Hrm, let me see now—goeth BEFORE something or other, wasn’t it? Something like that, I think, can’t recall just what.
LGBT groups are widely supported by every power center in our society. Major banks, corporations, globalist think-tanks and governments all inject incredible amounts of funding into woke projects. Rebels don’t get support from the establishment power structure, only useful idiots do. And this time the establishment is using leftist activist idiots to target the western world with the same tactics it has applied against other nations.
But how does Pride really undermine our civilization?
First, the basic mantra of Pride is…well…pride. Pride is a failing and a weakness, not a virtue. I’m not sure why someone should have any pride in their sexual proclivities. Being gay does not make you special. It makes you a minority, but it’s not an accomplishment that deserves a parade or an entire month on the calendar. The saying “Pride comes before the fall” exists for a reason; self aggrandizement based on zero accomplishment and delusions of entitlement lead to a path of self destruction.
Second, Pride activists are rebels without a cause. There are no rights under the law in the west that gay and trans people don’t have. Zero. Zip. Zilch. In other words, they must now create reasons to rebel from thin air. So, what is all the whining and rage about? What do these revolutionaries do after they have already been given equal rights? As far as I can tell, the LGBT+infinity movement is now dedicated to targeting and indoctrinating (grooming) children.
Nearly every law recently passed in conservative states dealing with LGBT issues specifically protects children from ideological brainwashing in public schools, or prevents the chemical and surgical mutilation of their bodies in the name of gender politics. Trans activists refer to such laws as “genocide.”
Why? Perhaps because they know that in order to perpetuate their numbers they MUST groom kids into the fold. A large percentage of LGBT devout have no children and will never have children. So, the only way they can continue their cult is to hijack the minds and bodies of other people’s children.
This is the hill leftists have chosen to die on, and for good reason – Any successful color revolution requires the support of the youth. If you can turn a society’s children into soldiers for the cause, it is much more difficult for that society to fight back. The natural inclination of most adults today is to bend to the whims of their kids, not go to war with them. The problem is that many kids are generally ignorant and inexperienced. They are easily manipulated and easily used, and are more likely to be exploited for ill purposes by evil people.
Third, the primary tool for pursuing and brainwashing western youth has been the public school system, and more specifically the teachers and teachers unions. The speed at which public schools are now openly embracing far-left ideology is shocking, and it is all due to the teachers. Understand that public schools have your kids for half the day, while you might be lucky to get a couple hours with them per day on average. Most parents work hard, and don’t have time to keep track of their kid’s personal lives and who is influencing them.
Leftist teachers argue that sexualized discussions in class should be protected as a form of civil rights activism. They say it is discriminatory to block lessons on LGBT issues and gender identity issues. This is obviously nonsense. There is absolutely no reason for teachers to be talking to students about sexual subjects, whether gay or straight, and there is zero concrete evidence to support gender fluid theories. Again, this is ideology, not science.
In a strange method of circular defense, leftists often argue that children are far more at risk from religious “groomers” such as Catholic priests. As if to say, “Hey, they do it, why can’t we?” It’s a common retort, but a false one.
According to studies cataloging child sex crimes Public School TEACHERS are 100 times more likely to sexually abuse children than Catholic priests. And guess which political party teachers unions give 94% of their donations to? Yes, the Democratic Party.
Surveys show a massive imbalance of leftists in education. Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for every three Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican. Among math and science teachers there are 87 Democrats for every 13 Republicans. The bottom line? The woke problem among children in the US is primarily a teacher problem. Get rid of the leftist teachers and you get rid of the problem.
Fourth, the basis of the Pride movement, beyond pride itself, is exaggerated sexuality for gays in an era of oppressed sexuality for straights. Have you noticed that straight people (especially straight men) are now heavily admonished for any expression of desire, while gay people are allowed to flaunt their sexuality in the streets, even in front of children? There is a grotesque double standard being put in place which glorifies gay sexuality while straight sexuality is attacked.
The elephant in the room here needs to be addressed, which is that a society that is conditioned to be increasingly LGBT, or that transitions people from childhood using indoctrination, surgeries and hormones is going to have collapsing population numbers. And maybe that is one of the establishment’s goals – To make the west infertile.
Well, hey, what better way to destroy Western Civ in toto? Y’know, exactly as The Plan I keep harping on explicitly urges.
SO. Anybody out there still doubt that this really is a bona fide war being waged against us, folks? Or that Real Americans who believe said civilization to be worth defending better damned well get it in gear and starting fighting back against The Enemy, with a quickness?
Anybody? Bueller…?
Failure, for America and Americans, is The Plan™.
I’ve been saying that for years now.
Ever since I read about The Great Reset. Which is just a restatement of things people like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Schwab, Soros, Bezos etc have been pushing for decades.
New, and pertinent Carlson episode is up:
These freaks and mentally ill nuts exist because we pay them to exist. None of these retards could get a job anywhere, so they are on government “assistance” almost exclusively. Take a look –