A trifle too Satanic?

I’d say so, yeah.

Target needs to experience a Bud Light movement
It seems to me that Target, the well-known department store chain, is actively working against normal people and seeking to impose an anti-Christian, “woke”, sometimes blatantly pro-perversion ethos on its customers and our nation. Not content with “selling ‘tuck-friendly’ bathing suits, LGBTQ onesies for babies, ‘trans power’ T-shirts [and] drag queen books for young children”, the chain has now hired an openly Satanist designer to offer LGBTQ gear in its aisles.

The garments are from a company called AbPrallen, run by someone who gives his name only as “Erik”. I’ll let him describe his beliefs in this description of one of his T-shirts.

Satan Respects Pronouns Tee

Satan loves you and respects who you are. You’re important and valuable in this world and you deserve to treat yourself with love and respect.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about The Satanic Temple, and to a lesser extent, The Church of Satan, how they’re so frequently misunderstood and demonised (pun not intended) and how LGBT+ people are so often referred to as being a product of Satan or going against God’s will.

Satanists don’t actually believe in Satan, he is merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty. He means to you what you need him to mean. So for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love.

So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people. The Church of Satan openly accepts LGBT+ people, it has done since it was created in the 60s and the more recent Satanic Temple accepts them too, with open arms.

I’ve always loved the juxtaposition of “creepy” or “weird” things being presented as soft or cute and personally I think Baphomet, a mystical deity, looks very charming in their pastel colours; Baphomet themself is a mixture of genders, beings, ideas, and existences. They hardly fit into binary stereotypes.

So, Target regards a person with those views as someone who’s ideally positioned to sell products to their customers; and those who buy those products are, with their consumer dollars, supporting those views and enabling “Erik” to go on propagandizing them.

Okay then, how Satanic does Target need to be in order to be considered TOO Satanic? I mean, this definitely crosses my own personal threshold, but YMMV.


ANOTHER idea whose time has come…and gone

Lock. Her. Up.

It’s Time for Hillary to Pay for What She’s Done to America
Hillary Clinton lied. She knew Donald Trump was not a Russian spy. Trump knew she was lying. The FBI knew she lied but went after Trump anyway. The CIA knew she lied. President Barack Obama knew she lied. Joe Biden knew she lied. The FBI covered up for her. The CIA covered up for her. The DOJ covered up for her. Barack Obama covered for her and so did Joe Biden.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying,” according to the sardonic epigram attributed to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

He was describing life and imprisonment under Stalin. But it’s an apt description for the Democrats’ reign at Main Justice and the FBI. There’s justice and then there’s just us. America has sunk to new depths of political depravity, treating members of one political party differently from another, as pointed out in the Durham Report.

Justice without fear or favor, Merrick Garland? My ass.

Durham wrote the “Clinton Plan” was conceived to distract from her very real and very illegal destruction of evidence — her emails — which were under a preservation order. “According to the declassified Clinton Plan intelligence, on July 26, 2016, Clinton allegedly approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Clinton’s apparatchiks, including Jennifer Palmieri, John Podesta, and Jake Sullivan, told the Special Counsel they knew nothing of the plan to distract from Hillary’s email scandal, describing such a plan as ridiculous. Durham found their protestations ridiculous.

But it’s about time someone paid for all this lying which has corroded the very depths of the “intelligence community,” especially the FBI, and the body politic as a whole – reaching the top of the Obama White House when then-CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Obama about the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

None of these privileged Washington swells is going to the D.C. Gulag with the January 6ers. None has apologized to the American people or Donald Trump for putting them through this roiling cauldron of chaos.

Who should pay?


Au contraire, mon cher; if there were still any semblance of justice left in this notional “nation,” Her Herness™ would be but the first on a long, long list of defendants sweating it out in the dock awaiting their day in court. What does it say about Amerika v2.0—perhaps even worse, what it does it say about us—that every single last man Jack of us knows perfectly well that not a single one of them will ever face even so much as a light slap on the wrist or a mild, half-hearted scolding from a judge for their treasonous crimes?

Those rowdy, exuberant Trump-rally chants of “LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP!” have never sounded so hollow.

Speaking of long, long lists, the good folks at The Federalist also have one that’s worth pondering (via Insty).

The fact of the matter is, if you trusted any of the above-named blaggards, scoundrels, and Deep State crawly things even before Hillarygate and her entirely manufactured Russia Collusion hoax was perpetrated, you definitely weren’t paying close enough attention.

Will it NEVER end?

A: No. No, it will not.

Adidas on Wednesday became the latest woke, globalist corporation to shove the radical left trans agenda in America’s face.

The company decided to feature an ugly biological male who calls himself a woman as their newest female swimwear model.

As Fox News reported, Adidas collaborated with radical South African designer Rich Mnisi to release the “Let Love Be Your Legacy” collection and campaign. The company claims to want to “encourage allyship and freedom of expression without bias, in all spaces of sport and culture” with its campaign with Mnisi.

Mnisi said this in an Adidas news release:

In creating this collection, I had a strong impulse to speak to my inner-child and express to the world how LGBTQ+ allyship can create a legacy of love. “Unifying these themes together through my own visual language and Adidas’ iconic performance and lifestyle pieces is a powerful combination, making the collection a symbol for self-acceptance and LGBTQ+ advocacy. My hope is this range inspires LGBTQ+ allies to speak up more for the queer people they love and not let them fight for acceptance alone.

In classic woke speak, this means replacing attractive females with hideous males dressing up as women.

Because hey, as the classic Irving Berlin show-tune almost but doesn’t quite say: anything girls can do, men can do better. Among the responses over at GP is this gem.

Heh. Sure, why the hell not.


The wrong question

PJM’s Kevin Downey ax’s it.

The Warped Unreality of the Leftist Mind: How Many Lies Will These Idiots Swallow?

