So how’s that black-majority rule in S Africa stuff working out for ya, anyway?
Oh, about like you’d expect it would.
“We are in a state of systemic failure, the water sector is collapsing,” expert Prof Anthony Turton tells the BBC.
The lack of electricity has exacerbated issues created by poorly maintained infrastructure, which has led to vast leaks as well as sewage problems, and a supply of water that cannot meet demand.
Seventy million litres of treated, clean, drinkable water are lost every single day because of leaks that are endemic in the crumbling water system.
There’s also the minor matter of daily 16-hours-long electricity blackouts, just to pile misery atop of misery. But as Arthur notes, there’s a sinister hand helping this disaster along, and it’s one with which Americans should have a more-than-passing familiarity.
To the surprise of no one, Western nations are pushing South Africa to adopt “renewable” energy, partly via bribery and partly by threatening to cut off South Africans goods from their markets in the name of fighting “climate change”. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that you cannot replace coal fired power plants with solar fields and wind turbines, especially in an African nation where the locals will steal the solar panels as soon as the workers finish installing them. When the push to “renewables” fails, and it will, and the connected people loot the Western “aid” as much as they can, South Africans will long for the days when the power was only off 16 hours a day.
As will we be soon enough, if our own homegrown TPT(currently)B are allowed to continue having their way with us. The key to resolving this seemingly intractable dilemma lies in that “currently” I parenthetically inserted just now. And the key to resolving THAT little problem lies in Arthur’s final sentence:
More thoughts on this to come but if nothing else, looking at the situation in South Africa should be all the reminder you need: Never, ever, give up your guns.
Amen, brotha-man. By the same token, though, we should likewise never, ever give up the idea of breaking the means of our deliverance out of the gun safe and putting them to their intended use against tyrannical government, as directly and unequivocally commended to us by our Founding Fathers. Foreswearing said use, as every honest person must acknowledge, is tantamount to giving them up, once the over-ballyhooed deterrent effect of merely possessing them has been rendered null and void by a government manifestly unconcerned with preserving even the most threadbare illusion of legitimacy for itself.
As Matt Bracken says: if you think it’s time to bury your guns in the backyard, it’s probably time to start digging ’em up instead. And speaking of our friend and esteemed colleague…
Related to the topic at hand? Oh, I’d say it is, yeah. Very much so, actually, if you think about it a little. I just wish that damned Torba would get his ass cracking on making Gab posts embeddable without the whole rig-a-marole of doing a screen-capture, saving it, and then posting it as an image, the way Tweets are.