No big surprise here, I shouldn’t think.

The lying liars who talk about climate change know that they’re spouting bullshit.

More than 90 percent of NOAA’s temperature monitoring stations have a heat bias, according to Anthony Watts, a meteorologist, senior fellow for environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, author of climate website Watts Up With That, and director of a study that examined NOAA’s climate stations.“

And with that large of a number, over 90 percent, the methods that NOAA employs to try to reduce this don’t work because the bias is so overwhelming,” Mr. Watts told The Epoch Times.

“The few stations that are left that are not biased because they are, for example, outside of town in a field and are an agricultural research station that’s been around for 100 years…their data gets completely swamped by the much larger set of biased data. There’s no way you can adjust that out.”

The article starts with the claim from the Useless Nations about how if the planet temperature goes up by 1.5 degrees C, then we’re all going to die.

Uh, no. There are three periods in human history when the temps went up by more than 2 degrees C. The Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, and the Medieval Warm Period. I would point out that all three of those periods corresponded with increased human growth and technology, not less. Also, no massive planet shattering cataclysms either.

Now add in data that is blatantly biased. The whole Global Warming Climate Cooling Change cult falls apart like a junkie who hasn’t gotten a fix in 24 hours.

Well, naturally. But then, what else would any reasonably well-informed, aware person expect from them other than a perfervid aversion to facts, truth, and observable reality? FederalGovCo lies so much, so continually, it’s gotta be pretty tough for ‘em by now to even realize they’re doing it at all, forget about owning up to it and trying to do better. Dishonesty, deceit, and overweening bumptiousness are the Government Grey Man’s default response at this point, regardless of topic or context: reflexive, instinctive, as if those ignoble traits were hard-coded into their DNA.

My wise old grandma put it best: they’d rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand flatfooted and tell the truth. That a great nation could have somehow produced such horribly diseased specimens has to be one of the most grotesque ironies in the human tragicomedy.


JUDGMENT DAY: Skynet becomes self-aware, slaughters billions!

Actually, there seems to be a good deal less to the story than meets the eye. I’ll boldface what I mean by that.

Tesla Robot Suffers Malfunctions and Attacks Engineer at Texas Factory, Leaving ‘Trail of Blood’
A robotic malfunction at Tesla’s Giga Texas factory resulted in a violent encounter where an engineer was attacked by one of the company’s robots, resulting in significant injuries and leaving a ‘trail of blood.’

According to the Daily Mail, while working on software programming for non-functional Tesla robots, the engineer was suddenly pinned against a surface by a robot tasked with manipulating aluminum car components, with its metal claws inflicted an injury that left an ‘open wound’ on the worker’s left hand.

“Two of the robots, which cut car parts from freshly cast pieces of aluminum, were disabled so the engineer and his teammates could safely work on the machines. A third one, which grabbed and moved the car parts, was inadvertently left operational, according to two people who watched it happen. As that robot ran through its normal motions, it pinned the engineer against a surface, pushing its claws into his body and drawing blood from his back and his arm, the two people said,” The Information reported.

Quick action was taken by Tesla workers who intervened and triggered the emergency shutdown button to halt the malfunctioning robot and prevent further injury to the engineer.

Um, sorry, but the robot was NOT “malfunctioning” at all. One of the stupid humans neglected to switch it off before performing what sounds to me like routine maintenance, then got in its way as it carried on with “its normal motions,” that’s all. It’s way more dramatic and upsetting to report it the other way, so that’s what they ran with, natch. Remember: for today’s über-sensationalist media, if it bleeds, it leads. And sometimes, even if it doesn’t really bleed all that much.


About That Colorado Supreme Court Ruling – It’s a Joke, a BIG Joke

“Yes, that’s correct.  As long as President Trump appeals the decision to the Supreme Court, the appeals court stays their own ruling – essentially indefinitely.  The Colorado primary ballots printed, and the primary election will be over, before the Supreme Court puts this on their docket.”

IOW’s, Donald Trump will be on the Colorado ballot.


Come again, now?

Ahh, whatever would we do without the Old Grey Whore of 42nd Street, the execrable NYT, to tell us all what our opinion should be?

The Media Aren’t Quite Hackish Enough For The Biden White House
They’re working on it.

When will The New York Times finally stop pulling punches and go after Donald Trump?