A: All of ‘em, as many as it takes. The REAL question, though, is: How many can they make the rest of us swallow, or at least pretend to?

There are people who can’t admit when they are wrong. Some folks are reluctant to admit they’ve been conned. But pinkos are emotionally weak toilet people who tie their political leanings to their self-esteem. They’ll swallow lie after lie, lest their political peers call them a horrible name — like, say, a “conservative.”

In other words, the Bolshies will eagerly lap up lefty lies to stay in the commie club, because it’s better than being considered a (gulp) Republican.

When asked why he was having trouble with working-class voters in the Midwest, then-president Obama said the following:

And it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

In one sentence, the great orator managed to remind threaten people that those who do not vote for him are to be considered angry, racist, xenophobic, gun-toting hillbillies. Mind control 101.

Leftists also need to feel they are better — dare I say superior — to someone, and that someone is you.

The better to see hear genocide you with, my dear.


Just. Don’t. DO it

Reason #8,741 why you never, ever, EVER try to rob a gun store.

How do gun shops prevent a person from simply walking in, asking to look at a gun and some bullets, then holding up the store owner with the weapon?
You know, this is funny. I was actually in a gun store when something almost exactly like this happened.

It was a fairly large store, with the owner and 4 other sales clerks behind the counters. I was with a friend who was there to pick up a shotgun he’d ordered. A guy walks in and asks to see a Colt .45 Model 1911. The clerk opens the glass, retrieves the pistol, and performs the necessary check, then lays the gun on the counter for the man. He picks it up, looks it over and says “Perfect…I like it.”

He then reaches into his pocket, pulls out a loaded magazine, and inserts it into the gun, then slides a round into the chamber – all pretty darned smooth and quick. He then points it at the clerk and says, “I’ll take it.”

The clerk just shrugged, and nodded past the guy. He backs off a bit, and then looks around the store. Every other clerk was armed, and had pistols pointed at the guy. Every customer had been ushered quickly behind counters or racks out of the way, without any fuss or noise. When the guy looked back at the clerk, he now had HIS pistol out and pointed at the guy. My friend and I were both trying not to laugh at this point.

The owner then starts walking towards the guy, with his hands up. He’s explaining to the guy how badly this is likely to go for him, and points out that he is seriously out-gunned, and he is definitely NOT leaving the store with that firearm. He speaks calmly, gently…and slowly reached out and took the gun from the guy without resistance at all. He then politely asked him to get on the floor, and told one of the clerks to call the police.

Found out later the store owner was a veteran, and the other sales people were either veterans or retired cops. All in all, I was never worried, scared…no, I was amused. And so were the cops, when they showed up (greeting the owner by name as they came in), wondering who’d try to rob a gun store.

I still wonder about that myself, some 30 years later, to be honest.

A gott-damned idiot, that’s who, and nobody whatsoever else. Period fucking DOT, as Ringo always says.


The long-awaited reckoning

Jeff despairs of it ever showing up.

We are under relentless assault by the ugly and the diseased.

The broken among us have marshaled their armies, collected through screens and keyboards, millions of distinct wretches pulled from failure’s depths into concert by the common causes of envy and emptiness. They are the cacophony of evil rendered into reels and TikToks and Instagram influencers.

They hate your grace. They hate your having purpose. They despise your contentment, happiness, security, drive, commitment, capacity to love, to empathize, to nurture, to accept. They hate that you won’t share in their misery, or celebrate their perversions. They demand their grubbiness be normalized across society. They seek to make themselves Law. They are demons. And they are legion.

We are under relentless assault by the ugly and the diseased.

Science is rejected. Reason is reduced to a tattered construct, its threads frayed and its fabric disintegrating under the strain of centuries-long wear. It is the protective garment we failed to care for. And its ruin lays us bare.

Truth is contingent, and the real, unknowable. The world is a tissue of grievances and warring wills. Of oppressors and oppressed. Of masters and slaves. Power is the one true thing. It is its own metaphysics.

The broken among us have issued their call to arms. They have declared war on the normative, the natural, the real, the actual. They seek your surrender. They demand your submission. They have the force of a folly we watched them beatify — and the apparatus of raw power available to normalize that folly, to weaponize it, to wield it like a cudgel.

They have their acolytes, their clergy, their Praetorian Guard, their cynical benefactors writing off tithing on their taxes, the cost of doing business. And we did nothing as they slithered into their strongholds.

We slept while they erected their clumsy tyrannies.

Which will only make it that much harder to bring them tumbling down. Nonetheless, one way or another, down they will certainly come a-tumbling anyway, whether of direct action at long last taken against them or of their own dead, dreary weight. T’was ever thus.



The Jew confession.

Maybe It’s Time To Fess Up, We Jews DO Run The World
As an American Jew whose family immigrated to the United States from Russia and Ukraine, the anti-Semitic words by people like Kanye initially horrified me. Still, I now realize that the time to be horrified is over. It is high time to fess up and tell the world the truth:

We Jews do run the world. And we’ve been running things for a very long time, manipulating world events for our own needs. It’s time to reveal the truth that many famous people now and throughout history were actually Jewish — part of the plot to perpetuate the myth and keep us in charge.

Martin Luther – yep, a Jew! But that one was pretty obvious. After all, he is famous for quitting his church to form a new one. Ever talk to a Jew about where he prays? He will tell you about the Synagogue he goes to and the one he would rather die than set foot in.

George Washington? Jewish, of course. James Monroe and Abe Lincoln also (take a look at their noses), So was John Adams (a short obnoxious guy whose real name was Ruby).

Napoleon was a Jew — no wonder he wanted to reconvene the historic Jewish court, the Sanhedrin. The French Emperor had this nervous habit of always playing with the Star of David hanging on a chain around his neck. The guy would look ridiculous, always sticking his hand in his shirt to play with the Star.

Most people don’t realize this but the Pope and all the Catholic Cardinals…members of the Tribe! You ever notice what they wear on their heads? Red Yarmulkes!

