WHO didn’t build WHAT again, now?

Joe Biden, Prince of Irony.

Biden Says Trump ‘Didn’t Build a Damn Thing’ in Labor Day Address

Let’s just all bear in mind that the Big Guy© has never held an honest, productive, worthwhile job in his entire fucking life, preferring instead to spend the last fifty years scumming around Mordor on the Potomac seeking bribes, kickbacks, and underage girls to fondle—while Trump was building hotels, apartment buildings, golf courses, resorts, and other useful things, providing gainful employment for thousands of Americans. Which, caught up in the dismal toils of the Biden Economic MIRACLE™, really means something.

Yep, one of these things is NOT like the other, and not at all in the way Lyin’ Jaux and his handlers would have you believe.

President Joe Biden used his Labor Day address to attack his predecessor, Donald Trump, by claiming that the famed real estate mogul “didn’t build a damn thing.”

Speaking in the swing state of Pennsylvania — a heavy working-class state — during a Labor Day rally, President Biden said that infrastructure became a “punchline” under Trump.

“Guess what? The great real estate builder, the last guy here, he didn’t build a damn thing,” said Biden. “Under my predecessor, ‘Infrastructure Week’ became a punchline. On my watch, infrastructure means a decade, and it’s a headline.”

S’cuse me and all, but does anybody even know what that last garblefarggledegook means? Could possibly be the most well-tossed word salad I’ve ever seen.

Biden even went as far as to say that Trump exported jobs to China, even though the former president took a firm stance against exporting jobs to foreign countries during his presidency, especially during the 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. The former president also imposed tariffs on Chinese goods.

“When the last guy was here, you were shipping jobs to China. Now we’re bringing jobs home from China selling the whole country to China, especially the White(bag) House, and just basically doing whatever the ChiComs tell me to do, as always,” Biden claimed.

FIFY, Jao. Uhhhh, sorry, Jaux. This next bit is particularly rich.

It should also be noted that Biden criticized the former president’s decision to shut down travel from China during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency,” he said at the time.

Spewed even as his illegitimate ruling junta is cranking up the hysteria and fear-mongering in advance of the next round of masks, mandates, and lockdowns—another Scamdemic smash-hit playing soon at a theater near you.

I swear to you, this story is not from the Babylon Bee, incredible as that may seem. The scariest thing of all is that you know as well as I do that half the damned country is nodding along in total agreement reading it…and believe themselves to be a damned sight smarter than YOU mouthbreathing, racist, homophobic White Sooperdooperpremacist insurrectionists.


You VILL eat zee bugs, serf!

You’ll pry my cheeseburger from my cold, dead hands, bugmen.

These 14 American Cities Have A ‘Target’ Of Banning Meat, Dairy, And Private Vehicles By 2030
Fourteen major American cities are part of a globalist climate organization known as the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group,” which has an “ambitious target” by the year 2030 of “0 kg [of] meat consumption,” “0 kg [of] dairy consumption,” “3 new clothing items per person per year,” “0 private vehicles” owned, and “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person.”

C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report, which was published in 2019 and reportedly reemphasized in 2023. The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle.

Media coverage of C40 Cities’ goals has been relatively sparse. The few media personalities and news outlets who have discussed it have been heavily attacked by the corporate “fact-checkers.” In a “fact check” aimed at conservative commentator Glenn Beck, AFP Fact Check claimed that the banning of meat and dairy and limits on air travel and clothing consumption were actually “not policy recommendations.”

Climate dystopianism doesn’t end there.

No, of course it doesn’t…because there is no end to these assholes, unless and until they themselves have been ended. But get a load of what at least one of these wormy, meddlesome, über-superior (hey, if you don’t believe it, just ask him) douchebags is cooking up for us lowly peasants.

WEF-linked “bioethicist” Dr. Matthew Liao has proposed the idea of scientists genetically modify(ing) humans to be allergic to meat. Liao has also discussed shrinking the physical size of humans via eugenics or hormone injections so they consume fewer resources.

All of these policy proposals appear even more unreasonable and illogical when we actually evaluate the data. According to the International Disaster Database, deaths related to extreme heat, floods, storms, and droughts have plummeted as C02 emissions have risen. The fossil fuel economy has provided billions of people with heating, air conditioning, weather warning systems, mass irrigation, and durable buildings.

So-called “fossil fuels,” along with the internal combustion engine especially, have in fact been one of the greatest boons inquisitive and creative mankind has ever bestowed on itself, kindling an incredible succession of Great Leaps Forward (a-HENH!) for civilizational progress, prosperity, and general well-being. Their benignant influence is quite impossible to overstate.

Any pampered, cozened Westerner who fails to appreciate and feel humbly grateful for their impact, even while luxuriating in the benefits provided by them, is beyond contemptible. The opinion, on any and every topic, of such a brat—whatever their chronological age and/or level of “education”—not only should but must be immediately dismissed by wiser, more judicious heads as the opinion of a goddamned fool. To treat with them as if they were at all sane, reasonable, or intelligent is a suicidal act.

Oddly enough, there’s at least somewhat credible evidence that those fuels might not even come from fossils at all, and might more properly be categorized as “renewable energy,” even.

Hydrocarbons have been found in great abundance elsewhere in the solar system where there is unlikely to be evidence for life past or present. No fossils involved.

Petroleum and natural gas wells that have gone dry 50 years ago, are found replenishing a fraction of their output. No fossils involved.

Vast biomass of micro-organisms and extremophiles beneath earth surface estimated to be several times the size of the surface biomass found deriving their chemical energy for life from methane and oxygen pulled from sulfates and ferrous oxides. The source of methane way too deep to come from fossils. No fossils involved.

