Liar, coward, Blue Falcon Part the Umpty-leventh

Remember the other day when I said:

Actually, as I understand it, it was NOT his “right” to “retire early.” His contractual service commitment was not due to expire until 2007, but when word came down in late 2005 that his cannon-cocker unit would soon be deploying to Iraq, he summarily dropped out—after shitting himself in sheer terror, of course.

Yeah, well. About that.

According to Walz’s Command Sergeant Major, Walz had signed a six year contract when he re-upped in the National Guard in 2000. When he was notified that his unit would be mobilized for Iraq, he put in for retirement, despite having two years left to serve on his contract.

His superior denied his request — so Walz went up to two levels of command above to get someone to grant his quickie retirement (and breaking of his contract).

Why would someone let him out of the contract?

I don’t know, but remember, in 2004-2006, the Democrats’ big plan for defeating Bush and the Republicans was to recruit lots of people who could claim a military background, so they could challenge the Republicans’ notions of patriotism.

And it just so happened that as soon as this coward was let out, he declared he was running for Congress.

Did that motivate a politically-minded superior to give him a Get Out of War Free pass?

Of course it did. Next up: ask a silly question.

A: He’s a fucking lying-ass D卐M☭CRAT, that’s how. Lying is not just SOP for such slimeballs as they, it’s mandatory.


Liar, coward, Blue Falcon

All you really need to know about VP candidate designate/select Brigadier LT GEN Tim “A-hole” AWOLz.

Eh, natzofast there, John. Actually, as I understand it, it was NOT his “right” to “retire early.” His contractual service commitment was not due to expire until 2007, but when word came down in late 2005 that his cannon-cocker unit would soon be deploying to Iraq, he summarily dropped out—after shitting himself in sheer terror, of course. After cleaning his drawers he decided to become a professional D卐M☭CRAT politician, which requires one to lie continuously, about anything and everything, which Gov AWOLz clearly has no problem with. At the same time he summarily decided, on his own (nonexistent) authority, that his fledgling career as a scum-sucking ProPol would be helped along enormously if he retained his brevet rank as Command Master Chief First Top Bird Colonel DELTA Force Power Ranger Sergeant of the US Army indefinitely, even though he was neither empowered nor entitled to do so.

So he did. And the rest, as they say, is history. Y’know, like America That Was, umm, is.

Tim “A-hole” AWOLz as Vice President? Sure, why the hell not. After all, it’s not as if we haven’t already thoroughly disgraced ourselves before a watching world anyway, now is it? In the famous words of America’s First Female “President,” what difference, at this point, does it make?


Sharp as a tack!

If this isn’t the next Trump campaign ad, it damned well oughta be.

The thing to remember here is, contra what the scum-sucking liars keep insisting, even in his very best years Too Aulde Jaux was NEVER “sharp as a tack.”

(Via Ace)


The Great and Powerful Oz

Feel sorry for the addle-pated, megalomaniacal Too Aulde Jaux? Diplomad snorts, contemptuously and with malice aforethought, that’ll be the fucking day.

Let me take that up.

Feel sorry for Biden?

Nope. Not one bit. For the past fifty years, Biden has been one of the most disgusting, unprincipled politicians on the American scene. Look up his performance on the Clarence Thomas hearings, for example. He stole years’ worth of classified documents, tried to peddle them to a ghost writer, participated in his crack head son’s shady businesses, took money from foreign businesses and governments, and was clearly a racist and an abuser of women, and his daughter. He is a borderline pedo. He tanked his first run for the Presidency when he plagiarized an entire speech from, of all people, Neil Kinnock (Ugh!) He has been a serial fabulist making up wild Walter Mitty-type stories about his past, e.g., arrested on his way to see Mandela, taking on Cornpop. He has lied repeatedly about his first wife’s death, and that of his son, Beau. More important, he has been a disaster as President, and has caused our nation, and the West serious, perhaps irreparable harm. He has destabilized the Middle East; led Putin to invade Ukraine; encouraged Iran and its proxies to seek nuclear weapons and increase their global terror campaign; he has opened our border and our society to a flood of millions of illegal aliens from all over the world, murders, rapes, and other mayhem have followed.

Feel sorry for him?


UltraubermegaMAGA-dittos, Mr Diplomad, sir. Me, I intend to save my sympathy for someone actually deserving of it. Which is not now, nor will it ever be, the corrupt, mouldering oxygen thief currently befouling the Oval Office air by his noxious presence therein.

I’ve stated before here, and still mean every last word of it, that I fervently hope every minute of the usurper Biden’s time in the office he desperately lusted after for lo, those many decades will add up to the most miserable, frustrating, unpleasant days of his entire useless existence, right up until the frabjous day he finally keels over dead in his exorbitantly overpriced desk chair. After all the suffering, deprivation, and disaster he’s wreaked during half a century of suckling gluttonously at the government teat, let the shambolic shitbag suffer his own damned self—as much suffering as he can endure, plus some. The thought of such as he finally grabbing (stealing, more like) the brass ring, then going on to live happily ever after perched behind the Resolute desk rankles me to an intolerable degree.

Petty of me, mean-spirited, even? Meh, could be, could be. Don’t give a lumpy fart, don’t care who thinks it is.

Entertaining as it was for Real Americans, however, there’s a broader, more pressing point lurking beneath the surface of last week’s debate-night debacle, and Caitlin Johnstone makes it.