You know that famous picture of Bigfoot walking through the forest? I hate to disappoint people but it was a Jew in a costume. He was on the way to the international convention of the Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy (WWJC) and put on an Ape costume so people wouldn’t know about the convention.

See, I knew it, dammit, I KNEW it all along!

Note ye well though, folks, that I’ve been kicking around the ol’ blogosphere long enough now to remember back when The Lid blog was called “Yid With Lid.” So, y’know, you just can’t trust anything those Heebs say. Including the above jewa culpa.

All joking around aside, CF Lifers know by now that I have little to no patience with all that “the international Jew conspiracy is the cause of all our problems” schtuff out there. For one thing, it smacks too much to me of the selfsame thing the nig-nogs are constantly whining at Whitey about to ever ring true to these ears. For another, at least some of those Jew-under-every-bed folks insist that we’d be far better off to dump the treacherous, scheming, greedy Israelis and align ourselves with our True Allies™ over in the ME Sandbox—Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al.

Really, I ain’t kidding, I’ve seen ’em do it myself. To which I can only say…

Ummm, yeah, no.

As I’ve so often screamed at this impenetrable brick wall, it ain’t Jews you gotta worry about
—it’s liberals, be they Jewish, Episcopalian, Catholic, or what the hell ever else. We got plenty enough to be going on with dealing with the real menace to be frittering away any time or effort on made-up ones, that’s what I believe. But YMMV, I suppose.


Get me rewrite!

A hilarious story of cultural re-appropriation.

Egyptians complain over Netflix depiction of Cleopatra as black

A Netflix docudrama series that depicts Queen Cleopatra VII as a black African has sparked controversy in Egypt.

A lawyer has filed a complaint that accuses African Queens: Queen Cleopatra of violating media laws and aiming to “erase the Egyptian identity”.

A top archaeologist insisted Cleopatra was “light-skinned, not black”.

But the producer said “her heritage is highly debated” and the actress playing her told critics: “If you don’t like the casting, don’t watch the show.”

Adele James made the comment in a Twitter post featuring screengrabs of abusive comments that included racist slurs.

Cleopatra was born in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 69 BC and became the last queen of a Greek-speaking dynasty founded by Alexander the Great’s Macedonian general Ptolemy.

She succeeded her father Ptolemy XII in 51 BC and ruled until her death in 30 BC. Afterwards, Egypt fell under Roman domination.

Macedonians being, y’know, Greeks, and Greeks being, y’know, decidedly not black. But hey, nig-nogs gotta nig-nog, amIright?

Jada Pinkett Smith, the American actress who was executive producer and narrator, was meanwhile quoted as saying: “We don’t often get to see or hear stories about black queens, and that was really important for me, as well as for my daughter, and just for my community to be able to know those stories because there are tons of them!”

Fuckin’ Jada Pinkett Smith. Groan. I mighta known. Poor old Will badly needs to get that saucy ho’ of his under some kind of control; she’s causing chaos and doing damage everywhere she goes.

But when the trailer was released last week many Egyptians condemned the depiction of Cleopatra.

Zahi Hawass, a prominent Egyptologist and former antiquities minister, told the al-Masry al-Youm newspaper: “This is completely fake. Cleopatra was Greek, meaning that she was light-skinned, not black.”

Mr Hawass said the only rulers of Egypt known to have been black were the Kushite kings of the 25th Dynasty (747-656 BC).

“Netflix is trying to provoke confusion by spreading false and deceptive facts that the origin of the Egyptian civilisation is black,” he added and called on Egyptians to take a stand against the streaming giant.

Okay, turnabout being fair play, then, I very much look forward to another upcoming release.

Ace says fans are calling it “the role Ryan Gosling was BORN to play,” and not even knowing who the hell Ryan Gosling might be, I surely can’t dispute that. In fact, I’d go so far as to say the same about whoever that melanin-challenged chick is that’s playing Moo’ch’elle in the trailer, also.

As for Will Smith, I’ll never forgive the punk-ass bitch for ruining Wild Wild West forever by hijacking Robert Conrad’s classic Jim West character, no good reason for the usurpation ever offered. I lovedlovedLOVED that show as a kid, and never missed a rerun for years afterward as an, um, alleged “adult.” So as far as I’m concerned, he and Pinkett Smith purely deserve each other, and may they have joy of their choice.

Update! Unrelated, yes, but it all put me in mind of another fine old Robert Conrad vehicle: namely, the mighty F4U Corsair.

Heh. What a great show that was. If Jada Pinkett Smith, or anybody else for that matter, ever decides to redo Pappy Boyington as a Nee-grow PoC (actually, COL Boyington was part Sioux Injun, but still), I’ma have a real problem with it.

Harbingers of doom

That would be shitlibs, whose endless, depthless misery is just begging to be shared with the entire world.

From the ‘Everything Enjoyable Is Bad for You’ Files: New Car Smell Gives You Cancer
The famed fictional advertising wizard Don Draper said it in Mad Men: “You know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a new car.” But that TV series was a long time ago and the time it depicts even farther from ours. Now we live in a sadder, more fragile age, in which even the smallest pleasures are to be denied us. The new car smell is no longer the smell of happiness; it is the stench of cancer, decay, and death. Welcome, Don Draper, to the enlightened twenty-first century.

The UK’s Daily Mail reported Friday that a new study has made a grim discovery: “The much-loved smell of a new car is caused by cancer-causing chemicals.” Well, of course! What pleasure, large or small, hasn’t been touched by the Left’s obsession with doom? Take weather reports. On warm, sunny days even just a few years ago, TV weather maps were green and pleasant, studded with images of smiling suns and blooming flowers. Now, for exactly the same temperatures, they are full of oranges and reds and images of extreme heat, working hard to sell climate change hysteria.

