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Pull the other one, Joe, it has a bell on it

Dang that Putin anyhow. Horrible, horrible man; why must he torment us so?

As Gas Prices Set New Records, Biden Nukes More Oil And Gas Projects
CBS News revealed the Biden administration canceled more oil and gas leases across the country this week as soaring gas prices reached new heights Wednesday.

The Department of Interior canceled plans to drill in more than 1 million acres in Alaska’s Cook Inlet, arguing “lack of industry interest,” on top of canceling a pair of leases in the Gulf of Mexico over “conflicting court rulings.”

“Until now, the White House had remained silent about the massive Alaska lease,” CBS reported Wednesday night, citing political headwinds against the president responsible for record-setting pain at the pump. According to AAA travel agency’s tracker, gas prices reached new milestone Wednesday, at a nationwide average of $4.40 a gallon of regular unleaded and $5.55 for diesel. The prior record for unleaded was set in March, at an average $4.33 per gallon regular, and diesel at $5.54. The latest inflation numbers also out Wednesday revealed all prices still rising at a rapid pace of 8.3 percent annually, exceeding expectations.

“They don’t want to get hit by Republicans in light of high gas prices,” explained an “environmental advocate” to CBS granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic related to White House discretion on the leases. “They’re getting killed on attacks based on inflation. The most visible sign of inflation is high gas prices.”

While Biden has blamed Russia’s war in Ukraine for the continued price hikes, the trends began long before President Vladimir Putin launched his February invasion, and analysts say it’s clear that Biden is making things worse by banning companies from exploring sources of U.S. energy independence.

Well, duh. He’s a Demonrat. That means he’s a moron, he hates America, Americans, and the internal combustion engine because GAAAAIIIIIAAAA!!! As with every Demonrat, exorbitant, endlessly-rising gas prices confirm he’s Doing His Part to save the planet. This gives him a delightful full-body frisson of pride in the knowledge of his innate superiority to lesser beings than Himself. What a guy!

“President Biden remains absolutely committed to not moving forward with additional drilling on public lands,” White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy pledged on MSNBC.

SSSHHHH! You’re not supposed to say that out loud, dammit!

Really, though, it’s not as if we don’t all know it well enough anyway. I mean, of COURSE he does. For Joe, for any and every shitlib currently extant, what’s not to like about unaffordable gas?

  • It feeds their boundless arrogance and conceit as the Supreme Beings they can’t ever stop telling everybody else they are
  • It inflicts grievous injury on ordinary American families who must drive to work, school, the grocery store, &c
  • It strangulates the American economy
  • It damages American oil companies, whom they hate with the intensity of a thousand suns
  • It increases the price of just about everything else, including those godawful McDonalds corporate earthworm-and-pink-slime doo-doo burgers which really ought to be banned, the revolting things
  • It reduces the hated US to beggar-nation status, forcing it to crawl on hands and knees to the Saudi oil ticks importuning them to please, please, PLEASE increase production, a sight they enjoy more than a good, hot lezbo/interracial/chubby-chaser/transgender-gangbang flick
  • It puts additional pressure on Americans to switch to one of their precious little electric go-karts, or so they tell themselves

So I repeat: what’s not to like here for these smarmy libtard cock-knockers? Unaffordable gas does so many things they want to see done, hurts people they love to see suffer, and makes them feel good about themselves all at once. They dwell in blissful ignorance about the godawful knock-on effects their presumptuous nitwittery will bring about; they really do seem to believe that you can run a First World industrial-age economy on nothing but batteries, wind, sunshine, and dorm-room fantasies. They’re totally unaware of what will happen when the trucks are no longer able to get to the grocery store down the street; for them, the equation of bare shelves suddenly not being restocked within a couple of days anymore simply does not compute. Hey, there’s always the Magical Froot, their personal-fave vegan restaurant, right? They’re BOUND to have something good to eat there, right?

S’cuse me, did I just hear somebody say something about trucks not being able to get to the grocery stores?

It has often been said that if you chase the global climate change ideology to its natural conclusion, we end up in communal groups sitting around a tepid campfire eating some form of sustainable algae cakes and picking parasites off each other…Prior to Joe Biden that prediction might have seemed like hyperbole. Now, not so much.

Indeed, the Green New Deal energy policy of Joe Biden creates massive downstream consequences. Unfortunately, the White House doesn’t seem to care. The high prices and scarcity of critical goods are a feature, not a flaw, as they chase their climate friendly Build Back Better agenda.

Following the continuum of intended consequence, now we have diesel fuel shortages beginning to hit the U.S. economy; and with scarcity comes higher prices of an almost astronomical scale. “The national average price of diesel is now $5.54 per gallon, which is an increase of 22 cents from last week, which was when the most recent record was set. Data shows there’s no state that’s currently seeing diesel prices below $5.12 per gallon.”

Making matters even worse is a drop in available inventory of diesel fuel which is about to become a crisis for the east coast of the U.S. Some Truck Stop operators like Love’s and Pilot are already warning their big rig customers they may not have fuel for truckers.

