They never miss even the smallest opportunity, do they?
Pelosi Pushes Democratic Bill That Would Give Biden Power To Control Gas Prices
Gee, wouldn’t you say he pretty much has it already, as evidenced by the way he caused prices to double via shutting down pipelines, yanking oil leases, forbidding drilling and exploration, etc? But then that’s Demonrats for ya—always looking for any excuse at all to expand federal power and control. The rest of the article is so badly bloated with shitlib megalomania it’s too fat to get up off the sofa and walk to the kitchen to grab Fauxcahontas Warren “one o’ them thar beers.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) blamed the continued record surge in gas prices on “exploitation” by oil companies, and touted a bill that would essentially allow the president to control prices.
During her weekly press briefing, Pelosi touted a Democrat-backed bill called the “Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act,” which would allow the president to declare an “energy emergency” giving him the ability to regulate prices by preventing fuel companies from selling their products at prices deemed to be “unconscionably excessive” and “exploiting” such an emergency.
“Next week on the floor of the House, we will have another piece of our lowering-costs-for-the-American-people legislation,” Pelosi said. “House Democrats, led by [Washington] Congresswoman [Kim] Schrier and [California] Congresswoman [Katie] Porter introduced the ‘Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act.’ While families are struggling to pay higher prices at the pump, oil and gas companies are recording record profits, with [the] seven largest oil companies announcing buybacks that could total $41 billion this year alone. Again and again, we see gas prices rise, sometimes when the cost of oil drops, oil prices drop, and price gouging needs to be stopped. This is a major exploitation of the consumer because this is a product that the consumer must have.”
“Again, the Putin [Price] Hike at the pump is a part of this,” Pelosi continued. “You would think that the oil companies would compensate for that rather than exploit the opportunity that it — so in this bill, what this bill does [is] — price gouging needs to be addressed, including new tools at the [Federal Trade Commission] to address those abuses. Our bill enables the president to issue an energy emergency declaration making it unlawful to increase gas and home energy prices in an exploitative and excessive way, which is part of the business plan of these companies.”
The bill authorizes the president to declare an “energy emergency” anywhere within the United States, and use federal powers to regulate prices to combat it. “The President may issue an energy emergency proclamation for any area within the jurisdiction of the United States” within one week of a “reasonably foreseeable emergency” for a period of up to 30 days, the bill states. These proclamations can be renewed for consecutive periods.
Hey, we can always rely on the Demonrats to solve the problems created for us by…um, the Demonrats. Wherever would we be without ’em?
LOL price contols hahahahahah
You would think that the retards in Washington would learn from history. About fifteen years ago, when the price at the pump shot up because a number of refineries got blapped by a natural disaster, retards in Washington called for an investigation into profiteering by Big Oil. One of the summoned execs brought up a pie chart which showed that taxes made up a bigger slice of the total price than profit did. I haven’t seen numbers but imagine that the same is true today.
The same (super high taxes) goes for Euro countries and Canada.
“…the same is true today.”
Yes it is.
Generally speaking, the oil companies take a percentage profit. So, rising prices for any reason increase their total profit.
Tax is typically per gallon, so high price or low, the government is screwing you.