These recent findings and other evidence were foretold by the late scientist and researcher from Cornell, Thomas Gold, who authored “The Deep Hot Biosphere, The Myth of Fossil Fuels”.

After seeing evidence of extremeophiles in relative abundance in even the deepest of mines, Gold ties the sub-surface biosphere to the “Deep Earth Gas theory” to show a more plausible primordial explanation of hydrocarbon fuel formation than the generally accepted “fossil” theory.

He posits that “Hydrocarbons are not biology reworked by geology (as the traditional view would hold), but rather hydrocarbons are geology reworked by biology.” In other words, as in Saturn’s moon Titan and other hydrocarbon rich areas of the solar system, the source of hydrocarbons is primordial; but as they upwell into earth’s outer crust microbial life uses it as energy source.

Now wouldn’t THAT be a kick in the head to the revanchist wannabe Luddites! Maybe Gold is right, maybe he ain’t; I’m by no means qualified to declaim in much depth or detail on his theories. Which admission of fallibility—given the prophets of the Church of the Imminent Climate Apocalypse’s long, unbroken track record of failed predictions conjured from a manifestly-abysmal ignorance of how the biosphere actually does function, their Chicken Little prognistications based entirely on computer modeling and fear—puts me light-years ahead of the climate-science “experts.”

Feel free to corrrect me if I’m misremembering this and all, but weren’t London and/or New York supposed to be A) underwater; B) on fire; C) buried under a mile-thick sheet of ice; or D) subject to widespread famine and near-total depopulation by no later than 2015 or thereabouts? I mean seriously, come ON, people.

Give ‘em credit for sheer, balls-out chutzpah, though. When you’ve been as reliably wrong as they have, across a span of several decades, it takes a certain amount of gall to dare go on with the dire prognosticating. Any normal, decent hoomon bean would be too embarrassed to ever show his face out of doors again with a litany of abject failure and incompetence, untainted by even the vaguest whiff of factual truth or accuracy, so voluminous trailing along behind him.

Yet still they persist, undaunted and unabashed.

The incontinent arrogance of our present-day Leftist Scaremongers Of Science©, bought and paid-for Deep State stooges one and all, is simply staggering. The more sincere (if any) chowderheads among them think they know so very much, but actually know so very little. And even at that, pace Reagan, most of what little they think they “know” isn’t so. Yes, the depth and breadth of human knowledge has expanded exponentially over a relatively short time. So proposed, so stipulated. Nevertheless, we know virtually nothing in comparison with all the things we DON’T know. It’s grating, to put it mildly. Some fraction of these things we probably never WILL know, certain systems, phenomena, and tendencies being beyond human understanding—try as we might, we cannot know everything.

Which never has deterred self-absorbed shitlibs from fervently believing otherwise, the vain, overly prideful wretches. They could never admit that they’re no more than fleas riding on an elephant’s back—they much prefer to kid themselves that they’re driving.

Whenever some assclown climate “scientist” who can’t accurately predict next week’s weather starts in to tell you, with unwavering certitude, all about what it’s surely going to be fifty or a hundred years from now…well, Houston, we have a problem.

Probably the best thing for you to do, should you find yourself buttonholed by one of these wild-eyed climate hysterics amongst the laity who’ve gulped this noxious swill down whole as if it were strawberry shortcake topped with a bodacious dollop of fresh, homemade whipped cream, is to either point and laugh until your ribs ache or just walk away from the nutjob as quickly as you can. Let the raving, ranting whackadoo pester some other unfortunate; you undoubtedly have far more worthwhile ways to spend your time than frittering it away on him and the pseudo-scientific delusions he’s been spoon-fed by iniquitous authoritarians pimping a pre-fab agenda which is entirely devoid of concern for the climate, the future, or poor, forlorn humanity.

No real scientist would dream of contenting himself with the kind of gross, insupportable assumptions about supposedly-anthropogenic Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ that these conniving reprobates routinely trade in. There’s an easily discernible distinction to be made between a scientist and just another politician in a lab coat, though. High time we all started making it, sez I. Those egregious, facile, middle school-level assumptions constitute prosecution’s Exhibit A, fully sufficient in and of themselves to persuade any jury of even inattentive, half-bright oafs to unanimously convict before needing to offer reference to the historical record; statistical patterns; the innumerable deceptions and manipulations cynically perpetrated by the other side; or basic, y’know, scientific fact, the pesky l’il booger.

As for the monstrous Dr Liao, merrily playing God in the most literal of senses with the homo sapiens sapiens species entire, a heaping helping of Tincture of .308 Caliber, administered from far off, would be excellent medicine for him and his demonic ilk. Such as they are as dangerous as they are big-E Evil—diseased in their very souls (if any), and beyond all hope of either remedy or reform.


Vegan sausage? WTF!!!

Some people just can’t deal with being at the top of the food chain. Tough noogies for them, sez I.

The time has finally come when your intrepid food and cooking guru finally puts his money where his mouth is and tries those horrid, soul-killing, culture-destroying, taste-obliterating, post-modern monstrosities that are fake meat.

“Made From Plants.” That’s the full description of this “food,” (ie, Impossible™ breakfast sausage—M) which looked very much like some crap breakfast sausage that had been overcooked and was now rather dry and tough. “Made from plants?” So is steak and pork chops, and I don’t crow about it! But right next door was turkey sausage, which is also an abomination unto the Lord, so what did I have to lose?

A lot! My soul for one. My rapidly diminishing faith in Mankind for another. And more importantly, there was actual real bacon within arm’s reach!

Yeah…I chickened out. Maybe next time.

Heh. I see what you just did there, CBD, and I like it.

