as he came down the mountain, taking his truck out of gear, and burning his brakes out. For reasons unknown, he bypassed the lone escape ramp available to him. As his truck, fully loaded with lumber, hurtled down the highway he encountered a traffic backup caused by an earlier collision. He attempted to take the shoulder to bypass the stopped cars until he came upon another big truck parked on the shoulder. He swerved back onto the highway and into a crash.

In the fiery aftermath, four individuals were killed and several others were injured. He went to trial on September 28, 2021, and on October 25, 2021, a jury found him guilty on 27 charges.

The severity of the sentence imposed upon Aguilera-Mederos caused an immediate backlash in the Latino and trucking communities. The argument was made by millions of individuals that the punishment was excessive in relation to the crime. One case, in particular, stood out in contrast to Aguilera-Mederos; that of Ethan Couch, a teenager driving under the influence of alcohol who killed four people. Rather than cooperate with authorities as Aguilera-Mederos had, Couch fled the country.

When he returned he was sentenced to 10 years of probation. The disparity between the sentences was a significant argument used by those who supported a fairer sentence for Aguilera-Mederos.

It is interesting to note that even the judge in the Aguilera-Mederos case was opposed to the 110-year sentence, however, his hands were tied by Colorado’s mandatory sentencing guidelines. Some have also argued that the prosecuting attorney knowingly arranged the charges to game the system of the mandatory guidelines in an effort to push Aguilera-Mederos into a plea deal.

They asked questions such as, “What happens if my brakes fail and I do everything right, and I still crash and hurt someone? Will I be sentenced to 110 years also?” The sentencing, for many drivers, made Colorado seem threatening, a danger to not only their livelihood but their freedom as well. With these concerns in mind and as a show of solidarity for a member of the trucking community, thousands of drivers came forward on TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter, to express their indignation at the sentencing and by the middle of December 2021, a full-fledged boycott of the state of Colorado was underway.

Images emerged of stopped trucks, lining the shoulders of highways at the border of the state, refusing to enter. Meanwhile, a petition had been started demanding that the governor of Colorado grant Aguilera-Mederos clemency. Roughly 5 million signatures were collected in the petition.

As December came to a close, the governor of Colorado under the strain of mounting public outcry and pressure, granted Aguilera-Mederos the clemency the public had been demanding. The sentence was reduced to 10 years which brought the punishment in line with other crimes of a similar nature.

Meanwhile, the prosecuting attorney, who elected to charge Aguilera-Mederos for the incident, neglected to pursue any charges against the company Aguilera-Mederos worked for, Castellano 03 Trucking LLC. They had a recent track record of flagrantly disregarding federal safety regulations with 30 violations during the two years leading up to the incident and among those violations was a habit of employing drivers who were unable to understand road signs written in English.

The day after the crash, the owner of Castellano 03 Trucking LLC, dissolved the company and registered a new company, Volt Trucking according to a 9NEWS investigative report. This new company is already racking up a lengthy record of trucker safety violations with their brakes and brake lines.

The question of whether or not the boycotts work remains unanswered. On the one hand, the implied economic impact upon a state is a severe threat, especially during a period when COVID-related shortages continue to impact supply chains. On the other hand, trucking is a highly competitive industry, and for every truck driver or trucking company who decides to participate in a boycott, there are many more who will ignore cries for such a measure and carry on with business as usual in the targeted state.

Ahh, but is that assumption correct? That sound you hear is Sam Kinison, saying he’d like a word regarding all that.

A-HENH. The sad, sorry fact is that the ziggurat of absurd obstacles to becoming a truck driver piled up by the Überstadt  (see my comment at Aesop’s joint for further details) guarantee that there can NEVER be enough drivers to meet the demand, and that any trucking company who dares to fire even a niggling percentage of their drivers for…oh, honoring a boycott, say, will NOT remain in the trucking business for long.

