Things are hotting up for ((((DemJooJooJooJOOOOOZ!!!)))) in what for many years was a safe haven for them.
Protesters are harassing Jews every day in NYC, when will pols protect them?
A more apposite question would be: “When in the actual FUCK will liberal Jews wake up and revise their stuck-in-the-mud thinking?”
How much more are Jews in New York City expected to take?
Earlier this week, a protest in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street, which commemorates those slaughtered at a music festival in Israel during the October 7 attacks, waved Hezbollah and Hamas flags and a “Long live October 7th” banner, lit flares and chanted “long live the intifada.”
On Tuesday, a mob took over a New York City subway car and chanted, in a call and repeat fashion, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.”
Two nights ago, the homes of Brooklyn Museum’s director Anne Pasternak and several of the museum’s Jewish board members, were defaced with fake blood and a sign that accused Pasternak of being a “White-Supremacist Zionist.”
I’ve been writing in these pages about the growing antisemitism in New York for years.
But this is the worst it has ever been. It’s no longer random attacks, that could be blamed on the mentally unwell.
The last few years have exposed something else.
Now it’s hard not to notice that the worst eruptions, the vilest hate, is happening in New York specifically.
The mob is masked to conceal their identity and able to be violent then disappear into crowds.
It’s worth noting that when the regular attacks on Jews were happening during de Blasio’s terms, with hundreds of attacks caught on video, only one perpetrator ever served a day in prison.
Jews are getting the message that no one will protect them and they’re largely not allowed to protect themselves.
At the Nova exhibit, Mayor Adams told influencer Lizzy Savetsky “We have the largest Jewish population outside of Israel right here in New York. This is not going to be a city where you’ll have to take off your yarmulke, be afraid to walk inside a synagogue,” but then added “or church or mosque” as if anyone is afraid to walk into those.
He seemed to want to cut off the obvious criticism that Jews have largely been left exposed in his city saying “A minority of those who want us to live in fear, who want us to say ‘police departments you’re not doing enough,’ who want us to turn on our allies, we can’t turn on each other.”
As long as NYC Jewry keeps stubbornly clinging to their outmoded Left/“liberal” political identity, they can expect things to go right on getting worse for them in the Big Rotten Apple. Same-same for the “how much more are Jews in New York City expected to take” query. If they stick with the pattern they have for decades, they can expect to take plenty and to spare of it; as things now stand, the D卐M☭CRAT Party which has turned viciously on Dem Joooz takes the purblind fools entirely for granted. As well it might; second only to the hapless Nee-grows they’ve done so much to destroy utterly, American Jews remain one of the D卐M☭CRAT Party’s verymost dependable voting blocks.
Alternatively, NYC Jews can carry on doing the same thing, expecting a different result. If I remember right, one of their kinsmen is purported to have had a little something to say about that sort of thing.
Atheist Jews think they’ve cleansed their original sin by pledging allegiance to the Prophet Karl Marx and the Almighty State.
At some point it becomes obvious that when they fight for predominance once the Commie takeover is complete, and in NYC its pretty much complete, that distinction will not matter. The black and Islam factions are now turning their attention to the Jews who ran NYC for far too long in their mind. What few Whites left, and the Hispanics, aren’t going to take the Jewish side in that War.
Play that out in cities far and wide…
The alligator always eats.
Once a mob is masked to conceal their identity and threaten to be violent then deadly force should be the answer.
Liberal (in every way) Jews like living on the Vote Plantation, and hoeing their row.
Their grandfathers were the ones who, when anyone started muttering about getting out of the boxcar, grabbed them and flung them back in their place.
Read this – – and think about the “normalcy bias” – a tendency to underestimate the possibility of disaster and believe that life will continue as normal, even in the face of significant threats or crises -that people in the Ghetto had. This is what stopped them from taking action. My old landlady in Kansas City in the 1990s, Leah Indyk, overcame this bias after one child died of malnutrition and her other, of typhus. Her husband was killed in the Nazi invasion in 1940. At 35 years of age, a housewife, she joined the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance and started fighting back. She was able to buy a .22 pistol with an ounce of gold – and ten rounds of ammo. With this, she got ten Schmeisser machine pistols, numerous hand grenades and other useful items. She did this by enticing German troops into a back alley for a “quickie” – and they got a quickie all right, her pistol came out of her purse up against their eyeball, a quick shot, the bullet penetrated the eyeball and the paper thin bone behind their eye, and ricocheted around their skull, dicing their brains and killing them – and the eyeball absorbed the noise. Quick and neat and very useful – the Germans were walking arms stores. Her group used these weapons and others to shoot up a group of Waffen SS – they were surprised to see the until now compliant Untermenschen shooting back. There’s a lot more to what she told me, and it’s a shame the Holocaust Museum people only interviewed her in English, which she barely spoke – but in German, Polish, Russian, Hebrew, and Yiddish, she was fluent. Luckily then I could still speak and understand German… So every time I paid rent, it was milk, cookies, and history.
The Jews in New York, and other places are going to have to overcome their normalcy bias and, like my landlady, up their game. Their persecutors are no better than Nazi scum and deserve the same fate.