If people really believed the president runs the country, they’d be freaking out that Biden in his demented haze might order an attack on the Soviet Union or nuke Libya to kill Muammar Gaddafi or something. They’re not worried that this will happen because they know their government is actually being run by unelected empire managers from behind the scenes, and that Biden is just the official face on the operation.

Perhaps more troubling is that evidently, people in the main trust those unelected empire managers to do a good job of running things, and harbor a naive and unfounded faith in the good intentions of said managers. They seem to believe that, even though this unwholesome arrangement isn’t the way things were supposed to be in America, at the end of the day the Deep State’s Grey Men are patriotic Americans not all that different from themselves: fundamentally decent, honorable men and women who share similar aspirations, desires, and values to the ones they hold dear.

Whatever their personal foibles, failings, and trivial departures from traditional life and thought, the Government Greyfaces nonetheless love puppies, children, Grandma, and backyard cookouts with family and friends. They love their country, its people, its customs, and respect its history. They stand, salute the flag, and sing the national anthem at baseball games. They would never harm, harass, bully, or in any manner traduce the Constitutional rights of any solid, law-abiding citizen without cause. Only criminals, outlaw bikers, public nuisances, and dope fiends need fear their wrath, which is no more than meet and just.

They celebrate 4th of July and Christmas, take the kids out trick or treating on Halloween, enjoy the annual Thanksgiving gathering and the post-feast NFL game, and consider themselves to be good Christians, if maybe not always quite as good as they really should be. They work hard to fulfill their sworn duty to protect and serve, pay their taxes in full and on time, wear their seatbelt, drive safely and courteously, and keep to their own lane and tend to their own business in general. They don’t complain, don’t drink to excess, don’t abuse, neglect, or mistreat their wife and kids. They keep their lawns neatly manicured, their homes tidy, clean, and well-maintained.

Y’know, just like the rest of us. Right? RIIIGHT?!?

Unfortunately, as thousands of our fellow Americans have learned to their great cost over the last five-ten years, Joe Squarejohn has all of the above entirely assbackwards and wrong.

So in order to hold their mainstream worldview together, liberals are simultaneously straddling the two completely contradictory concepts that (A) it doesn’t matter who the president is because the country is actually run by unelected empire managers, and (B) that Biden’s debate performance was very concerning because it means Trump will become president.

In reality the US empire has marched along in all its usual depravity despite its official leader having Swiss cheese for a brain this entire time. They got their genocide in Gaza and their world-threatening proxy war against Russia, as well as China policy that is vastly more hawkish than that of Biden’s predecessors. The imperial murder machine hasn’t skipped a beat in its nonstop campaign of steadily increasing global tyranny.

This has happened because US presidential elections are fake and the results don’t matter. It wouldn’t matter if Americans elected a labrador retriever or a bottle of Tabasco sauce; the empire would roll forward without the slightest interruption. The wars would continue. The economic injustice would continue. The surging authoritarianism would continue. The oligarchy and corruption would continue. The ecocidal capitalism would continue. The imperialist extraction would continue.

US elections are just a diversion to keep Americans from pushing for real change in ways that pose a meaningful challenge to power, and Americans already kind of know this. The sooner they stop compartmentalizing away from this fact that they’re already dimly aware of and face reality, the sooner they can start bringing health to both their nation and the world.

There’s abundant fodder for dispute here—“genocide” in Gaza, “ecocidal” capitalism, “hawkish” China policy—standard issue, Mark-1 Mod-0 shitlib shibboleths all, with no more truth in ‘em than there is in any given Faux Jaux Bribem speech. As for “bringing health” to the world, that ain’t no way no how America’s job, nor is it within America’s power to do, nor should any sensible person want America to take a stab at it, much less succeed. Fact is, most if not all of the trouble and woe the world is staring down the muzzle of at present is the predictable end-product of endless attempts by arrogant Überstadt lackwits to “bring health to the world,” by hook or by crook.

“Health,” you say? Whose definition of “health,” pray tell? What about people whose conception of “health” conflicts with the officially authorized version—are they to be assaulted, jailed, or coerced into toeing the party line by some other method—a tax penalty, a fine, a travel ban, summary disbarment from social interaction, gainful employment, grocery stores, commercial and/or banking privileges, say? Shall The Deciders’ definition of “health” be put to a vote? Will said definition be subject to review and revision? If so, how often, and by whom? Will a Select Blue-Ribbon Committee for the Advancement of Global Health need to be established? Should Committee members be elected or appointed? If they’re to be appointed, how will those appointments be made, and by whom—the (formerly) sovereign states, POTUS, the EU, the UN? By what criteria will those appointees be selected? Will said criteria also be subject to periodic review and/or revision? How long a term will Committee members serve? A year, two years? Ten years, until death?

You begin to see the problems here, I suspect, popping up their ugly heads like gophers in a truck patch. Any subject of a bloated Leviathan goobermint will recognize them without having to think very hard or long about it, such problems are all too familiar in those districts. Worse, the aforementioned list is only the beginning; many, many additional problematic questions will soon follow, as surely as night follows day. Naturally, the answers to those multitudinous questions never, ever vary in the slightest:

  • More money
  • More regulation
  • More paper-shuffling hirees, average salary: 80,000 dollars/yr
  • More supervisors to make sure the paper-shufflers (none of which can ever be fired, no matter what, by law) remain attentive to their pointless duty
  • More power and control, as much as they can possibly glom for themselves

After reviewing them, the eternal answers above suggest a new addition to Mike’s Iron Laws, covering all government departments, bureaucracies, and programs. To wit:

  • Its mandate will never expire
  • Its purview will never be limited
  • Its original mission will never be accomplished, its goals never achieved, its stated intentions never fulfilled
  • Its budget will never be cut, likewise the number of its employees
  • Its authority will never diminish, only expand
  • Its reach will never be constrained

In sum, government programs and agencies are a lot like those pestiferous gophers: if you don’t whack ‘em in the noggin with a BFH (Big Fuckin’ Hammer, in the time-honored greasemonkey acronym; see also, RCH) the instant the first one shows up, tomorrow morning there’ll be another one, then more and more and more, until before you know it the whole garden is infested. At which juncture the only thing left to do is just throw your hands up, walk away from the whole sorry shebang in disgust, and let the stupid critters have the place all to themselves. Try again next spring, maybe, assuming you’re feeling froggy enough for a rematch.