What’s always struck me as hilarious about all these “vegan” products is how their manufacturers always desperately (and deceptively) try to market them as almost exactly like bacon, hot dogs, ground beef, sausage, etc. If vegans want to eat meat so badly as all that, maybe they ought to just nut the fuck up and, y’know, eat some fucking meat then, instead of ceaselessly trying to convince themselves, you, me, and everyone else within arm’s reach that no, really, that flavorless, disgusting-looking, dried-out Not Dog or Fakin’ Bacon or whatthefuckever is just as good as the real thing.

Well, no, actually, it isn’t. Not even close. “Vegan alternatives” are usually overpriced, soy-rife, nutrition-bereft chemical compounds engineered and grown by scientists in a chem lab someplace. Do I like vegetables? Of course I do. But most of those Frankenmeats have precious few real vegetables in ‘em. Might not leave room for all that tofu, unnerstand.

Add in the cost of the family-size jugs of Beano you’ll have to buy and gulp down in handfuls to cope with the extraordinary bouts of ass-ripping flatulence those “vegan alternatives” bring on, plus the pallet-loads of Kaopectate to help you deal with the constant drizzling shits you’ll also be plagued by, and pretty soon that “healthy” alternative to real meat is going to put a serious dent in your bank account.

But hey, if it allows the vegan to feel all smug and superior to those barbaric, unevolved omnivores, then it’s a bargain at any price, amIright? Oh, and since I backhandedly mentioned evolution just now, wonder how those “enlightened” vegans explain away the fact that humans are equipped with molars, canines, and incisor teeth, hm?

All in all, I’m firmly and forevermore in my old friend Horton Heat’s corner on all this.


The rot spreads

Rootin’ for Putin? Well, I wasn’t, but after seeing this I am definitely reconsidering my position.

Meet the newest spokesperson for the Ukraine military. Sarah Ashton-Cirillo in a tranny CIA informant and “Progressive Activist” who believes anyone on the right should be thrown in prison.

The Kyiv Post on Thursday tweeted that Sarah Ashton-Cirillo “has become one of the speakers for the Defense Forces,” and his work for Ukraine was soon praised in statements from Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense and Hanna Mailar, a Ukrainian deputy minister of defense. Remember that Ukraine’s President also wants to replace a statue of Catherine the Great with one of a gay porn star.

This shit just makes me want to see Russia win.

Me and you both, buddy, me and you both. For those strong enough of stomach for it, DM’s post includes a pic of the Mannish “Girl” as well.


Miscarriage of justice

Still think the cops won’t happily haul you off to the Amerikan Goolag for crimes against Political Correctness? Better think again, bub.

Wisconsin Teen Arrested While Protesting Outside ‘All Ages’ Drag Queen Event: ‘I Was Arrested For Reading the Bible on the Sidewalk’
A Christian teenage boy was arrested in Wisconsin over the weekend as he read bible passages outside of an “all ages” Drag Queen Dance Party and Drag Storytime Hour. Police officers in Watertown, Wisconsin were captured on video pulling the boy’s microphone out of his hands and walking him away in handcuffs.

Marcus Schroeder, 19, a student at the Institute of Theology in Cape Coral, Florida, told American Greatness in a telephone interview that the police gave him no warning before they cracked down on him and his friends. The teen said he was taken to the police station and cited with unlawful use of sound amplification, and resisting arrest. Schroeder said he was fined “almost $200” for the sound amplification charge and another $500 for resisting arrest. He told American Greatness that he intends to fight the charges in court and some good law firms have already offered to help him.

Two other young people, Nick Proell and Margaret Trewhella, were also briefly detained and released later with a warning.

The drag event was part of the small town’s second annual “Pride in the Park.”

As reported by The Sentinel, the boys are members of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin and were among more than 200 individuals from various groups assembled to protest the city-sanctioned drag show. The event featured transvestites strutting provocatively in front of children.

For any remaining doubters of my opening assertion, here’s vid of the local Gestapo “just obeying orders,” as is their wont.

And now, back to our story.

The Wisconsin chapter of Gays Against Groomers was among the groups protesting the event. The group posted a video on X of one individual wearing a skimpy outfit in front of the kids. “Why dress like this knowing the audience will be children?” GAG Wisconsin wrote.

Good for them. Meanwhile, Wisconsin’s godawful shitlib governor got busy flapping his fat yap, emphasizing a contingent of supposed “Nazi” provocateurs who showed up briefly, then scurried straight on back to FBI HQ.

Local media focused heavily on the appearance of the “Nazis” in their reporting of the event leading Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D.) to issue an overwrought statement.

In a post on X, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D.) said the presence of the Nazis “was disgusting and a direct attack on our state’s LGBTQ community, communities of color, and Jewish Wisconsinites.”

“LGBTQ Wisconsinites deserve to be treated with dignity, decency, kindness, and respect just like every other Wisconsinite,” he said. “They deserve to be safe being who they are without fear or threat of shame, harassment, intimidation, or violence.”

“Dignity, decency, kindness, and respect,” is it? Perhaps if they started conducting themselves that way, Normals would feel more obliged to return the favor in kind. Not until, though. Meanwhile, Schroeder courageously vowed to keep up the fight.

Schroeder said the incident only encouraged him and his Christian comrades to continue their mission with “further boldness.”

“It was worth it. It’s actually an honor to be counted worthy to stand with the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and been arrested for the sake of spreading Christ and his kingdom,” he told the Sentinel. “If the police wanted to try and set an example for others or anything like that, the only thing I’ve seen is actually the exact opposite, where more and more people are seeing the severity of what’s going on and being called to more action.”

Proell (fellow arrestee Nick—M) told The Sentinel that he did not regret his detainment. “I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents,” he said. “God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone.”