Bottom line: whether they know it or not, truck drivers don’t just have a lot of power in Amerika v2.0, they have pretty much ALL of it. Curiously enough, my long-maintained axiom that liberal/Leftism carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction pops immediately to mind. Needs to be formally codified as another of Mike’s Iron Laws, I’m thinkin’, which I will make happen soon’s as I can get around to it.


Make ’em PAY

Let’s just find out who really has the power here…and who does NOT.

Trump-supporting truckers vow their boycott could ‘shut New York City down’ after $355M fraud ruling
Truckers supporting Donald Trump are warning that their refusal to deliver to the Big Apple could paralyze New York City — as more drivers vow to join the boycott following the bombshell ruling in the former president’s civil fraud case.

“It could shut New York City down,” said Jennifer Hernandez, a trucker who has joined in the protest against Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron’s decision to fine Trump $355 million for inflating his net worth by billions to dupe banks and insurers.

Shut ‘em down? It could damned well starve ’em out, actually. Which would serve them right, far as I’m concerned. Let ‘em try chowing down on their own insufferable self-righteousness and sanctimony, see how much sustenance the shitlib asstards can draw from that.

Several other truckers have been posting on social media expressing their support.

One man even suggested the boycott could go on for three years.

“Keep on f—ing around, you’re going to find out, New York,” he said in a video posted to TikTok.

The boycott seemed to have been started by conservative social media influencer Chicago Ray, who posted a clip Friday saying he had spoken to some of his trucker colleagues who said they would stop making deliveries to the city starting Monday.

He claimed that 95% of truckers support the former president, and said the bosses of freight companies “ain’t gonna care if we deny the loads — we’ll just go somewhere else.”

(Fake)Newsweak, in their typically-dishonest fashion, tried mightily to portray Chicago Ray as having “backed down” and totally reconsidered his position (no link, look it up yourself if you don’t believe me), but that doesn’t appear to be the case at all.

Unexpectedly, NY’s governor seems to be fully alive to the disaster that even a small minority of truckers refusing to continue putting up with the extreme hassle, expense, and hazard both personal and professional of pulling loads into the Big Rotten Apple would result in for her state, issuing a preemptive “don’t worry, all is well” notice to justly-worried New Yorkers that she had to know wasn’t going to fool anybody.

The New York governor has told business owners in her state that there is “nothing to worry about” after Donald Trump was fined $355m and temporarily banned from engaging in commerce in the state when he lost his civil fraud trial Friday.

In an interview on the New York radio show the Cats Roundtable with the supermarket billionaire John Catsimatidis, Kathy Hochul sought to quell fears in some quarters that the penalties handed to Trump for engaging in fraudulent business practices could chill the state’s commercial climate.

Asked if businesspeople should be worried that if prosecutors could “do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody”, Hochul said: “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are businesspeople have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.”

She added that the fraud case against Trump resulted from “really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance”.

True, dat; in fact, it’s quite unique, no one else ever before having been persecuted, harassed, and fleeced to the tune of half a billion fucking dollars (!!!)—along with two (2) of his sons—for a so-called “crime” that’s been committed by pretty much every living soul who ever applied for a loan, in the course of which one of the putative “victims” actually testified that Trump was, in essence, the very model of a model customer.

Trump never missed a loan payment, the credit reports and the banker’s testimony showed. In almost a decade as a borrower, Trump was never even late making a payment – not before, during, or after his presidency.

“So far as I can recall, the loans were performing,” the banker, Nicholas Haigh, told the judge in the non-jury trial, at which attorney general Letitia James seeks to banish Trump Organization from her state’s borders, and to ban Trump and his eldest sons from ever running a New York company again.

“And all the obligations of the borrower were met,” Trump attorney Jesus M. Suarez asked the banker in his next question.

“As far as I know, yes,” the banker answered.

If Trump’s prompt payments were not enough to burnish his borrower bona fides, the former president’s collateral also grew, the credit reports showed. It grew by millions each year, as the projects Deutsche Bank funded with $400 million in loans – his tower in Chicago, his golf resort in Miami, his luxury hotel in Washington DC – were developed.