That’s the question Joe Biden’s campaign asked the media this week. “For the political press corp (sic) —especially our friends at the Gray Lady,” pleaded the White House, “it’s time to meet the moment and responsibly inform the electorate of what their lives might look like if the leading GOP candidate for president is allowed back in the WH.”

I think I can answer that one easily enough:


Any questions, you evil fucking retards?

The New York Times is, indeed, a friend. It “meets the moment” all the time. So, no, Biden isn’t working the refs here. He’s demanding obedience. And the fact that the White House can brazenly petition a supposedly free press to join his campaign effort tells us a lot about how little the contemporary Democrat cares for a free press.

BZZZZT! Wrong, David; actually, they care a great deal about a “free press”—they hate the very idea of such a thing, and are neither afraid nor ashamed to do everything within their not-inconsiderable power to see that one never, ever comes into existence in Amerika v2.0.


Another in our “ask a silly question” series

Robert Spencer asks: How far will Biden regime wonks go in lying to the American people? A: Just as far as they think they need to. CORRECTION: It isn’t “wonks,” Robert; it’s “hacks.” Or, if you prefer something with more letters to ensure greater accuracy, “lowlife villainous knob-polishing wads of scum.”

The whole world has been watching for nearly three years now as Old Joe Biden grows progressively feebler. On Saturday, at the Veterans Day commemoration at Arlington National Cemetery, he appeared visibly confused and had to be told by a polite and deferential military officer to go stand beside alleged Vice President Kamala Harris. 

That was just the latest in an ever-lengthening series of obvious signs that the putative Commander-In-Chief, who will be 81 years old in less than a week, is in the grip of a severe and likely irreversible mental and physical decline. On Aug. 31, NPR noted that Old Joe “has been avoiding climbing up the sometimes-wobbly 18-foot staircase that is trucked over to the plane’s upper door. More often than not, he is using a much shorter and sturdier set of stairs that fold out from the belly of the plane.”  

But the problem wasn’t that the stairs were wobbly. The problem was that the rapidly deteriorating kleptocrat was too weak to navigate them: “Biden, 80, has stumbled on the tall stairs more than once. The short stairs have the distinct advantage of moving most of Biden’s ascent into Air Force One out of public view. But for those who have noticed the shift, it also draws attention to one of Biden’s greatest political liabilities as he seeks reelection: his age.” 

Indeed. But now one of Old Joe’s wonks, Mitch Landrieu, a man who has the lofty title of “White House infrastructure coordinator,” is here to tell us not to believe our lying eyes.  

Landrieu, whose grandfather must have been one of those guys who sold miracle patent medicine out of the back of a covered wagon and then high-tailed it out of town before anyone realized that it didn’t work, said: 

For those of you that think the president might be too old or doesn’t have enough energy or whatever it is that you all think, This guy gets up early. He stays up late. We have made trips, if not every week, sometimes twice a week and three times a week. And we have done it over and over again and there’s nothing new here. What’s wonderful about it is how relentless that it is and how many places that we have been.

As if that weren’t laid on thick enough, Landrieu added: “The guy is, like, he’s a beast.”

Oh, he’s a beast for sure and certain. A lying, corrupt, senile, greedy, grubby, kiddy-diddling beast.


“I’m a Black Man and I’m Not Afraid of a Damn Thing”

Everything You Have Been Told About George Floyd’s Death Was a Lie, the Truth Hidden

“Lebron James says he’s afraid”
“Kareem Abdul Jabbar says he’s afraid”
“Kapernick says he’s afraid”

Damn fine interview by Tucker Carlson.

Most here at CF know this of course, but a reminder, before Jan 6 folks were falsely prosecuted, a police officer was convicted of Floyd’s death and remains in jail, a true political prisoner.

A bit more for those in the dark: New Court Docs Show…


Handing a Leftwit “journalist” his head

I wish he’d head South and run for President. Yes, I know, I know, he wasn’t born in the US and is thus Constitutionally ineligible. On the other hand, that sure didn’t stop Kenya-born Bathhouse Barry, now did it?