“It was worth it. It’s actually an honor to be counted worthy to stand with the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and been arrested for the sake of spreading Christ and his kingdom,” he told the Sentinel. “If the police wanted to try and set an example for others or anything like that, the only thing I’ve seen is actually the exact opposite, where more and more people are seeing the severity of what’s going on and being called to more action.”

Proell told The Sentinel that he did not regret his detainment. “I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents,” he said. “God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone.”

Schroeder told American Greatness Thursday that Christians “no longer have the convenience of staying apathetic to these matters. It’s time for us to take action.”

Time, and way past time. We can only hope we still have time, that we haven’t sat on our hands until it’s too late.


CONFIRMED: pResidentish Joe Biden is a sick pedophile fuck

Well? Somebody had to finally come right out and say it.

Joe and Jill Biden’s daughter Ashley confirmed on an audio recording that the diary she abandoned at a Palm Beach residence is hers, according to a shocking new report by Project Veritas. The investigative news outlet founded by James O’Keefe not only confirmed again that the diary and other belongings left behind at the home were Ashley’s but also included the original call to Veritas’s tip line to prove they hadn’t stolen it.

An audio recording of the woman who called Project Veritas’s tip line on Sept. 3, 2020, said her family knew the people who rented out the house and that Ashley Biden stayed in one of the bedrooms and left behind a diary. On the voicemail, the unidentified woman said, “The diary is pretty crazy. I think it’s worth taking a look at. It’s not a joke, it’s real. I’d love to get it in your hands.”

It sure was “crazy.” Ashley Biden suffered from sexual and drug addictions and wrote in her diary that her dad would often take showers with her. She also wrote that she would wait until late at night to take showers to avoid her dad slipping into the shower with her.

Hrm. Spank my ass and call me Charlie, but this goes a long way towards explaining what the root cause of those “sexual and drug addictions” might have been, doesn’t it?

During its undercover reporting, Project Veritas asked the Biden campaign for a comment. Eventually, that request landed on the desk of Biden’s attorney, Roberta Kaplan. Indeed, when it decided it could not publish the diary, Veritas tried to give it to Kaplan.

On the day Kaplan got word of the diary, she demanded that prosecutors from the Southern District of New York (SDNY) be notified, and documents show that the Feds opened an investigation that same day. Kaplan is also E. Jean Carroll’s attorney, the woman who sued Donald Trump for an attack in a New York department store. It must be nice having your private prosecutors and FBI agents run interference for you.

Well, I mean, DUH. Of COURSE it is; in fact, one might say that it’s one of the greatest perks of being a member of a pseudo-“elite” kakistocracy in control of what’s coming to be among the all-time top three of the very worst authoritarian tyrannies in human history.

Of course, after the raids blew up a news cycle a couple of years ago, the real news of the Ashley Biden diary story, with its sick and telling claims about Joe Biden, became, in the corporate media, a story about Project Veritas “stealing” the diary or “hacking” the diary, when it came from a tipster who had the abandoned diary and sold it to the outlet.

Can anyone deny now that the diary is Ashley Biden’s? What other efforts will corporate media take to hide it?

Any and every one they think the need to use. Funny, innit, how the media used to crow about how good it was at unearthing stories, and now they’ve proved even more adept at burying ‘em.

Joe Biden trades on his family’s tragedies. It appears that with Hunter and Ashley’s problems, he’s the cause.

Exactly, precisely so. When his charred-black soul descends into Hell and he stands before Satan himself, Gropey Grampy is gonna have a great deal of explaining to do, I should think. I know it’s horribly, horribly wrong of me to even think it, but oh, how I’d LOVE to be the proverbial fly on the wall to hear how that conversation goes. Guess I have at least one thing in common with Captain Mal.


Our speech: violence

Their violence: speech. Well, both, actually.

Activists allegedly threaten to ‘dismember’ school board president, kill her kids over trans student policy
President Sonja Shaw claims threats included that ‘your children are going to die,’ and ‘your animals are going to die’

The Chino Valley (California) Unified School District (CVUSD) Board of Education’s new parental notification policy on transgender students is getting backlash from some community members who have reportedly launched death threats against the board president.

The policy adopted with a 4-1 decision last week requires the “principal/designee, certified staff, and school counselors” to, within three days of becoming aware of the preference, notify parents of a student’s decision to identify with a gender that does not directly correspond with their biological sex, use different pronouns or a different name or use locker rooms and/or restrooms that do not correspond with their biological gender.

Days later, CVUSD President Sonja Shaw told “Washington Watch With Tony Perkins” that a death threat against her came through on an anonymous phone call the day after the decision.

“The next morning, our district got a phone call. A lot of things were said, but one thing was very clear — this person was going to kill me, and they said they were going to dismember my body parts, my limbs more specifically,” Shaw told the show on Monday.

“Thank God we have an amazing police department who jumped on it right away.”

Hours later, she checked her district email and found it inundated with threats.

“[Things like] ‘you’re going to die’ with other inappropriate words, ‘your children are going to die,’ and ‘your animals are going to die…'” Shaw continued, telling the show that those behind the threats noted the types of animals she has. Members of Antifa also “declare[d] war” on her, she said.

Lest you think otherwise, the rise of a new TranstiFa mafia is by no means strictly a Califrutopia thing.

“Trantifa,” a combination of transgender and Antifa, denotes a “far-left trans movement spreading across [the] U.S” and “intimidating and physically assaulting those who disagree with them. Trans swimmer Lia Thomas was recently photographed wearing a black T-shirt reading “Antifa Super Soldier.” Call it violence signaling.

“Trans violent militancy is the current focus of #Antifa,” contends journalist Andy Ngo. “They believe that critics of trans ideology should be silenced, maimed or murdered. Some call for sexual violence against females in particular, as revenge.”

