Liar, coward, Blue Falcon Part the Umpty-leventh
Remember the other day when I said:
Actually, as I understand it, it was NOT his “right” to “retire early.” His contractual service commitment was not due to expire until 2007, but when word came down in late 2005 that his cannon-cocker unit would soon be deploying to Iraq, he summarily dropped out—after shitting himself in sheer terror, of course.
Yeah, well. About that.
According to Walz’s Command Sergeant Major, Walz had signed a six year contract when he re-upped in the National Guard in 2000. When he was notified that his unit would be mobilized for Iraq, he put in for retirement, despite having two years left to serve on his contract.
His superior denied his request — so Walz went up to two levels of command above to get someone to grant his quickie retirement (and breaking of his contract).
Why would someone let him out of the contract?
I don’t know, but remember, in 2004-2006, the Democrats’ big plan for defeating Bush and the Republicans was to recruit lots of people who could claim a military background, so they could challenge the Republicans’ notions of patriotism.
And it just so happened that as soon as this coward was let out, he declared he was running for Congress.
Did that motivate a politically-minded superior to give him a Get Out of War Free pass?
Of course it did. Next up: ask a silly question.
“It’s not a hypothetical for me. I’ve done that.”
Tim Walz clearly states he went to Afghanistan during a debate.
This is getting insane. How can someone lie so much?
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead)
A: He’s a fucking lying-ass D卐M☭CRAT, that’s how. Lying is not just SOP for such slimeballs as they, it’s mandatory.