And all the while, the bank made “millions” in interest, the banker testified, to that extent bolstering a frequent Trump defense talking point: that the fraud trial is a political grudge in search of a victim. Trump, who last week attended the first three days of the trial, is expected to return in person next week, The Messenger and the Associated Press reported.

That’s because, as everyone in the whole damned world knows, “a political grudge in search of a victim” is EXACTLY what this horseshit is. Trump is being persecuted by TPTB for the heinous crime of having the temerity to not be one of their clique and go ahead and run for “President” anyway. Why, the unmitigated GALL of the man! Uncle Peter, my smelling salts!!

Update! Via Irish.

Brings to mind a memorable Gandalf quote from Tolkien’s The Two Towers.

It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn. A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains.

And one thing you have not changed, my friend.


You still speak in riddles.

A thing is about to happen that has not happened since the elder days. The Ents are going to wake up…and find that they are strong.

And so they did—did they ever! God help “blue” America if ever the majority of truckers wake up one day and, like the Shepherds of the Trees of Fangorn Forest, realize just how strong they truly are.


Just a guy in a lawnchair with a pen and a notebook

Is the evolution of the Surveillance State more or less a naturally-occurring phenomenon, or is it an insidious encroachment being intentionally foisted on us as part of a long-range plan hatched by shadowy FederalGovCo malefactors? Is there any realistic way to slow, halt, or reverse its growth, or to do away with it altogether once it’s fully implemented? Interesting questions, and with every passing day, more urgent ones.

When you think about what our emerging surveillance state will look like, you think 1984. You imagine East Germany powered by Google and Amazon. You recall your favorite dystopian sci-fi film – or maybe horror stories of China’s social credit system. Thoughts of a frustrated middle-aged police chief from a mid-sized Midwestern town attempting to procure security cameras with innovative new features probably don’t come to mind. You definitely don’t think of a guy in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles in a notebook. And that’s partly how the surveillance state is going to emerge as it creeps its way into one small town at a time.

Whether a surveillance state is the end goal is hard to say. The police chief of Pawnee, Indiana probably isn’t plotting the development of his own mini-Oceania. But, 18,000-plus mini-Oceanias operating across multiple platforms with varying degrees of integration, both locally and nationally, is undoubtedly the direction in which we are heading as salespeople peddle shiny new surveillance gadgets to cities big and small, making often unverified but intuitively appealing claims of how their devices will decrease crime or prove to be useful investigative tools.

Automatic license plate readers, or ALPRs, can be used to log a person’s movements through the license plates of their vehicles. Given the exponential increase in their use over the past few years and the ease with which data from the cameras of some vendors are integrated, they also pose a threat to privacy on par with facial recognition and cell site simulators.

Often positioned on street lights, traffic lights, independent structures, or police vehicles, ALPRs are a type of camera that captures the license plate and other identifying information of passing vehicles before comparing the information in real time to “hot lists” of vehicles actively being sought by law enforcement and transmitting the information to a searchable database. ALPRs sold by some companies are even said to be able to assess a car’s driving patterns to determine whether the person behind the wheel is “driving like a criminal.” 

You have nothing to worry about, you’re told. The town down the road brought them in six months back. Chief Jones over there said they helped solve that murder from the news. And, by the way, they’re not really that much different from a concerned citizen just keeping an eye on things. 

At the town hall in Urbana, for example, then-police chief, Bryant Seraphin, worked to dismiss the notion that ALPRs actually pose a threat to privacy or even constitute a surveillance tool. 

Repeatedly, he emphasized that ALPRs do not capture any information about the person driving a car or automatically link to information about the person to whom a vehicle is registered. Their ubiquity in the area was accentuated. Supposed success stories were shared.