Never forget: the criminal cartel masquerading as a political party known as the Democrat Party WANTS THIS. They are FOR THIS, they think this is a GOOD THING. If We The People hope to save ourselves, our children, and whatever is left of our nation, then EVERY FUCKING DEMOCRAT must be forcibly removed from office without delay, by any means necessary. Going forward from there, NO DEMOCRAT can be allowed anywhere near the levers of power EVER AGAIN.

And that, friends, is IT. Full stop, end of story.

The calamity we now see unfolding all around us is EXACTLY the sort of thing the muttonheaded, unworkable policies favored by Democrats result in EVERY TIME THEY ARE TRIED. The historical record is rife with past examples. Reportage of current events from socialist shitholes still hanging on in every corner of the globe—Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe—reaffirm the dismal truth about life under THE VERY SAME IDEOLOGY ESPOUSED TODAY BY THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

It’s only early innings yet, but already things are happening which are without precedent in this once-prosperous nation—circumstances and conditions all too common in a tragically large portion of the world, but quite literally unheard of here. Alas, Americans are soon to learn all about unpleasantries such as hunger, want, poverty, cold, homelessness, and the multifarious hazards associated with them—from savage, predatory street thugs, to sadistic cops, to disease, to feral animal packs, to other poverty-stricken skels—in more intimate detail than they would probaby wish.

Remember when I told you a few weeks back about the ongoing discussion between my brother and a few of his trucker buddies about what, if any, future they might have in the biz if diesel went over five bucks per gallon? Well, guess what: he said that earlier this week three of his co-workers have parked their rigs, locked ’em up, and hung a For Sale sign on ’em, intent on leaving the industry for good. The trucks are all what’s known in the biz as “glider” trucks—older models not subject to the crippling restrictions newer trucks have to run under. Gliders are the most desirable used trucks out there, and go for top buck if you can find one. My brother was lucky enough to score a nice Freightliner Classic XL—freshly-rebuilt Detroit 60 Series under the hood, ultra-clean, not a mark on it inside or out—for a relative pittance, thanks to another of his road-dog friends. Now Jeff spends a fair percentage of his time whenever he’s fueling up at the Flying J fielding endless offers to buy his glider from him on the spot. He just smirks at ’em, waves his old-school paper logbook in their faces (legal for gliders, none of the snooper-tech you have to put up with with the computer logs), and drawls “Nawwwww, I think I’m good here.”

We’re squarely in the Real, the Bad, and the Scary now, folks. Ain’t no way out of it, ain’t no way to reverse course, ain’t no way to fix it; all’s we can do now is just ride it out best we can, and hope to survive. Karl brings the double-plus-ungood tidings:

The other Gorilla in the room, fuel oil aka diesel fuel, is up 80% from last year. Until and unless that is stopped and the price comes back downwhich will only happen if and when the government ceases its war on fossil fuels, there is no way for the general upward pressure on prices to be reversed. Every piece of farm equipment forward to the delivery of the food to your store runs on diesel. Every single item you buy travels at least the last part of its journey moved by diesel. I do not care how you “feel” about the issues related to the use of fossil fuels, the simple reality is that without them you have no fertilizer, no food and nothing in the store so all of the claims of virtue you issue will make you broke or even cause you to starve.

The part in Denninger’s italics and my boldface is the bell sounding our doom, because as long as the US government remains in place, unimpeded, unaltered, and in the control of Democrats, there is absolutely no hope that their lunatic, suicidal War On Fossil Fuels will end. And that, as Karl flatly states, means that there is no significant price relief in store for us, not in the foreseeable future. Whatever the reason for it—incompetence, stupidity, ideological rigidity, or as a component of the Great Reset plan—the Democrats refuse to relax their all-consuming loathing for fossil fuels even slightly. Not even to save their own lives, they won’t. They’re either too damned unimaginative and knotheaded to conceptualize the predictable end-result of their own noble cause, or they arrogantly assume themselves to be way too lofty and important to be brought down by it in the same bloody, broken pile of tribulation as all those other luckless peasants—the eggs for the collective omelet.

And so here we all are. The American people haven’t faced a situation this grim since the Great Depression, and I expect we’ll surpass the darkest days of those times before too much longer. More macabre than anything is that we’ve been brought to this desperate pass not as the result of some natural disaster, or by some ghastly accident. No, the firestorm of immiseration soon to engulf us all is intentional, the product of human creativity, planning, and coordination.

Never forget that this hellish project’s intellectual ancestry can be traced directly back to the Democrat side of the American family tree, particularly so with the specific issue discussed in this post. The berserker fanaticism driving their years-long campaign to do away prematurely with the very fossil-fuel industry which made this the wealthiest nation in human history has been such a rousing success that sane, normal Americans are left with no choice but to deal with them firmly—harshly, even. Stopping them is now a matter of self-preservation, of life and death, literally and imminently—no longer an unattractive, questionable, or melodramatic overreaction to a more or less trifling provocation. If Real Americans stay our hands for much longer, we will condemn ourselves and all that we hold dear to a most ignoble fate—a coward’s death—thereby staining ourselves with a soul-deep shame which can never be scrubbed clean or erased.

Bayou Pete has plenty more on this dark subject, none of it in the least reassuring.


