I have an AR and I love the thing all to pieces, albeit in a totes non-sexual way, of course. But this is the kind of AR I REALLY want to own.
Expert testifies that a single round from an AR-15 can sever the upper body from the lower body
We’ve heard a lot about the abilities of the AR-15. Last summer, NPR reported that bullets travel from the AR-15 with such velocity that they can decapitate an adult. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. informed us that a bullet from an AR-15 can liquify tissue and vaporize bone.
Now, as California’s Department of Justice weighs an assault weapons ban, Col. Craig Tucker has testified that a single round from an AR-15 “is capable of severing the upper body from the lower body, or decapitation.” Furthermore, it’s useless as a defensive weapon, except maybe when used to beat an attacker with it.
Uhhhh HUH. WELL, then, there you have it; The Science™ hath spaketh, nothing more to be said. Yet for some reason, the mouth is still moving.
I am in absolute awe
I was today years old when I was informed, by an “expert” testifying for California’s DOJ, that an AR is an area effect weapon, a single .223 round can sever a human being in half, barrel rifling is what makes a round tumble upon hitting it’s target and… https://t.co/5VZ5vIWN4c pic.twitter.com/Qnl7Qr0uQC
— Bad Weapon Takes (@BadWeaponTakes)
Gee, I don’t know what we’d ever do without “experts” to look out for us and protect us from…whatthefuckever. But I sure hope someday we get to find out. Glenn snarks:
That’s nothing. I have some specialty AR15 rounds that actually travel back in time and kill your grandfather so that you’re never born at all. They’re a bit pricey, but worth it.
Okay, sign me up for some of those too.
“Col.” Tucker…?
So, which KFC franchise does he run?
There is a photo of him with his hand on his hip just like a 6 year old girl.- surprised he wasn’t stamping his foot as well. Just what is our Marine Corps coming to?
Are we sure that we’re talking about decapitating a grown human? I could see an AR-15 round decapitating, say, a shrew. A round could even cut a shrew’s body in half.
(I mean the little, four-legged critter with a tail, not the neighbor who’s always screaming at her husband.)
Even if we allow for one of the variant rounds…
They have a “Vaccine” for that now.
Blew his dang head off, but he’s better now…
Sh!$ posted comment on wrong thread meant to post on this one. I posted wait till they find out what a bolt action 30.06 will do to their frail little bodies!
Saw that yesterday. Sent links to my Ret. Marine friend.
It is Califrutopia though, like the science it depends on who is paying for the research, he doesn’t seem to be the slightest bit embarrassed nor the legal eagles who entered the trash publicly. Sociopaths.
“AR-15 Useless as a defensive weapon”???
Defense witness list:
Joseph Rosenbaum
Anthony Huber
Max Cook
Jake Redfearn
Jacob Woodruff