To allay any remaining notion that there might be something scary about ALPRs, Seraphin described them with a folksy metaphor: “One of the things that I’ve talked about with these things is that if you pictured somebody sitting in a lawn chair writing down every plate that went by, the date, and the time when they wrote ‘red Toyota ABC123’, and then they would make a phone call and check the databases and then hang up and then go on to the next one – that’s what [an ALPR] does automatically and it can do it over and over again…with incredible speed.”

Yet, when Anita Chan, the director of the University of Illinois Community Data Clinic, proceeded to raise concerns regarding “the potential violation of civil liberties” and how a license plate alone is sufficient for the police to not just find out “where you live and where you work but also…who potentially your friends are, what religious affiliation you might have, essentially where you get medical services…[and] suss out essentially who’s traveling and where,” Seraphin acknowledged all this is possible. However, he assured her with a frustrated chuckle, ALPRs simply provide a notebook that would only be referenced when investigating serious crimes.

By the same logic, facial recognition simply provides a notebook as well. As do cell site simulators. As do any surveillance device. Yet, there is a fundamental question of whether such a notebook should exist. Does the chief of police in Urbana or the sheriff in Pawnee need a notebook containing your approximate location three Thursdays ago at 8:15pm, as well as a record of who attended last week’s political rally, in order to solve a murder? Should he be allowed to keep such a notebook if it might help solve an extra murder in his town each year? If the answer is yes, then what are the limits to the tools he and his department should be afforded?

Furthermore, there is also something a little off about the disarming metaphor of a guy who spends his days sitting around in a lawn chair jotting down the license plate numbers of passing vehicles. Something a little insidious. Something that perhaps Anita Chan was picking up on.

Although they’re not mentioned in the article, it brings to mind the strident denunciations of smartphones, social media, and even the internet itself currently prevalent among many on Our Side of the political aisle, all of which devices are apparently tools of the Devil Himself: a spy in your pocket or on your desk, devouring your liberty and eliminating your personal privacy and security whether you foolish, unwitting Sheeples realize it or not.

This is an old, old debate, going back at least to the early days of television itself if not even farther. While I am certainly not one to dismiss legitimate concerns of broad Snooperstate infringement on the citizenry’s right to privacy and essential liberty, to me it seems that what we’re witnessing is an inevitable byproduct of the ongoing march of technological advancement and innovation.

What we have here might be thought of as a clock that cannot be turned back to the semi-mythical Golden Days of yore, which exist now only in our collective cultural memory. T’was ever thus, I think; as wondrous new technologies become available and affordable—therefore ubiquitous, eventually—the convenience, assistance, and entertainment they provide are also accompanied by some less salutary and desirable secondary aspects as well. To imagine nefarious, skulking Bad Actors might not exploit those secondary aspects to the fullest possible extent is nothing but a fool’s hope. Such a fantasy ignores the very nature of government itself, even after the Founders explicitly forewarned us in their Declaration, Constitution, and Federalist Papers.

That being so, the remedy ought to be damned obvious to every right-thinking American: we do not ban the devices and technologies, thereby denying ourselves the myriad positive aspects they bring to the world. Instead, the right way to go about it is to keep the Bad Actors firmly and securely leashed, and severely punish any of them who dares to exceed his proper Constitutional remit at the very first hint he’s even considering such a thing.

Don’t like being surveilled, tracked, and/or put into a database by your smartphone? Don’t blame the smartphone, then; blame the assholes who use it not for its original intended purpose, but as a spy’s tool and a dictator’s security blanket. THEY’RE the problem, not technological progress and the near-magical, undreamed-of devices that enhance life for Normals. Blame the warped assholes and their villainous schemes, and make sure they pay a high price for their perverse authoritarian impulses—each and every time, always and forever, no exceptions. As the Founders knew, it really is the only way.

(Via WRSA)


Movement to contact

Ruh roh: it appears Grampy Gropey is gonna need to seize control of a bunch of other states’ National Guard units now, not just Texas’s.

