Drill, Baby, Drill!

The answer.

The question: how we dig ourselves out of the massive economic disaster that awaits us?

Government needs to be reined in, but that will not solve the massive problem. Drilling will.

Mike has a category for “Drill Now!” for a reason.

Tax receipts will pay down the debt. An infusion of cash will build an economy akin to the economic prosperity after WW2. Economic prosperity will fuel freedom and liberty, just as freedom and liberty fuel economic prosperity.

Now you know why “they” oppose the exploitation of our natural resources.
Now you know why “they” created the global warming scam..

‘Drill, Baby, Drill!’ Will Secure American Prosperity For The Twenty First Century


Nissan Leaf auto-torches

Hilarity ensues.

Electric vehicle fire in Franklin requires thousands of gallons of water
FRANKLIN, Tenn. (WKRN) — An electrical vehicle fire at Nissan Headquarters Tuesday afternoon required several more hours and 45 times more gallons of water to put out than a conventional vehicle fire.

It’s a challenge the Franklin Fire Department warns “all fire departments are struggling with” because lithium-ion battery fires often cannot be extinguished until the battery cell has released its energy.

Firefighters were dispatched around 4:42 p.m. after the car caught fire in the parking lot of 1 Nissan Way. According to Franklin Fire Marshal Andy King, the vehicle, a Nissan Leaf, had been charging on a Level 3 charger, which is the fastest charging device.

That’s when its lithium-ion battery cell reportedly overheated, went into a thermal run(a)way condition and caught fire. He said firefighters applied water to cool the battery cell for several hours before the fire was extinguished.

As they will do, y’know. The story goes on to relate that your typical ICE vehicle fire will take from 500 to 1,000 gallons of water to extinguish, but this deadly-dangerous but politically-correct Leaf required in excess of 45,000 gallons, administered by a massive call-up of every emergency-response unit for miles around—including, and I quote, “an engine, tower, battalion chief, rescue, hazmat, and an air response vehicle”—before all was said and done. Fire Marshall King offered a few cautionary words if you’re fool enough to actually own one of these extremely hazardous urban shitlib play-purties:

“If you think you’re having a problem with your electric vehicle, don’t continue to charge it,” King said. “Move it outside to a safe place away from buildings and other vehicles. If it’s heating up or off-gassing – call the fire department immediately and if safe, try to move it to a safe area.”

Or, alternatively, just sell the piece of shit to the first sucker you can find, for whatever he’s willing to give you for it, and be done with it.


The cold, hard truth

Remember that 800 pound gorilla in the room I mentioned the other day in the Eyrie post? Well, in the way of all 800 pound gorillas, he’s still there, and isn’t going anywhere until he’s captured the undivided attention those pesky, implacable 800 pound gorillas always tend to seek…and, sooner or later, one way or another, get.

California Can Either Charge Its EV Fleet Or Keep The Lights On
Can California transition to a portfolio of 100% renewable energy sources and still generate enough electricity to meet the state’s future needs, including the addition of millions of electric cars on the road?

A: No. Next question. For that matter, neither can any other state. Turns out, there’s a reason why the human race abandoned “renewable” (read: inadequate to meet the demands of a modern industrial civilization) energy for more reliable, productive sources several centuries ago, see. UNEXPECTED!™

California is already incapable of generating enough electricity, importing 30% of its current electricity needs from other states. With respect to current generation sources, nearly 60% of California’s in-state electricity generation is produced by natural gas and nuclear power plants. Including conventional hydroelectric generation, which does not count as a renewable source for purposes of California’s policies, nearly two-thirds of the state’s current electricity comes from disfavored generation sources.

It is doubtful that California will be able to generate sufficient electricity to meet future energy needs using only the favored generation sources; and it is not even close.

Overall, total electricity generated will be 21.1% below the amount of electricity demanded — and this does not even account for the impacts from all the likely future mandates. Beyond the electric vehicle mandates evaluated above, officials are rapidly prohibiting connections for stoves, furnaces, hot water heaters, and dryers in new construction projects.

There are reasons to be exceptionally skeptical that California’s current energy policy environment is achievable. Either the policies will cause extreme energy shortages and jeopardize quality of life or the state’s political leaders will need to repeal the current suite of mandates.

“Reasons to be skeptical”? Oh, you just bet there are at that. But since, as every good “liberal” knows, electricity is something that happens when you flip a light switch—just as food is something that comes from the grocery store—there really isn’t a problem here at all. It’s just a damnable lie made up by those godawful MAGA H8RRRZZZ to oppress them, that’s all.



Again, that is, this time from the shitlibs and their preposterously unworkable “Green energy.”

Conservative watchdogs highlight ‘alarming’ surge in whale deaths as wind farms grow off NY, NJ coasts
Conservative watchdog groups ran a guerrilla-style ad campaign on the Jersey Shore for Earth Day, drawing attention to a surge in whale deaths amid the growth of offshore wind farms.

Beachgoers in Atlantic City on Saturday looked on as a single-propeller plane carried a message waving from a banner — “SAVE-WHALES-STOP-WINDMILLS.ORG” — and drivers heading out of town saw a billboard with the same message and a picture of a dead whale washed ashore.

The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow and the Heartland Institute sponsored the ads to highlight the potential threat that wind turbine development poses to whales, dolphins and other aquatic life.

The campaign comes after a ProPublica report last week found that federal regulators in the Biden administration have downplayed environmental risks to greenlight “an unprecedented expansion for offshore wind” projects — including tax incentives through the president’s Inflation Reduction Act for renewable energy developers.

Pics of the aforementioned ads included at the NYPost link, and they’re truly wonderful. Well done, guys, and good on ya for turning the Left’s own twipe back on ‘em and hosing ‘em down good with it like this.


NYC does not ❤ illegal aliens

Apparently, what’s sauce for the goose is decidedly unappetizing for the gander.

Quebec tells Eric Adams to stop buying NY migrants bus tickets

The government of Canada’s second-most populated province is demanding that Mayor Eric Adams “immediately” stop helping migrants illegally enter the Great White North, as recently revealed by The Post.