My piffling objections aside, though, Johnson’s central thesis re the perpetual Shadow State power behind the White House throne holds up pretty well.

Update! Related? Oh, you just bet your sweet bippy* it’s related.

You knew that Biden lost his marbles long ago, but the propaganda press has been telling the world that he’s just fine for years. For those people who rely upon Deep State programmers to tell them what to believe, seeing Biden disintegrate on the debate stage must have been stunning. Mainstream news corporations have been covering up Biden’s mental infirmities for so long that too many Americans watched Biden struggle to form sentences for the first time. Just as reporters in the first half of the twentieth century lied to the American people about FDR’s reliance upon a wheelchair, reporters in the first quarter of the twenty-first century have lied to the American people about Biden’s debilitating dementia. On June 27, the lid on journalists’ barrel of Biden-protecting lies shot right off.

Not even halfway through Biden’s debate disaster, his communications people were spreading a new lie — that he was suffering from a cold — to explain away his enfeebled and bewildered presence on stage. Maybe that desperate excuse would have worked on some of his most partisan supporters had Crooked Joe just gotten back from a whirlwind global tour during which he had spoken before several foreign parliaments and helped negotiate world peace, but the guy had been hiding away at Camp David for over a week! When you first tell the public that you are unable to perform your presidential duties and prepare for a debate at the same time and then tell them that your weeklong debate camp destroyed your immune system, you aren’t in a position to inspire sympathy. How nice it would be for every blue-collar worker suffering from a cold to be able to take a full week off for some rest and relaxation in a taxpayer-funded vacation home without losing any pay in this lousy economy!

No, the only thing the “Joe has a cold” lie accomplished was to make people wonder whether a simple virus could also explain Kamala Harris’s cognitive handicaps. It is no secret that some very stupid people have risen to the heights of power in the American government. A cynic might speculate that the bureaucratic Deep State and national security surveillance State prefer Potemkin “leaders” who can be easily manipulated and controlled. Still, with Biden and Harris occupying the top two leadership spots at the same time, the American people feel as if they have been forced to watch another unwatchable Dumb and Dumber movie that refuses to come to an end. While The New York Times and D.C.’s polite society have pretended that Old Joe and Cackling Kamala have “restored dignity” to the White House, ordinary Americans have been shaking their heads all along at two of the most dull-witted morons ever to putatively obtain the reins of power. The presidential debate simply confirmed that Dumb and Dumber are not running the government; those two can’t even answer basic questions without discombobulating.

If the two figureheads catapulted into high office by mail-in-ballot fraud aren’t running things, then who the hell is? Is it the cabal of Marxist military chiefs promoted not for their intellect and skill but rather for their compliance with DIE foolishness? Is it the collection of spooks and assassins enjoying unchecked power and limitless black budgets over at the CIA? Is it the elite club of investment bankers who print money and manipulate markets while riding roughshod over central banks? Is it the small number of financial powerhouses such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street that manage trillions of dollars in assets all over the world? Is it the gaggle of billionaires such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk who buy and sell entire industries as if they were trinkets from a garage sale?  

Whoever might be running the United States, it is certainly not anyone elected by the American people. If that were not obvious before 2016, it quickly became so once the Deep State engaged in an ongoing coup d’état against President Trump and replaced any vestigial respect for the will of voters with a criminal enterprise allowing political operatives to print, fill out, collect, and count as many ballots as necessary for “victory.

There’s more, much of it an extended rehash of the tired They’re terrified of us! cope, which I still ain’t buying for a minute. Go ask any of the never-tried/never charged folks even now languishing in the Goolag for unspecified Crimes Against The State concomitant to the spurious J6 “insurrection”—or Peter Navarro, or Steve Bannon, or God alone knows how many other innocent American political prisoners—just how “terrified” the Stasi scumbuckets look from where they’re sitting.

* Autodating Geezer Reference™ explicated here


Rollin’ along

Too Aulde Jaux just keeps rolling on and on.

Biden botches Thomas Jefferson quote and falsely claims Americans couldn’t own cannons during the Civil War in gun control speech
President Biden falsely claimed Tuesday that the Second Amendment prohibits the ownership of cannons and botched a famous quote from a founding father during a speech in support of gun control.

“There has never been a time that says you could own anything you want,” Biden said in remarks at the Gun Sense University conference in Washington, DC.

“Never. You couldn’t own a cannon during the Civil War,” the 81-year-old president claimed. “No, I’m serious. Think about it.”

Actually, best not to, Jaux; too many people starting to think for themselves, seriously and carefully, about your ahistorical nitwittery can only spell Heap Big Trouble for you and yours.

The big question here is whether Bribem is just factually incorrect this time, or actively, knowingly lying again. Only his dipey-dumper knows for sure, but this next jawdropping fuckup tends to indicate…well, something, anyway, God only knows what.