In the run-up to the April 1 “Trans Day of Vengeance,” Audrey Hale murdered Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, Hallie Scruggs, Katherine Koonce, Cynthia Peak and Mike Hill. Hale’s manifesto remains under wraps, but her slaughter of six in Nashville could be a sign of “trantifa” violence to come. The struggle against trans hatred and violence is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

Oh, as with any contemporary shitlib cause célèbre du jour you’d care to name (not that you WOULD care to name any), this is much more fundamental and prosaic than that: it’s the struggle of observable reality against daylight barking madness.


Mad, bad, and dangerous to know

For the D卐M☭CRAT criminal organization masquerading as a political party, it ain’t just a mildly-amusing slogan anymore. It’s a way of life.

It says a lot about the modern Democrat Party that its prominent figures like Rep. Eric Swalwell (California representative) and Beto O’Rourke (perpetually unemployed) would actually support and pose for a photo with Stacie Laughton when he was running for a seat in the New Hampshire state house.

For the uninitiated, Laughton has the distinction of being the first transgender person elected to a state legislature. More importantly, he was charged in connection with the sexual exploitation of children, specifically by receiving and talking about explicit photos of children possibly as young as 3 years old. Laughton allegedly obtained the photos in text messages from his then-partner, Lindsay Groves, who authorities say took nude photos of the young minors at a daycare center.

To be mentally ill, dangerous, or both is quickly becoming the norm in Democrat politics. Time magazine on Thursday ran a lengthy, sympathetic profile on Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, who in March mustered the strength to emerge from a mental wellness facility, where he spent six weeks being treated for severe depression. And that was only after suffering a near-fatal stroke that has left him unable to communicate without advanced computer software and nearly incapable of speaking at all.

“For so many years, we have demanded our politicians be perfect—free of scandal, perfectly groomed, never a hair or a word out of place,” wrote Time’s Molly Ball. “To admit to being broken was to admit to being ­deficient. But Fetterman was never the kind of pol who put much stock in seeming perfect.”

That’s not completely accurate. True, Fetterman is a proud slob in his perpetual uniform of a hoodie and basketball shorts that must make his office staff exceedingly uncomfortable every time he moves, but it’s not so much that he doesn’t “put much stock in seeming perfect.” It’s that the media throughout the final months of his 2022 Senate campaign were fully invested in dragging his body across the finish line no matter the cost, even as anyone with functioning eyes and ears could see that he was incapacitated by the deadly stroke and had not recovered.

Oh, well! Democrats had a Senate seat to win. Money is no object, let alone the quality of life of a father of three. Besides, Time and Molly Ball assure us that “many people loved their broken Senator—not in spite of his brokenness but ­because of it.”

Fetterman’s debilitating condition is not a bug. It’s a feature!

From there, the author moves on to “Biden” junta hire Samette “The Brute” Brinton, a clearly disturbed kleptomaniacal cross-dresser whose mental health issues are piled so high, wide and deep modern psychiatry is unable to even catalogue them all, much less treat ’em. And the above compendium of freaks, geeks, and flat-out nutjobs is just the start of it; daylight barking moonbats like Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Anthony Weiner, and HILLARY!™ don’t even rate next to these Ha Ha Hotel habitués, they seem perfectly sane and normal in comparison.

Any poor soul setting out to make a more or less comprehensive listing of D卐M☭CRAT lunatics is gonna have his work cut out for him, to put it mildly.


Bang for the buck

I’ve said several times that, after the tampering/rigging/fraud debacles of ’20 and ’22, the only interest I’ll have in national “elections” going forward will be for their entertainment value, nothing more. Which, for 2024, is already looking as if it might turn out to be much higher than anticipated.

Good news, everyone! Mitt Romney (D, but R when necessary-Utah) has a plan for victory in the 2024 presidential race. That plan involves forcing Trump out of the field of candidates. Romney outlined his pathway to victory in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal. While bemoaning the fact that Trump will likely be the nominee, Romney holds out hope that The Donald can be defeated, provided the race is narrowed down to two contenders before Trump “sews up” the nomination. For that to happen, the mega-donors and influencers in the GOP must convince those candidates who do not have a realistic chance of winning to drop out of the race.

HA! To rejigger that great Morpheus line just a wee mite: Mitt, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

He concedes that this may be easier said than done, but the risk of having expendable candidates in the race is just too high:

There are incentives for no-hope candidates to overstay their prospects. Coming in behind first place may grease another run in four years or have market value of its own: Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum got paying gigs. And as former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu has observed, “It is fun running for president if you know you cannot win.”

Left to their own inclinations, expect several of the contenders to stay in the race for a long time. They will split the non-Trump vote, giving him the prize. A plurality is all that is needed for winner-take-all primaries.

Romney suggests a drop-dead date of Monday, Feb. 26. That is the first business day after the contests in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada. He goes so far as to suggest that donors to lower-tier candidates extract a pledge from them that they will drop out if their prospects are dim after the fateful Monday.

Keep in mind that this is the same guy who was singing the praises of hot dogs just last week. And a man who has not shown his face at a single state or county GOP convention since he ran for Senate. I should know. I’ve been to more of them than he has.

Man, talk about your no-hopers—if ever there was one, it would have to be Mittens Romneycare, whose only real rival in terms of manifestly-doomed pResidential runs was recently-anointed grifter and pedophile Faux Jaux Bribem. As for Too Old Jaux, just a wweek or so ago his handlers announced his intention to conduct his “campaign” for re-“election” from his sarcophagus in the palatial basement of his Delaware home mansion palace, being far too frail and decrepit to actually come outside and attempt to move around any without the risk of falling and breaking his hip yet again.

