T’was the night before Christmas

And thru the White House
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a louse

An Alt Christmas Carol
The White House, Christmas Eve, 2023. Imagine the painfully lugubrious scene….

“Joe Biden” rattles around in the upstairs “residence” like a BB in a packing crate. Nobody is around besides a few secret service agents, so still at their posts they might as well be statuary. The Big Guy is all alone. His spouse, Dr. Jill, had enough of pretend caretaking quite a while ago, and flew off to Oprah’s place in Santa Barbara for counseling and commiseration. Hunter is Gawd-knows-where doing Gawd-knows-what.

“JB” shuffles out of the residence kitchen, where he just demolished a half gallon of Ben & Jerry’s Americone Dream® ice cream, against his doctor’s orders. His gall bladder writhes in revolt, sending a distress signal up the vagus nerve to the shriveled hypothalamus in his brain. A jumbled fugue of emotions — rage, fear, sexual arousal — quickens his step as he navigates by dead reckoning to the executive bedroom where he hurries to bed and falls into leaden slumber — only to be awakened by a cacophony of ringing bells. His eyelids roll open like shades in the windows of a skid row hotel room. Plangent moaning resounds as a mist emerges through the bedroom door and resolves into a mysterious figure garbed in the raiment of the Ku Klux Klan.

“Joe Biden” shrinks under the luxury Boll & Branch signature duvet— acquired when the agriculture minister of Ukraine slipped him an envelope stuffed with 100 hryvnia notes. The spirit wails something that resembles the old Confederate anthem Eatin’ Goober Peas.

“Who are you spirit?” the quaking president asks.

“Why, I am your old pard from the Senate,” the ghost of Robert Byrd declares, removing the pointed hood to reveal his leonine head of hair and scowling face. “Why have you thrown our sacred borders wide open, suh? I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels.”

“Y-y-you don’t uh-uh-understand,” “JB” says, his childhood stutter returning. “They are muh-muh-migrants from oppression and vuh-vuh-very fine people.”

“Fine people, my ass,” the former Senator from West Virginia cries and clears the dust of the sepulcher from his throat. “I will send three spirits to you this night as a review of what has been and what shall become, so beware….” And with that the spirit returns to mist and slips back out through the keyhole…

“Joe Biden” is shocked from slumber again as an attractive blond female ghost floats through the bedroom window.

“Don’t I know you?” he asks.

“Cad! That is the very line you used to pick me up on spring break in Nassau, 1966,” says “JB’s” first wife, Neilia Hunter. “Shall I show you the meretricious spectacle you made of our family after that truck driver on Limestone Road ended my life and your little daughter’s too!”

“No-o-o-o-o,” the president moans, but is magically transported to the Wilmington Hospital room where his banged-up boys, Beau and Hunter, are recovering from their injuries. A TV crew is present as “JB” emotes for the camera, a cruel victim of fate, he blubbers, who will yet conquer his grief and go on to forty years of electoral victories and the sedulous gathering of tribute from “donors” far and wide to soften the blow of his loss. The room dims…

Read on for the other spirit visitations: second being the martyred Saint George of Fentanyl, complete with Neegrow dialect deftly translated from the original ghetto-ese, representing the Ghost Of Christmas Present; Christmas Yet To Come I’ll leave unnamed so as not to spoil the surprise for ya, but take my word for it, t’is a consummation devoutly to be wished. Kunstler uncorks his by no means inconsiderable writerly chops and lets ‘em really soar in this one, and it’s a joy and a wonder to behold.



Why does this corrupt, heavily politicized, contra-Constitutional FedGovCo agency even exist anymore?

No wait, don’t answer that one. Pretty sure I already know, thanks.

The FBI Halted Probe Of Pedophile To Focus On January 6. Now He’s Accused Of Abusing A 10-Year-Old Boy.
Alleged pervert sent undercover FBI agent video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis,” but “On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office [decided] this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day.”

“Alleged.” I like that. “Alleged.”

On January 6, 2021, the FBI explicitly chose to abandon a sting on a child pornographer in Virginia who was messaging with an undercover agent about having sex with a nine-year-old boy, opting instead to focus on prosecuting Donald Trump’s supporters who stormed the U.S. Capitol. Less than three years later, the FBI discovered the same man living in Alaska where he appears to have been performing sex acts on a 10-year-old boy, according to court documents.