As National Guard Troops From Across The Country Begin To Arrive In Texas – Here’s The Full List Of States That Have Deployed Personnel And Resources To Operation Lone Star
One day after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the state of Texas in a legal battle with the federal government over wire barriers at the border, Montgomery County officials unanimously passed a resolution declaring an invasion and expressing support for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security mission, Operation Lone Star.

After the vote Tuesday, Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough said he wanted to say something “in response to the Supreme Court ruling yesterday to allow Border Patrol agents to remove Texas barriers. I believe it is time for Texas to show some civil disobedience.”

Gott-damned skippy, Your Honor. Time, and well past time.

Things got very serious and it seems that Texas is receiving huge support!

Arkansas,Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, Montana and Georgia.

These states have deployed personnel and resources, demonstrating their support for Texas’ border security efforts under Operation Lone Star over the past month.

According to the article, Louisiana has just signed on as well. The legendary Bob Marley said it well many years ago.

A YewToob commenter provides another apposite Marley quote: “Better to die fighting for freedom, than be a prisoner all the days of your life.” More words of wisdom, same source.

S’truth. Boy, it’s looking more and more as if Pedo Peter might’ve really stepped on his own dick this time, ain’t it? Another bona fide legend expresses it well also. 

Heh. Pithy, concise, to the point, says it all, I believe. Hey ***”pResident”*** Kidsniffer, thinking about calling out those F16s you’re so fond of threatening Real American patriots with right about now? Or nah?


MOOOAARRRR Abbott, forsooth!

Time for a fresh post, methinks.

Will the resistance in Texas prevail?
25 states and a significant majority of the American people support the Texas Guard’s efforts to secure the border.

It’s fair to say that Texas has a significant majority of the American people on its side, given the harm the illegal alien epidemic has imposed upon Americans.

But sadly, having the support of the people is not enough today to fend off the Biden Administration’s attempts to keep the floodgates open at the border.

That’s because the D卐M☭CRAT party, with a big assist from their Uniparty co-conspirators in the Vichy GOPe, have long since flung down and danced upon the core principle of self-rule by consent of the governed, culminating in the self-evidently fraudulent 2020 “election.” On to the analysis.

It’s worth considering the following dynamics when trying to forecast how this thing pans out.

Texas strengths:

  • The American people want a strong border
  • Has the support of 25 state governors and counting
  • The Texas Guard being in place is the status quo
  • The illegal alien issue has impacted virtually every American citizen

Texas weakness:

  • Beholden to the whims of a maniacal, unpredictably destructive federal government
  • Has very limited financial and political autonomy
  • Supreme Court decision was a massive blow to Texas
  • Biden can federalize the guard
  • Abbott historically has folded like a lawn chair on major political issues

Biden admin strengths:

  • Supreme Court leverage
  • The very real threat to federalize the Texas National Guard
  • A superior escalatory threat
  • Though they represent a minority viewpoint, the ruling class on Wall St and in Washington, D.C. want an open border

Biden admin weakness:

  • Deliberately opening up the border is terrible optics
  • It’s election season and they are already in a weak position
  • If Texas doesn’t back down, the White House will have to be the “bad guy”
  • The mask will come fully off related to the somewhat clandestine long term policy to import more Democrat voters

There’s also the strong possibility that Texas and the Biden Admin decide to give the other party the optics that they want, and allow for the Texas Guard to remain in place.

In my view at least two, perhaps more, of the listed “Biden weakness” items are of no practical import: 1) “Election” season? Don’t make me laugh, that’s all taken care of; the 24 “election” will be every bit as “fortified” as 2020’s was; 2) Since when has the White House ever evinced the slightest concern over being perceived as the “bad guy”? With the entire Praetorian Media/arts/entertainment/education edifice at their beck and call, why would they? They know full well that the hordes of “liberal” Sheeple will never think of them as anything but their Lords, Saviors, and Benefactors, from whom all blessings flow.

