Clobberin’ time

Evil, pure evil through and through, and nothing but.

Medical Staff Ordered to Euthanize ‘Covid’ Patients: Leaked Docs
Explosive leaked documents have emerged that show medical staff were ordered to euthanize patients who had been admitted to hospital and tested positive for COVID-19.

The official documents were leaked from the UK’s state-funded National Health Service (NHS).

The docs further confirm the previous reporting from Slay News that revealed patients were euthanized in order to boost the numbers for “Covid deaths.”

As Slay News reported, smoking gun evidence revealed that tens of thousands of elderly people were murdered to boost the mortality rates.

The data produced for the report indicated that people were being euthanized using a fatal injection of Midazolam.

The cause of their deaths was then listed as “Covid,” indicating that the virus was killing far more elderly people than it was.

The explosive data from the report was made public by Australian politician Craig Kelly, the national director of the United Australia Party.

The report obtained official UK government data on death rates and causes.

While alerting the public about the data, Kelly declared that it exposes “the crime of the century.”

I keep having to repeat this, which gives me no pleasure at all, but: Just when you think we’ve hit Peak Evil©, the filthy barstids go and raise the bar again. Or, y’know, lower it, more like.

Granted, this revelation, sensational as it is, may or may not hold up when all’s said and done. I know nothing about Slay News, Craig Kelly, or his United Australia Party, and therefore can’t speak to their credibility, if any. Documents can be fraudulent; data can be manufactured and/or manipulated; some “smoking guns” can turn out to be firing blanks. As such, could very well be this is all horseshit of the purest ray serene; it is to be hoped so, certainly.

But if I were a betting man, which I am not, I wouldn’t put one thin dime on it. After all we’ve seen these past few years, would you? Famed FauxVid hoax/Vaxx skeptic Dr Robert Malone addresses the larger issue here.

A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors. A vague uneasiness has been lurking around me over these last four years; a sense that I have not only been censored, defamed, and lied to during the time of COVID, but over my entire life. A deeply disturbing specter that the United States government is not the knighted champion of Camelot so frequently and pervasively portrayed in media and literature. Rather its actions since WW II have been those of an immature, petulant and narcissistic adolescent that feels entitled to exploit geopolitics and war to advance short term power and economic objectives that benefit a small elite, rather than more broadly advancing “democracy”, global economic development, and those ephemeral aspirations of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not only have I been propagandized and lied to, but I also sense that the window of time where this behavior by a monolithic Imperial state has been tolerated is coming to an end, winding and grinding down into mundane corruption, bickering self-interest and bureaucratic dysfunctionalism. And that there is no way to stop this accelerating funhouse carousel of painted ponies and mirrors before an abrupt catastrophic failure of the hidden gears throws all into revolutionary chaos.

Maybe something like this has been bothering you also?

Whether fortunate or not, we live in a time of both disruption and deception. A period when change has become an inevitable norm, and yet objective reality is considered an obsolete anachronism. An anachronism that cannot be tolerated, and must be twisted or expunged to serve the interests of those most powerful who will always act to maintain their privilege. Poised in transition between the relatively stable legacy “Pax Americana” bequeathed to us by American military and political victories over twentieth century totalitarian regimes, and fragmentation into an increasingly multilateral rough and tumble world characterized by shifting transitory alliances based on short term interests and opportunity. We all now confront a surrealist intellectual and psychological landscape where truthiness becomes just another product to be marketed. Or propagandized. Or censored. Marketing, propaganda and censorship each being subtle linguistic variations on a single theme of methods to exert external control over the thought and behavior of what otherwise would be autonomous, independent and sovereign individuals.

For many, including myself, the fabric of the widely shared belief in the benevolence of the American Imperial state has been irreparably rendered by the grossly dysfunctional national and transnational mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis. Others were better able than I to see through the cloud of propaganda and lies long before SARS-CoV-2 was constructed. A virus developed and assembled by a bizarre and improbable collusion between US-dominated “biodefense” intelligence interests, the Chinese CCP/PLA (and its dual function Wuhan Institute of Virology), and an international network of entitled biomedical researchers. 

But now the gloves are off, and as the underlying truths of this global tragedy are gradually being revealed, the American Imperial state and its allies (governments and corporations) are increasingly resorting to raw power to avoid the consequences of their actions. And with this, it is becoming easier to see the fist. A fist that takes the form of the most aggressive and pervasive global suppression of thought and speech ever witnessed in recorded history. One that is rapidly becoming normalized as an industrial/academic censorship and propaganda complex.

Questions, questions: Just how deep does this rot go, anyhow? Would a global cabal of developed-world governments actually resort to out-and-out murder most foul in the course of pimping their Absolute Power & Control agenda? Have we really tumbled so far as that down the slippery slope to bare-knuckled tyranny?

Most dismaying of all: At this point, dare we assume that they wouldn’t?


“We are entering the Soviet grain report phase of the Biden presidency”

Luke Thompson is Tweeting/Twatting/Exing/whatevering a whole series of posts along those lines in response to the Special Counsel report excusing Faux Jaux from prosecution for handling classified reports in a treasonous fashion because senile dementia, and they’re sidesplitting. Representative sample:

That last one brought forth the apposite blast-back:

What can one say but: Heh. Indeed. Ace notes:

Much like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Biden is “running circles around people one-third of his age!!!!” And long may the Kween reign over her Court!!!

Oh, wait, I just got an update: Ruth Bader Ginsberg died a few months after that claim was made.

Ayup. And then we had the ludicrous own-goal/dumpster-fire that was Pedo Pete’s TeeWee disaster last night.

Biden’s Unannounced Nighttime Speech an Absolute DISASTER
President Joe Biden took to the microphone for an unannounced address on Thursday night, following the release of the politically devastating Special Counsel report that said he “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.” While the report stated that such actions “present serious risks to national security,” Biden will not face charges because he presents himself as an “elderly man with a poor memory” and it would be difficult to convince a jury he is guilty of a serious felony because to commit such a crime “requires a mental state of willfulness.” The report elaborated by pointing out he couldn’t even remember when he was vice president and didn’t even remember when his son Beau died.

The address was scheduled for 7:45 p.m. but did not actually get underway until around 8 — well past his usual 7 p.m. bedtime.

I can’t explain how or why Biden’s handlers felt it was a good idea to trot him out at night to talk about the special counsel report, but it did not go well. He was belligerent and defensive, and it was a terrible look. When he addressed the report claiming that he couldn’t remember when his son died, it really got bad.

 “How in the hell dare he raise that,” Biden said angrily, concluding that it is “none of their damn business.”

“For any extraneous commentary, they don’t know what they’re talking about,” Biden insisted, even though the report presented direct quotes. “It has no place in this report.”

Biden also blamed his staff for storing classified documents in his home, office, and garage, insisting, “I take responsibility for not having seen exactly what my staff would do!”

And after the viewing of the body was over, the somewhat-reanimated corpus delicti was wheeled away and stuffed back into its sarcophagus for the night. Taken for all in all, I think it safe to say that Jaux’s handlers have decided that, one way or another, he will indeed NOT be “running” for “pResident” again after all and instead will be graciously stepping aside for Big Mike, Gruesome Newsome, or whoever the next choice of Shadow State marionette turns out to be.