On December 2, 2020, an internet user with the screen name “gayboy69freak” messaged an undercover agent with the FBI’s Washington Field Office, who was posing as a father pimping out his 9-year-old son, and told him that he wanted to travel to D.C. to have sex with the boy. The man also sent the agent a video of “a prepubescent minor male being anally penetrated by an adult male’s erect penis.” His IP address led the FBI to Brogan Welsh of Glenn Allen, Virginia.

What appears to be a slam-dunk case against a child predator was abruptly abandoned just one month later.

“On January 6, 2021, FBI, Washington Field Office, [decided] this investigation was halted due to events that occurred at the United States Capitol Building that day,” .

The man was only arrested, and the court documents only filed, because Welsh moved to Alaska and crossed the Anchorage FBI’s radar in an unrelated perversion investigation. On October 24, 2023, after coming across troubling chats from Welsh on a phone they seized from a different alleged pervert, Alaska FBI agents went into his house and “located items including sex toys that are very small in size and apparently consistent with the body size of an approximate 10-year-old boy,” as well as children’s underwear.

“The investigation has revealed that a 10-year-old boy was, in fact, residing at the residence belonging to Welsh,” the agents wrote.

Utterly, utterly sickening. If I was that little boy’s father, I’d be seriously considering a little slam-dunk action of my own—something that most certainly wouldn’t involve cases, lawyers, or the judicial system. Well, except maybe after I was done.


Another in our “ask a silly question” series

Robert Spencer asks: How far will Biden regime wonks go in lying to the American people? A: Just as far as they think they need to. CORRECTION: It isn’t “wonks,” Robert; it’s “hacks.” Or, if you prefer something with more letters to ensure greater accuracy, “lowlife villainous knob-polishing wads of scum.”

The whole world has been watching for nearly three years now as Old Joe Biden grows progressively feebler. On Saturday, at the Veterans Day commemoration at Arlington National Cemetery, he appeared visibly confused and had to be told by a polite and deferential military officer to go stand beside alleged Vice President Kamala Harris. 

That was just the latest in an ever-lengthening series of obvious signs that the putative Commander-In-Chief, who will be 81 years old in less than a week, is in the grip of a severe and likely irreversible mental and physical decline. On Aug. 31, NPR noted that Old Joe “has been avoiding climbing up the sometimes-wobbly 18-foot staircase that is trucked over to the plane’s upper door. More often than not, he is using a much shorter and sturdier set of stairs that fold out from the belly of the plane.”  

But the problem wasn’t that the stairs were wobbly. The problem was that the rapidly deteriorating kleptocrat was too weak to navigate them: “Biden, 80, has stumbled on the tall stairs more than once. The short stairs have the distinct advantage of moving most of Biden’s ascent into Air Force One out of public view. But for those who have noticed the shift, it also draws attention to one of Biden’s greatest political liabilities as he seeks reelection: his age.” 

Indeed. But now one of Old Joe’s wonks, Mitch Landrieu, a man who has the lofty title of “White House infrastructure coordinator,” is here to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.  

Landrieu, whose grandfather must have been one of those guys who sold miracle patent medicine out of the back of a covered wagon and then high-tailed it out of town before anyone realized that it didn’t work, said: 

For those of you that think the president might be too old or doesn’t have enough energy or whatever it is that you all think, This guy gets up early. He stays up late. We have made trips, if not every week, sometimes twice a week and three times a week. And we have done it over and over again and there’s nothing new here. What’s wonderful about it is how relentless that it is and how many places that we have been.

As if that weren’t laid on thick enough, Landrieu added: “The guy is, like, he’s a beast.”

Oh, he’s a beast for sure and certain. A lying, corrupt, senile, greedy, grubby, kiddy-diddling beast.


You will be made to care stand up and cheer

As God is my witness, I thought trannies could fly.

No, thanks! Nearly 17,000 people sign petition slamming the ‘non-binary and transgender extravaganza’ Macy’s plans for upcoming Thanksgiving Day Parade
A petition organized by One Million Moms, part of the conservative American Family Association, says the event will expose ‘tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda.’

The sponsor of the event, the department store Macy’s, did not answer requests for comment.

‘Shame on Macy’s for promoting and sponsoring this type of entertainment,’ the petition says.

‘We still cannot trust Macy’s Dept. Store. It is clear that Macy’s does not have our children’s best interests in mind. Macy’s needs to know that trust must be earned, and once trust is lost, it is difficult to get back.’

They take aim at the appearance of two trans Broadway stars among the parade line-up of Beagle Scout Snoopy, ‘Baby Yoda’ Grogu, and other giant balloons, marching bands, and clown crews.

They are Justin David Sullivan, a trans non-binary singer who uses ‘he/she/they’ pronouns, and Alex Newell, a biological male who presents as female and uses ‘all pronouns.’