Which jacks the entertainment value straight up to Everest-level heights.


THAT’S how you do it

No subtitles necessary for this, your Feel Good Vidya Of The Week.

Only one complaint can I make: those fine German lads and lassies who dragged the Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™ assholes out of the fucking street should have beaten said assholes to bloody rags after the FIRST time they picked their sorry selves up and went back out to play in traffic—something their mamas shoulda told them not to ever do, back when they were still young enough to profit by the advice.

I mean, when you find a cockroach in the house you don’t gently pull him to safety outside; you motherfucking crush his nasty ass, wipe up the remains with a paper towel or something, and toss the whole disgusting mess into the trash bin. Same principle applies here, right down the line.


Burn the Transgender coal, pay the Transgender toll

Or: If you Transgenderize it, it will fall.

Not Just Bud Light: Anheuser-Busch’s Other Beer Brands See Sales Crash
As Bud Light continues to face plummeting sales amid a conservative boycott over its collaboration with a transgender influencer, other brands made by parent company Anheuser-Busch are also taking a hit.

Sales of Michelob Ultra fell by 4.3 percent in the week that ended July 1 compared with last year, and Busch Light was down 8.5 percent, the New York Post reported. Both brands are, like Bud Light, owned by the Anheuser-Busch brewing company.

Bud Light this year lost its position as America’s top selling beer. It was the second-best-selling beer in the four weeks leading up to June 3, making up 7.3 percent of U.S. retail-store beer purchases. Bud Light is now no longer one of America’s 10 most popular beers.

Bud Light’s problems come after months of boycotting by conservatives. The brand’s troubles began in April, when its partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney became public. Mulvaney revealed the collaboration on social media on April 1, showing a Bud Light can featuring the influencer’s face. Mulvaney also posted a video drinking Bud Light in a bathtub.

As if an effete über-hipster doofus like Dylan ”Dirk” Mulvaney would’ve ever been caught dead drinking a common-plebe brand like Bumblaster Light anyway, unless he/she/it was getting paid to.

This is the first instance I know of where one of these boycotts has actually accomplished a damned thing other than to make participants feel all smug and righteous, and I must say it’s a beautiful thing indeed. Keep the skeer on ‘em, people; these WokesterCorp™ shitheels really do despise you, so you absolutely ought to give it right back to ‘em, measure for measure and to the very last bitter drop. Kick ‘em in the yarbles, bring the pain, and make them pay, each and every single chance you get. If nothing else, you’ll be drinking much better beer for your trouble.

Update! Lamont the Big Dummy, of course and as usual, has the right of it.

At Instapundit, Steven Green says they should just apologize.

I don’t know if I want a forced apology, which would of course be insincere. And anyway, forced apologies are kind of creepy.

I think I want more: For Anheuser-Busch to declare that men are men, and women are women.

Is that too much? I don’t think so. I don’t want every company to weigh in on contentious social issues. But I would like the precedent set that if a corporation weighs in on a culture war issue, they are now Fair Game to be mau-maued by the right into being forced to weigh in on our side of the culture war issue. Which of course is absolutely hateful to our leftwing corporate “friends.”

Let us make an object lesson out of Tranheuser-Busch, so that other corporations understand: Either avoid weighing in on political issues altogether, or we will fucking force you to propagandize for the social and cultural right.

Which we know you hate. And which will cost you your precious ESG ratings.

You’re advertising your “corporate values”? Well then I insist that your “corporate values” match my conservative values. How you like them apples?

Maybe you better just stay out of it altogether, huh?

Exactly, precisely so. As is so often said of stupidity, “liberalism” too should be literally, physically painful. That only happens if we make it happen, there’s simply no other way. Show them that there will be a cost involved, and perhaps one day corporate America will remember what business it was that they were originally supposed to be in.


The perfect “pResident” at the perfect time

Okay, maybe not “perfect,” precisely. Fitting, appropriate, or consonant, more like. Justified, say.

Consider for a moment, and be grateful for, how perfect “Joe Biden” is as president of this foundering republic. He and his family project the rectified essence of every depravity now driving the life of our nation to some murky bottom, where it may be forced to assess its sorry state, repent, and perhaps recover (or just give up and die). There he stands, without ambiguity or conscience: “Joe Biden,” the personification of a failed state.

As a criminal enterprise, for instance, the Biden family influence-peddling operation among foreign powers reflects exactly the racketeering character of corporate America today — which is to say, making money dishonestly, and often for doing nothing.

The Biden business model also applies nicely to medicine and higher education, two endeavors saturated in prestige and pomp, like the doings in the White House, but which, similarly to that hotbed of policy and action, in the case of medicine, produces shocking amounts of unnecessary death (est. 251,000 a year from iatrogenic treatment errors), and in the case of higher ed, the production of specious and harmful Big Ideas — while both endeavors expand like turbo-tumors within the dying body of an expiring manufacturing economy.

As in the Biden model, dishonesty is now the keystone in both “Meds” and “Eds.” Our public health officialdom hasn’t stopped lying about the Covid-19 episode since it began, and in every aspect from the origin of the disease (if that’s even what it was), to the deaths statistically attributed to it, to everything about the “vaccines” cooked up to stop it. In turn, those officials coerced America’s doctors into withholding the best treatments (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) while applying deadly protocols (remdesivir plus intubation) guaranteed to kill hospital patients — which the government then rewarded with gargantuan bonus payments.