“Any form of assistance to migrants crossing the border where it is strictly forbidden to do so should stop immediately,” a spokesperson for Quebec Premier Francois Legault said.

“We understand that the situation of migrants in New York poses major challenges, but the situation in Quebec and particularly in Montreal is even worse and constitutes an important humanitarian issue.”

Earlier this month, The Post exclusively reported that Adams was using taxpayer funds to get bus tickets for migrants in the Big Apple to travel upstate to Plattsburgh.

From there, migrants take taxis and vans to a cul-de-sac at the end of Roxham Road in Champlain, where they walk across the border and surrender to Canadian Mounties to seek asylum, as The Post documented on Feb. 5.

Why, that’s just INHUMAN! SAVAGE!! CRUEL!!! I am gobsmacked by the callous indifference displayed by Adams towards these poor, put-upon fellow hoo-monz. As the mayor of a proudly self-declared Sanctuary City, surely he must realize that No Human Being Is Illegal.

I note also, with intense amusement, that the number of illegals Adams is bitching and moaning about as having “overwhelmed” NYC’s resources over the course of the past several months is probably about the same as the onslaught being dealt with in tiny Texas border towns on a daily basis. And now here he is, in typical smarmy-shitlib fashion, foisting the problem he literally asked for, in so many words, off on much-smaller Montreal.

But while the Big Apple’s population is nearly 8.5 million, Montreal’s is just 1.7 million.

As the saying goes, Eric, one of these things is NOT like the other. Think about it, kwitcherbitchin’, and just suck it UP, buttercup. Mmmmkay?


Acts of war

Remember back when some of us, based on the cui bono standard if nothing else, postulated that Russia’s Nordstream I pipeline had been intentionally, actively sabotaged, almost certainly by the US and/or other cat’s-paw nations acting at its behest, and some folks—up to and including various Biden junta hacks, rumpswabs, and flunkies—puffed up indignantly over the patent “impossibility” of pulling off such an operation clandestinely?

Yeah, about all that.

How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now

The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II structure that has the look of a vocational high school on the west side of Chicago. A coin-operated laundromat and a dance school are across what is now a four-lane road.

The center has been training highly skilled deep-water divers for decades who, once assigned to American military units worldwide, are capable of technical diving to do the good—using C4 explosives to clear harbors and beaches of debris and unexploded ordinance—as well as the bad, like blowing up foreign oil rigs, fouling intake valves for undersea power plants, destroying locks on crucial shipping canals. The Panama City center, which boasts the second largest indoor pool in America, was the perfect place to recruit the best, and most taciturn, graduates of the diving school who successfully did last summer what they had been authorized to do 260 feet under the surface of the Baltic Sea.

Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.

Asked for comment, Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, said in an email, “This is false and complete fiction.” Tammy Thorp, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, similarly wrote: “This claim is completely and utterly false.”

Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.

There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.

President Biden and his foreign policy team—National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, and Victoria Nuland, the Undersecretary of State for Policy—had been vocal and consistent in their hostility to the two pipelines, which ran side by side for 750 miles under the Baltic Sea from two different ports in northeastern Russia near the Estonian border, passing close to the Danish island of Bornholm before ending in northern Germany.

The direct route, which bypassed any need to transit Ukraine, had been a boon for the German economy, which enjoyed an abundance of cheap Russian natural gas—enough to run its factories and heat its homes while enabling German distributors to sell excess gas, at a profit, throughout Western Europe. Action that could be traced to the administration would violate US promises to minimize direct conflict with Russia. Secrecy was essential.

Imagine my surprise at being proven right yet again. Ahem.

Literally so, at that.


Admissions of error

They seem to be going around of late.

The Biden Administration Finally Admits Its Mistake in Canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline

At long last, the Biden administration is admitting what experts have always known: reckless energy policies have disastrous consequences. This time, the Department of Energy quietly released a report highlighting the positive economic benefits of developing the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, an energy project canceled by President Biden in the hours following his inauguration. 

But the DOE’s report is a proverbial day late and a dollar short. The cancelation of the Keystone XL pipeline has already cost the United States thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth while families suffer under the weight of record high energy prices. It’s time for lawmakers to make American energy independence a top priority. 

Released without a formal announcement, the DOE’s report points out that the pipeline would have created between 16,149 and 59,000 jobs and would have had an economic benefit of between $3.4 and 9.6 billion. That’s no small impact. Yet with one stroke of his pen, Biden slashed the project and instead focused his efforts on costly “green energy” goals. As a result of his executive action, 11,000 pipeline workers were promptly laid off and told to “go to work to make solar panels” instead. 

But Biden’s green energy efforts are bound to backfire sooner rather than later. That’s because today, more than 70 percent of the energy produced and consumed in America comes from oil, gas and coal. That’s not likely to substantially change anytime soon. In fact, the International Energy Agency predicts that oil’s share of energy production in the United States will only fall 8 percent in the next two decades, from 31 to 23 percent. And that’s assuming a sustained commitment to green energy policies. The forecast spells bad news for the Biden White House. At his political peril, Biden ignores the lessons of Presidents Jimmy Carter and George H. W. Bush, who both lost elections due to spiked oil prices and accompanying recessions.

Oh, I’m beginning to suspect, strongly, that Old Joe is going to die of Suddenly™ well before the next sham “election” season rolls around. But Joe’s Folly isn’t the only mea culpa to be found out there.

Pro-Vaxx Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Admits Profusely “The Anti-Vaxxers Win”

Mark Twain is often misattributed as saying, “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” The sentiment is definitely Twainesque, but he never said it. Nevertheless, it’s still true and demonstrable time and again in our post-truth society.

As more “normies” have started waking up to the reality that the Covid-19 “vaccines” are ineffective and dangerous, a lot are finding new ways of defending their decisions to get jabbed rather than admitting it was a mistake. Conservative comic Scott Adams, who is most famous for creating the Dilbert comics, is not one of those people. He’s now admitting that “anti-vaxxers won” in regards to their decision.

In fact, he admitted it over and over again.

“All of my fancy analytics got me to a bad place,” he said. “All of your heuristics — ‘don’t trust these guys’ is obvious — totally worked.”