Update! Apparently, it ain’t gonna be Kamala “Suckstart that career” Harris.

Jeez. Sounds like she might’ve gotten together with Granny “Boxwine” Pelosi for an early liquid lunch or something.


Predator popped

Admittedly, I am of two minds on this one. Two at least, maybe more.

Minnesota mom arrested for alleged sexual romp with two boys, 15, after spat with hubby
From hot tub to hotel room, a Minnesota mom was arrested for alleged criminal sexual conduct with two boys she claimed “she wasn’t going to go through with.”

Marital issues were reportedly blamed for 39-year-old Allison Leigh Schardin’s alleged felonies in mid-January when her family found themselves staying at the same hotel as a visiting hockey team. According to a report from the Star Tribune, after being arrested Thursday the mother of two young sons admitted to sexual contact with two 15-year-old boys she’d engaged with in a poolside chat.

Faced with third- and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, Schardin was said to have been discussing her marital problems with team players visiting from Colorado while she, her husband and their children were having a staycation in Roseville on Jan. 14.

When the players had returned to their rooms, the Blaine, Minnesota mom was said to have sent a Snapchat asking if she could join them.

Once there, she was said to have started talking with the boys about “sex and stuff,” got into bed with two of the boys and questioned them about their sexual activity. It was then that she allegedly performed sexual acts on them and asked them to perform sexual acts on her while a third boy was said to have watched, according to the Tribune.

If convicted, the maximum sentence for the third-degree criminal sexual conduct included up to 15 years imprisonment and/or a fine up $30,000 while the penalty for fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct maxed out at ten years imprisonment and/or a fine up to $20,000.

Her first court appearance was scheduled for Monday.

Okay, okay, I realize it was wrong of this dame to betray the trust bestowed on her by the Minneapolitans who put her in a position of responsibility she was patently unsuited for. I get all that, honestly I do. Nonetheless, I also remember what I was like when I was a fifteen-year-old boy; after seeing Schardin’s pic, I also know how delighted I would’ve been to…well, just take a look yourself.

See what I mean? At fifteen, if I’d had a romp with a hottie like that I woulda been fairly busting with pride, eager to dash right out and brag about the experience to any and every one of my peers who was willing to hear me out, right down to the last sweaty detail. I’m sure my mom and dad would’ve felt otherwise about it, of course, and would certainly have made their displeasure known to every authority figure within reach. But still.

The boys will have a ready-made audience at their high school, waiting for them with bated breath. They’ll be at the center of a sizable crowd whenever the grown-ups aren’t around, all a-twitter and expectant, primed to hear the thrilling tale told again and again. Hell, all the other boys will treat them like heroes, I don’t doubt. A solid percentage of the girls will probably despise them, sincerely and heatedly. Many will act as if they do for appearance’s sake, but will secretly find the taboo tryst darkly exciting, even compelling, ample cause not to shun them but to quietly seek them out.

As the old-school bikers liked to say, the ladies do love an outlaw, like a little boy loves a stray dog. From my own life-experience, I can confirm that this assessment is essentially true and accurate, if perhaps not universally so. As y’all CF Lifers© may recall, I effusively sung a jubilee of praise for such ladies many years back, in the post that first brought this humble, hitherto-unknown little websty to prominence when my friend and fellow OG-blogger Stephen Green linked to it at his pre-PJM Vodkapundit hang.

15 years and/or 30k? A felony, ferchrissake? All this for taking advantage—however unrighteous—of teenage horndogs who I guaran-damn-tee you do NOT see themselves as “victims” in any way, shape, or form, and probably never will? Who will more likely cherish fond memories of their youthful illicit adventure for the rest of their days; won’t be haunted by a moment’s remorse or regret; and will smile softly and slyly to themselves every time the memory pops into mind?

I dunno. As wrong as this MILF’s actions were; as psychologically/emotionally askew as she appears to be; as surpassingly unwise, injudicious, and just plain reckless as she inarguably is, that seems to me a mite harsh. If the punishment is supposed to fit the crime, I’m thinking the scales are way out of balance in this particular instance. Could be that’s just me though, I do admit it. But still.


Open letter to Ace at AoSHQ

I don’t know if you ever look in on this websty or not, but I do know some of your CoBs do, so maybe they can pass the word on to you: Man, please, you simply MUST stop with your series of posts making sport of dickhound Fani Willis and her illicit taxpayer-funded cocksman, Mr Darius “Sweetdick” Honeycum Esq. Seriously man, I’m begging over here; every time I read the latest installment, I end up squirting hot coffee out my nose from laughing so damned hard. I’m gonna bust a rib before long, and have to go to the hospital to have ‘em taped up.

I mean it, Ace, this stuff is so friggin’ funny it’s actually, literally hazardous to my health.

Fani Willis, Who Has Crabs More Frequently Than the Red Lobster Fisherman’s Feast Special, Fired an Employee Who Tried to Warn Her That Her Top Aide Was Misusing Funds
Disinformation Expert Ace

Say it’s not so, Fani. Say it’s not so.

Before getting to that, I have bad news: Knowing that depositions in the divorce action could be used to drive them out of office and possibly expose them to criminal action, Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., suddenly decided to settle his divorce action, presumably on terms very favorable to his wife. This results, of course, in the subpoenas being null and void.

From the NY Post:

The Atlanta special prosecutor who brought election interference charges against Donald Trump reached a temporary divorce settlement with his estranged wife Tuesday — meaning he likely won’t have to testify in court about his alleged affair with his district attorney boss.

The settlement automatically canceled a hearing scheduled for Wednesday in which Darrius “Magicschwanz” Honeycum, Esq.* was expected to answer about his relationship with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

It also means Willis will likely avoid testifying in the case.

*Edited for clarity.

I suppose this temporary settlement could be undone the moment he and Fani Willis are out of trouble.

Ed Morrissey:

One has to imagine that Mrs. Wade finally got her piece of the massive fees that Willis paid Wade to run the RICO prosecution. Up to now, Mrs. Wade complained in earlier filings, she’d gotten bupkis while Willis lived high on the $650,000 in legal fees she paid Wade.

Does that mean it’s all over? Should we be depressed?

Nah, son, don’t be a fag. The ex-wife has used the affair to extract a ton of money from Sweetdick Darrius, but her agreement to a settlement does not confer some kind of immunity on Sweetdick and Mummycooze. The news that she hired her Professional Boner with taxpayer funds and then had those funds effectively kicked back to her in the form of cruises and trips is still a concern to the state of Georgia, and the judge overseeing this case will be asking the same sort of questions that Mrs. Sweetdick intended to ask.

While this has no direct bearing on l’affaire Sweetdick, it does demonstrate that Fani Willis is as loose with rules about spending taxpayer money as she is in her droopy slackwalled choadbucket. Thus, one might suspect she might be a bit cavalier about spending taxpayer money to keep her Taxpayer-Funded Dick-Slinger in high style.

I have but one thing to say, and I’ll let Bart Simpson say it for me.

Update! Even more graft, payola, and abuse of authority.

Business Partners Of Fani Willis’ Alleged Lover Bankrolled Her Campaign. She Gave Them Lucrative Contracts.
Business partners of District Attorney Fani Willis’ alleged lover Nathan Wade, whom she appointed to work on the case against former President Donald Trump, made donations to her campaign before receiving lucrative contracts from her office.