Major sports have not only been thoroughly politicized, but they have also become the vehicles for the same buzz-killing hysteria. Were you excited about the beginning of a new baseball season? Not so fast: AccuWeather wanted you to know that “MLB season is here: Experts warn lightning is a danger at games.” Now, maybe it really was true that “upwards of 90% of the lightning that happens in the United States, specifically the lower 48, occurs during baseball season,” but life is fraught with risks. Do the guardians of acceptable opinion want us to live in fear, cowering in terror at the prospect of a sunny day and forgoing a happy outing to a baseball game for fear of being struck by lightning? Why, yes. Yes, they do.

In line with the overall atmosphere of fear and gloom, the Daily Mail explains that “a cocktail of leather and plastics creates a gasoline-like odor which becomes more intense in the heat — due to an increase in energy available to odor-causing molecules.” And so if you’re enjoying your brand new car, pull over, stop, and get out of the vehicle. Quickly: “Sitting for just 30 minutes every day in a car exposes you to dangerous levels of carcinogens formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. These chemicals are linked to myeloid leukemia and rare cancers such as in the nose.” And so one day soon, when you step into your new electric car, you may find that the fabled new car smell has been relegated to the odiferous dustbin of history.

OH NOOOES WE’RE ALL GONNA DIIIIEEE!!!, they all ree-ree-reeeed. Which, to me, amounts to the best imaginable argument that, instead of wallowing in pointless agony along with the killjoys of the Gehenna-obsessed Left, we should all strive to wring every last ounce of enjoyment and happiness out of every single day that we possibly can.

And yet the weak, weepy Sad Sacks wonder why any intelligent person would reject the idea of living like they do. As if their neverending search for new sources of anguish, new and ever-more-fearful threats to life and limb, acts as some kind of lure and/or enticement to join them in their misery. As if the sound of kvelling, kvetching, and complaining rings at all appealing in our ears.

Sorry, idiots, not even slightly tempted over here. Life’s tough enough as it is, without your pathetic ilk going well out of your way to make it worse.


Bud transitioning

The obvious next step.

Budweiser Replaces Clydesdales With Cows Dressed As Horses
ST. LOUIS, MO — In a natural continuation of its push for diversity and celebration of transgender lifestyles, Anheuser-Busch has announced the company will be replacing the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales with cows that identify as and dress like horses.

“We feel this is a natural next step,” said Anheuser-Busch CEO Brandan Whitworth. “If we’re going to bend reality and ignore all basic understanding of science and biology with our Bud Light brand, then it only makes sense to make that philosophy consistent across our other brands, including the classic Budweiser advertising campaigns.”

The beverage giant scoured the nation in search of dairy cows that live their lives as horses. “I was very excited to receive a phone call from the Budweiser marketing folks,” said dairy farmer Ed Herman. “I just can’t get this group of cows to produce any milk because they insist on pretending to be horses. I was ready to put down the whole lot of ‘em, but now they can actually make me some money with this ad campaign.”

Budweiser marketing executives have mapped out an extensive campaign that will culminate in an emotionally stirring commercial during next year’s Super Bowl broadcast. “We really want to tug on everyone’s heartstrings,” said the company’s marketing spokesperson Katie MacDonell. “We’re absolutely certain that everyone in the country will be excited to follow the journey these proud horses embark on to discover their true inner species.”

After staring closely at the attached picture, I must admit I’m convinced.

Update! Transheuser-Busch tries to win back their traditional customer base, earning only mockery and derision for the patronizing, insultingly schmaltzy effort.

Anheuser-Busch has been devastated financially due to the company’s partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

The company has lost over $7 billion in market value since they decided to shove Mulvaney in America’s face. Merchandisers have also revealed no one is buying Anheuser-Busch products.

Desperate to win back former customers, Budweiser decided to bring back the beloved Clydesdales in a new ad on Friday.

The ad opens with a Clydesdale galloping across a field of grain and then a town street. The horse next passes a fire department, a flag raising ceremony, and a beach.

The commercial concludes with the Clydesdale standing on its hind legs on top of a hill.

Couples and friends are seen throughout the ad along with national monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial.

Ad transcript:

Let me tell you a story about a beer rooted in the heart of America, found in a community where a handshake is a sure contract, brewed for those who found opportunity and challenge and hope in tomorrow, raised by generations willing to sit, share, risk, remember.

This is a story bigger than beer. This is the story of the American spirit.

If Budweiser thought former customers would forgive and forget, they were sorely mistaken. The former fans instead had an absolute field day over the commercial.

Follows, a collection of hilariously scornful Tweets from disgusted ex-Butt Light drinkers, my favorite of which would have to be this one:

Heh. Pinky Pie*, a “transgender”? Who the hell knew?

*NOTE: My ID of the above My Little Pony character might very possibly be in error; my daughter’s agonizing-but-inevitable phase of Pony-love was mercifully brief enough so that I hadn’t time to learn any but a very few of their names.


Delenda est

Alternate reality, that’s where the shitlibs dwell.

It’s not that they are ignorant; it’s that so much of what they know isn’t so
In his famous speech “A Time for Choosing” Ronald Reagan hit the nail on the head about liberals: they have strong opinions based upon complete falsehoods.

This struck me once again as I read a report from The Skeptic Research Center. The goal of the Center is to do research into what people think and provide basic information to increase people’s knowledge regarding important issues of the day. I just ran across this particular piece of research and it caught my eye. You will see why in a minute.

The study in question has to do with Americans’ understanding of race and policing, and the results were rather stunning. It boils down to this: Americans haven’t a clue about the basic facts and liberals in particular live in a world completely divorced from reality.

What we see in the chart is that 22% of liberals think that 10,000 or more unarmed black men are shot by police officers every year. Almost 55% believe that 1000 to 10 or more thousand are gunned down every year.

The answer is 12 in 2019, and 11 in 2020. That doesn’t equate to being a bit inaccurate. It is not being in the same universe as the truth.