As seems to be typical of these glorified transvestites, both specimens are decidedly unattractive, both physically and personality-wise.

The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade has started the holiday season since 1924, pulling in more than 50 million television viewers as 3.5 million people line the 2.5-mile parade route through New York City.

The 2021 parade was the first to feature a transgender pop star, with German singer/songwriter Kim Petras performing her bubblegum number ‘I Don’t Want It At All.’

In a manner of speaking, the feeling is mutual, freakazoid: we don’t want YOU at all, either. 


A preponderance of evidence

Just remember, all accusations of voting fraud are “baseless.” GOTTA be, right? I mean, c’mon now, this is AMERICA, right?


Election Fraud Is Real and Needs to Be Fixed Before 2024
Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie.

Roll the tapes:

On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling video evidence of potential fraud “shocking.” Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, appears to have been caught on video stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall.

On Oct. 25, in Paterson, New Jersey, the sitting president of the City Council, Alex Mendez, was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district, destroying ballots that did not favor him and replacing them with ballots that falsely chose him. New Jersey’s Attorney General Matthew Platkin states that Mendez “personally observed from his wife’s vehicle as a large, heavy bag, completely filled with ballots, was emptied into the Haledon postal box prior to the election.”

On Nov. 2, in Springfield, Massachusetts, mayoral candidate Justin Hurst was nailed by city election officials for allegedly buying votes during early voting. Videotape shows individuals being dropped off in black Suburbans and Expeditions, and entering City Hall to vote. When they exited, a man “takes out what appears to be a large bundle of cash” and peels off a bill for each individual, according to an affidavit by election commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez.

In one week, election fraudsters were busted in three major Northeastern cities.

And that ain’t even the half of it, folks, nor is this sort of thing limited to the Northeastern-city crapholes, either. Funny, innit, how these “errors” and “glitches” and “failures” and “breakdowns” always, always, ALWAYS seem to favor the D卐M☭CRATs, the few that aren’t just outright, openly committed by D卐M☭CRATs. I’m sure that’s just a coinkydink, though. Sarah Hoyt says it so I don’t have to risk sounding like a broken record yet again: “ONE DAY. IN PERSON. ID. PURPLE FINGERS. UNTIL THEN IT’S ALL MAKE BELIEVE.” True, dat.


Alarums, tocsins, and (over)due diligence

Welcome to the party, pal.

‘Wake Up, It Is a Time to Be Concerned’: FBI Director Wray Issues Stark Warning at Committee Hearing
In a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray provided some worrying — if not outright alarming — answers to questions from U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) regarding current terrorist threats against the homeland.

“What has now increased is the greater possibility of one of these foreign terrorist organizations directing an attack in the United States,” Wray told senators on the committee. “We haven’t seen evidence that it’s actually happening yet, but what we have seen is — and I listed them off in my opening remarks — one terrorist organization after another calling for attacks,” he explained. “We should wake up, it is a time to be concerned — we are in a dangerous period.”

Gee, whatever gave you your first clue, Sooperdoopergenius?

“I couldn’t say that we’re able to detect all individuals,” Wray replied. “The people that we know about — as Secretary Rumsfeld used to say, ‘the known known’ — we’re quite good at, together with our partners. But it is ‘the unknown unknown’ that I worry about quite a bit,” he revealed.

Since, as Wray said, the FBI is unable to “detect all individuals,” Sen. Scott followed up by asking whether the FBI is aware of any terrorist organizations operating in the United States at present. Again, Wray’s answer was less than reassuring.

“Well, we’re not tracking that,” Wray responded. “But again, I can point back to what it is — the gaps in our intelligence are real and it’s something that we have concerns about.”

Well, as long as you’re keeping close tabs on all those “violent” ÜberUltraMegaMAGA J6 “insurrectionists”—hunting them down; locking them up indefinitely without charges; manufacturing evidence of their spurious “crimes”; directing Praetorian Media coverage of that awful, awful day; protecting Our Sacred Democracy and its Holy DC Citadel; arranging for continuous box-wine deliveries to Granny Botox Pelosi, our Dearest Leader; surveilling and/or conducting kinetic late-night commando ops in full battle-rattle against confirmed non-D卐M☭CRATs; and such-like—I suppose that’s all that really matters.

Don’t know about you all, but I feel a lot better knowing Our FBI© remains on the job and ever-vigilant to keep us safe from those scary Trump-monsters.