Shortly after the mistake, the president flubbed a famous line from Thomas Jefferson’s 1787 letter to former Continental Army officer William Stephens Smith, in which the former president expressed his support for Americans resisting tyranny. 

“How much have you heard this phrase, ‘the blood of liberty … washes those’ – give me a break,” Biden said in a mocking tone. 

Jefferson’s quote is, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

“It is it’s natural manure,” the founding father added in his letter concerning 18th century uprisings by American farmers against state and local taxes and debt collection.

My post title/opening line calls for an eminently appropriate Bachman-Turner embed, methinks.

Great song, great vid, great lyrics, great storyline, great typically-minimalist Randy Bachman solo, great babes, great cherryburst LP Standard—all of it, intro to outro, nothing but the pure, the blushful rocket-from-the-roadhouse Real Deal. I ask you people: what’s not to like here?


Kelly’s hot streak continues

Megyn Kelly looks better than ever: beautiful, unflappable, and self-assured. She’s doing her own thing her own way as host of her independent SiriusXM show, and damned if she ain’t kicking ass and taking names too. You go, girl! This time out, it’s dissembling shitlib sad-sack Bill Maher—who I freely admit does get something right once in a rare while—with his (turkey) neck on MK’s chopping block.

Megyn Kelly Brutally Fact Checks Bill Maher’s Left Wing Talking Points to His Face
For a while now, I’ve been willing to give left-wing comedian Bill Maher a lot of credit when he criticizes the radical left. He’s challenged left-wing orthodoxy enough that it’s actually newsworthy and important when he does. But at heart, he’s still a leftist who, as he proved in an appearance on “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM on Tuesday, still lets his rabid anti-Trumpism cloud his judgment.

During the show, while talking about the 2024 election and the choice between Biden and Trump, Maher argued that “you have to respect who wins an election or else you don’t have the kind of country we’ve always had before.”

To which Kelly pointed out, “Hillary Clinton, of course, is the original election denier. I’m sure you voted for her in ’16.”

“Well, she’s not an election denier,” Maher insisted.

“She absolutely was the OG election denier,” Kelly retorted.

“First of all, she came out before the sun had risen to concede the election to Trump,” Maher pushed back, as if that matters.

“And then spent the next four years saying he was illegitimate, he was an illegitimate president,” Kelly pointed out.

“Okay, well, first of all, she didn’t say he was an illegitimate,” Maher claimed.

“Yes, she did,”

“Tell me exactly what she said,” Maher challenged.

“She said those exact words repeatedly.”

Megyn Kelly, is, of course correct.

Which Miz Megyn proved without further ado, via running a video montage of Her Herness!!!™ saying/doing exactly what Kelly said she did. Maher being Maher, he continued to waffle, weasel, and worm around weakly for another few seconds, splitting any available semantic hair he thought Megyn might let him get away with while his interlocutor blandly affixed the latest scalp to her battle-belt. Poor, luckless Maher’s ordeal only got worse from there, with Megyn savagely eviscerating him on a new topic, leaving him sweaty, flushed, and plainly wishing he was anywhere else by the end of the festivities. Watch the vid; mere text just doesn’t do it justice.

I like her, I must say; like good bourbon, she only improves with age, and seems to have really come into her own of late. It’s a damned shame about her pointless (and apparently ongoing) kerfuffle with Trump in 2015, but hey, whatchagonnado, I suppose. I could be all wet, and probably am, but it looks to me as if Trump gets a kick out of baiting Kelly now and again, almost like he’s doing it for his own entertainment. Certainly, there’s no shortage of fat, juicy shitlib targets I’d prefer to see him go after, instead of burning ammo taking potshots towards the Right.

Then again, he’s done that all along; what the hey, Trump’s gonna Trump. Too, it’s not as if Kelly hasn’t gotten a few things back-asswards and wrong herself, although to the best of my knowledge she promptly acknowledges and corrects the error once the lightbulb has finally clicked on—which, as a journalist, is no more nor less than her professional obligation, any personal scruples aside. All just part of the process, I reckon. Trump would be punching far below his weight in going after a trifling anklebiter like Bill Maher, granted. But that in no way suggests that Kelly’s skillful smackdown wasn’t worthwhile.


Economic State of the Union

Another excellent sum-up from Ms Sarcastica.

Biden Goes Full Biden.

Run-roh. You should never go full Biden. Especially if you, y’know, ARE Biden.

During an interview with CNNLOL last night, when confronted with the facts that just about everything from food to housing cost 20-30% more since he was installed, the nation’s Village Idiot stated that no one has ever “had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came into office, 9%.”

Yeah he actually said that with a serious look on his face (see video below). Truth is, the inflation rate hit its peak of 9.1% by June, 2022. A full year and a half after his installation. The CPI inflation reading for January 2021, when *46 was sworn in and December 2020, the month before, were both 1.4%. Gee, looks like somebody had a handle on things back then. 

But like a well seasoned leftist politician these days, he dodge any blame. “People are right to be concerned about greed from corporations.”

“Greed from corporations?” That may be true of the blood sucking “Big Pharma” who are one of Biden’s biggest campaign contributors for the last 50 years. But that’s fresh coming from the guy who launched inflation by driving up transportation, fuel and labor cost, new stricter mountains of regulations, in turn driving up insurance and operating cost for businesses, all that are passed on to the consumer in order to remain profitable. But this nitwit goes on to talk about overpriced Snickers Bars and “people have a right to be concerned, ordinary people. If you take a look at what people have, they have the money to spend.”   