Blindly trusting the US government and its horde of bought and paid-for faux “experts” never does work out too well, not for anybody.


Speaking out both sides of their mouths

The Jews have an excellent word for this sort of thing: chutzpah.

“I think that the idea that financiers would tell companies in the United States not to increase production and to buy back shares and increase dividends when the profits are at all-time highs is outrageous,” said Amos Hochstein, President Biden’s international energy envoy. “It is not only un-American, it is so unfair to the American public.

“You want to pay dividends, pay dividends. You want to pay shareholders, pay shareholders. You want to get bonuses, do that, too. You could do all of that and still invest more. We are asking you to increase production and seize the moment.”

The Biden adviser’s comments will spark a reaction in the US shale sector, which has complained about mixed signals from a White House that has called for more fossil fuel output while also talking of cutting demand and speeding up a shift away from oil and gas.

But Hochstein denied any contradiction, saying the US could “do two things at the very same time, ensuring we have enough [oil] supply for a strong global economy, while accelerating the energy transition”.

Hochstein also criticised ExxonMobil’s $50bn share buyback scheme, announced last week — a payout chief executive Darren Woods recently described as returning some money “directly to the American people”.

“The only thing worse than announcing a share buyback, is to say that is how you’re giving profits back to the American people,” Hochstein said. “If you want to give back to the American people, invest in America, its workers…increase production, [make] the United States less dependent on other countries.”

Funny, but I seem to recall the US having become effectively energy independent thanks to a certain previous President’s removal of the FederalGovCo noose from around the neck of the fossil-fuel industry, resulting in much lower gas and oil prices for ordinary Americans than they’ve suffered under ever since the Presidency was usurped—a most felicitous development that Pedo Joe undid completely, before lunchtime, on his very first disastrous day of besmirching the Oval Office. Rick Moran dispenses with this Biden-junta douchewad’s transparently self-serving codswallop.

Here’s where the lack of cognitive skills comes to the fore. In the first six months of the Biden administration, the president was running around the world gleefully telling anyone who would listen that he was going to end fossil fuel use. And yet, Amos Hochstein, President Biden’s international energy envoy and chief energy advisor, is railing against Wall Street and shale oil companies for not ignoring the president’s promise to destroy them and going ahead to drill, drill, drill, anyway.

“I think that the idea that financiers would tell companies in the United States not to increase production and to buy back shares and increase dividends when the profits are at all-time highs is outrageous,” said Hochstein. “It is not only un-American, it is so unfair to the American public.”

Said the number one cheerleader for destroying the oil and gas industry in America.

This guy can’t even walk and chew gum at the same time, and he’s telling us that the government can both destroy the fossil fuel industry and require it to do its bidding on increasing supply?

The U.S. is in the very best of hands.

For selected values of the word “best,” I suppose. Somebody needs to explain to this asshole what really IS “un-American,” what really IS “unfair to the American public.” You’d think he’d recognize those things when he sees ’em, from long familiarity and a lifetime’s experience with them. Apparently not, though.



Amerika v2.0’s energy future: ain’t none

As laid out by our senile, decrepit, corrupt old pervert of a Pretend pResident.

Biden Keeps Promising To Make Energy More Expensive. Believe Him.

Precisely so. After all, it’s the only thing the rat-bastard has ever said that was actually true.

Yes, we’re going to make energy more expensive.

That’s Joe Biden’s closing message for 2022. “We’re going to be shutting these [coal] plants down all across America and having wind and solar,” Biden told a crowd in deep blue California on Friday, arguing that it was “cheaper” to generate electricity from wind and solar.

I’ve noted this before more than once here, but it bears revisiting now and again: the technology of the distant, long-dead past can never be adequate to meet the energy demands of modern industrialized economies.

The earliest-known references to windmills are to a Persian millwright in AD 644 and to windmills in Seistan, Persia, in AD 915. These windmills are of the horizontal-mill type, with sails radiating from a vertical axis standing in a fixed building, which has openings for the inlet and outlet of the wind diametrically opposite to each other. Each mill drives a single pair of stones directly, without the use of gears, and the design is derived from the earliest water mills. Persian millwrights, taken prisoner by the forces of Genghis Khan, were sent to China to instruct in the building of windmills; their use for irrigation there has lasted ever since.

The vertical windmill, with sails on a horizontal axis, derives directly from the Roman water mill with its right-angle drive to the stones through a single pair of gears. The earliest form of vertical mill is known as the post mill. It has a boxlike body containing the gearing, millstones, and machinery and carrying the sails. It is mounted on a well-supported wooden post socketed into a horizontal beam on the level of the second floor of the mill body. On this it can be turned so that the sails can be faced into the wind.

The next development was to place the stones and gearing in a fixed tower. This has a movable top, or cap, which carries the sails and can be turned around on a track, or curb, on top of the tower. The earliest-known illustration of a tower mill is dated about 1420. Both post and tower mills were to be found throughout Europe and were also built by settlers in America.

To work efficiently, the sails of a windmill must face squarely into the wind, and in the early mills the turning of the post-mill body, or the tower-mill cap, was done by hand by means of a long tailpole stretching down to the ground. In 1745 Edmund Lee in England invented the automatic fantail. This consists of a set of five to eight smaller vanes mounted on the tailpole or the ladder of a post mill at right angles to the sails and connected by gearing to wheels running on a track around the mill. When the wind veers it strikes the sides of the vanes, turns them and hence the track wheels also, which turn the mill body until the sails are again square into the wind. The fantail may also be fitted to the caps of tower mills, driving down to a geared rack on the curb.

Interesting enough as a historical study, no doubt, but there’s a reason windmills were in the main abandoned: because, as civilization progressed and technological advances were achieved one after another, something much better came along to replace them. As, y’know, tends to happen over time. As for solar panels, they are by no means anything new either.

It all began with Edmond Becquerel, a young physicist working in France, who in 1839 observed and discovered the photovoltaic effect— a process that produces a voltage or electric current when exposed to light or radiant energy. A few decades later, French mathematician Augustin Mouchot was inspired by the physicist’s work. He began registering patents for solar-powered engines in the 1860s. From France to the U.S., inventors were inspired by the patents of the mathematician and filed for patents on solar-powered devices as early as 1888.