“Argue with them and get in their face”

Throw their own shit back at them, exactly as Bathhouse Barry once recommended be done to us.

A Wine O’Clock Wendy — I’m really trying to make this put-down go viral; I think it’s Streets Ahead of “AWFL” — and her Frankencuck husband were videoed ripping down posters of American hostages held by Hamas.

The woman putting up the posters was not having it.

Indeed she was NOT, bless her heart. After the “man” had committed assault and battery by placing “his” dainty hand over the justly outraged woman’s camera and shoving her—a Mark-1 Mod-0 insufferable shitlib smirk all over “his” womanly face—our Power Couple quickly scurried off with their tails tucked (y’know, like “his” squirrel-dick usually is) between their legs before the Bad Woman could punch their dim fucking lights out.


HELL yeah, that’s how you do it. The happy ending:

Brooklyn man suspended from job by his Jewish dad after ripping posters of Hamas hostages
A Brooklyn man seen tearing down posters of Israeli kids held by Hamas has been identified as a former magician — whose Jewish father suspended him from his gig at a user experience company, according to a report.

Noah Schaffer, 41, and his wife, Kelly, were seen being berated by a Jewish woman after they removed the posters this past weekend at Brooklyn Bridge Park, the group StopAntisemitism posted on X.

“This couple has been identified as spouses Kelly Ann and Noah Schaffer. Kelly has been previously arrested and works as a social worker for @UrbanDoveNY. Noah works as a strategist for @humanfactors,” the group wrote.

Again, that’s Noah and Kelly Ann Schaffer, likely of some precious, too-twee Brooklyn hipsterhood. Wherever these two vile creatures may reside, I think it would be just AWFUL if large, angry mobs started showing up on the doorstep of their domicile with torches, truncheons, and bullhorns at 3 AM every night for about, oh, a year. Anybody out there knows how to find their home address, feel free to let me know and I’ll happily update this post with it. Goose, meet gander.

Update! Done and done, courtesy of our friend Aesop, reporting in from his extended vacay:

Apparently, that address would be

Noah and Kelly Ann (McManus) Schaeffer
191 Willoughby St. Apt 12K.
Brooklyn NY 10026

Well whaddayaknow about that, in Brooklyn, just a hop, skip, and a jump from the borough’s Ft Greene nabe. Only reason I know even that much is I had two musician friends who lived thereabouts, but that was back in the mid-90s: bassist Bill and drummer Stanley. Used to drive out from Manhattan to fetch the boys a cpl-three nights a week, load their gear, and whisk the three of us off to whatever extra-money side gig we had scheduled in Brooklyn, central Lawn Guyland, or out in the Hamptons. As many times as I did that, I very much doubt I could find either of their houses today.

Billy has long since moved to Norway, where his lovely and vivacious wife Ingegerd hails from originally. Aussie Stan, as his friends called him, lived in a HUGE three-story Victorian-style house on a lovely, quiet, tree-lined block off Flatbush Ave which his wife had inherited some years before I met him. I won’t say it was a mansion, but if somebody else wanted to I might put a “yes” to it. I pure-tee loved Stan and Mrs Stan’s crib; for starters, it had a paved driveway leading downhill into a three-car (THREE!) garage under the house equipped with automatic bay-doors and remote-opener fob. Through the inside door from the garage waited a sumptuous, nicely-appointed rumpus room/man-cave, complete with:

  • A tournament-size pool table
  • A vintage Wurlitzer jukebox loaded with old blues, country, and rockabilly .45s
  • A fully-stocked bar from the late 1940s–dark, worn wood and the traditional brass foot-rail at bottom, out of a long-deceased neighborhood gin-mill owned by a friend of Stan’s who just gave him the bar gratis when it finally shut down for good; the guy even went so far as to help Stan move the heavy-ass thing to his house
  • A classic Bally KISS pinball table in near-new condition
  • Assorted plush, comfortable leather sofas and recliner-chairs deep and soft enough to sink down into without a trace
  • A German foosball table, likewise meticulously preserved, but with that easy, loose feel to the action that all properly broken-in German tables ought to have; a fast, hard front-man pull-, toe-, or slap-shot past the opposing goalie would always yield that sharp, satisfying BANG! that every skilled foosballer lives for, so loud it can easily be heard way over on the far side of a packed, noisy arcade—a sound those shitty French tables with their wimpy cork balls simply can’t produce—usually accompanied by the metallic, whispery TINK! of the hard plastic ball meeting the thin sheet-steel plate mounted at the back of the goal-hole to protect the wood behind it. The game rooms I loved best in my misspent youth would go dead silent for a few seconds in the wake of such a resounding score, after which respectful pause the shouts and applause would ring out from the other players: POINT! HELL yeah! BURN! Sucker just got his ass SLAMMED!!! High fives, backslaps, gales of raucous laughter all around; those were the rooms I went to again and again and again, and there’s a damned good reason for that

Let me tell ya, driving down to park in the underground garage, unass the vehicle, from there to emerge into a veritable palace like Stan’s basement hideaway was, the whole damned house was—in cramped, overcrowded New York City, mind, not exactly renowned for its generously-sized, airy, comfortable indoor spaces—made you feel like you were really somebody. And that is the God’s honest truth.