Sounds like something Squinty Joe Scarborough would whisper in Biden’s ear on one of his admitted frequent nighty-night phone calls while the maid hoses down Mika on the veranda.

It does at that. Sounds even more like something a corrupt, blibbering fraud would have whispered in his ear by his puppetmasters, as Dr Bolt-Upright is shooting him up with an armload of crank to prepare him for the interview, I think.


RFKjr halo slips

Is pushed, more like.

A resurfaced clip of Robert F. Kennedy during a 2005 IdeaCity speech shows Kennedy stating that “red state people are more likely to murder you.”

It’d be nice to think so, at any rate, seeing as how we all know who it is they’re most likely to be murdering. And those “people” have it coming, far as we’re concerned.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s strategy of engaging with conservative media contrasts sharply with his past and present liberal ideologies. His 2005 speech, where he made disparaging remarks about “red state” people, and his ongoing criticism of conservative policies, like his labeling of voter ID laws as “racially rancid,” have not been thoroughly addressed in his recent media appearances.

This oversight by conservative media to confront Kennedy on his record is perplexing, given his advocacy for policies that are antithetical to conservative values, such as a 70% tax bracket and the elimination of gas-powered engines. Chris LaCivita, co-campaign manager for Donald Trump, expressed frustration to Politico, highlighting the contradiction in giving Kennedy a platform: “It is concerning and beyond logic that there are some conservative platforms that continue to give a voice to someone…who generally subscribes to the same school of thought as Karl Marx.”

Along with murdering certain people, Kennedy also makes a few other invidious assertions:

Establishing once and for all that, contrary to popular belief, if you REALLY wanna party hearty, you need to be hanging with those stick-in-the-mud, uptight Conservative prunefaces. I mean, seriously now: knocked-up teenybopper chicks? Pr0n? Degenerate video games? Only one thing to say to all that:

I must say, it certainly took dumpster-diving shitlib “journalists” long enough to dig this up. And you know as well as I do that there’s bound to have been multitudes of the asswarts sweating veritable bullets until they did, thereby damping down a prospective threat to their hero, Pedo Peter, and his behind-the-scenes puppetmaster, our Lord and Savior Bathhouse Barry Himself. I really can’t see RFKjr as very much of a threat to Orange Man Bad, who’ll doubtless be murdered in his prison cell by the time “Election” Day 24 rolls around anyways.

Please do note that I’m assuming it’s shitlibs behind this snipe hunt, although the article says it’s actually “conservative media.” So of course and as usual, I could very well be all wet on the whole mishegoss.

Via Ace, who begs to differ with my take on who’s threatened by this latest in a long, long line of spectacular Kennedy flame-outs and who ain’t.

A Marist poll found that RFKJr. is pulling more support from Trump than from Biden. This poll, which seems like an outlier in putting Biden ahead of Trump, says that Biden is +3 in a head-to-head but rises to +5 in a multicandidate five-way race, suggesting that RFKJr. is pulling more support from Trump than from Biden.

Ah well, no matter; he briefly provided us with a little idle, cheap amusement, but now his apportioned Fifteen Minutes are well and truly up.


Ask A Silly Question Part the Eleventy Million Bajillionth

This time, it’s our esteemed colleague Buck Throckmorton asking:

THE MORNING RANT: Why Do Intelligent People Continue to Rely on Government Data That is Known to Be False?
—Buck Throckmorton

A: INTELLIGENT people…don’t. Which, of course, Buck knows already, thanks; inflation and unemployment numbers, FaxVid deaths, Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™, “baseless claims” of election rigging, “mostly peaceful” BLM riots, “insurrection” sans torches, pitchforks, or firearms—it’s all a web of deceit, disingenuousness, and/or baldfaced lies.

The only reliable assumption regarding the pattern of falsified reporting from government agencies is that everything they report is false and intentionally misleading.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

S’truth. Which in a way is a good thing, ‘cause these days hardly anything else is.


You can almost hear him choking on the words

How bad must it suck to be a “liberal” and continually be having to write these “Sorry, I’m an idiot, I got it all ass-backwards and wrong, mea maxima culpa” essays after reality has curb-stomped your stupid, stubborn, self-righteous ass yet again? No wonder they’re all so goddamned miserable, and absolutely determined to make sure everyone else is miserable right along with ‘em.

Why so many of us were wrong about missile defense
Writing about military spending is difficult.

No shit, Dick Tracy, where’s the fuckin’ squad car? Funny, innit, how that wasn’t your attitude AT ALL back when you were sanctimoniously ridiculing Reagan’s proposal supporting research into ground-based and aerial anti-missile defense systems as “Star Wars,” insisting the very idea was preposterous, impossible, and just downright insane.

A couple of days ago, Iran launched a major attack against Israel, in retaliation for Israel killing one of Iran’s military commanders. The attack included about 170 drones, 120 ballistic missiles, and 30 cruise missiles. But something pretty incredible happened — almost all of the drones and missiles were shot down before they could hit Israel, by a combination of Israeli, U.S., Jordanian, French, British, and possibly Saudi forces. Only a few ballistic missiles made it through, wounding one Arab Israeli girl severely and causing minor injuries to a few other people.

My thoughts on the geopolitics of this attack are going to be pretty familiar — the Middle East conflict is a distraction from far more important matters in East Asia, and we should keep our role to a minimum. The Gaza war has not fundamentally altered the balance of power in the Middle East; Israel and the Sunni powers are unofficial and uneasy partners against Iran and its proxies. Both sides are pretty brutal, and neither looks likely to dominate the other. U.S. resources and attention are far better spent elsewhere.