Take a light step back to 1883 when New York inventor Charles Fritts created the first solar cell by coating selenium with a thin layer of gold. Fritts reported that the selenium module produced a current “that is continuous, constant, and of considerable force.” This cell achieved an energy conversion rate of 1 to 2 percent. Most modern solar cells work at an efficiency of 15 to 20 percent. So, Fritts created what was a low impact solar cell, but still, it was the beginning of photovoltaic solar panel innovation in America. Named after Italian physicist, chemist and pioneer of electricity and power, Alessandro Volta, photovoltaic is the more technical term for turning light energy into electricity, and used interchangeably with the term photoelectric.

…That same year (1888), a Russian scientist by the name of Aleksandr Stoletov created the first solar cell based on the photoelectric effect, which is when light falls on a material and electrons are released. This effect was first observed by a German physicist, Heinrich Hertz. In his research, Hertz discovered that more power was created by ultraviolet light than visible light. Today, solar cells use the photoelectric effect to convert sunlight into power. In 1894, American inventor Melvin Severy received patents 527,377 for an “Apparatus for mounting and operating thermopiles” and 527,379 for an “Apparatus for generating electricity by solar heat.” Both patents were essentially early solar cells based on the discovery of the photoelectric effect. The first generated “electricity by the action of solar heat upon a thermo-pile” and could produce a constant electric current during the daily and annual movements of the sun, which alleviated anyone from having to move the thermopile according to the sun’s movements. Severy’s second patent from 1889 was also meant for using the sun’s thermal energy to produce electricity for heat, light and power. The “thermos piles,” or solar cells as we call them today, were mounted on a standard to allow them to be controlled in the vertical direction as well as on a turntable, which enabled them to move in a horizontal plane. “By the combination of these two movements, the face of the pile can be maintained opposite the sun all times of the day and all seasons of the year,” reads the patent.

Uh huh…on each and every day the sun is shining, which is nothing like every day, not anywhere in the entire world. Then we get into the storage end of the solar-power equation, ie, batteries. Which, despite some genuine improvement over recent years, is a whole ‘nother kettle of expensive, unreliable, not-ready-for-prime-time fish, other than on a very small, private-home scale.

Ironic, is it not, that the very ones who have for so long insufferably claimed to have a corner on plumping for “new ideas” and “fresh concepts” and “progress”—even going so far, in their boundless hubris, as to misnomer themselves “Progressives”—are the selfsame ones who today insist that “the way of the Future” is to regress to the dim and distant past. Back to the Harsanyi piece for the sad, sorry denouement.

In California, which not only leads the nation in “clean energy” production but is leading the rest of us into rolling blackouts, residents pay 24.62 cents per kilowatt-hour for energy, around double the national average. There are only three other states where residents fork 20 or more cents over, the isolated Hawaii and Alaska and the frack-banning New York. The price of a gallon of gas in California is around two dollars over the national average, at $5.458. In Texas, it’s $3.173.

The president also forgot to mention that affordable natural gas, propelled by technological efficiencies like fracking, is as much a reason for the struggles of coal.

After West Virginia’s Joe Manchin groused about Biden’s denigration of his state’s top industry , the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, “walked back” the comments, contending that the president’s “remarks yesterday have been twisted to suggest a meaning that was not intended; he regrets it if anyone hearing these remarks took offense.”

How they were distorted, she did not say. The statement stresses that the president understands that “the men and women of coal country built this nation” but that, yes, we must shut down the coal industry — as well as the oil and gas production. Biden is sorry that you’re offended. “Our goal as a nation is to combat climate change and increase our energy security by producing clean and efficient American energy,” the statement falsely goes on to say. Wind and solar, both victims to vagaries of the weather, aren’t, by any definition, “efficient.”

The kerfuffle, as with most debates over gas and oil, is confusing. The administration’s stated goal — one of the major policy planks of the Democratic Party — is to deliberately, through mandates or bans or taxes or contrived “markets,” make fossil fuels prohibitively expensive to force a “transition.” Biden’s Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice promises that a 100 percent clean energy economy and net-zero emissions will exist no later than 2050. California has banned new gas-powered cars by 2035. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, supported by virtually every Democratic Party presidential candidate last time around, is far more extreme.

None of these climate plans can be implemented without the effective nationalization of the energy sector and the banning of fossil fuels. Solar, after decades of mandates and subsidies and cronyism, accounts for around 3 percent of the national portfolio. Both wind and solar need to be propped up by fossil fuel generation. In anything resembling a functioning market, “clean energy” loses, not only to oil, gas, and coal, but also to nuclear power.

Well, they need to be propped up by sustainable, plentiful fossil fuels if one assumes that the shitlib goal is to provide energy sufficient to heat and cool American homes, keep American fridges and freezers stocked and the sustenance within them unspoiled, invigorate our economy, and just generally keep Western Civ moving forward efficiently and affordably. Unfortunately for us all, there is no discernible sign to date that any such thing is their actual goal. Quite the opposite, in fact.


Biden’s crack negotiating team SPRINGS into action!

That would be “crack” in the Hunter sense, I mean.

Washington—CNN — The Biden administration launched a full-scale pressure campaign in a last-ditch effort to dissuade Middle Eastern allies from dramatically cutting oil production, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

But that effort appears to have failed, following Wednesday’s crucial meeting of OPEC+, the international cartel of oil producers that, as expected, announced a significant cut to output in an effort to raise oil prices. That in turn will likely cause US gasoline prices to rise at a precarious time for the Biden administration, just five weeks before the midterm elections.

On Wednesday morning, OPEC+ oil ministers meeting in Vienna agreed to an even larger production cut than the White House had feared — 2 million barrels per day, beginning in November, according to a readout of the meeting released on Wednesday. The ministers said the cuts were necessary “in light of the uncertainty that surrounds the global economic and oil market outlooks.”