Fort Greene was a nice enough if not particularly fancy area back then, but by now who knows. Been nigh on twenty years since I was last in Brooklyn, so I couldn’t guess how extensively or even whether Ft Greene has been gentrified; I do know that at this point most of seedy, grubby old Brooklyn has been tidied up, refreshed, and/or rebuilt to at least some degree. But no matter. Whatever the neighborhood’s current condition, if you’re in the area I think the sudden wee-hours appearance of a flaming bag of fresh-squeezed dogshit at Chez Schaeffer’s front door as a Halloween gift would surely not go amiss, to hijack from its proper context a fine old Captain Mal line.

A flick of the Bic, a press of the doorbell, a fleet-footed dash back into the anonymity of night’s darkness, and voila! Mission accomplished, and well done to you. Maybe the pissed-off woman in the above Andy Ngo vid would enjoy dropping one off for ‘em. T’is a consummation devoutly to be wished, the absolute least the rotten, uncaring douchetools deserve for what they did. A standard issue non-apology “apology” accompanied by an insincere, blasé shrug just ain’t gonna cut it, I shouldn’t think.


The best thing about living in San Francisco?

It’s all the interesting, unusual, culturally-diverse people you meet there.

We all know that San Francisco has a terrible, awful, horrible, homeless problem with homeless people sleeping everywhere. One homeless man set up camp across from a Catholic grade school. It would have been a curiosity except for the signs he hung outside of his tent.

“Free fentanyl 4 new users” and “Meth for stolen items.”

Joseph Adam Moore served six years for unlawful sex with a 12-year-old girl and was accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl just a month after getting out of prison. But his probation deal did not include staying away from schools. So he camped directly across from Stella Maris Academy and began to host parties of stoners — much to the neighborhood’s dismay.

“Some of these people brought barbecues, a beach umbrella, and even a dune buggy that sat on the pavement,” said Nathaniel Weiner, a neighbor. “They’re ‘creating a Burning Man-style party’ in a quiet residential neighborhood where people are just trying to live their lives.’”

Note that I haven’t even used the word “police” in this piece. Apparently, the only law Moore is violating is the one about public camping. The cops are hamstrung by about a thousand rules and regulations regarding the treatment of the homeless; they can’t be forced to go anywhere or do anything; they can’t be forced into a mental health facility; they can’t even be forced to go into a shelter.

Dan Noyes, a reporter for ABC7 in San Francisco, had an enlightening interview with Mr. Moore.

Moore says he’s lived across the school for two years and that his signs offering free drugs are no joke. He told Noyes “he’s just passing on the drugs that other people give him, in exchange for blankets and supplies he provides.”

Moore: “So they bring me trash that they’ve scavenged, things that they think are valuable, or they give me some of the drugs that they have, which I don’t do.”

Noyes: “You’re exposing grade school kids to this? This is not right. You know that?”

Moore: “No, no, it’s shallow.”

Oh, absolutely. Wouldn’t EVER want to be perceived as “shallow,” you know. Or “unevolved,” or lacking in empathy for the “less fortunate” who have been “victimized” by our rapacious “capitalist” system. Why, that would be just awful. After all, a mentally-ill pedophile dope-slinger says so.


There are no bad dogs, just bad dog owners

Shitty father, shitty Doggie Daddy.

The Shocking Truth Behind Biden’s Dogs’ Aggressive Behavior
In Biden’s first year in office, Joe Biden’s dog Major became a problem for the White House, which decided to cover up the fact the German Shepherd had bitten several Secret agents. The Bidens eventually “solved” the problem by sending Major off to live with family friends and replacing him with a new German Shepherd puppy, Commander.

As a dog owner, I found the story horrifying. I cherished my dog Zuzu, a beagle/bulldog mix, for nearly twelve years before she died in July. She couldn’t always come with us on certain trips, and leaving her with family or even a kennel was excruciatingly difficult for me. Seeing the Bidens, who claimed to be dog people, give up their dog, essentially exchanging him for another one…it told me their dogs were nothing more than props for the media cameras.