With that out of the way, I think the really interesting part of this story is that almost everything the Iranians threw at Israel was intercepted. Drones are slow-moving and easy to shoot down, but ballistic missiles are fast-moving and generally very hard to hit. Yet Israel’s Arrow system, jointly developed with the U.S., had little trouble knocking most of Iran’s ballistic missiles out of the sky — with some interceptions even occurring outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

That’s pretty interesting, because for most of my adult life, I believed that ballistic missile defense was a hopeless, failed cause. From the 2000s all the way through the 2010s, I read lots of op-eds about how kinetic interceptors — “hitting a bullet with a bullet” were just an unworkably difficult technology, and how the U.S. shouldn’t waste our time and money on developing this sort of system. For example, all the way back in 2006, Matt Yglesias — among my favorite bloggers, both then and now — wrote the following:

No excerpt, because fuck that noise. What we have here is yet another reliably-wrong shitlib idiot flapping his yap as if he knew a single damned thing about what he’s lecturing his intellectual betters about. SO…onwards.

In short, Matt and the many other critics of missile defense were right that missile defense will probably not provide us with an invincible anti-nuclear umbrella anytime soon.

Which nobody ever once suggested it might, you disingenuous fool.

But they were wrong about much else (as Matt has since acknowledged).

Gee, what a guy! Such COURAGE!™ Such STUNNING, such BRAVE! Why, the man’s literally a HERO!!!

The purpose of this post isn’t to dunk on Matt or any of the other critics — after all, I also believed missile defense didn’t work. But the way in which critics got this issue wrong illustrates why it’s difficult to get good information about military technology — and therefore why it’s hard for the public to make smart, well-informed choices about defense spending.

One big reason critics got missile defense wrong was that they didn’t understand the technological advances that were making it possible to “hit a bullet with a bullet”. No, the basics of rocketry and aerodynamics haven’t changed much in recent years. But the key to hitting a bullet with a bullet isn’t building a faster or more maneuverable rocket — it’s figuring out where the target is going to be. Advances in detection technology — better sensors, and especially better software to process the signals from sensors — have made it a lot easier to observe a missile’s trajectory to a high degree of precision. Therefore it has become more feasible to predict exactly where it’s going to go, so you can get an interceptor there first.

In other words, you didn’t even know what you didn’t know. How perfectly typical.

Why didn’t critics realize the central importance of detection software, and how fast it was improving? Well, because they’re not experts in the field. This isn’t a knock against them, or a demand that they “stay in their lane” — if you’re a writer who writes about politics and policy and budget priorities, you pretty much have to have an opinion on defense spending, because it’s a big and important part of the budget. No writer can be an expert on everything (except Brian Potter, but he’s one of a kind). So instead, as a writer, you go looking for domain experts to explain things to you, or at least point you to some good reading material so you can teach yourself the basics.

Would that it were so. No, what you and your insufferable “journalist” ilk always and forever do instead is simply assume a mantle of expertise your knowledge and experience can in no wise support, scold your political opponents as if they were semi-retarded puppies who have just piddled on the rug again, declare another “victory,” and then move on to the next topic you know precisely jack and shit about. Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum ad nauseum.

Then, decades hence, after the raucous accolades from your equally pig-ignorant celebrity admirers have finally died away, the microscopically tiny handful of you possessed of even a wafer-thin scrim of honesty and integrity get to write another non-apology-apology like the above.

And that’s about it for me, I refuse to subject myself to another syllable of this self-serving twaddle. Those of you who wish to peruse the rest of the author’s rotgut self-justification, lame explication, and blame-shifting blather are perfectly free to do so, although I recommend against it.


How you know the whole thing is a scam

DOG BITES MAN: the climate can and does change. Indonesian “transgender” hookers hardest hit.

No, really.

How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers

There’s an article which I didn’t bother to read, for the obvious reasons: 1) I don’t give a tinker’s damn, and 2) it’s all just made-up bullshit anyhow.


Just in time for riot season!

St George of Fentanyl v2.0, the new Martyr Of Color (type: “UNARMED!”) whose wholly justified shooting will be used to spark the upcoming Summer Of (mostly peaceful) Love v2.0.

The Press Are Pushing a New George Floyd, and the Headlines Are Dangerous and Shameless
The shooting death of Dexter Reed by police in Chicago has captured the attention of the mainstream press, and they aren’t exactly being honest in their coverage of the incident. Desperate for a new George Floyd, perhaps because it’s an election year, news outlets are shamelessly misleading about the incident.

In March, Reed was pulled over and approached by police. Body cam footage shows one officer asking him to roll the window down and then attempting to open the door after Reed tried to roll the window up. It’s at that point that shots ring out and the officers are seen running away to take cover. A gunfight ensues and with Reed stumbling out of the car, the officers discharge their weapons again.

While the press has reported that the officers fired “96 times” as a way to sensationalize the situation, 11 of the shots were actually from Reed, with his initial burst striking an officer in the arm. He can be seen bleeding on the extended body camera footage.

Misinformation about the situation began to be reported immediately, including from Reed’s family.

“If he was supposed to get pulled over for a traffic stop, why do they have four guns pointed at him? He was scared. And after he was already on the ground there, they still put him in cuffs instead of checking to see if he’s breathing. They shot to him 96 times and reload the clip three times,” Reed’s sister Porscha Banks said during a Tuesday press conference.