President Joe Biden told CNN’s Arlette Saenz on Wednesday that he was “concerned” about the cuts, which he viewed as “unnecessary.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters when asked about the move that “when it comes to OPEC, we’ve made clear our views to the OPEC members.”

For the past several days, Biden’s senior-most energy, economic and foreign policy officials were enlisted to lobby their foreign counterparts in Middle Eastern allied countries including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to vote against cutting oil production. Wednesday’s production cut amounts to the largest cut since the beginning of the pandemic and could lead to a dramatic spike in oil prices.

Some of the draft talking points circulated by the White House to the Treasury Department on Monday that were obtained by CNN framed the prospect of a production cut as a “total disaster” and warned that it could be taken as a “hostile act.”

“It’s important everyone is aware of just how high the stakes are,” said a US official of what was framed as a broad administration effort that is expected to continue in the lead up to the Wednesday OPEC+ meeting.

The White House is “having a spasm and panicking,” another US official said, describing this latest administration effort as “taking the gloves off.” According to a White House official, the talking points were being drafted and exchanged by staffers and not approved by White House leadership or used with foreign partners.

Oh sure, “taking the gloves off”…by getting on their knees, clasping their hands under the chin in a prayerful manner, and beseeching OPEC+  to pleasepleasepleasePLEEEAAAASE don’t hurt us! Or, as George Bailey put it, “I BEG of you, don’t do this thing!” And all this merely to preserve their unsustainable, unworkable, wholly destructive Green New Fever Dream, as Michael Shellenberger pithily notes.

The second Tweet explains it all, for any obtuse fool confused as to how a calamity of such extraordinary magnitude could possibly be befalling us under the benevolent, wise stewardship of King Gropey the Scoundrel.

The truly amusing thing here is how Biden’s Boobs are all a-puff and a-blow about their big, bad selves interpreting OPEC’s move as a “hostile act”—among the rhetorical options of international political conflict, just short of the phrase “act of war” in terms of bellicosity and implied threat—as if there was a single damned thing the intentionally-enfeebled Third Rate Power nation they misrule could or would do about it if it really was intended as such. It isn’t, naturally; OPEC+ is merely managing the resources under its control according to whatever will profit them the most.

It wasn’t the Oil Ticks that bent America over, depantsed it, and positioned it for a thorough rogering against its will. Nor was it the Saudis, or Russia, or Evil White Republican Extremists that wilfully took the US, its economy, and its people from energy independence to being totally reliant upon the less than tender mercies of the Middle Eastern oil cartel for the energy it requires to survive. No, the Biden junta did that to us themselves. It ought to be remembered, and it damned well ought to be avenged in due course.

Update! Proving yet again that the suppurating carbuncles skulking about behind the Biden junta‘s protective curtain of deceit will do absolutely anything, anything at all, to avoid allowing American-owned businesses to avail themselves of the nation’s abundant natural resources for the benefit of the much-abused American working stiff.




Treason, straight up.

Joe Biden is busy blaming gas station owners for the soaring prices of filling up at the pump.

Why, those dirty birds!

It’s his latest scheme to deflect blame for the nasty price shocks he’s brought on us, with gas going for about $5 a gallon nationwide, and $6-something in tax-happy, save-the-planet California.

He’s also blamed Putin, Big Oil producers, oil refineries, Republicans, and anyone but himself when it’s obvious enough that the root of the problem is his crush-the-oil-industry policies that he launched on day one in the name of “going green.” Combine it with his monster rounds of federal money-printing, which has brought on authentic inflation, and it’s a double-whammy of inflation and constrained supply.

Oh, but rest assured, he says he’s the good guy here:

I promise you I’m doing everything possible — everything possible to bring the price of energy down, gas prices down. And I want to make sure we all work on this together.

So he babbled. That’s from the White House official transcript.

His “everything possible” is weasel words. What he means is everything possible for him politically to bring down prices, not everything possible that will result actual price-cutting at the pump.

That’s why he’s failed refused to reverse his horrible decisions on the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada,

FIFY, Monica mine.

which would have brought America all the energy it needed, or reverse his bad decisions on drilling on federal land and waters, which would have restored American energy independence and maybe even made the U.S. an exporter of energy again. Those would be moves he could just throw the word out he was doing and would have brought energy prices down at least somewhat, minus the cost of Fed-generated inflation, given the importance of the futures market to energy trading. Instead, he’s gone begging the Saudis and Venezuelans to pump more oil for him and released about half the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, using it as an open-market mechanism to blunt the effect his bad policies rather than for the emergencies it’s intended to address. None of this has brought down the price of oil.

Think I was engaging in a little over-the-top rhetoricization with that “treason” business, do ya? Where is all this “treason,” forsooth? Gird your loins, O ye doubting Thomasii.

Now we learn that a huge chunk of this oil has gone abroad — to Europe, which, like the grasshopper that never bothered to save for a rainy day, what with Putin on the march demanding to be paid in rubles for his oil and natural gas, has left the continent short. Putin’s doing great on the price of petroleum, having lots of markets to sell to if Europe won’t buy from him, and the Russian ruble has strengthened. Worse still, a lot of this SPR release has gone to Asia, particularly China, which isn’t using it to fuel gas stations.

According to Reuters, which broke the story, it’s some 5 million barrels in just the last month alone, arriving at China’s Pacific ports.

The American Energy Alliance points out that it’s actually worse than it looks. China isn’t even using the oil; it’s stockpiling it for its own strategic petroleum reserves, meaning the U.S. oil taken off the market is not helping to lower the price of crude even on a worldwide basis.

I’m not an unreasonable man. That being so, I am perfectly willing to stipulate that Fuck(ing) Jaux Biden might actually NOT be the sorriest sumvabitch who ever shat behind a pair of shoes. But with this revoltin’ development, it couldn’t be more obvious that that ain’t the way to bet.

Oh, for the halcyon days of yore, when we used to hang scuzznuggets who pulled shit like this by their necks until they were dead, dead, DEAD. If this ain’t treason, I hope to never, ever see whatever is.


Biden angrily demands that something be done to bring down gas prices he blew into orbit himself

Moron, knucklehead, or damned idiot? I report, you decide.