Higher ed has now turned its energies from learning to political activism, meaning the performance of morality preening stunts for acquiring status under the pretense of addressing social problems that boil down to bad behavioral choices and mental illness. Higher ed is now in the business of generating more of both those things in the form of manufactured racial antagonism and sexual torment (in partnership with the medical establishment). All fields of study in college are now racialized and genderized, and all at the expense of organized knowledge, which gets burdened with fatuous theory and spurious crypto-religious missions. The price of admission to this carnival of fakery multiplies at a faster rate than the generalized annual dollar inflation, abetted by federal loan guarantees that “Joe Biden,” in his munificence, seeks to abridge with a jubilee for student debt.

Of course, it’s the fantastic psychodrama within the Biden family that presents the most arresting model for America. “Joe Biden” tells us over and over that he loves his son, who he calls “the smartest man I know.” A father’s love is a wonderful thing, for sure. And yet, is there anything that Hunter Biden has not done to destroy “the Big Guy,” short of, say, driving a number nine knitting needle ear-to-ear through the old man’s skull?

OH NOES, we must all hope and pray that such a thing will never, ever happen. Why, that would be just awful. PLEASE DON’T DO IT, HUNTER! Well, unless an opportunity presents, and you just feel like it that day.

Putting the shoe on the other foot, though: is there anything Pedo Jaux has not done to destroy Hunter? Using his son as a bagman, then glomming a worse than usurious share of those ill-gotten gains for himself; blandly placing him in dangerous situations shaking down ruthless men; idolizing and lionizing his dead brother whilst essentially ignoring him; shaming his entire dysfunctional “family” with all his grifting, his groping, his serial sexual deviancy—time after time, Hunter has been urged into criminal behavior, without even the courtesy of a reach-around for shouldering all that risk.

So if this greatly-put-upon Prodigal did wake up one late afternoon with a sudden irresistible urge to spike the Big Guy’s brain via his crusty earhole, who could really blame him for acting on it?

Meh, then again, it might just be a case of the bad apple not falling far from the poisoned tree. Myself, if the whole damned Organized Crime familia dropped dead five minutes from now, I wouldn’t be shedding any tears over it.


Definitions and re-definitions

Pondering one of the Left’s most effective, reliable, and oft-used tactics. The wind-up:

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and a group of 14 other attorneys general penned a letter to Target CEO Brian Cornell this week expressing concern about the store’s removal of some of its Pride products.

Target lit a media firestorm last month when it announced it pulled an unspecified number of products from its shelves after the company faced “confrontational behavior” at its stores as well as threats of violence on its customer hotline.

While Ellison and AGs from California, New York, Maryland and more offered support for Target’s intention to keep its workers safe, they questioned if Target gave in to threats.

“While we understand the basis for this action, we are also concerned it sends a message that those who engage in hateful and disruptive conduct can cause even large corporations to succumb to their bullying,” the AGs wrote, “and that they have the power to determine when LGBTQIA+ consumers will feel comfortable in Target stores or anywhere in society.”

And then ace relief pitcher Porretto takes the mound to hurl the (red) pill.

Of course, neither Target’s workers nor its (remaining) customers are in any danger. They have no objective reason to feel “unsafe,” regardless of their sexual and political alignments. That’s not the point. The point is to keep the LGBTQ “pride” pressure at the maximum.

The above shows us three important things about the Left:

  1. Agenda: Forcing LGBTQ “pride” crap upon normal Americans.
  2. Priority: Worth involving high law enforcement officials and veiled threats.
  3. Method: Redefining normal Americans’ reactions to “pride” marketing as bullying.

The agenda is plain enough: thrusts by the LGBTQ promoters, particularly the promotion of transgenderism, are very much in the Left’s interest. The priority takes a moment to discern; state attorneys-general are far more significant players in public affairs than most suppose, as the law enforcers of their states answer to them. The method, as it so often is, is the redefining of entirely legitimate consumer behavior – i.e., the choice not to shop at Target – as “bullying,” a prosecutable offense in most states. While it’s rather difficult to prosecute persons whose identities are unknown, that’s a mere detail. The attack rhetoric of the attorneys-general is what matters.

There’s a ball-under-the-shirt aspect to this. Those attorneys-general aren’t aiming at prosecuting consumers for not shopping at Target, an absurd undertaking. Their concern is Target’s response to the loss of consumer traffic. They want the LGBTQ “pride” campaign “out loud and proud,” represented conspicuously in as many retail establishments as possible. Forcing arrant abnormality on normal people requires a massive full-court press.

A-yup, and they never have been exactly shy about implementing it, either. That, along with their dogged, single-minded determination and their eagerness to get down into the mud and fight dirty, are all part of the reason they keep right on winning in their ongoing battle not just with us, but with objective reality itself.


Pride goeth

Hrm, let me see now—goeth BEFORE something or other, wasn’t it? Something like that, I think, can’t recall just what.

LGBT groups are widely supported by every power center in our society. Major banks, corporations, globalist think-tanks and governments all inject incredible amounts of funding into woke projects. Rebels don’t get support from the establishment power structure, only useful idiots do. And this time the establishment is using leftist activist idiots to target the western world with the same tactics it has applied against other nations.

But how does Pride really undermine our civilization?

First, the basic mantra of Pride is…well…pride. Pride is a failing and a weakness, not a virtue. I’m not sure why someone should have any pride in their sexual proclivities. Being gay does not make you special. It makes you a minority, but it’s not an accomplishment that deserves a parade or an entire month on the calendar. The saying “Pride comes before the fall” exists for a reason; self aggrandizement based on zero accomplishment and delusions of entitlement lead to a path of self destruction.

Second, Pride activists are rebels without a cause. There are no rights under the law in the west that gay and trans people don’t have. Zero. Zip. Zilch. In other words, they must now create reasons to rebel from thin air. So, what is all the whining and rage about? What do these revolutionaries do after they have already been given equal rights? As far as I can tell, the LGBT+infinity movement is now dedicated to targeting and indoctrinating (grooming) children.