And yet, it is actually so much worse.

Commander turned out to be no different than Major, and we eventually learned the new canine was responsible for several biting incidents since 2021. By the latest count, it’s now been 12 incidents.

Something doesn’t make sense. German Shepherds are notoriously intelligent dogs that are easy to train. Why are Joe Biden’s dogs so aggressive? The White House blames the high-stress environment at the White House—but that doesn’t add up, considering the Obamas, Bushes, and Clintons all had dogs at the White House without similar problems. The latest incident finally prompted the White House to remove Commander from the White House.

“The President and First Lady care deeply about the safety of those who work at the White House and those who protect them every day,” Jill Biden’s communications director, Elizabeth Alexander, said in a statement. “They remain grateful for the patience and support of the U.S. Secret Service and all involved, as they continue to work through solutions.”

“It is beyond belief that, even after Judicial Watch exposed their attacking 10 Secret Service personnel, Joe and Jill Biden have continued to let their dog menace and attack Secret Service and White House staff. Let’s be blunt: the dangerous dog could kill someone,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The ongoing Biden administration cover-up of the Biden dog attacks on Secret Service agents is dangerous corruption.”

The cover-up is just the beginning of the disturbing aspects of this story. According to sources that spoke to Judicial Watch, Joe Biden “has mistreated his dog.” The watchdog group has learned that Joe has even “punched and kicked his dogs.”

In light of how Hunter turned out after decades of being used by his father as little more than a bagman for the Biden Crime Familia’s innumerable bribery and influence-peddling enterprises, plus the serial sexual abuse of his own daughter from childhood on into her early teens, who can seriously imagine that this foul fiend would have any problem with abusing his publicity-prop dogs behind closed doors too?

Clearly, far from being the genial, jovial, grandfatherly type his handlers present him as—loves ice cream and vintage Corvettes; affectionate to children; just a friendly, fun-loving Regular Joe, with malice towards none and charity for all—the “man” is an irredeemable monster. Just more confirmation that Pedo Jaux really is the evil, soulless piece of shit we’ve always known him to be.

Wring your hands over how awfully, awfully awful it would be if we “became like them,” that we must always “take the high road” all you want, but the day Faux Jaux “Pedo Peter” BuyEm© at long last departs this vale of tears and descends into Hell to spend eternity with his old pal and kindred spirit Satan should thenceforth be celebrated as a national holiday if you ask me.


Are you good and pissed off yet?

If you aren’t, and particularly if you’re a Dad, get ready to be.

Sophie, an 11 year old girl, was abducted by her dad because of a “bitter custody dispute.” They were eventually found in Mexico, and police successfully reunited the girl with her mother and her mother’s new fiancé. The father is facing felony charges and will get up to 3 years in prison, if convicted.

But he told, in an exclusive interview that took place the day before the warrant was issued, that the only way he will return to court and bring his daughter home is if he is allowed to put his case before a jury.

OK, well that’s his right. Don’t we all have a right to a jury trial? Not so fast.

Ex-wife Kelly Long opposed the jury trial in a motion and asked for Long to be summarily jailed for 18 months plus an extra year on one count of hiding Sophie and another for failing to hand her over.

Michael was ordered in July to pay $20,000 to cover the cost of reunification therapy for Sophie and her mother, as well as therapy for her two brothers, his sons.

That’s the story, but it’s also a lie. Watch this video to understand why the father wanted to hide his daughter from her mother…

Police dismissed the ‘patently false’ information about her. Egged on by mom’s attorney, they called it part of Trump’s quest for power, and part of the “QAnon” plot. They even got the dad’s gofund me shut down as being “fraud.”

Sophie claimed she was sexually abused by her mother’s fiancée Jacob Bellington and was diagnosed with a vaginal infection after being taken to the hospital last summer. That didn’t matter.

She was also interviewed by a specialist nurse with her father outside the room and repeated the claims to her. That didn’t matter.

The courts then took custody away from the father, and banned him from having visitation. So, realizing that his ex-wife and her new Swedish boyfriend were going to continue raping his daughter, did what anyone would do—he grabbed her and took off.

Of course, the ex-wife paints all of this as being a custody stunt, and the courts believed her. They have painted him as a “fraudster” who “coached his daughter to lie” about her mother and mother’s new fiancé.