Joe Biden has demanded that gas stations lower the cost of price at the pump, ignoring the low margins that come with selling gas.

On Wednesday, Biden spoke on the price of gas, caused by rising global prices in oil production due to the war in Ukraine, potentially exacerbated by the Democrat push towards renewable, “clean” energies, including the shuttering of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“POTENTIALLY exacerbated”? Oh, go fuck yourselves with a rusty razor blade, you duplicitous Dem-fellators. Gas prices were rising well before Ukraine got bent over for a Rooskie rogering, and will keep right on doing so until Democrats stop trying to coerce Americans into useless toy cars they don’t want or need, take their jackboots off of oil industry necks, and let them start producing again. Which isn’t something anyone should be holding his/her/zxxshrrimm’s breath waiting for.

“To the companies running gas stations and setting those prices at the pump. This is a time of war, global peril, Ukraine. These are not normal times,” Biden said. “Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for the product. Do it now. Do it today! Your customers, the American people, they need relief now!”

Yeah, choke on a dick, you blibbering nincompoop. The American people do indeed need relief, to be sure—from you, your dumbass Green Weenie-wagging policies, and you and your keepers’ fanatical devotion to the Holy Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly “the weather”) catechism. Bullyragging small business owners suffering under your misrule; temporary gas tax “holidays“; draining American reserve stocks set aside for other purposes, and other gimmicky, desperate half-measures will never be enough to undo the damage you’ve done. So stop trying to sell us on how deeply “concerned” you are all of a sudden about how badly “the American people” need “relief.” It’s insulting, frankly. Whenever “the American people” need any more shit from you we’ll squeeze your fucking head, asswipe.

Selling gas is consistently one of the least profitable businesses to get into, according to year on year data from Sageworks. In 2018, gas stations were the 7th least profitable industry overall, with an overall profit margin of only 2.4% in total.

In fact, that profit margin is bolstered only by the sale of more profitable sources of income, with the profit margin made on selling gas itself hitting on average only 1.4%, according to IBISWorld, with gas stations making around between 5 to 7 cents of profit per gallon. 70% of profit at gas stations is made inside the convenience store itself.

During the same speech, Biden asked incredulously if there were Republicans who would “rather have lower gas prices” domestically than create massive inflation by sending taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and causing international tension with Russia.

Many Americans reacted to the clip by affirming that they would, in fact, rather have lower gas prices than send massive amounts of money to Ukraine and stoke a possible armed conflict with Russia.

Gee, imagine that. Not that Gropey or his keepers give a damn about what the Serf Class does or does not prefer. Which is exactly where that whole 2A business is supposed to kick in, see. The more I see of this skeevy clown and the rat-bastard Big Top troupe propping his marginally-sentient old ass up, the more I have to wonder what the holdup could possibly be with that.

I do so love it when the selfsame oxygen-thief PropPol who made the mess in the first damned place starts bellowing that the people he’s done so much to harm need to clean it all up for him. That would most certainly be the case here; Joe and his fellow Demonrats wantonly burned down Trump’s new-made American energy independence, roaring economy, and affordable gas in service to their precious climate chimera. Now, after their dreamy dorm-room fantasies have blown up in ALL our faces, they don’t feel they should have to pay a political price for their unthinking, arrogant recklessness.

Die in a fire, Slow Joe, you and all the rest of your ilk.


Accidentally on purpose

Ain’t no such thing as a coincidence, bub.

Think ‘Bidenflation’ Won’t Push Gasoline Prices Over $10? Think Again.
This week a spokesperson for 76 Gas Stations confirmed to The Post Millennial that the national outlet “is reconfiguring its pumps to make room for the possibility of double-digit prices.” Ten-dollar-a gallon gasoline may have seemed far-fetched before now; however, thanks to Bidenflation (inflation driven mainly by the Biden Administration’s poor economic and energy policies), gas station outlets across the country continue to run out of fuel, causing prices to rise higher and higher each day.

From the first day of his presidency, Biden implemented his destructive energy-dependent policies while also ending Trump’s productive energy-independent policies. Among other things, Biden canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, refused the importation of Canadian oil, futilely begged Saudi Arabia for more oil, canceled drilling permits, pillaged our U.S. strategic petroleum reserves, and did nothing substantial to aid the trucker shortage and supply chain crisis.

Meanwhile, the ineffectual Biden Administration continued to deflect blame for the high gasoline prices by blaming everyone and everything from Vladimir Putin to seasonal gasoline blends to Big Oil greed to those dastardly Republicans. In reality, the high price of gasoline in the U.S. is a direct result of Biden’s deliberate and damaging economic and energy policies that began on day one of his presidency and continue to this day with no end in sight.

So the next time you step into the voting booth, remember this: in January 2021 (the last month of Donald Trump’s presidency), gasoline prices across the U.S. averaged $2.41. Today we’re preparing for ten-dollar gasoline at a pump near you. Vote accordingly.

Y’know, just like you did in 2020. It’s bound to work this time, amIright?

[Parseltongue]Trust ussss[/Parseltongue].

“Ineffectual,” was it? Tell ya what, you feel free to get back to me the next time something doesn’t work out exactly the way they wanted it to go from the start, whydon’tcha.

I swear, if certain starry-eyed boobs on Our Side don’t give up on this moronic delusion that shitlibs are really just Friends We Haven’t Met Yet instead of the deadly, implacable, and ruthless enemies of absolutely everything good and decent they so truly are, they’ll leave Real Americans no choice but to add them to the Potential Target List right along with the Leftards themselves.


Pull the other one, Joe, it has a bell on it

Dang that Putin anyhow. Horrible, horrible man; why must he torment us so?

As Gas Prices Set New Records, Biden Nukes More Oil And Gas Projects
CBS News revealed the Biden administration canceled more oil and gas leases across the country this week as soaring gas prices reached new heights Wednesday.

The Department of Interior canceled plans to drill in more than 1 million acres in Alaska’s Cook Inlet, arguing “lack of industry interest,” on top of canceling a pair of leases in the Gulf of Mexico over “conflicting court rulings.”