As the footage clearly shows, guns were only pointed at Reed after he refused to comply and started to roll his window up. The officer who was conducting the stop first approached the vehicle in a normal manner. Seeing Reed’s gun through the window may have prompted him to draw his weapon. There’s also the fact that Reed was out on pre-trial release for a variety of violent felonies related to a shooting he allegedly committed. Did the officers run his tag and know who he was? That could be another reason the officers were overly cautious in drawing their weapons after Reed refused to comply.

Regardless, you would expect a family member to defend their loved one. What shouldn’t be expected is for the press to be so incredibly irresponsible in its reporting.

Rilly? Pray tell, WHY would it not be expected, given everything we all already know about the lying Enemedia?

Much is being made about the number of times the officers fired and the fact that Reed no longer had the gun once he exited the vehicle. Both points are incredibly misleading. Once a suspect opens fire and strikes an officer, any expectation that the use of force will be limited goes out the window. At that point, the mission is to neutralize the deadly threat fully. No officer is going to count the number of shots they fire in the heat of the moment to make it look better for the press. Further, there would have been no way to know whether Reed was still armed or not after he exited the vehicle and began to move around it. That is hindsight that has no place in a fair analysis of what occurred. 

I have written many pieces criticizing the police over the years. My position has never been blind support but to judge every incident based on its own set of facts. This was a justified shooting by every metric, yet one would be forgiven for speculating that members of the press want violence to occur in response to it. Why else would they go so far to cover up what actually happened?

Well, actually, I can think of several possible alternate reasons for it, foremost among them being that for them, lying is so ingrained as to be nearly an instinctive reaction to any and every situation, regardless of whether it helps their cause or no. And if you don’t like that one, I have others.



Is it real, or is it satire? Only her hairdresser knows for sure.

Media Reports Trump Threatened Nuclear War After He Says, ‘This Guacamole Is The Bomb!’
U.S. — After former President Trump declared his freshly-made guacamole “the bomb”, media outlets across the nation announced that Trump had threatened to drop a nuclear bomb if he were to lose the election.

“This is a clear call to civil war,” cried MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough as video played of Trump eating chips. “You heard the words ‘the bomb’ from his very own lips. Is there nothing this madman won’t do?”

Several media outlets reported that Trump’s threat of nuclear war came immediately on the heels of Trump vowing to demolish democracy when he claimed he was “about to demolish” some tortilla chips. “We are sickened to hear such vile threats from former President Trump,” said Scarborough. “Watch as Trump openly says he’s about to ‘slice and dice’ tomatoes. Slice and dice? Trump is literally saying he plans to cut every one of his opponents into tiny pieces with a knife. Horrific!”

According to sources, the comments came after Trump served up his world-famous guacamole during fajita night at Mar-a-Lago. The guacamole, a family recipe for generations, was made tableside by Trump himself and described as “absolute dynamite” in addition to many other violent and obviously pro-insurrection phrases.

At publishing time, MSNBC had reported that Trump also planned to burn Democrats alive after revealing that Trump described the fajitas as “sizzling.”

You oldsters out there will get the dated references in my opening lines, no doubt. The rest of you will just have to look ‘em up, I’m way too ornery and lazy to spell that shit out for ya. As for the jumping-off point for the Bee’s surehanded spoof, that would be this.

Biden Campaign, Establishment Media Attack Trump with Fake Interpretation of ‘Bloodbath’ Comments in Ohio Rally
Former President Donald Trump on Saturday night forecast a financial “bloodbath” awaits the U.S. motor industry if he is not elected and China is enabled to swamp the country with their products.

The comments came at an Ohio rally hosted by the Buckeye Values PAC where he discussed the possibility of an increasing trade war with China over auto manufacturing in general and electric vehicle types in particular.

Critics in the political arena and the general media were quick to wilfully manipulate Trump’s words and infer intentions on his behalf even after Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung made clear Trump had clearly been talking about the impact of offshoring on the country’s auto industry and his own plans to increase tariffs on foreign-made cars.

“Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign are engaging in deceptively, out-of-context editing,” he said.

James Singer, a spokesman for President Joe Biden’s campaign, issued a statement following Trump’s remarks, noting that former Vice President Mike Pence announced he will not endorse Trump’s re-election bid.

“This is who Donald Trump is: a loser who gets beat by over 7 million votes and then instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience doubles down on his threats of political violence,” Singer said.

Yeah, fuck you in the liver with a fully-charged cattle prod, liberal liar. Not that the Vichy GOPers don’t stand ever-ready to give some assistance to their “esteemed colleagues across the aisle,” of course.

What I said above goes for you too, dickweed—twice as deep, twice as hard, until sparks fly out your baggy ass.

Update! I think it safe to say that Elon Musk is now officially red-pilled.

Elon Musk Wrecks Joe Scarborough and His Wicked Take on the ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
We’ve seen many people on the left/the anti-Trump crew jumping in to help spread the “bloodbath” hoax, claiming that former President Donald Trump was pushing violence. Trump spoke about what a “bloodbath” Joe Biden’s policies would be for the auto industry if he was reelected. That’s it. That’s the “violence.” He was speaking out on behalf of the auto workers and American jobs.

Perhaps one of the worst was from MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.

He posted a video of the riot on Jan. 6 with the words, “Donald Trump’s America. And he’s proud of it. Promised another ‘bloodbath’ if he loses again.” That is demonstrably untrue.

But X owner Elon Musk, who has been personally doing all he can to debunk the hoax, called out Scarborough’s disgusting and deceitful take.