Terrence Bradley, Wade’s former partner, and Christopher Campbell, his current partner, have collectively contributed more than $5,000 to Willis’ campaign, contribution disclosure reports show. Moreover, both men have each raked in tens of thousands of dollars from contracts with the district attorney’s office, according to county records.

Campbell is a partner at Wade & Campbell Firm, where he works with Wade. Bradley formerly worked with Wade at Wade, Bradley & Campbell Firm, and also represented Wade in his divorce case until Sept. 2022.

The donations add another wrinkle to Willis’ already-scrutinized relationship with Wade.

YET another wrinkle, you mean.

Bradley made three donations to Willis’ campaign: $1,000 in June 2020, $550 in October 2020 and $2,500 in June 2023, according to campaign disclosure reports.

Meanwhile, the district attorney’s office paid Bradley $74,480 between May 2021 and June 2022, according to county records. It remains unclear what work he was doing during that period.

Yeah, I bet so. Maybe Bradley was also pronging Willis’ well-worn spunkpocket his own self, thereby permitting the payoff to be filed under “for services rendered, MISC.”

An ATL lawyer friend of Glenn’s says: “Oh, this is cascading. And I’m only sending you the stuff that’s already public. You’d be amazed what unsubstantiated rumors are flying around among the local bar.” At this point, I don’t think I would be, actually.

Jeez, but what a corrupt, stinking sewer the Fulton County DA’s office is. And this woman wants to put TRUMP in jail? If she had any sense at all, she’d be really careful not to shake that particular tree too hard; if anybody oughta be in the slammer, it’s her. I say again: JEEZ.


About those “baseless,” “evidence-free” fraud/rigging accusations…

Q: Is there any type of computer more easily tampered with than those infamous Dominion “voting” election-theft (NOTE: edited, for greater accuracy —M) machines?

A: No. No, there most certainly is NOT.

On Friday, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom about the Dominion voting machines used in the Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulation in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg in the courtroom!

Following The Gateway Pundit’s explosive report on Saturday night, we spoke with Georgia reporter Amber Connor, who has been sitting in the courtroom during the trial for the past two weeks.

Here is more from our discussion with Amber Connor:

Jim Hoft: Amber Connor, thank you for calling. I’m really anxious to hear what you had to say. Amber, you were in the courtroom for the Curling versus Raffensberger case that’s been going on since for over a week now. Maybe you could fill us in a little bit. Okay? And this explosive development that we just heard about tonight at The Gateway Pundit, which is that the expert, J. Halderman, was in the courtroom and was able to change vote totals on the Dominion machines. So maybe you could tell us a little bit about that.

Amber Connor: Just to give a background, Alex Halderman, he was the one who wrote the Halderman report that showed individuals how vulnerable the ballot marking devices that the machines that Dominion has its software on and show different ways where you can access through vulnerabilities within the ballot marking device. And a background of him is he works in Michigan. He has three degrees in computer science from Princeton University, he does security analysis of precinct programs in the US and in other countries. He’s been to Australia, India, Estonia to do these things. He’s been part of a team in California with the Secretary of State to help with forensics, and in Antrim County and in Louisiana.

When he analyzed the BMD (ballot marking device) in Georgia…And so what he did is they brought the ballot marking device and the printer up to the front (of the courtroom)…What he did is he began to show the first vulnerability and he borrowed the state defense counsel. So those representing the Georgia secretary, he asked the main counsel to borrow his pen that he was writing with. And then he goes over to the power button, leans down, he holds down the power button for between five to 10 seconds, probably 7 seconds, and it automatically puts the machine in safe mode.

…And this reboot happens. And he then shows the judge the display and it shows a picture of the on off button as he’s pushing it for five to 10 seconds to instigate the reboot. But before you reboot the whole thing there’ll be something that comes up to ask if he wants to go into safe mode, and then he pushes. Yes. So it doesn’t shut it down or reboot. He just goes into safe mode. And that allows him to open up files and change the content of files.

So you can actually install something that you’ve already pre-programmed, or you can program it at that point to do whatever you tell it to do. So that can be anything from, if they vote for George Washington, that it could then be recorded…or actually displayed as Benedict Arnold.

Emphasis in Ms Connor’s statement mine, and wholly dispositive—demonstrating as it does the indisputable FACT that absolutely anyone who tells you that Dominion voting machines are “secure,” “honest,” and/or “reliable” is a goddamned liar, whose motive should be entirely obvious to anyone with as many as three (3) functioning brain cells to rub together. As has already been explained:

Bracken knows what’s up. And so do I, so do you, and most importantly of all, so do they. Which all brings us ‘round again to the eternal question, the biggest question of them all.

Q: SO, what NOW?

A: ?!?!?

(Via Divemedic)


Law of the Jungle (bunny)

Don’t like stores closing in your dangerous, lawless shitholes? Stop looting them blind and broke then, you parasitic assholes.

Today’s fearless probe into the wilds of cause-and-effect reasoning comes from Roxbury, Massachusetts:

As this CBS “journalist” summarizes the issue: “Why do you think Walgreen’s is targeting black and brown neighborhoods?”

She refuses to ask anyone about rampant looting putting this store out of business.

“Predominantly black neighborhood.” Okay, got it. The residents of that neighborhood will now have to travel a bit further to find a Walgreen’s to loot shop at. And as those residents are “predominantly black,” this constitutes racial discrimination.

But protesting residents exercised a bit of subtlety:

“What happens to our seniors and our single parents that have no way to get to a Walgreen’s or another pharmacy anywhere near their home?”

He managed not to mention either rampant shoplifting or race. And yes, it will certainly inconvenience the locale’s senior citizens, but do they have an enforceable right to a pharmacy within walking distance? But wait: there’s more! Hearken to the Reverend Minard Pepper:

“So we think it’s insensitive, it’s unjust…Why do you think they target black and brown communities? I think because they get no push back.”

Well, there is the possibility that shoplifting in predominantly white districts is far less: a tolerable degree of what liquor store owners have traditionally called “spillage.” But once again, there’s no mention of either theft or race. One more, from former Boston NAACP president Michael Curry:

“The communities where they’re closing these pharmacies are communities where people are, uh, desperately impacted by disease. You know, two or three times higher rates in cancer, diabetes, heart disease, where life expectancy can be 15, 20 years less.”

Such awareness. Such compassion! I wonder if the thieves who’ve driven Walgreen’s out of this “predominantly black” neighborhood ever stop to think about the burdens they load onto their sick neighbors. My bet is on “no.” Where’s yours?

These black “civil rights activists” are fully aware of why Walgreen’s is closing those stores. They simply don’t want to acknowledge the facts of the matter. That would indict “their people.” It would suggest that if there’s a solution – which is unclear, as battling shoplifting has always been a difficult and expensive undertaking – it would take the form of law enforcement. But no, we can’t have that in “predominantly black” Roxbury! That would be racist.

Such closures are occurring wherever there’s a high enough percentage of blacks. And in every case, “civil rights leaders” – almost always black – step to the microphones and cameras to denounce it. But they seldom mention the plague of shoplifting. Neither do they mention the ceaseless propagandization of young blacks against law enforcement and the rights of property owners, nor the simple cause-and-effect dynamic that makes whites and businesses flee from the blacks who prey on them.