As for the Replacement Theory scheme, that particular mask has been fully ripped off for Real Americans by now, while idiot shitlibs either A) will never openly acknowledge the reality of its existence, or B) are actually in favor of it.

Insty notes an obscure factoid that might greatly bear on the situation before too long.

One small correction: The Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas National Guard) is indeed immune to federal control, but it is not a “state militia.” It is better understood as troops raised with the consent of Congress under Article I section 10 of the Constitution.

Hm, didn’t know that. I have a lot to learn on this increasingly-relevant subject, it would seem.

Update! Good ol’ Kristi Noem.

Governor Kristi Noem joined FOX News to discuss the Texas Governor’s battle with the Biden regime to protect the people of Texas.

The Biden regime on Thursday warned Greg Abbott and Texas lawmakers that they have until Thursday to take down their razor wire and allow their state to be invaded by millions of illegal aliens.

This is the Democrat position.

On Thursday, Kristi Noem told FOX News host Martha MacCallum, “If Greg Abbott needs more razor wire, I’ll load it into a pickup, myself!”

Heh. You go, girl. Give ‘em hell.


Line in the sand: DRAWN

Not to prattle overmuch about this stuff, mind, but it seems to me that what Abbott has done with his defiant statement yesterday and his rock-steady refusal to allow CBP and DHS into Eagle Pass especially cannot be overstated. More on that anon; first, what our blog-bud Sefton has to say about the execrable Joaquin Castro is dead on the money.

First, Joaquin Castro is an insidious, rabid racialist and Marxist who has a hate on for America as founded. See his full rap sheet here via the invaluable Discover the Networks. He’s a huge fan of what is known as la Reconquista, the reconquest of much of the western United States he feels stolen by the Yanquis from Mexico. Much of that crap comes from a pseudo political and totally racist hate group known as “La Raza,” “The Race” in English, which his mother was/is intimately involved in. Don’t bother looking it up as a group being monitored by the SPLC or the DOJ. And yet “replacement theory” is crazy talk, right? Funny, La Raza rhymes with Gaza. But I digress.

Second, the gall of this puta madre to claim Abbott is responsible for the chaos on the border is off the charts. But, that’s a hallmark of Leftists. Projection. And Joe Manchin is a clueless douchebag. Biden and his handlers have intentionally erased our borders and fomented an invasion of the numerical equivalent of one of the largest armies in the world. The chaos, dislocation, criminal violence and potentially terrorist violence, individually or as one or more mass events, that is being unleashed and soon to be unleashed is the greatest national security threat the American people have ever faced.

Amen to every word of it, right down the line. I saw someplace or other that fake Hispanic Bobby “Beto” O’Rourke has put his oar in as well, with a similar plea for Biden to hurry up and federalize the TNG quick before something truly awful happens—like, say, Texas re-establishing and securing its southern border or something. No link, because fuck his stupid, grubby ass. As if anybody gives a fudgy fart what “Beto” thinks about anything anyhow.

Meanwhile, this happened:


Whatever you may think about Abbott’s sincerity and backbone, the takeaway is this: things like this have a way of expanding way beyond the original intentions of those who first put the machine in motion, sometimes even against the originators’ wishes. That’s exactly what I see happening here; by r’aring up on his hind legs and defying a patently illegitimate rogue government, Abbott has enheartened and inspired the US subject-population in ways that are likely to generate results which cannot be predicted or controlled—not by Abbott, not by Biden, not by Biden’s FederalGovCo puppeteers, not by anybody.

All across the nation (even New Hampshire, ferchrissakes!), millions of fed-up Real Americans have been anxiously waiting for this historic moment, both dreading it and praying for it. At long last, it has arrived…thanks mostly to one Governor Greg Abbott. Call him a “cuck,” call him faithless and unreliable, call him whatever you like. It doesn’t matter now; where those put-upon millions take this is now completely out of his hands. Those of us who have long and intently studied it know that history can be funny like that sometimes.