“Jan 6 was not a ‘bloodbath’ by any definition and Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry when he used that word. Your post is extremely misleading,” Musk responded. 

I don’t know if Scarborough has any shame, but he was forced to delete it after Musk busted him. 

Good on Musk for standing up for truth.

Ah, but is that all, you ask? Not by a long yard, it ain’t.

Twitter/X owner Elon Musk was busy posting to the social media platform that he owns Friday and Saturday, interspersing stories of SpaceX rockets taking off with searing political commentary about the state of our nation under Joe Biden and the Democrats.

One of his main concerns is illegal immigration, where under the Biden administration, as many as 10 million people have slipped into the country. Biden has made no effort to secure the border and casts blame everywhere he can think of – except on his own disastrous policies.

The billionaire and current holder of the number three spot on the list of the world’s wealthiest humans is not known as a conservative firebrand; in fact, he himself has revealed that he’s voted plenty of times for Dems in the past:

“To be clear, my historical party affiliation has been Independent, with an actual voting history of entirely Democrat until this year,” he wrote on Twitter the day before the midterm election. “And I’m open to the idea of voting Democrat again in the future.”

In recent years, however, much of his commentary veers sharply from today’s progressive orthodoxy, and he’s also been an outspoken supporter of free speech. 

As we reported, Musk visited with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago in early March, sparking speculation that he’s going to go all in on Republicans. But at the time, he posted to X that it wouldn’t be the case: “Just to be super clear, I am not donating money to either candidate for US President.”

He warns that although the predicted red wave never materialized in the 2022 midterm elections, we’re in real trouble if voters keep Biden and the Dems in power this time around:

To wit:

Musk is way too smart—way too stable, confident, comfortable in his own skin—to remain under the sway of the stunted shitlib catechism his whole life, seems to me. His up-close-and-personal brush with drooling Progtard vitriol, irrationality, and hatred in the wake of the Twitter buyout—an ongoing ordeal generated purely by his uncompromising position on freedom of speech, nothing more—seems to have served as something of a wake-up call.

Then, as the Left’s (relatively) minor neurosis and emotional instability degenerated into raving psychopathological collapse, Elon only grew more sane, more sensible in response. While Proggie’s eyes were squinching tightly shut in yet another of their typical brattish furies, Elon’s had been opened wide, to behold a surfeit of grotesque, repellent reality off to his Left.

No, he isn’t what many of us would define as a “real conservative,” in all likelihood never will be. Nevertheless, Musk can be counted on to come down on the right side of the issue more often than not these days, and I say good on the man for it.


Market reality takes command

As a WaPo headline cheekily put it many years ago: they’re the car of the future…and they always will be.

‘EV Euphoria Is Dead’: CNBC Declares Transition to Electric Vehicles Has Failed
CNBC has admitted that the attempted transition from gas-powered to electric vehicles (EVs) has failed.

The business-focused news channel explained in a piece on Wednesday that “EV euphoria is dead” and that the largest automakers are drastically scaling back their plans.

The piece read:

For years, the automotive industry has been in a state of EV euphoria. Automakers trotted out optimistic sales forecasts for electric models and announced ambitious targets for EV growth. Wall Street boosted valuations for legacy automakers and startup entrants alike, based in part on their visions for an EV future.

Now the hype is dwindling, and companies are again cheering consumer choice. Automakers from Ford Motor and General Motors to Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin are scaling back or delaying their electric vehicle plans. Even U.S. EV leader Tesla, which is estimated to have accounted for 55% of EV sales in the country in 2023, is bracing for what “may be a notably lower” rate of growth, CEO Elon Musk said in late January.

The report goes on to outline some of the principal reasons why the market is struggling and concedes that the Biden administration overestimated the willingness of consumers to make the switch from traditional gas-powered vehicles:

After significant interest from early EV adopters — bolstered by low interest rates and Tesla’s rise — interest rates skyrocketed, raw materials costs surged and the vehicles became much more expensive compared with their traditional counterparts.

It’s also become clear that the automotive industry and the Biden administration, which set its own target for half of new U.S. vehicle sales to be electric by 2030, overestimated the willingness of consumers to adopt a new technology without a reliable and prevalent charging infrastructure.

Such an article points to the growing resignation among progressives and advocates of electric vehicles that their proposals do not make economic sense.

So? When have they ever? But the attempt to jam CPVs (Coal Powered Vehicles) down our throats was never about “economic sense” anyway, nor was it really about Saving Mommy Gaia©. This latest farcical iteration of the regularly-recurring flirtation with the electric-car fantasy was only ever about one thing, and one thing alone: power, and control. This was nothing more nor less than the Überstadt flexing its muscles, determined to show its lowly Serf Class who was boss—a show of force by Leviathan intended to establish once and for all who wields ultimate power around here, and who must accede to whom.

Happily, after a piss-poor Scamdemic showing, a large number of Normal Americans finally responded with a bland shrug and a yawn once the initial curiosity-generating hype had subsided—enough of them to elbow the horrendously expensive, unreliable, and dangerous ‘Splodeycar play-purties out of mass-market consideration and back into the garage, lowering and locking the door, then turning out the lights behind them to re-embrace the time-tested and proven, superior, and far more practical ICE technology they had come to rely on for convenient, dependable transportation.

Until next time the EV will o’ the wisp is trotted out to be foisted upon them by too-big, too-powerful government, that is—which, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that there’s gonna be one. Count on it, friends: as the Terminator vowed, they’ll be back. Like Leftards themselves, they’ll never really go away, not for very long.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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