Conservatives overestimate the numbers, although about half of them get it right and the rest are not nearly as wrong as the liberals.

Liberals know a lot, but so much of it is simply not true. In no universe is 12 close to 1000-10,000.

This pattern, I am certain, is duplicated across the issues, and my educated guess as to why has to do with trust in the mainstream media. The media creates panic as a matter of course; it is their business model, after all. And since they are liberals they like to create panics that push people to adopt liberal positions.

So they dramatize problems they feel strongly about and create the impression that a problem that bothers them is an existential crisis for the country or the world.

Another factor, besides believing the news media, in liberals being so wrong is that they actually want to believe that certain things are true despite having little to no evidence that they are. They call this “following The Science™,” by which they mean following the witch doctors. They invent facts out of thin air and repeat them endlessly in order to create a reality that doesn’t exist.

And why wouldn’t they, for Pete’s sake? Reality as it actually exists would have to be extremely unpleasant for them, even quite painful, utterly demolishing as it does nearly all of their most cherished beliefs. Which in turn means that, far from being the most intelligent, informed Über-beings on the face of the earth as they consider themselves to be, shitlibs are only delusional asshats—batshit lunatics whose unhinged opinions inspire not awe and respect, but pity and contempt.

Far from being Sages for the Ages, they’re more in line with your average stinking-blotto, muttering street bum, tugging at your sleeve and begging for spare change as you hurry away from his crazy ass, trying to put some distance between you before he flips the fuck out completely and gets violent.

Which, y’know, is another thing shitlibs tend to do, especially these days.

Much, much more at the link—and the hell of it is, you know it’s only the tip of a very large iceberg. Via WeirdDave, who follows up thusly:

I saw another poll that asked what percentage of the population was gay. The most common answer from liberals was between 20-30% (I do not have a link, I am citing from memory). This is the flaw in our system as envisioned by the founders. They never dreamed of a society where the populace was not uninformed, but deliberately misinformed, by a media and educational bureaucracy perverted to perform the opposite of their intended functions.

If they HAD dreamed of such, it would’ve been a nightmare—the scary, sweaty kind you just can’t seem to wake up from, that stays in your head the whole stinkin’ day afterwards.



It’s a simple, easy binary choice, strictly a One From Column A, One From Column B Type of deal. No others available, sorry.

Trans activism is sexist and delusional (By Jordan Peterson)
By denying science, the medical profession is committing some of the worst moral crimes in modern times. It must end.

What is a woman?

A defining question of our times, and the title of a now infamous documentary indicating the breadth of the political chasm dividing us here in the West.

Here is an answer, summarising current scientific understanding and coming from a research psychologist and clinician.  

Let’s start with the basics. Sexual differentiation, on the biological front – where the whole woman/man dichotomy originates, after all – happened two billion years in the past, long before nervous systems developed a mere 600 million years ago. The brute fact of sexual dichotomy was already a constant before even the basics of our perceptual, motivational, emotional and cognitive systems made their appearance on the cosmic stage. Thus, it could be argued that sexual differentiation is more ‘real’ than even ‘up’ or ‘down’, ‘forward’ or ‘back’– more so than pain or pleasure – and, as well, that its perception (given the necessity of that perception to successful reproduction) is key to the successful propagation of life itself.  

The fact that such perception and sex-linked action was possible even before nervous systems themselves evolved should provide proof to anyone willing to think that the sexual binary is both fundamental objective fact and primary psychological axiom.

There’s more: sexual differentiation is observable at every level of biological function. Sperm and egg are sexually differentiated; the 40 trillion cells that make up the human body each have a nucleus containing 23 paired chromosomes. Every single cell (with some minor exceptions) in a woman is female, and every single cell in a man male.  

Physiological differences between the sexes, in addition to those that obtain at the cellular level, are manifold. Human males and females differ, on average, in hormonal function, brain organisation, height, weight, strength, endurance, facial features and patterns of bodily hair, to take some obvious examples. But the differences are not limited to the physical. Men and women differ enough in temperament so that they can be distinguished with about 75% accuracy on that basis alone. If differences in interest are taken into account, that distinction becomes even more accurate. Such temperamental and interest differences are also larger, not smaller, in more gender-neutral societies, a strong indication of their biological basis.

The claim of the so-called “progressives”, however, is that feelings alone are sufficient to define personhood. This claim is simultaneously ignorant, preposterous and malevolent. Even if biology was ignored entirely, identity is not and cannot be deemed merely subjective – not least because the environment to which each individual must adapt is social, as well as natural, and not solipsistic. This means that every person must, by the very nature of being human, adopt a way of being that he or she cannot entirely choose. The blatant fact of the existence of others and the brute realities of the objective natural world require careful adaptation: the careful negotiation of identity.

…Enough truly is enough – and there has already been plenty more than enough.

There’s a lot between my ellipses—by which I mean, a LOT—but it’s important stuff. Which is truly sad, that we’ve allowed ourselves to sink so low, or more correctly to be dragged, that obvious reality has now become the stuff of debate and discord. The cost? We are now on the fourth (4th) murder of innocent schoolkids by some deranged, murderous “transgender” lunatic. How many more such will be tolerated before saner sorts will finally rise up and say, pace Peterson, ENOUGH ALREADY?!? Bayou Pete says:

I think we owe Dr. Peterson a debt of thanks for daring to speak out against the politically correct perspectives surrounding “trans activism”, and laying out the factual, biological, medical truth of the matter. I strongly suggest that you pass on the link to this article, and/or the link to the full version (provided above), to your friends and relatives. We need to make sure that the truth is heard.

Dittos from here. But honestly, how sad is it that we’ve slid so far down this slipperiest of all slopes to land at a nadir of declination and depravity wherein even the most fundamental, perspicuous, and patently incontrovertible of truths must now be carefully disseminated instead of just openly acknowledged right from the git-go? At long last, how much of this utter shitwit imbecility will finally prove to be too much?