So simple, so obvious only a “liberal” Sooperdoopergenius© and the feral urban sub-primate class they’ve brainwashed into feeble, helpless dependence could fail to grasp it.

Ace is on FI-YUHHH!!!

I know a good few of y’all don’t read him; trust me, you’re really missing out this go-round.

Predatory Hosebeast Fani Willis: If You Have a Problem With Me Spending $654,000 to Hire My Current Hookup, Mr. Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., Then Your Real Problem Is With a Strong Empowered Black Woman Taking Charge Of Her Own Orgasms
—Disinformation Expert Ace

You tell ’em, Fani!

You talk that stupid racist talk!

The judge overseeing Fani Willis’ political witch-trial has ordered a hearing into the allegations against her.

The Washington Post has a more detailed report explaining that Judge Scott McAfee has ordered Willis to respond in writing to the allegations by Feb. 2, and he has called a hearing about the accusations and scheduled it for Feb. 15.

McAfee is also presiding over the RICO case involving Trump and 18 other co-defendants. Willis is alleged to be in a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, an attorney with little experience in corruption cases whom the DA hired to serve as a special counsel in the Trump case.

“Willis has declined to address the accusations directly so far,” reports the Washington Post’s Amy Gardner and Holly Bailey. “McAfee’s order appears to be forcing her to do so in televised court proceedings, a development that could at the least be embarrassing for the district attorney and at worst derail the investigation completely.”

And just in the nick of time, the New York Times rushes in to report that this is all just a case of white men not treating black women with “respect” or acknowledging them as equals.

Whew! I was worried that a single black politico would be accused of wrongdoing and would not claim to be exempt from ordinary critique and examination on account of their race.

Now, much of what Fani Willis says is accompanied by palpable subtext. In the below article, I have raised this subtext to the level of text, and added it to the New York Times article where I believe appropriate.

I trust the New York Times, and the sex-swollen brutish man-slammer Fani Willis, will thank me for these emendations to the report.

Fani T. Willis, the district attorney prosecuting the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald J. Trump, is trying to quash a subpoena seeking her testimony in the divorce proceedings of a special prosecutor she hired to manage the case.

A court filing last week accused Ms. Willis of having a romantic relationship with the prosecutor, Nathan J. Wade, a two-bit man-slut known on the streets as “Turgid Manblossom,” “The Booty Vandal,” and “Dixon Butts.”

The motion containing the accusation was filed by Michael Roman, one of Mr. Trump’s 14 co-defendants in the criminal case. The motion argues that the relationship, which it provided no proof of, amounted to a conflict of interest; it seeks to have Mr. Wade, Ms. Willis and her office dismissed from the case.

There’s no evidence except that the wife of her Gigolo and co-counsel alleges it in a divorce proceeding.

Oh, and no evidence apart from Fani Willis, Rodsmuggler, admitting it in church, stating that just like Martin Luther King, Jr. — who had his own adultery scandals — she too had “stumbled.”

It’s almost as if — I say almost as if — you can’t question a Strong Empowered Black (Leftwing) Woman at all without being smeared as a racist who Just Doesn’t Understand the True Love We Share When We’re Gouging The Taxpayer.

Then Ms. Willis weighed in.

“In the legal community (and the world at large) some people will never be able to respect African Americans and/or women as their equal and counterpart,” she wrote in a note addressed to Mr. Sadow but sent to all of the defense lawyers, most of whom are white men. “That is a burden you do not experience. Further, some are so used to doing it they are not even aware they are doing it while others are intentional in their continued disrespect. I shall answer no more impertinent questions about the man who tickles my cervix.”

Ms. Willis also made a case for her own fortitude. “Now you know, I cannot be bullied,” she wrote. “I can be spanked, by the right man, a man with a domineering grin and the soul of a pirate, but I cannot be bullied.” She added: “As you are aware, I have now experienced some of the most powerful people in the country call me everything, but a child of God. I have also experienced the power of a veiney python going nine-deep in my dusty old cobwebby mummyc*nt. But, yet here I and my team stand still pursuing justice.”

So there you go. She’s not denying she hired her gigolo to prosecute Trump, and you’re a fucking racist to even ask about it.

That’s one righteous rip; if you don’t like that—a funny-bone deficiency I won’t even pretend to comprehend—happily, he has others. To wit:

Oh Boy: Records Prove That Debased Female John Fani Willis Traveled to Sexotic Sexcursions On Her He-Whore’s Dime (and She Was Paying Her He-Whore With Taxpayer Funds)
—Disinformation Expert Ace

Taxpayer funds? More like ass-slayer funds, am i rite

I am right. I’m exactly right.

This is hilarious. Hilarious.

She cannot remain as the DA on this case, and Darrius “Sweetdick” Honeycum, Esq., cannot remain the prosecutor. They have a vested interest in milking this prosecution, as they’re profiting from it. Prosecutors are not permitted to have a direct stake in the outcome of a case, or in the case merely continuing.

Fani Willis does have such an interest. She is paying her Fuckboy with taxpayer funds, and these funds are even being kicked back to her in the form of sexpensive sexcapades. Who knows — he’s much more attractive than her dumpy ass is, so her entire relationship may demand that she keep paying him to keep him servicing her haggard gnarly snizz.

She’s gone. Gone. There is no question now.

Hilarious is the mot juste all right, no doubt about it. Read all of both.

The J6 shenanigans continue apace

Quelle surprise.

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Bombshell About January 6 Might Make You Rethink Everything

Doubtful, that. I’d say the battle lines are pretty well drawn at this point, the sides fully chosen, all minds made up. The odds of anybody who pays attention changing their opinion at this juncture are pretty slim, seems to me.

PJ Media readers already know that the Jan. 6 Capitol riot wasn’t an insurrection, but it’s still absolutely mind-blowing just how much we’ve been lied about the events of that day.

The truth has never stopped the left from pushing the narrative that it wants, between the criminally partisan House Select Committee on Jan. 6 and Joe Biden’s annual speeches making insane accusations and debunked mischaracterizations, it’s almost a miracle they haven’t turned Jan. 6 into a federal holiday akin to Memorial Day. According to the left, it was not only an insurrection, but as many as five Capitol Police officers died that day when there were actually zero. 

Why do they continue to push these falsehoods and bogus narratives? For one thing, it’s pretty much the only message Biden has (but, sadly for him, it’s not working), and it’s also an effective fundraising tool. According to a report from The Hill, Biden’s campaign raised more than a million dollars following his January 6 anniversary speech.

But again, we’re being sold a huge barrel of lies. In an interview with Tucker Carlson on the new Tucker Carlson Network, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.), who has been investigating the Capitol riot, says that there were at least 200 undercover FBI assets embedded in the crowd, inside and outside of the Capitol Building.

“We believe that there were easily 200 FBI undercover assets operating in the crowd outside the Capitol, embedded into groups that entered the Capitol or provoked entry of the Capitol,” Higgins told Carlson. “Given the scope of the operation and the number of doors where entry was allowed or even encouraged — and the number of people that were actually outside the Capitol and that entered — we believe 200 [is a] conservative number.”

“It’s shocking what you’re saying and confirms everyone’s worst suspicions about this,” Carlson told Higgins, clearly alarmed by this new information. “It’s clearly true.”