Like all conflagrations, it needed but a single spark to set this blaze off—a spark which can often come from seemingly unlikely tinder. Down the years, it will be interesting indeed to learn if Abbott’s pivotal role will even be remembered by any but serious historians. At this point, there’s just one sure thing: when one sets out to ride a tiger, the tiger will assuredly go where HE wants to go, without reference to his pipsqueak passenger’s opinions regarding course, destination, distance, or speed.

As for those urging that Abbott the “cuck” not be trusted, that it’s all just another ploy or “trap,” I repeat: this isn’t about Abbott anymore, it’s out of his hands, or at least will be very soon. He may have started it, but it’s much bigger than any single man or personality; it will be up to Real Americans to finish it. Which, actually, is exactly as it should be.

Update! More on that declaration of support from 25 governors.

Governor Abbott has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration’s immigration policies, which he believes have encouraged a surge in illegal border crossings. In response, he has implemented a series of measures to strengthen border security, including deploying the Texas National Guard to the border and constructing additional fencing.

The Biden administration has sought to counter these efforts by challenging the legality of the state’s actions and attempting to remove border fencing in certain areas. However, the 25 Republican governors have pledged to stand by Governor Abbott and the state of Texas in their fight to secure the border.

In their joint statement, the governors argue that “the Biden Administration has attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.” They further assert that “we do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally.”

The governors also point to their previous efforts to address the border crisis, including sending personnel and resources to Texas and Arizona through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC).

The support of these 25 Republican governors underscores the growing divide between the Biden administration and many state leaders on the issue of border security. As the battle over the border continues, it remains to be seen whether Governor Abbott and his allies will be able to maintain their efforts to secure the border in the face of opposition from the federal government.

Indeed it does. We haven’t reached a tipping point quite yet, but if the groundswell of righteous defiance continues and we all stand fast against the lawless Biden/Shadow State junta, rejection and resistance could intensify into outright rebellion faster than anyone imagines.

The saddest part of all is that it never should have come to this in the first damned place. There is simply no plausible argument to be made here that the Biden junta and its pig-ignorant supporters are in the right, nor that their heedless criminality proceeds from good intentions. The US Constitution, black-letter law both federal and state, and plain, ordinary old common sense all say otherwise, flatly and unequivocally. Should the open-borders malefactors persist, they will force a physical confrontation that they cannot win with liberty-minded patriots who have nothing left to lose.


Back atcha Part the Eleventy-billionth

Things seem to be hotting up out there, and I have to say I like it. I like it a lot.

93-Year-Old George Soros Becomes the Latest Victim in ‘Swatting’ Prank Call
Southampton Village Police responded to the call reportedly made just before 9 p.m. last Saturday.

The unidentified caller claimed to have shot his wife and was threatening to commit suicide at the Soros mansion on Old Town Road.

Police response teams, including detectives and officers, were dispatched to the scene only to determine that the call was indeed a hoax after securing the premises and confirming with onsite security, The New York Post reported.

In addition to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) who was swatted Christmas morning and Jack Posobiec whose parents were swatted again on Monday during a family gathering, Rep. Brandon Williams (R-NY) was swatted early in the afternoon. Fortunately, no one was injured and police went away with Christmas cookies

Boston’s racist Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu was also swatted on Christmas Day in what turned out to be a nationwide swatting epidemic over the holiday weekend. A Democrat former state senator in Nebraska was also swatted.

In addition to MTG, several other Repugs were on the receiving end as well, but no matter. Long as the shitlibs are getting theirs, I consider it a fine thing overall; if we want it to stop, there’s only one way to do it that I can see, and that’s to make sure we hurt theirs every bit as much and more than they do ours. I repeat: Get ‘em skeered, and keep the skeer on ‘em. Kurt Schlichter has long said that they aren’t going to like it when we start making them play by their own rules, and this is precisely how that happens. New category, since it looks like I’ll have use for it going forward: Keep the skeer.

(Via Henry)


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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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