Calm, unflappable, laconically munching an apple while he takes this Mark-1 Mod-0 shitlib apart on camera—it’s entirely possible M Poilievre is actually Superman. As the esteemed Andrea Widberg says:

I’m one of those people who hates watching embarrassing things on TV or in movies. If I know the scene will be embarrassing, I take off my glasses and plug my ears. I almost had that urge to do both when watching Poilievre destroy the reporter. What Poilievre did to him was that brutal. Then I thought, “No, this reporter is a leftist hack. I’m not watching something painfully embarrassing. I’m watching something absolutely beautiful.”

Amen to that. Personally, I’d be every bit as happy if he’d just hurled his apple at the “journalist”’s nose à la Sam Gamgee (“waste of a good apple,” quoth Samwise afterwards), picked up a stout tree branch, and beat the dirtbag half to death with it upon said dirtbag’s first insufferably smarmy, smug insinuation disguised as a “question,” but that’s probably just me.


NOTICE: “Ballistic fingerprinting,” like “drug-sniffing dogs,” is the bunk

DM reports, Kevin derides.

Well, the news of Maryland’s Integrated Ballistics Identification System database being a failure has made the rounds of the blogosphere. Kim commented on Wedneday, so did Say Uncle (with an Instalanche). Triggerfinger, Keith Devens, and No Quarters, did too. The Geek with a .45 gives a link to the actual report in a PDF file (graphic, rather than text file, though,) and Irons in the Fire commented on that.

I’ve been pretty busy, but I had a chance to read the report yesterday, and it’s an interesting expansion on the other reports I’ve read. There are two from California’s ballistic imaging feasibility study, and the original Maryland study. All of these reports reference New York’s system, but I have yet to find a study of that system specifically.

The general consensus of all of the blog pieces was a sarcastic “big freaking surprise!” which is understandable given our stated biases. The response from the gun confiscation, er, control, um, SAFETY groups was a bit more muted. JoinTogether didn’t make a peep, as far as I could tell. No press release from the Brady Campaign. Ditto for the Violence Policy Center. But one thing that struck me, as immersed in this topic as I am, was this comment at Say Uncle:

I am fairly green, could you explain why the idea would not work.

I can see their problem of the guns not being indexed, but would it would seem that that could be solved by indexing all the guns.

Several respondents made a valiant effort to explain the problems inherent in the system, but a couple of paragraphs is insufficient. Like most controversial topics, there’s a whole lot of “there” there, and no simple two- or even ten-sentence response is enough. Sometimes I forget that a lot of people don’t have the basic information I’ve accumulated over the last ten years. (Generally not, though, which is one reason my posts – like this one – tend to the Den Bestian in length.)

So here, in some detail, is a dissertation on just some of the problems with the concept of “ballistic fingerprinting” as a crime-fighting tool.

Much, much, MUCH more here (including supporting links throughout), of which you should read the all. Taken altogether, it’s as thorough and comprehensive a debunking—with pictures, yet—of the “ballistic fingerprinting” hokum as you’re ever gonna see. Now, about those “drug-sniffing dogs…

In a nutshell, then: Everything we’ve been told for lo, these many, many years by FederalGovCo and anti-2A, anti-freedom shitlibs (BIRM) is a goddamned lie.

Boogs on parade

Steyn plays a round of Name That Dindu.

Spirits of the Age
Last month, The Las Vegas Review-Journal carried a sad little story about a man who’d died while out on a bicycle ride:

His daughter, Taylor Probst, got an alert from her dad’s Apple Watch indicating that the 64-year-old man had fallen. The 27-year-old and her mother, Crystal Probst, drove to the scene of the crash, only 3 miles from their home.

“I come from law enforcement as well in my younger days,” Crystal Probst said in an interview Friday. “I was able to ascertain, there’s his bike, his helmet is way over there, his phone is way over there. I’m like, this is not good…”

Officers and firefighters told the women that Probst had been taken to University Medical Center.

They waited four hours there, asking everyone where their loved one was.

Finally, a representative from the Clark County coroner’s office told them Probst had passed.

“When they know somebody’s dead, and a family is sitting out in that lobby waiting, somebody needs to come out,” Crystal Probst said, angry at the delayed response.

So that’s how it was initially reported. As the characteristically somnolent monodaily’s original headline put it:

Retired police chief killed in bike crash remembered for laugh, love of coffee

Must have been a pretty bad “crash”, huh? But just one of those things, compounded at the hospital by the usual bureaucratic heartlessness of modern life.