Higgins said that based on the evidence he’s reviewed, the FBI worked with local law enforcement, including the Capitol Police. The undercover agents, Higgins said, dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol “because those were the guys that knew their way around the Capitol.”

As Carlson explained in the interview, FBI Director Wray has long refused to answer whether the FBI had assets dressed as Trump supporters at the Capitol that day.

Higgins believes that anti-Trumpers in the FBI orchestrated the entire thing.

“It’s a complex web of FBI assets across the country that can be activated. So, if you have authority at some of the highest levels in the FBI, it doesn’t take much,” Higgins explained.

“Their objective was to destroy the entire MAGA movement to forever stain the patriotic fervor that was associated with the America First MAGA movement that had won in 2016 and we believe won again in 2020,” he continued.

Higgins says the evidence points to FBI undercover agents who planted the seeds of a “radical occupation” of the Capitol online before Jan. 6.

“Some of that evidence shockingly reveals that the FBI agents that were operating undercover within the online groups across the country were the first ones to plant the seeds of suggestions of a more radical occupation of the Capitol.”

One of those FBI “assets” most certainly NOT being great MAGA-American patriot Ray Epps, mind you.

The Feds’ Pet J6 Protester, Ray Epps, Is Sentenced. You’ll Want to Sit Down for This.

Naah, you won’t, no need for it. My bitter, caustic sarcasm just a moment ago notwithstanding, you won’t be at all surprised. Nor should you.

Ray Epps, the federal government’s pet protester, has been granted one of the lightest sentences for a January 6 rioter that we’ve seen yet.

Epps was gifted by federal prosecutors and a D.C. judge with probation for one year. His recent sentencing memo has been widely mocked by imprisoned January 6 protesters, some of whom are still awaiting trial. In fact, he didn’t even have to show up for the sentencing that was done via Zoom.

Epps was “only” charged with one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct, and not the felony the feds have bootstrapped to misdemeanor charges to create an imprisonable offense of interfering with an official government proceeding. Multiple January 6 prisoners have been hit with this Enron-era corporate statute that supercharged the feds’ case against them and imposed decades-long sentences against members of the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, among others.

Indeed, Epps was one of the more prominent provocateurs before and during the January 6 riots that started at the Capitol Complex well before President Trump stopped speaking at a rally about the 2020 election.

Come come, the saintly Ray Epps, a Fed?!? UNPOSSIBLE!!! Why, in the pictures and vids Epps can be clearly seen wearing one of those scary red Trump hats, ferchrissakes! How could anybody in a Trump hat POSSIBLY be an FBI stooge? Or anything, really, but a diehard, violent, ÜberUltraMegaMAGA InsurrectionistRevolutionaryTraitor©? It’s absurd. The honest “journalists” at AP know what’s really going on here, and are courageous enough to spell it out for us. Everybody say it wit’ me now: another RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!

A man targeted by right-wing conspiracy theories about the U.S. Capitol riot was sentenced on Tuesday to a year of probation for joining the Jan. 6, 2021, attack by a mob of fellow Donald Trump supporters.

Ray Epps, a former Arizona resident who was driven into hiding by death threats, pleaded guilty in September to a misdemeanor charge. He received no jail time, and there were no restrictions placed on his travel during his probation, but he will have to serve 100 hours of community service.

Link is to Bonchie at Hot Air and not the original AP item, because fuck them. Bonch has plenty more over at his place, which you should definitely peruse. All in all, though, there really is but one possible conclusion to be drawn by any sensible, thinking person, and it is assuredly NOT the claptrap being pimped by FederalGovCo, its Stasi goons, or its in-house propaganda organs like AP.

Yet more details on this ludicrously not-credible fairy story, so hackishly ginned up as threadbare cover for Deep State manipulation, skullduggery, and treachery—chockablock with video, Tweets, and pics—at the Daily Mail.

I just have to ask again: how in the everlovin’ blue-eyed world did we ever let a Ruling Class this inept, this half-assed, this just plain incompetent steal an entire nation from us, anyway? In the final analysis, it might really be us who should be more ashamed of ourselves than anybody, just for that alone.

Update! Another smelly and telling detail, from Hoft.

As reported by the Gateway Pundit, Epps was just sued by J6 defendant Eric Clark for “Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights.” The case was filed in a Utah Federal Court.

Here’s where it gets shady.

The Gateway Pundit had a tip that Ray Epps was going to be served with the lawsuit at the courthouse during his sentencing. Process servers were hired by the Plaintiff and our reporters were scheduled to be there to capture the moment Epps was served on video. This was all discussed yesterday in private phone calls.

Then like magic, Ray Epps’ Fairy Godmother changed his PUBLIC IN-PERSON sentencing hearing to a REMOTE TELEPHONIC sentencing hearing.

What a coincidence.

Uh-huh. MUST be, right?

It’s like they don’t even care anymore that we know they’re lying to us, so confident and secure in their arrogance are they. This is not, repeat NOT, the behavior of people who are “scared of us” and all our big, bad firearms locked away in the gun safe at home.


A sordid history

Steyn reviews his op-editorializing on the J6 put-up job—of which there’s a gracious plenty, all up to the usual Steyn standard of excellence.

Re Rubio: well, the scene was still unfolding, and you’d have to be made of sterner stuff than a Republican senator not to get swept up in all the shameful-desecration-of-the-world’s-greatest-deliberative-body wankery. But what was Ted Cruz’s excuse when he denounced it, one year later, as a “violent terrorist attack”? Has he ever given a plausible explanation for that? “Oh, sorry, I forgot I was making a public statement. I thought I was just shooting the breeze in the Capitol hot tub with Chuck and Nancy”?

“Violent terrorist attack”? I thought that was Speaker Pelosi’s talking point. Say what you will, but the Dems play the long game very effectively. As opposed to the GOP, who don’t play it at all. Whoever’s waggling the dead husk of a moth-eaten sock-puppet that is Joe Biden planted the word “insurrection” within twenty minutes of the smoke clearing knowing full well its constitutional significance—and here we are three years later with judges and state officials using the term to ban the leading candidate from the ballot in the interests of “saving democracy”. The Maine Secretary of State’s statement is particularly instructive in this regard.

Meanwhile, in Nevada this career thug trying to kill his judge gets more lenient treatment than gran’mas with no criminal records who wandered around “the people’s house” for half-an-hour:

That last bit refers to the Jungle Bunny HoF’er mentioned here yesterday. Next up, another appalling horror-news item I’d nearly forgotten about.

Re that bit about the Capitol Police, the name of that woeful constabulary rang a vague bell with me, and I eventually recalled the last time I’d written about their shooting of a young woman, seven years earlier. Please read on to what I regard as the most repulsive aspect of this story: Congress’s standing ovation for the Capitol Police’s dispatch of that poor defenseless mom. You can read the full column here, but this is the pertinent part:

An unarmed woman was gunned down on the streets of Washington for no apparent crime other than driving too near Barackingham Palace and thereby posing a threat to national security. As disturbing as Miriam Carey’s bullet-riddled body and vehicle were, the public indifference to it is even worse. Ms Carey does not appear to be guilty of any act other than a panic attack when the heavy-handed and heavier-armed palace guard began yelling at her. Much of what was reported in the hours after her death seems dubious: We are told Ms Carey was ‘mentally ill’, although she had no medications in her vehicle and those at her home back in Connecticut are sufficiently routine as to put millions of other Americans in the category of legitimate target. We are assured that she suffered from post-partum depression, as if the inability to distinguish between a depressed mom and a suicide bomber testifies to the officers’ professionalism. Under DC police rules, cops are not permitted to fire on a moving vehicle, because of the risk to pedestrians and other drivers. But the Secret Service and the Capitol Police enjoy no such restraints, so the car doors are full of bullet holes. The final moments of the encounter remain a mystery, but police were supposedly able to extract Ms Carey’s baby from the back of a two-door vehicle before dispatching the defenseless mother to meet her maker.