“Until now, the White House had remained silent about the massive Alaska lease,” CBS reported Wednesday night, citing political headwinds against the president responsible for record-setting pain at the pump. According to AAA travel agency’s tracker, gas prices reached new milestone Wednesday, at a nationwide average of $4.40 a gallon of regular unleaded and $5.55 for diesel. The prior record for unleaded was set in March, at an average $4.33 per gallon regular, and diesel at $5.54. The latest inflation numbers also out Wednesday revealed all prices still rising at a rapid pace of 8.3 percent annually, exceeding expectations.

“They don’t want to get hit by Republicans in light of high gas prices,” explained an “environmental advocate” to CBS granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic related to White House discretion on the leases. “They’re getting killed on attacks based on inflation. The most visible sign of inflation is high gas prices.”

While Biden has blamed Russia’s war in Ukraine for the continued price hikes, the trends began long before President Vladimir Putin launched his February invasion, and analysts say it’s clear that Biden is making things worse by banning companies from exploring sources of U.S. energy independence.

Well, duh. He’s a Demonrat. That means he’s a moron, he hates America, Americans, and the internal combustion engine because GAAAAIIIIIAAAA!!! As with every Demonrat, exorbitant, endlessly-rising gas prices confirm he’s Doing His Part to save the planet. This gives him a delightful full-body frisson of pride in the knowledge of his innate superiority to lesser beings than Himself. What a guy!

“President Biden remains absolutely committed to not moving forward with additional drilling on public lands,” White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy pledged on MSNBC.

SSSHHHH! You’re not supposed to say that out loud, dammit!

Really, though, it’s not as if we don’t all know it well enough anyway. I mean, of COURSE he does. For Joe, for any and every shitlib currently extant, what’s not to like about unaffordable gas?

  • It feeds their boundless arrogance and conceit as the Supreme Beings they can’t ever stop telling everybody else they are
  • It inflicts grievous injury on ordinary American families who must drive to work, school, the grocery store, &c
  • It strangulates the American economy
  • It damages American oil companies, whom they hate with the intensity of a thousand suns
  • It increases the price of just about everything else, including those godawful McDonalds corporate earthworm-and-pink-slime doo-doo burgers which really ought to be banned, the revolting things
  • It reduces the hated US to beggar-nation status, forcing it to crawl on hands and knees to the Saudi oil ticks importuning them to please, please, PLEASE increase production, a sight they enjoy more than a good, hot lezbo/interracial/chubby-chaser/transgender-gangbang flick
  • It puts additional pressure on Americans to switch to one of their precious little electric go-karts, or so they tell themselves

So I repeat: what’s not to like here for these smarmy libtard cock-knockers? Unaffordable gas does so many things they want to see done, hurts people they love to see suffer, and makes them feel good about themselves all at once. They dwell in blissful ignorance about the godawful knock-on effects their presumptuous nitwittery will bring about; they really do seem to believe that you can run a First World industrial-age economy on nothing but batteries, wind, sunshine, and dorm-room fantasies. They’re totally unaware of what will happen when the trucks are no longer able to get to the grocery store down the street; for them, the equation of bare shelves suddenly not being restocked within a couple of days anymore simply does not compute. Hey, there’s always the Magical Froot, their personal-fave vegan restaurant, right? They’re BOUND to have something good to eat there, right?

S’cuse me, did I just hear somebody say something about trucks not being able to get to the grocery stores?

It has often been said that if you chase the global climate change ideology to its natural conclusion, we end up in communal groups sitting around a tepid campfire eating some form of sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other…Prior to Joe Biden that prediction might have seemed like hyperbole. Now, not so much.

Indeed, the Green New Deal energy policy of Joe Biden creates massive downstream consequences. Unfortunately, the White House doesn’t seem to care. The high prices and scarcity of critical goods are a feature, not a flaw, as they chase their climate friendly Build Back Better agenda.

Following the continuum of intended consequence, now we have diesel fuel shortages beginning to hit the U.S. economy; and with scarcity comes higher prices of an almost astronomical scale. “The national average price of diesel is now $5.54 per gallon, which is an increase of 22 cents from last week, which was when the most recent record was set. Data shows there’s no state that’s currently seeing diesel prices below $5.12 per gallon.”

Making matters even worse is a drop in available inventory of diesel fuel which is about to become a crisis for the east coast of the U.S. Some Truck Stop operators like Love’s and Pilot are already warning their big rig customers they may not have fuel for truckers.

Never forget: the criminal cartel masquerading as a political party known as the Democrat Party WANTS THIS. They are FOR THIS, they think this is a GOOD THING. If We The People hope to save ourselves, our children, and whatever is left of our nation, then EVERY FUCKING DEMOCRAT must be forcibly removed from office without delay, by any means necessary. Going forward from there, NO DEMOCRAT can be allowed anywhere near the levers of power EVER AGAIN.

And that, friends, is IT. Full stop, end of story.

The calamity we now see unfolding all around us is EXACTLY the sort of thing the muttonheaded, unworkable policies favored by Democrats result in EVERY TIME THEY ARE TRIED. The historical record is rife with past examples. Reportage of current events from socialist shitholes still hanging on in every corner of the globe—Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe—reaffirm the dismal truth about life under THE VERY SAME IDEOLOGY ESPOUSED TODAY BY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

It’s only early innings yet, but already things are happening which are without precedent in this once-prosperous nation—circumstances and conditions all too common in a tragically large portion of the world, but quite literally unheard of here. Alas, Americans are soon to learn all about unpleasantries such as hunger, want, poverty, cold, homelessness, and the multifarious hazards associated with them—from savage, predatory street thugs, to sadistic cops, to disease, to feral animal packs, to other poverty-stricken skels—in more intimate detail than they would probaby wish.