Nearly every law recently passed in conservative states dealing with LGBT issues specifically protects children from ideological brainwashing in public schools, or prevents the chemical and surgical mutilation of their bodies in the name of gender politics. Trans activists refer to such laws as “genocide.”

Why? Perhaps because they know that in order to perpetuate their numbers they MUST groom kids into the fold. A large percentage of LGBT devout have no children and will never have children. So, the only way they can continue their cult is to hijack the minds and bodies of other people’s children.

This is the hill leftists have chosen to die on, and for good reason – Any successful color revolution requires the support of the youth. If you can turn a society’s children into soldiers for the cause, it is much more difficult for that society to fight back. The natural inclination of most adults today is to bend to the whims of their kids, not go to war with them. The problem is that many kids are generally ignorant and inexperienced. They are easily manipulated and easily used, and are more likely to be exploited for ill purposes by evil people.

Third, the primary tool for pursuing and brainwashing western youth has been the public school system, and more specifically the teachers and teachers unions. The speed at which public schools are now openly embracing far-left ideology is shocking, and it is all due to the teachers. Understand that public schools have your kids for half the day, while you might be lucky to get a couple hours with them per day on average. Most parents work hard, and don’t have time to keep track of their kid’s personal lives and who is influencing them.

Leftist teachers argue that sexualized discussions in class should be protected as a form of civil rights activism. They say it is discriminatory to block lessons on LGBT issues and gender identity issues. This is obviously nonsense. There is absolutely no reason for teachers to be talking to students about sexual subjects, whether gay or straight, and there is zero concrete evidence to support gender fluid theories. Again, this is ideology, not science.

In a strange method of circular defense, leftists often argue that children are far more at risk from religious “groomers” such as Catholic priests. As if to say, “Hey, they do it, why can’t we?” It’s a common retort, but a false one.

According to studies cataloging child sex crimes Public School TEACHERS are 100 times more likely to sexually abuse children than Catholic priests. And guess which political party teachers unions give 94% of their donations to? Yes, the Democratic Party.

Surveys show a massive imbalance of leftists in education. Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican. Among math and science teachers there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans. The bottom line? The woke problem among children in the US is primarily a teacher problem. Get rid of the leftist teachers and you get rid of the problem.

Fourth, the basis of the Pride movement, beyond pride itself, is exaggerated sexuality for gays in an era of oppressed sexuality for straights. Have you noticed that straight people (especially straight men) are now heavily admonished for any expression of desire, while gay people are allowed to flaunt their sexuality in the streets, even in front of children? There is a grotesque double standard being put in place which glorifies gay sexuality while straight sexuality is attacked.

The elephant in the room here needs to be addressed, which is that a society that is conditioned to be increasingly LGBT, or that transitions people from childhood using indoctrination, surgeries and hormones is going to have collapsing population numbers. And maybe that is one of the establishment’s goals – To make the west infertile.

Well, hey, what better way to destroy Western Civ in toto? Y’know, exactly as The Plan I keep harping on explicitly urges.

SO. Anybody out there still doubt that this really is a bona fide war being waged against us, folks? Or that Real Americans who believe said civilization to be worth defending better damned well get it in gear and starting fighting back against The Enemy, with a quickness?

Anybody? Bueller…?


Undergroundwater railroad

Delusional, or visionary? I report, Stephen Green derides.

Biden Wants to Build an 8,000-Mile Ocean Train, and I Say Let’s Do This!

Me too, whatever “this” may turn out to be.

On today’s installment of “What the Hell Did Biden Actually Just Say?” we have the alleged president of the most powerful country in the world announcing his plan to build, and I quote, “a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean.”


Those are his own words. This isn’t some Deep Fake video; it’s Presidentish Joe Biden speaking Wednesday night at the League of Conservation Voters’ annual Capital Dinner, whatever that is.

The icing on the Ocean Train cake is that massive solar farm in Angola that Biden is going to build just because those jerks next door in Namibia said it couldn’t be done.

Imagine the convenience and savings of boarding a train in Los Angeles bound for Honolulu, where you could spend the first night of your rail voyage stuffing your face with poi before heading off to your final destination: beautiful downtown Kochi, India.

Not that there isn’t a kink or two in Biden’s Ocean Train.

Aww. Party pooper. Spoilsport. Wet blanket. Naysayer. Dream-killer. I say we’ll never get anywhere as a nation if we don’t indulge every demented fantasy our beloved, got-it-together pRetend ***”pResident”*** can weave out of whole cloth, no matter how self-evidently preposterous it might be. DID YOUR HARD-NOSED PRAGMATIC REALISM PUT A MAN ON MARS YET, SMART GUY?!? Yeh, I didn’t THINK so. So, y’know, there.

Update! Ace speculates on what might really be going on with this arrant horseshit.

So what is Biden talking about?

A friend tells me we’re missing the real story. He says Biden is there vowing…to help China complete its “Belt and Road Initiative,” its bid to secure a big chunk of the world’s resources by building highways and railroads through Asia and Africa.

Here are his fuller remarks:

“China has their Belt and Road Initiative. It turned out to be their debt and destruction initiative. No, I’m serious. Not a joke. Well, we’re going to win, and we’re going to help.

We have plans to build a railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean. We have plans to build in — in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world. I can go on, but I’m not. I’m going off-script. I’m going to get in trouble. (Laughter.)”

“We’re going to help” — we’re going to build the road network to feed China with mineral resources, because they’ve bankrupted themselves doing so. So we’re going to help and build that for them.

Makes perfect sense to me—insofar as anything Blibberin’ Biden ever says or does can be said to make sense, that is.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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