In perhaps the most repugnant reaction to Ms Carey’s death, the United States Congress expressed their ‘gratitude’ to the officers who killed her and gave them a standing ovation. Back in the Eighties, the Queen woke up to find a confused young man at the end of her bed. She talked to him calmly until help arrived and he was led away. A few years later, Her Majesty’s Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien, was confronted by an aggrieved protester. As is his wont, he dealt with it somewhat more forcefully than his sovereign, throttling the guy, forcing him to the ground, and breaking his tooth, until the Mounties arrived to rescue the assailant from the PM. But, had the London and Ottawa intruders been gunned down by SWAT teams, I cannot imagine for a moment either the British or Canadian Parliament rising to applaud such an outcome. This was a repulsive act by Congress.

Miriam Carey is already forgotten, and the lawyer her family hired has now, conveniently, been jailed for a bad debt. I am not one for cheap historical analogies: My mother spent four of her childhood years under Nazi occupation, and it is insulting to her and millions of others who know the real thing to bandy overheated comparisons. But there is a despotic trend in American government. Too many of our rulers and their enforcers reflexively see the citizenry primarily as a threat. Which is why in Congress the so-called people’s representatives’ first instinct is to stand and cheer the death of a defenseless woman.

Ted Cruz’s anniversary remarks were very much in the spirit of that 2013 Congress. On the broader point, that “despotic trend” I noted a decade ago is well advanced now. I don’t do the constitutional-fetishisation shtick because, aside from anything else, from Miriam Carey to Ashli Babbitt, from Covid to ballot access, it’s increasingly clear that in the pseudo-republic citizens don’t count. Hence the daily scenes at the Rio Grande. Ultimately, open borders render citizenship a nullity. That’s one reason they do it to you.

Hm, lemmesee now:

  • State-sanctioned murder of its subjects
  • Applause for said murder from its well-insulated, invulnerable political class
  • Fraudulent national “elections”
  • Manifestly authoritarian lockdowns, Vaxx and mask mandates, and other unlawful edicts wholly incompatable with the concept of self-government, ordered liberty, and the rule of law
  • Leading opposition candidates barred from running for office via “legal” harrassment, smear and innuendo, and direct declarations of ineligibility issued by state-level officials with no authority to do such
  • A federal intelligence agency in flagrant violation of its own founding charter, which expressly restricts it to foreign surveillance and intel-gathering operations only
  • A heavily-politicized federal police force deployed against the ruling party’s civilian opponents absent indictment, due process of law, or credible evidence of criminal offense
  • An elephantine, lawless, prodigiously-rapacious central government gone rogue: untouchable, unstoppable, and entirely out of control, checked by neither meaningful oversight, periodic impartial review, nor accountability to its tax-slave populace

A credulity-straining litany of shocking malfeasance, shamelessness, and illegitimacy, and we’ve still barely skimmed the surface. SO: anybody out there want to try explaining to me in what sense Amerika v2.0 is NOT a dismal, banana-republic-style shitrapy? Because from where I sit, this one sets a new all-time record for shitrapy-ness.



It’s about damned time somebody said it. Besides me, I mean.

Let’s Stop Using the Words: ‘Trump Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election’
After almost three years — and as Democrats in Colorado and Maine ban Donald Trump from the Centennial State’s ballot — it is beyond time for the media to stop “reporting” that “Trump tried to overturn a presidential election” and to quit referring matter-of-factly: to “the election that Trump lost”; to “Trump’s defeat” and his “baseless” “false claims”; and to “Trump is challenging the results” of “Biden’s victory (in, say, Georgia)” and to “swing the election in his favor.”

It is equally time for news organizations to stop “reporting” that the four (who’s counting?) indictments are nothing more than valid or understandable (if ill-timed) reactions to punish Trump for his (“criminal”) attempts to “disenfranchise voters” and thus “subvert democracy.”

This is not a neutral, objective, and non-partisan view of of the facts of the 2020 election. Far from it. No. It is the (self-serving) DNC version. It is akin to asking “When did you stop beating your wife?”

Phrases like “baseless fraud claims,” “sham election investigations,” and “false claims of election fraud” come straight from the Democrat party. At a minimum, readers and viewers are used to circumspect “allegedlys,” to prudent “reportedlys,” and to cautious “accused ofs“. What happened to them?

Easy-peasy: they’re not useful to D卐M☭CRATs in this instance, so they must be expunged. Temporarily, of course; next time it suits them, their Praetorian Media partners in crime will trot those terms back out to club us over the head with as before.

Remember that his whole message — as was that of the protestors on Jan. 6, 2021 (not a single one of them, to my recollection, brandishing weapons other than cellphone cameras for selfies) — is exactly, or almost exactly, the same — i.e., that it was the Democrats who tried to overturn (and, indeed, who succeeded in overturning) the 2020 election and thus democracy (hence his, and the protesters’, far from unreasonable anger).

We could even use similar wordings: “the election that Biden lost,” “Joe’s defeat,” “false claims,” and “the Democrats tried to change/challenge (and succeeded in changing/challenging) the results.” Indeed, the 45th President called it “stealing the election” and thus…if anyone disenfranchised voters and undermined democracy, it was the party of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.

Yes. YesyesyesyesyesohshitmuddafugginHELL. YES. Every last one of us ought to be out there shouting it from the gott-damned rooftops, each and every time any Lyin’ Liberal, great or small, so much as even attempts that “baseless” bushwa again. Right before we slap the taste right out of his/her/its mouth, of course, in a response we’ll call “mostly peaceful.”

Remember, too, that this ain’t just about Trump, either. At this very moment, there are patriotic Americans doing hard time for the “crime” of exercising their Constitutional right to petition the government for redress of grievances, after being untruthfully smeared as “violent insurrectionists.” All of it, every bit of it, based on nothing but baldfaced lies, used by the Power against these poor victims so as to

  • Disempower, intimidate, and subjugate Real Americans
  • Depose a duly-reelected President
  • Demoralize his supporters
  • Discredit their chosen candidate, and rationalize said candidate’s ongoing persecution
  • Defang the political opposition entire
  • Seize power for a figurehead “president” and his éminence grise puppetmasters

Then again, though, when it comes to the “mainstream” press, such in-your-face propagandizing and manipulation is no more than we’ve come to expect from them. Doesn’t make it any more tolerable or less grating, but it’s nonetheless par for the usual course. The truly confounding thing, at least to me, is why so many otherwise sensible people have just sat silently back and taken it all this time—worse still, that they’ve adopted this patent codswallop themselves, bleating the “baseless claim” mantra like so many hypnotized lemmings as if there had ever been one iota of truth to it. To wit:

The way that even conservative outlets like Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, not to mention RINOs like Mike Pence, buy into and repeat the Left’s “talking points” and double standards is disconcerting. (A WSJ editorial defended Donald Trump against “lawfare” (to wield war on people through the legal system, by imprisoning them or “merely” ruining them, a tactic the Democrats have already used on such Trump allies as Gen. Michael Flynn and Rudy Giuliani) while calling his “post-election behavior” in 2020 “deceitful and destructive” and referring to his “disgraceful” “malfeasance.” While National Review also pushed back against the Trump indictments, all the while feeling the need to point out that it “condemned Trump’s appalling actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election” as well as “Trump’s deceptions”: “Mendacious rhetoric in seeking to retain political office is damnable.”) 