Remember when I told you a few weeks back about the ongoing discussion between my brother and a few of his trucker buddies about what, if any, future they might have in the biz if diesel went over five bucks per gallon? Well, guess what: he said that earlier this week three of his co-workers have parked their rigs, locked ’em up, and hung a For Sale sign on ’em, intent on leaving the industry for good. The trucks are all what’s known in the biz as “glider” trucks—older models not subject to the crippling restrictions newer trucks have to run under. Gliders are the most desirable used trucks out there, and go for top buck if you can find one. My brother was lucky enough to score a nice Freightliner Classic XL—freshly-rebuilt Detroit 60 Series under the hood, ultra-clean, not a mark on it inside or out—for a relative pittance, thanks to another of his road-dog friends. Now Jeff spends a fair percentage of his time whenever he’s fueling up at the Flying J fielding endless offers to buy his glider from him on the spot. He just smirks at ’em, waves his old-school paper logbook in their faces (legal for gliders, none of the snooper-tech you have to put up with with the computer logs), and drawls “Nawwwww, I think I’m good here.”

We’re squarely in the Real, the Bad, and the Scary now, folks. Ain’t no way out of it, ain’t no way to reverse course, ain’t no way to fix it; all’s we can do now is just ride it out best we can, and hope to survive. Karl brings the double-plus-ungood tidings:

The other Gorilla in the room, fuel oil aka diesel fuel, is up 80% from last year. Until and unless that is stopped and the price comes back downwhich will only happen if and when the government ceases its war on fossil fuels, there is no way for the general upward pressure on prices to be reversed. Every piece of farm equipment forward to the delivery of the food to your store runs on diesel. Every single item you buy travels at least the last part of its journey moved by diesel. I do not care how you “feel” about the issues related to the use of fossil fuels, the simple reality is that without them you have no fertilizer, no food and nothing in the store so all of the claims of virtue you issue will make you broke or even cause you to starve.

The part in Denninger’s italics and my boldface is the bell sounding our doom, because as long as the US government remains in place, unimpeded, unaltered, and in the control of Democrats, there is absolutely no hope that their lunatic, suicidal War On Fossil Fuels will end. And that, as Karl flatly states, means that there is no significant price relief in store for us, not in the foreseeable future. Whatever the reason for it—incompetence, stupidity, ideological rigidity, or as a component of the Great Reset plan—the Democrats refuse to relax their all-consuming loathing for fossil fuels even slightly. Not even to save their own lives, they won’t. They’re either too damned unimaginative and knotheaded to conceptualize the predictable end-result of their own noble cause, or they arrogantly assume themselves to be way too lofty and important to be brought down by it in the same bloody, broken pile of tribulation as all those other luckless peasants—the eggs for the collective omelet.

And so here we all are. The American people haven’t faced a situation this grim since the Great Depression, and I expect we’ll surpass the darkest days of those times before too much longer. More macabre than anything is that we’ve been brought to this desperate pass not as the result of some natural disaster, or by some ghastly accident. No, the firestorm of immiseration soon to engulf us all is intentional, the product of human creativity, planning, and coordination.

Never forget that this hellish project’s intellectual ancestry can be traced directly back to the Democrat side of the American family tree, particularly so with the specific issue discussed in this post. The berserker fanaticism driving their years-long campaign to do away prematurely with the very fossil-fuel industry which made this the wealthiest nation in human history has been such a rousing success that sane, normal Americans are left with no choice but to deal with them firmly—harshly, even. Stopping them is now a matter of self-preservation, of life and death, literally and imminently—no longer an unattractive, questionable, or melodramatic overreaction to a more or less trifling provocation. If Real Americans stay our hands for much longer, we will condemn ourselves and all that we hold dear to a most ignoble fate—a coward’s death—thereby staining ourselves with a soul-deep shame which can never be scrubbed clean or erased.

Bayou Pete has plenty more on this dark subject, none of it in the least reassuring.



They never miss even the smallest opportunity, do they?

Pelosi Pushes Democratic Bill That Would Give Biden Power To Control Gas Prices

Gee, wouldn’t you say he pretty much has it already, as evidenced by the way he caused prices to double via shutting down pipelines, yanking oil leases, forbidding drilling and exploration, etc? But then that’s Demonrats for ya—always looking for any excuse at all to expand federal power and control. The rest of the article is so badly bloated with shitlib megalomania it’s too fat to get up off the sofa and walk to the kitchen to grab Fauxcahontas Warren “one o’ them thar beers.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) blamed the continued record surge in gas prices on “exploitation” by oil companies, and touted a bill that would essentially allow the president to control prices.

During her weekly press briefing, Pelosi touted a Democrat-backed bill called the “Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act,” which would allow the president to declare an “energy emergency” giving him the ability to regulate prices by preventing fuel companies from selling their products at prices deemed to be “unconscionably excessive” and “exploiting” such an emergency.

“Next week on the floor of the House, we will have another piece of our lowering-costs-for-the-American-people legislation,” Pelosi said. “House Democrats, led by [Washington] Congresswoman [Kim] Schrier and [California] Congresswoman [Katie] Porter introduced the ‘Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act.’ While families are struggling to pay higher prices at the pump, oil and gas companies are recording record profits, with [the] seven largest oil companies announcing buybacks that could total $41 billion this year alone. Again and again, we see gas prices rise, sometimes when the cost of oil drops, oil prices drop, and price gouging needs to be stopped. This is a major exploitation of the consumer because this is a product that the consumer must have.”

“Again, the Putin [Price] Hike at the pump is a part of this,” Pelosi continued. “You would think that the oil companies would compensate for that rather than exploit the opportunity that it — so in this bill, what this bill does [is] — price gouging needs to be addressed, including new tools at the [Federal Trade Commission] to address those abuses. Our bill enables the president to issue an energy emergency declaration making it unlawful to increase gas and home energy prices in an exploitative and excessive way, which is part of the business plan of these companies.”

The bill authorizes the president to declare an “energy emergency” anywhere within the United States, and use federal powers to regulate prices to combat it. “The President may issue an energy emergency proclamation for any area within the jurisdiction of the United States” within one week of a “reasonably foreseeable emergency” for a period of up to 30 days, the bill states. These proclamations can be renewed for consecutive periods.

Hey, we can always rely on the Demonrats to solve the problems created for us by…um, the Demonrats. Wherever would we be without ’em?


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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

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"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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