Or is this pit truly bottomless?

Bizarro world prognosis

Peters asks the pertinent question.

Does Anyone See It?

Mentally ill people are inclined to do mentally ill things. Like shoot up a school. But we are not allowed to point out the former thing, because it is a politically incorrect thing to identify a boy who thinks he is a girl (and vice-versa) as…mentally ill.

And yet, that is precisely what such a person is. Unless one takes the position that fantasy is the same as reality, in which case why not endorse the fantasy of a 60-year-old man who insists he is a teenage girl and let him date teenage boys? On what basis would an objection to this be made, if one has no objection to a boy insisting he is a girl and must be allowed to enter the girls’ bathroom, as he is in fact a “girl” himself?

This is, of course, insane.

But one cannot fault the insane. Indeed, the law is indulgent toward them and with justice because an insane person is a person who does not appreciate that he is insane. From his—insane—point-of-view, it is the rest of the world that’s off-kilter. Not him.

The real crisis we have, then, is not one of insanity. It is the encouraging of it, which assures there will be more of it.

Bold mine, and that’s all anybody needs to say about that. But don’t let’s anybody be thinking that this all just came at us out of the blue nowhere, some kind of cosmic coinkydink. Ain’t no such thing.

This began in a mass psychosis kind-of-way with the normalizing of pathological hypochondria and its symptoms, including the wearing of odd garments and the performing of strange rituals. People were egged-on to regard these expressions of mental illness as normal—as opposed to in need of therapy. Indeed, those who counseled sanity were showered with opprobrium for hewing to facts, objective reality—to sanity.

Just as the same opprobrium is heaped upon the sane who refuse to concede the insane as regards the supposed fungibility of sex, that a boy can “transition” to a girl (and vice-versa) and that it actually is so – in the literally true sense. We are thus expected to not merely pretend but to accept as true that a boy who insists he is a girl is one and that if we say he isn’t, then we are cruel and “hateful” people in need of…therapy.

“Accept,” my rosy asscheeks. We’re not only supposed to accept it, but required to actively celebrate it, to act as if the demented are in fact somehow superior—to be neither censured nor pitied, but praised for their infirmity. The end result of this standing of all good sense and rationality on its head is entirely predictable, of course.

Is it any wonder people are going insane? That it feels society is, too?

This girl who shot up the school might not have, had she received the help she obviously, badly needed. Instead she was encouraged to think of herself as a “he”—and got worse rather than better, for the same reason that Crazy Uncle Bill up in the attic who thinks he’s Napoleon isn’t going to get better by addressing him as Your Majesty.

As a society, we once understood this. People with mental problems were treated—or at least, it was understood they needed it. This latter being the most important point, for their sake as well as ours. Having mentally ill people on the loose is bad news. It is something far worse when it is presented as good news – and something to want to see more of.

And that’s the bleakest, most horrid aspect of the thing: we assuredly will see more of it, lots more, unless and until enough of us stiffen our resolve to deal once and for all with the epidemic of Woke “liberalism” that created this whole situation—to make it clear that we will have no more of our children slaughtered, cities ruined, and public spaces made into No-Go Zones for decent people in the name of advancing a warped political agenda.

Can’t win for losing

So just when Jurassic Media thinks they’ve got themselves another Angry White Male School Shooter to seize upon, no sooner do they all start doing the old soft shoe on the long-anticipated grave of the 2A than what happens?

Wait for…wait for it…waaaaiiiit for it


Well, dammit. Back to the ol’ drawing board, shitlibs. As BCE quips, now we see how fastly they can activate the memory hole, which has gotta be getting near full-up with this sort of thing by now.

Oops oops OOOPSIE update! So…how’s that “Trans Day Of Vengeance” working out for ya, eh?

“Militant” might be understating the case just a wee mite, don’tchathink?

Same old senility update! Notional “pee-Resident” Pedo Joe SPRINGS INTO ACTION, offering comfort to a shocked and heartsick nation as only he can.

GHASTLY: Biden in Jocular Mood, Jokes About Ice Cream Before Statement on Nashville Shooting

An extraordinarily strange scene unfolded at the White House on Monday after the news broke that a woman claiming to be a man had murdered six people at Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville. Old Joe Biden came out to address the Small Business Administration’s Women’s Business Summit, knowing that the shooting had taken place and that there were fatalities, and likewise knowing that the world was waiting and watching, expecting him to make a statement about what had happened. Instead of striking a somber note, however, asking for prayers and expressing condolences, Old Joe was positively insouciant, yukking it up with some children in the audience, kidding around about ice cream, and generally showing himself to be in splendid high spirits. Was he buoyed at the prospect of another chance to push his agenda of disarming sane and law-abiding Americans?

Biden began by announcing, to laughter from the crowd: “My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband. And I eat Jeni’s Ice Cream, chocolate chip. I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream.” In its jarring inappropriateness, this rivaled the false reports that Abraham Lincoln had asked his friend Ward Lamon to sing a ribald song while touring the battlefield at Antietam just after the battle, as they walked among the dead bodies of the fallen soldiers. But this one really happened, and Biden wasn’t finished. “By the way,” he plowed on, “I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. You think I’m kidding, I’m not.” Oh, I’m sure you weren’t, Joe; it’s widely known that dementia patients actually can receive a short-term cognitive boost from eating ice cream.

Old Joe babbled on about the children in the crowd, and with them, for a while longer; then he abruptly changed his tone and announced: “Before I begin to speak, and the reason I spent a little time on the kids, I — I just want to speak very briefly about the school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.” Now, wait a minute. Biden joked around about kids and ice cream because he had the Nashville shooting in mind? The cringe, as the kids say today, is off the charts.