An otherwise outstanding post at the Power Line Blog by the usually outstanding John Hinderaker, gives us, paragraph after paragraph, evidence of cheating and lying by Democrats. And still, that can’t prevent Hinderaker himself from being polite and handing some rope to the opposition, ending said post with the words, Trump’s “obviously indefensible claims,” and with these immortal lines:

In sum, the indictment does not make out a case that Trump is a criminal who should go to prison. But it does make out a strong case that Trump is a dishonest egomaniac with terrible judgment who should never again be entrusted with a responsible government position.

You have just written 15 paragraphs detailing the Democrats’ lying, cheating, and criminal interference in the 2020 election, John Hinderaker — not least in the very indictments that have been served up by Bolshevist prosecutors. Where do those two final sentences fit in except to prove that with enough pressure and broadsides, the Drama Queens’ left-leaning propaganda will overwhelm even the most open-minded and the most honest brain?

Indeed so, good sir, to the eternal disgrace of all who have so docilely gone along with this abominable crime. The esteemed Mr Svane, who I didn’t know about before seeing this excellent piece, goes on at some length from there—all of it every bit as on-target as it is long, long, LONG overdue.

In re the rest of it: gird them loins, load them mags, and stock them larders, people. For Spicy Time cometh, and that right soon, I’m afraid.


The year that was

David Thompson offers a whole year’s worth of reasons intelligent, rational people despair of the very concept of “human” “progress” as nothing more than a laughable conceit.

The year began with a tale of oysters and college lesbianism, via Bon Appétit magazine, in which Brooklynite pronoun-stipulator Isha Maratha was keen to overshare. For Ms Maratha, “My first time eating an oyster was an act of queer intimacy.” Indeed, we were told by an obliging editor, “The act of eating an oyster uniquely and intimately expresses her queerness.” And so, we were regaled, at length, with descriptions of mollusc-gobbling, stolen glances, and lemon wedges being squeezed. “There is something uniquely unspoken,” we learned, “between the eater and the eaten.”

We also pondered mass fare-dodging, now at record levels, and its progressive defenders – including those employed to maintain public transport – and whose pre-emptive disapproval of anyone noticing such crimes was remarkable in its vehemence and uniformity. The effects on social trust of a large and growing minority disregarding the law and norms of behaviour, and doing so with a learned impunity, is apparently something one shouldn’t – and mustn’t – register or explore. Because, in the progressive world, noticing habitual and brazen thievery is much worse than indulging in it. And obviously racist.

And we visited the pages of Scientific American, where wokeness is ascendant and thinking simply isn’t done. In particular, an “important analysis” piece in which we were urged – by Tracie Canada, a “socio-cultural anthropologist” at Duke University – to fret about “the violence Black men experience in [American] football,” and in which we were told that the physicality of the sport “disproportionately affects black men.” This was framed to imply, but never establish, some systemic racial wrongdoing – “anti-Black practices” that are “inescapable” – rather than, say, being an unremarkable reflection of the sport’s demographics, in which, at professional levels, black players are a majority. Or to put it another, no less scientific, way – the risk of injury while playing a contact sport disproportionately affects those who actually play it. When this rather glaring logical error was pointed out by readers, the magazine’s editor-in-chief promptly accused said readers of “systemic racism.”

In February, we encountered a suboptimal substitute teacher named Lydia Lamere – formerly Christopher Lamere – who spent lesson time directing students to his overtly sexual TikTok account, and conscripting middle-school children into his cross-dressing psychodrama. When not discussing “kink” and preferred sexual positions with other people’s eleven-year-old children, Mr Lamere found time to tells us, “I’m not a predator, I’m just a woman who happens to be super tall and hot.”

Matters academic cropped up again via an eye-widening overview of racial “equity” policies in various schools and institutions, where expectations of competence are deemed racist and terribly problematic. In New York City, for instance, thanks to “disparate impact” policies, firefighters are no longer expected to be able to read the instructions on their own firefighting equipment. Likewise, in scrupulously progressive Ontario, it is now illegal to use a maths test to determine whether maths teachers actually possess the knowledge that they are being paid to convey in class. Such is the world of triumphant wokeness, in which “suspending proficiency requirements” – and denouncing diligence and competence as “white supremacy,” a wickedness to be shunned – will somehow “benefit” the children on whom these things are imposed.

We also marvelled at a contrived and unconvincing display of forgiveness by Guardian contributor Anna Spargo-Ryan, whose home was invaded in the night by a gang of sociopaths armed with carving knives. It turns out that when being robbed by habitual predators, the progressive thing to do is to sympathise with the creatures breaking into one’s home and driving off with one’s stuff in one’s own car. Ms Spargo-Ryan was hailed by her peers as a “beautiful person” for gushing with pretentious sympathy for her assailants and for wishing to see the burglars spared the normal corrective consequences, presumably so that they might go on to burgle the homes of others, including her neighbours. Which of course they were busy doing. Though it occurs to me that a person breaking into someone’s home in the middle of the night and stealing their possessions is sending a pretty strong signal about how much concern, or how little, the rest of us should have for that person’s wellbeing.

The Pronoun Game, so very much in fashion, cropped up in March, along with a demand that employers accommodate the made-up identities of insufferable narcissists. Even when those made-up identities can change several times a day, with such changes being signalled via colour-coded pronoun bracelets, pronoun earrings, and other pronoun-stipulating accessories. Accessories that all colleagues would be expected to monitor closely, lest “misgendering” ensue, followed by a visit to Human Resources. A scenario that inspired the question of exactly how much farce in the workplace might be considered excessive.

Thanks to Oxford University’s Department of Biology, we beheld some ostentatious fretting about the “numerous negative consequences” of obscure Latin names that almost no-one knows about. According to Assistant Professor of Conservation Science Ricardo Rocha, some “1,565 species of bird, reptiles, amphibians and mammals” are named after “white, male Europeans from the 19th and 20th centuries,” which is apparently a very bad thing. What with all that whiteness and maleness, you see. This legacy of legwork and exploration is, we’re to believe, oppressing the people of Zimbabwe and Botswana, for whom the Latin textbook names of lizards and beetles are foremost in their minds. We were also assured that would-be botanists and biologists are in some way being psychologically injured by the existence of this Latin taxonomy, and by the fact that much of the “flora of New Caledonia” is “named after a man.”

Read on for the rest of it, there’s lots more yet to come, alas.

Citadel of shite

Clogged to overflowing with the very worst sort of bipedal turds.