And then a video emerged, which included a little witty repartee.

So two joyriders steal a car, hit another vehicle, and then decide to kill a bicyclist for kicks. “Ready?” says the driver. “Hit his ass,” responds the passenger. And they do – and whaddayaknow, killing a guy makes for a really cool video when you post it on “social” media!

Then a CBS report dropped relating the arrest of a “teen” of scrupulously-undisclosed ethnic origin, for “a series” of “hit-and-run crashes” in El Lay. Mark throws yet another eerily similar incident from Toronto into the gruesome mix before hurling the payoff pitch:

Notice how in all three jurisdictions the media report what happened as a “hit-and-run”. I think not. Hit-and-run laws are among the earliest of traffic regulations (1927, even on the rustic byways of British Bengal) because, in the days of dusty unpaved roads, no license plates and begoggled drivers, good luck figuring out who that chap is fleeing the scene of an accident. But that’s what the term is meant to cover: an accident. You carelessly hit another vehicle and, in a moment of panic, hightail it out of there.

The above incidents are hit-and-run only in the sense that, say, the 2016 Bastille Day truck carnage or the Berlin Christmas market slaughter were.

Of course, those guys were ploughing you into the asphalt in order to advance the triumph of Islam over the infidel. The good news is that the killers in Nevada and California and Ontario just do it for a laugh.

Annnnd dingdingdingdingdingdingding WE HAVE A WINNAH, FOLKS! Meanwhile, the LVR-J folks would like all you RAYCISS!!!© peons to know they’re upset with you for being upset with their stringently sotto voce reportage on this hate-crime:

Compare and contrast all the above with the hometown paper’s anodyne headline. Having remained silent through Friday, Saturday, Sunday, the Review-Journal finally returned to the “bike crash” today to defend its feeble, anaesthetizing coverage:

As the online firestorm evolved on Saturday, editors at the Review-Journal changed the headline of the article, removing the phrase “bike crash” and replacing it with “hit-and-run,” hoping the change would calm the online vitriol.

But that isn’t true either: it’s an act of murder – a vehicular homicide for which that guy in Charlottesville, Virginia is presently serving half-a-millennium.

Indeed so. Funny, that—but not in a jolly, hah-hah sort of way.

And yes, my post title IS an intentional play on the name of my favorite RATM song.

My second-favorite? The obvious one, of course.

(Via Ed Driscoll)


Snake-oil sales sharply down

Faux Jaux—a/k/a Pedo Peter—gets most righteously pWnED.

If the senile old crook had even the vaguest contact with actual, y’know, reality, that smack would have to smart a bit. Then again, of course, I must remind y’all of the essential truth of Mike’s Iron Law #149: No matter what the issue or context, it’s NEVER about what they’re telling you it is; ultimately, the real intention, goal, or agenda is only about more power and/or wealth for THEM, and less freedom for YOU.

In this case, a corollary: the damage, destruction, impoverishment, and general ruin wrought by shitlib policy is a feature, not a bug—by their lights, those results signify not failure, but near-total success. For the orcs of Mordor On The Potomac, their job isn’t what their subjects think it should be; certainly, their interests are not aligned with our own, but at 180-degree variance with them.

Hmmm. Looks like I have another MIL update to work on, I do believe.


“IMAX-level projection”

That’s what Diogenes Sarcastica calls it, and she ain’t wrong about that.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) ripped Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) announcement that the House will pursue an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, describing the probe as “a kangaroo court, fishing expedition and conspiracy theater rolled into one.”

The comment — which came during a press conference alongside House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass.) and House Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) — came hours after McCarthy, in a public statement, directed House committees to open a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden.

“There is not a shred of evidence that President Joe Biden has engaged in wrongdoing; there is not a shred of evidence that President Joe Biden has committed a crime,” Jeffries said Tuesday.

“This is an illegitimate impeachment inquiry. Period, full stop,” he continued. “It’s a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.”

Uhhhh HUH. Dan Bongino puts paid to that arrant nonsense.


Indeed. Jeffries’ completely risible statement is of a piece with Obama’s old “not one smidgen of corruption” laugh-line, simple horseshit of the purest ray serene.

McCarthy’s impeachment blah-de-blah will go nowhere, natch—just more Uniparty Resistance kabuki, that’s all. Personally, I’m much more in favor of Will Rogers’s suggestion:

This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.