The putative president praised the police and then got to his point: “We have to do more to stop gun violence. It’s ripping our communities apart, ripping the soul of this nation — ripping at the very soul of the nation. And we — we have to do more to protect our schools so they aren’t turned into prisons. You know, the shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol — two AK-47. So I call on Congress, again, to pass my assault weapons ban. It’s about time that we begin to make some more progress.” See? Let the administration prevent law-abiding Americans from defending themselves, or more kids will be unable to enjoy ice cream like Old Joe.

Biden said absolutely nothing, of course, about the transgender madness, or about how dangerous it could be to encourage people who are mentally ill to embrace their mental illness. He didn’t say anything about how his own policies of encouraging trans delusions could have led to this shooting. Of course he didn’t. The man’s handlers know how to keep him on message.

No word on whether the addled old kiddie-diddler managed to work in any hair-sniffing after he’d rattled off the anti-2A talking points given to him by his wardens, but you know he was thinking about it, and really, really wanted to, at any rate.

Transgenocidal update! Yeah, no.

FBI Stats On 2021 Anti-Trans Hate Crimes Don’t Support Claims Of ‘Genocide’

Gee whiz, I’m shocked. Flummoxed. Gobsmacked. Floored. Why, it’s almost as if these deranged freakazoids are over-dramatizing themselves, hysterically and dishonestly, for their own nefarious purposes. But no, that couldn’t POSSIBLY be right, could it?

Americans who claim to be transgender were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, with few of the crimes being serious, undercutting claims that the community is facing “genocide,” according to FBI data released this week.

Of the 177 cases where the offender’s race was known, 81 offenders were black, about 60 were white, 20 were Hispanic, and one was Asian. Still, even that data could be misleading as FBI statistics inflate the number of “white” hate crime perpetrators by counting most Hispanics and Arabs as “white.” To a limited extent, the data can be adjusted to treat Hispanic as a race separate from black and white, which The Daily Wire did in the above numbers, but in many cases the “ethnicity” was not even recorded, forcing them to be treated as white.

Although Arab is counted as a separate category when it comes to the victim, there is no such category for perpetrators, leaving them to generally be counted as white. People of Arab descent have been behind some anti-Jewish crimes and their inclusion in statistics could change the anti-transgender breakdown as well.

The data does not support the notion widely pushed by activists and Democrats that there is a “genocide” of transgenders underway.

Well, in fairness, when has it ever? On any topic, of any kind, at all? For the matter of it, when have “activists” and/or D卐M☭CRATs ever given the merest indication of interest in what “the data” might indicate, anyway?

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) said it is planning a “Trans Day of Vengeance” on March 31 in D.C. to “stop trans genocide,” and also fundraised for firearms training, which it said was for self-defense.

Of the 271 crimes against transgenders, the FBI data reported two slayings and two rapes. Of the remainder, 70 were incidents of “intimidation.” There were 48 aggravated assaults, 87 simple assaults, eight robberies, 14 thefts, and 37 instances of vandalism or damage.

The data comes from law enforcement divisions that report hate crime information to the FBI and includes jurisdictions covering 300 million of the 330 million Americans.It was released March 13 as a “supplement” to a less comprehensive dataset previously released. The supplemental data provides less detail, but original data shows one anti-trans killing committed by a black offender, one incident of robbery and sodomy by a black offender, and two instances or rape or sodomy by offenders whose race was unreported.

Me, I’m still trying to suss out the vitally-crucially-vital Importance! of distinguishing between “crime” and “hate crime.” What, is a “hate crime” somehow made more crime-ier than ordinary, plain-vanilla crime? Is, say, rape more unpleasant for the victim for having “hate” affixed to the charge? A mugging more intense, more brutal? Sodomy, meh, let’s not go into that for now. There has to be an important distinction lurking about in there somewhere, I just can’t seem to find the damned thing.

Did The Enemy just blink?

Doubtful, since ultimately, they’ll be back for another bite as sure as the sun rises. Nonetheless, as you’ve all no doubt heard by now, there were indeed some seriously, umm, interesting developments yesterday and today in the ongoing persecution of President Donald J Trump.

Hold Everything: Now Trump Will Likely NOT Be Arrested, at Least on Tuesday
Donald Trump announced on Saturday morning that he would be arrested on Tuesday, and the nation has been agog at the prospect of the Leftist establishment crossing the rubicon of arresting its principal opponent on flimsy charges and demonstrating before the entire world that the American republic is now the American banana republic, in which foes of the regime can expect the full weight of corrupt government authority pushing back against them for daring to dissent.

But now it turns out that the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which has Trump in its sights, just may be stepping back from the brink: Business Insider reported Saturday night that Trump’s indictment is “on hold” until one more witness testifies Monday afternoon.

That’s about all that has come to light, as the relevant authorities are being quite closemouthed about this whole thing. Insider says that “a source with knowledge of the investigation” told them on Saturday night “there is one more witness.” The indictment is apparently not a certainty until this witness testifies.

But who is this witness? The Insider’s source wouldn’t say, and so all that we’re told is that “a separate source, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, told Insider that the witness is not Allen Weisselberg, Trump’s former CFO, who is serving a five-month sentence for admittedly masterminding a payroll tax-dodge scheme at the Trump Organization.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, whose betrayal of his former client started this whole business about Trump having paid hush money to a porn star (which is what he might be arrested for, not any of the literally dozens of other crimes that Democrats have claimed he has committed over the last few years, up to and including trying to overthrow the government of the United States), “has told reporters he expected to be the grand jury’s final witness when he testified last Monday and Wednesday.” So whoever is slated to appear on Monday is a surprise witness.

Insider notes that the grand jury “could conceivably reach a vote” on whether or not actually to indict Trump for trying to buy a hooker’s silence “by the end of Monday’s three-hour session,” but that’s not likely to happen, as “experts” say that “there are several steps between the final testimony and the vote.”

More on the scumbag Cohen’s erstwhile colleague, who was to testify today.