As you may recall, on January 6th 2021, I was on air with Tucker as the alleged “storming of the Capitol” was drawing to a close. It was not yet over, but the media had already agreed the Official Narrative – that it was a shameful violation of the most hallowed precincts of “the Citadel of Democracy”. I got sick of that shtick almost instantly:

Mark Steyn rips media’s ‘citadel of democracy’ framing of Capitol: ‘It’s a citadel of crap’

Ah, but I was wrong. It turns out it’s a Citadel of Shags. Headline from The Daily Caller:

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape In Senate Hearing Room

Er, don’t hit the link unless you enjoy that sort of thing. If you think “Filming Gay Sex Tape” is just the usual teasing click-bait for a bit of lame-o soft-focus light-petting, not at all. It’s definitely Not Safe For Work, although evidently it’s safe for government work, as the Senate staffer in question had no qualms about uploading it to the Internet. The setting is the table of the Hearing Room of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That would be the room where Brett Kavanaugh was grilled, and FBI straight-shooter James Comey testified at length and with an impressively straight face about the “Russia investigation”. I have also testified at the US Senate, but can’t remember if it was that room or another. Still, if I’m ever asked back, I’ll remember to bring a couple of moist towelettes to wipe down the furniture.

So, if I understand the social norms of the People’s House, it’s completely unacceptable (and, indeed, a crime) to wander its precincts goofily with a MAGA hat and an American flag; but, if you stop for ten minutes to have anal sex before the Supreme Court nominee hearing re-convenes, that’s perfectly fine – so fine it might be worth entering it in mitigation and getting a couple of years knocked off your sentence. You will get a serious prison term if you put your feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, but not if you climb on, get down on hands and knees, and um…

Useful to know.

The staffer in question, an aide to Maryland Democrat Ben Cardin, one Aidan Maese-Czeropski, responded indignantly on LinkedIn:

This has been a difficult time for me, as I have been attacked for who I love…

In fairness, he was mostly attacked not “for who I love” but for where he loves him. Nevertheless, I assumed that this defence would prove effective – and that no Washington bigshot would dare to pink-slip a gay guy for getting caught being gay. Besides, in the broader sense, in a decadent pseudo-republic with no equality before the law, it seems entirely natural that some citizens rot in gaol merely for passing half-an-hour ambling aimlessly around the People’s House—and other, more favoured citizens can with impunity roger like billy-ho on the very People’s Table that determines the composition of the highest court in the land. The symbolism is too perfect.

Ain’t it, though. Ain’t it just. It’s Steyn, so you know what you must do, Glasshoppa.

Well, well, well, well, WELL

Now we know why they’re so desperately trying to get him locked up and out of sight, on whatever flimsy pretext they can conjure.

Update! Screengrab of the Poso Tweet, in case it doesn’t show up properly for ya above.

“Raising alarms among intel officials.” Yeah, I just bet it did at that, the fucking pond scum. Heartfelt apologies to any gobs of green slime afloat on small bodies of water who might take offense at the comparison.


Follow the money (laundering) trail

Has the wholly corrupt Biden Crime Famiglia finally gotten its collective dick caught in a blender?

Hunter Biden got staggering $4.9M from ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris: IRS whistleblower
WASHINGTON — Hunter Biden received a whopping $4.9 million from Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris in a three-year period, according to an IRS agent who investigated the president’s son for alleged tax evasion.

The revelation signifies a substantial increase in the known amount that Hunter, 53, got from his so-called “sugar brother” after the men reportedly met for the first time at a December 2019 campaign fundraiser.

IRS agent Joseph Ziegler shared the jaw-dropping figure and additional documentation Tuesday with the House Ways and Means Committee in a follow-up appearance as House Republicans near an expected vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden for his alleged role in his family’s foreign dealings.

As part of his Tuesday testimony, Ziegler provided legislators an email showing that as early as Feb. 7, 2020 — two months after they met — Morris was contacting accountants on Hunter’s behalf and warning them to work quickly to avoid “considerable risk personally and politically.”

Ziegler, who investigated Hunter’s taxes for five years before he was removed from the case this year, said the first son’s income from Morris — at least some of it deemed loans — resembled Hunter’s practice of trying to avoid paying taxes on other income by describing it as loans.

“Loans.” I like that one. Man, even when it comes to bribery and influence-peddling the Bidens are fucking incompetent boobs. You’d think with a solid five decades of experience in the field, they’d be a lot better at it than this. And you’d be dead wrong, too.

Ziegler and the rest of his investigative unit were removed from the tax fraud case targeting Hunter, allegedly on Justice Department orders, in May after Ziegler joined his supervisor Gary Shapley in publicly alleging a cover-up involving preferential treatment for the first family.

Because of COURSE they were. Because a hastily-arranged cover up is precisely what it was, as everyone with even half a lick of sense and integrity damned well knows.


Mental hygiene break

When they explicitly threaten to kill you, always, always, ALWAYS take them at their word.

‘Bomb the churches’: Trans-identified man indicted for threats to sexually assault Christian girls
Court docs: Suspect identified as ‘open pedophile,’ vowed ‘many more and larger attacks on Christians’

A trans-identified Illinois man and alleged self-described “pedophile” is facing charges for making social media threats to sexually assault Christian girls and commit copycat attacks similar to the attack at a Christian school in Tennessee earlier this year.

Jason Lee Willie of Nashville, Illinois, was charged Nov. 7 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois with 14 felony counts of interstate communication of a threat to injure, according to a federal indictment.

The threats, which are dated between March and August, include repeated references to Christians, black Americans, the Republican Party, and others.

Among the alleged threats cited in the indictment are threats to “bomb the churches”: “…We’re gonna bomb them, we’re gonna bomb them. We’re gonna bomb the churches. We’re gonna bomb them. You know it. We’re going to kill you…”

In an online video, Willie — who also goes by “Alexia N. Willie,” according to court documents — made reference to “Christian trash,” adding, “They’re transphobic, they’re homophobic, they’re no different than the [expletive] white supremacists….”

The indictment alleges Willie also frequently used racial epithets and threatened to target anyone “with a cross around your neck.”

Prosecutors say Willie also specifically mentioned harming children, with online video threats such as, “…We’re coming for your children. We’re not going to hurt you. We’re not going to hurt you.

“You have to understand, I know how to get to you, and that’s by [pounds fist into palm twice for emphasis] f— your children. By hurting your children. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

In August, Willie made an online video in which he allegedly said, “Well, I guarantee I’ll be in the bathroom raping your Christian daughters and there ain’t nothing you f— can do about it. You hear me?”

According to prosecutors, in another August video, Willie appeared to identify himself as a pedophile when he graphically described sexual abuse toward “little girls” and said, “You guys can’t do nothing about it. I don’t care, I’m openly a pedo. I’m openly a pedophile…”

In another video, prosecutors say Willie said trans-identified people are “tired of being picked on and we’re going to go into the schools and we’re going to kill their f— children out here, and that’s the end of it. 

“We’re at war.”

We are at that, you sick freakazoid. God help diseased scum like you if Normals ever decide to start fighting too.

A pic of this Manwoman is included, and he makes quite a fine-looking, attractive “woman”—for certain values of the words “fine-looking” and “attractive.”

Via Ace, who has much more on this truly sick-making story.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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