Divemedic posts an important, timely reminder of how it’s fucking DONE, saying:
To those who say that citizens armed with AR15s can’t beat the Federal government, I remind you of the events that happened a decade ago…
Indeed. Suggestive of a little something of my own devising I’ll dub Bedford Forrest’s Law of Government©: If you keep the skeer on ‘em, they will retreat. Now for DM’s call-out:
Every red blooded American should be reminded of the events of April 12, 2014.
The day the Bundy family got their cattle back. pic.twitter.com/3ZK2slClIz
— Tall Bill from NH (the/man) (@billisajoke)
Henceforth, Real Americans should celebrate April 12th as if it was Independence Day v2.0. Because, as historical events go, that’s exactly what it is.
Update! The classical station just played Rossini’s Overture to The Barber of Seville, which put me in mind of the perfect musical accompaniment for this post.
The ever-excellent Gioachino Rossini also, of course. One of my verymost favorite orchestral-music composers of them all, and small wonder. For me, it’s not so much the Three B’s (Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, two of whom I’ve never really liked all that much) as it is the Four Non-Contiguous Consonants: Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and Rossini. Might ought to’ve worked Chopin, Haydn, Tchaichovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Verdi into the mix too, but what the hell. You can’t please all the people all of the time, and should never try lest you wind up shitting and falling back in it, as my stern, tough as parboiled steer-hide, wise old Grandmaw Hubbard—better known to three generations of Hubbards and McAllisters as “Big Mama”—liked to caution her grand-young’uns.
Unrelated update! OT side-note: Just thought I’d let all interested parties know that the anti-spam plugin I installed last night, available here, seems to be working like a charm so far—not so much as a hint of a murmur of a whisper of a breath from the thrice-bedamned spamsterbot hordes as of yet, thank goodness. Hope I didn’t jinx myself by mentioning it. Sort of like what I’ve always maintained: you never, EVER say things like “What next?” or ‘How much worse can it be?” in the midst of some travail or tribulation—because God takes such expostulations as a challenge or dare, and will assuredly get busy toot sweet showing you what’s next, and just how much worse it could be.
The Rossini overture to The Barber of Seville is indeed delightful. But the “William Tell Overture” is the overture to “William Tell”. This is the fourth of four parts to the overture. All four parts are terrific!
Thank you very much for your musical and cultural notes! I’ve found them most informative, especially of things of which I am not familiar. Best to you!
It’s my pleasure entirely, Jim, and I’m glad you enjoyed it. Nowadays, I find the same-old same-old circle-jerk of politics less and less interesting and more and more boring, driving me to post on other topics instead. And since music has been my life for practically ALL of my life, it’s the obvious choice for alternative subject material. Music, Harleys, classic Fords, airplanes, and pretty women, that’s me in a nutshell. Can’t imagine anybody objecting to those fine things as blogfodder.
Thanks for the kind words, buddy.