This is how our courts work. Any man who has been through a divorce, especially one involving custody, can tell you how it works. If the woman wants “her kids,” the courts take her side. She gets the kids, she gets child support, the (now ex)-husband has to pay her legal tab. The assumption is that children belong with their mother. End of story. The only thing Dad is good for, is paying the bills.

It’s nothing more than a shakedown, aided and assisted by our courts. That’s why so many men are realizing the truth—marriage is largely a losing game, and the only winning move is to not play at all. The MSM, as well as women’s magazines are all in an uproar, trying to figure out why men don’t want to get married any more. They blame easy access to sex, and they are all wrong.

There’s so much wrong here it’s difficult to know where to even begin cataloging it. But, as DM says, any Dad who has ever been involved in a bitter custody dispute with an ex can tell you right quick what our rotten-to-the-core “justice” system is, and is not.


Wide-screen TVs, 500 dollar sneakers, and KFC hardest hit

Another Nee-grow scumbag* offed by a cop in self-defense, another American city burned and looted by frothing, yowling baboons.

Widespread Mass Looting Overnight in Philly
Mass looting is being reported all over Philadelphia tonight. There are accounts of Center City stores being cleaned out by looters, including Lululemon, the Apple Store, a Foot Locker near the Liberty Bell, and many others.

One woman screamed, “Everyone must eat!” at the looting of a wine store.

Thugs even tried to loot a Popeyes restaurant:

Because OF COURSE they did. “Hey yo, we be loo-inn ‘n’ sheeit, yo!”

If you are surprised by anything at all in that video, you are beyond help and should probably check yourself into some kind of home. Onwards.

There are unconfirmed reports of looters livestreaming their crimes, monitoring police scanners, and coordinating their efforts on social media.

The looting is reportedly in response to murder charges being dropped against a cop who allegedly acted in self-defense during a traffic stop. Eddie Irizarry, who is Hispanic*, pulled a knife on cops while in his vehicle.

Hispanic, eh? Well, what the hell, any excuse will do.

According to Fox29:

A judge has dismissed all charges, including a murder count, against Philadelphia Police Officer Mark Dial who shot and killed a driver as he sat inside his vehicle last month.

Philadelphia Municipal Judge Wendy Pew made her ruling Tuesday after watching video of the fatal shooting of 27-year-old Eddie Irizarry. The defense had asserted that Officer Mark Dial was acting in self-defense when he fired his weapon at close range through the rolled-up driver’s side window of Irizarry’s sedan during a vehicle stop on August 14….

…Irizarry’s family has said that Dial deserves a long prison sentence. The defense, meanwhile, has blasted Krasner’s decision to charge Dial with murder.

“When police officers ordered him to show his hands, he instead produced a weapon and pointed it at an armed police officer,” lawyer Brian McMonagle told reporters this month. “In no world (are) those facts murder.”

Not surprisingly, the District Attorney’s Office, headed by Soros DA Larry Krasner, announced that it would appeal the decision. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney inflamed the situation by tweeting his support for the man who pulled a knife on police officers.

Which, along with the rest of the PJM report, only means that the people of Philadelphia richly deserve whatever they get. As is usually the case, I’m with Sefton on this.

Honestly, my give-a-shit-ometer is barely registering. And I have many friends and acquaintances who live in or near Center City and in the outlying burbs, along with an abiding affection for that town. At least the town as it was years ago. Sorry to friends and family and others who voted for this as well as that overgrown, slovenly brain-addled sloth loping around the Senate and toking on spliffs in the cloak room, election after election. You got exactly what you voted for so enjoy it, my erstwhile friends. I pray you all wake the hell up and fast. I fear you never will even if you should come face to face with these poor innocent victims of institutional white supremacy. I’ve got news for you; flashing your BLM t-shirt won’t shield you.

Nor should it, either. As far as I’m concerned, the voters of Philly brought all this on themselves; now, they get to enjoy the ride they volunteered themselves for. So sit back and suck on it, assholes.

As of 11:45 p.m., looting is ongoing in the City of Brotherly Love, and police are struggling to keep up with all the reports. Pray for their safety tonight.

Shyeeeaaah, NO. Myself, I’ll be praying for casualties, as yet another shitlib city gets exactly what it voted for, good and hard. Maybe Abbott could send three or eight busloads of “migrants” to the City of Brotherly Love to help out in their time of trouble.

Local developments update! Breaking news from CLT: Gibmedats are gathering in the downtown area, threatening to “burn this mothafackah up ’n’ sheet” in a major chimp-out if De White Mayng doesn’t immediately agree to bring back Price’s Chicken Coop, in its old location.