9 thoughts on “Pull the other one, Joe, it has a bell on it

  1. Owner operator truckers are going broke..when they park the rigs or strike, its game over. We haven’t seen a supply chain problem

  2. It’s worse than that, Mike. Our own agricultural industry will have to bear the brunt of the diesel fuel prices. The coastal areas (say, aren’t those the ones that are closer to Atlantic and Pacific shipping? And, reliably ‘Progressive’?) will not see as great an increase, assuming that they get most of their shipments from overseas.
    Yet Another Win for China and EU.
    I’m disgusted. Almost every family know is putting in an extensive garden. My grandchildren with a 6 month old child are on edge about the formula shortage – don’t know from week to week whether they will be able to feed her.
    I’m heading out this afternoon to buy a battery-operated lawnmower. Don’t want to trust that there will be gas enough for me to keep the overgrowth down.
    The only questions are:

    • Will the ‘Urban Yoots’ destroy the cities first?
    • Will the Normals rise up – FINALLY – to throw out the bums that are destroying this country?
    • Will this split my family – I know I’m going Red, should the Split happen.
    • Will I have the right time and day of the kickoff to War/Revolution in the neighborhood betting pool? The money may help fund my getaway from the front lines.
  3. Joe Biden (and the people pulling his strings) is not a Democrat; he is (along with Chuckie and Nancy) a Progressive Destructionist: a person dedicated to the destruction of the United States of America.

  4. Deep State do everything they could to entice and provoke Russia into this War. The. Joetato invited him to a minor Incursion.

    Now the generals are telling Senators like Manchin that the best we can hope for here is a stalemate.

    I’m no fan of Putin. But Ukraine was neck deep in Biteme Corruption and Deep Star has engineered, once again, a nice war to enrich themselves and the M-I Complex.

    And Z and the Ukrainians have played right into it. That can’t be an accident, since Z didn’t do shit when Trump asked him to investigate corruption. Including Burisma.

    Kennan called expanding NATO a tragic mistake in 1998. He predicted Putin (Yeltsin was President at the time) and expected increasing Russian Aggression as a result.
    Schlafly called NATO another useless web of international alliances that snared America into a Globalist One World Government.
    Many others also warned against NATO expansion since the 90s.

    1. Ukraine is as corrupt as our own government, which means they are pretty damn corrupt. In fact, I would guess the Ukraine corruption is a result of our corrupting them.

      I’ve already stated I’d nuke Russia. They have spread nothing but evil, death, and destruction since 1917. In 1945 we nuked the Japs. We should have nuked Moscow instead.

      Regarding NATO, it’s not been an effective deterrent. The only deterrent has been the USA and to a lesser extent, the nukes of England and France.

      Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine is a power grab, nothing more. It’s what ruthless despots do. Talk of NATO, a treaty that has never in anyway been used as a offensive system, is just BS. What putin doesn’t like is the idea that NATO might be invoked were he to invade any of the former soviet sphere country’s.

      Anyone still harping on the “strength” of the Russian military needs their fucking head examined. It is what I said months ago – a group of conscripts led by incompetent boobs with mostly failing hardware. Someone compared their assault on the Ukraine to our invasion of Iraq. Really stupid. In Iraq we sent troops, hardware, and support of it all halfway around the world. The fucking russians can barely sustain a campaign on their own border. Any military loss we have had since WW2 has been a political loss. On the battlefield we have never been defeated, and that includes Vietnam. Hell, we took Afghanistan with a couple hundred men and horses (with a few C130’s 🙂 ).

      The russians are at the heart of every problem in the world except one, the china problem. We created the china problem, but even that was partly in response to the russian problem. Who propped up the Vietnamese? Who created the modern Afghanistan problem? Who has propped up every middle eastern dictator? Who propped up Castro? Who has propped up every South American and African dictator? What problem in the world cannot be traced back to the fucking russians?

      Fuck the russians. And the Ukrainian government.

  5. …the Democrats refuse to relax their all-consuming loathing for fossil fuels even slightly. Not even to save their own lives, they won’t.

    Perhaps what they think they can achieve is the status of the USSR’s nomenklatura: the political elite that were allowed access to special stores and goods from the West.

    I have a couple of friends from the old Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries. None of them were nomenklatura. They’ve described “queue life” — see a line; immediately join the line in the hope that something desirable will be available when you reach the head; brace for eventual disappointment — in excruciating detail. That’s what looms before the American public should the Usurpers remain in unchallenged power.

  6. I know that they’re going to need a giant Crisis in time for the Midterms and we got all the Four Horsemen link g up for a charge. Which one will they choose? Or will they send all 4?

    It’s gonna get…LIT…this Summer.

  7. May I add one more intended consequence? People are forced into less wide-spread living situations; even suburbs are made extremely difficult to sustain activities of daily living or getting to work. Call it ghettoization, call it the dormitories we see at Chinese factories, call it the forced villages of the Soviet era (think collectivized farming, but more than that — those monstrous apartment houses in what were otherwise small villages). Much easier to control the sheep when they are in smaller areas (and, just now thinking of it, less likely that people will be able to have private vegetable gardens or chickens). Maybe call them concentration camps.

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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