BREAKING: Ex-Michael Cohen attorney set to testify MONDAY with new ‘exculpatory’ evidence that could VINDICATE Trump
Yeah about that Trump arrest? Guess what: a lawyer who worked for Michael Cohen has apparently contacted Trump’s current attorneys with information that he says is “exculpatory” in the puffed up case against Trump in New York.

Here’s more from the Washington Examiner:

A lawyer who once worked for Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to testify Monday before a Manhattan grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump.

Robert Costello is expected to deliver testimony following a request from Trump’s lawyers as prosecutors weigh possible criminal charges against the former president, the Wall Street Journal reported. Costello gave advice to Cohn during an FBI raid on his home and office back in 2018. Prosecutors have also requested Cohen remain available Monday.

Costello’s testimony is significant because he previously recounted that Cohen told him that he paid adult film star Stormy Daniels in order to protect Melania Trump and that Cohen sought a pardon from Trump, per the Wall Street Journal. Cohen has already waived the attorney-client privilege with Costello.

“already waived the attorney-client privilege”

Uh-oh, buddy. That’s gonna bite you right in the butt, dummy, lol. Oh and by the way, Costello was also an attorney for Steve Bannon at some point. Not sure what that has to do with anything but it’s interesting.

Gonna be a very interesting week all over, y’all.

It would seem so, yeah. Back over to Spencer for the sobering last word.

The Left’s reaction to Donald Trump’s political career has from the beginning been a classic case of a conviction in search of a crime. Charging their foes with bogus crimes is a venerable and tested Leftist tactic, going back to Stalin’s trials of his former Bolshevik comrades, whom he forced to confess to various fabricated charges of subversion in order to justify his executing them and consolidating his power as an unquestioned autocrat.

In the U.S., the Democrats enjoyed tremendous gains in both houses of Congress and won the presidency on the strength of Watergate, and they’ve never forgotten that lesson; in fact, tarring their opponents as criminals on bogus charges has become a cornerstone of their political strategy. And that is a prelude to treating them like actual criminals, complete with arrests, handcuffs, and perp walks. Whether or not it comes Tuesday, it’s coming.

Yep, count on it. I repeat: as sure as the sun rises. It’s so for Trump, it’s so for Trump’s family, and it’ll be so for any and every other nonconformist, pro-American dissident with the temerity to defy the D卐M☭CRATs and run for Prexy, let alone somehow find a way to overcome the ironclad Margin Of Fraud and win.

I do hope Ron DeSantis is watching all this very carefully, and bearing closely in mind that it’s exactly what will be done to him too should he accede to the intense pressure he’s getting from the Left, the NeverTrumpTards, and the other Vichy GOPe shitstains to run for the useless show-office. He’s perfectly within his rights to do so if he likes, and there’s not a thing wrong with that, I still maintain. But he’d be a damned fool to, if you ask me.

Update! For my money, JJ has the right of it. Mostly.

While Spencer’s observation is certainly true, the state of the nation today is markedly different from the Watergate era. Divided as we were even back then, there was still a level of trust in the institutions and traditions of the American governmental and legal system, as well as in the media, and even with diametrically opposed views on the issues of the day, still at least a modicum of respect for those with whom you disagree and the commonality of nation and heritage. Today, that has all but vanished on every front. In fact, an overwhelming percentage of the American people believe that we have a two-tiered justice system that favors those in power and the Left in general.

Whatever the calculus of the junta in going after Trump, they will only succeed in making him into a martyr. I have not been sanguine about a Trump candidacy in 2024. My biggest negatives are his age, his puerile name-calling against DeSantis, and most distressing, his making the theft of the 2020 election the central pillar of his campaign. He’s had some flashes of brilliance with his trade package and his intent to go to war against woke-ism in all its forms. But so far, his negatives outweigh the positives. YMMV, but I think a lot of people are feeling this way about him.

But that said, I have always thought of him as the leader of a movement that goes way beyond mere electoral politics. In fact, it’s kind of strange to read Miranda Devine’s analysis insofar as the Democrat calculus of preferring to face Trump rather than DeSantis for fear of him wiping the floor with Biden or whoever, since they regard Trump to be a pushover. Considering they have all but institutionalized election fraud in the key swing districts and states they stole in 2020, what does it matter who is running?

For me, this has less if anything to do with who the candidate is in 2024 than mere distraction and above all else, retribution against Donald Trump. That’s what all this is about.

Love him, hate him or whatever, Donald Trump intentionally or not started a movement that exposed the hypocrisy and corruption that has now completely subsumed our government and much of our society. Whatever they do to him or try to do to him, what he started will not be stopped. There is no going back now to the way things were. A lot of it was a lie, and there are powerful forces and more alarmingly a great deal of the citizenry duped into or otherwise consciously supporting the transformation of America into a socialist disaster to be served up to the Davos-Brussels-Beijing Axis, or perhaps a resurgent Islamic global caliphate.

So, go ahead and slap the cuffs on Trump. It worked so well for the British when they did it to Gandhi, didn’t it?

As bitterly cynical as I’ve become nowadays, I wouldn’t expect any such felicitous outcome in Trump’s case, if only because present-day Amerikans are much too soft, too spoiled, and too cozened to display the kind of balls-to-the-wall courage Gandhi and his legions of followers did back then.

On the other hand, though, it’s become near-axiomatic among serious (ie, non-shitlib) students of history that Gandhi was fortunate in that his British opposition was civilized and reserved, and exercised forbearance and restraint—well, eventually, at any rate, after some pretty brutal beatings and mass imprisonment—in dealing with the movement Gandhi represented.

Had it been, say, Stalin instead, things might well have worked out very, very differently for Mohandas K Gandhi and his campaign for Indian national independence. And our present-day dictatorship bears a much closer resemblance to Stalin’s own than it does British PM Ramsay MacDonald’s and Chancellor Neville Chamberlain’s colonially-exhausted, war-weary nation circa the late 20s/early 30s.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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