“Rep. Jamie Raskin: ‘It’ll Be the End of the Republican Party’ if Biden Impeachment Proceeds”

Actually, Congresscritter, with such an incredible preponderance of credible evidence of “treason, bribery, high crimes and” etc, it’s WAY more likely to be the end of their treacherous, collaborationist Party if they don’t.

Try to follow the logic train here, such as there is one.

Via HuffPost (emphasis added):

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) move to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden could backfire badly.

“I can’t tell you the number of Democrats who’ve come up to me today to say, ‘Let them do the impeachment, it will be the end of the Republican Party,’” Raskin said on MSNBC on Tuesday night.

Raskin said those lawmakers predicted that the impeachment proceedings “will end up in complete defeat and humiliation” for the Republicans.

McCarthy’s move comes after Republicans in the House have made accusations of corruption against Biden for months, but have so far failed to produce any evidence*.

*cough-cough* BULLSHIT *cough-cough*

Continuing via HuffPost:

Raskin said he’s against the inquiry for a simple reason.

“I’ve got a little bit too much respect and love for the Constitution just to let them go down that road without at least pointing out that the constitutional standard is treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” he said. “And they don’t have evidence of any wrongdoing at all.”

He said House Republicans have thousands of documents obtained via subpoena and dozens of hours of witness interviews.

“But far from proving their claims, it all disproves their claims,” he said. “It all shows that nobody’s laid a glove on Joe Biden and he wasn’t involved in any of Hunter Biden’s business activities. And so, that’s really the end of the case.”

So to recap: Raskin is sure that Republicans impeaching Biden will somehow end in “complete defeat and humiliation” for his political opponents, whom his party has repeatedly claimed are an existential threat to Democracy™ itself. Yet he opposes allowing the inquiry to proceed out of “respect for the Constitution,” even though his party just recently impeached the former president twice on arguably more dubious grounds than the coming Biden impeachment.

That all checks out.

Insofar as anything these stinking Swamp critters say ever checks out, yeah, I suppose it does.

It Really is That Damn Good, Part 2

Final arguments in the Texas based Bush cabal impeachment of Ken Paxton.

“He beat the latest in line for the bush’s”
“The Bush era in Texas ends today”
“They can go back to Maine”

Update!: The communist Bush clan has failed,as Ken Paxton Acquitted on all 16 articles of impeachment.

Let the retribution begin.

Update 2: The Texas impeachment mangers held back 4 charges that they “thought” they could hold over Paxton’s head:
“Four original articles were held in abeyance, with the Senate dismissing them in a vote conducted after the acquittal.”
The senate nuked those. As I said above, “Let the retribution begin“.
Senate Nukes the remaining 4 charges

Update 3:
Apparently, having failed to stop Paxton at the state level, the feds will now attempt to stop him –
The Corrupt Feds Will Indict a Ham Sandwich, Again


What an FBI/Stasi fishing expedition looks like

Sacre bleu.

This is utterly disgusting, offensive, and infuriating, that such a thing could even be taking place in what was once thought to be a (somewhat) free country. But, alas, not very shocking at all anymore. Who even knows how many of these little “friendly visits” are happening every single day, all across Amerika v2.0?

(Via Ace)

It Really is That Damn Good

There are some really good lawyers in this world, just a few, but when they are on the side of right they are beacons of light in the dark.

Elected Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is under assault by the Texas Bush clan working together with democrats. What is Mr. Paxton’s real crime? He beat George P Bush and he supports Donald Trump, and he knows the 2020 election was stolen.

Texas is trouble and the republican party (spit) is attempting to convict Paxton in an impeachment trial with no evidence of any wrong doing. Allegations Baby!

Via: The Treehouse

Update: As hhluce notes in the comments, the republican prosecution team is still at it.

And from the trial – “Previously Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s personal assistant, Drew Wicker, made an accusation that a Texas donor named Nate Paul funded a kitchen remodel for Paxton. A quid pro quo to sell influence.

However, during cross examination today, Drew Wicker admitted the kitchen remodel never took place, and the actual details of the home remodel being done by Paxton was taking place *after* the office “whistleblowers” went to the FBI with their ungrounded claims. Paxton’s attorney Tony Buzbee showed Drew Wicker pictures of the kitchen taken three years ago and also taken last month. There was never any remodel work completed. This is the central point of the alleged bribery.

Buzbee Does It Agaian

It gets better – the prosecution deny’s the pictures of the kitchen from before and after (that were identical) were correctly dated. Buzbee suggests they just drive over to examine the supposed “kitchen remodel)…


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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