There ought to be one day – just one – when there is open season on senators.

I’d buy that for a dollar. I would by no means restrict it to just senators, though. The “one day” thing is fine…as long as it’s one day per year.


Lies, damned lies, and government statistics

The Biden Economic MIRACLE!™ continues apace, God help us all.

Warning, this link is to CNN, and it is pure regime-promoting propaganda, discussing how a major downward revision in new job creations is actually good news, because it beat expectations on how badly the Bureau of Labor was going to have to adjust its previously published fabrications. Or something to that effect.

”America Added 306,000 Fewer Jobs Last Year Than We Thought” [CNN Business – 8/23/2023]

Link not transcribed, of course, because fuck CNN, that’s why. Onwards.

Despite the spin, there are a few hard numbers I’d like to extract:

US job growth during much of the past year was weaker than previously projected by a little more than 300,000 jobs, according to new federal data released Wednesday.

As part of the agency’s annual benchmark review of payroll data, the Bureau of Labor Statistics revised down March 2023’s employment gains by 306,000 positions.

This means that 306,000 fewer jobs were created over the 12 months ending March 2023. How significantly was the data overstated?

When spread through the prior year, that amounts to about 25,000 fewer net jobs added per month, meaning that the average monthly job gain for the 12 months ended in March 2023 was nearly 312,000 versus 337,000, BLS data shows.

Let me do the math. The BLS overstated new job creation by 8.0%. That is not a rounding error or a minor miss, it’s a significant and deliberate government lie. And of course, since it is policy at BLS to publish false, inflated figures to help Democrat administrations, it is safe to assume that the revisions are also false. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is simply trying to adjust their falsified data reports enough so that they can somehow, sort of reconcile to surveys of actual employment. They have to do this to set the benchmark before the next round of completely bogus jobs reports is released.

How persistent is the jobs report fraud? Take a look at this graph from Zero Hedge, which shows that every month so far in 2023 the BLS publishes an overstated jobs report, which the regime media dutifully touts as a sign of great economic progress under President Biden, and then that same monthly report is later adjusted downward without media fanfare.

The July report was the first one this year to report under 200,000 new jobs, which means that the actual number is going to be even lower than the already disappointing 187,000 jobs reported.

Damned seditious violent treasonous MAGAT bastige, spreading all those damnable lies about our fine government and media establishments. Where’s our fine, upstanding FBI and their paramilitary SWAT teams when you need ‘em for another of their patented late-night, home invasion-style raids, anyway?


14th Amendment Hoax

The republicans and democrats are all trying to tell you that the 14th amendment will disqualify Trump.

They know that is a lie and they know they will lose when, and if, it gets to the SCOTUS.

Trump Isn’t Disqualified From Holding Office Under the 14th Amendment

First, Trump has never been convicted in any court of law or by Congress at the conclusion of the second impeachment proceeding of participating in an insurrection or rebellion.

Second, as I have previously written in a Heritage Foundation report, it is highly doubtful that the disqualification clause is still valid.

Third, the argument that state officials can prevent Trump or any other member of Congress from holding office because of what happened on Jan. 6 is belied by the presidential qualifications clause of the Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 3, Cl. 3) which sets out three qualifications to be president. You have to be a “natural born citizen,” at least “thirty-five years” old, and “been fourteen years a resident” of the U.S.

It’s simply a hoax. Every one of these lawsuits are designed to suck money from the campaign, stop donations, and subvert the vote. Every last one of these people need to be jailed for life. They are communists and intent upon taking away every last bit of freedom and liberty left in this country.

Trump is in their way of getting to YOU.


Georgia Election Theft Revisited

Here is the video of the Georgia election theft in progress.
And now Trump and 18 associates have been indicted for seeing what is positively true.
I pray Atlanta will be Shermanized once again. It deserves no less.

There is no doubt what went on here. Anyone that tells you the 2020 election was not stolen is either dumber than a dog turd, or they are lying.

Almost everyone of the stolen election deniers are liars. Some are dog turd brained.

Update (from Mike)! Apropos my own post just above this one, featuring Bracken’s most excellent meme: Matt mentioned and expanded on DC Drano’s Tweet…uhhh, “X” as well, perusable here.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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